Holy Glitter Zine #1: Kitschy Magic

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Holy Glitter Zine

Holy Glitter Zine Issue #1 KITSCHY MAGIC December 2014 Created and edited by Fleur Stiels www.holyglitterzine.blogspot.com All original artwork and text belong to Fleur Stiels and the other contributors, mentioned below

A big thank you to the lovely contributors! Lotte P. - www.comfortable-cyberspace.blogspot.com LiLLy Vigna - www.lillyvigna.tumblr.com Gènea Bailey - www.geneabailey.wordpress.com Inés Cardó - www.riotsandroses.blogspot.com Lily Lips - www.lettersoakedingirlblood.tumblr.com Monique Pieters - www.writingmonique.com Giselle Morgan - www.gisellenoelle.tumblr.com Lydia Suffield - www.thelittleenigma.blogspot.com Cait - www.chinakidrevival.tumblr.com Alice Rooke - www.ada-eggplant.tumblr.com

Welcome glittery inhabitants of planet earth When I started this project last summer, I imagined Holy Glitter Zine would be a very small magazine, with content all created and edited by myself. I could’ve never imagined that right now, the zine is this big and that ten (!!) wonderful contributors all sent submissions for the zine. From photo series to poems and articles to DIYs. It’s amazing how many lovely people I met through HGZ already, and this is just the beginning! I must say I’m very proud of this zine and everything in it. Kitschy Magic is a theme that fits my life and I tried to create a magical atmosphere in which teenage girls can escape briefly from real life, since real life can really suck sometimes. I want HGZ to be a safe haven for creative girls, where they can find their other ingenious soulmates and indulge in the world of magic for a while. Hereby I proudly present the first issue of Holy Glitter Zine: Kitschy Magic!

xxx Fleur

Content DIY Party Crown page 6 Photo series “Project Girl” page 8 Recipe Magic Cookies page 14 Photo series “My Favorite Fairytale” page 16 Ode to Jesus page 23 DIY gemstone jar page 24 Poem “Girl Cakes” page 26 Photo series “Cactus brain and feather teddy have tea” page 28 Article “Introvert“ page 32 Photo series “Under Water Pressure” page 34 Short story “I want to be loved as a full sentence” page 42 Drawing “Gentle” page 43 DIY Vintage Plates page 44 Photo series “Sanctum Sanctorum” page 46 Kitschy Magic playlist page 52 DIY Bottles of Confetti page 53 Photo series “Dream of White Flowers” page 54 Short story “Flying Dreams and Glitter Edged Memories” page 60 Kitschy Magic Movielist page 62 Photo series “She was first to go” page 66

Holy Glitter Girl Daisy

welcomes you to the magnificent world of

Kitschy Magic

a DIY by Fleur Always wanted to know how to create the most kitschy party crown for a fancy party or a merry birthday? I will show you how to turn an old diadem into a neat head accessory. What you’ll need: -headband/diadem -strong glue or glue gun -pipe cleaners, pompoms, gemstones, fake flowers, ribbons etc. (whatever you like, there are no rules here!) It’s a very simple DIY actually. Before you start, you can make a drawing of what you want your crown to be like, or you can just improvise. All you have to do is glue all the things you like on top of your headband. Be sure you use very strong glue or a glue gun, so everything stays in place and won’t fall of that fast.

Make your crown as crazy as possible. Remember, you’re the queen of the party, so your crown has to be the prettiest! Tip: once you’re done, spray some hairspray on your crown for some extra protection. Let it dry for some time and then you’re done!

And tadah! You’re crown is done! Wear this beauty to your own party (maybe New Year’s Eve?) and you’ll be the real queen for sure!

Project Girl

a photo series by Gènea Bailey edited by Fleur

Magic cookies Recipe sand cookies for appr. 25 cookies Ingredients - 1 egg - 150 g butter, softened - 100 g white caster sugar - 200 g flour (+ some more for powdering your workspace) - 250 g fondant - mixer with a dough hook attachment - rolling pin - baking paper - cookie cutters - plastic wrap - small brush Step 1: only use the yolk of the egg. Blend all ingredients (except for the fondant) in a big bowl using the mixer for 2 minutes. Step 2: knead the structure with your hands, until it forms a dough ball. Wrap the dough ball in plastic wrap and allow to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Step 3: Preheat the oven to 175 °C. Powder your workspace with flour and use a rolling pin to roll the dough out on the floured surface. Make sure the dough is about 1 to 2 cm thick. Step 4: use the cookie cutters (or a glass) to cut out cookies from the dough and place the cookies on baking paper. Step 5: bake the cookies in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes or until golden brown. Let them cool on a wire cooling rack. Decoration: Start decorating when the cookies have cooled down. Knead the fondant. Once again, powder your workspace with flower and roll the fondant out. Use the same cookie cutters you used for the cookies to cut out fondant. This way, they will both have the same size. Use a small brush to stroke some water on the back of the fondant (not too much water!). Place the fondant on the cookie and press gently. You could also add edible glitter or other decorations. Enjoy them while watching a nice Wes Anderson movie <3 Store your cookies in a cookie jar or an airtight container. Or use them as eye pads hihi ;)

a photo series by Lotte P. edited by Lotte P.


“Ode to Jesus“ by Fleur Originally published in Heartbreak Nation Zine

Gemstone Jar Create a magical light jar with this super easy DIY! :) What you’ll need: -a clear jar -gemstones -glue I used self adhesive gemstones, so this was the most simple DIY ever. But ofcourse you can use ‘normal’ gemstones with regular glue. Step 1. Start with the middle line of gemstones, so you’ll know where to place the others. Step 2. Search for matching colors and stick them to the jar as well. Step 3. Finish your gemstone jar! You could spray some hairspray on it once you’re done, to protect the gemstones and strengthen them. Step 4. Use your jar for storage or place a tea light in it for a magical light jar. You’re done, hurray! a DIY by Fleur

Girl cakes, they make me ache Girl cakes, would you call it rape? Girl cakes, I am about to break Girl cakes, I am made of girl cakes Have a slice of me; it’s on the house Have a dice of me I taste so nice Have a crumb of me and take the whole pie Put a cherry on me Have a scoop of ice cream, on me Let it melt and simmer They say the girl cake is a real sinner You can have her all You can gobble up her pieces Gorge on her cherry syrup Lick your fingers after you’re done You’ll have made me come undone I’ve been served on a plate, all sticky and tasty I want the blonde gentlemen to have a taste of me He can have a piece of me He can have a slice of me He can take me home My house will be his stomach He’ll devour me slowly He’ll ingest my cherry He’ll chew my sweet little bits I hope he loves me after he’s done with all sticky bites!

poem “Girl Cakes“ and artwork by Lilly Lips

Cactus brain and feather teddy have tea a photo series by Alice Rooke edited by Fleur

introvert Whenever I got asked: ‘Why aren’t you going out to clubs’, I always got somewhat embarrassed because I just didn’t know. I tried going out a few times, but it just never got me the excitement or energy that I saw on the other people. The excitement they got from dancing in crowds and screaming in eachothers ears, I seemed to get from reading a book at home. I felt left out a lot, that’s the reason I really tried to be an club-kinda person, but I couldn’t help but feel horrible in those settings. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t enjoy what everybody around me seemed to enjoy. Until I heard about the difference between introvert and extravert people. A difference that made me see that I wasn’t crazy or weird, and that I was not the only one. What is the difference between introvert and extravert? Extravert people get their energy from being with other people, and for being out there. The people who talk a lot in public, who don’t mind the attention and who love to go into big crowded places. Extravert people need the outside world, to regain there energy level. Introvert people are the exact opposite. Introverts need their own space, they get energy from being on their own. Introvert people are often considered as quiet or shy, but they just don’t talk unless they feel like they actually have something to say. Introverts get energy from alone-time, like reading, writing or crafting. Ofcourse this doesn’t mean that introverts can’t love being out in public. It only means that where extraverts get energy from being out in crowds, introverts lose energy. They need a longer amount of time alone, after going out. Introvert in a world of extraverts. 2 out of 3 people in the world is extravert, that means that the world is really decorated for extraverts. Think about the workspaces with cubicles now a days, or the amount of schoolwork that you have to do in groups. This is all made for extraverts, to create a ‘together’ atmosphere, and although I really love the vibe of a team or a hand-in-hand lifestyle. I know that I can never work in such an environment, because it will just lower my energy. I need my personal space sometimes, and by personal space I don’t mean the toilet. I have friends that are extravert and who always tell me stories about going out to clubs, or drinking way too much. I love hearing their stories but even then I don’t see the fun in it. I don’t get why they are interested more in drinking then in reading a good book, or writing your own story. I think they feel the same way, when I tell them about my saturday nights on the couch with an interesting book. I AM AN INTROVERT. Yes. It is really hard to say that you are an introvert, when you know that there are so much people extraverts. I hated the fact that I was an introvert at first, because why couldn’t I just change that? If I went out enough or if I talked more, maybe I would become an extravert. That is just not the way it works. I am an 100% introvert. I don’t like crowded places, I need very much alone time and I am happy just reading and writing on a saturday night. That doesn’t mean that I never go to a festival or party, it only means that when I do; I need two days free after it, just to clear my mind again and be by myself. It’s hard to show and explain to people why you sometimes don’t want to go to that club, or why you are just not interested in spending your saturday night in a full restaurant. But just remember that 1 out of 3 people in the world goes through the same thing. Over and over again. You are not alone. Never Alone & Talk. Just like I said above: you are never alone! There are lots of introvert people, even if they are maybe not surrounding you right now. Maybe they are not 100% introvert, but they will see where you are coming from.Don’t be afraid to go out and try new things, enjoy! But always make sure that you feel safe and relaxed. Take time for yourself, because you are very, very important.

Text by Monique Pieters. Artwork by Fleur.


elle M by Gis

series a photo Fleur by edited

Joanna Newsom, Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie

Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker

I WANT TO BE LOVED AS A FULL SENTENCE. By In茅s Card贸 Darling, ever since the first moment you have grown into my heart like the roots of a Baobab , while I have been recklessly watering your leaves, day after day, and watching you become bigger and bigger. You have the same effect on me that a disease has on a hypochondriac, an uncontrollable, secret desire, an inconsolable harm. But it came the day I found the strength to violently cut your roots, tearing off the parts of you I could already call mine, causing my heart to pour like a waterfall, as you silently watched from the outside: untouched. See, I am exhausted of loving you like this. I cannot love you little by little; I can only love you as if my boundaries could explode. I am exhausted of promising myself it will be the last time I write about you because that pen you lent me keeps on coming back to my hand all the time. You know my love is a desperate black, you know my love is an utter white, but it can never be part of your infinite shades of passive grey. I am not able to love you in separate syllables, neither have I wanted to, and all I ever asked for was you to love me as a full, uninterrupted sentence, but you cut me at the middle of each word. I have become a ghost lover, I swear I have. Your ghost, or the thought of it, has been haunting me everywhere I go, and I have started to bear his bare existence, getting back to the state of waiting I always end up on. But as my heart falls into my lungs, causing the permanent knot in my throat, I realize you are not what I wait for anymore. Just to think of this breaks all of my chains: emancipation. Darling, it is 7 AM and the neighborhood sleeps. The curtains only allow me to see pieces of the soft light that comes in, as a partly covered photo I try to decode. My body feels like a heavy weight, so step by step, my bare feet touch the cold wooden floor as I make my way to the bathroom. And then, as cold water sinks on my skin like tiny anchors, I feel you drifting apart from my cells.

If this is not peace then I do not know what peace means.

“Gentle“ by Fleur

vintage plates a DIY by Fleur

You will need: -thrifted porcelain plates -images/photographs/prints -Modpodge -brush -punch or a round object -scissors notes: -For the images, use images out of magazines or on thick paper. You can also use printed images, but only if they are printed by a laserprinter (otherwise the printed colors will drain) -Every serious craft girl should have at least one pot of Modpodge. Modpodge is both glue and finish sealer, so perfect for almost every DIY! In this DIY I used the matte Modpodge. step 1: Cut/punch the images in the size you want them to be. Make sure they fit just right in the middle of the plate. I used a round punch for cutting, but ofcourse you can shape them yourself, in any shape you like. step 2: Place the images on the plates, to see if they’re okay. Edit them if neccessary. Step 3: Apply Modpodge to the back of an image. You could do this with regular glue, but I recommend Modpodge, since it’s very strong. Stick the image to the middle of the plate. Wait a minute for the glue to dry, while you gently push on the image so it will stick in the right position. Step 4: Apply a layer of Modpodge on top. This layer will make sure the image will stay on its place and this way it seals and protects the image. There’s no need to cover up the whole plate with Modpodge. In this case, you can apply Modpodge only to the middle center. Step 5: Make sure there are no air bubbles or small hairs. Remove spilled Modpodge. Step 6: Let the plates dry overnight. Don’t worry: the white layer of Modpodge will get transparant. Step 7: Ta-daah! You did it! Now you can put them on a nice shelve or hang them on the wall. Enjoy! Extra options: add little stars or bows using Modpodge too. You could also apply glitter glue to the edges of the plate, to make it more sparkly!

objects that may seem ordinary to one, could be sacred to one other

photography & editing by Fleur

one day, someone beloved will value them

1. MS MR - Hurricane 2. Haim - If I Could Change Your Mind 3. Natalia Kills - Saturday Night 4.Lorde - Ribs 5. Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful 6. Blaudzun - Promises of No Man’s Land 7. Florence + The Machine - Breath of Life 8. Kimbra - Cameo Lover 9. Lana Del Rey - Gods & Monsters 10.Birdy - Light Me Up 11. Jessie Ware - Wildest Moments 12. Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love 13. Tegan and Sara - Closer 14. The Real Youth - We Are 15. Broods - Bridges 16. Parov Stelar - All Night 17. Kovacs - My Love 18. The Mamas and The Papas - California Dreaming

Bottles of confetti Sometimes you just need a bit of cheering. With that thought in the back of my head I started crafting something that’s known as random happiness, ofcourse I’m talking about confetti. So I thought: how awesome would it be to have your own personal bottle of confetti. A bottle that you can just take anywhere and use anytime you’ll like. I love these type of small pieces of happiness. Confetti in a bottle is something you can use anytime and anywhere. Whenever you need a bit of cheering, or maybe know someone who needs a bit of cheering, you get out your bottle and throw the colors in the air. It also makes a really nice gift, just to show that everyone deserves a bit of happiness. In a bottle. a DIY by Monique Pieters

Dream of white flowers

a photo series by LiLLy Vigna

Flying Dreams and Glitter-Edged Memories by Lydia Suffield I was the type of kid who liked to believe in everything, but fairies were one of my favourites. I didn’t just have the Tooth Fairy that I believed in-I believed in Christmas Fairies, Dream Fairies, Truth Fairies. My mother indulged this and every time a tooth fell out of my mouth, the next morning I’d find not just a coin but a letter from the Tooth Fairy filled with descriptions of the different fairies and of how they looked after every child. I’ve still got them piled in a box, gel pen streaking the pages and little stickers after each line. But my favourites were flower fairies - not just any flower fairies, but the sketches and little stories done by Cicely Mary Barker. I can’t remember how I found out about them but I remember spending hours reading each little poem about the fairies, the words dancing in my mind like fairy footsteps and even writing letters to each one, and carefully tucking it in the thorns down in the garden. (Whenever one was gone in the morning, I freaked out, convinced that the fairies were pleased with me. It never occurred to me that the disappearance of the notes might be connected with the wind the previous night.) When I think back on the summers I had as a kid, half of the memories that come to mind are me running around my garden, with my flower fairy statues in hand, whispering stories about each flower fairy, with their own individual personality. The statues sit on my windowsill, wings edged in glitter, even amongst the posters that cover my walls now, but back then, they were held in my hands and I used to swoop them through the air and in my eyes, they flew on their own, wings fluttering on their backs. I picked up little fairy statues everywhere-mostly in shops on holiday, grabbing them off the shelves and blinking up at my parents until they caved in and bought me a handful of little characters to make up a hundred more stories with. I was a kid who ran around in dungarees a lot of the time but I was careful with my fairy statues. They were positioned carefully next to my first tooth box and my Diamond Birth Stone Fairy, who was never played with because I loved her too much and one crack in a wing would have drawn tears. People have always liked fairy stories-stories of creatures that are different from them, that can fly, that are magical, that are watching over us. To me, fairies lived in branches, could flutter their wings through the air, before a human could turn their heads. They were another world that was just a fingertip away, that I could brush with my mind as I breathed. I remember dragging my friends at sleepovers onto my trampoline and bouncing as hard as we could, fairy statues clutched tight in my hands, my arms stretched high for my fingertips to brush the leaves above, thinking I could pull myself up into the branches of the trees, to see where the fairies lived. At sleepovers, my cousin and I used to hide under my bedcovers for ages, with my fairy statues clutched in our little hands, with us whispering about when the fairies would come out to play. We’d wait there for hours, curled up under the bedsheets, until we fell asleep and in the morning we’d convince ourselves that fairies had flown around my room and dangled from my lamp shade, had tugged at our hands, and skipped along shelves and we’d tell each other over and over until before our eyes, our dreams were real.

When I got older, my flower fairy statues got moved to the windowsill, where they could sit out of the way while posters moved onto the walls, and fairy wings were covered with scrawled Smiths lyrics and flower fairy stories were replaced with fanfiction and poetry that I’d scribble out in harsh, jagged lines onto the page. I’d read stories of evil fairies, changelings and curses, and fall in love with the dark edge to the words, the creeping whisper of menace that imbued those tales. My own imaginary landscapes were still full of creatures of my own invention but of different shapes and sizes to the fairies that I’d once chosen-sometimes, I wasn’t sure whether my own or the real world made more sense. But the flower fairy statues were still sitting there on the windowsill, their wings still sparkling with glitter, in front of the garden where I used to run into the bushes for hours, with the statues perched on branches where, for a moment, they looked as if they were real. I’m older now and when I’m asked what I believe in, I like to think of John Lennon’s quote:

“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?” The stories I told myself over and over once upon a time may now be held in glitter-edged memories and seem to stare out through the eyes of kitschy little statues that sit on my window sill, but that doesn’t mean they disappear. Stories can exist and breathe and live, even in your mind. I still like to glance up and catch sight of my fairy statues, sitting there, with their wings spread. Stories of wings beating in flight and fairies dancing in midnight circles can still make me smile, can trace a little starlight round the sky. Sometimes, being able to glance up and see little pieces of the past sitting there can make it a little easier to believe in everything.

movie list by Fleur photography by Lily Lips

She was first to go Ever since I read Jeffrey Eugenides’ “The Virgin Suicides“ I’ve been fascinated by the Lisbon sisters. Those four are the absolute reflection of young teenage girls, living in their own world and experiencing their own universes. I planned on doing a “The Virgin Suicides“ themed shoot, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to finish it. It was like something in the universe tried to refrained me for a reason, because the day after, the lovely Cait sent me a photo series that tributes Cecilia Lisbon, the youngest sister of them all. text and artwork by Fleur photo series by Cait

“Basically what we have here is a dreamer. Somebody out of touch with reality. When she jumped, she probably thought she’d fly”

You’ve reached the end of the Kitschy Magic World

I wish to thank you warmly for reading the first issue of Holy Glitter Zine!

Copyright Š 2014 Holy Glitter Zine Fleur Stiels www.holyglitterzine.blogspot.com

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