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From the Science Department


Year 12 Psychology - Research Methods


Our Year 12 Psychology students have been applying their research method skills over the last few weeks. Working in groups, students came up with a research proposal in an area that interested them, carried out data collection and analysis and then created amazing presentations to showcase their findings. Research was varied, ranging from facial symmetry as a beauty standard to studying the impact of authority on obedience within a school setting.

Well done to all students who helped to gather the data and those that so confidently delivered the presentations, and a huge thank you to students and staff who agreed to be participants.

Year 10 Biology

To consolidate our learning of adaptations and food chains, some of our year 10 biologists went back in time to visit the dinosaurs. Students were tasked with designing and building Jurassic Park and had to study the dinosaurs for their adaptations, their diet and what security measures would need to be in place if we chose to have them on the island. Once this was decided, students then had to think carefully about where each of their attractions would go on the island, taking into account the dinosaurs' needs and adaptations (as well as keeping the visitors safe!). Things got slightly competitive at points, with students debating whose island was the best, but in the end some incredible parks were created by all. Well done!

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