EDITION 38 30th Nov 2018
The weekly newsletter for the Holyport College family
Celebration of Achievement evening Our annual Celebration of Achievement evening took place on Wednesday 28th November , at which we presented academic and sporting prizes for the academic year 2017/18. Professor Bill Lucas kindly agreed to be our guest speaker on the evening. It was lovely to see all the students, parents and carers at the event. Sofia Romero (on the left) won the Dudleian Cup for the most academic progress made during 2017/2018. The winner of the prestigious Holyportian Cup was Juliette Salgado-Smith. The Holyportian Cup winner is voted for by staff and goes to the student they think has most embodied the spirit of Holyport College over the past year.
Lois Clark won a special prize for Community Spirit having instigated and organised our recent AntiBullying Day. Cameron Mobley and Maisie Russell were named our Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year. The PE Department want to express how proud they are to be working with such talented students.
Each department awarded a prize for every year group and also chose an overall winner for each subject. Here are all our prize winners— many congratulations to you all.
DIXIT 30th November 2018
From the Community A Year 11 student joins in Take Over Day
From the Scholars News about our visiting speaker programme and Inter-House debating
From the Sixth Form Recent Sixth Form trips
From the Sports Department News and events
From the Boarding Houses Boarders arrange a foodbank collection
From the Refectory Next week’s lunch menus
From the Calendar Upcoming events and dates for your diaries
@holyportcollege www.youtube.com/holyportal 2
DIXIT 30th November 2018
Youth Take Over Day this year was on Friday 23rd November 2018, providing opportunities for young people to work alongside adults, try out different jobs, take on challenges, and be involved in decision making. Take Over Day is hosted by the Children's Commissioner for England and is part of the National Take Over Day which was launched in 2007 to promote and encourage youth involvement and participation. Young people benefit from the opportunity to experience the world of work and make their voices heard, while adults and organisations gain a fresh perspective on what they do. Deanna Corp in Year 11 took part in the project this year.
On Friday 23rd I took part in Maidenhead Town Hall’s Take Over day, as I’d like to be an educational psychologist I found this very helpful as I spoke to many of them. I took over Councillor Hollingsworth. Him and I had a council debate with 10 other participants and I spent the day doing his job! Deanna Corp
DIXIT 30th November 2018
Scott Pepe from the National Farmers' Union was our special visiting speaker this week. Before his present role, Scott ran the parliamentary office of an MP and as a student was President of Exeter University's Debating Union. A charismatic guest, there was no shortage of debate and the students enjoyed hearing some parliamentary gossip as well as engaging on issues such as Brexit, the monarchy and the role of pressure groups in society. To finish off this term's Visiting Speaker Programme in style we have not one but TWO Visiting Speakers in next week! We have Professor Almond from Reading University on Wednesday evening (6.45pm, Dudley Room). He’ll be talking astronomy and spectroscopy. And on Thursday evening (6.45pm, Dudley Room) we have Rachel Horton (again from Reading University) who will be talking Law, discrimination and #MeToo! A reminder that ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is welcome to these talks. So if you are remotely interested in Astronomy, Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Law and equal rights in our society please do come along !!
It's been a busy week in the school's debating scene as various contests between Herschel & Fawcett took place in the Dudley Room. These were the second series of semi-finals, the first having taken place last week. It's been particularly pleasing to see the contests so well supported and to see such vibrant floor debate! The motions under debate this week concerned whether we should go vegetarianism, ban violent video games and if immigration causes more harm than good. The Year 7,8&9 debate and the Y10&11 debates were both won by Herschel, while the Sixth Form debate went to Fawcett. This means that both lower school finals next week will be between Herschel & Milton while the Sixth Form final will see Milton take on Fawcett! Finals are next week! Y10/11 Final on Tuesday (4.45pm Dudley Room). Herschel are PROPOSITION. Milton are OPPOSITION. The motion is: ‘This House would censor music lyrics’. Y 7/8/9 Final on Wednesday (4pm Dudley Room). Herschel are PROPOSITION. Milton are OPPOSITION. The motion is: ‘This House believes that Christmas has become too commercialised’. The Sixth Form final between Fawcett & Milton takes place on Thursday at 4pm. The motion will be disclosed to the teams just 15 minutes before the debate starts!
30th November 2018
Sixth form trips Sixth Form Economics students attended a major conference in London this week. Shadow Chancellor John Macdonnell kicked off the day with a passionate attack on austerity and with his thoughts on the current Brexit stand-off. He was followed by the likes of Leave campaigner Kate Hoey, MP and then the BBC Economics correspondent, Kamal Ahmed. Aside from Brexit, issues such as the UK's productivity gap, its low growth and the advent of the gig economy all featured alongside tips from examiners on how to enhance students' exam performance!
On the 20th and 29th November our Year 13 historians had the opportunity to attend a series of lectures in London based on their A-level course. They listened to a range of historians talk and gained first hand experience of what undergraduate study is like. Interestingly, the lecturers that had the biggest impact were the ones who didn't rely on power points/technology to explain their view and literally just talked to the students! The lectures provided the students with some valuable revision notes. It wasn't all work as they managed to get a little free time at lunch to explore the surrounding area and even the teachers managed to have a nice lunch!
On Tuesday eight students went to a lecture at Liverpool University London Campus about regeneration. The eight students attended lectures and took part in interactive activities. The event was fantastic and and really beneficial.
30th November 2018
Sports news
It’s been a busy week on the sports field for our Holyport Athletes, with lots of competitive sport being played.
Last Saturday saw a very exciting Inter House Hockey and Rugby competition for our students. Thank you to everyone who attended, played and supported our students on the day. A special mention to Holyport Dads Club for their help and support on the day.
Well done to our U12 girls football team who narrowly lost 2-1 in the 2nd round of the small schools cup. Very proud of their efforts and determination. Congratulations to Max and Spencer who were selected as our captains for our 1st XV’s Rugby final against LVS.
Commiserations to our 1st XV who lost 19-31 to LVS in the Super 8 League 2 final. @Holy_Sport
DIXIT 30th November 2018
Here are the fixtures for the upcoming week:
HUGE congratulations to Ellie Farrow who, following her impressive performance in the September qualifying races and the finals in October and November, has been selected for the English Schools Ski Squad and will travel to Norway for a week of snow training from Sunday 24th February—Sunday 3rd March 2019.
DIXIT 30th November 2018
Collection for foodbank Christmas can be a tough time for some families with numerous financial and social pressures. Our boarders have decided they would like collect and deliver goods to the local foodbank in Maidenhead. (http://www.openkitchen.org.uk/food_donations.html) We are keen to support these families at a time when community and giving is so important. There will be a collection box in reception so if you are able to contribute anything please ask your child to take it to reception. Please see the following list of items that are needed:
Year 9 Boarders’ Bronze DofE Baking Skills Club This week we made Apple & cinnamon, and Banana muffins, which were delicious! Mrs Michelle Belbin
30th November 2018
Next week’s lunch menus Monday
Spicy Chicken Penne
Beef Bourginion
Chicken Katsu Curry
Shepherd’s Pie
Pasta, Soup & Jackets
Pasta, Soup & Jackets
Pasta, Soup & Jackets
Pesto Pasta & Jackets
(v) Aubergine Parmagana Penne
(v) Ratatouli
(v) Quorn Katsu Curry
(v) Quorn Shepherd’s Pie
Garlic Bread Sautéed Peppers Roast Squash
New Potatoes Mixed Vegetables Crusty Bread
Basmati Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Peas
Roast root Vegetables Broccoli
Salads & Protein items
Salads & Protein items
Salads & Protein items
Salads & Protein items
Strawberry Sponge
Choc Chip Shortbread
Crumble & Custard
Chicken Caesar Salad
Fish Bar
Soup & Jackets
(v) Halloumi & Mushroom Burger
Roast Vegetable Salad
Chips Salad
Petit Pains
Salads & Protein items
Salads & protein items
Sausage & Bacon Eggs, Mushrooms Beans & Hash Browns
Pancakes Chocolate Brownie
If you suffer from a food allergy or intolerance you are advised to
consult with the Sodexo manager or head chef.
30th November 2018
Some Dates for Your Diaries Tuesday 11th December—Carol Service at Eton Chapel Friday 14th December—end of term, school finishes at 2.15pm
Sunday 6th January—boarders return at 6pm Monday 7th January—term starts
Year 11 Mock Speaking Exams A reminder to students, parents and carers that the Year 11 mock speaking exams start on Wednesday 5th December. Students check your times carefully and arrive 5 minutes before your time slot. Bonne chance + buena suerte!!
IMPORTANT REMINDER We aim to be a nut free school. Please remember when sending in Christmas treats
that many of them contain nuts and ensure that all food brought in to the College is nut free. Thank you.
Parents’ Evening Dates 2018/19
Reporting Dates
Year 7 and 8 parents’ evening: Monday 5th November 2018
Sixth Form interim reports: Friday 12th October
Year 11 parents’ evening: Wednesday 5th December 2018
Year 7-11 interim reports: Friday 9th November
Year 10 parents’ evening: Wednesday 6th February 2019 Upper Sixth parents’ evening: Monday 25th February 2019 Year 9 parents’ evening and GCSE options presentation: Wednesday 24th April 2019 Lower Sixth parents’ evening: Wednesday 1st May 2019