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From the Boarding Houses

DIXIT EDITION 102 11th December 2020 The weekly newsletter for the Holyport College family


End of Term Message from the Head Master

Usually, when I wake up on the final morning of the Christmas term, my emotions are a mixture of exhaustion and relief tinged with that warm, fuzzy glow of the early days of the festive season; emotions scented with pine and cinnamon with thoughts turning from matters of work to anticipation for all of the pleasures of the holidays to come: time with friends and family and the opportunity to let off steam and recuperate ready for the new year. This year, waking up on the final morning of term, I felt a little different, a little more empty perhaps.

There are so many things we have lost this year which would usually be part of our festive rituals: time with loved ones; activities and opportunities which bring us joy; community events such as our beautiful carol service in Eton College Chapel. Many of us have seen our health or the health of those we love suffer and many people, within this community and around the world, have lost loved ones. With so many of our usual securities and certainties eroded by the pandemic, it would be easy to look on this Christmas as somehow a pale shadow of Christmases past, our memories of these suddenly shrouded in a glow of Dickensian nostalgia.

However, despite all that we have lost and all those we have lost due to the pandemic, this Christmas is also an opportunity for us to reflect on all that we have gained: closer relationships with our neighbourhoods and communities; a greater appreciation of and respect for those more vulnerable members of our society and those who care for them; a greater ability to find happiness in the small things in life: a conversation with a family member; the glimpse of our children’ s smiles not disguised by a face mask; a hug. This Christmas will be different from those which have passed but I sincerely hope that, for each of you, it will be no less special for this.

As an educator, 2020 has also taught me one thing more than anything else. Schools are more than bricks and mortar and what schools give to young people is far more than the sum total of the knowledge they impart. Schools are communities where people learn how to be people and where their future identity is forged. Despite the disruptions of this year, it has given me (and the staff team as a whole) so much joy to see our students back here, in person. Yes, some of the opportunities and experiences which they would usually get have been a bit more limited (as will be our experiences this Christmas) however the simple things are more important than ever in these times: time shared with friends, working, learning and playing together (and occasionally falling out!) is so fundamental to all of our wellbeing and development.

I wish you all a happy, safe and restful Christmas and look forward to welcoming our community back together in the New Year.

Ben McCarey Head Master

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