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From the Calendar
17th September 2021
Some Dates for Your Diaries
Wednesday 22nd September—Flu vaccinations for Year 7-11 students Thursday 23rd September—Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening Monday 27th September—Karl Hopwood online safety talk for parents—6.30pm Tuesday 28th September—Main school open evening—early finish at 2.15pm Thursday 30th September—School photographs Thursday 7th October—Celebration of Achievement evening at Eton College
Flu vaccinations (nasal sprays) will be available at Holyport College for all Year 7-11's on 22nd September.
Please complete the consent form ASAP if you would like your child to have this vaccination.
Please visit the immunisations team website for further information: schoolimmunisationteam@berkshire.nhs.uk
Link to consent form: https://www.berkshireimmunisations.co.uk/Forms/Flu
Holyport code: BK139971
Co-Curricular 2021/22
This week saw the launch of Co-Curricular at Holyport College. The College’ s co-curriculum is far more than simply a few activities at the end of our school day: we view it as an integral part of life at Holyport College and one of the reasons our students are so rounded, positive and successful. During this time students are encouraged to develop and refine their interests alongside trying new experiences. We have a huge range of activities on offer from academic societies to sports team training and from Chess Club to Junior Choir. There is also the opportunity for any student who wants to set up their own club or activity to do so.
The College has a website outlining the activities on offer for each year group. This can be found at this address:
Parents’ Evening Dates 2021/22
Year 7 parents’ evening—Wednesday 17th November Year 9 parents’ evening—Monday 22nd November Year 1 parents’ evening—Wednesday 26th January Year 8 parents’ evening—Tuesday 8th February Year 10 parents’ evening—Monday 28th February Year 13 parents’ evening—Wednesday 23rd March Year 12 parents’ evening—Thursday 28th April
Lessons from Auschwitz Project
Lower Sixth History and Religious Studies students have been offered the opportunity to be involved in this years online Lessons from Auschwitz Project with the Holocaust Education Trust, they should check their emails!