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From the English Department


Staff Sports Profiles


As we celebrate the 100th edition of Dixit, it’s the perfect time to launch our new Staff Sports Profiles! Did you know that Mr Alford represented Bath as an U19 rugby player?

Did you know that Mr Parry is a very handy volleyball player? Did you know that Mrs Crocker is a windsurfing instructor? Pic below! Each fortnight, starting next term, a profile of a member of our school community will appear as a feature in Dixit and up on the board in the sports hall corridor. If you participate in a sport or activity outside of school, send an email to Miss Boutcher-West with the details of what you do, how often, and to what level you have performed. We have some fantastic sporting legends amongst our staff team – where are the hidden staff and student gems we have yet to discover?!


Introducing our Year 12 Reading Ambassadors

Congratulations to our 4 newly selected Year 12 Reading Ambassadors at Holyport College! I am really looking forward to working alongside you in achieving our goal towards raising the profile and value of reading across our school community. I am particularly looking forward to celebrating literary occasions; celebrating the publication of Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice, reaching out and sharing our reading experiences with residents at a local care home and organising whole school events such as World Book Day and National Poetry Day.

Miss Scambler

Twitter: @HolyportEnglish ‘Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.' - Margaret Fuller

What I’m Currently Reading: 'Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race’ by Reni Eddo-Lodge This text is very current due to the Black Lives Matter movement, and discusses prejudice and structural racism within society. This is also a different genre to the books I have previously read.

Reading is so important as, especially at the moment, it gives you a sense of escapism and can be very educational. As a reading ambassador I'd like to encourage other people to read, and encourage a wider range of genres.

Jessica Garratty

What I’m Currently Reading: ‘The Fault In Our Stars” This is a romantic tragedy text about two teenagers, who are both suffering from cancer. After meeting at a support group, they end up becoming friends for which Augustus surprises Hazel with a visit to Amsterdam to meet Hazel’s favourite author.

Reading is important because it allows you to relax and indulge in your imagination. Statistics show that reading reduces stress levels by 68%. As a Reading Ambassador, I would like to help as many people possible to discover the enjoyment of reading.

Emily Light

What I’m Currently Reading: The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter. I am thoroughly enjoying the text because it challenges the societal norms and presents a clear subversion of gender roles. The Bloody Chamber is also known for its horrific imagery and its isolated gothic setting exemplifying the gothic genre.

Umair Irfan

What I’m Currently Reading: “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood This is a dystopian novel, set in a futuristic, patriarchal, fundamentalist society where all the women are divided into classes based on their fertility. I am enjoying this book because it is relevant to 2020 (abortion laws, women’s rights). It also has a very thought-provoking plot.

Reading is essential to our everyday lives and is not only educational, but also an easy way to escape reality. As a reading ambassador, I would like to promote the joy which comes from reading, so that it is not just seen as a boring task.

Alexandra Findel-Hawkins Albarran

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