Letter Regarding Return to School on 8th March

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25th February 2021 Dear Parents and Carers Wider Reopening of the College from 8th March We have now had an opportunity to review the guidance regarding the wider reopening of schools on Monday 8th March and are delighted to be able to share with you our plans to bring our students back as quickly and safely as possible. Please accept my apologies that this is a slightly longer communication than normal however there is obviously much to consider.

Attendance As per government guidance, in person attendance at school will become mandatory for all students from 8th March. The only exceptions to this are as follows: ● ●

Students who are classified as Extremely Clinically Vulnerable and who are therefore shielding Students who are unable to attend in person due to Covid restrictions (e.g. self-isolating or unable to attend in person due to travel restrictions)

We know that the majority of our students are very much looking forward to returning in person however we also know that, for some of our families, this may be a cause of some anxiety. If you would like to discuss how we can support your son or daughter’s transition towards returning to school then please do reach out to our Welfare Team:(welfare@holyportcollege.org.ukll get back to you as soon as possible.

Return Dates and Times Boarders will return by appointment between 13:00 and 16:00 on Sunday 7th March. Day students will return on a staggered basis throughout the day on Monday 8th March. The school day will finish at 15:45 for day students until the end of this term however it is our intention to revert to a 17:00 finish from the beginning of the Summer Term. If your son or daughter is already attending school in person on a regular basis then they should continue to attend lessons as normal on Monday 8th March.

Holyport College, Ascot Road, Holyport, Berkshire SL6 3LE E: hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk www. holyportcollege.org.uk T: 01628 640150 A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at the above address (Company Number 07930340).

Lateral Flow Testing As you are doubtless aware, the government has stipulated that schools should conduct three lateral flow tests on all students with the first one being conducted before they return to the classroom. These tests, whilst a little uncomfortable, are a quick and simple means of screening for asymptomatic cases of Covid-19. Since January, we have conducted over one thousand of these tests on site (identifying one asymptomatic case of Covid-19 which was subsequently confirmed by a PCR test). No individuals who have tested negative using a lateral flow test have subsequently developed symptoms or tested positive for Covid-19. We therefore feel that these tests, whilst controversial in some quarters, are a fantastic means of ensuring the safety of our community. That said, tests will only ever be conducted with your consent (or with the consent of the student themselves if over the age of 16) and no student will be prevented from attending school or prejudiced in any way should this consent not be granted. We will be in touch with our consent form for testing early next week (along with details of the process for booking appointments for the first test).

Arrangements for Sunday 7th/Monday 8th March Testing Logistics: In order to facilitate the first of these three on site tests, boarders will book a testing appointment on Sunday 7th March and day students will book a testing appointment on Monday 8th March. Parents/carers will be required to drive to the College site at the allocated time, park on the netball court and the test will then be conducted in the Sports Hall. The test takes around 15 minutes to return a result and the student will be asked to wait in the car until the result is returned. If the result is negative then the student will be admitted to the boarding house (Sunday) or their lessons (Monday). If the test is positive, parents/carers will be asked to take the student home and to follow government guidance on self-isolation. Parents/carers who are unable to accompany their son/daughter to the allocated appointment time are asked to contact Mrs Smith (hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk) so that we can discuss alternative arrangements. Students who have been attending in person on a regular basis prior to 8th March can disregard all of this as they will continue to attend lessons as normal. Timings: ● ●

Boarders will be able to book appointments between 14:00 and 18:00 on Sunday 7th March Day students will be able to book appointments according to the following schedule: 08:00-08:30: Year 11 09:00-09:30: Upper Sixth 10:00-10:30: Lower Sixth 11:00-11:30: Year 10 11:30-12:00: Year 9 12:30-13:15 Years 7 and 8

Holyport College, Ascot Road, Holyport, Berkshire SL6 3LE E: hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk www. holyportcollege.org.uk T: 01628 640150 A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at the above address (Company Number 07930340).

Families with siblings in different year groups should book an appointment slot in the earliest window (that of the year group of the sibling due back first) but are permitted to bring all siblings to be tested in that appointment. Assuming all tests are negative, all siblings will then return to lessons immediately upon the receipt of the test result.

The parents of students who do not provide consent to testing will be contacted during the week beginning 1st March to confirm arrangements for their return to school on Sunday 7th or Monday 8th March.

Home to School Transport: Coaches will operate on the morning of Monday 8th only for those students previously attending in person. Coaches will operate for all day students who usually use them on the afternoon of Monday 8th March and will depart the College at 15:45. All students are reminded that face coverings should be worn at all times on the coaches. Catering: Full catering service will be resumed with dinner provided to all boarders at 18:00 on Sunday 7th March and lunch provided to all day students on Monday 8th March. Lessons on Monday 8th March: There will obviously be some disruption throughout the day with students in transit and arriving in lessons throughout the day. With this in mind, the teaching staff have been instructed to set simple work with clear, written instructions which can be completed independently by students. They will obviously be on hand to support those students who are in the classroom with this work however they will not be streaming lessons over Meets to those students at home (just for this day). Students who are not able to return at this time or who are waiting for their appointment to return will be able to access the work for their lessons over both EduLink and Google Classroom. Normal lessons (including remote attendance for those prevented from returning) will resume on Tuesday 9th March.

Ongoing Testing All students (including those attending prior to 8th March) will have two further tests in school on the following dates: Thursday 11th March: Years 7, 8, 9, 10 Friday 12th March: Years 11, 12, 13 Monday 15th March: Years 7, 8, 9, 10 Tuesday 16th March: Years 11, 12, 13 These will take place during the school day and there is no requirement to book an appointment for them.

Holyport College, Ascot Road, Holyport, Berkshire SL6 3LE E: hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk www. holyportcollege.org.uk T: 01628 640150 A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at the above address (Company Number 07930340).

Following the final in school tests, all day students will be given two tests per week to be conducted in the home under parental supervision (with full instructions on how to do so effectively!). All boarders will be supervised to test themselves twice per week in the boarding house.

Face Coverings I’m sure that the majority of families are also aware that the Government have made it a requirement of the return to school that students wear face coverings at all times when social distancing isn’t possible (including in classrooms during lessons). We are aware that many members of our community will have strong feelings as to the efficacy or appropriateness of this requirement however those of us who have been attending school every day since January (both staff and students) have been doing this already and it really is a minor inconvenience which, if it has any impact whatsoever on preventing the spread of infection and allowing our lives to return to normal, is surely worthwhile. In line with government guidance, we will therefore be requiring all students to wear a covering over their nose and mouth at the following times: ● ● ● ● ●

In all classroom lessons When moving around the interior of the buildings including visiting bathrooms In the lunch queue In the changing rooms At other times when social distancing isn’t possible

In light of this, face coverings will not be required at the following times: ● ● ● ●

When moving between lessons outside including in the quad When outdoors at break and lunchtime When sat down in the refectory eating When playing sports

Students will also be permitted to briefly remove their face coverings without requesting permission for comfort or to have a drink of water so long as they are restored again after a short while (30 seconds or so seems reasonable). Parents/carers who would like to apply for an exemption from wearing a face mask for their son or daughter on the grounds of health (mental or physical) or Special Educational Need will be offered the opportunity to do so early next week. Please note that no student who is exempt from wearing a mask will be denied any opportunities in any way.

Holyport College, Ascot Road, Holyport, Berkshire SL6 3LE E: hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk www. holyportcollege.org.uk T: 01628 640150 A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at the above address (Company Number 07930340).

Boarding Boarding parents will receive a communication from Mr Gardner in the near future with further information about our arrangements for boarders however I wanted to share the following important information with boarding parents at this stage: ●

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Face masks do not need to be worn at all times in boarding however should be worn when distancing between staff and students is not possible or when moving around the interior of the buildings Weekend leave will resume as normal. Our Exeat weekend is scheduled for 12th-14th March. Students who are prevented from leaving for the Exeat will have the option to remain in school at additional cost The co-curriculum programme will resume for boarders on Monday 8th March There will be no requirement for boarders to quarantine in house upon return to boarding after Monday 8th March

Students Unable to Attend School Due to Covid-19 From Tuesday 9th March, our remote lesson access for students unable to attend school due to Covid-19 will resume. A registration form for this provision will be sent to all parents, carers and students early next week and linked to our website. If you are not able to attend school in person from Monday 8th March, please complete this form even if you have previously done so and your circumstances have not changed.

Next Steps Early next week, all parents and carers will receive a further communication from us which will include the following: ● ● ● ●

Testing consent form (please also complete this to indicate that you do not wish to consent) Application form for exemption from mask wearing Details of how to book an appointment for the first in school test on Sunday 7th March or Monday 8th March Details of how to register for remote lesson access if you are prevented from attending school due to Covid-19

We will be talking students through these arrangements in assemblies on Friday 26th February and Friday 5th March as well in the daily notices. Holyport College, Ascot Road, Holyport, Berkshire SL6 3LE E: hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk www. holyportcollege.org.uk T: 01628 640150 A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at the above address (Company Number 07930340).

And Finally There is much written about the damage the past twelve months have done to the education of young people and how far behind they may have fallen. We have launched a catch-up programme to support young people in areas where data shows that they have fallen behind and we will be expanding this early in the Summer Term. That said, it is my strong belief that one of the single greatest things which kids have missed out on this last year is joy: the joy of being with their friends, the joy of new experiences, the joy of community and the joy of youth. Alongside our efforts to support them academically, we will also therefore be proactively exploring opportunities to bring joy to our students as often as we’re able to do so. These opportunities may be a little limited at first but many plans are now taking shape for the Summer Term and beyond and I simply cannot wait to have our community united in learning, laughter and joy once more. Yours sincerely

Ben McCarey Head Master

Holyport College, Ascot Road, Holyport, Berkshire SL6 3LE E: hmpa@holyportcollege.org.uk www. holyportcollege.org.uk T: 01628 640150 A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at the above address (Company Number 07930340).

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