1 minute read


High Aspirations, Traditional Values

Choosing A-level subjects can feel like a daunting task and we have constructed this curriculum guide to give you an overview of what we offer at Holyport College. Each subject page is designed to give you some of the answers to the questions: Why should I study this subject? What are the associated degree courses at university? What potential career opportunities will this subject open up for me? Whilst we have attempted to address these questions, we cannot make decisions for you and, whilst we can advise, ultimately it is you, the student, who should be starting to take control of your own education and your own future. It is therefore important that you do your research to look at what subject combination is the right thing for you that will put you on a path to the degree course and/or career you wish to pursue. If you are not sure of what you want to do later in life, it’s not a problem, you won’t go far wrong choosing subjects that you are good at and enjoy.


If you apply to Holyport College, you will be invited to an academic interview in January where we will discuss your potential options, and further discussions and support in your decision making happen throughout the application process. We are here to support you every step of the way!

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