The 2014-15 Annual Report

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A N N UA L R E P ORT 2014 –2015


A Message from the Board Chair and Head of School


Financial Stewardship


Annual Fund


Spring Gala and the Cura Personalis Awards


Georgia GOAL Scholarship


The Trinitas Giving Society


Corporations and Foundation Support


Financial Aid


Athletics 14 College Acceptances


Portraits of the Class of 2015


Portrait of the Holy Spirit Prep Graduate


Portrait of the Holy Spirit Prep Teacher


Holy Spirit Prep Daily Prayer


MISSION We seek to create a unique communion of joy among students, their families, and our faculty and staff, in the context of a preeminent pre-K2 through 12th grade Catholic college preparatory school. We want to prepare our students for a lifetime of happiness by inculcating in them three foundational virtues. First, we want them to have a deep and abiding faith in God’s blessings and love for them. Second, we want them to exercise prudence – the ability to make good decisions for the rest of their lives – by obtaining a rigorous academic foundation, accompanied by the use of their own powers of reason. Finally, we want them to embody magnanimity – a greatness of character and of soul – such that they may go through life with a spirit of courage, a spirit of joy, a spirit of kindness, and a spirit of generosity.

VISION We strive to be the preeminent pre-K2 through 12th grade Catholic college preparatory school in the country, graduating young men and women who personify the Portrait of the HSP Graduate (page 23).



A Message from the Board Chair and Head of School The 2014–2015 academic year was an exciting one at Holy Spirit Preparatory School. Our board of trustees unveiled Building on Our Foundation, a strategic plan which articulates the vision for our school community through the next five to ten years. We look forward to rolling out the first year of initiatives in the near future. Our students grew in their faith, receiving the sacraments of Confirmation, First Communion, and First Penance; celebrating Mass together; and leading and developing service projects for our school, our city, and people in need across the country. Our seniors graduated with a breathtaking $4.78 million in scholarship offers from 100 universities and colleges across the nation, and earned admittance to their schools of choice including some of the most selective and prestigious colleges and universities in the country. Our athletic programs enjoyed success across the board, football returned to the highly competitive Georgia Independent School Association, and our teams took on a new look with a reimagining of our athletic and spirit logos. Our families, faculty and staff, alums, grandparents, parents of alumni, and friends supported HSP’s most successful Annual Fund to date, over $404,000. We also reached an unbelievable milestone – 92% parent participation. Thank you for your generous support! This is a sign of great progress, but much work remains to be done as we work towards our goal of growing Annual Fund giving to match norms for independent schools. We also would like to thank our Parent Volunteer Association (PVA) for its unwavering support in every activity, from the C-Pride Pumpkin Patch, Advent wreaths and festivals to monthly birthday celebrations for our faculty and staff. We are humbled by your generous spirit and dedication. Holy Spirit Preparatory School and its students are flourishing. We are dedicated to our mission of forming your children into faithful, prudent, and magnanimous young men and women poised for a lifetime of happiness. Thank you for everything you do to help Holy Spirit Prep thrive as a truly special place of learning. We are blessed with a very supportive community. May God continue to bless you and your family. Go Cougars! With deep appreciation,

Joann G. Jones Kyle M. Pietrantonio Board Chair Head of School




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3.01% 100.00%



Annual Fund The Annual Fund is a financial gift the school asks every member of the HSP community to make each year above the regular costs of tuition. Gifts to the Annual Fund support all of the programs at HSP not covered by tuition alone. A gift to the Annual Fund is the primary gift your family can give to HSP each year in gratitude for the gifts of formation our students receive at HSP. Our Annual Fund is young, and as we grow, we need to increase our level of giving to the Fund. In 2013 – 14, the Annual Fund accounted for just 3% of the school’s revenue. Last year, that level grew to 3.65%. Over the next several years, we need to increase this level of giving to an average of 8 – 10%, a normal range for independent schools, so that we can continue to thrive and achieve greater financial stability.

A gift to the Annual Fund is the primary gift your family can give to HSP each year.

revenue dollars per student

The Annual Fund is necessary to support our day-to-day operating expenses. It allows us to respond to immediate needs and make improvements that directly benefit the students during the year in which the gift is made. Annual Fund donations are tax deductible. The success of our Annual Fund depends on the participation of every member of the school community—parents, grandparents, trustees, faculty, staff, former parents and grandparents, alumni, friends, foundations, and corporations.



$535,000 GOAL



$955 GOAL

2013 – 14

2014 – 15

2015 – 16

The success of our Annual Fund depends on the participation of every member of the school community





fa c u lt y pa r t i c i pat i o n

board pa r t i c i pat i o n

fa m i ly pa r t i c i pat i o n

HSP is continually approaching external foundations for support. The first thing foundations look at is the level of Annual Fund participation by families and staff. High participation raises the likelihood of foundation support for campus improvements and support for our students. For this reason, we ask all families to make the Annual Fund their first priority.

TH E 19 9 6 L EV EL $19,960 AND HIGHER ANONYMOUS Mr. and Mrs. Javier Goizueta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna III Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna TH E DONO GHUE L E V E L $10,000 – $19,959 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cabrera Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carroll The Crowley Foundation Monsignor Edward J. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Duran Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jones Mrs. Kathleen Magnusson Markwalter Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mason Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meenan TH E DONN EL L A N L E V E L $2,500 – $9,999 Drs. John and Angie Arnold Drs. Adolph and Dede Casal Conrads Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Heath Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Dashiell Guillaume Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Greg Marks Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Middelthon Mr. and Mrs. Phil Nagel Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neligan Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Hare Mr. and Mrs. Brad Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Polvino Mr. and Mrs. Chris Riley Mr. and Mrs. John Sabol Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Silbert Mr. Jack Sinks and Mrs. Peggy West Mr. and Mrs. Vern Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Woolson Mr. and Mrs. Sorin Zdrahal TH E DI L L O N L EV EL $500 – $2,499 ANONYMOUS (2) Mr. and Mrs. Nat Agrippina Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen Mr. Dennis Ambo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ambo Mr. Hank and Dr. Linda Anthony Drs. Philip and Deana Baptiste Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baradel Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bohling Mr. and Mrs. Jim Briles

Ms. Debora Brown Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Burgsteiner Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ciprari Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Matt Coles Mr. and Mrs. Mike Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Keith Demmings Mr. and Mrs. Chris Duffy Mr. Chris and Dr. Megan Durham Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fessenden Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Chris Grubbs Mr. and Mrs. Erik Gunderson Dr. and Mrs. Kel Harper Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hayley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hollensbe Mr. Rehad Hossain and Mrs. Francesca Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huesken Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Marty Jones Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Jones Mr. and Mrs. David Karangu Mr. and Mrs. David Lassing Mr. and Mrs. William Llop Dr. and Mrs. Paul Macik Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mangum Mr. and Mrs. Chris Markham Dr. Hannah Martin Mr. and Mrs. Eric Martini Mr. and Mrs. Eric Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Todd Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mocarski Ms. Cathy Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mulcare Mr. and Mrs. Tim Naughton Mr. Richard O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Dave O’Haren Mr. and Mrs. Reggie O’Shields Mr. and Mrs. Phil Park Mr.and Mrs. Kyle Pietantonio Mr. and Mrs. Pete Radosta Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Robertelli III Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sanders Mr and Mrs. Kevin Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Brad Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sipos

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Spitalnick Mrs. Madeleine Stagliano Mr. and Mrs. Jeromy Trask Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turpin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valek Mr. and Mrs. Brian Van Oss Mr. and Mrs. Phil Weener Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wolak TH E GREEN A ND GO L D L EVEL UP TO $499 ANONYMOUS (12) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Altone Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Mr. Arnulfo Anaya and Ms. Susana Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. John Angelle Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anker Mr. and Mrs. Ron Antinori Mr. and Mrs. Chris Anulewicz Ms. Ale Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Areu Mr. Alejandro Avila and Mrs. Nelida Ceron Ms. Brenda Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bannon Mr. and Mrs. Mats Berggren Mr. and Mrs. David Bertany Major David Bertrand Mr. Alex Brown Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Brown Mr. and Mrs. Tom Browning Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bryant Fr. Paul Burke Drs. Diane and Mark Caceres Dr. Douglas Cardillo and Dr. Dolly Aguilera Mr. and Mrs. Peter Casey Mr. and Mrs. Mike Centola Mr. Cheng Min and Mrs. Chen Fengqin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clements Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cocks Mr. and Mrs. Todd Colarusso Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole Mr. John Correira Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Craig Mr. and Mrs. Karmell Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crupi Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Curtin Mr. and Mrs. David Cusimano Mr. and Mrs. James Dale Dr. and Mrs. Jay Daly

Mr. and Mrs. Wes Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Darren Dean Dr. and Mrs. Archie Deen Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Devine Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiPrima Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diodati Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Moises Dominguez Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Doniphan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donner Mr. and Mrs. Mike Doran Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doyle Mr. Ryan Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dufauchard Ms. Ursula E. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Tim Durski Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dutcher Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dykes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ellis Mr. Joaquin Esteban and Ms. Pilar Castaneda Ms. Leyla Esther Mr. Kevin Evans Ms. Paulina Faraj Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Fearon Ms. Debra Fichera Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fickett Ms. Luisa Flores Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Ford Mr. and Mrs. Robert J Fox II Mr. and Mrs. Chris Francis Mr. and Mrs. Mark Garlen Mr. and Mrs. Juan Gomez Mr. Fidencio Gomez and Ms. Elvia Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Glen Goyer Mr. and Mrs. David Grabowski Mr. and Mrs. Hason Graham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griner Ms. Ellen Grisham Mr. and Mrs. James Guido Dr. and Mrs. Anuj Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hardt Mr. and Mrs. David Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Harrison Ms. Belinda Harrison Ms. Angela Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hill Mr. and Mrs. John William Holden, III Mr. Ken Hosier 7


TH E G R EEN AND G OLD LEV EL continued Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hunnewell Mr. and Mrs. Derek Idalski Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Jeffre Irizarry Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jacob Ms. Kettia Jasmin Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jerrum Mr. Donald Hall and Jessie Jiang Mr. and Mrs. Raul Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. Erik Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones III Ms. Leah Joyner Ms. Tracy Kendall Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Kenny Mr. Yonas Ketema and Ms. Netsanet Kebede Mr. Tijar Kemzebenu and Mrs. Selam Shiker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kichler III Mr. and Mrs. Billy King Mr. and Mrs. Wade Kirschner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirunda Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kleine Ms. Brandee Kowalzyk Mr. and Mrs. Dave Krupczak Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. David Labbe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lacey Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Randal Lampert Ms. Solange Leonardo Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis Mr. Fuming Gu and Mrs. Xiutang Li Dr. and Mrs. Jesse Jones Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jones Mr. and Mrs. Don Lewis Ms. Laura Linkous Ms. Rachel Little Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loftus


Ms. Jessie Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Loria Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Macharia Ms. Sarah MacLellan Ms. Emily Maranville Ms. Kelly Martin Mr. and Mrs. Chris Martin Mr. and Mrs. Dana Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Juan Martinez Ms. Kristin Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Matakis Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mathieu Ms. Meghan McCabe Deacon Bill McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. John McCulla Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McKinley Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKittrick Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McMahon Ms. Helene Mengert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyring Ms. Gina Morris Mr. and Mrs. Alex Muñoz Mr. and Mrs. Mario Muñoz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nardelli, II Mr. and Mrs. Juan Narea Mr. and Mrs. Trung Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Jerren Nixon Mr. Ed Nunez Ms. Robin Nyaberi Ms. Nancy O’Gara Mr. and Mrs. Donncha O’Hegarty Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Olguin Mr. and Mrs. Javier Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Keith Olmert Mr. Chrisopher Oppermann Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Oyler Ms. Bibiana Perez Mr. and Mrs. Pheloppe Pierre

Mr. and Mrs. Andres Pinzon Ms. Lyndsay Pinzone Mr. and Mrs. Brian Plati Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Prentice Mr. Scott Priestly Ms. Monica Proano Mr. and Mrs. Steven Purvis Mr. Tim Raymond and Ms. Marie McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rea Mr. and Mrs. Matt Reger Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rios Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenzweig Mr. and Mrs. Juan Rubio Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Rumiano Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rummelsburg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rusenko Mr. and Mrs. Jason Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schmitt Dr. Scott Schreiber Dr. and Mrs. David Schulman Ms. Ericka Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sciacchetano Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Seabury Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Sequeira Mr. and Mrs. Greg Shurman Dr. Christa-Marie Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Skillin Mr. and Mrs. Shep Slater Mr. and Mrs. Gupta Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Southworth Mr. and Mrs. John Spann Mr. and Mrs. Lance Stafford Mr. and Mrs. John Stanchak Ms. Jill Stedman Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stinnett Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sturgeon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David Summers

Mr. and Mrs. Brendt Swink Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Sysyn Ms. Karin Tarrant Mr. and Mrs. David Tate Mr. and Mrs. John Tereshinski Ms. Tigist Tesfazgy Ms. Amanda Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tilt Mr. James Toner Mr. and Mrs. Celso Torres Ms. Heather Triggs Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Tuchek Mr. and Mrs. Carl Valenzano Mr. and Mrs. Chris Van Zant Mr. and Mrs. Juan Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Steven Verlander Mr. and Mrs. Mike Verlander Ms. Karyn Vickery Mr. Robert Villante Mr. and Mrs. Jose Villazon Dr. and Mrs. Paul Voss Mr. and Mrs. Keith Watson Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Walker Ms. Anne Weingartz Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wiedl Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Doward Wilkinson Dr. and Mrs. Colin Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Williams Mr. and Mrs. Tony Willis Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winkler Mr. Jason and Dr. Kathy Wright Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wyble Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Yepes Mr. Oscar Zelaya and Ms. Marlhy Patino Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zurovchak

Spring Gala SPR



Since its founding Holy Spirit Prep has sought out the best, most caring faculty for our students; fostered and encouraged our faculty in their professional growth; and supported them so they would choose year after year to remain a part of the HSP community. The principal event that supports funding for our faculty initiatives is the Spring Gala, a night of fellowship, auctions, and fundraising. All of the proceeds from the Gala exclusively support our teachers in two ways: proceeds are equally divided between the Teachers’ Continuing Education Fund (TCEF) and the Teachers’ Children Tuition Assistance Fund (TCTAF). The TCEF supports the professional growth of teachers as they identify and pursue opportunities that will have the greatest impact on their practice, the academic lives of their students and on the HSP community. The TCTAF provides additional tuition assistance for the children of our teachers. We are incredibly proud of the teachers we have invited to be a part of the HSP community, and we want to ensure that they and their families stay a part of the HSP community. A crucial part of that support can be reducing the burden of tuition on their families. HOLY


2015 Spring Gala Performance $200,000 a c t u a l g r o s s r e v e n u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300,483 e x p e n s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98,983 a c t u a l n e t r e v e n u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $201,500 g o a l f o r g r o s s r e v e n u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

D IAMO ND $10,000–$24,999 Drs. John and Angie Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carroll Mr. Nick Guillaume Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna III PLATI NUM $5,000–$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cabrera Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson, Canonbury Homes GOLD $1,500–$4,999 Drs. Dede and Adolph Casal Mr. and Mrs. Mike Centola, Buckhead Pet Pals Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chandler and Henry’s Lousiana Grill

Mrs. Kathleen Magnusson Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Mays Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nardelli Ascension Air, The Juice Box, and Walton Creek Ventures Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jones Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jones Mr. and Mrs. Brad Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. Heath Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiPrima Georgia Neurosurgical Institute Mr. and Mrs. John Gillin Mr. and Mrs. Erik Gunderson

The Cura Personalis Awards The Cura Personalis Award honors those teachers who have served at HSP for at least five years and who, in that time, have had a significant positive impact on students, parents, and colleagues, and supported HSP’s Catholic identity.

David Labbe Upper School at HSP since 2006

Among a team of dedicated and passionate faculty, the three winners of this year’s award have demonstrated a consistent witness to the mission of HSP over their long tenure at HSP and well deserve the honor of being named the 2015 winners of this award.

Rosemary Thomasberger Lower School at HSP since 2000

GO L D continued Edward Jones Office of Julie and Charles Rea Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mangum Mr. and Mrs. Greg Marks Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mason Mr. and Mrs. Scott Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Rob Nardelli Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neligan Mr. and Mrs. Dave O’Haren SI L VER $1,000–$1,499 Homrich Berg Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Burgsteiner Monsignor Edward J. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Chris Durham Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hossain

Karyn Vickery Resource at HSP since 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Polvino Mr. Jack Sinks and Mrs. Peggy West Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stinnett Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Sysyn Mr. and Mrs. Vern Vincent, Calwis Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Woolson Mr. and Mrs. Sorin Zdrahal Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zurovchak

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Klopman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Markwalter Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Pietrantonio Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valek

GENERA L SP O NSO R $100–$999 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mocarski Mr. and Mrs. David Bertany Mr. and Mrs. Javier Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Chris Riley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Harrison Ms. Linda Swindell Mr. Paul Hossain and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Van Oss Francesca Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kichler 9

GOAL Scholarship

Trinitas Giving Society

The Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program is one of a number of student scholarship organizations in the state of Georgia permitting Georgia state taxpayers and certain businesses to redirect a portion of their state income taxes to scholarships. These scholarships are granted to students in public schools who wish to attend private school. Holy Spirit Prep partners with the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program to provide scholarships to incoming students. Partnering with GOAL has allowed Holy Spirit Prep to admit 44 incredible students who would otherwise not be able to afford the whole cost of tuition.

The Trinitas Giving Society was established to recognize the annual generosity of those who support Holy Spirit Prep across a range of giving priorities. It seeks to provide a legacy of financial strength and continued excellence for Holy Spirit Preparatory School. In 2014 – 15, membership in the society is established by giving to the Annual Fund and to the Teachers’ Continuing Education Fund via the Spring Gala, as well as one of one of the following:

The state of Georgia caps total pledges to scholarship organizations at $58 million. The demand for scholarships is high. Last year, Georgia donors pledged almost $88 million. The state of Georgia honored every donor’s pledge by prorating their pledge, accepting just 66.3% of their intended contribution. If you pledged $1,000, the state allowed you to contribute $663. We hope Holy Spirit Prep families will continue to increase their pledges, as that pro-rating is expected to continue.

2014 – 15 Data d o n at i o n s


. . . . . . . . . . . . . $382,050

d o n at i o n s a p p r o v e d * . . . . . . . . . . .


m at c h i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500

sponsored students

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

c o n t r i b u t o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

* after the Department of Revenue pro-rated pledges statewide by 66.3%

Please visit to see the list of contributors to the 2014 – 15 Georgia GOAL Scholarship.


• The Patron of the Arts Society • The Athletics Booster Club.

F O U NDI NG MEMBER $10,000 AND HIGHER Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna III Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jones Monsignor Edward J. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Markwalter Mr. Nick Guillaume Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna L EA DERSH I P CI RCL E $3,500–9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neligan Drs. Adolph and Dede Casal Mr. and Mrs. Chris Riley Mr. Chris and Dr. Megan Durham Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valek Mr. and Mrs. Neil Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Vern Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Marty Jones Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Woolson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Mangum Mr. and Mrs. Sorin Zdrahal Dr. and Mrs. Greg Marks MEMBER UP TO $3,499 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baradel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleary Mr. and Mrs. James Dale Ms. Luisa Flores Mr. and Mrs. Chris Grubbs Mr. and Mrs. Erik Gunderson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jones Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Chris Markham

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ed O’Hare Mr. and Mrs. Dave O’Haren Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Pietrantonio Mr. and Mrs. Andres Pinzon Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sipos Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Southworth Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turpin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Van Oss Mr. and Mrs. Doward Wilkinson

Corporations and Foundation Support A.E.M. Family Foundation Alston and Bird, LLP Amazon Smile Ascension Air Brasfield & Gorrie Buckhead Pot Pals Calwis Co. The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia Canonbury Homes Inc. Chyten Premier Tutoring & Test Preparation The Coca-Cola Company The Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta Conrads Family Education Fund The Crowley Foundation EarthCon Consultants, Inc. Edukit, Inc. Edward Jones Equifax Georgia West Imaging PC

GE Georgia Natural Gas Georgia Neurosurgical Institute The Goizueta Foundation Guillaume Family Foundation Henry’s Louisiana Grill Heritage Oaks Condominium Association The Home Depot Homrich Berg Huseby Global Litigation Illinois Tool Works InfoTank, Inc. JCR Properties Law Office of Todd E. Jones The Juice Box Markwalter Family Foundation Outpatient Imaging, LLC Parker School Uniforms Peachtree Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates

PentaRisk Associates of Georgia LLC Primus Builders, Inc. Pritchard & Jerden Publix Robert Kern Charitable Gift Fund Sentry Polygraph Services, LLC Skedsvold and White, LLC Alex and Betty Smith Donor Advised Fund Southstar Energy Services SunTrust Bank Target TIAA CREF Financial Services Time Warner U.S. Bancorp Vermont Wreath Center Walton Creek Ventures Zifty, LLC Zdrahal Consulting Group, LLC

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these lists. In the event you should notice an error or omission, please accept our regrets and notify Jen de Castro, Director of Advancement, at



Providing financial assistance is an important element of Holy Spirit Preparatory School’s mission as we seek to help those within our communion who cannot afford full tuition, but who are valuable members of our school. This assistance in turn benefits all students.



Financial Aid Providing financial assistance is an important element of Holy Spirit Preparatory School’s mission as we seek to help those within our communion who cannot afford full tuition, but who are valuable members of our school. This assistance in turn benefits all students.

As an independent Catholic school, Holy Spirit Prep does not have access to tuition assistance funding from the Archdiocese of Atlanta and meets tuition assistance needs from donations and our operating income. As stewards of the finite pool of monies made available for tuition assistance, HSP has to ensure that assistance is targeted to the families with the greatest need.

Holy Spirit Prep does not receive tuition assistance funding from the Archdiocese of Atlanta.

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general aid and scholarships

G e o r g i a GOAL Scholarship Program t o ta l










Holy Spirit Prep has its share of athletic achievements to boast about: years as soccer region champions, a state football championship in the Glory for Christ football league, national archery wins, cross country regional championships, and an explosive comeback for the school’s baseball team. Nevertheless, in 2014, the school sought to renew its commitment to athletics and to becoming a competitive force in the Atlanta interscholastic landscape. The highlight of the year took place with the appointment of Kevin Evans as HSP’s new director of Athletics. Coach Evans was appointed in April 2015, after the retirement of Mike Sickafoose, HSP’s longtime director of athletics. Mr. Pietrantonio remarked about Coach Evans’ appointment, “No one understands both the students and the athletic needs of the HSP community better than Kevin. His grasp of Atlanta’s interscholastic sports landscape will be fundamental in our transition to a higher level of competitive play.” Coach Evans wasted no time in establishing his game plan for HSP athletics, “My first priority is building a strong coaching staff,” he said. “The foundation of our athletic program has to be passionate faculty – coaches who love what they do, who love their students, and who are a continuous presence throughout the day, not just at practice or during competition.”

Our renewed commitment to athletics was most apparent with the football team. Fresh from a fall from grace that saw the team plummet from state champions in the Glory for Christ league (GFC) to the bottom of its rankings, HSP football saw an overhaul of its operations in the 2014 – 15 season. Under the direction of a new head coach David Rosenzweig, the team left the GFC and returned to competitive play in the Georgia Independent School Association. They acquired new equipment and instituted a new training regimen, including spring training, summer camps, and two-a-days. Coach Rose’s efforts and the team’s commitment saw an immediate rebound for the team: signups yielded the biggest initial team in the school’s history. Boys were invigorated at the possibility of a successful season. The season did indeed yield its successes. The season opened with an 18–8 win over the North Georgia Falcons, who defeated HSP the year prior to become the Glory for Christ champions. That win was followed soon by a 27–6 victory over the Bethlehem Christian Academy Knights, HSP’s first GISA victory since Game 1 of the 2010 season.

One major expression of our commitment to building HSP’s athletics program was in rebranding Holy Spirit Prep athletics: a reimagining of the school’s athletics identity that more closely expresses our distinction as an authentically Catholic, classically-inspired school. In August 2014, Holy Spirit Prep unveiled new ligatures, word marks, and a complete redrawing of the cougar mascot inspired by heraldic designs. “This process began out of a desire to build on the successes of our athletics program and more clearly convey our level of athletic performance and commitment going forward,” said Mr. Pietrantonio at the unveiling. “The launch of this new brand happened to coincide with the release of our new strategic plan, focused on the future development of our school community,” “The foundation of our athletic program has to be passionate said Mr. Pietrantonio. “With the launch faculty – coaches who love what they do, who love their of this new brand, we’ve launched a new students, and who are a continuous presence throughout era in HSP athletics, and solidified our the day, not just at practice or during competition.” athletic ambitions for the future.” — Kevin Evans 14

HSP’s Director of Athletics


Girls varsity soccer claimed their fourth region championship in five years. Historically, the girls won their region title through regular season victories; this year marked the first year of a region tournament, which the girls won handily. The girls continued to blaze through the GISA State Tournament, finishing their season in a Final Four matchup against Westminster of Augusta on Westminster’s home turf. Coach Pete Radosta was named Region Coach of the Year, and three athletes – Catherine Dale, Megan Radosta, and Drew Vincent – were named All-State athletes.

Girls varsity soccer claimed their fourth region championship in five years.

When the team looks back on the 2014 – 15 season, they recall the game against Young Americans. Down 0–20 at the end of the first half, the Cougars scored 27 straight points to win the game 27–26: the greatest comeback in the history of HSP football.

HSP athletics continue to develop and evolve towards its goal of competitive standing in the Atlanta community. With the continued addition of passionate, knowledgeable faculty coaches; more intensive training; and the commitment of our parents, students, and staff, HSP athletics are well on their way to the success we seek.

Coach Rosenzweig shaped the team into a family – a term that each member of the team uses unanimously to describe the character of HSP football. At the end-of-season football banquet, the team officially retired senior Peter Nagel’s jersey. The senior and team captain had played as a varsity athlete since HSP’s GFC state championship three years prior, and – in the words of his coaches – was the model of commitment and dedication for the entire team. Other HSP athletics saw their successes as well. Varsity cross country girls, under the tutelage of Coach Lauren Blankenship, finished their season undefeated, claimed the region championship, and finished 2nd at the GISA State Tournament, even beating out the prior year’s state champions, Augusta Prep.

Megan Radosta The Class of 2015 grad signed with Berry College, where she plays midfielder for their soccer team. Megan was awarded The Phil Woosnam Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded by Georgia Soccer, the authorized state youth and adult soccer association for Georgia, to a high school senior who demonstrates success on the field, in the classroom, and in the community.





Congratulations to the Class of 2015! 42 seniors

191 o f f e r s o f a c c e p ta n c e from colleges and universities

$4,780,447 in scholarship offers

American University Auburn University Berry College Clayton College and State University Davidson College Florida State University Georgia College Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Southern University Georgia State University Harvard University Ithaca College Kennesaw State University Michigan State University Ohio Wesleyan University Pennsylvania State University Trinity College United States Naval Academy University of Alabama University of Arizona University of Central Florida University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Mississippi University of Tennessee, Martin Valdosta State University Washington and Lee University Arizona State University Assumption College Ave Maria University Belmont Abbey College Boston College Boston University Case Western Reserve University Clemson University College of Charleston

College of Coastal Georgia College of the Holy Cross Duke University Elon University Emory University Fairfield University (University College) Furman University Georgia Perimeter College Georgia Regents University Summerville Campus Georgia Southwestern State University High Point University Indiana University at Bloomington James Madison University LaGrange College Louisiana State University Loyola University New Orleans Lynn University Marymount Manhattan College Mercer University Mississippi State University New York University North Carolina State University Northeastern University Oglethorpe University Presbyterian College Princeton University Providence College Purdue University Queens University of Charlotte Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rhodes College Rutgers University-New Brunswick Sacred Heart University

Salve Regina University Samford University Seton Hall University Seton Hill University Stetson University Temple University The Catholic University of America Tulane University University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of Chicago University of Connecticut University of Findlay University of Georgia University of Iowa University of Kentucky University of Miami University of Michigan University of Missouri Columbia University of North Carolina at Asheville University of Notre Dame University of Rochester University of South Carolina University of the Pacific University of Virginia Vanderbilt University Washington University in St. Louis Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute Yale University Young Harris College Universities bolded indicate matriculation





Meredith Jones 2014 – 15 Head Girl Meredith Jones models the complete arc of formation Holy Spirit Prep creates for its students, from preschool to high school graduation. Meredith has attended Holy Spirit Prep since Mother’s Morning Out. More than just last year’s Head Girl, Meredith Meredith in pre-1st grade was a member of Alpha Phi, HSP’s at HSP women’s service organization; an admissions ambassador; HSP’s representative at the Governor’s Honors Program in 2013 and Youth Leadership Sandy Springs in 2013 – 14; and she was an avid soccer, basketball, and cross-country athlete, lettering in all three varsity sports at Holy Spirit Prep. Meredith’s academic achievements came to a head in July of 2014, when the school community exulted at the news that Meredith had earned the highest possible scores on both the SAT and ACT exams. Meredith scored a 2400 on the SAT and a 36 on the ACT, each in one sitting, taking the two exams just a week apart from each other. While there’s no data readily available on the subject, it is generally acknowledged that only a handful of students across the country accomplish the feat each year.

Meredith learned that all Atlanta fire stations are safe havens for Safe Places Off The Streets (SPOTS), a program that offers help and encouragement to women and children suffering from domestic abuse, trafficking and sexual violence. She spearheaded a program to create SPOTS Kits, containing MARTA Breeze and phone cards, devotional books, and other resources to help the victims escaping abuse. Meredith distributed the kits to every fire station in Atlanta, and established a plan for the students of Holy Spirit Prep to replenish the kits in perpetuity. “We’re very proud of Meredith and her accomplishments,” said her parents, Todd and Joann. “Her achievement also is a testament to Holy Spirit Prep and its wonderful curriculum, faculty, and administration. Even better, the school has given her the opportunity to participate in the many extracurricular activities she loves, while surrounding her with great friends and classmates.” Ten universities offered her admittance to their program — including three Ivy League universities. Meredith is now in her freshman year at Harvard, alongside her brother Todd, HSP’s 2012 valedictorian. She is discerning a major in either classics or chemistry.

“The SAT and ACT are not easy tests, by any means,” said Meredith, “so I feel fortunate to have achieved the scores I did. The values of hard work and confidence that my school, Holy Spirit Prep, and my family have instilled in me since day one certainly played a big role in the results. I’m proud of what I accomplished, but never could have achieved it without the support of the people around me.” When her science teacher, Matthew Reger, found out, he wasn’t surprised. “Meredith’s intellectual gifts are obvious, but what her grades and test scores cannot show is Meredith’s remarkable personality. She is humble, caring, generous, and well-rounded.” This was especially evident her senior year as Meredith prepared her Gold Award project, the culminating project of her Girl Scout experience.

“The values of hard work and confidence that my school, Holy Spirit Prep, and my family have instilled in me since day one certainly played a big role in (my) results.” 19


Ean Huang

“If I didn’t come here to Holy Spirit Prep, I might not have done it.”

While some of his peers spent their summers vacationing at the beach or tanning seaside, Ean Huang was helping the Szechwan province of China recover from a massive earthquake that claimed almost 200 lives and left 12,000 – 15,000 injured. The 2015 grad spent the two summers after his sophomore and junior years in the village of Ya’an, aiding in earthquake relief endeavors in a multitude of ways, from teaching elementary school to making site visits to organizing a benefit concert. After seeing news reports about the April 2013 disaster, Ean was struck by the massive destruction and was immediately driven to act. After being turned down by several earthquake relief agencies because of his youth, Ean was placed with a non-governmental organization, Ingenious Love, which assigned him to volunteer in Ya’an. Ean’s volunteer duties included teaching English and history to elementary school classes as large as 50 students as well as making home visits to victims to determine the level of aid they would receive. Now emotionally invested in the fate of the villagers, Ean returned the next summer and found his work was far from finished. Struck by the lingering poverty the earthquake had left in its wake, Ean organized a concert to raise funds for relief efforts; his work included recruiting musicians, finding sponsors, advertising the event, announcing the acts, and playing the introductory piano piece. The hard work paid off: The concert raised around $54,866 American dollars for relief efforts.

Ean emcees his fundraiser in Szechwan province

Ean believes volunteering is an essential duty for teenagers. “Personally, I think, as teenagers, we definitely have some responsibility for society, and we are gradually learning to take on more as we become young adults,” he said. “We need to learn how to contribute more, but not just take everything for granted. The happiness gained through the hard work of volunteering cannot be gained from any other personal achievement.” Ean does hope that other students can experience what he has, “I sincerely advocate that every young man and woman spares a few precious weeks in their life to go into those places in need. Prepare yourself to face setbacks, bring a spirit of hard work, carry a mindset of merely hoping to help, and devote yourself to those great works of volunteering.” Ean says it was HSP that inspired him to serve the people of Ya’an. “If I didn’t come here to Holy Spirit, I might not have done it.” Ean cites the virtues taught in his theology classes, HSP’s “loving and caring environment,” and the Catholic culture of the school, embodied in our motto, “to serve and not be served.” Ean’s hard work is not limited to volunteering, as his teachers describe him as an exceptional student possessing both great intellect and strong character. “One of the best ways to describe Ean is as a person that consistently rises to the challenge,” said social studies teacher Christopher Oppermann, who taught Ean both Western Civilization and AP Macroeconomics. “Both in and out of the classroom, Ean is a clear leader. Not only does he have a generous heart for helping others, but he also has a keen mind that allows him to put his generosity into action. We are very proud of Ean, and are confident that he will continue to be a shining example of true servant leadership as he moves on to college.”


Ean fielded offers from several colleges and universities, including Purdue, Northeastern, and Case Western, and now attends the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Andrea Burkle A student at Holy Spirit Prep since third grade, Andrea Burkle grew to deeply appreciate HSP’s close-knit environment. “It’s definitely like a family, “ she said. “It’s Andrea helps with homework at ESP the student-teacher relationships that make this a special place. You are not just another number.”

Andrea’s deep compassion for young people preceded her work with Bridge. In the summer of 2014, she traveled to Jamaica with other HSP students to serve people with disabilities living in the city’s Mustard Seed Communities. Along with other HSP students, she brought supplies, built a wheelchair ramp, assembled lap tables for wheelchairs, and played games with those served by the program. “I met countless people who have very little besides their faith, and they are some of the happiest people I have ever met,” said Andrea.

And Andrea sought to reinforce that community herself. During her senior year, Andrea worked two days a week in ESP, the Lower School’s after-school program. She was the first president of the new Bridge Apostolate, a mentoring program between the Upper and Lower Schools to foster good character. Heading up the program and working with advisor Thomas Clements helped Andrea find her “inner leadership,” she said. The monthly programs have a theme, such as being positive or making a commitment. The younger students often play board games or participate in activities where they have to learn to cooperate.

Service wasn’t her only passion at HSP. Andrea loved photography, snapping pictures of people and nature. Andrea was asked to take senior pictures for some of her classmates, and her photography was featured at local art festivals, like the Dogwood Festival, and in HSP’s own school publications. Staying close to home was important for Andrea. She was accepted to Berry College, the University of Georgia, and Kennesaw State Unversity, and now attends Georgia College.

Mr. Clements said Andrea has accomplished much in the inaugural year of the program, even organizing bake sales prior to each month’s program to pay for snacks for the younger students. The advisor said his favorite memory is watching Andrea plan a whole event by herself when other members were unable to attend a planning session. “I have only seen Andrea treat fellow students with respect and great love,” said Clements. “She is a great role model for others in holiness.” She encouraged other Upper School students to participate in the Bridge Apostolate as volunteers to give the younger students a good example.“ They watch your every move,” said Andrea. “You become their best friend.”

“It’s definitely like a family, It’s the studentteacher relationships that make this a special place. You are not just another number.”



Andrew Agrippina During his eleven years at Holy Spirit Prep, Andrew Agrippina developed a lot of passions. He was captain of the varsity basketball team and the cross country team. He stunned audiences with his voice both on stage in HSP theater and in the choir loft as part of HSP’s Andrew in his first year liturgical choir. Andrew’s heart for at HSP service led him to join Delta Omega and the Pro-Life Apostolate, HSP’s boys service fraternity. The capacity for leadership he developed at HSP led him to become president of both, as well as to Youth Leadership Sandy Springs. More than theater or athletics, Andrew became passionate and sensitive about life: he says he was shocked when he learned what abortion is and that it happens. “My Catholic faith tells me that I cannot stand idle while grave injustices run rampant in our society. I have been raised with these values, and they have become a part of who I am,” Andrew said. During his time at HSP, the student leader used his considerable talents to advocate for the dignity of all life – not just of the unborn, but of the women that carried them. In the spring of 2014, Andrew participated and won first place in the Atlanta Chapter of Georgia Right to Life Oratory Contest. He went on to win the statewide contest, earning a summer internship with Georgia Right to Life. His winning speech was titled “Proliferate the Pro-Life Rate.” In the speech, he sharply critiqued the demonization of women who become unexpectedly pregnant, insisting that they should be treated with love and without condemnation. Andrew’s commitment to life extends beyond issues of pregnancy. “To me, the pro-life cause transcends the issue of abortion,” he said. “Being pro-life means treating everyone I meet with the love and dignity that every human life deserves.” When HSP’s Pro-life Apostolate made their annual trip to Washington, DC, to participate in the March for Life, Andrew and other club members brought along blankets and granola bars.

“My Catholic faith tells me that I cannot stand idle while grave injustices run rampant in our society.” 22

“We handed these out to the homeless people we encountered while marching,” Andrew said. “That is what the pro-life movement is about.” Earlier this year, Andrew worked with Knights of Columbus at Holy Spirit Catholic Church to raise a billboard on I-75 in Atlanta. The photo of a newborn baby with the words “All Life Matters” represents to Andrew a dedication to life and serving others. “He saw the project through start to finish, and that to me is a very entrepreneurial activity,” Assistant Head of School Tommy Curtin reports. Andrew said the effort to raise the billboard taught him how important perseverance and drive are, but he said he also learned he cannot do everything alone. He said he is thankful for the help he got from Knights of Columbus. “Andrew is a natural leader, and he combines great leadership skills with an incredibly optimistic attitude,” Mr. Curtin said. His belief that good things come from hard work fuels his projects. “He’s also very talented, which allows him to be successful in many areas from arts to academic to service organizations at our school,” Curtin said. Andrew was accepted to a number of universities, including The Catholic University of America, College of the Holy Cross, and Tulane University, but now attends Washington and Lee University, where he is a member of W&L’s track team, the weatherman of the “Rockbridge Report,” a member of the acapella group Southern Comfort, and a representative of the Student Judicial Council.

Portrait of the Holy Spirit Prep Graduate At Holy Spirit Prep, we are committed to graduating men and women who: Recognize their infinite value and dignity as persons made in God’s own image; Embrace and live the teachings of the Catholic faith; Form their consciences according to the objective truth of the Gospel; Pray daily, attend Mass faithfully, and contemplate the beauty of Creation; T reasure the blessings of their own families; Approach relationships with love and with hope in the goodness of others; Share the love of Christ with those who do not yet know Him; Seek to be happy and generous husbands and wives, and fathers and mothers, when called to married life; Seek to be happy and generous in their vocations when called to the priesthood or religious life; Possess an integrated knowledge of traditional academic disciplines in the arts and sciences; Th ink deeply, logically, imaginatively, and prayerfully to make decisions according to right reason; Communicate clearly through both the written and spoken word; Participate confidently in diverse athletic, artistic, and intellectual pursuits; Maintain healthy habits of work, leisure, exercise, and rest; Embrace their civic duty to improve their communities through personal engagement; Possess magnanimous character with generous hearts; Appreciate profoundly the Holy Spirit Prep communion, and consider themselves as sustaining members of it; Serve as leaders in their college, parish, and social communities; Utilize technology and media responsibly to foster authentic relationships; Protect the dignity of the unborn, the aged, the poor, and the suffering; Respect cultures and beliefs not their own in Christian charity; Thirst to acquire new knowledge continually; Experience the true freedom that is the fruit of virtuous living; Look forward with joyful hope to spending eternity with God in heaven.


Portrait of the Holy Spirit Prep Teacher At Holy Spirit Prep, we are committed to providing students and their families with teachers who: Embrace and live the teachings of the Catholic faith; Pray daily, attend Mass faithfully, and contemplate the beauty of Creation; Emulate the person of Jesus Christ, our model of an ideal Catholic school teacher; Model the virtues we seek to develop in all of our students; Instruct our students according to the best practices of Catholic education; Demonstrate genuine love for our students, their parents, and colleagues in every interaction; Build relationships founded on mutual trust, respect, and goodwill; See every interaction with our students as a valuable moment for teaching; Cherish our students for their unique personalities and talents; Craft inspiring lessons that encourage learning as an inherently good, life-long endeavor; Present the Truth as objective, knowable, and a gift from God; Challenge and support our students to make the most of their God-given potential; Welcome partnership with parents, who are the primary educators of their children; Achieve courteous, proactive communication with our students, their parents, and colleagues; Utilize available technology purposefully to enhance our students’ interest and learning; Exhibit intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm across all disciplines of study; Strive always to develop professionally and to improve their mastery as teachers; Embrace opportunities to coach sports, sponsor clubs, and lead service apostolates; Encourage students through their presence at athletics and arts events; Maintain an interest in being of service to their students long after graduation day; Pray that God’s will be done in the life of every student they have taught; Aspire to be saints themselves who in turn inspire students to a life of communion with God and their loved ones. 24

Holy Spirit Prep Daily Prayer We pray in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for the blessings you give us. Thank you for making each one of us in your image. Thank you for the special blessing of our families. Help us to remember that you love us. Help us to remember that you have a special place in your heart for us. Help us to remember that our school is a communion of souls destined for joy. Help us to remember that this communion is unique and precious. Fill us with a faith that will accompany us. Fill us with a faith that will encourage us. Fill us with a faith that will inspire us. Fill us with a faith that will console us. Grant us magnanimity, a greatness of soul, so that all the other virtues we might seek to acquire will blossom. Grant us wisdom; and prudence, so that we may make good decisions for the rest of our lives. Grant us the development of heart, mind, body and soul such that we might excel in your plan for our lives. And grant that we may all seek communion with you and with one another. We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


A N N UA L R E P ORT 2014 –2015

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