Ryan Casey CLASS OF 2012 When Ryan Casey graduated from Holy Spirit Prep, he was a football star fresh off a state championship. Since then, he graduates from the University of Georgia. Now, he’s busy running his family company and planning his wedding. We caught up with Ryan to ask him about his Holy Spirit Prep experience.
How did your experience at Holy Spirit Prep help form you into the person you are today? I would say it helped form the core of who I am. The combination of AP classes we took in a semester were equivalent to the initial workload you can expect in college. That first semester in college is so important for your GPA, and Holy Spirit Prep helped prepare me to take on a college workload. It really helped me form the core of my Catholic beliefs, and I still keep those today. I’m very lucky to have a fiancée who goes to Mass with me every Sunday and that’s something we both find very important. Holy Spirit Prep and their weekly (or more) Masses helped me realize the priority of going to Mass and continuing to work on your faith. Outside of a year of rugby for UGA, my athletic career came to a stop at Holy Spirit Prep, but the intangibles I learned through football and basketball are some of the most important things Holy Spirit Prep provided me with. It was really a variety of experiences and teachers: 6:00am to 4:00pm
| ministrāre • FALL 2019