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Art & Culture: Picasso and the Old Masters
Photos Opposite Page Top row: Courtesy of Museo Picasso Málaga Bottom row, left to right: Brassaï (1899-1984) Self-portrait, Boulevard Saint-Jacques, Paris, 1930-1932 © Estate Brassaï Succession-Philippe Ribeyrolles Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Bust of a Man Mougins, 8 November 1970 © FABA Foto: Soko-studio © Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2021 Brassaï (1899-1984) Fat Claude and her girlfriend at Le Monocle, Paris, c. 1932 © Estate Brassaï Succession-Philippe Ribeyrolles Domenico Theotocopuli, El Greco (1541-1614) Retrato de Jorge Manuel Theotoc puli Ca. 1600-1605 © Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla Photo: Pepe Morón Paula Rego (1935) Escape 2009, Collection Ostrich Arts Limited, courtesy Cristea Roberts © Paula Rego Paula Rego (1935) The Maids 1987, Collection of Kim Manocherian © Paula Rego

The schedule of exhibitions at Málaga Picasso Museum leading up to summer is highlighted by an overview of links between Pablo Picasso and great masters of the past. The museum is also showing a retrospective of artist Paula Rego and a showcase of Parisian photographs by Brassaï.
Face to Face: Picasso and the Old Masters Beginning in February and due to run until 26 June, “Face to Face: Picasso and the Old Masters” presents paintings from the Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla’s collection of Spanish and other European masters in addition to nine major works by Picasso belonging to the Fundación Almine y Bernard Picasso para el Arte (FABA). According to the Málaga museum, “By juxtaposing works by Picasso with those of the old masters, the exhibition offers visitors a unique opportunity to discover the links between Picasso’s work and those by El Greco, Francisco Pacheco, Giovanni Battista Caracciolo, Francisco de Zurbarán, Cornelius Norbertus Gijsbretchs, Bernardo Lorente Germán and Diego Bejarano. “These pairings not only enable viewers to make specific comparisons between the work of Picasso and the masters in order to understand how deeply Picasso’s art was rooted in Spanish traditions. The juxtapositions also allow us to discern how he transformed these traditions into the revolutionary art of the 20th century.” The museum notes that Picasso was a keen student with a profound interest in art of the past. “His work was deeply rooted in Spanish culture, particularly in the baroque period. The achievements of these Spanish masters provided Picasso with models and techniques that drove him both to emulate and transform tradition. In this complex response, Picasso explored how the masters themselves had responded to the classical tradition by embracing styles that the purists had excluded from the classical canon of Italy and France.”
The Paris of Brassaï: Photographs of the City Picasso Loved Inaugurated last year and continuing until 3 April, “The Paris of Brassaï: Photographs of the City Picasso Loved” shows the work of one of the most renowned European photographers of the first half of the 20th century, who arrived in Paris from Hungary in 1924. Brassaï is recognised as helping to create the universal public image of Paris, the Eternal City, and this is displayed in the exhibition alongside works by Pablo Picasso, Pierre Bonnard, Georges Braque, Lucien Clergue, Fernand Léger, Dora Maar and Henri Michaux, as well as with period piece films, posters, sheet music and documentary material. “Brassaï’s photographs invite the viewer to wander through Paris, with its river Seine, Notre Dame, its brothels and its markets. He conjured up a superb depiction of society in his many shots of the intellectual, literary and artistic scene of 1930s and 1940s Paris, ranging from Sartre to Beckett.”
Paula Rego Retrospective From 26 April until 21 August, the museum will be presenting an exhibition by Portuguese-British visual artist Paula Rego who “redefined figurative art and revolutionised the way in which women are represented”. The exhibition tells the story of her life, highlighting the personal nature and socio-political context of her work, and revealing her broad range of references, from comic strips to history paintings. It features more than 80 works including collage, paintings, large-scale pastels, drawings and etchings, spanning her early work from the 1960s to her richly layered, staged scenes from the 2000s. “Rego passionately and fiercely opposed the Portuguese dictatorship, using a range of sources for inspiration including advertisements, caricatures and news stories. She also explored folk tales as representations of human psyche and behaviour… Throughout her career, Rego has been fascinated with storytelling and this imbues much of her work.” www.museopicassomalaga.org