How to Prevent Termite Infestation
Termites can be a huge issue if you have them in your home. And despite some people saying that it can only happen in an old home, this is untrue, it can also happen in new homes as well. This is one of the very few pests that continuously eats. In fact, 1 termite colony can eat 2.3 feet of 2.4 pine wood in one single year. Pretty crazy right? This might not sound like that big of a deal, but one thing to consider is that these little guys are not picky, they will eat anything wood which means it could be a 2.4 piece of wood that is a frame on your house or something much more important like a support beam. Termites are one of those pests that can cause a lot of damages - statistics show that in a single year, termites cause over $1billion in damages when it comes to homes alone and that's not even counting other foundations and buildings. Here are a few staggering and jawdropping stats for you so you can understand just how rehabilitating this really is. •
Termites damage approximately 600,000 homes in the U.S. each year.
• U.S. residents spend an estimated $5 billion annually to control termites and repair termite damage. •
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), U.S. residents spend at least $1 billion on Formosan termite control and repairs each year. Some experts estimate the number is closer to $2 billion.
Dry wood termites typically live in regions of the country that do not reach freezing temperatures during the winter.
Subterranean termites can withstand a wider range of temperatures and are able to survive in every state except Alaska.
Formosan termites have been reported throughout the southern United States, including in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
Damp wood termites are primarily found in the Southwest, on the Pacific coast, and in central and southern Florida. Since damp wood termites typically do not infest building structures, they are not included in the following map.
They Like Wood
If you've ever thought that termites only ate wood, you might be surprised to know that this is untrue. They have actually been known to feast on hardwood and brick as well. Hey, if you gotta eat, you gotta eat! Termites also have been known to eat other more odd things as well like dung, vegetation, and other food items, but their all-time favorite thing to it is definitely wood. If you want to prevent infestations of termites or get rid of the ones you have now, here are a few tips in the next section. Preventing or Getting Rid Of Termites There are all sorts of things you can do to prevent or get termites out of your home, away from your home, or by your home. Many different things, below you will find a very long list of things to try out, but if worst comes to worst and nothing is working, you can also hire an exterminator in NJ. Hiring an exterminator may be your best bet b/c there are a number of species of termites common in New Jersey and it will take an expert to determine the proper way to get rid of the termite species that is eating your home. -
Termites, like most other animals, need water to survive. Because of this it’s a good idea to make sure that water leaks are fixed, this includes inside as well as outside as well. If you eliminate their water source, they probably won't survive for very long or they will move on to a location that does have water.
Intense moisture is something that termites love and survive on so if you have any plants, trees, bushes, brush or any sort of vegetation around your home, get rid of it now. Instead, try to create a dry surface area.
If you have things like leftover bricks, wood or even firewood, keep it away from the house. Instead make a location just for these extra materials away from the home. if you don't have the luxury of doing this, consider making a make shift box using a floor, top, and sides using something like metal or concrete slabs to create the box - this is something they will not be able to get through and it’s a good place to put things like extra wood, firewood, bricks and more.
If you have a lot of mulch around the perimeter of your house or you use it for things like trees, bushes and flowers, consider using something else like rubber mulch. Regular wood mulch provides two things for termites; wood and water,
beyond that it’s also incredibly damp under the surface, which is a great place for them to hang out. -
Remove anything that is decaying; this includes things like old dead grass, stumps, roots and even dead trees. Items like this and decay can attract termites and they can be used as a food source for the termites.