Most Common Types of Household Pests
Homeowners tend to have a few things that they are worried about when it comes to their homes, but one of the biggest worries are things that go bump and squeak in the night! Thankfully there are things you can do to prevent and get rid of any pests you might have in your home right now, you just need a little guide like this one to help you along the way. Those of us who live in New Jersey know that there are a few endemic pests that are common to the NJ region, and sometimes getting rid of these pests requires the services of an expert. One of the best things you can do if you have any creepy crawlies or pests is to hire a company that offers pest control in Northern NJ rather than handle it yourself, especially if you have allergies to certain chemicals, have pets or have children. Some of the insecticides, pesticides, sprays and powders these days can be really harmful to breathe in, let alone accidentally eat. Below you will find a list of the most common pests as well as ways to get rid of them IF you want to DIY, most of the things suggested below are not in the danger zone, but some are so it’s something to consider. Ants Galore Ants are one of those pesky pests because sometimes they seem to appear out of nowhere for no reason. But you can be assured that if you have ants they are there for a reason depending on the ant. Ants will pop up just about anywhere and it doesn't matter where you live in the world. However, they do tend to live in areas that are near buildings, have sidewalks, or trees/plants. Ants also have a love for warm and damp locations. Most regular ants like sweet things; honey, peanut butter, chocolate, fruit, seeds, etc. In order to get rid of these guys, consider finding any holes and cracks in your walls and flooring or any other entry points and use caulk or even petroleum jelly to keep them out. A natural option is a mixture of cream of tartar, cinnamon, coffee grinds, dried peppermint or even chili pepper powder - they hate all of these things. Sprinkle a little bit of whatever one of these items you want along entryways. Bees and Wasps
If you are allergic to these is just plain scared of them, having them is not as easy as just leaving the area where they are. Some people are deathly afraid of these and they can become a nuisance if you have a hive somewhere close. Bees tend to be around 1/2 inch to 1 inch long and usually have yellow and black stripes, but carpenter bees can be bluish black in color and have yellow furry patches on their backs. On the other hand, hornets are much larger and are usually black or brown in color with some orange or yellow designs on them. Wasps are much thinner than both and while they look similar to bees with their black and yellow stripes, their stripes are jagged rather than solid. For this specific bug, I would really suggest that you hire a bee charmer or a bee, wasp, hornet professional that can get rid of the nest or hive safely and find ways to prevent them from coming back. One thing you can do is to get a fake hive and hang it close to your home. These types of pests tend to be very territorial so if they sense another nest close by, they will work their way outwards and build further away from the nest. Chiggers If you don't know the name, you would definitely know them by the way they look. Chiggers, are usually found in the United States and they tend to be incredibly small about as small as or smaller than the period at the end of a sentence. These little guys are red in appearance and though they do bite, and it’s itchy, they are not poisonous, just a menace really. Chiggers eat animal blood but supposedly not human blood. In order to prevent these from getting on you, make sure that you wear layers, tuck your pants into your shoes, use bug spray and try to avoid areas that have them whenever possible. If you have to be in a location the same as them, when you go home take a hot shower and wash your clothes in hot water as well. Mice and Rats Besides spiders rats are probably one of the creepiest crawlers you can have at your home. These look and sound nothing like Mickey Mouse. Instead, they tend to be quite scary. Mice are usually smaller in size and are either black, white, gray or even brown. Mice are usually about 2-5 inches long. A lot of fuss and muss for such a little thing right? Well, it gets worse. Rats can be UP to a foot in length, not including the tail and they also come in the same colors. There are quite a few different types of mice and rats around the world. The thing they love the most is garbage, but some mice like field mice will eat other things like corn. If you want to get rid of these guys, either of them; control the environment. Get rid of any trash around the perimeter, seal up holes and cracks both indoors and outdoors, make sure if you have any garbage to go out at night store them in tightly sealed cans where you have to unlatch the lid to get in, etc. If you are still having a problem with them hire a company that offers pest control in NJ. Any and all of these pesky pests can make a person feel paranoid or get Goosebumps, but more importantly, some of them can make your allergies really bad - like rats and one not listed here, cockroaches. Some of these pests can also bring in disease and worse things so if you have them, even if they aren't making you uncomfortable, it’s a good idea to try
and get rid of them anyway unless they have some well-known benefit to mother nature like bees for instance.