5 minute read
home&harvest tarot
Annie Gebel's
Home & Harvest Tarot Reading
The reading in the last issue was about where our energy goes when Spring is just starting - preparing soil, planting seeds. Now, deep into Spring, we can see some of those seeds really taking root. We might also see that there’s more to plant or maybe some weeding that needs to be done. Those are the things this reading is about.
In the last few weeks of Spring, what do you need to release to allow the sun to reach what you’d like to see grow? What haven’t you gotten around to planting, but you know it’s time? What can you see sprouting and growing? Think about these questions, whichever one or more speaks to you right now, and then choose one of the three cards in the picture.
The three cards for this month’s reading are from Rachel True’s True Heart Intuitive Tarot. When you choose your card, take in the imagery and then read my interpretation and find the messages that are meant for you at this time.
The Ace is the first number in each of the minor arcana suits. As the first, it represents new possibilities or beginnings. The suit of swords has to do with the element of air and the concepts of the mind or intellect. In looking at the card, it can seem pretty simply at first - a hand holding a sword. Look closer, though. The framed portion of the background is an open sky with fluffy clouds drifting through. The frame itself is a rich and calm blue color speckled with crowns, swords and a few kinds of leaves. The sword has some decoration to it, both in the hilt and on the blade. The hand holding the sword even carries a few tattoos that could carry messages to you.
So, what is this card telling you? If you’re facing a decision, you have the clarity to make it. If an opportunity is presented to you, you know, intuitively, if it’s a hell yes or a hell no. Your mind is clear and calm and you are able to communicate your thoughts well and easily. This lucidity may shine a clear light on what new seedlings you want to nurture and what is a weed. You may also be able to clearly discern where you have the ability to weed on your own and where you need to call in help.
There can often be a lot of input and noise outside of ourselves and this card is reminding you to look within for the clarity you seek. YOU know and your knowing is the only voice you really need to listen to, even if the new beginning isn’t what everyone expects of you or if you enjoy the dandelions in your yard! Find confidence in knowing you hold the power, mental agility, creative ability, and critical thinking skills to make moves in the direction and support of your goals.
Queen of Discs
Discs is the minor arcana suit that is connected to earth, the physical world, our possessions, and practicality. The Queen is one of the highest cards and stands for subtle certainty and poise. When you look at this card closely, you can see the Queen’s expression, throne, and garments are all beautiful and practical. She is adorned, but not overly done up. She holds a large disc, which could easily represent abundance of spirit and finances. And on the ground in front of her, a snake and a rabbit play in the grass.
In answer to the late Spring questions we were asking today, the Queen could be reminding you that when you have success and abundance, it’s best to pass it on. Whether your green thumb, knowledge you have, or actual financial abundance, think about how you can be generous and practical. You don’t get to be a successful queen by giving away everything, but you gain a lot by sharing what you don’t need. The stately queen could also be suggesting that the seeds have taken root and are growing well and you can relish in that progress. You don’t need to fret or worry all the time. And you need not be serious all of the time either. Take some time to sit, rest, or even frolic, knowing that you planted the seeds and cared for them as they took root. Soon it will be time to harvest, but for now - be content.
3 of Cups
Cups represent the element of water. This suit tells of emotions, feelings, and healing. Looking at this card, you can see there’s a celebration going on but the focus is on the three ladies in the forefront. They’re dressed simply yet colorfully and each is raising a chalice in cheer. The trees are decorated with flowers and lanterns and the sea in the background is still and calm.
This card gives off the energy of Summer. So, perhaps you’re feeling that energy now, even before the season is truly upon us. No need to put off celebration and gathering, if you’re able and willing. In the days of Covid, you don’t want to be reckless and may find you need to be creative in celebrations, but perhaps where you are things are feeling less restrictive. Or perhaps the people you want to celebrate with are already part of your unmasked life and you can step into joy with them without worry. Whatever the case may be, the three of cups is often about the early celebration that something is working the way it should be even though a project hasn’t reached completion. You might also need the message that it’s time to let the daily grind be balanced by social interaction.
Another possibility here is that a new experience may present itself or perhaps a new person is going to enter your life. In either of these situations, you’ll find reason to feel and show joy and optimism regarding these changes! Hopefully you’ve found a message that fits where you are now. If not yet, keep these in mind over the next few weeks and see what plays out. The cards always know what’s up, even when I don’t!