3 minute read
Annie Gebel’s H&H Reading
Annie Gebel’s\\
H&H reading
For the last reading of 2021, I thought we’d choose a card from “believe in your own magic oracle deck,” created by Amanda Lovelace. This sweet deck is gentle, yet firm - with a perfect message to move into the new year with. So, take a few breaths, letting your thoughts move freely and slowly bring them into focus around your desires for 2022. What are you hoping for? What are you planning? What message do you need to hear?
Go ahead and choose your card and let’s see what they say…
From the time we’re young, many of us are taught to look outside ourselves for answers. So, it’s no wonder that as you’re trying to find answers to something in your life, you’ve been seeking advice from others, depending on strategies that others swear by, and trying to find meaning but coming up empty or at least dissatisfied. This card reminds you that you already have the answers. You can be and need to be your own spiritual advisor for a time. There is a time to go to therapy or seek help outside yourself. Right now, though, you’ve got to tune into what you know inside and let that be your map. I’m meditating, reading, driving, cleaning...anything really. Give it a try, if you’re called. Maybe they can help you connect with you too.
One of my favorite ways to connect to my inner wisdom is to listen to whale songs. The first time I did it, it felt really odd. I’ll definitely admit that. Now, though, the songs and sounds of whales soothe and relax me and I love having them on while meditating, reading, driving, cleaning... anything really. Give it a try, if you’re called. Maybe they can help you connect with you too.
This card is a reminder that your desire is enough to go for what you want. You don’t need to explain to anyone or meet anyone else’s expectations of you. Especially if you’re healing from something, be sure your recovery is centered around you and not what others want for you. Even in daily life, though, we all need this reminder sometimes, to live our lives for ourselves.
Are you scheduling your life around the kids’ activities? Do you go to work early and stay late? Do you want to change your hair or wear a different color or try a new hobby? When it comes down to it, you’re the only one holding you back - in most situations. I’m not suggesting you shirk all your responsibilities and go vacation on the beach for a month, but if that’s what would make you feel fully YOU right now, can you begin to plan for a vacation or bring some beach foods into your meal planning or throw on your sundress, even if there’s snow on the ground? Do it - something, anything - for you. You’re worth it.
If you’ve been reading along, this card and the last one may seem (and are) related. The Sundress card is a reminder to do things for yourself. This card contains a message to let other people’s opinions stay their own! It’s a little sassier. Just like you look at someone’s life (parenting choices, relationship choices, job choices) and judge them a little, others will look at your decisions and feel the need to let you know how they think you should actually be living your life. This card turned up for you to remind you that whatever they say and whoever they are - they’re opinions say more about them and societal norms than about you. So, do you boo!
Make choices that you’re proud of and feel good about. Try not to rebel and simply choose to go all the way the other way from whatever they think you should be doing - but really truly tune in to your desires and let them come out in your daily life. Your opinion is the only approval you need.
Whether one or more or none of these cards speaks to you about your year ahead, I hope it’s one you step into intentionally. Be well, friends.