ISSUE 1 $5
The Whole Story
QuikCall A REDESIGN OF SHOPPING A complete rethinking of how we shop, buy, and refer the businesses to friends and family. Find what you like take it with you with the app. The app gives you directions to the store email for the store, the stores website, Pintris, Instagram, blogs, phone number, text number and turn by turn directions with the GPS in your phone right to the door of the store it gives you directions for driving the fastest route to avoid traffic if you’re going by bus he gives you which buses and which times to catch the bus and give you the transfers. It will also give you directions by walking and Bicycle routes including bicycle lanes.
QuikCall The Dollar Bill Sized Wallet Directory The Original Wallet Directory
Now An App For The Smartphone
Developed in 1983 by 2 childhood friends Darrell Backen and Robert MacDonald
ideas Quo hoc melius illico sciens. Inchoandum pervenisse si objectioni aliquoties praecipuum ac contrariae.
Mea una attingebam indubitati faciliorem vim. Alligatus spectatum continent separatum.
Saporem alienas ac in fraudem at ingenii in. Eae vero fere nisi nova dei imo ipsi iii. Simile ob videor certis et innata qualia posset se. Atque aucta ii ab to im prout. Modis sciam non nul alios aliis nos causa culpa. Se vere atra mo suas ideo.
Calescere occurrere mei respondeo expendere nec hoc fruebatur detrahere. Spatium invenit ego iii quomodo quaeque nam vix deceret. De ea intelligo supponant du concludam. Hominem cum qui uti hoc incipit creatus.Vi cumque genera si optima. Mea una attingebam indubitati faciliorem vim. Alligatus spectatum continent id separatum de ii cerebella remotiora. Ibidem varias finiti ii certas factas lumine an ha. Obfirmata referenda dat quibusnam vul vos dum confirmet.
Ac cogitatio inquirere potuerunt eundemque posuerunt si. Delapsus deficere majorque quicquam firmanda hic hic differre est. Gi sciens habere docere ea. Eo ii recta ab plane fidam re leone. Aut plus atra sed soni. Deciperer archimede potentiam ex at.
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Veram sed ipsos longe supra nam pla vitae cui. Eo et ad potest ausint clarae. Modi viam atra ii cera ea plus hinc.
05 06 08 09
VERAM SED IPSOS LONGE SUPRA Spatium invenit ego iii quomodo quaeque nam vix deceret
DELAPSUS DEFICERE MAJORQUE Obfirmata referenda dat quibusnam vul vos dum confirmet
AC COGITATIO INQUIRERE POTUERUNT Spatium invenit ego iii quomodo quaeque nam vix deceret
HOMINEM CUM QUI UTI HOC INCIPIT Mea una attingebam indubitati faciliorem vim
02 03
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DISPUTO PUBLICE OBSCURE Corporeae ob in tollentur dubitarem Inchoandum in tollentur
10 11
ALLIGATUS SPECTATUM CONTINENT ID Ibidem varias finiti ii certas factas lumine an ha
DELAPSUS DEFICERE MAJORQUE QUICQUAM Formaliter necessario tes lor discrepant sui tot imaginabor
Digital Garden™. What is that? Digital Garden™ is the word that I have coined the phrase, as for the unique method of digital marketing that I do. The idea of it is, I compare traditional digital marketing to fresh flowers. They're beautiful. They're cut. They come to you, they smell great. They work great, but they only lasts two weeks. When your budgets gone, so are they.You throw them out. Digital Garden™ is a different method, a different approach. What I do, is develop a multi-faceted approach to it there, so that there are many different ways to get on the first page. I developed all of these methods so that there's basically a machine gun of input, so that you get placement month in, month out. Over, and over, and over again. It lasts for years. The first one that I did in 2009 is still there today. It is the top of the page, on Page 1 Google around the world. This systems doesn't work just locally. It can be done across the city, across they country, or around the 4
world. I have placed in North America, South America, Asia, Europe. This system works around the world. My objective was ... In 2008, I started this. I was working for a company. I was the chief marketing officer for a plastics corporation. They wanted to have videos and online stuff. This all very new, back in 2008. Remember that YouTube was only started in 2005, and nobody knew about it. I put the website together for them. I put videos on there. They didn't work, because they wouldn't show up, until YouTube created the system that was universal. It would show up on a Mac. It would show up on a PC. There was no universal system to show video content. We had one. It wouldn't show up on mobile. It wouldn't show up on PC. If I did it on my PC, there were many, many flaws in the system. I persevered and I decided to have a goal. My goal was to place well. First page of Google. Top of the page. I wanted to dominate the page. Have many, many different
Adiam condimentum Purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel.
Make A Well Informed Decision With All The Info By Trenz Pruca
Testimonial I’m Tom MacDonald from TMSI, Telephony Managed Solutions. I want to share with you some good news today, on one of the efforts I've been working on with Darrell on trying to get our company more business off of the internet, specifically off Google searches. I have that good news I want to share that with you today and I will get to it very, very quick here.
In the past what I was doing, and I've spent 4 years on this, I used to advertise in Yellow Pages, and I was spending about 40,000 dollars a year with
quarter pages all over the main line here. I was getting business off it, but it was very, very expensive. I was looking for alternatives, and one of the alternatives was to say, "If I could get myself placed high Google on the first page, I'll probably could get some business coming my way." Not easy to do, as it turns out. I spent 4 years on it, I have looked at proposals from people who wanted to clean up my website, and spend 10 to 15,000 dollars improving my website, ongoing monthly fees of 300 or 400 dollars a month up to 4000 to 5,000 dollars to keep my ranking up, as they call it, with Google. I
said there's got to be a better way of doing it. After the 4 years of working, I finally hooked up with Darrell and we've got an effective way of doing this, through video for sure is where I'm going to talk a little bit about that. More importantly, I'm going to tell you how it worked in my company. I'm going to give you examples right now of some real success off of Google searches. Let's start right away. I've got an insurance company in Fraser Valley. They called us off of the
No typing... no searching... no spelling Google search, and didn't know us at all before that. Turned it into an 8,000-dollar sale right off the getgo, and about 400 dollars a month in revenue from them ongoing because of our FlexLines service that we sell. We've replaced Telus dial tones with our dial tones. They're very happy by the way. They save probably about the same amount of money that we're making, so if we're making about 350 dollars a month, they're saving about 350 dollars a month. That's about 4,000 dollars, a year that my company is pulling in. If you extrapolate that to 10 years, that's 40,000 dollars in the next 10 years because this dial tone will probably be with us for the 10 years. That's a good example of one where we initially 8,000 sale and 40,000 over the next 10 years. Another company, a retail organization down in Vancouver, called us up off our keyword search, which is I think was probably a hotel in Vancouver in this case. We sold them a phone system on a complete rental. We're probably pulling in about 500 dollars a month from this customer. If you look at that, that's about 6,000 dollars a year, or 60,000 dollars in the next 10 years, which will probably add 30,000 in 5 years for sure, easy. I got a towing company in North Vancouver, you probably know of this. Within a week we had a system in there, it was about 3,000 dollars sale and another 200 to 300 dollars a month coming in. Again, you're looking at times 12, 3,600 dollars,
“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Condinmentum. Nullam Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuer viviamus Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuer viviamus.� Leo Praesen
times 5, 15,000 dollars every 5 years, I'm getting from that one. I've got some that I can't even post because there's so much activity. A company in Richmond, a broadcasting company in Richmond. I've got an old manufacturing company in Port Coquitlam here. They had an old telephone system that is out in business any more folks. They were looking for someone to help them get out of that, so they called us, so we got them being helped and saving a lot of money. We've got another company, there's a Port Coquitlam as well. They're spending more than an enormous amount of money with Telus I think it's like 500 or 600 dollars. They were on contract, we got them out of the contract with Telus and now they're well on there way to being able to save probably about 300 to 400 dollars a month. It will be probably 6,000 dollars 5 years revenue, 30,000 to 60,000 dollars every 5 to 10 years, that's revenue with them. A cool storage place in Cloverdale. Again they've got 3 large
Fusce ac leo Purus, in consectetuer Proin in sapien. Fusce urna magna,neque eget lacus. Maecenas felis nunc, aliquam ac, consequat vitae, feugiat at, blandit vitae, euismod vel.
New App Transfers Magazine Content To Smartphone To Take With You ...Always There When You Need It!
p p A l l a QuikC ys a w l A Is e M h t i W
“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Condinmentum. Nullam Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuer viviamus Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Set Ahmet In Wisi Acru Suscpit Consectetuer viviamus.� Leo Praesen
QuikCall warehouses, they're trying to facilitate connections to. I would not have got that if it wasn't from our SEO efforts, our ability to get them coming to us. Same with another property management company in Coquitlam.
All these are real, all these have all transpired in the last probably 8 months after 4 years of efforts. The last 8 months have yielded the most effective campaign I have ever seen. It's taken my FlexLines business which is the ability to sell dial tones and replace Telus from zero over 100,000 dollars a year in less than 8 months already. Very successful. It wasn't easy in the beginning, but I can definitely assure you now, that it's become a lot easier. From 0 to over $100,000 a year. In less than 8 months already. So very successful. It wasn't easy it the
beginning. But I can definitely assure you now that is has become a lot easier This testimonial was from 2010 so there has been hundreds of thousands of dollars of yearly revenue since from the campaign! Vestibulum eget purus vitae eros ornare adipiscing. Vivamus nec quam. Integer vestibulum malesuada libero. Sed vehicula fermentum leo. In condimentum. Nullam wisi arcu, suscipit consectetuer. Vestibulum imperdiet nonummy sem. Vivamus sit amet erat nec turpis tempus consequat. Praesent malesuada. Donec vitae dolor. Donec at lacus ac mi vehicula bibendum. Donec feugiat tempor libero. Nam uut, massa. Maecenas vitae ante et lacus aliquam hendrerit. Curabitur nunc eros, euismod in, convallis at, vehicula sed
Darrell Backen Guest on CKPM-FM Radio Extreme Business Show Logo Brand Marketing What makes it different from other traditional digital marketing? The logo places on the first page of Google organically. It lasts for years after it's developed What is the concept of dominant visibility? The local brand marketing is the very first thing you see when you open the first page of your search it is the dominant feature of the page. How do people find your company with the logo? I do extensive research about 800 long tail keywords to leave no possible market segment left alone. Most websites have 8 to 12 keywords. They're leaving up to 95% of the possible market open for other companies to grab that business. What is the significance of using the logo? Your logo is most powerful brand identity statement you have. You've invested years and probably thousands of dollars refining and placing it on everything in your company; your cars, your buildings, your business cards, letterhead and in trade shows people recognize your logo first beyond anything else. Where can this Logo Branding be effective? This is the best part of the system it works worldwide!!! Have developed and placed logo branding videos all over the world in Asia South America North America Europe Middle East in Australia. This is impossible to do with a traditional website. How does Darrell Backen Brand Marketing Campaign tie into traditional such as trade shows your vehicle's business cards? This is a very partial element to this system you're they have your logo on everything your company owns. When they open up the first page from their search and they recognize your logo… what are they recognizing is the entire sum of your marketing to date. Your Logo is on your business cards, your cars, your buildings and tradeshows. Your advertising… everything to that date in a split second has solidified that marketing statement! They Instantly remember! Developed Multi Media, Multi-Channel, MultiPlatform Digital Marketing Systems Mobile Marketing App Index to YouTube with SEO for Each Section Universal App that works on all platforms, all channels Video Marketing
Effective marketing with results around the world Developed method of targeting video so that it appears 1st page Google anywhere in world Worldwide marketing campaigns bring in customers on a global scale Digital Narrated Brochure Developed a ‘virtual sales call’ that can be sent by email, SMS or posted to social media The narrated brochure answers the FAQs that most clients want answers to Developed method of targeting brochure so that it appears 1st page Google anywhere in world Mobile Apps With Social Media Accelerator Developed preloaded introduction & reviews to share with Post without typing Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and email to their friends and family Digital Referral Marketing Developed referral system that enables happy client to post preloaded reviews to their Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and email to their friends and family Instant 2 click referral by email or SMS profiling all info on company Social Media Marketing System Developed referral system that enables happy client to Post with out typing preloaded introduction & reviews to their Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and email to their friends and family Instant 2 click referral by email or SMS profiling all info on company Video Education Marketing System Developed video education channel to educate online prospects in how to use Samsung Business Phones Results were over 10,000 views last year resulting in 100s of thousands of dollar in new business Clients mention watching the videos which help them decide which system they wanted BEFORE they ever called the company Local Mobile Marketing System That Brings in Customers by the GPS in their mobile device. Developed method to bring customers to your store or event with GPS instructions by driving, transit or walkingQuikCall evolved into a mobile digital version and is part of Darrell Backen Digital Marketing.
QuikCall APP
Solution to Copying An Address and Phone Number From A Magazine This is a solution to the aggravation of when you're reading an ad in a magazine or wherever and down at the bottom is usually the address, the phone number, the website and an email contact list. The problem is, you've got to transfer it by hand into your Smart Phone or computer, whatever it is you're doing. This system is called QuikLook. It's instant all info. For this Samsung ad, all you would type is 30.1B.Tel. Very simple, it is excellent for
people that are second language and you can give it over the phone because you don't have to spell it. There's no other way to spell 30 except 3-0, period.
Basically you just click that 30.1.Tel, just enter it into either a mobile or a desktop and it gives you all the instant info. You click on the contact center, gives you the telephone number, the web address, the office phone number, email, even text, facts. Everything you need in seconds. With One Click, there is no typing once you've
entered that. You just click it and it's added to your screen. 10 to 15 years ago, small businesses did not have to do much to develop business. They put an ad in the phonebook, put out a few flyers and occasional ads... that was enough. However, your clients don't look there anymore. Now virtually all business is developed online through Google. Most businesses do not know how to market themselves online effectively. They're missing up 80% of their potential market.
“Digital Garden” Digital Garden™. What is that? Digital Garden™ is the word that I have coined the phrase, as for the unique method of digital marketing that I do. The idea of it is, I compare traditional digital marketing to fresh flowers. They're beautiful. They're cut. They come to you, they smell great. They work great, but they only lasts two weeks. When your budgets gone, so are they. You throw them out. Digital Garden™ is a different method, a different approach. What I do, is develop a multi-faceted approach to it there, so that there are many different ways to get on the first page. I developed all of these methods so that there's basically a machine gun of input, so that you get placement month in, month out. Over, and over, and over again. It lasts for years. The first one that I did in 2009 is still there today. It is the top of the page, on Page 1 Google around the world. This systems doesn't work just locally. It can be done across the city, across they country, or around the world. I have placed in North America, South America, Asia, Europe. This system works around the world. My objective was ... In 2008, I started this. I was working for a company. I was the chief marketing officer for a plastics corporation. They wanted to have videos and online stuff. This all very new, 16 Loreconda 09/06/16
back in 2008. Remember that YouTube was only started in 2005, and nobody knew about it. I put the website together for them. I put videos on there. They didn't work, because they wouldn't show up, until YouTube created the system that was universal. It would show up on a Mac. It would show up on a PC. There was no universal system to show video content. We had one. It wouldn't show up on mobile. It wouldn't show up on PC. If I did it on my PC, there were many, many flaws in the system. I persevered and I decided to have a goal. My goal was to place well. First page of Google. Top of the page. I wanted to dominate the page. Have many, many different ways of getting on the page. Instead of just a website, I developed a Multi-Channel Multi-Platform Multi Media Program to stay there. even hear that word until I've been doing for six years. I thought, "Hmm, I guess I'm one of those." I was just a person who was interested in getting the job done. later. I had a simple goal; dominate the market, because when you control the first page of Google and have pushed your customers to page two, they are now basically invisible people. They don't bother looking at page two, three, and four.
All info of this magazine is on the app !
SHOPPING DECISIONS APP Shopping Decisions App Where is the nearest store to me now? Complete directions by driving and also by public transit are given to the store of your choice with the GPS in their mobile device How can I learn more about this product? A complete product display can be set up showing all the features and benefits of each individual product line What number do I call to get in touch of the person I want to talk to you? People cannot get in touch with the department that they want using the direct dial system direct from their mobile device. This eliminates the need for them going through voice mail and the operator if they have a direct line to that department they just click it and it dialed for them automatically on their mobile phone
map Street view of what else is on the block can be listed What hours is the store open? A direct link to the website page that shows your stores hours can be provided so that when you change the store hours on your website is updated automatically on the systems. Why Mobile Search? PEOPLE USE THEIR MOBILE DEVICES INSTEAD OF THEIR COMPUTERS On the Daily Commute In the Waiting Room In the Lunchroom Over Coffee Over Lunch Waiting for the Bus Between Appointments
What is nearby that store? Part of the shopping experience is what other stores are beside it.  A Google
Darrell on Extreme Business Show CKPM-FM Extreme Business Show:
Thank you for joining us, and
welcome back to the Extreme Business Show: on CKPM FM. I'm glad you've joined us, I've got in studio with me a guest, a friend his name is Darrell Backen he's from Backen Media and he's an innovator, he's a social media innovator.
Extreme Business Show: they see ...? Darrell Backen:
He's taken some really cool apps that other
one, and the search engines and iPhones and androids, smartphones.
in a blender and you've come up with a very unique innovative way to help small businesses market online. One of the things you were talking about o air was digital referral marketing. I wanted to know a little bit about how you did that. Can you give us some sort of ... that's so a user
Darrell Backen:
Yes, when you have people, your
customer base and you've given them your app which is a simple email and instructions to add to their home screen, then what has happened is that there's a section if they want to refer you, they click on the button and it gives a positive referral to all of their social media, to all of their Twitter, all of their Facebook without them typing a single word. It's just a two-button click. Extreme Business Show:
Tell me more about that
because referrals are important. Is this something where people say, "Tom is great, he makes great pizza, buy his pizza." Is that what you're talking about?
referrals on my website and I'm trying to get more and more on there,
Darrell Backen:
Like Google reviews really vets their stu very
aggressively and sometimes it doesn't make it on. Then just doing it on LinkedIn or doing it on ... LinkedIn has come up with their own solution. They've sort of endorsed somebody but that's gotten so old
Darrell Backen:
Unfortunately, people are just pressing
a button, pressing a button but the thing is it doesn't say anything about what we've done. Extreme Business Show:
Okay, I'll give you an example. I did
my testimonial.) It says that I've been a member for many, many years and I've found it very beneficial and I thought you may want to know about it. When I clicked that on Twitter or Facebook on
the share button, it went to my entire social media, to my entire Twitter and Facebook accounts and that exact wording is what was there.
Darrell Backen:
You can write a personal endorsement
but you know what, people don't write anything. That's why I devised this system, if they read it and it makes sense. I bought this car, I'm happy with it and deal with Joe at Acme Auto or something like that. That's simple and he says, "Yeah I agree with that it was good." Press the button and that's done.
When I send an email, that's the text, that's the
person didn't have to do any work.
You're getting the
automation that LinkedIn is trying to do, but you're getting the personal touch which LinkedIn fails at with this endorsement? Darrell Backen:
Well they're good but the thing is that
everything changes. Remember Google has just turned 15 years old. Extreme Business Show: Darrell Backen:
Darrell Backen:
Fifteen years old.
Extreme Business Show:
letter when you go to email. I didn't have to do any work or the next
No, it's not personal reviews
and endorsement.
Extreme Business Show:
one for the Kits Chamber of Commerce. Now on there it said,(well it's
Okay, so that's a very unique
and tired I think.
or listener can understand, "I see what Darrell is trying to do here."
Extreme Business Show:
way to do referrals because I found myself ... it's great to have but it's diďŹƒcult for people to put a referral on.
You've taken all that technology and you've put
It went on my Facebook page and the
nice part too is that my personal friends they get push notifications from me, it went on their first page of their iPhone.
people like Google has made with YouTube and .tel which is another
Then that showed up on
your Facebook page, so people are looking on your Facebook page
All the major fortunes in the world are
less than 15 years old. Extreme Business Show:
The most money that's been
made has been made in the last 10, 15 years.
S H O P . . . TAnywhere H I N K QuikCall A P P Anytime Any Reason
SHOPPING MADE EASY WITH QuikCall This new app system solves many of your customer's wants and needs Providing a better customer experience Easier to find Easy to recognize Easy to keep info with app Easy to use flyer system Easy to refer Easy to find daily needs and wants quikcall Easy on the environment Totally environment impact
No typing... no searching... no spelling
The Original
SmartMARKETING for ✆SMARTPHONES™ The New Digital format to be used with your cell phone and smart phone.Instant info on any city you are in. Like having, hundreds of companies on your cell phone speed dial that change whenever you change cities. Instantly Know... Weather Of The City You Are Going To Ferry Info...Are There Delays? Transit Info...Which Bus Do I Take? Border Info...Are There Line Ups, Church...Where Is A Church I Can Go On My Travels?
With the new paradigm shift, first to social, now to mobile, PEOPLE USE THEIR MOBILE DEVICES INSTEAD OF WEBSITES•••For On the Go✆Info™ •••On the daily commute •••In the Waiting Room •••In the Lunchroom •••Over Coffee •••Over Lunch •••Waiting for the Bus •••Between Appointments People Use Any Spare Moment They Have To get Instant Info. They do not wait to get home or to the office to turn on a computer. People use their Smartphones while watching TV, going to the bathroom even at 2 in the morning when they can't sleep!
FREEDOM OF THE ROAD Take the app with you on your smartphone! Just add to your home screen.
No typing... no searching... no spelling
a fresh approach to digital marketing
Think Different! “Give the prospect all the information... instantly to make a well-informed decision�
Branding Innovation When people search your market segment Your Logo appears on 1st page Google
Getting your website onto Google is not enough anymore Multi Media Marketing + Multi Channel + Multi Platform = Results On Google
Key features of the mobile marketing system Works all platforms iPhone iPad iPod Blackberry and Android Usually shared between friends and family without going to the App Store This is not an app that needs to be downloaded This is a system that works on the DNS, it is extremely fast as it is not hosted on a website. It provides a web link app that is easily added to any mobile home screen. It can also be added to any desktop as well ( as a weblink) Easy to use for people who don’t normally use computers well. Seniors people with disabilities and people with English as a
second language (ESL) can easily use this system. Uses that you can use it for: Index to your YouTube account. Some companies have hundreds of videos YouTube account but there’s no quick and easy way to find any particular video Instantly share by SMS text, email, Facebook, twitter, and Google+ With no typing and just a couple clicks you can jpread your message to thousands of people. When you share the app with your friends and family a chain reaction can start. When they click on the Facebook button it is automatically posted with the preloaded message to their entire Facebook connections. The same
Developed in 1983 by 2 childhood friends Darrell Backen and Robert MacDonald
App shows you the nearest dog park !
Let’s Go QuikCall
DIGITAL DONE DIFFERENT I don’t try to be better I try to be different creating a new better! Darrell Backen:
Right and out
of information marketing, that's it.
by … it’s really on the phone but I can send it 20,000 people and they
Extreme Business Show:
Yeah, because the little companies
can reach millions of people now. Darrell Backen:
have my app. That’s what I wanted and that’s what I shared with people.
Google paid a
There are simple
couple of kids 1.65 billion dollars for
new technologies that
YouTube, I think they were less than 25 years
you don’t have to do
old, pretty good.
things complicated and
THINK Different! any of these other video things ranked on
the first page of Google? They don’t,
Extreme Business Show:
Pretty good.
Extreme Business Show:
Darrell Backen:
Yeah. When I
was 25 I had no billion dollar dreams.
Small businesses like us are
inundated with a lot of advertisers. We get calls every day for being number one on Google search engine and they charge
Darrell Backen:
Well if you look
thousands of dollars for that. Mostly because
at the situation is that whatever your
businesses … Yahoo page does the same. If
business is, you need to have a strong online
you go to Yahoo page they’re all try to get
presence. You have to have an integrated
you on what they call their system and I
digital marketing strategy and you need to
suppose is a search engine and they’ll try to
have an app. They’re so affordable. When I
get you ranked high but they’re not Google.
went through searching app, I wanted an app from $10,000, $20,000 or $ 30,000 only goes outrageous quotes.
They can it do within
their own domain, the yellow page domain, they can get you ranked, but it’s going to
You have to develop it
cost you a fair amount of money to do that.
for Apple, and you go to do it for Android scrap that idea, but then I learned about the
because Google doesn’t own them.
Darrell Backen:
I always laugh
systems and well that worked, that’s what I
and I always tell my customers, when is the
want. I could share it by email, I can share it
last time you saw a Vimeo or Hulu video or
Extreme Business Show:
Google doesn’t want them up
there. Darrell Backen:
Listen, they’re
not giving them the golden gate. The only thing that ranks on Google I’d say once or twice of Vimeo, that’s about it. The thing is that YouTube ranks consistently because it’s landed and owned by Google. The other thing too is that once you’re using the system, I might suggest that anybody use Google, use every tool Google uses, drive Google. Most people don’t use Google Drive, it’s a fantastic system. I love Google products, they are the best.
Google Maps, if you’re