HOME GROWN Parenting in the North
Interview With Natalie Rocheleau Of Northern Lotus Yoga
Make Your Own Laundry Detergent
Top Ten Reasons to Have a Midwife
A Dream Room For Sick Children Breastfeeding Advice
August 1 2011 - Issue #2 Volume 1
Hospital Checklist For The Mamma To Be
How to Decide on Childcare!
HG 1
Meet The Writers
Interview with Natalie Rocheleau Of Northern Lotus Yoga
Home Decorating A Room for Sick Children
10-1 3
What Should I Do Today? Bugs and Insects
14-1 5
Lady of the House What it Takes to Make a Home
Top Ten Benefits of Having a Midwife
Birth Tales A Perfect Birth
Birth Tales A Home Birth
Bellies and Babies Perseverance
16-1 8
July’s Birth Announcements
A Tool for Breastfeeding
Our Facebook Fans are Talking
Hospital Check List for the Expecting Mother
Living Green Dirty Laundry
22-2 4
Make Your Own Laundry Detergent
Product Review Northern Alps Laundry Detergent
Farm Fresh The Mountjoy Farmers Market
Mommy Moment Clearing the Air
Child Care What Type of Childcare is Right For You?
30-3 1
Love And Learning The Beginning
Sweet Face Has a great inventory of eco-friendly products.
Editors Notes July.... What a Month By Kayleigh May
This month started with a Bang! July 1st I had the opportunity to photograph a birth, what an amazing experience. The rest of July was very busy for me as well. My family and I went to Toronto for a weekend. The drive there was long, but we enjoyed the journey. It was fun to sing and play games with my two boys. by the end of the drive we all just wanted to sleep. We went out for dinner at Red Lobster, the next day we walked around downtown. I took in some shopping and enjoyed being in big city. However, being amongst the multitude of people made me very thankful that I don’t live in a large city. I felt very claustrophobic in the Eaton Center and couldn’t wait to get out, but not without my Victoria’s Secret bag in the one hand and a Disney Store bag in the other. We have spent the first half of our summer as a family outdoors enjoying the weather and the water. My youngest son got his first tooth and his second, learned to stand, and took his first steps. Being a mother of two boys I am always tired, they play until they pass out, and I pass out as well. Let me know how you plan on spending the rest of your summer, how many of you have gone camping?
Kayleigh May, Is the editor of Home Grown Parenting in the North. She is the owner of All Things That Grow Photography. With two boys aged 2 and 10 months old. She is a very busy mother, wife and photographer. Kayleigh loves working with pregnant women and newborns.
E-mail me at kayleighmay.homegrown@gmail.com
EDITOR: Kayleigh May De Cecco Assistant Editor: Chantal Warren Writers Christine South Christine.homegrown@gmail.com Lady of the House, Bellies and Babies - Julie-Anne Mauno Julieanne.homegrown@gmail.com Living Green - Chantal Warren Chantal.homegrown@gmail.com Home Decorating - Heather Cote Heather.homegrown@gmail.com Love And Learning - Tessa Morrissette Tessa.homegrown@gmail.com Child Care - Natalie Cloutier natcloutier.homegrown@gmail.com Editors Notes, - Kayleigh May De Cecco Kayleighmay.homegrown@gmail.com
Here at Home Grown we are always looking for Writers. If you have an interesting topic that you think would benefit the magazine please e-mail either Kayleigh May or Chantal and we will be happy to review your idea.
Meet Our Writers ! Chantal is an eco-conscious entrepreneur who splits her time between being a mom
to two and operating a natural baby boutique in the City of Timmins. Her desires to live a more natural life have provided her the knowledge, experience and contacts to
reduce her family’s carbon footprint on the planet.
Chantal Warren Julie-Anne is a stay-at-home mom to six beautiful children in rural Northern Ontario. Her adventures include large family mothering, homeschooling, and rural living. As an experienced childbirth educator and doula, she desires to encourage other mothers, especially through the childbearing years. She also writes at www.fruitfulvines.blogspot.com.
Julie-Anne Mauno
Christine South is a married mother of 4 beautiful children. She is a qualified teacher and works occasionally with the NCDSB in Timmins. She spends most of her time with her family, enjoying the roller coaster ride of being a mother. Her husband works out of town as a Mechanic 4 weeks at a time, so she holds down the fort at home, juggling a 9 year old, a 5 year old, a 2 year old and a newborn. If there's one thing this lady is good at it's multi-
Christine South
Heather is mom to 2 school-aged kids and works from home as an interior
decorator. She is the owner of Stylish Solutions, a decorating business in Timmins.
Heather Cote
Tessa is the mom of a beautiful 2 and half-year-old boy and is expecting her
second baby in January. She has a background in Early Childhood Education and Child Development with a specialty for children with special needs. Her greatest joy
is raising her son and spending time with her family and looks forward to the many
rewards and challenges her expanding family with bring to her life.
Tessa Morrissette Natalie is a stay at home mother of three beautiful little girls. She runs an in-
home private daycare and has done so for the last 6 years. Working with children
has taught her many things but the best is to watch the children she cares for and
her own become loving, respectful, independent and ready to take on the world, one
grade at a time. She enjoys the outdoors, singing and of course, spending time with
Natalie Cloutier
her family.
Northern Lotus Yoga
Phone number: 531-2460 Email: northern_lotus@yahoo.ca Website: www.northernlotusyogastudio.webs.com
Natalie Anise Rocheleau Owner of Northern Lotus Yoga Interviewed by: Kayleigh May All things that grow% Photography(
All things that grow% Photography(
Name: Natalie Anise Rocheleau Age: October 21 1989 - age 21 Favorite Colour: Red
Favorite saying? If you can Breathe you can do yoga! and Decide what you want, believe you deserve it and let it manifest! (authors unkown)
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Favorite Food: Italian food & East Indian Food
Why did you decide to become a yoga instructor? I decided to Favorite Music: I like all music, it become a yoga teacher because I depends on my mood! Right now it is wasn’t sure what I wanted to do for Blutech, MC Yogi, Dobacaracol. One University so I took a couple of Band that has stuck with me all of my years to get certified and voila! I life and that I can listen to over and have found my path/career...it is over are the Cranberries. Currently I something that i enjoy thoroughly enjoy listening to a lot of Dub, and has given me the chance to Electronic music. spend time with my daughter and be the two best things i can do be a If you could meet anyone in the mother and a yoga teacher :) world who would it be and why? If Anyone that breathes can do yoga, I were to meet anyone in the world I because yoga is not about the would want to meet Gurmukh physical aspect of how flexible or (famous female Kundalini Yoga strong someone is, its about the teacher) I'm sure she would be very focus, the breath and the mind and interesting and have much insight and spirit. Yoga is discovering ourselves give amazing teachings if I were to in a true light, that we are all one, no meet her! She seems like a very matter how different we may be empowering woman! Also I would physically yoga is the union that love to meet Eve Ensler the woman makes us infinite beings....its an who created the Vagina Monologues I amazing journey. bet she would be a blast to be around and also another empowering woman!
Who can do Yoga? As I said before, if you can breathe you can do yoga!
What are the benefits of yoga for pregnant women? There is a multitude that can’t be described because with yoga you have to practice it to discover the benefits. But common benefits are building endurance, strength, allows you to “If you can breathe, You breathe easier, helps with acid can do Yoga” reflux, allows time for yourself to connect with your unborn child, it allows you to connect with your own body to understand and enjoy the changes that are happening throughout pregnancy, helps relieve pain/strain in the body, helps blood circulation, can reduce or prevent varicose veins, All things that grow% can help to prepare the woman for Photography( labour and birth, yoga can teach a woman to breathe easier, focus better and channel their energy in Intimidation can be a more positive way, promotes veggies, fruits etc. However if you overcome by trying it, hormone balance, allows are a meat eater it is surrendering and pushing past the relaxation... just to name a few! recommended to eat lean/white limitations you may be setting up meats no red meats as it is easier for yourself by telling yourself What are the benefits for for your body to digest fish/ you are intimidated. Instead tell children? Benefits of yoga in chicken/turkey etc. yourself it is possible, you can do Children: helps children to focus better, teaches children how to What would you say to someone it! (Because you can, if your breathing you can do yoga). relax, connects children to their who is intimidated by yoga? If bodies and they learn how to look someone came to me saying they at themselves and their bodies were intimidated by yoga, I would What do you find rewarding more positively, brings circulation explain that first of all yoga can be about being a yoga instructor? The most rewarding thing about to the blood stream, teaches done by anyone, it is a nonchildren to breathe better which in competitive healthy activity. Yoga being an instructor is helping turn can help with conditions such is a personal experience it is about people, helping people feel good. as Anxiety, ADHD, hyperactivity, the journey, not the destination so The best reward is seeing the serene look on peoples faces after obesity etc. raises confidence in that would translate its not how children, balances energy perfect a pose can be done but it’s a class. I enjoy uplifting people and as an instructor my job is to levels...again many more benefits about feeling the pose and make students work hard in their that are discovered through experiencing it in that moment, practice. it’s about paying attention to and individual way and to help them realize they can uplift themselves respecting your body throughout through practicing yoga! What kind of diet do you the poses and movement recommend for those who do throughout a yoga session. Yoga yoga? The recommended diet for promotes awareness of yourself yoga practitioners: is generally and compassion for your inner self more of a Vegetarian Diet. Lots of as well as your outer self.
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How did you come up with the idea of the Lovely Lotus Ladies? Lovely Lotus Ladies (originally Lovely Lotus Gatherings) came to me once I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Annabelle Veda. I've always had a connection with women, I've always enjoyed being with women and helping/uplifting women. I wanted something that would help me feel empowered about becoming a mother and have others to celebrate motherhood/womanhood. So I came up with this group idea to do just that. My hopes for LLL would be that as a group we do more things to help other mothers/women who may be single parents, or just to help women who are less fortunate then others, whether it being that they don’t have anyone to lend a hand to them, where we could be their 'surrogate sisters'.
Who can join the LLL ? Any mother-to-be, new mother or seasoned mother can join LLL. It is a group of women to make friendships, networks, do activities, charity work etc. A group where motherhood and womanhood is celebrated together as a group. It's a great way to meet fellow mothers whether you already have lots of friends or if you are an isolated woman who needs to get out and make some connections. Women and children welcome! Of course the men in these women's lives are
“ I've always had a connection with women, I've always enjoyed being with women and helping/uplifting women”
welcome to meet the other men as well! Where can I find the LLL, who do I contact to join? Contact Natalie Anise Rocheleau 705 531 2460 or northern_lotus@yahoo.ca Kayleigh May De Cecco kayleighmay.homegrown@gmail.com or Look up the Lovely Lotus Ladies on Facebook.
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Home Decorating
A Dream Room for Sick Kids By Heather Cote
One thing no parent wants to hear is that their child has a critical or chronic illness. But what if you could transform how a chronically ill child feels or even heals? Each year our networking group, Designers Unlimited, redesigns a room to benefit a child with a serious illness. Besides being business owners, the women in the group are all mothers, so the cause is especially important to us. Our goal is to create a healing environment for each of the children based on their unique needs and interests, giving them a new space that will improve their quality of life and aid in the recovery process. They spend so much time in the hospital or in a doctor's office, undergoing tests and treatments – we want to give them a room that's just for them, where they can get away for a bit and just be a kid. Read on to learn more about what we did in each room, and maybe even get some decorating tips to use in your own home!
Kendall's Room
Our first room was done 2 years ago for Kendall Fountain, a 7 year old girl with Craniopharyngioma, an invasive benign brain tumour. Kendall had a very short wish list: a place where she could do crafts and puzzles. The challenge in this case was the size of the room – a tiny 6.5 x 12 feet. With space at a minimum, we needed to fit as much as we could in the room while making it. A new bed with drawers underneath provides much more storage than before. By using throw cushions along the length and making the bed as a daybed, we were able to place the bed in the middle of the wall and create useable space around it. The closet was completely reorganized with new shelves and rods. Replacing the closet door with a curtain saves even more space. Kendall's dresser was missing a drawer, so we used wood to build a shelf and filled the space with baskets for even more storage. We installed a shallow bathroom cabinet to the wall and fitted it with a pull-down tray – Kendall can use the flat surface for colouring and creating, then simply fold it up when things need to be put away. Craft supplies are now stored in a shoe holder on the back of her bedroom door. The colour scheme came from the new bedding - we painted the room a soft pink, and chose yellows and deeper pinks to use as accents.
Sarah's Room Last year's room was designed for Sarah Valade, an 11 year old girl with Central Nervous System Vasculitis (CNSV), an inflammation of the the blood vessels in the brain and spine. What made this project special was the fact that Sarah knew nothing about it – we were able to keep the entire thing a surprise until the big reveal (not such an easy thing when all the local media is covering the story!). Measuring and planning took place while Sarah was at school, and the actual makeover was done when the family was out of town. Sarah had to spend a week in Toronto for medical tests – barely 10 minutes after she left with her parents, her grandparents were waiting to secretly let us in so we could get to work. After over 100 solid hours of planning and prep work, we had 4 days to get everything taken apart and put back together. We filled those 4 days with non-stop painting and building. We changed everything in the room except for the bed (as a recent purchase, it fit in perfectly with the new scheme) - new bedding, a gorgeous chandelier, new shelving, a TV, curtains, pillows, a dresser...even a new door! We created plenty of new storage space again – a new dresser with huge drawers holds an enormous amount of clothing (shallow totes under the bed hold the out-of-season stuff!), and a re-organized closet holds everything else Sarah needs. Cube shelves with baskets are perfect for keeping her accessories available but out of the way. A new colour scheme makes a huge difference in how the room feels. We replaced the dull pink with a light turquoise, making it much brighter and fresher. The colour was continued right up over the ceiling to help make the space seem even more open.
While the family drove home from Toronto, we added the final details...and Sarah's room was finished just in time! We were able to meet Sarah the morning after the family got home, and she loved her new room, which is what makes the hours and hours of hard work more than worth it. Her reaction to her new space was priceless, and hearing that we made her feel like "the most special girl in town" was heartwarming.
Alexander's Room We're now getting ready to work on our next room for Alexander Chevrier, a 5 year old boy with Muscular Dystrophy. We'll be adding & taking away, updating, re-organizing and repainting to create the perfect spot for a young boy to spend time!
To see more photos of each room and to follow our progress on the project, visit the Designers Unlimited facebook page: www.facebook.com/DesignersUnlimited
************************************************ The makeover projects are completely funded by donations from local businesses and members of the community. Thanks to their generosity, we've been able to create wonderful, personal spaces for each child. We look forward to helping as many children as we can in the years to come! To make a donation to Alexander's Room, please visit www.stylishsolutions.blogspot.com and click on the “donate” button – you can also email heather@stylishsolutions.biz or phone 705-262-0804. Donation jars will be out in the community soon at a variety of locations.
What should I do today? Bugs and insects By Natalie Cloutier
As many of you know, having children, whether they are your own or someone else’s, are a handful. However, if you keep them occupied for a portion of the day, you will feel a relief of anxiety as you child will behave much better as they are getting attention in a fun, loving manner! But many of us are just too tired to think of songs, games and craft ideas. These upcoming columns will give just that! Activity Ideas for you and your munchkins to enjoy your time together! This month’s theme: Bugs and insects
Song: THE LITTLE CATERPILLAR Tune: Itsy Bitsy Spider" The little caterpillar climbed up into a tree (climb fingers of one hand up other arm) Spun his cocoon and slept so quietly (spin hands and sleep) All through the winter he didn't make a sound (shake head no with finger front of lips) He dreamt of his new life when he'd be flying around. (pretend to sleep) While he was sleeping the snow did gently fall (fingers wiggle down) Winter came and went then he heard the robin's call "Come on Mr. Butterfly, out of your cocoon -(hands to mouth and shout) Spread your wings and fly for me while I sing my tune." (spread arms and wave) Book: The very hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Dramatic play: After reading “The very hungry Caterpillar”, have your children act out the stages of a butterfly. Caterpillar: Crawl on the ground pretending to eat everything Cocoon: Role up into a tight ball, and then slowly uncoil Butterfly: Have them hold their arms out and run around the room
Snack: Bugs on a log – Spread Peanut butter on some celery and sprinkle raisins on top to make a bugs on a log snack.
Crafts: Beautiful Butterfly Supplies needed: • Tempera paint • Paint brush • Toilet paper roll • Sequins or rhinestones • Glue • Construction paper • Googly eyes • Pipe cleaners • Scissors First, adult should cut out the shape of butterfly wings. Once this step is done, children can paint their toilet paper roll in the color they chose. While the paint is drying, have your child glue the rhinestones or sequins to the wings making it shiny and beautiful. Once the wings are decorated, glue the roll in the middle making it the body. Apply the googly eyes and pipe cleaners for the antennas. You have a beautiful butterfly. Send us your craft photographs and we may put them in next months issue.
Thank you to www.everythingpreschool.com for some of the activity ideas
Bellies And Babies Perseverance! By: Julie-Anne Mauno
All things that grow% Photography(
If there is one thing I’ve learned throughout my 15 years of parenthood, it’s that parenting requires perseverance. This journey will give you plenty of opportunities to practice it. Those two little pink lines are like a passport. A passport to discovering what you’re capable of! Your belly will grow, your heart will stretch, your mind will expand.
in the thick of first trimester woes, take heart. There are little things you can do to help ease those first few months. Here’s a short list of ideas to help you persevere: • Eat small meals throughout the day. • Eat foods that are a source of protein (such as cheese, yogurt, peanut butter and eggs) for snacks. • Get more rest. • Try drinking ginger tea. It has always amazed me to think of how, right from the • Avoid foods that can upset your digestion (such beginning, pregnancy is making you into a parent. The as greasy or spicy foods) many challenges you might experience in early • Try drinking lemon water. pregnancy are already training you for the adventure • Avoid sweets. ahead! The first trimester symptoms can include nausea • Take it one day at a time. (morning sickness), vomiting, fatigue, frequent urination, • Persevere. This too shall pass! sore breasts, emotional stress, heartburn, constipation, and lightheadedness. And, that’s not an exhaustive list! Here’s a quick tool to help you take action: Looking back, I can see how my worst bouts of morning R. Rest as often as possible. sickness (afternoon sickness for me!) taught me a lot E. Eat healthy foods, in small quantities, several times about the art of perseverance. I had to learn to take each daily. Include lots of healthy proteins like cheese, nuts of my first trimesters one day at a time. As my body and yogurt. struggled to adapt to the rise in hormones, to the changes S. Simplify your life. Being too busy to take care of in my blood stream and to the changes in my physique, yourself can make the symptoms harder to bear. my energy level would plummet and my fatigue seemed T. Take it one day at a time! to require monumental amounts of rest. I remember "A baby is something you carry having weird cravings like popcorn and brie cheese inside you for nine months, in your because they were the only foods that seemed appealing. arms for three years and in your There were many times where I would crawl onto the heart till the day you die." couch to lay down while my other little ones played - Mary Mason because I was so desperate for rest! If you find yourself
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This will change your colostrum to a white, watery milk that looks more like what you might recognize as milk! This should happen around the 3rd or 4th day after your baby is born but only if you nurse your baby often. By doing this, you’re letting your baby tell your body to produce more milk so that your milk supply will continually match your baby’s needs. Your milk is designed to increase in volume as your baby’s stomach grows. Amazing!
In those first few days, you are recovering from the Mount Everest of birth! You are the recipient of much well-meaning advice from friends, family and hospital staff. You are just getting to know your new baby. Many of us feel overwhelmed in those first days. But, just as your pregnancy and birth may have required perseverance, your breastfeeding relationship There is a pattern often seen in newborns that, when will too. understood, can help boost your confidence as you experience that first week with your baby. Typically, Breastfeeding in the first week is specially designed. newborn babies are quite sleepy the first 24 hours or As you respond to your baby’s increasing desire to so. Many mothers will exclaim “He’s such a good suck and drink, your body will respond by producing baby! He sleeps all the time!” This first day is a good more milk to satisfy his needs. Instead of worrying at opportunity for rest but don’t forget to put baby at the sign of your hungry baby, follow your instincts the breast at least every 3 hours (or 8 to 12 times). and this incredible design. Persevere to reap the It’s good practice and it’s also a great time to snuggle rewards of a strong nursing relationship with your with your baby skin-to-skin to help stimulate your baby. Rest and eat well. Drink lots of water. And, milk production. This incredible act of bonding is so nurse your little one with joy and confidence. important! Because, as the poem goes, babies don’t keep! Another test of perseverance can come when you breastfeed your new baby in the first days. Many mothers don’t know what to expect but this time is so important because you are establishing the beginning of your breastfeeding relationship.
Usually, by the second day, babies are more alert. On this day, you might spend many hours breastfeeding Julie-Anne Mauno your baby. This is normal. But, this often triggers the Doula, Childbirth Educator number one concern I hear from mothers in those References: first days. 1. http://www.lalecheleague.org/faq/ colostrum.html When baby starts to have a strong appetite, many mothers fear 2. http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/ they don’t have enough milk. Actually that first milk enough-milk.html known as colostrum is a thick, sweet, yellow milk that 3. http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/lowis rich in antibodies and extremely filling for your supply.html#supply baby. It is “low in volume but high in nutrition”(1). 4. http://www.tummywear.org/morningThis first milk is specially tailored for your newborn’s sickness-prevention.php needs in the first week of life, not to mention his walnut-sized stomach. The other thing at play here is the law that governs breastfeeding... the law of supply and demand! By nursing frequently, your baby is encouraging your body to produce more milk! The more the demand, the greater the supply will be!
Here’s a tool to help you stay focused in that first week of breastfeeding:
Breastfeed often! (at least 8 times a day)
Rest with your baby! Do this as much as possible so that you can heal and keep up with your baby’s needs.
Eat healthy foods! Choose snacks that give you energy and nutrients!
Add up the diapers! 1 wet diaper on day 1, 2 wet diapers on day 2 and so on until you reach 6 heavy wet diapers on day 6! Soiled diapers will vary from 1 to 3 in the first 5 days with the colour gradually changing from black or dark green to brown and then yellow.
Snuggle! Take time to have lots of snuggles, skin on skin, with your baby.
Talk to an expert. If you have concerns about breastfeeding your baby, lactation consultants are a great resource and provide consistent advice!
Follow your instincts! Many times I would receive advice that went against my instincts. I have learned to follow my instincts to nurse my baby frequently and dedicate myself to him in the first days and weeks.
Expect your newborn baby to be sleepy then gradually more alert and hungry! Your baby’s job is to demand milk so that your body will be stimulated to supply it! Don’t be alarmed when your baby starts to want to nurse often. Go with it!
Enjoy nursing your baby! The first week is such a precious time. Purpose to enjoy it.
Don’t give up! Perseverance will pay off !
It’s a blessed journey, if you choose to persevere! 18
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Double Check ! As your due date draws near, every pregnant woman starts thinking about packing for the hospital. If you haven’t, then you should be. Here is a helpful list of things to make sure to pack for your hospital stay as well as a few tasks to make sure are taken care of before the ride to the hospital. During you last few weeks of pregnancy, some of the tasks that you’ll want to consider taking care of are:
Your plan on how to get to the hospital, day or night, what route to take
Get a list of telephone numbers together for your Doctor/ mid wife/doula, back-up rides and support people
• •
Make care arrangements for any older children if needed
Purchase any items needed for immediate baby care: diapers, clothing, blankets etc.
Make arrangements for help at home after delivery, especially if you have a c-section
Pick up any items for mom care for when you get home: sanitary pads, breast pads
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Hospital May Provide
) ID, paperwork and birth plan
) Disposable panties and/or sanitary pads during the hospital
( (
) Eye glasses as well as contact case and solution ) Comfortable clothes for lounging & sleeping: robe, slippers,
( (
) Disposable diapers for the hospital stay ) Cloth T-shirts and baby blankets, to use in the hospital
) Clothes and shoes to wear home
) Nursing bra, old underpants
) Massage aids- tennis balls, rolling pin, frozen juice cans,
) Hair brush, clips, ponytail holders or head bands
) Comfort aids- personal pillows, aromatherapy, photos of
) Snacks, drinks, change for snack machines for labour partner
) Tape or CD player and music selections to help with
) Camera/video camera and film, digital card, extra batteries
( ( ( ( (
) Entertainment items, books, puzzles ) ) ) )
nightgowns, sweat suit
For Baby ( ( ( (
) Clothes for baby to wear home ) Blanket(s) and outer wear for going home ) Diapers, if you use cloth ) Car seat
Extras wooden massagers other children relaxation
or battery charger
Free shower gel body wash with every 15.00 brochure purchase From August 1st to August 31st 2011
Kim Valade 705.268.2492 Anne Valade 705.2677645
All Proceeds go to the Sarah Valade trust fund
Living Green: Dirty Laundry “Our skin is our biggest organ and, like
all organs, saturating it with chemicals is not healthy”
In the average Canadian household you can find over 1000 different chemicals, ranging from relatively safe to highly toxic. The laundry room is, in most homes, the most toxic room in the house. Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly what goes into all the detergents, fabric softeners and fleecy sheets that we use on our clothes? According to the Environmental Health Association of Ontario, fabric softener is “the most toxic product produced for daily household use. It has been found to be associated with numerous illnesses and chronic conditions.” Some of the chemicals found in fabric softeners are known carcinogens, neurotoxins and narcotics that are proven to cause cancers, nervous system disorders and other health related issues. Our skin is our biggest organ and, like all organs, saturating it with chemicals is not healthy. When we use these cleaners to wash our clothes, sheets and towels, we are directly exposing ourselves to these chemicals and our body absorbs them through the skin. Chemicals absorbed in this manner go directly into the bloodstream and can lead to some major health problems. With so many risks associated with traditional laundry detergents, it’s no wonder a large portion of the population are turning to more natural alternatives and solutions. Going green in the laundry will ensure your body is subjected to fewer chemicals, but it will also save you money and reduce your carbon footprint. Due to recent consumer demand, you should see a significant change in the options available in your local grocery and department stores. Some more natural brands to look for are Seventh Generation, Nature Clean and Method and are usually found in either the cleaning isle or the organic isle. When looking for natural alternatives for laundry cleaning, some of the things you will want to look for are: • smaller packaging (fewer resources used to create the packaging and less waste to recycle) • condensed formulas (same formulas, just made with less water) • dye and scent free, unless scented with natural oils • products that have several uses (vinegar, which can be used as a fabric softener, but also to clean windows and as a disinfectant around the house).
Finally, why not try a few tried and tested recipes made right at home with ingredients already found in your kitchen. Here is a list of popular laundry and cleaning products and some natural alternatives to try made right in your kitchen. Make sure to try out the natural laundry detergent recipe, it’s easy to make and will save you hundreds of dollars over commercial brand detergents.
Instead of: Fabric Softener for soft or nice smelling clothes
• • •
Fleecy Sheets for static-free clothes
• • •
Bleach for bright whites
• • •
Regular laundry detergent
• • •
Bleach for mould & mildew Window & glass cleaner Scrubbing cleaner for tub and tile All purpose cleaner
Dishwasher soap
• • •
Try: Dryer balls with essential oils Vinegar in the rinse cycle Sachet of herbs/flowers for smell Dry clothes on a clothes line Dryer balls Vinegar in the rinse cycle Sun bleaching Oxygen bleach Baking Soda Home Made Laundry detergent Natural laundry detergent Soap Nuts* Hot water and lemon juice Vinegar in a spray bottle Baking soda on a damp cloth or sponge Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda (or 2 teaspoons borax) into 1/2 gallon (2 liters) water Equal parts Borax and Washing Soda
*Soap Nuts are a natural product used as laundry soap that grows on trees.
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Make your Own Laundry Soap.
Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap (HE Compatible) 4 Cups - hot tap water 1 Natural Bar Soap, grated 1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda ½ Cup - Borax Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted. Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken. Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil. Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons. -Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads) Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)
PRODUCT REVIEW Northern Alps Laundry Detergent. By Kayleigh De Cecco
Northern Alps Laundry Detergent, is a natural homemade laundry detergent available at Sweet Face. I must admit I was a little skeptical about this laundry detergent when I was told that I would have to use such a little amount. When I first opened the jar I noticed that it was such a nice fresh scent, however there is no perfume added. Now I know that when I used my regular nonscented laundry detergent my clothes come out not smelling like anything. When my laundry was complete to my surprise my clothing smelled fresh... amazing.
When I went through the clothing that I put into the washing machine, I noticed that the poop stain that my 10 month old put all over his blanket had disappeared and everything did in fact get clean. I am no longer skeptical at all about homemade laundry detergent, I am planning on making some myself.
you purchase a batch of laundry detergent from Sweet Face, $20.00 for over 100 loads... How can you go wrong. If you don’t want to buy it you can always make your own laundry detergent, it is very cost effective and the recipe is readily available in this magazine on page 25.
You can purchase a sample size from Sweet Face for only $2.00, that yields 8 loads. that means you are only paying .25 cents a load of laundry. It gets even cheaper when
visit www.sweetface.ca for more eco friendly products, including cloth diapers, natural skin care lines, and accessories.
Is there a product that you would like reviewed? Send an e-mail to kayleighmay.homegrown@gmail.com and let me know! 26
MOMMY MOMENTS! Clearing the Air By Natalie Cloutier
My now 6 year old daughter has always…well, mostly has always been a joy. With her deep blue eyes and stunning blond hair, you couldn’t ask for a cuter and well behaved daughter! She wasn’t always this well-behaved! I can recall several moments when she would try to help mommy with “cleaning” the house. What a help that was! She was a little over a year old when she caught a nasty little cold. The poor thing had been coughing and fevering for a couple days. So, naturally, I babied her quite a bit…and as my mom did with me, I applied Vick’s vapo-rub on her back and chest, which, always made me feel better as it did her. My baby was sick…what else can you do. So, that night, I put her to bed and she slept great. The next morning, I got up to make breakfast. I found it unsettling when it was now 8:30am and she still wasn’t awake. I thought to myself “hmm…well, she’s sick so she must need the extra sleep.” Little did I know, she was awake and up to her elbows “cleaning”. I went in the room to check up on her, and oh my god! The smell of the room just burned your eyes! She grabbed the Vick’s vapo-rub and rubbed it EVERYWHERE! All over her television, furniture, blankets, toys; name it, it was all over! She thought she was helping mom dust and sanitize the house as she had seen me do so many times. “What’s wong mommy?” was her response. How can you get mad at a little girl just trying to help? I wasn’t exactly happy to clean the mess as it was very difficult to come out, but, she did clear the air and everyone’s sinuses in a 10 block radius, I’m sure of that!
Send in your mommy moments to kayleighmay.homegrown@gmail.com and share the laughs.
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Child Care
A Parent’s Crisis: Which one do I choose? By Natalie Cloutier
Many new parents ask the same question; should I put my baby in daycare? It is completely normal to be worried about the different aspects that come with putting your children in a daycare. Do I trust a home daycare? Would my child be better taken care of in a registered nursery school? What questions do I ask? In this column, I will be going over a list of questions you should ask any daycare provider, whether it be an in-home private daycare, a registered nursery school or simply a nanny. Remember, you are leaving your child with a perfect stranger, and let’s face it, is not an easy decision to make. First of all, the initial meeting will tell you a lot about the person you may potentially leave your child with. Your child may feel comfortable instantly and the chemistry may be right on, which of course, is a positive step forward. You may notice a little bit of hesitation on your child’s part, which is very normal, especially if your little guy or princess is used to being around mom or dad all the time. Try to make your meeting at least one half hour. Most children will begin to feel comfortable enough to approach the toy area and at that moment, you can really observe how your potential childcare provider interacts with children. But, here is the real question; which childcare setting should I go with; home childcare, nursery school or a nanny? Here are the pros and cons regarding each institution:
Home Childcare – Pros: As a childcare provider in my home, I believe that a child gets the most of his/her day being cared for in a home setting. A lot of children feel more comfortable when they see that the place they spend most of their time resembles their home such as a kitchen table, bedrooms, couches etc…Also, because of the provincial regulations, a home childcare is allowed a maximum of 5 children plus their own in a household which means, the ratio between teacher to child is 5 to 1. This includes more one on one time to teach and get to know each child individually. This also allows the parents and teacher to follow a “similar to home” regiment and a closer relationship. Often, they are also much more flexible with payments and hours of operation. Home Childcare Cons: Most childcare providers that provide care in their home are not licensed nor are they qualified. They are mothers who chose to stay at home and are looking for extra money for their household. Some, however are qualified and truly enjoy teaching children. Also, you don’t really know what happens while you aren’t there. It’s a good idea to question your child as to what activities they did throughout the day, and also request a daily activity sheet that outlines your child’s day.
Nursery Schools – Pros: In this setting, children are around a lot of children which is great for the social aspect of a child. It resembles more of a school classroom which prepares children for junior kindergarten as well. All professionals working in such a daycare are qualified in early childhood education, so understand first-hand what children need to excel. Their play time and activity schedule is very constructed, meaning you know exactly what activities are being done at what time, and what meals your child will eat on what day. Also, reports are made each and every day on your child’s behaviors and daily routines.
Nanny care – Pros: A nanny is a great way to avoid drop off and pick up at a childcare facility. A parent does not have to wake their child up early, or put their child to bed late because they stay at home. Home routines can be followed and your child can resume activities with their own things and be comfortable since they are home. A nanny will often clean during quiet times and keep your laundry, household chores and other things up to date, so that when you get home, you can relax and do not have the worries of dinner or every day messes that occur throughout the day. You develop a close relationship as your nanny will almost become “part of the family”.
Nursery Schools – Cons: Not a home-like setting. Also, the hours of operations usually do not begin earlier than 7am and end around 5 or 6pm, Monday to Friday. For parents working “not so good” hours, or on weekends, this type of childcare would not be beneficial. Also, a parent doesn’t really develop a close relationship with the provider since there are so many that are staffed to accommodate the number of children, which can also be an issue regarding one on one time. Each staff personnel is assigned as many as 12 children, depending on the age category. Most of the time, this type of childcare is also much more expensive.
Nanny care – Cons: A nanny can become quite expensive since she is not only paid to watch your children, but to cook, clean and care for the household. There will never be other children in the presence of your child either, which means, your child will never learn to share or socialize with others, unless they have siblings, and even then, it is not the same thing as having children of the same age around them.
Regardless of the setting you chose, always ask these questions: Do have a criminal background check available? What are your qualifications? What are your routines? Do you have a meal plan? What are your daily activities? How do you discipline? Do you have references and do you have contact numbers for them? Do not ever be afraid or shy to ask questions. It can mean the difference between a good or bad experience.
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Bilingual service In-home private dog training; individual sessions or a 6 weeks program available Offering a basic obedience program (sit, stay, down, come, leave-it, loose-leash walking...) Helps problem behaviors (jumping up, barking, digging, unruly behaviour, etc) Sessions available weekdays, weekends, and evenings for your convenience
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- 6 weeks program is regular $60; Home Grown subscribers will receive an additional session OR a $10 discount on the program (must sign up for the 6 weeks program to qualify) 32
Activity Suggestion You'll be amazed at how much fun you can have with the simplest items you already have lying around the house. There’s no need to go out and spend a lot of money so here’s a couple ideas to get you started; Tie or tape some ribbons, fabric, or other interesting streamers onto a wooden spoon and dangle them gently over and in front of your baby's face. Take a lightweight scarf and fling it into the air, letting it settle on your baby's head or gently flutter on your baby’s arms and legs. Remember, never leave your baby unattended with strings or ribbons that could encircle his neck or that he could get into his mouth.
Love And Learning The Beginning By: Tessa Morrissette
Welcome to the very first Love & Learning column! Here you will find information on our children’s early learning skills, activity ideas, and I also hope to share with you some of my stories about raising and working with children. So, when I sat down to write this column I wasn’t sure where to start. Then it struck me, AT THE BEGINNING!
So how can we encourage our children to reach these milestones? We are all so busy and we can all get stuck in a rut sometimes but there are many activities we can do within our daily routine to give our babes the best start. These beginning skills are needed as our babies become toddlers, our toddler become preschoolers all the way through to adulthood.
Our babies enter this great big world; we hold them and make plans for the future. I can vividly recall holding my son and thinking of all the “firsts” that lay ahead. That first year went by so quickly. First smile, first time rolling over, firs time sitting, first laugh and the list goes on and on. Each milestone marked down in a baby book to be remembered forever.
Lady of the House What it Takes to Make a Home. By Julie-Anne Mauno
All Things That Grow% Photography(
I’ve been thinking a lot about unconditional love lately. About its power to soften a hard-hearted teen. Or how this kind of love can get a defiant toddler to joyfully obey. It can mend the most broken relationships. And, aren’t relationships what a home is really made of? Close your eyes and imagine what it would feel like to be loved just the way you are. No catch. No strings attached. No expectations. Just the freedom to be you. I’ve come to believe that unconditional love is the greatest gift we can offer someone. As a mother and wife I have many, many opportunities to give the gift of unconditional love. There is an old expression, “now that’s a face only a mother can love!” As I was pondering this saying, I was struck by what a powerful statement it makes. Only a mother can love her children unconditionally, rough edges, bad attitudes, immature hearts and all! Not only do we have the ability to do this, we have the incredible opportunity to do it!
Stay-at-home moms are often called homemakers. Perhaps it’s a more purposeful description than “stay-athome mom”. It’s true we are making a home for our family. We are giving, building, and creating every day. The incredible thing about unconditional love is that, as the old saying goes “love begets love” or, in modern-day terms, love gives birth to love. Love is the most creative ingredient we can use to make our homes because it unfailingly produces more love.
Imagine the freedom of loving those around you not because they deserve it or have earned it, but because it’s the best gift you could ever give. Now, go love someone, no strings attached!
As I think about the many years I’ve been homemaking and all of my failed masterpieces, I can clearly see that the only things that have survived over the years are those things I’ve sown in love. The only hearts I’ve won over in my home were captured with love! Love is an incredible thing. Now, close your eyes again and imagine loving with unconditional love. Imagine your son’s surprise when you love him through his grumpy day. Imagine your husband’s smile as you rub love into his shoulders after a long shift at work.
Top Ten: Benefits of Having a Midwife By Christine South
10. Pregnancy and Newborn Specialists: If you have issues with your ears, you see an Ear Specialist; if you have issues with your heart, you see a Heart Specialist; if you have issues with your feet, you see a Foot Specialist; so, it just makes sense that if you are having a baby, you see a Midwife. 9. Longer Prenatal Care Visits: On average you will have more time with your midwife than with a physician. This is great not only to get to know her and vice versa, but for her to answer your questions thoroughly and explain what is going on. This can have a very calming influence on pregnant women. 8. Experience: Having been through rigorous medical training as well as hands-on training, the experience of a midwife is priceless. She has the knowledge, through this education and experience, to guide moms-to-be through all stages of her pregnancy with confidence and skill. 7. Choice of Place for Delivery: Before there were midwives in the North, women would only have one choice as to where they delivered their baby: in the hospital. Now, with the assistance of a midwife, northern moms-to-be can safely deliver their baby at home should they choose that route. 6. After Delivery Home Care: With all of the challenges that come with having a newborn, the first week home with your new baby is a big adjustment! Unlike a physician, a midwife will come to the home that first week and provide both mom and baby with more personal aftercare services. 5. 24 Hour a Day Contact: When under the care of a midwife, moms-to-be will be provided with phone number or pager that can be used for questions or concerns at any time. With the knowledge of where to find all pregnancy related information, a midwife can address any concerns or questions that moms-to-be could have.
3. Advice: Every pregnancy and delivery is unique. A midwife can offer moms-to-be that personal advice that applies to her situation: Tricks of the trade, if you will and things that other midwives and mothers have shared through personal experiences. For example, the day after delivering my daughter, my midwife explained that I could put boiled (then frozen) cabbage leafs on my breasts to make my milk come in faster, who knew!! 2. Less Medical Interventions: Women who choose midwives have shorter labours, have less c-sections, receive less anesthesia, and are less likely to need an episiotomy. In general, women who deliver with a midwife, experience fewer complications which is safer for both mom and baby.
1. Personal Relationship: As you go through all the amazing stages of pregnancy, your midwife becomes your confidant and friend. She is someone that you can turn to with any questions or concerns without the fear of being judged. She gets to know who you are and what works for you personally. She will work with you to make your dream to motherhood turn out exactly as you envisioned. There is a personal connection there that is incomparable to any other. The experience of your birth with bind you with your midwife forever and that is something that will be remembered and cherished forever. **This article was inspired by my own personal experience with Boreal Midwifery Practice and their two amazing midwives: Amy Moland-Osborn and Meghann Leonard, who gave me the most wonderful once in a lifetime experience with the birth of my fourth child, Mallory on July 1st 2011.**
4. Access to Medical Information: Routine medical testing is something that every pregnant woman has to go through, but a midwife will give you more choices when it comes to this testing. They will explain the reasons behind each test and give you the option to choose which test is right for you. They will also review any of the results with you, and even provide you with a copy of the test!
Birth Tales A Perfect Birth Stories are told by local northern mothers or fathers, To submit your story e-mail kayleighmay.homegrown@gmail.com
“we were
preparing ourselves for him to miss the birth of our first child .”
My boyfriend(Kevin) works away for 3 weeks at a time with only 1 week off at home, so we were preparing ourselves for him to miss the birth of our first child. It was a very hard thought to process, but we couldn't really do much about it. On May 11th 2011 at 10:25 p.m., I was 36 weeks pregnant and Kevin was waiting at the airport on his way home from work. We were chatting online while Kevin had a few hours to wait until he boarded his final flight home. Throughout my entire pregnancy I was taking weekly pictures of my ever so quickly growing baby belly to share with my friends online. During our conversation, I decided to take my picture for 36 weeks pregnant. When I stood up off the couch to go in the mirror to take my picture, I felt a huge gush that was my water breaking. My younger sister was staying with me at the time and had just gone to bed. I was so nervous and excited, I mumbled "Uuhh, I think my water just broke." My sister jumped out of bed faster than ever and was immediately wondering what to do next. Meanwhile, I'm worried about all the water on the floor, I was scrambling for a towel to
clean it all up. Standing in my soaking wet pants, I messaged to Kevin what had just happened. Seeing as I was only at 36 weeks pregnant he didn’t believe me, he said "That's a sick joke to play on someone." Then I didn’t reply as we were calling my parents, Kevin's parents and I was trying to clean the mess. I finally responded just to tell him we were leaving for the hospital and that I loved him and would see him soon. My sister was more in a hurry than I was to leave the house and get to the hospital. I tried to calm her by telling her the baby wouldn't be there in five minutes, so we had lots of time for the short drive to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 10:35 p.m. and I was admitted to my own room after quick examination and monitoring of the baby and labour. Kevin arrived home at 1:05 a.m., and was only allowed to visit me for five minutes so I could get some rest for the tiring day ahead of me. At about 3:30-4 a.m. is when the contractions became much stronger. From that point on, my labour progressed very quickly and with half hour of pushing,a
few quiet growls, at 10:55 a.m. on May 12th 2011, Kevin and I welcomed our first baby boy into the world. Jace Henry John, 6lbs 4oz and 18 1/2 inches long. He was a very healthy boy for being four weeks premature. Now this isn't quite the end of the story, we were planning that Kevin would be home for the first week of Jace's life. Again, a hard thought to process, but not much we could do about it. When Jace was 2 days old, we found out that some serious forest fires had been burning through large parts of Alberta, very close to where Kevin was working. While this is extremely devastating news for some, we definitely seen the silver lining in this; Kevin was able to stay home for Jace's first month of life! Although, being that we were able to spend that much more time together, it was that much harder when Kevin had to leave again. Today, Jace is a very happy and healthy 12lb, 8 week old baby boy. Mommy and Daddy could not be happier! Vanessa
Birth Tales A Home Birth Stories are told by local northern mothers or fathers, To submit your story e-mail kayleighmay.homegrown@gmail.com
This is my third birth, I am the proud mama of my son Phoenix (9) and daughter Violet (4). I went to bed July 20th with mild contractions, but I passed it off as probably nothing. I sent my partner Nick to bed, assuring him it was nothing. He was worried and kept asking if he should set up the birthing pool, since we were planning a home water birth. But I told him it was ok and to just go to sleep. Outside, the storm was giving us quite the light show. I knew something was up, but I found myself dozing but waking frequently and staring at the clock trying to time them. Then at 3:50am my water broke. Well that was it. Out of bed I jump, telling Nick to wake up, that it's time and to page our Midwife Meaghan from Boreal Midwifery Practice. Well he was confused asking if I was sure, then he saw the puddle in bed and in our hallway where I was now standing. He switched into morph mode. He made the call, then resumed blowing up the pool and filling it. Our midwife arrived shortly after 4. We did the check and I was already 6 cm. Things were progressing quickly. I was able to move through my contractions and regulate my breathing nicely. At 5 am I felt they were really intense so I went in the pool. Now the pool we used was the multi ring inflatable Canadian Tire pool for under $20 & let me just say that it was a godsend! It made the contractions more manageable & I was really comfortable.
“...the pool we use was the multi ring inflatable canadian tire pool for under $20.�
At 5:16 am, July 21, 2011, after an hour and 4 minutes of active labour, Thaleia Beatrix Jensen was brought into this world weighing 7lbs & 19 inches long, with a ton of ginger hair!! It was a beautiful calm birth. The best part was after we got to snuggle in our bed. My partner Nick and midwife Meaghan were a great support. It was the best birth experience I have had.
Maryanne Pratt
Our July Birth Announcements !
Its A GIRL! Mallory Madeleine South July 1st 2011, 11:45pm 8lbs 3oz, 19.5" Born to Christine and Mike South Proud Siblings: Cassidy, Colby and Owen Name: Thaleia Beatrix Jensen Date: July 21, 2011 Height: 19 Inches Weight: 7 Lbs Proud parents : Nicholas & Maryanne Proud Siblings : Phoenix & Violet
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