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Lots of celebrations in the office in June.
Curious about Care Open Day
Weweredelightedtohaveour newWorshipfulRunnymede
MayorCllr.ShannonSaiseMarshallalongtoouropenday, launchingournewLearningCircle Series,KEYTOCARE,and celebratingourlongestserving teammembers,withtwoofour CarePro’swithussincewe launched11yearsago!Thankyou forcomingShannon-we thoroughlyenjoyedbrainstorming waystomakemorecommunity connectionstobringmoreofus together,moreoften.
ABBA party night at The Addlestone Centre
We had a very lovely Friday night out together singing (badly) and bopping along to an amazing ABBA tribute band. Loads off fun was had by all who attended- The Addlestone Centre is such a fab venue with lots of great entertainment.

Care Pro & master knitter Sharon

Thank you Sharon for bringing Billy-Bob the octopus in to see us before he went on his merry way to his new home with Sharon’s grandson George.

A Fond Farewell to Jess
Our lovely, funny Jess left us for a new adventure. We wish her very well and a warm welcome to Gurmeet who has moved from the Care Pro team to the office team as our new scheduler.

Did you know about Talking Therapies Surrey?
Free CBT & counselling, and no waiting list!
Supporting people struggling with mental health.
We were delighted that our Home Instead stand was set up beside Team Leader at With You's NHS Talking Therapies service at the Staines Rotary Health Expo at Staines-upon-Thames day last month. With the work we do with our clients and in the community, we sometimes come across people struggling with various challenges such as mental health and might benefit from the services With You in Surrey offer. We think they are fab…. Here’s a little more about them.
Talking Therapies in Surrey is a free, confidential service to support people struggling with poor mental health including (but not limited to) depression and anxiety. They can help you to understand and provide tools to help you manage if you are feeling low, anxious or stressed.
They offer one to one support such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and counselling, along with courses and group programmes. They are proud to be able to offer a service in Surrey with no waiting list! You are not alone.
Their service is Surrey wide and available free of any charge to anyone aged 17 years or over and registered with a GP in Surrey. The appointment will take no more than 45 minutes and will be with one of Talking Therapies Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, trained to listen to you and to work with you to formulate a plan about next steps and how we can support you best.
Clients do not need a GP referral (although this is possible) and can be referred by another professional or by themselves either by completing the self-referral form on our website: wearewithyou.org.uk/mentalhealth or by calling 0300 012 0012. If you prefer, you can speak to your GP and they can make a referral on your behalf.
Are you or your family aware and entitled to ATTENDANCE ALLOWANCE?
And the additional welfare benefits that can come with it.
Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you. It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability. You could get £68.10 or £101.75 a week to help with personal support if you’re physically or mentally disabled, and of State Pension age or older. It is not means tested. Additionally, some other benefits can increase if Attendance Allowance is in place. You do not have to have someone caring for you in order to claim. If you do have a carer, they could also get Carer’s Allowance if you have substantial caring needs. Get help and support to understand what you and your family are entitled to and how to apply: