dogs victoria
magazine DECEMBER 2020 VOLUME 97 NO.12
Do you have an Emergency plan that includes your pets?
Jack Russell Terrier –
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START 15% OFF STARTER, PUPPY AND HT 42d DRY DIETS. HT 42d delivers precise nutrition for bitches in heat to 42 days gestation. Starter diets provide specific nutrition for the first 5 stages of life; gestation from 42 days, birth, lactation, weaning and growth up to 2 months. Puppy diets are tailored to meet the growth needs of puppies from 2 months onwards. *Only available to Royal Canin Breeders Club members via the ProShop from 1st December 2020 – 31st January 2021. Includes Professional or Largest available bag size only. Excludes wet diets. Minimum order at the ProShop 15kg. While stocks last.
TEAM 8194 DogsVic
Magazine December 2020 - page 2
PRESIDENT’S Report Dear Dogs Victoria Members, 2020 has been a tumultuous year both globally and locally here in Victoria for obvious reasons. The lack of shows and regular events for our canine community, due to safety restrictions, has been a difficult pill to swallow. However, throughout this unprecedented situation, I am proud to say Dogs Victoria have remained active and have continued to provide essential services to our members and their dogs. Some big events which have been unable to proceed include the Big Day Out for Dogs in December and Nights of Nights in early 2021, not to mention the Melbourne Cup weekend of shows. I am pleased to say we are looking to the future and have some exciting ideas to launch in 2021 and I can’t wait to get our return underway. This month’s magazine has a festive note and includes informative contributions from our members. In 2021, the magazine (while continuing to report on activities and events from across the state) will have a stronger focus on quality breed information. It will again be published on a monthly basis with all members having the opportunity to receive a hard copy if they wish. One thing that was missing from the magazine in 2020 was a front cover page of a member’s dog. Management committee discussed this at a recent budget planning meeting. I am, therefore, pleased to announce that from January 2021 we are reintroducing the ability of members to purchase the magazine’s front cover as well as the opportunity for members to advertise their dogs on space reserved specifically for this purpose throughout the magazine.
Moreover, management committee agreed to the following special discounted pricing for members in the Dogs Victoria magazine comencing 2021: Front Cover: $150 (includes a quarter page advert) Full Page: $100 Half Page: $50.00 Quarter Page: $30 Gazette Front cover $75 These special advertising rates apply only to Victorian members advertising their dogs, different rates apply to commercial advertisers. I’m sure you agree that these rates are super competitive but spaces are limited. Expressions of interest in purchasing a cover page in 2021 or for advertising your dog in the January magazine 2021 should be direct to our Marketing Team at A schedule of closing dates for advertisements will be published in all future magazines. I would also like to encourage our affiliate clubs and event organisers to submit official photos and images of event winners, which we would love to publish. We also encourage you to continue to engage with us on our social media for all our regular updates and content. Please take care over the holiday period and have a safe and wonderful Christmas. All the best to our members and their dogs and we look forward to welcoming you all back in 2021. Kind Regards Vin McPhee Dogs Victoria President
The official Gazette of the publishers, The Victorian Canine Association Inc. Reg No. A00223882W. ABN 97 452 215 878. Trading as Dogs Victoria. Address 655 Westernport Highway, Skye 3977. Postal address Locked Bag K9, Cranbourne, 3977 Office hours 8-30am to 5-00pm Monday to Friday Telephone number (03) 9788 2500 Fax number (03) 9788 2599 Office email
Magazine December 2020 - page 3
committee and staff wish our members a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year
Administration office will be closed from 5pm Tuesday 22 December 2020 and reopen at 8.30am on Monday 4 of January 2021
BREED SPOTLIGHT Jack Russell Terrier For information on this breed contact: JACK RUSSELL TERRIER CLUB OF VIC – Mrs Caroline Azzopardi, Ph: 9366 9584
Magazine December 2020 - page 4
Levies and donations received for the Dogs Victoria Facility Fund for the period 16 October – 15 November 2020 TOTAL
$376.20 $376.20
Terriers have character all of their own! This is instinctive behaviour that has been developed over centuries and gives terriers their unique personality. Once understood and respected, terriers make a great companions and adapt superbly to modern society. But a terrier requires a firm hand and must be taught exactly what is expected of him. Here are some general guidelines.
Excessive energy can be burnt off by putting aside time each day to take your terrier for a walk. If you live in suburbia, there are usually local laws governing the use of public open spaces, particularly beaches. Pestering you for a daily walk can motivate you to increase your present level of activity and at the same time calm your mind. Dog owners talk to other dog owners they meet. So, a serious commitment to a daily walk can be just as beneficial and enjoyable for you as it is for your dog.
Terriers have lots of energy and a show judge expects them to be ‘on the tiptoe of expectation’. Bred to follow vermin beneath the ground and bark once it is found, leaves us with aspects of terrier behaviour which could become a problem in modern society. But terriers are also clever. Because they learn fast, below are two organised disciplines which suit your terrier’s natural instincts and can satisfy them in ways that both you and your terrier can understand and enjoy.
1. Flyball
A child raised with a loving companion dog in their life should be a pleasurable experience for both the child and the dog. A child who grows up without having an animal friend misses an essential lifetime experience. From the day the dog is introduced into the house, adult supervision is essential. This is because dogs are pack animals and dogs sometimes try to dominate children, treating them like another dog. As this could mean a bite, it is important that an adult remains in control at all times. Then the dog learns to respect the child and play their games.
Flyball is relay race between two teams of four dogs. Each dog must jump over four hurdles, retrieve a ball by triggering a flyball box pedal and then return over the hurdles to the start/finish line. It is great fun for both you and your terrier. But because terriers are not natural retrievers, if you reward your terrier with a treat every time he brings the ball back to you, he will soon learn. You would doubtless enjoy the spectacle and comradeship of barracking for your terrier and his team as they race.
Most terriers instantly bark when they see or hear anything unusual. This has the advantage of being excellent watch dogs! But excessive barking is socially unacceptable, especially if you live in suburbia. Best you investigate why the terrier is barking. At night barking can be minimised by teaching him where his bed is, and confining him.
Terriers with small children
2. Earthdog tests
The other organised activity in which the smaller breeds of terriers love to participate is earthdog. Here terriers are encouraged to follow scent through artificial man-made underground tunnels of increasing difficulty. This means terriers’ instincts are tested by being led to the quarry. Once they have found it, they signal their find by barking, digging, growling, or signalling in some other way. Passing earthdog tests mean the terrier can earn titles!
Passive recreation
Terriers will usually happily run around, chase birds, play and dig in the area allocated to them. But if you are garden conscious, giving your terrier its own area should mean it leaves your precious garden alone. But the terrier’s area must have secure boundaries which means he cannot dig under, jump over, or fit through gaps in the wire or within wooden fences, or gate fittings.
Fox Terriers (Smooth)
Magazine December 2020 - page 5
Commonly called ‘Jack Russells’ are two separate pure breeds with a common background. The Jack Russell and the Parson Russell were developed in two different countries, Australia and England. They are physically distinct by a small height difference. Confusingly, both breeds are named after the same man, Parson Jack Russell. Parson Jack Russell (1795-1883) Known as the ‘Sporting Parson’, his working terriers were legendary. Parson Jack Russell was a founding member of the board of the first English Kennel Club. Although he kept pedigrees of his own dogs, these were not recorded in the English Stud Books. So, technically they were not purebred dogs until a century after he died: “[Parson] J. Russell, who is certainly the father of Fox Terrier breeders, tells us that he has bred his dogs since 1815, and their pedigree has been kept quite pure, except that he once admitted an admixture of old Jock, a high compliment to the old dog”[2]. During his lifetime, Parson Jack Russell witnessed the gene pool of his original working Fox Terriers split from the Fox Terriers that became show dogs. But it is indisputable that the respected old-fashioned working type of terrier bearing his name have retained their instinct to work to this day. The following quote is from his obituary published in the 1883 Kennel Club Gazette: “As the oldest Fox Terrier breeder in England, Mr Russell’s connection with the Kennel Club was an honour to that body” Parson Jack Russell began his lifetime passion with Fox Terriers in 1815 with a bitch called Trum’. T.H.Scott wrote in the Sportsman’s Repository in 1820 that there were other Fox Terriers at that time that were as perfect point for point as Trump[4] who laid the foundation for the Parson’s strain of working Fox Terriers.
But he succeeded in developing a terrier that had legs of sufficient length to go fox hunting with hounds, yet had a chest sufficiently small and flexible that the dog could squeeze through the incredibly small tunnel to where the fox lived, and bolt it so the hunt could continue. Those terriers without sufficient length of leg to keep up with the hounds, were carried to the fox den in the coat pockets of a ‘Terrier Man’, often mounted on a pony. After Parson Jack Russell died, his Parson Russell Terriers continued working with the hounds bolting foxes. By 2004, fox hunting as a sport was banned in England. So, Parson Russell Terrier enthusiasts began developing these working terriers into a purebred. The Jack Russell Terrier becomes a purebred in Australia Meanwhile, in 1964, when the famous Australian equestrians, Bill and Mavis Roycroft visited England, they fell in love with the Jack Russell Terriers that were assigned to Hunt Clubs in the UK. They brought a dog and two bitches back to Australia. From them, Australia developed the Jack Russell Terrier which became enormously popular here. So, in 1974, the Jack Russell Club of Australia formed to record of their pedigrees. On 1 January 1991, the ANKC recognised the Jack Russell Terrier as a purebred with England as its country of origin but Australia its country of development[1]. While his height is 10” - 12” (inches) this does not make him a short-legged terrier. In other words, its chest should never extend below the elbows. Instead the Jack Russell’s legs from elbow to ground should be equal in length to half its body height.
Jack Russell Terrier
Magazine December 2020 - page 6
The Parson Russell Terrier becomes a purebred Although a Parson Jack Russell Terrier Club had always existed in England, it took 100 years after Parson Jack Russell died for a breed standard to be written and a class for Working Fox Terriers to be provided at
Crufts. Finally, in 1990, the Parson’s terrier was recognised by the Kennel Club (UK). Later, its name was changed to the Parson Russell Terrier to differentiate it from the Australian Jack Russell Terrier. It’s ideal height is 14” for dogs and 13” for bitches[3]. The Difference between the Jack Russell and the Parson The main difference between the Jack Russell and Parson is the proportion of body length to leg length. The Jack is 60:40 while the Parson is 50:50. Note the Jack’s leg length is half its height at shoulder while the Parson is more squarely built. So, when judging, both breeds’ working background should be acknowledged by procedurally spanning the circumference of their chests while examination on the table is taking place. References and Further Reading [1] William C. Kinsman (Secretary ANKC) “Jack Russell Terrier approved by the ANKC” Editorial in the KCC Kennel Gazette Vol 56 November No 11 Page 1 [2] Hugh Dalziel “British Dogs: Their Varieties, History, Characteristics, Breeding, Management, and Exhibition” (“The Bazaar”, London) 18791880 Chapter XVIII Page 304 [3] R Makeef “Parson Russell’s Terrier A short history of the origin of the breed in 1825 and the foundation of the Club in 1895” (VCA Gazette 1993 Vol 59 No 5 Page 21)
Parson Russell Terrier
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Magazine December 2020 - page 7
October and November have been exciting months at KCC Park with the installation of designated Fire Service taking place. As previously reported this project was several years in the planning and is a major essential capital project for Dogs Victoria with works across multiple event areas and car parks. The project could only be undertaken in dry weather with October/November the best option. It was always planned the site would be closed for safety reasons whilst the works took place so it was fortunate we had no events during this time. We are excited to announce all the underground works have now been completed, with underground boring under Area 2 ( GSDCV event area), across the front of the pavilion to the Westernport rooms, and diagonally from the rear Westernport Obedience (area 6) to the rear of the pavilion (outside the group 7 corner). All hydrants are now in place). All this was achieved without impacting our sewerage system, power, mains water and recycled water supplies. A very complex and delicate piece of work. An open trench was run from the front fence parallel to Wedge Road, a cost saving for Dogs Victoria. The final connection to the water main by South East Water along with the installation of the hose reels, and safety bollards was completed at the end of November.The service when operational will provide a firefighting water supply to our facility. This was managed by our deputy chair David Barclay, with assistance of management committee members, and our caretaker Geoff Musgrave. Care will need to be taken by members to ensure the hydrants are not damaged or vandalised. Sadly, with COVID-19, we have had no events - the Park has been closed, members have been unable to exercise/ train their dogs, affiliates have been unable to run their training sessions, and our volunteers have been unable to access the site to help maintain it. Contractors have also been restricted from completing work.
Magazine December 2020 - page 8
KCC Park is the members park, with events being held at this site for over 30 years. On a very positive note, this is about to change, with easing of restrictions the Park is now open for members to exercise and socialise their dogs. Dogs Victoria however is working on COVID-19 plans so we can go the next step to enable affiliate training and events to recommence and toilets open etc. But we need your help, we plan to have some working bees (with COVID safe practices in place) and volunteers are most welcome on the following dates: • Wednesday 16 December 2020 10am to 3pm with free lunch • Saturday 19 December 2020 9am to 3pm with free lunch Projects include: • Painting the woodwork of the restored gazebos • Weeding/pruning of garden beds • Pick up of rubbish around the grounds • Creation of further disabled car parks outside pavilion including line marking • Installation of new bollards around the ground • Painting of pine posts Members of all ages are welcome, and everyone is guaranteed to have a great day. Key to book at with WORKING BEE in the subject line. This is our wonderful facility, and the envy of dog enthusiasts worldwide, and now is an opportune time to lend a helping hand to make the site smile.
If you wish to contribute to any of our projects, or participate in a working bee please contact Chris Moore Chair KCC Park Facilities Committee David Barclay Deputy Chair
Do you have an Emergency plan that includes your pets?
It does not matter where you live; you should have an emergency plan that includes your pets. Every year bush fires, floods, and other events see people forced out of their homes at short notice. Often during these events, people either put their lives at risk or are injured, because they are trying to save their pets or are refusing to leave their property without them. Whether you have dogs, cats, chooks or even horses, they should be included in your emergency planning. As we head into the hotter months of the year, it will not be long before fire season is on us again. All members must have a proper fire plan well ahead of time, even if you do not think that your house or property will be at risk. Many of Dogs Victoria’s members live in the city fringe, regional and rural areas. Fires in the last few years have shown us that even those members living in the suburbs are not without risk of a bushfire. As a responsible pet owner, you need to make sure all of your pets are included in your emergency plan. You need to think about how you would manage, transport and relocate them if the need to evacuate arises. Do you have the necessary equipment - crates for transportation and temporary housing, leads, collars, identification? Does your family know what to do and where everything is? If you already have a plan in place, now is an excellent time to review it, and make sure all household members know what to do. For those members in high risk areas, it is a good idea to keep a kit of clothes and essential items packed and ready to take if a fire is approaching. If you have one, having your dog float packed and even hooked to the car on high danger days can save valuable time. A well packed float – complete with leads, collars, bowls, food and water – can mean you can up and go at a moment’s notice, and if you are not home, a friend could quickly load your dogs, hitch up your trailer and move your dogs to safety for you. If you have more than a few pets, you may not be able to evacuate all of them. In this case, you need a written plan on where the animals who are remaining will be housed, and make sure that place is maintained in such a way that it provides safety in a fire – keeping grass short, keeping guttering clean, clearing away rubbish and debris that could ignite in a fire. For livestock such as horses, a large area that is mowed short, sparsely vegetated or ploughed means animals can move freely to escape the flames, but remember that fencing often burns during a fire, and the animals may escape or wander once the fire front has passed.
If you plan to stay and fight a fire, you need to make sure you have well maintained and functioning equipment to fight a fire – water pumps, hoses, and of course a water source such as a dam or tank in case the regular town water supply is cut off. Appropriate fire retardant clothing, heavy shoes, and the like are also necessary to protect yourself. Most CFA units conduct bushfire readiness classes coming into summer, so ask at your local station, or visit the CFA website. You can also download the ‘Vic Emergency’ app, so you will know if there are any fires, floods or extreme weather events in your area. The Victorian Government have a website with information about planning for your home, farm and animals in the case of a fire or other emergency – https://agriculture.vic. - and they stress that your animals are your responsibility!
Some tips from their site: • • • • • • •
Include pets, horses and livestock in your fire plan Prepare an emergency/disaster kit and place it in a prominent place; include food, water bowls, leads, bedding, medication, collars and leads. In your fire plan, identify where you will evacuate your animals to. Check with your local council about evacuation options. If you are unable to evacuate, determine the safest area for your animals on your property to shelter from the fire front, and move them there early. Ensure animals have access to at least a two day supply of water Ensure any animals you cannot evacuate have some form of identification on them. Have equipment accessible to provide emergency first aid for your animals after the fire.
If you plan to evacuate, do so early on the morning of Severe or Extreme fire danger days, or the night before a Code Red day. The CFA also has information in regards to fires and pets -
So now might be a perfect time to review all of the information and check your emergency plan is up to date! Magazine December 2020 - page 9
EXTREME HEAT We all welcome the longer days and warmer weather that summer brings, but with shifting weather patterns and a trend towards higher temperatures, extreme heat is emerging as an issue for pets around Victoria. Managing animals in high temperatures requires good forward planning. Keeping an eye on the weather forecasts, and developing a plan for days of high to extreme temperature is essential in ensuring that your animals will have sufficient shade and water on those very hot days. This article aims to inform owners about how to be prepared and protect their animal’s welfare during periods of high temperature. Managing animals during hot weather Extreme heat causes significant stress for all animals. There are a few simple guidelines you can follow to reduce the impact of high temperatures on animals. Water The provision of a plentiful supply of clean, cool water and shade is essential! Water troughs or containers should be large enough and designed in such a way that all animals have easy access. The number of watering points and/or water flow should be increased if a large number of animals are kept together. Troughs or containers should be firmly fixed so they cannot overturn. They should be kept clean and should be designed and maintained to prevent injuries. Large concrete troughs help keep drinking water cool. Water pipes should be of sufficient diameter with sufficient pressure to cope with periods of peak demand. Unless you are around to continually check water containers, water should be provided through automatic or reticulated systems rather than in containers that may be emptied or tipped over by thirsty animals. Location of water should be familiar to animals before days of extreme heat. Animals should not have to walk too far for water.
Suitable shelter Animals need to be provided with shelter during extended periods of extreme temperatures. Shelter is especially important for very young or old animals or animals that are in poor condition or sick. Animals which are tethered or confined and cannot move themselves to shelter should be located in a position where they will have access to shade and water during the heat of the day. Kennels, aviaries, rabbit hutches, cat runs and the like should have an area in the shade for the whole day. The best type of shelter during extreme heat protects the animals from the sun and allows for the cooling effect of wind. The following is a list of shelter alternatives: • Constructed shelters - using materials such as shade cloth, corrugated iron or timber. Aluminum or galvanised steel are ideal roofs for shelters, kennels, and chicken coops as these materials are very good at reflecting the radiative rays of the sun • Trees with large canopies can be planted individually in fields. Trees have a cooling effect due to absorption of heat by the leaves • Naturally undulating paddocks and gullies • Shelterbelts – thick hedges of trees often fenced off from stock, shelter belts can provide good protection from sun, but should be thinned evenly to allow wind flow and planted in an east-west direction to provide shade during the hottest part of the day • Forestry blocks can provide temporary shelter from extreme heat • Pets and small animals should be moved to cool areas of the house or shed During extreme heat conditions wind flow is important for keeping animals cool, so this should be considered when deciding type and location of shelter. It is important that shelter is available to all animals at the same time. It is preferable that shelter includes sufficient room for all animals to be able to lie down, as this assists with cooling. Handling It is recommended not to handle animals in extreme heat unless absolutely necessary. If necessary, make sure it is done as early or late in the day as possible when temperatures are lower. Transport Transport of animals should be planned so that climatic extremes likely to compromise the animals’ welfare are avoided. Animals should only be transported during the cooler hours of the day.
Magazine December 2020 - page 10
Heat tolerance Animals at high risk of heat stress include: • young animals • dark coloured animals • animals that have been sick or have a previous history of respiratory disease Identifying heat stress There are many signs of heat stress that you can look for in your animals. Some general signs include: • panting • increased respiration rate • increased water intake • loss of appetite • listless/lethargy • increased salivation • in severe cases may become unconscious You should ensure you are well informed on the heat stress signs of any species you own and watch closely during days of extreme heat. See the specific species information below for further details Treating heat stress If your animals are showing signs of heat stress the following actions can be taken to cool them down: • move them to the shade immediately, preferably somewhere with a breeze. If animals are too stressed to move, pick them up and move them or provide shade where they are • offer plenty of cool clean water, but encourage them to drink small amounts often spray them with cool water, especially on the legs and feet, or stand them in water. Dogs and cats can be placed in buckets/troughs of cool water • increase air movement around them. This can be done with fans, ventilation, or wind movement • if the animal shows no sign of improvement contact your local veterinarian for assistance While heat stress can have significant impacts on production and animal welfare, by making some minor management changes and taking a little extra care of your animals during periods of extreme hot weather, the effects of heat stress can be substantially reduced. Species specific information The following information provides more detail on dealing with heat stress for specific species or types of animals.
Working dogs Be aware of how hard your dog is working in the heat. If possible give them the day off! If they must work, it should only be during the cool times of the day, and they must have regular breaks with access to water and shade. Carry water with you if possible, and offer small amounts often. If a dog is suffering from heat stress immediately stop it working, find the nearest water trough and put it in, or wet it down with a hose. Offer it cool water and place it in the shade and a breeze if possible. Seek veterinary assistance if it does not respond quickly. Ensure your working dogs have access to shade and a source of clear fresh water at all times when they are kennelled or resting. Metal kennels must be in the shade. Ice cubes in a dog’s water bowl will help to keep water cool. Do not leave dogs tied up on the back of ute in the sun. Park in the shade and provide water. Dogs have the following signs of heat stress: • dry nose (caused by dehydration) • weakness • muscle tremors • collapse Cats, dogs and other pets Always provide plenty of cool, clean water and shade for the animal. When away from home, carry a thermos filled with fresh, cool water. Leave pets at home as much as possible. They will be much more comfortable in a cool home than riding in a hot car. If a pet must be taken along for the ride, don’t leave it alone in a parked vehicle. Even with the windows open, a parked car can quickly become a furnace. Don’t force the animal to exercise in hot, humid weather. Exercise pets in the cool of the early morning or evening. In extremely hot weather, don’t leave your dog standing on the street, and keep walks to a minimum. Because a dog is much closer to the hot asphalt, its body can heat up quickly, and its paws can sustain burns or injuries. Animals can get sunburned too! Protect hairless and light-coated dogs and white cats with sunscreen when your animal will be outside in the sun for an extended period of time. Put sunscreen or zinc on exposed areas of pink skin. Animals with long coats can be clipped to increase comfort in hot weather. Remember: The most important things you can do for your animals in hot weather is to provide them with rest and shade in the hottest parts of the day, and plenty of clean cool water. You have a responsibility to ensure the well being of animals under your care. With a bit of forward planning you can greatly increase the comfort and health of your animals during periods of hot weather. Animal Welfare Victoria
Magazine December 2020 - page 11
It was the middle of the night when Mademoiselle AnneMarie Class messaged me to ask if I would be available to judge in France in 2019. On offer was an international all breeds show in Dijon, and then officiating at the Mastiff Nationale and the Bullmastiff World Cup in the southern Burgundy region. An invitation like that wakes someone up pretty fast!! I had the great fortune to judge at the second Bullmastiff World Cup in Budapest, Hungary in 2010, so it was a real honour to be asked again to preside over such an important and prestigious show for the breed. Finally, after much planning and organisation, I flew out of Melbourne … a long trip via Hong Kong to Paris on Air France. I was very lucky to be hosted by Josette Roux in Paris and given a wonderful tour of this beautiful city by Anne-Marie Class. We did a river cruise, and it was amazing to see all those famous landmarks and get my bearings. Touring Paris and seeing sights including the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and many more was amazing …. I will return to Paris and spend more time wandering around the beautiful city – full of wonderful architecture, so many iconic attractions and fabulous food. I was so fortunate to then spend a couple of days with Anne-Marie Class at her home, along with her beautiful Mastiffs – something I will remember for a long time. She lives in a very small village set in the French countryside, with rustic towns nearby. She has three Mastiffs, a veteran male and female, together with an exuberant 11-monthold female who has a fabulous temperament and so sound and well-constructed. She was a delight to spend time with. I will treasure that time, visiting small villages around the region, eating in delightful places, and seeing the real France. The first weekend of judging was in Dijon, with a national show on the Saturday and an international show on the Sunday. This show was held indoors, and it was quite a hot weekend of weather. On Saturday I judged a number of Spitz breeds, including Pomeranians, German Spitz, Keeshonds and Chows. Quality was varied, but there were some lovely specimens. On Sunday I judged a quality entry of Australian Shepherds, together with some other herding breeds, including Australian Cattle Dogs and Kelpies. This was a good day, with some excellent dogs. I judged a quality line-up for junior in show, which is a very big award at CACIB shows, with the ultimate winner being a very typical, merry Cocker Spaniel – very deserving of his win and pushed hard by some of the other winners of junior in their respective groups. Best in show Saturday was a lovely West Highland White Terrier, and on Sunday BIS was judged by Jean-Jacques Dupas and won by a most deserving Borzoi.
Magazine December 2020 - page 12
We spent the next week in southern Burgundy, staying at a campsite at Dompierre Les Ormes, beside the venue for the Mastiff/Bullmastiff shows for the next weekend. Anne-Marie, Josette and Claude Incerti were wonderful company. This region was stunning in terms of architecture and landscape – with many places to visit and sights to see. We had beautiful weather, were able to visit attractions, rest, swim and eat and drink extremely well. It was a lovely few days spent with very friendly and hospitable people – and even though I spoke almost no French, we found ways to communicate and discuss many things – many of them nothing to do with dogs. The grounds for the weekend’s shows were fantastic, with a very flat, well-manicured grounds, and four rings with a central tented area for the officials, critique writers etc. My co-judge for the weekend was Mrs Peri Burnside from Ireland, who has bred Dogue De Bordeaux together with a number of other breeds. On Saturday we officiated over the French Club’s Mastiff Nationale. I had a very interested critique writer, a Boxer breeder, with very good command of English, which made my task ever so much easier. I judged the dog classes and Peri the bitch classes. Generally, I found the males to be of varied quality. Most were quite sound, with excellent temperaments and reasonable bone. In males, two dogs stood out, a French bred brindle male who had travelled from Scandinavia, still young but typical for age, maybe I would prefer a tad more length of body, but very sound out and back and around the ring, with a good top line and typical head, and an Italian dog with outstanding bone and substance, great spring of rib, a typical head, great depth of body, and very sound coming and going, with correct stride around the ring and an excellent top line, but maybe carriage generally could improve slightly. There was also a very typical dog in Champion male who was not so well behaved and a little uncertain, but his attributes were awarded with second place. After we judged the classes, Peri and I presided together over the top awards. Basically, the male and female Veterans, Winners dog and bitch, Champion Dog and Bitch and Juniors returned to the ring. The Italian dog from the Champion class, Cosimo Del Fracasso, ended up being awarded Best Male – he was a super dog, with fabulous bone and substance, together with a very typical head. He carried his top line well, was a strong, sound mover and was most deserving of his win. The eventual BIS was a bitch from the Open class, Franca Del Fracasso, which I believe was from the same kennel in Italy – again with great bone and substance, very sound, and an excellent mover due to her very correct construction.
At times it was not easy judging, comparing different levels of maturity and development in a large, molosser breed – but the winners were great examples of the breed. Overall, temperaments were great, bone and substance did vary, fronts were very good with good length of upper arm and well laid shoulders, and hindquarters were varied. Some hindquarters lacked angulation and width of thigh and this then affected the overall movement of the dog. Sunday the Bullmastiff World Cup started with the knowledge that the weather might not be so kind to us, and we did experience all seasons in one day, with some rain, and it was quite chilly at times – but generally great conditions for Bullmastiffs to show at their best – rather than be inhibited by the heat of some of the days we had experienced during the week and the previous weekend. The Bullmastiff World Cup brings together many Bullmastiff fanciers from far and wide. There were dogs entered from many European countries, together with the United Kingdom and Scandinavia. Stewards for the day included Franky Loeckx from Belgium, together with Bill and Amanda Warren from the United Kingdom. There were some 150 Bullmastiffs entered across the classes, with slightly more females compared to males. Judges had been drawn out of a hat some months previously and I was to judge males and a couple of young female classes, and Peri the rest of the female entry. I found the young males to be very typical, sometimes with an “American influence” being present. The hardest classes for me were the intermediate and open classes where there was a great deal of variation in quality. Whilst some exhibits were typical in size, substance and shape, many had a different height to length balance than my ideal, some were over wrinkled, short legged or lacking in angulation. The champion male class was the best class of the day for me, with many dogs whom I felt were excellent examples of the breed, displaying excellent or reasonable heads, the height to length ratio that I see as typical for the breed, together with a reasonable degree of soundness. I found the biggest issue across the day in the males I judged was the lack in the length of upper arm, putting the entire front assembly too far forward, rather than basically under the wither – but this is a global problem in many breeds. Set of croups was better overall in comparison to Australia.
Whilst I did not judge females, I did observe some classes, either on the day of the Bullmastiff World Cup, or during the other specialty (judged by French judges) on the Saturday, and I saw some very nice examples of the breed through the classes. The latter stages of the show followed a different process in comparison to the previous day. I was required to choose the best male. I found my best male in the winner of the champion class, Lenny Kravtz Des Haut De Gaumont – a French bred dog. He was extremely typical of the breed. He was of good size, possessing typical bone and substance, but still quite athletic. A fawn dog, with some smuttiness on the chest. His head was definitely a cube on cube shape, with good eyes, and a broad jaw, but maybe I would have preferred slightly more rise in stop. His chest was well developed, he was moderately angulated and balanced in his angulation between front and rear. This dog held his top line on the move and moved true coming and going, with a strong moderate stride around the ring. I congratulate his owner on breeding such a quality Bullmastiff. To his credit, this owner also placed in another adult dog class with another typical dog, but he was a little two toned and not moving with purpose on the day. I also saw at a distance a couple of quality bitches on the end of his lead. Interestingly, three of the four placings in champion dog were sired by UK.CH.INT.CH.SUP.CH.COSTOG MOMPESSONS HOME BRU (AI), a Western Australian Bullmastiff who spent some time in the UK, competing both in the UK and in Europe. We had a lot of dogs to judge and critique, but once the judging of classes was complete, Peri and I, together with Christian Jouanchicot of France, were required to vote for best in show, choosing from the Best dog and best bitch. The ultimate winner was the dog. The best bitch was Forever and Ever is Dvariskiu, and she came from the classes and beat the champion bitch. The judges were then chosen from a hat to decide best of each class. Overall, it was a fantastic experience! Judging at the international show was interesting and challenging, especially with the language barrier, but we managed. Appointments like this are so valuable in widening a judge’s experience and ideas – sometimes seeing breeds that are not common in Australia, or breeds where the quality is much higher than seen at home, or the opposite, where the Australian exhibits appear to be of higher quality than what you are seeing in the foreign ring. The hospitality throughout the entire trip was amazing and I will be forever grateful to Anne-Marie Class and her team. France in 2019 was a great experience on so many levels, and a trip I will never forget.
Magazine December 2020 - page 13
BREED SPOTLIGHT - Jack Russell Terrier History
The breed takes its name from one of England’s hunting parsons, the Reverend John (or Jack, as he was known locally) Russell from Devon, England, who established the breed in the early 19th century. The Reverend, being a keen fox hunter, needed an agile dog with plenty of spirit that could keep up with hounds and have the courage to face up to its quarry underground. The Jack Russell Terrier Club of Australia was entirely responsible for the development of the breed up until 1991, when it was officially recognised by the ANKC as a pure breed. State breed clubs have since been formed.
Breed Description
The Jack Russell should be a slightly longer than taller dog in shape. Ears are either button or dropped, never pricked. Strong head shape, straight back (topline), a chest that is deep but not past the elbows. Overall, the Jack Russell Terrier is a strong, lithe breed. The Jack Russell measures 10 inches (25.5cm) -12 inches (30.5cm) in height, weight is 11lb (5kg) – 13lb (6kg).
Parson Russell Terrier
Temperament should be of a bold, fearless or quietly confident dog, but with no trace of aggression or shyness. The terrier should present a lively active and alert appearance. They can be strong willed, independent and dominant. They are also loving, loyal, and incredibly brave for their size. The Jack Russell must have exposure to lots of different experiences such as people, sights and sounds. They make satisfactory pets for both older children and adults. Jacks must be given structure, this can involve obedience, flyball, agility (which they love) daily walks. A bored dog is a destructive dog. Always supervise your dog with children. Jack Russell Terrier
Magazine December 2020 - page 14
BREED SPOTLIGHT - Jack Russell Terrier
Jack Russell Terrier
Coat Colour/Care Requirements
The Jack Russell’s coat does shed, with the smooth coat loosing hair all year round. It comes in three coat types, smooth, broken and rough. White must always be the predominant colour, with black, tan or brown markings. All coats require regular brushing, at least once a week, more often if you can. The broken and rough coats can be stripped out (this involves removing the loose hair) or clipped by someone who knows how to do this. Stripping needs to be done every six weeks to keep the coat weatherproof. Always check ears and nails when brushing to ward off any problems occurring.
Average Life Span
Jack Russell Terriers can live 15 or more years. Jack Russell Terriers are a relatively healthy breed, it is best to discuss your concerns with the breeder of your puppy.
Jack Russells are an intelligent breed and pick up directions quickly. They aren’t for everyone though. They should be taught from an early age (from when bought home) the basics like sitting, recall, etc. They can be very rough when playing, be aware of this with young children as they like to nip when playing. Jack Russells like nothing better than being with their families/people. Jack Russells can live quite comfortably in a house or unit so long as they’re given daily exercise.
In Conclusion
We certainly hope that the information given above is helpful in deciding whether the Jack Russell Terrier is for you. When looking for more information on this versatile little dog please contact the breed club or your state controlling body for purebred dogs. Ask lots of questions of your registered breeder about your puppy before buying.
ANKC Activities • Conformation • Agility • Obedience • Earthdog • Flyball
Information sourced from the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Vic Inc.
Facts about the breed • • •
The Jack Russell Terrier originated in England and was developed in Australia The Jack Russell Terrier has a reputation for being healthy with a long lifespan Nickname – JRT, Jack
Magazine December 2020 - page 15
Library Notes WRITTEN BY: CLARE HODGES Well, here we are in December - where has this year gone? It’s been a very quiet, and very strange year for everyone, as you are all aware. The chair of the library committee has spent much of this time slowly scanning pedigrees and is now working on various other projects as well. To this end the library needs another set of VCA Gazettes and a bevy of interstate gazettes and royal catalogues. If you know of anyone who has these particularly old interstate gazettes and 2010 onwards royal catalogues, please send them our way! Most excitingly in November the Cocker Spaniel Club of Victoria presented the library with a very generous donation in the form of a microfilm reader. This will enable the library to access the nearly 200 reels of microfilm we have in storage from the old VCA pedigree records. Many of which no longer exist in hard copy form. The library committee is very grateful (and very excited!) by this wonderful and generous donation which will allow researchers access to a lot of information that would otherwise be lost to us.
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Donation to library WRITTEN BY: CLARE HODGES In November, the Cocker Spaniel Club of Victoria Inc purchased and donated a brand new microfilm reader to the library. You may wonder why the library would need a microfilm reader, but in the 1980’s and into the 1990’s microfilm and microfiche were widely used to preserve and record paper-based records. Microfilm itself, is very stable and kept in the correct environment can last for hundreds of years. It takes up considerably less space than paper records and is far less affected by the environment. The VCA like many organisations at this time transferred quite a lot of their records, especially archival pedigrees onto microfilm. These records are now housed in the library archive, but until now we have had no reader with which to view them. The library currently houses 186 reels of microfilm, these contain VCA pedigree records and undoubtedly many other historical records. Many of the hard copies of these pedigrees where lost when the VCA offices moved from the showgrounds to KCC Park. In many cases there are whole breeds who currently have no paper pedigrees in our archive. The hope is that these lost treasures are alive and well in our box of microfilm reels. The new microfilm reader allows members to not only view these records but to save pedigrees to a USB stick for viewing at a later date. The VCA library archive is a well used resource being accessed by dog fanciers both nationally and internationally and the new reader will allow members and interested visitors to view previously unavailable material.
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Now available in Australia Magazine December 2020 - page 16
The library committee is very excited and grateful to receive such a wonderful gift from the Cocker Spaniel Club of Victoria and we are sure it will be well used and received.
in the administration on numerous dog clubs, which included the National Toy Dog Club, Sporting Terrier Club and the Heidelberg & District Kennel Club. Probably no person has contributed more to the successful conduct of shows over many years attending to the catering requirements of club officials. They moved to Williamstown in 1959, not happy with the Shepherds available at that time the Shih Tzus soon took over with Thelma obtaining her first dog in 1963.
Vale THELMA BURNELL 1923 to 2020
Members of the canine fraternity were very sad to learn of the passing of our very dear friend and life member Thelma Burnell. Thelma was born in Sydney on the 16 February 1923, as a child the family moved to Melbourne where Thelma attended St James in West Melbourne. Thelma’s husband Bill who passed away on 9 September 1986 was already interested in German Shepherds prior to their marriage Thelma was involved in the dog world since 1949 as a very active person
Thelma was a life member of the Shih Tzu Club of Victoria; she worked to promote the breed throughout Australia over the years and was always at the club shows working in the kitchen. Thelma was also awarded life membership by the KCC of Victoria in 1986. For many years Thelma was President of The Manchu Shih Tzu Society in the UK, a position she held until death, she would often say “I am the best president that they have ever had as I never cause a problem.” She was also a Vice President of the Shih Tzu Club of Vic, these positions are not obtained lightly. Thelma is survived by her only child, her son Ross who cared for her in her final years. There is still a twelve year old Shih Tzu in residence at Railway Place. Rest in peace, we hope you are surrounded by your favourite Shih Tzus. Fond memories. Roger Bridgford & John Sheppard
Magazine December 2020 - page 17
Dogs Victoria Profile Sean Orr
Staff member: Community Liaison and Field Officer 1.Tell us about your role at Dogs Victoria The role of Community Liaison and Field Officer is an important one! I am responsible for directly engaging with members through field visits. Field visits are an opportunity for us to offer members tailored support and advice specific to your individual circumstances. Field visits are also pivotal to ensuring Dogs Victoria (and our membership) safeguard our reputation with both Government bodies and the general community as an organisation committed to welfare based ethics and principles. 2.What inspired you to get involved with Dogs Victoria? I am extremely passionate about dogs! The relationship between humans and our loyal canine companions is truly one of a kind. This relationship started at least 14,000 years ago making dogs the first ever domesticated species! This marvel was achieved through selective breeding (albeit unintentional at first). Dogs Victoria and our membership fulfil an important role to further this relationship through breeding healthy dogs and promoting responsible ownership. This cause is close to my heart and something I can be proud to commit my time to. 3.Explain your professional background I come to Dogs Victoria with over a decade of experience with the public sector in a variety of roles, most interesting being my time working for the Australian Border Force Detector Dog Program. There I worked as a Canine
Become a
Development Officer where my role was to breed and train high drive and healthy Labrador Retrievers for important careers in scent detection. My many responsibilities included supervising matings, whelpings and providing neo-natal care. The pups then went off to foster homes in the community and I conducted field visits and training of both dogs and foster carers to help the dogs reach their genetic potential. 4.Your favourite moment so far working at Dogs Victoria The global COVID-19 pandemic has presented a very challenging environment for me to commence in this role. I am very much looking forward to meeting members at field visits and events once restrictions are eased. 5. How do you spend your time outside of work? At present I am doing my bit in keeping the community safe and abiding by the stay-at-home directions! In normal times, I like eating out and enjoying the Melbourne arts and comedy culture with friends. I also love getting out into nature and going on day hikes (preferably dog friendly ones). When I’m feeling a bit more adventurous I have been known to go canyoning or scuba diving. 6.Lastly, do you own a dog? Of course! My kelpie Louie is my best buddy. He enjoys communicating with the neighbourhood dog’s by leaving his pee-mail everywhere.
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Magazine December 2020 - page 18
From The Vet WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL BELL Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon (SDFT) Luxation What is the superficial digital tendon? The superficial digital tendon runs from the back of the femur down the back of the lower leg, as a component of the Achilles tendon, then over the joint of the heel (known as the tuber calcanei) and down the back of the foot to branch and attach to each toe. Where it passes over the tuber calcanei there is a shallow groove which it runs through. It is held in place here by connective tissue bands (called a retinaculum) that extends from the SDFT to each side of the tuber calcanei. What is superficial digital flexor tendon luxation? Superficial digital tendon luxation (dislocation) occurs when the SDFT slips out of the groove at the point of the tuber calcanei (heel). This luxating normally occurs to the outside (laterally) but can occur to the inside (medially). It is a result of tearing through either the outer or inner retinaculum, hence allowing the SDFT to slip out of the groove and off the tuber calcanei. Once this occurs the normal flexion of the toes is impeded. How does SDFT luxation occur? Tearing of the inner retinaculum is normally associated with a rotational force exerted during vigorous exercise such as agility or herding. The inner retinaculum is thought to be weaker than the outer retinaculum, hence causing it to tear more frequently resulting in the SDFT luxating outwardly. In a lot of cases affected dogs are found to have a shallower than normal groove hence predisposing them to luxation. Commonly affected breeds include Border Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs.
How is SDFT luxation diagnosed? Affected dogs normally have a history of intermittent weight bearing hind leg lameness which occurs when the tendon pops in and out of the groove. The tissue at the point of the ankles are usually swollen or thickened, the toes may be more extended than normal when the tendon moves out of the groove. When felt the affected tendon can be manually luxated and repositioned, unless the condition is chronic in which case a large amount of scar tissue may have formed and fixed the tendon in luxation position. Ultrasound can be used to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of the condition and evaluation of the associated tendons to identify potential concurrent injuries. How is SDFT luxation treated? Normally the torn retinaculum is sutured back together hence restoring the tendon to its correct position. In cases where the groove at the back of the heel (tuber calcanei) is absent or too shallow it can also be deepened surgically. After surgery the ankle is placed in a cast or splint for 2-3 weeks. With the ankle partial extension to prevent strain on the SDFT until the retinaculum heals. Following this the splint or cast is replaced with a soft padded bandage to allow a small amount of movement but prevent full motion. In 1-2 weeks, the soft padded bandage is removed, and the dog is gradually returned to full activity over the next few weeks. It should be noted that physical activity must be prevented in the first month after surgery to prevent re-injury. How successful is repair? The prognosis after surgery is normally very good with most dogs returning to full activity within 2-3 months. Most dogs have no further problems with their superficial digital flexor tendon.
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(03) 9305 5855 Magazine December 2020 - page 19
LURE COURSING WRITTEN BY: MARCUSS MELLICK Lure coursing has a long history, traditionally a sport for sighthounds, it is a competition designed to simulate a hare hunt. Nowadays though, it is a sport for any dog, purebred or otherwise. Sighthound owners and breeders often still use lure coursing as a test of function for their specific breed. Lure coursing is a great way to keep your dog physically and mentally fit. Many dogs put 110 percent into lure coursing. As a result, a dog should be fit when starting to lure course, so regular exercise needs become a part of your routine if you think this is something for you and your dog. All dogs must be at least one year of age to compete and any breed can compete within the two streams available. Firstly, to qualify for titles in lure coursing, all dogs from both streams, must first pass two qualifying events to gain their junior courser title. The two streams for dogs are one for ANKC registered sighthounds and another for any other purebred or nonpurebred dogs, called coursing ability test. In the CAT dog stream (derived from coursing ability test), the dogs run in a singles competition only. Sighthounds can compete in open stakes for field champion titles (up to three dogs running together of same or similar breed) and also their separate singles competition.
Clubs currently involved are • • • • • • •
Hound Club of Victoria American Staffordshire Terrier Club of Victoria Saluki Club of Victoria Geelong Obedience & Agility Club Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Victoria White Swiss Shepherd Club of Victoria Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria
The lure, which is what the dogs chase, is typically three plastic bags tied to a nylon cord, which is pulled around a system of pulleys. A normal course is between 650 to 1000 metres long, ground size and condition can often determine the length of the course where the event is being held. The lure machine that is used is specifically built for the sport, coming in petrol or battery and 240V operated machines. The lure machines have the capability to run the cord around a course of up to 1000m, with a speed that will easily keep the lure in front of a Greyhound. Special pulleys are used that hold the string out to make up the course pattern, with new designs seen at every event. Judges will score your dog on the following: enthusiasm, follow, speed, agility and endurance. All dogs are required to complete the course twice at the one event, with the points from both runs combined for the final score. As well as the judge and various other officials at each event, there is also a lure driver that drives the lure that your dog follows and a huntsmaster who signals the release of your dog with the words TALLY – HO. Now with trials being held in Victoria many of the clubs involved will be more than willing to lend some advice and tell you about future training days and trials.
Magazine December 2020 - page 20
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My name is Destiny Hamilton, better known as Dee Hamilton at dog shows. I am 19 years old and my interests include drawing and grooming dogs. I have been showing dogs for around 12 years now, starting at the age of 7 years in junior handlers, then getting my first Shih Tzu around nine which is what really got me into exhibiting, grooming and presenting dogs in the all breeds ring, then from there I helped people around the shows with breeds such as German Wire Haired Pointers, Doberman’s, Borzoi, GSP’s and Aussie Shepherds, I was always happy to help out and gain experience from each dog.
How did you get into dog shows?
Dog shows have been in my family for generations. All of my grandparents have bred and exhibited dogs for around 40 years. My Dad’s parents are the breeders of Kjavu Afghans, and my mum’s parents are the breeders of Snerzok Samoyeds. My parents initially met at dog shows, so it is something heavily engrained in my family, and gives us all something in common.
What is your favourite breed of dog?
My favourite breed has to be the Afghan Hound. To me there is nothing that can be more impressive. They are such a unique breed, they are regal, strong and independent with a springy movement that makes it feel like nothing is on the end of your lead. I’m very grateful that my grandparents breed such beautiful dogs, this has given me the opportunity to learn so many things involving grooming, handling and most importantly patience.
What is your favourite memory at dog shows?
My favourite memory has to be winning the International Junior Handling Competition at Crufts 2019! I felt it was such a great achievement for myself as I always believed it was something unreachable, so for me to actually win that title felt unbelievable. There were so many people from Australia to cheer me on and the support was amazing !! The Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! chants were so loud throughout the arena. I am so very thankful for everyone’s encouragement; it gave me the confidence boost I needed.
What is your proudest moment at dog shows?
My proudest moment is winning the Afghan National in Sydney with my Afghan “Ryan”. I am so proud of everything this dog has achieved, all of the hard work, dedication and endless hours put towards his coat and exercising him for that day was worth it. There were many great dogs competing against him which made it feel so special. I felt so much pride in him, he never
gives up on me. After watching my uncle Brett Hamilton win the national with another one of our home bred Afghans “Ty” it was always something I had set out to do.
Who do you most admire?
One person I greatly admire is Camilla Tell C, my uncle Brett’s fiancé. At a very young age I was enamoured with her grooming abilities with Lex the Standard Poodle that I got to watch at many shows. She always took the time to teach me grooming techniques and ways to handle different breeds. I remember being around 12-13 watching her handle Afghans and Poodles and many of the things I observed, I still use in my handling today.
Where do you see yourself in your future of dogs?
I think in regards to my future with showing dogs, I plan on continuing on with Kjavu Afghans as I have great respect for the breed, I love the dogs we breed, and I am very excited for our future! One day I may try my hand in another breed (or group) but we will see!
What is one piece of advice you would give to the next generation of junior handlers?
My advice to the younger generation of junior handlers is make sure you always enjoy what you are doing, have fun with it! Don’t expect to get it perfect straight away and never put too much pressure on yourself, it will come to you. Make it fun for the dog, give them treats and keep them occupied while waiting, creating a bond with a dog is so special. Make sure to keep trying and handle as many breeds as you can, when you’re young people are usually very happy to help out and it’s a great opportunity to see what kinds of breeds you enjoy showing!
Magazine December 2020 - page 21
OTEC Notes - WRITTEN BY: DAWN HOWARD Please note that an item in the November OTEC Notes which referred to using a bowl for washing judges’ hands, was for interest only, being a practice used interstate. This procedure is not recommended for use at Victorian trials. If used, the water must be disposed of immediately. A major undertaking for OTEC was obedience and rally rule changes and the consultation process around them. Several consultations with the Victorian obedience and rally community were conducted at the end of last year and then the National Obedience Committee met in February 2020, in Adelaide, to decide on the rule changes. Since then Lynn Klecka who was the Victorian delegate and the Deputy Chair of the National Obedience Committee, has been involved in the eventual production of both rule books. Lynn has also developed lectures on the new rules for both judges and handlers. By the time you have read this the lectures for Victorian judges for both obedience and rally will have been held. These meetings were compulsory for judges and were conducted via Zoom. Further meetings will be held with the general community when restrictions within Victoria can allow it. Most OTEC meetings this year have been conducted via Zoom. Some of the routine jobs that have to be followed up include the Dogs Victoria events calendar. An annual task which is done with clubs and Dogs Victoria to ensure all dates are correct. Although 2020 fixtures have been cancelled, the work continues with the 2021 calendar.
Thanks to the persistence of OTEC, our request to allow us to use Show Manager was granted by Dogs Victoria Management Committee. In future, OTEC trials will use Show Manager, rather than Easy Dog. Show Manager is more suitable for obedience, rally, tracking and TSD trials. Another big part of this past year has been keeping up with all the restrictions etc. put out by the state government. This has enabled us to provide COVID-19 procedures for OTEC events plus judging guidelines. These have been sent to, and approved by, the management committee. Also during the year four newsletters were sent to clubs, the main reason was to update the clubs about ‘return to training’ and all other COVID-19 requirements that their local councils may have required in line with state government restrictions. Sue Collier has assisted in keeping us all up to date. OTEC also has to deal with various suggestions and proposals from the management committee. Several memos on various items including COVID-19 and other proposals have been written and submitted. OTEC is a subcommittee of the Dogs Victoria Management Committee and therefore we provide them with any insights, suggestions and acceptances when we can.
Obedience and Rally Dog of the year
Obedience Dog of the Year was still able to be held despite the obvious difficulties. The presentations could not be held as planned at the state trials. The rules were temporarily modified to enble a result, and the certificates were produced by the conveners and posted with the badges to all winners and placegetters. A Facebook page for the OTEC community has been set up. It is called the Victorian Obedience, Rally, Tracking, Endurance Community. All are welcome to join, but you must join yourself and you must answer the questions required.
Magazine December 2020 - page 22
OTEC Notes - WRITTEN BY: DAWN HOWARD Unfortunately, Friends of Obedience, (FOOs) had to be cancelled for the autumn sessions and postponed for the spring session. We will keep everyone informed of when the next session will commence.
Our clubs have been shut down for most of the year. Regional clubs have been able to return to training much earlier and have been serving their members for some months. More recently metropolitan clubs have been able to go back, some with restricted numbers, but nevertheless they are back. Over the lockdown, some clubs and training groups have kept in touch via Zoom and similar platforms, plus social media. It is a very important activity to keep in touch, both to communicate with our members and to keep an eye on the health of our members. Hopefully 2021 will be a less difficult year, with trials able to progress as normal. 2020 has been a year to remember, but we have made it through. We look forward to seeing you all at fixtures in 2021.
OTEC Committee:
Chair: Lynn Klecka 0418 333 312 Deputy: Melissa Ferabend 0414 640 402 Dawn Ayton 0408 375 526 Sue Collier 0431 270 214 Sue Crankshaw 0408 126 550 Dawn Howard 0412 088 055
Keep safe everyone
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Magazine December 2020 - page 23
RAFT OTEC Notes notes WRITTEN BY: NOEL ELTRINGHAM Retrieving and Field Trials
Where do we go from here
As with so many of the dog disciplines, field and retrieving activity was severely impacted by the limitations placed upon us by the government (federal and state) under COVID restrictions. We were fortunate to have three weekends of trials from late January to early March before competitions were required to be cancelled. Behind the scenes the RAFT committee were and are continually monitoring the ever changing restrictions to determine how we would be able to operate within the rules. Thanks must be given to retired RAFT committee member Greg Playdon, who spent hours combing the DHHS website to gain up to date understanding of the ever changing rules. Greg was instrumental in developing a comprehensive COVID management plan which was drafted, updated regularly and submitted to Dogs Victoria. Finally, in June there was a glimmer of hope that restrictions may be eased sufficiently for us to be able to start trialling only for this hope to be quashed with the states Stage 4 lockdown commencing. Now after many long months COVID regulations appear to be well and truly headed in the right direction and should allow for retrieving and field trial events to be recommenced, albeit in 2021. With the Premier’s announcements on the 8 November, at least members from Melbourne can now travel further than 25 km from their place of residence and start doing some meaningful training, especially with the ring of steel being removed and Melbourne residents once again able to travel to rural areas. While travel was limited to 5 - 25km from your place of residence many triallers were prevented from doing any effective training. Whilst the field trial season won’t get under way for another six months, it appears that the expected limitations should allow most events to be held in full, as participant numbers are relatively low. Recent weather conditions provide hope for good game seasons in 2021 and we look forward to a successful year of competition. Retrieving trials differ from field trials with up to 20 to 25 competitors attending each stake and with partners and spectators adding to the numbers. For weekend club events where there are three stakes
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being conducted, then gatherings of at least 100 people would need to be allowed for the event to proceed. For larger three day events such as the Gippsland Retrieving Club Easter Trial, an allowance for larger numbers would likely be required. With this in mind RAFT is in constant communication within the committee to ensure that we are able to seek alternatives to the normal conduct of events to ensure that we are able to commence some form of trialling and continue to do so. Most judges of retrieving and field trial events are also competitors. These judges have also missed out on competing with their dogs during 2020 and they will understandably be seeking to run their own dogs in 2021 to catch up on lost opportunities. This will limit the number of judges available and may prove an impediment to the conduct of all events. Most dogs competing in events will be a year older since they last competed and some may be getting towards retirement age also limiting the size of fields. Whilst COVID restrictions may ultimately be eased enough by 2021 for trials to be recommenced in a COVID safe way, there may still be other structural and procedural changes required that could alter retrieving trials as we previously knew them. There will likely be a number of requirements that will have to be met regarding safety and sanitisation that have not been required in the past. We will all need to remain flexible and adaptable so that we can make the most of our trialling opportunities in 2021 and celebrate the return of our wonderful sports. In light of the almost non-existent 2020 retrieving season, at the October committee meeting RAFT Victoria made the decision that the 2020 Retrieving Trial Dog of the Year would not be awarded. Merry Christmas everyone and we look forward to seeing as many people as possible out trialling in 2021. Should you have questions about field and retrieving trials then please contact the relevant RAFT committee member or join us on the Retrieving and Field Trial Victoria (RAFT) Facebook page.
gazette dogs victoria
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Victorian Canine Association Inc
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ELECTIONS Members are hereby informed that vacancies for vice president and five ordinary members of management committee will occur in April 2021. Eligibility of Candidates to Nominate for Election Members are advised to check the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the Victorian Canine Association Inc to confirm their eligibility. Subject to Rule 2.52.2 only an ordinary, dual or life member as described in Rule 2.6.1 - 2.6.3 shall be eligible to nominate as a candidate, or propose or second a candidate, for election to the management committee, provided that they were financial members of the VCA for the whole of the previous financial year, and their membership renewal subscriptions have been paid not later than the date on which nominations close, and that they are not in default under Rule 2.10.5 or Rule 2.11 between the date on which nominations close, and the date on which the ballot closes, and such ineligibility has not lapsed by the latter date. Term of Office The term of office for the vice president will be one year, three ordinary members of the management committee will be four years, one ordinary member of management committee will be two years, and one ordinary member of management committee will be one year. (Total of five ordinary positions of management committee up for election). Electoral Roll The electoral roll will close at 4pm on Sunday 31 January 2021. All ordinary, dual and life members as described in Rule 2.6.1 - 2.6.3 shall be on the electoral roll provided their membership is current by the 31 January when the electoral roll closes each year and provided that they are not ineligible at that date under Rule 2.10.5 or Rule 2.11. Nominations Nominations shall be made on the prescribed form and signed by the candidate, the proposer and seconder
each of whom shall be an ordinary, dual or life member of the VCA. The prescribed form is available from the VCA Returning Officer, Mary Facci, Victorian Electoral Commission, Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 or from the Dogs Victoria Administration Office Candidates may lodge a personal profile of up to 400 words and a photograph. These will be published in the March Gazette.
Nominations close and must be lodged with the VCA Returning Officer, Victorian Electoral Commission, Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 by 4pm on Monday 11 January 2021. TIMETABLE OF EVENTS FOR ELECTION OF VICE PRESIDENT AND FIVE ORDINARY MEMBERS OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE November & December 2020 Gazette Call for nominations for vacancies for vice president and five ordinary members of the management committee. Nomination forms available from the chief executive or the VCA returning officer. Monday 11 January 2021 Nominations close at 4pm Sunday 31 January 2021 Electoral roll closes at 4pm March 2021 Full list of nominations with profiles published in the March Gazette. Ballot papers sent out by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC). Friday 9 April 2021 Voting closes at 5pm Wednesday 26 May 2021 VCA Annual General Meeting. Newly elected members of the management committee take office the next day. May 2021 Gazette Election results published.
AGM – NOTICES OF BUSINESS FROM MEMBERS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA ITEMS As per rule 2.98 members wishing to place an item of business on the agenda for the 2021 AGM shall give notice in writing of that item to the Chief Executive by no later than 31 January 2021. The notice must include the names and VCA membership number of the mover and seconder. For Rule changes the notice must include • the rule as it currently reads • the rule as it will read with proposed changes. Notes for the benefit of members submitting notices of business:
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1. A notice of business that seeks to amend, delete or insert a clause of the constitution or a rule, must be worded as a special resolution. See also regulation 6.2.1. 2. Any other notice of business should be worded as an ordinary resolution. 3. A notice of business that directs or seeks to direct the management committee in any matter that is a power of the management committee [Clause 1.5 of the constitution] would not be a proper matter for an AGM, and therefore would be an invalid notice of business. 4. Members are invited to seek assistance with the wording of any notice of business.
From the Office OFFICE CLOSURE
The Dogs Victoria administration office will be closed for the Christmas and New Year period from 5pm on Tuesday 22 December 2020 and will reopen on Monday 4 January 2021. AFFILIATE CHANGES
SHERBROOKE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC Mrs Sandrine Prosser, 18 Charman Ave, Emerald 3782 Ph: 0425 253 895 HASTINGS & DIST. OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC Ms Alison Prata , PO Box 444, Hastings 3915 Ph: 0435 436 324 YARRAM & DISTRICT CANINE CLUB INC Mr Trever Powell PO Box 356, Yarram 3971 0404 494 424
Members are advised that the close off for agenda items for the management committee agenda are as follows: Meeting Held 20 January 17 February 17 March 21 April 19 May 16 June 21 July 18 August 15 September 20 November 15 December
Agenda Items Submitted By 6 January 3 February 3 March 7 April 5 May 2 June 7 July 4 August 1 September 3 November 1 December
CANINE MUSEUM FOUNDATION Ms Sylvia Power 151 Diggers Rest Rod,Coimadai 3340 0407 362 319
Dogs Victoria Media Subcommittee Seeking expressions of interest The newly formed Dogs Victoria Media Subcommittee is seeking interested members to join. This committee is to coordinate and conduct various forms of social media videos primarily for the Dogs Victoria YouTube channel. • Interview and showcase o breeds o breeders o all forms of dog sports/disciplines within Dogs Victoria • Record videos for presentation on the Dogs Victoria website and other forms of social media We are seeking members with previous experience in any aspect of media video production - development, recording, editing, graphics, specialised equipment, and interviewing ability/ knowledge. If any member wishes to become involved and share their ability to benefit the dog world the Dogs Victoria Media Subcommittee would love to hear from you. Preference will be given to any previous ability and experience. Expressions of interest should be sent to: Simon Briggs Please place Dogs Victoria Media Subcommittee in the subject line. Expressions of interest close Friday 8 January 2021
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Summary of The ANKC LTD annual general meeting & board meeting HELD VIA ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCING ON 17 OCTOBER, 2020 At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Australian National Kennel Council Limited held via Zoom video conferencing: 1.
Election of ANKC Ltd Executive • Mr Brian Parker was elected as Vice President for a one-year term from 17 October 2020; and • Mr David Sales was re-elected unopposed as Treasurer for a one- year term from 17 October 2020. • Ms Pamela Campbell was re-elected as a member of the Executive Committee for a one-year term from 17 October 2020.
At the October 2020 ANKC Ltd Board meeting, Directors resolved/considered the following: 1.
Turkish Shepherd Dog Survey It was resolved that the status quo is to remain where there will be two breeds with the Anatolian Shepherd Dog using the current Anatolian Shepherd Dog breed standard and the Kangal Shepherd Dog using the FCI Kangal Shepherd Dog breed standard and owners may transfer the affected dogs from one breed to the other up until the 30 June 2021.
2. CACIB Shows: 2022-2023 It was resolved the following confirmed expressions of interest to conduct CACIB Shows in 2022-2023 have been approved by ANKC for submission to FCI for their approval: Member Body Dogs Tasmania Dogs Victoria Dogs SA Dogs West Dogs Queensland Dogs NSW Dogs West Dogs NSW
Date of Show 30 January 2022 12 February 2022 3 June 2022 8 July 2022 17 September 2022 26 August 2022 14 July 2023 1 September 2023
Show Details Ulverstone Kennel Club CACIB Show Twilight Canine Country Club Dogs SA Winter International Winter Festival API Event The Royal Canin International Spring Fair Winter Festival The Royal Canin International Spring Fair
3. Regulations Part 3A to 3N: New Clause to be added It was resolved that the following clause be inserted into all ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 3A to Part 3N: A member wishing to enter any Judges’ Training Scheme must apply to the Member Body in their state of residence. 4.
Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows: Clause 1.1.7 Amendment It was resolved that Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows: Clause 1.1.7 be amended as follows:
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1.1.7 Proprietary Interest – having some legal or equitable interest in an animal on an on-going basis. For the purposes of these Regulations the definition does not include boarding a dog at a Judge’s boarding kennel. 5. Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows: New Clause 8.1.4 Amendment It was resolved that Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows, Section 8, 8.1 Exhibit be amended by the inclusion of an additional Clause 8.1.4 to read as follows: 8.1.4 A dog cannot be entered in the name of a deceased person once the administration of that person’ s estate has been finalised. 6.
Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows: Clause 3.2.5 Amendment It was resolved that Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows: Clause 3.2.5 be amended as follows: “I undertake to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the ANKC Ltd and judge to its approved Breed Standards/ Regulations/Rules and any member body regulations applicable to this assignment. I declare all information on this form is correct and if circumstances make the information inaccurate, I undertake to inform the ANKC Ltd forthwith. I also declare I am physically fit and capable of judging in the normally accepted manner. I acknowledge this is a continuing obligation and I undertake to notify the contracting affiliate should my health status impact upon my ability to judge in the normally accepted manner.” It was resolved for the amended declaration to be included in the Judges’ contract and the Non-resident Judges’ application form. *
New or Amended regulations, policy statements, procedures, publications and listings will be made available from the ANKC Ltd website.
Tracey Barry Administrator
From The ANKC LTD CONTACT WITH ANKC LTD Members and secretaries are reminder that all contact to the ANKC MUST be via the state member body. Direct contact to the ANKC is not permissible. CIRCULAR 50/2020 – EXCLUSIONS (BULGARIAN REPUBLICAN FEDERATION OF CYNOLOGY) The Bulgarian Republican Federation of Cynology (BRFC) informs the FCI members and contract partners that Mr Svetlin NIKOLOV and Mr Pavlin KAZAKOV have been definitively excluded as BRFC members since 1/11/2020. CIRCULAR 51/2020 – EXCLUSION (SOCIETE ROYALE SAINTHUBERT) The Société Royale Saint-Hubert (SRSH) informs the FCI members and contract partners that Mr Daniel THIBAUT has been definitively excluded as FCI international show judge since 3/11/2020. The FCI Judges Directory has been updated by the SRSH accordingly. CIRCULAR 52/2020 – EXCLUSION (BULGARIAN REPUBLICAN FEDERATION OF CYNOLOGY) The Bulgarian Republican Federation of Cynology (BRFC) informs the FCI members and contract partners that Mr Daniel DIMITROV has been definitively excluded as BRFC member, breeder and international show judge since 1/11/2020. In addition, his FCI kennel name “KURZROYALHUNT (VOM)” has been cancelled from the international FCI Kennel Name Register. The FCI Judges Directory and the international FCI Kennel Name Register have been updated accordingly. RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF OBEDIENCE TRIALS (effective 1 January 2021) – CORRECTIONS Please note over the past few weeks the National Committee has been discussing typo corrections to the Obedience rule book (effective 1 January 2021) and found the following Utility Class Seek Back - P29 Description of Exercise 6th paragraph ‘articles’ should be ‘article’. Utility Dog Excellent Class – P 40 Distance Control Description of Exercise 2nd paragraph ‘competitor’ should be ‘Handler’ for consistency. Page 15 - Orders from Judge - ‘About Turn’. requires a comma Page 19 - 1st paragraph on page - “Take it”, double quotation marks, instead of the usual single quotation marks ‘Take it’ Further down the page - Description of Exercise - 1st para, 3rd line - ‘Leave (Leave Your Dog), missing end quotation mark, ‘Leave’ (Leave Your Dog) or ‘Leave (Leave Your Dog)’ (not uniformly treated throughout the rules) Page 22 - Orders from Judge - ‘Lead Out’. requires a comma Page 23 - Drop on recall - Orders from Judge - 1st ‘Call (Call Your Dog)’, Call missing end quotation mark, ‘Call’ (Call Your Dog)’, to make it uniform with second listing of ‘Call’ (Call Your Dog)’, in that sentence. (not uniformly treated throughout the rules) Page 24 - Retrieve Dumbbell on Flat, Description of Exercise 1st line “Forward” and “Halt”, have double quotation marks rather than the usual single quotation marks used throughout the rules. Plus Orders from Judge - Send (Send your dog)’, is missing 1st quotation mark, ‘Send (Send your dog)’ Further down page - Exercise 5 (a) - Description of Exercise, 3rd para, 3rd line - orders’ Finish’. Space in wrong position, orders ‘Finish’ Page 25 - Exercise 5 (b) - throughout the Description of Exercise and Orders from Judge, double quotation marks have been used, instead of the usual single quotation marks.
The new additions only have single quotation marks. Plus Orders from Judge - “Send (Send your dog), is missing end quotation mark, ‘Send (Send your dog)’ Page 26 - Exercise 6 (b) - Description of Exercise, 1st para, “Take up Position”, double quotation marks used instead of single quotation marks ‘Take up Position’ Page 31 - Orders from Judge - ‘Article Correct ’, space in wrong position. ‘Article Correct’ or Page 32 - Exercise 5 (a) - Orders from Judge - ’Stand (Stand Your Dog)’, or ‘Down (Down Your Dog)’, question use of comma after ’Stand (Stand Your Dog)’, As on Page 33 - Exercise 5 (b) - no comma used in same scenario, ’Stand (Stand Your Dog)’ or ‘Down (Down Your Dog)’, Page 35 - Down Stay Exercise - “Dead Dog”, double quotation marks have been used, instead of the usual single quotation marks ‘Dead Dog’ position Page 38 - Positions in Motion, Description of Exercise, 3rd para, 7th line, at approximately 5 metres from of the dog, doesn’t make sense with the word of in that section of the sentence. Plus missing five (5) metres, as used throughout rules. Page 39 - 1st para, 5th line - “About’, should have single quotation mark at beginning of word, ‘About’ Plus Description of Exercise, 6th para, 1st line - “Send”. Requires single quotation marks to be consistent with rest of rules, ‘Send’. Page 40 - First Orders from Judge - ‘Send (Send your dog)’. requires a comma ‘Send (Send your dog)’, plus ‘Send’ (Send your dog)’ and ‘Call’ (Call’ your dog)’, have extra quotation mark after Send’ and Call’, these are treated differently to the rest of the rules. Plus Distance Control, Orders from Judge - ‘Sit’ (Sit your dog)’, ‘Stand’ (Stand your dog)’, ‘Down’ (Down your dog)’; Sit’ Stand’ Down’ all have extra quotation mark after which is different to the rest of the rules. Also is there a full stop missing after ‘Down’ (Down your dog)’. as there starts with a capital T. We have arranged for our website to be updated with the updated rules which can be accessed from: http://ankc. RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF RALLY TRIALS (EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY 2021) – CORRECTIONS Please note over the past few weeks the National Committee has been discussing typo corrections to the Rally rule book (effective 1 January 2021) and found the following Sign 46 may be used multiple times - was jump - jump now sign 53. Catalogue order Catalogue order - dogs jump heights changed to dogs’ jump height Signs 56 and 69 - dogs front change to dog’s front The spelling of metre was incorrect on a number of signs – numbers 49,51,58,59-63 (English spelling is metre) In line with renumbering when transferring the “JUMP” from sign 46 to new sign 53 the “M” was accidently left at the top right hand side of the sign which has been removed as “53” is now in the Advanced class. Solid Jump - ‘minimum of one and a half (1.5) metres....’ (this distance is from the 2015 Rally rule book. Changed to between 1.2 metres....’ distance is in the current 2016 amended Rally rule book. We have arranged for our website to be updated with the updated rules which can be accessed from: http://ankc.
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PRESS RELEASE Australian National Kennel Council Ltd PRESS RELEASE – TURKISH SHEPHERD DOG SURVEY RESULTS A survey was conducted by ANKC Ltd earlier this year to ascertain the feedback from any Member of a Canine Control affiliated with the ANKC Ltd and who was the owner of a registered Anatolian Shepherd Dog or Kangal Shepherd Dog to the following questions: 1) Do you agree to the renaming from Anatolian Shepherd Dog to Kangal Shepherd Dog? 2) Do you agree to the FCI Standard for FCI CACIB shows? 3) Do you agree to an Australian Kangal Shepherd Dog Standard for non-CACIB shows? The response received indicated support. As this was an amendment to current regulations, the result of the survey was referred to the ANKC Board of Directors for consideration at their October 2020 Special Board meeting where it was resolved that the status quo remain where there will be two breeds with the Anatolian Shepherd Dog using the current Anatolian Shepherd Dog breed standard and the Kangal Shepherd Dog using the FCI Kangal Shepherd Dog breed standard and that owners may transfer the affected dogs from one breed to the other up until the 30 June 2021. The ANKC urges those owners who want to take advantage of the transfer moratorium to ensure that they are satisfied that the dogs they are moving to the Kangal Shepherd Dog Register comply with the requirements of the Kangal Shepherd Dog Standard. As a consequence, the following new clause will be added to Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration: Anatolian Shepherd Dog/Kangal Shepherd Dog The status quo will remain where there will be two breeds with the Anatolian Shepherd Dog using the current Anatolian Shepherd Dog breed standard and the Kangal Shepherd Dog using the FCI Kangal Shepherd Dog breed standard. Owners may transfer the affected dogs from one breed to the other up until the 30 June 2021. (Added 10/20, 5.5)
Tracey Barry Administrator 24 November 2020
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Dogs Victoria Events Calendar 2021 (Subject to amendment) January DATE
FRI 1 FRI 8 SAT 9 SUN 10 SAT 16
Dogs Victoria Amenities Show South Eastern Kennel Club Inc South Eastern Kennel Club Inc Bass Valley Kennel Club Inc Lang Lang P A & H Society Inc Warrnambool & District K & O Club Inc Lady Bay Kennel Club Inc Lady Bay Kennel Club Inc Lure Racing Club of Vic Inc Bass Valley Kennel Club Inc German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Vic Cranbourne Dog Club Inc German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Vic Australia Day International Dog Club Inc Australia Day International Dog Club Inc Dogs Victoria Ballarat Dog Club Inc Dogs Victoria Open Show Committee
CANCELLED CANCELLED CANCELLED CANCELLED 01.01.21 02.01.21 02.01.21 02.01.21
9AM 8.30AM 1PM 8.30AM
SUN 17 SAT 23 SUN 24 MON 25 TUE 26 SAT 30 SUN 31
February DATE
Classic Dog Show Lure Racing Club of Vic Inc NO BOOKINGS INDOORS BULLA Twlilight Canine Country Club Sunshine Kennel Club of Vic Inc Twilight Canine Country Club Inc German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Vic Twilight Canine Country Club Inc Twilight Canine Country Club Inc Gippsland Retriever Club Yarra Glen Kennel Club Yarra Glen Kennel Club Chihuahua Club of Vic Inc Australian Shepherd Club of Vic Inc Berwick All Breeds Kennel Club Berwick All Breeds Kennel Club German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Vic Golden Retriever Club of Vic Inc Australian Shepherd Club of Vic Inc Melbourne & Dist Freestyle & HTM Club Inc Golden Retriever Rescue Fund Raising NO FURTHER BOOKINGS INDOORS BULLA Central Gippsland Kennel Club Central Gippsland Kennel Club
FRI 12 SAT 13
SUN 14
SAT 20
SUN 21
FRI 26 SAT 27
29.01.21 29.01.21
3.30PM 3.30PM
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Dogs Victoria Events Calendar 2021 (Subject to amendment) February DATE
SAT 27
Rochester Ag Society Victorian Gundog Club Inc Bairnsdale & District Dog Obedience Club Inc Bairnsdale & District Dog Obedience Club Inc NO BOOKINGS INDOORS BULLA Berwick Agi Show Scottish Breeds Dog Club of Vic Inc Bairnsdale & District Dog Obedience Club Inc Bairnsdale & District Dog Obedience Club Inc Victorian Gundog Club Inc NO BOOKINGS AVAILABLE FOR BULLA
SUN 28
Tallangatta Show Society Inc Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Vic Inc Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Vic Inc Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Vic Inc Yarram & District Kennel Club Inc Yarram & District Kennel Club Inc Basenji Club of Vic Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Vic Inc Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Vic Inc German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic Inc German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic Inc German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic Inc Lure Racing Club of Vic Inc Warrnambool Dog Training School Inc Warrnambool Dog Training School Inc Warrnambool Dog Training School Inc Central Highlands Working Gundog Club Yarram & District Kennel Club Inc German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic Inc Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of Vic Inc Melbourne & Dist Freestyle & HTM Club Inc Warrnambool Dog Training School Inc Warrnambool Dog Training School Inc Warrnambool Dog Training School Inc English Springer Spaniel Club inc Central Highlands Working Gundog Club Warragul & District K & O Club Inc Warragul & District K & O Club Inc Eltham & District Kennel Club Inc Eltham & District Kennel Club Inc
MON 8 SAT 13
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19.02.21 19.02.21
12.02.21 12.02.21
8.30AM 1.30PM
05.03.21 05.03.21
8.30AM 12.30PM
Dogs Victoria Events Calendar 2021 (Subject to amendment) March DATE
SUN 14
FRI 19 SAT 20
SUN 21
SUN 21 24-26 FRI 26 SAT 27
SUN 28
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Vic Inc Schnauzer Club of Vic Inc Schnauzer Club of Vic Inc Southern Obedience Dog Training Club Inc Southern Obedience Dog Training Club Inc Australian Silky Terrier Club of Vic Inc Australian Silky Terrier Club of Vic Inc Weimaraner Club of Vic Inc Border Collie Club of Vic Inc Sovereign City Kennel Club Inc Cohuna & Dist Kennel Club Cohuna Agricultural P & H Society Inc Pakenham Agi Society Aust Shepherd Club of Vic Pug Club Vic Inc Victorian Herding Association Inc Canine Agility Club Kerang & Dist Kennel Club Chihuahua Club of Vic Inc Melbourne & Dist Freestyle & HTM (DWD) Club Victorian Herding Association Inc German Shorthaired Pointer Club of NSW Gippsland Retrieving Club Inc Border Collie Club of Vic Inc Australian Shepherd Club of Vic Inc Geelong Obedience Dog Club Inc Flatcoated Retriever Association of Vic Inc Dogs Victoria Open Show Bunyip Agi Society Miniature Pinscher Club of Vic Inc Miniature Pinscher Club of Vic Inc Dogs Victoria Open Show Committee Dogs Victoria Open Show Committee Samoyed Club of Vic Inc Australian Cattle Dog Club of Vic Lure Racing Club of Vic Inc Croydon Obedience Dog Club Inc Croydon Obedience Dog Club Inc Australian Shepherd Club of Vic Inc Central Highlands Working Gundog Club Inc
A/TRIAL Breed Competition CHAMP E/DOG E/DOG Practice Endurance Test Field Trial Herding Test Herding Training
Instinct Test Junping Trial Lure Coursing L/RACE Main Breed Exhibition M/COMPetition Dog Match National CHAMP Novice Pointer & Setter Field Trial
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Conformation schedules Entries close Saturday 2 January 2021
SATURDAY 16 & SUNDAY 17 JANUARY 2021 Schedule of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 18 dogs 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 10a, 11a & 18a bitches
THIS EVENT SUBJECT TO COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS CURRENT AT THE TIME Warrnambool entries to the secretary, Mrs E Crabb, 194 Whiskey Creek Rd, Curdievale 3268 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Warrnambool & District Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Inc Lady Bay entries to the show secretary, Ms R Hawkins, 3 Arundell Lane, Laang 3265 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Lady Bay Kennel Club Inc Judges Saturday AM Show Warrnambool Mr D Bowey Mrs S Scholes Mr K Lee Mrs S Scholes Mrs C Hobday Ms J Lees Ms J Lees Ms J Lees
Saturday PM Show Lady Bay Mrs C Hobday Mr D Bowey Mrs J Keenan Ms J Lees Mr D Bowey Mrs M Glover Mrs M Glover Mrs J Keenan
Sunday Lady Bay Mr K Lee Mrs L Parker Mrs M Glover Mrs J Keenan Mrs L Parker Mrs J Keenan Mrs C Hobday Mr K Lee
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 General Specials
Catalogue: $5 per show Entry Fee: $15, baby puppies $10 Judging Time: Saturday AM show 8.30am. Afternoon show will commence at the completion of the morning show but not before 1pm. Junior handlers will be held during the lunch break. Sunday 8.30am. Junior handlers will be held during the lunch break Exhibit Numbers: To be collected on the day Extreme Weather: Dogs Victoria Extreme Weather Regulations will apply (Regulation 7.6.8) Catering: Available Special Prizes: Cash and sash for all in show and in group awards
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Mr M Wake Mr D Maxwell Mr R Petrusic Mr A & Mrs L Brandon Mrs K M Gibbons Mrs V Anastasiadis Mr R Corevski Ms B James Ms M Ebbage Mrs L Love Mr G Vernon & Mrs A O’Connor Mr E Parsons Mrs O Elyard Ms T Camm Ms K Van Gaal Mr G Partridge Mr R A Barratt Miss S Dare Miss B Page Mr B Hopper & Ms N Horvath Miss S Dearing Ms S Hudd Mrs T Dalton Ms L Williams Miss J A Miller Mr S Jervies Mrs M L Thompson Mrs X Tan Mrs L Diederiks Mr T Parlour Miss K Beer Mr D Baumgartner Ms B Schofield Mrs S Bick Mr N & Mrs T Grey Miss J Byles Mrs D Creffield Mr B Duggan Miss K Strahan Mr M Bajada
Mrs D L Evans Mrs C P Foster Ms K Lawson Mr B & Mrs L Caldwell Mrs J Oldland Mr J Edwards & Miss N Clarke Mrs E Newton-Brown Mr S Thomas Mrs J Maycock Mrs M Harris Miss K Ramm Miss K Flick Mr R Emerick Mrs S Staite Miss C Reynolds Ms J Corral Mrs K Evans Mrs S Sherman Ms C Hately Miss D Zammit Mr N Stockdale Mr F Egan Mr R Jealous Mr K D Neilson Mr S Trewarne Miss R Lee-Porcher Mr J & Mrs A Connaghan-Harris Mrs R Elliott Mrs D & Mr K Hasler Ms M Hastie Mr T Tsonis Mr N Juga Mrs T Voros Mrs D Suraci Mr M Coleman Ms D Simpson Mrs A McWaters Ms R James Mrs B Kerrison
LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 The details of the litters presented appear in the following order: Prefix, Name of Breeder, Number of Dog/Bitches Registerd, Whelping Date, Sire and Registered Number, Dame and Registered Number. The attention of breeders and intending puppy purchases is drawn to the following VCA Regulations and ANKC Regulations. Full copies of the Regulations are available from and
VCA REGULATIONS 4.4.4 Except as provided for in these Regulations any member selling, supplying or disposing of a dog to another person must supply to that person the signed registration certificate duly completed with the name and address of the person and the transfer date, within one calendar month of disposal unless Management Committee otherwise directs. A member shall not include any contractual provisions contrary to this regulation. (15/11/11) 4.4.5 Any member who sells a registered
dog without transfer of registration to the purchaser must obtain the agreement of the purchaser in writing that the dog will either not be transferred into the name of the purchaser or deregistered with the VCA. 4.4.6 A member shall not sell any dog in such a manner as to cause the purchaser to believe the dog being sold is registered with the VCA if it is not. (15/09/19) A member may indicate during the sale that a dog which is not as yet registered with the VCA is intended to be registered in accordance with Regulation
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LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 4.1.3. ANKC LTD REGULATIONS Part 6 Section 8 Breeding 8.3 All bitches eight years of age and over at the time of a mating must have a current veterinary certificate stating that the bitch is in good health at the time of breeding. This certificate must be presented at the time of registration of the litter resulting from this mating. A current veterinarian certificate is defined as being within three months prior to the mating. (Added BOD 10/11) 8.4 First generation (father/daughter, mother/son, brother/sister) matings are not permitted. ANKC Ltd Member Bodies will not register the progeny of father/daughter, mother/son, brother/ sister matings on the Main Register unless application was made to the Member Body and approval was given prior to the mating on the basis of health or genetic reasons to the benefit of the breed. Any breach of this regulation will constitute an offence by the member/members who are the owners of the sire and dam of the litter. The progeny resulting from such a breach will be registered on the Limited Register and endorsed ‘never to be upgraded’ and any further penalties may be determined by the member’s member body. (Added 10/10, 6.7) (Amended EAP 07/11) (Amended 10/14, 7.5.6) 8.5 First Degree Mating protocols: (Added 10/12, 6.6.1) 8.5.1 Applications shall be made prior to the mating to the relevant ANKC Ltd Member Body and the following information is the minimum required for the Member Body to make deliberation: a. Grounds for the mating should include details of the dogs to be mated and relevant health test results; b. Desired outcomes for the mating; c. When the intended mating is likely to occur. 8.5.2 Where prior approval has not been sought or granted by the Member Body. All progeny are to be registered on the Limited Register and the record flagged never to be upgraded to the Main Register. (Added 10/13 – 6.5.1)
TOY Australian Silky Terrier BALKANA Mr J W Camac 1F 16/07/2020 CH. CURIOSITY WALKING THE TALK (IMP FIN) F121863/10 : CH. BALKANA MISCHIEF MAKER 3100333421 Bichon Frise CHARHARRA Mrs K M Taylor 3M 1F 14/08/2020 CH. AME JUMELLE EYVOR (IMP ARG) FCA16330-SEM : CH. CHARHARRA I WEAR THE PANTS 3100346928 DAEJILON Ms J Eerden 3M 20/07/2020 CH. DAEJILON SWAROVSKI 3100304376 : DAEJILON ROSES N REBELS 3100372567
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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ARYNBETH Mrs S Frazer 3M 1F 29/06/2020 TORQUELA TAKE A CHANCE ON ME 3100369807 : ARYNBETH SECRETS OF THE HEART 3100337115 AXELTON Mrs K Powis 2F 24/08/2020 COLOORA BEST SELLER 2100505422 : AXELTON FEEBEE ROSE 3100375110 BLACKTREE Mrs A J Kleinitz 1F 18/07/2020 BLACKTREE ROYAL RENEGADE 3100395850 : BLACKTREE SCENE STEELA 3100342202
MELVATAR Miss M Knapik & Miss M Gardner 3M 1F 28/08/2020 ELFKING BOMBSHELL MOUSE 2100474992 : MELVATAR POSH ANGEL 3100389697 ROCKMAGIC Miss L C Hawkins 1M 12/11/2019 BLACKTREE DANCE WITH THE DEVIL 3100371036 : ROCKMAGIC GOTTA BE THAT GIRL 3100311433 TORQUELA Mr K Byrne 3M 3F 05/07/2020 AUSTRADAN ICE COOL BOMBADIER 2100432592 : TORQUELA FIRE AND ICE 3100385371
BLACKTREE Mrs A J Kleinitz 1M 1F 18/07/2020 BLACKTREE FOREVER A REBEL 3100294165 : BLACKTREE SCENE STEELA 3100342202
Chihuahua (Smooth) BOUTIQUECHI Miss M K Lloyd 1M 2F 10/07/2020 BOUTIQUECHI CALVIN KLEIN 3100395268 : GLAMOURCHI TINKA BELL 7100042137
BODACIOUSBLU Mrs K Mathrick 2M 3F 10/08/2020 GEMBELINA RUBY BOYE 3100380296 : ZEAL LITTLE MISS MOPPET 2100508356
DAPSEN Ms D L Petersen 1M 3F 03/07/2020 DAPSEN WHOSE ON FIRST 3100389701 : DAPSEN SORRY NOT SORRY 3100366045
BROADHANGAR Dr K & Mrs A Greenwood 3M 2F 30/07/2020 BROADHANGAR BLUE MIST 3100388855 : SANHARCHI MY FIONA GIRL 4100308108
DAPSEN Ms D L Petersen 3F 01/07/2020 CH. DAPSEN DESTRUCTION MAN 3100250639 : DAPSEN DONT BET ON IT 3100382317 DAPSEN Ms D L Petersen 3M 24/07/2020 DAPSEN WHOSE ON FIRST 3100389701 : MARCAVAN VICTORIAS SECRET (AI) 7100035242 INNESVEIL Mrs J E McInnes 2M 12/08/2020 INNESVEIL HOGANS HERO (AI) 3100376591 : EIREANNMADA SOUND OF MUSIC 3100342757 INNESVEIL Mrs J E McInnes 2F 27/07/2020 INNESVEIL HOGANS HERO (AI) 3100376591 : BRADES COSMOPOLITAN LOVER 3100371891 KILDEW Mrs S Ould 2M 1F 16/08/2020 AMANCIO A SECRET BEST KEPTED 2100480643 : NAPARK NETTY 3100390887 LAKEISHA Miss M Creek 5M 3F 27/07/2020 CH. LAKEISHA LORD SPENCER 3100338684 : LAKEISHA SAPPHIRE BLAZE 3100356869 MATMOR Mr M L Morse & Mr W A Henderson 1M 2F 01/08/2020 UK. CH. HARANA ALFIE BOE (IMP UK) AM00951401-SEM : SUP.CH. MATMOR IN THE SOCIETY PAGES 3100362197
CALIYA Miss C Bull 4M 02/07/2020 CH. CALIYA MIDNIGHT MADNESS 3100391453 : BRAPEREMI SERENDIPITY 2100433817 REYNOSA Mrs A E Rhodes 2M 17/07/2020 REYNOSA WILLIBE WICKED 3100391543 : CH. REYNOSA DIAMOND BALLERINA 3100381906 Griffon Bruxellois CLMBASU Mrs S Appleton 1M 1F 06/08/2020 AZANDE THE CUSTARD DRAGON 3100389554 : CH. ALWOOD COSMOPOLITAN 3100315759 WATAGRIFFEN Mr G Watson 2M 4F 20/07/2020 CH. EBZAN DARK MAGIC 3100369717 : KANGO SWEET CHERRY PY 3100369550 WATAGRIFFEN Mr G Watson 4M 2F 02/08/2020 WATAGRIFFEN SMOOTH DEVOTION 3100363109 : WATAGRIFFEN RUBY DE MAGIC 3100371272 Italian Greyhound GEMVIR Mrs C Duma 4M 2F 18/08/2020 ZANBELLIA SUPERNOVA 3100377430 : GEMVIR FAIRY MAGIC 3100345139
LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 GEMVIR Mrs C Duma 4M 1F 17/08/2020 ZANBELLIA SUPERNOVA 3100377430 : GEMVIR DARK CRYSTAL 3100305172
CUTIECHACHA Mrs S Di Pietro 1M 4F 08/07/2020 TRANABBY HANS SOLO 4100306640 : CUTIECHACHA TIAA 3100359812
Maltese LUSTAFAIR Mrs S E Scarcella 2M 2F 22/08/2020 CHIL. CH. CHIL. JR CH. CH. C.I.B. CHILESTOLZ SPECIAL DELIVERY (IMP CHL) KCC447414 : PENDER REIGNDROP TO TREASURE 6100114261 Miniature Pinscher MAJICJEWL Mrs P Ball 4M 25/07/2020 CH. SILVERINO THE KARATE KID 2100390238 : MAJICJEWL LA PERLA 3100351581 Papillon KIENO Mrs J Walden 1M 2F 31/07/2020 SUP.CH. BEAUCHIOT TUSCANA DREAM 3100322935 : KIENO HEAVEN SENT 3100333603 SEYOSO Mr R Leech 3M 1F 09/08/2020 SEYOSO MY STRAIGHT A STUDENT 3100282032 : CH. TYRONDALE STARS IN HER EYES 2100422149 WYNGAY Mr G D Whiley 3M 1F 15/08/2020 CH. WYNGAY GIFT OF AN ANGEL 3100351548 : CH. TOYSFUS OUR CHINA DOLL 6100110084 Pomeranian CUPIDTOWN Cupidtown Kennels 1M 1F 31/07/2020 CUPIDTOWN DREAM TO PARTI 3100344725 : CUPIDTOWN COZ I SAID SO 3100333086 VALERENA Ms S Morabito & Mr J Maalouf 1M 02/08/2020 AMOREA GUCCI LOUIS DOLCE 2100434030 : KIMICO PRINCESS VALENTINE 3100316718 Pug AMALOOGRA Mrs A Graham 1M 2F 12/08/2020 CH. GONEROAMIN RETURN TO ME 3100328037 : CH. AMALOOGRA PLUME HEART ASSCHER 3100323235
TERRIER Airedale Terrier YELOMAN Mrs S P Tennant 4M 6F 03/07/2020 CH. YELOMAN KANGAROO STRAIGHT (IID) 3100350356 : YELOMAN SENT FROM ABOVE 3100359542
Australian Terrier KYLOTT Mrs K & Mr S Boulter 2M 2F 28/06/2020 TASDALE FRESH START (IMP NZL) 05229-2013 : CH. KYLOTT JITTERBUG 3100324208 Border Terrier TUXAL Mrs A Tuxworth 3M 3F 25/08/2020 CH. BOHUNT BLOOD MOON 3100390377 : FERNBROOK EVERYONES ROSE 3100368871 Bull Terrier GLENBULL Mr G M Barry 6M 2F 11/05/2020 UK. CH. BILBOEN PRINCE OF DARKNESS (UK) 2574CS-SEM : GLENBULL MAID HERE 3100388016 NEVADALODGE Mr M Lowe 2M 1F 13/07/2020 STARDOM PRINCE ADVOCATE (AI) 2100463097 : STARDOM SWEET RED ROSE 2100437986
American Staffordshire Terrier HAMSTAFFS Mr C Hamilton 2M 2F 31/07/2020 AMSTAFWARIAZ JAYZZ 2100505542 : QUEENOFSTAFF CLEO 3100336807
Bull Terrier (Miniature) BULLROY Mr S & Mrs S Humphrey 3M 2F 17/07/2020 BULLROY FIRSTDAFT 3100359557 : BULLROY KISSEE MEE 3100374072
ICERAINSTAFS Mrs V Torney 2F 29/07/2020 ICERAINSTAFS RUGER 3100382857 : CH. ICERAINSTAFS KEONA (AI) 3100343110
Cairn Terrier BALBRIDIE Mrs B Candela 1M 18/07/2020 BALBRIDIE ACE OF HEARTS 3100367009 : BALBRIDIE TUDOR ROSE 3100348464
BALBRIDIE Mrs B Candela 3M 2F 15/06/2020 BALBRIDIE ACE OF HEARTS 3100367009 : BALBRIDIE RED CAVIAR 3100318972 RICHDREAM Mrs J & Mr D & Miss T Wright 5M 2F 29/07/2020 CH. JOYMONT SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL 3100335462 : CH. JOYMONT HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS 3100353343 Jack Russell Terrier CALLEIGH Ms J Callaghan 2F 12/08/2020 DENTON-JR SAMUEL 7100028209 : SWYNFORD JUNIPER 3100342746 Scottish Terrier CONCONAL Mrs T Haroutunian 4M 2F 23/07/2020 NAIRBLORAC LACH SHOLTOY 3100264967 : CONCONAL TRICK OR TREAT 3100374544 Staffordshire Bull Terrier ALPINSTAFF Mr D I Molina 2M 2F 20/08/2020 IAMLEGENDE INTO THE DARK 4100306069 : ALPINSTAFF TILLY DEVINE 3100376413
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LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 ALPINSTAFF Mr D I Molina 1M 3F 12/08/2020 IAMLEGENDE INTO THE DARK 4100306069 : BLUPRIDE BONNIE 3100338618
MAJESTIKMIX Mrs T Burford 1M 17/06/2020 XANDERBLUE DARK KNIGHT 7100038603 : ELVATRON PHREYA 3100368219
ROYALWESTIES Mr M Attard 3M 2F 28/07/2020 TEDAMINI FRANKIE 4100313224 : ROYALWESTIES WILLOW 3100361529
MAJESTIKMIX Mrs T Burford 6M 1F 17/06/2020 XANDERBLUE KNOCK EM DEAD 7100039784 : ELVATRON PHREYA 3100368219
SEBASAM Mrs S Flynn 2M 2F 03/07/2020 KANYAS MARTIN MCGHIE 3100382546 : SEBASAM IS ADORABLE ISADORA 3100354088
BONDIBLUE Mr J Jones 1M 1F 01/08/2020 NEVADALODGE FULL TILT 3100388050 : BONDIBLUE JO JET 3100368791
WESTIEMAC Ms E McLean 3M 08/07/2020 CH. SCOTSWHAHAE ANGUS 2100492773 : WESTIEMAC SASSY LASSY 3100383384
WESTIEMAC Ms E McLean 4M 2F 07/07/2020 CH. SCOTSWHAHAE ANGUS 2100492773 : REDGOWEST ROSE OF ALEX 3100341902
FOREVERBLU Mrs L Baldi 3F 28/08/2020 ANDONAS BELZA 5100099722 : FOREVERBLU SHESA GODDESS 3100307532
GROZBOLT Ms S Boulton 3M 1F 24/08/2020 NZURISTAFF MUGGINS 3100384398 : GROZBOLT MANNI GIRL 3100305781 GROZBOLT Ms S Boulton 3M 4F 23/08/2020 HDSTAFFIES IMMORTALITY 3100316258 : GROZBOLT KIRI LASERBEAM 3100363111 GROZBOLT Ms S Boulton 3M 4F 20/08/2020 ENGLISHIDOL LOKI MAN 3100391393 : NERRADABUL BLACK LABEL 4100292617 INDIEROSE Mrs E Carey 3M 3F 20/08/2020 STAFFATORI HUGO 3100334435 : BLUEMONROCK INDIE 3100304518 KEVLARSTAFF Mrs S Davies 2M 4F 23/09/2019 TIMYKA I GOT THIS 3100334834 : SLIRPZ CZARINA CAI 4100292061 LISBOABLUE Mr B Vicente 6M 3F 23/08/2020 ARMANIBLUES CHEVY 6100100863 : LISBOABLUE INFAMOUS ZENIA 3100378731 LISBOABLUE Mr B Vicente 5M 2F 27/08/2020 ARMANIBLUES CHEVY 6100100863 : LISBOABLUE PARIS LA MADRINA 3100386507 LOHARO Ms L Lelliott 1M 4F 09/08/2020 POWERPAWS RED ARROW 3100337631 : CH. POWERPAWS LAURA NORDA 3100343471
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RUFFBLUESEAZ Mr R & Mrs M Tulloch 4F 20/07/2020 NJSTAFFY TRENT 3100352729 : WIDEBAYBLUE MISTY BLUE 4100261382 STATIONBLUE Mr M Henderson 4M 2F 01/08/2020 ATLANTICBLUE SUAVE STORM 3100327498 : MASONSRUN JESSIE 3100327733 Welsh Terrier YORKPARK Mr D & Mrs D Barclay 2M 15/07/2020 YORKPARK JACK BARON O YORK (AI) 3100395708 : CH. YORKPARK DARCY XRATERRASTRIEL 3100343319 West Highland White Terrier BEINARDRIE Ms A Fielding 3F 03/07/2020 BEINARDRIE DELCROFT CHESTER 3100364237 : BEINARDRIE DELTA DIXIE 3100392072 BEINARDRIE Ms A Fielding 5M 29/07/2020 BEINARDRIE DELCROFT CHESTER 3100364237 : BEINARDRIE AURORA MAGIC DASH 3100387789 REDGOWEST Mrs T Hollier 2M 3F 23/08/2020 CH. SCOTSWHAHAE ANGUS 2100492773 : MACMHUIRAICH BRITTANY 2100455033 ROYALWESTIES Mr M Attard 2M 4F 28/07/2020 ROLLYHILL GREAT PEDRO 2100481348 : ROYALWESTIES PIPPA 3100334577
Chesapeake Bay Retriever CROWLEE Mr A Crowley 1M 2F 20/08/2020 NZ. CH. CH. STORMBAY ANCHOR ME (IMP NZL) 050252012 : CH. CROWLEE WHYWHISPER 3100339787 Clumber Spaniel ERINVEINE Dr H & Miss J Irving 4M 2F 29/07/2020 POL. JR CH. GENIUS LOCI KAPRYS REJENTA (IMP POL) PKR.VIII37140 : CH. ERINVEINE JOYFUL ROSE RN. 3100322559 Cocker Spaniel ALINTA Mrs P & Miss L Oliver 2M 03/07/2020 ALINTA DAN MURPHY 3100374830 : CH. ALINTA PEPPERJACK 3100339000 FROSTSPARK Mrs C Welch 2M 4F 01/07/2020 CHALLIZBETH MAJOREVENT HARRI 2100358486 : MORNINGDALE TANZANITE 6100108535 LUVBY Mrs M Harrington 5M 2F 08/07/2020 MORNINGDALE WAIT FOR ME 6100107377 : FROSTSPARK LITTLE ALLY 3100348390 MISTDUKE Mr D & Mrs S Heatlie 2M 2F 18/07/2020 DUTCH. JR.CH. EUR. JR.CH. GER. JR CH. NLD. CH. INCANTO SCHONEZ (IMP NLD) CLP/ AC/38163 : MISTDUKE BETH MAGIC 3100391055
LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 MURRANGOWAR Mrs M P Wade 3M 2F 10/05/2020 CH. ROBMOND ELECTRIC RAIN 3100341625-SEM : MURRANGOWAR DIXIEBELL 3100320568 Curly Coated Retriever CURLTRIEVER Curltriever Kennels 3M 3F 23/07/2020 CH. CURLTRIEVER SUN OF A GUN (AI) 3100354553 : CH. CURLTRIEVER ICE ICE BABY (AI) 3100302315 Flat Coated Retriever INJITALI Miss R M Williams 4M 2F 05/08/2020 ALMANZA SECRET OF SUCCESS (SWE) SE25745/2016-SEM : GRAND. CH. INJITALI TREASURE SEEKER 3100361179 German Shorthaired Pointer ARENDT Ms K Wishart 3M 7F 05/07/2020 AVALINE TISSOT (IMP SRB) JR727126 : ARENDT ME ME ME 3100348845 ARENDT Ms K Wishart 5M 7F 11/07/2020 AVALINE TISSOT (IMP SRB) JR727126 : WOODWYCH RAINDROPS ON ROSES (AI) 5100104971 CANAWINDRA Mr M & Mrs F Park 3M 2F 07/08/2020 GRAND. CH. CANAWINDRA ROCK E ROAD 3100267182 : GRAND. CH. CANAWINDRA RU SERIOUS 3100284541 POINTEXTREME Mr W Camilleri 3M 3F 31/07/2020 YORIFELD GARAVOGUE 3100356414-SEM : CAMFAM ABBEYS DREAM 3100264801 RELOAD Mr P Cosaitis 4M 3F 29/07/2020 RELOAD HARD AS NAILS 3100347165 : RELOAD BLACK RAIN 3100307444 RELOAD Mr P Cosaitis 4M 4F 11/07/2020 RELOAD READY TO ROLL 3100380778 : RELOAD MIROKU 3100291778
AUZPROM Mr J T Forbes 5M 04/08/2020 AUZPROM LUCAS 3100278740 : AUZPROM OH SO OUR GIRL BABS 3100367714 AUZPROM Mr J T Forbes 2F 31/07/2020 AUZPROM OUTBACK JACKEROO 3100367715 : THUNDERPOINT JEAN GENIE BOWIE 3100359171 CADENZAHGOLD Mr D L Hardinge 3M 1F 07/08/2020 SUP.CH. ADORINGGOLD EYE OF THE STORM (AI) 2100410259 : CADENZAHGOLD FOXY ROXY 3100313407 DELFTBLUE Mr B Sarton 5M 5F 26/08/2020 AUZPROM MY CUPIDS DART 3100302897 : MARDAN ZARA 3100322513 DELFTBLUE Mr B Sarton 7M 4F 25/08/2020 KITSCOLOUR ARCHER 3100261511 : KITSCOLOUR TAMMY ROSE 3100363723 DOREHYTES Mrs H Haines 2M 3F 16/08/2020 ORFHLAITH KALOF ON PATROL (IMP NZL) 01016-2013 : DOREHYTES BEST IMPRESSIONS 3100373165 EVENDAYLE Mrs K M Evens 5M 1F 15/08/2020 HVAR JAXSON 3100276472 : SHELKEERA DOTTI LOVE 3100376028 GOLDENBLOSS Mrs A Forsyth 3M 4F 03/08/2020 DOREHYTES WELCOME STRANGER 3100373155 : GOLDBRIOR DREAM GODDESS 2100460886 JACKCHARLEY Mr S Armstrong 3M 3F 22/08/2020 CH. REGALRITE CODY 2100436111 : CADENZAHGOLD SHELBY NALA 3100342453 JUBILANI Mrs V Steele 6M 3F 11/07/2020 ATHALOW PISTOL PAISLEY (AI) 2100518137 : BYABBY LETNJI LJILJAN 2100488243
WINTRIEVER Mr J & Mrs C Winters 4M 4F 27/08/2020 RELOAD GUNZABLAZIN 3100291777 : WINTRIEVER JAMMIES GIRL 3100360738
KILLARA Mr P & Mrs D Howard 3M 5F 27/07/2020 CH. ANNADOR I PUT A SPELL ON YOU (AI) 3100353808 : DUAL. CH. (T) KILLARA DOUBLE THE MONEY TSD. 3100365094
Golden Retriever ANNADOR Mrs D & Ms A Alexander 2M 5F 29/07/2020 KIRIEL HIGHLAND LADDIE 3100387554 : ANNADOR GYPSIE DIVA (AI) 3100375655
MADARIGOLD Ms M Daly 2M 4F 06/08/2020 GRAND. CH. BICKLEWOOD GOODWILLHUNTING 3100287208 : AUZPROM AL CLEOPATRA 3100305344 MAYJOEHAVEN Mrs L Fearn 6F 23/07/2020 JATESCO AZURE STORM 3100381390 : MAYJOEHAVEN ROSELEA 3100319892 RHYCAS Mrs L Keown 6M 1F 28/08/2020 AMBRECREEK OLYMPIAN ZEUS 3100353440 : JATESCO AMBITIOUS GIRL 3100381396 SARTOREE Mrs M Sartori 6M 4F 24/08/2020 SUP.CH. ADORINGGOLD EYE OF THE STORM (AI) 2100410259 : GARDANBELLE LUCY DAISY 3100364800 Hungarian Vizsla ARANYBAJNOK Ms D M James & Mr D L Rae 1M 1F 10/08/2020 GAMECALL THE STORIE SO FAR 2100396894 : CH. ARANYBAJNOK EVE OF NEW DAWN 3100318387 HUBERTUS Mrs A Pali 2M 7F 22/07/2020 CH. HUBERTUS HARD TO RESIST 3100375408 : HUBERTUS WAY OF A DEAL 3100352462 Labrador Retriever ARTHOUSE Miss K French 4M 1F 16/07/2020 LILYBEL TOP GERE 3100289204 : ARTHOUSE SERENDIPITY 3100310274 BARWONLAB Mrs L N Egan 2M 5F 14/08/2020 EVARISTIS JACK SPARROW 3100252252 : BARWONLAB SWEET INDULGENCE 3100309877 BEEREEGAN Beereegan Kennels 3M 5F 21/08/2020 KADNOOK SOLITARY MAN (AI) RRD. 3100312402 : BEEREEGAN NINA SIMONE 3100379742 CLEMITYLAB Ms A Knapp 5M 5F 02/08/2020 CH. KELINDEBAR ENGLISH OAK 3100364915 : CLEMITYLAB PANDORAS BOX 3100367347 GUNNERSON Mrs J Newton & Mr R Gough 4F 07/05/2020 NZ. CH. SARASOTA NEVER SAY NEVER AT BLACKHILLS (IMP NZL) 06999-2014 : GUNNERSON LOKI SIGYN ONYX 3100352635
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HEVNSENT Hevnsent Kennels 3M 5F 14/07/2020 PARITY MR MEAD 2100495984 : HEVNSENT GEODAN MCKENZIE 3100377625
LADLABS Mrs I Ladewig 3M 2F 30/08/2020 LUKILAB DAY BREAK BUSH 3100380704 : JOLLAB FLORA 3100366201
LAFIRA Mr M Cauchi 4M 2F 30/08/2020 NZ. CH. BLACKHILLS MICHELANGELO (NZL) 06640-2014SEM : BLACKHILLS SARAH (IMP NZL) 03219-2018 LUKILAB Mrs D A Harris 4M 6F 08/08/2020 MESHKHENT FAMILY AFFAIR 3100354516 : LUKILAB FREEDOMS MELODY 3100375002 MITJARDEN Mr K & Mrs R Dyke 3M 3F 23/08/2020 KADNOOK MY FOREVER FRIEND 3100334817 : ERINISLE MAGICAL MOMENT 3100299515 REDGOWEST Mrs T Hollier 3M 3F 26/07/2020 LORETTALABS MONTE CHRISTO (IMP USA) SR95477805 : LACOTE ARCADIAN PRINCESS 2100495361 ROCKSOLI Mrs J J Crosswhite 4M 3F 05/08/2020 CH. KELINDEBAR ENGLISH OAK 3100364915 : ROCKSOLI PHADRA 3100298226 SOHALISPIRIT Miss K Ainsworth 4M 7F 07/06/2020 SOHALISPIRIT REGAL SPIRIT 3100258755 : SOHALISPIRIT SKYE DREAMER 3100332738 SOHALISPIRIT Miss K Ainsworth 2M 5F 29/07/2020 CROFTSWAY CARRYON MICHAEL (AI) (IMP NZL) 061032013 : SOHALISPIRIT KELANI DREAMS 3100377116 SOOTYSTAR Mr D J Elliott 3M 6F 02/08/2020 JAHBRY KODA 3100373234 : SOOTYSTAR HANA 3100331585 Lagotto Romagnolo HEVNSENT Hevnsent Kennels 4M 4F 29/07/2020 PARITY MR MEAD 2100495984 : HEVNSENT MAYBELLINE 3100353666
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Weimaraner BROMHUND Bromhund Kennels 2M 6F 12/08/2020 BROMHUND ACTION MAN 3100377169 : CH. BROMHUND FREE FALL 3100333627 BROMHUND Bromhund Kennels 5M 1F 08/08/2020 CH. BROMHUND SECRET WEAPON 3100368185 : CH. BROMHUND UNLACE ME 3100372816 HOUND Basset Fauve De Bretagne ARENDT Ms K Wishart 2M 1F 04/07/2020 ARENDT FEEL THE FORCE 3100331020 : ARENDT TEQUILA 3100346473
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) AUZPROM Mr J T Forbes 1F 21/07/2020 BIRINJ TUDOR SUNRISE 2100510273 : AUZPROM THE TIGRESS 3100364111 MARANKAT Mrs M F Woolley 1M 31/07/2020 CH. BERGHUTTE GOLD SOVEREIGN 3100363955 : MARANKAT GRETCHEN 3100350017 Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) CARADEE Caradee Kennels 2M 2F 26/07/2020 CH. STRATHLEE ARE YOU WITH ME 3100355882 : CH. CARADEE DINKY DI I DO 3100318067 Irish Wolfhound ALYMATA Mr S Clapham 5M 5F 23/07/2020 IRL.CH. IRL.JUN CH. KILL BILL ROAN INISH (IRL) Z75292SEM : CH. DRAYTON LADY CALISTA 3100350367 CONGHAL Mr A Clare & Miss K O’Brien 3M 2F 30/07/2020 NZ. CH. SOVNGARDE THE LAST DRAGON 4100262363-SEM : HOUNDSWOOD CONGHAL ARIEL (IMP USA) HP54092801
ARENDT Ms K Wishart 3M 1F 11/07/2020 ARENDT FEEL THE FORCE 3100331020 : ARENDT CHIC COQUETTE 3100352423
Rhodesian Ridgeback JARRACADA Mr G Hall & Ms C Hornby-Waring 5M 6F 28/08/2020 CH. KORURIDGE ELEGUAS PARADOX (IMP NZL) 07064-2016 : JARRACADA PENNY BUCKLE 3100369592
Basset Hound KAUTUNKA Miss V & Miss D Jackson 4M 3F 23/08/2020 AMMIDAN EVA JACKSON 4100270468 : KAUTUNKA LAYLA 3100330897
NKALAKATHA Ms C Macdougall & Mr J Horsfield 6M 3F 12/08/2020 UJAMAA SYMPHONY RED (AI) 3100385703 : CH. NKALAKATHA PRIDEPRED GEORGIANA 3100379783
YARRAMBA Mr B Mangelsdorf 1M 4F 02/07/2020 RAIO DE LUA TO SWITHERLAND (IMP UK) AS0906206SEM : CH. YARRAMBA DID IT AGAIN 3100329795
Whippet ALLTALK Mrs S Delaney 4M 09/08/2020 CH. ALLTALK WILD IRISH HEART 3100337879 : ALLTALK WISH ME LUCK 3100341175
Black and Tan Coonhound SCENTMASTER Mrs I & Miss L E Hobbs 1M 1F 01/07/2020 SCENTMASTER MINGO’S BOY (IMP USA) HX00384401 : SCENTMASTER SINGING CRICKET (IMP USA) HX00384601
FAIRSKY Ms M Johnson 4M 1F 20/07/2020 GRAND. CH. ROSIEL PAX TOTHE RAFTERS 3100284424 : FAIRSKY MATA HARI 3100302593
Bluetick Coonhound SCENTMASTER Mrs I & Miss L E Hobbs 3F 06/07/2020 BRUMMY’S BLUE IRON WHIP (IMP USA) HP57683901-SEM : WESTPHALS HIGH COUNTRY SUE (IMP USA) HP48576301
TROBEVLIN Mr L L Humphries 5M 4F 07/08/2020 TROBEVLIN STAR JACK 3100378257 : TROBEVLIN DIESEL LOVE 3100287666
LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 WORKING DOG Australian Cattle Dog PUREHEEL Mr A & Mrs R Spargo 4M 3F 01/07/2020 CH. BLUVERADO ROYAL RAMPAGE 3100384271 : CH. DIRRANLODGE ROYAL DIAMOND 3100364864 SUNNYACRES Sunnyacres Kennels 1M 2F 07/07/2020 SUNNYACRES SONS OF ANARCHY 3100349977 : SUNNYACRES SPECIAL EDITION 3100306267 WYHANDOO Mrs D Thorne 4M 2F 06/07/2020 CH. CLOVERDOWNS LETS ROCK 3100336178 : CH. ACCEBERA SUGAR N SPICE 7100040476 Australian Shepherd ELITEVIEW Mr R A Carlson 2M 3F 22/08/2020 T.CH. TAYONA I WALK THE LINE (AI) TSDX. HSAs 5100104908 : DUAL. CH. (T) ELITEVIEW DREAMS COME TRUE RA. 3100306833 ELLAGANT Ellagant Kennels 2M 1F 03/08/2020 AM. GR CH. RISINGSTAR’S HEAVENLY MESSENGER NA (IMP USA) DN18307804 : CH. ELLAGANT RICH AND FAMOUS 3100351750 ELLAGANT Ellagant Kennels 3M 7F 27/07/2020 SUP.CH. ELLAGANT RHYTHM N BLUE PT. 3100153338SEM : CH. ELLAGANT SPARKS FLY 3100335512 GRANDPEAK Miss B Trotter 2M 5F 24/07/2020 WILLABAA ALL THATS TRUE (AI) 3100378322 : LAMADABELL FUNKY BABY DOLL 3100367246 MAINSTREET Mrs G Knowles 2M 2F 10/08/2020 DYKINTA MAN AROUND TOWN (AI) 2100514600 : CH. MAINSTREET ALL DRESSED UP 3100346855 Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren) GRAEBELGE Graebelge Kennels 2M 4F 17/08/2020 GRAEBELGE WILD THING 3100362745 : GRAEBELGE YOU BELONG TO ME (AI) 3100366399 Border Collie EBNIV Ms P Kirk 2M 3F 01/08/2020 CH. STEADFAST ABRACADABRA 3100331621 : EBNIV JUSTA BREEZE 3100324472 KYAMME Mrs S Hansen 3M 3F 18/08/2020 ADENSLEY RUM RUNNER 3100258550 : KYAMME LIVING THE DREAM 3100374302
MEERUT Mr K & Mrs C Barelli 3M 1F 11/08/2020 CH. QUINORA LOVE ME IF YOU DARE 2100371840 : LINDENBRAE TARFIN JAZZN JETE 3100338383
VONBEAUTY Mr A Zhu 3M 3F 02/08/2020 KOHLETAL AUSSIE 3100301304 : UBLONG IMA GRADUATE 2100415222
VONZANE Mr G W Rau 2M 6F 11/07/2020 VONZANE KJETT 3100298373 : REGALHAUS JURLIQUE 3100310669
Collie (Rough) IZKAZE Ms K Reeves 4M 2F 13/07/2020 CARLUKE LOVE STRUCK (AI) 3100312936 : CH. IZKAZE FUTURE NAMESAKE 3100257267 Collie (Smooth) FOXBELL Ms J Cook 4M 3F 27/08/2020 CH. FOXBELL YOU FETCHEM AT 3100379875 : CH. FOXBELL FASHION XTRA 3100366408 German Shepherd Dog BELJOSHEPS Mr A Corso 1M 3F 28/08/2020 ALPINEBASE TALEDO 3100317322 : ALPINEBASE SANDY 3100314838 BOZEEB Mr S & Mrs J Jordan 3M 5F 05/09/2020 RIDDICK VOM DEMINA HOF (IMP SRB) JR750966 : BOZEEB XTRA HOT 3100367483 BOZEEB Mr S & Mrs J Jordan 2M 3F 20/07/2020 ZYGO VOM RADHAUS (IMP SRB) JR752674NO : BOZEEB XTRA MAGIC 3100367485 DENARGUN Mr A Leverett 2M 1F 29/07/2020 UK. CH. CONBHAIREAN FREDDIE (IMP UK) 2931CX : DENARGUN TAYKA SIESTER 3100282854 SCHAEFERHUND Mrs I Bohdal 6M 1F 26/08/2020 XANDER VOM GRABFELDGAU (IMP DEU) SZ2335646 : SCHAEFERHUND LACINDA (AI) 3100317523 SHAZUDOGS Mr T Huynh 3M 2F 29/06/2020 SOKARI CONSTABLE 3100229859 : REGALHAUS NORSCA 3100343702 STARKHUND Mrs A & Mr J Barr 4M 3F 29/07/2020 LASHADAS Z Z TOP (AI) 6100102476 : ARRISTAR LYKA BAT OUTA HELL 3100331968 STOBAR Stobar Kennels 6M 5F 31/07/2020 UHLMSDORF BLACK DIMOND 9100010952 : STOBAR GAMBAA 3100383609
ZOBELBASE Mr M & Mrs B Vella 6M 5F 24/08/2020 ALPINEBASE ODIN 3100396004 : VONBUTCH DELTA 3100338715 German Shepherd Dog (LSC) LORDAVO Mr D & Mrs L Organ 1M 1F 05/08/2020 CH. JAYSHELL GLASGOW 3100292457 : BRANKA VOM HAUS JERA (IMP NLD) NHSB3014806 Maremma Sheepdog LURGENGLARE Lurgenglare Kennels 2M 8F 26/08/2020 LURGENGLARE LUMO MATTEO 3100369952 : LURGENGLARE IRANTO ORIANA 3100325257 Shetland Sheepdog DREAMSCOTS Mrs S Bandey 2M 2F 26/07/2020 CH. ARAJENTO GOLD SMITH 6100090581 : CH. TACBRAVE VELVET ARIUS 7100032166 Swedish Vallhund AUSLED Ausled Kennels 2M 4F 10/09/2020 AUSLED ELLCRYS ALLANON 3100384600 : AUSLED DOLITTLE PRADA NT 3100330725 UBIQQUE Mrs J Eaton 4M 4F 01/08/2020 CH. OSUNO GREAT GATSBY AT UBIQQUE (IMP NZL) 011822019 : CH. OSUNO OUTBACK ALICE AT UBIQQUE (IMP NZL) 07164-2017 Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) BETHWYN Bethwyn Kennels 4M 2F 17/08/2020 CH. BETHWYN BUSHRANGER 3100385231 : CH. BETHWYN MISTY RIVER 3100361587 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) DYGAE Mrs D Baillie 4M 1F 21/05/2020 CH. DYGAE SPECIAL EDITION 3100332658 : CH. DYGAE TOUCH O GLAMOUR 3100359143 PLAYTA Ms A & Mr T Curtis 4F 04/07/2020 AM. CH. CH. CAAMORA TALLY HO FOXTROT (IMP USA) DN27111203 : DOSSLYNNE THE JOURNEY 4100262881
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LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 UTILITY Bernese Mountain Dog MONTCHALET Miss D Crouch 5M 4F 06/07/2020 CH. ZOLLIKON CHASE THE ACE 3100362758 : CH. MONTREAUX VENETIAN FINESSE 3100336793
MONTREAUX Mrs K F Balchin 7M 3F 25/07/2020 CH. ZOLLIKON CHASE THE ACE 3100362758 : MONTREAUX SALAMANCA 3100354902
SNERZOK Mr J & Mrs D Wilders 7M 2F 17/04/2020 CH. SNERZOK FORGED IN STEELE 3100376949 : CH. SNERZOK MISHKA SO COOL 3100358062
Boxer CRAIGIELANE Mr T Mason 3M 4F 05/09/2019 HEROMIARI ARMSTRONG JONES 3100235090 : PLAYWITHTHAT ANNA 3100361113 KELLYNDA Mrs L Showyin 6M 2F 26/07/2020 KELLYNDA LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT 3100353757 : KELLYNDA DESIGNERS DREAM (AI) 3100377620 MARAQUITA Mrs T Baumgartner 2M 3F 26/08/2020 SR. BU. CH. SRB. GR CH. SRB. JR CH. MAESTRO VON EDELSHOF (IMP SRB) JR79453 : TIRBOLEAD RADIANT SUPER NOVA 4100279672 STERLINGMACS Mr A McMahon 6M 1F 26/08/2020 BORTORIA WHATS UP DOC 5100107936 : WAITKLAUT NO SECOND PRIZE 4100312724 STERLINGMACS Mr A McMahon 7M 1F 27/08/2020 WOODROC JOB WELL DONE 2100506710 : WUNYA GUNNHILD 2100453139 Dobermann AFAREZ Mr M Zerafa 3M 4F 29/07/2020 AFAREZ FALKO 3100341323 : AFAREZ KIERA 3100334773 WALAMARA Mrs B & Mr G Alexander & Ms M Wissmer 4M 2F 29/06/2020 CH. WALAMARA PROMISE-MEPOWER (IMP NZL) 03345-2014 : CH. WALAMARA WINTER-WONDERLAND (IMP NZL) 06334-2016 WALAMARA Mrs B & Mr G Alexander & Ms M Wissmer 2F 08/06/2020 CH. WALAMARA ZERO TO HERO (AI) (IMP NZL) 05949-2017 : CH. WALAMARA STEP-ASIDE (AI) (IMP NZL) 00944-2016 Dogue De Bordeaux HOLDINGACES Miss A Grogan 6M 3F 29/07/2020 BORDEAUXKING DUKE 3100308709 : LINLEA CONNIE LEE 3100382520
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Portuguese Water Dog UPTREND Mrs R A & Miss S Beaman 5M 5F 19/08/2020 CH. UPTREND DARK PASSENGER 3100307100 : UPTREND DREAM THEN DO (AI) 3100357043 Rottweiler AKKIS Miss A Anderson 2M 3F 24/08/2020 SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL BUSTA (AI) 3100360677 : SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL XOLA (AI) 3100352954 ALLERZEIT Mr R & Mrs T McIntosh 4M 2F 30/04/2020 ALLERBESTE MR RIGGS 3100307724 : ALLERHOCHST JUKANI (AI) 3100374730 CLYZAN Mrs T A Lane 3M 3F 28/08/2020 GER. JR CH. VDH. CH. PUMA VOM WILDEN WESTEN GER. AD. GER. BH. IPO3. (DEU) ADRK128263-SEM : CH. STARKEHRE NEVERENDING STORY 3100338409 DELLAHAR Mrs R Kennedy 2F 26/07/2020 UTZ VOM HAUSE MILES GER. AD. GER. BH. SCHH II. (IMP USA) WP630987/02-SEM : ZENNHAUS VZ FLAME 3100369477 SEEUFERHAUS Mr L Boutzetis 6M 3F 09/06/2020 SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL BUSTA (AI) 3100360677 : SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL INKA 3100373674 SEEUFERHAUS Mr L Boutzetis 1M 03/05/2020 SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL BUTCH (AI) 3100360674 : SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL NOVA 3100321324 SEEUFERHAUS Mr L Boutzetis 1M 1F 03/07/2020 SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL CHARLIE (AI) 3100374092 : SEEUFERHAUS SOVIL SITA 3100334101 Samoyed KALASKA Mrs D Klaaysen Mr J Beard & Mrs K O’Riley 1M 5F 18/07/2020 SUP.CH. KALASKA THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY 3100335037 : CH. KALASKA APPLE JACK 3100299486
SNERZOK Mr J & Mrs D Wilders 4M 6F 04/07/2020 SNERZOK AN EXPRESSION OF LOVE 3100376766 : SNERZOK GUNS AND ROSES 3100347779 SNOWBROOK Ms S Sharpe & Mrs C Hunter 1F 15/08/2020 SNOWBROOK HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS (AI) 3100368023 : SNOWBROOK JUBILATION BY GUCCI (AI) 3100331790 Schnauzer (Miniature) BILAZZ Miss M Proven 3M 2F 07/08/2020 BILAZZ SOLAR FIRE 3100377506 : BILAZZ REMEMBER ME 3100350994 BLAIZENOAK Mrs A & Ms R Milkins 4M 2F 06/07/2020 WILD RUSH’S DARE TO DREAM AT BLAIZENOAK (IMP KOR) MS-13-0005881-ROK : CRANMIL PINA COLADA 3100344708 BLAIZENOAK Mrs A & Ms R Milkins 2M 2F 10/07/2020 CRANMIL WILD COLONIAL BOY 3100296594 : CRANMIL DANCES AT MIDNIGHT 3100353208 GEMAIS Mrs I Mundy & Mrs C Ellis 2M 3F 04/06/2020 STEADLYN INCANDESCENTE (IMP ITA) ROI18/76218 : HILDEBERT’S DREAMS COME TRUE (IMP LVA) LV-39152/16 GEMAIS Mrs I Mundy & Mrs C Ellis 3M 4F 22/05/2020 STEADLYN INCANDESCENTE (IMP ITA) ROI18/76218 : GEMAIS SPECIAL BLEND 3100353167 PEPPERSCHARZ Mr T Lega 2M 2F 25/07/2020 BALEKABAY HARPO VON OXLEY 3100314578 : KIMBRIKI DESTINYS CHILD 2100466100 RAKSHA Raksha Kennels 2M 5F 23/06/2020 CH. SCHONHARDT RETURN OF THE CAT 2100420506 : RAKSHA BUFF BEAUTY 3100360411
LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 Shiba Inu ANATARKO Ms A Pavlovic 1F 19/08/2020 TEMZIN BENOVA BLACK TEDIKO 3100386719 : WOLFWORX MEIKO 4100319000
Dalmatian JALORCA Jalorca Kennels 7M 9F 20/08/2020 CH. PACEAWAY PENDRAGON 4100316042 : JALORCA LA NINA LA COPA 3100384170
WOOMIR Mr R Lorne 2M 28/07/2020 ORIENTA AKIRA KAIIHANA 2100405266 : WOOMIR HINA MATSURI 3100328382
PAMPARD Mr J Mrs S & Miss E Marshall 3M 4F 12/06/2020 CH. PAMPARD PILLAGE N PLUNDER 3100362691 : PAMPARD PERSONAL ASSISTANT (AI) 3100376223
PAMPARD Mr J Mrs S & Miss E Marshall 4M 6F 21/06/2020 CH. PAMPARD PILLAGE N PLUNDER 3100362691 : PAMPARD PHROZEN PHANTASY (AI) 3100376224
RESORT Mrs G Hinch 1M 1F 12/08/2020 MOONGLADE JACK IN THE BOX 4100295702 : ZULUBUL ROSIE 4100298707
Siberian Husky DEBTIN Mrs D Bisley 6M 11/08/2020 SUP.CH. BIRINDI TAKIN CARE OF BIZNESS 3100269108 : ALPINE ULTIMATE WISH (IMP NZL) 02920-2018 KOSHEEN Miss J A Greene 2M 3F 05/07/2020 CH. KOSHEEN CHASE THE SUN 3100352170 : KOSHEEN MOTHER OF DRAGONS (AI) 3100341026 NON SPORTING Boston Terrier LOUALLI Mrs J Caccaviello 3M 29/07/2020 CH. LOUALLI KING OF HEARTS 3100371453 : CH. LOUALLI DONT MIND IF I DO 3100350169 LOUALLI Mrs J Caccaviello 2M 1F 27/07/2020 CH. LOUALLI KING OF HEARTS 3100371453 : LOUALLI TH GIRL MOST LIKLEY 3100345617 British Bulldog BULLROMI Mr M Hibbens 2M 3F 27/06/2020 BULLMANIA EVEL KNIEVEL 3100389073 : CHONBREJAY JUICYFRUIT 3100367950 HUGABULLS Ms S Martin 1F 08/08/2020 OMANA TKO 3100376502 : MYBULLYLUV SHEZZ IRRESISTIBULL (AI) 4100305558 LAKEVEIW Mrs H E Holmes 3M 3F 15/08/2020 SHADOWDREAM ROCKY RIDGE 3100374383 : LAKEVEIW RASBERRY ROSE 3100373086 PUGNAX Mr I & Mrs M Woodhouse 1F 07/08/2020 MELLOWMOOD LORD NELSON (IMP UK) AR00039703 : PUGNAX SUPER SALLY DALLY 3100358441 PULIMA Mrs L Darby 1F 02/09/2020 SHADOWDREAM ROCKY RIDGE 3100374383 : PULIMA RED RUBY 3100339356 REDBOOL Ms T Sutherland 5M 3F 27/07/2020 LORABULL GOLD SAMURAI 3100387578 : VATICANS KOALAS ASH ANGEL 3100333859
WHYTEWOOD Whytewood Kennels 6M 2F 27/08/2020 GRAND. CH. JALORCA LA COPA DE LA VIDA 3100287840 : CH. WHYTEWOOD MR DARCYS OZI ROSE (AI) 3100315151 French Bulldog CHARMANTE Miss M Shakes 5M 16/08/2020 CH. GOLD-SIERRA TASILLO (IMP HUN) METFRBULL4655/16 : TUFSTEEN SAHARA SUNSET 3100383834 DEARJUNY Mr J Phillips 2M 4F 30/08/2020 JORDAJAKE SUDDEN IMPACT 4100247356 : FRENCHARM SUGAR 3100344346 FRENCELLA Miss C Ferguson 2M 3F 17/06/2020 JINARK DAWSON STREET 3100308593 : FRENCELLA WHAT A TRIP 3100375335 JENDALLY Mrs J Delmenico 6M 2F 22/04/2020 MOONGLADE FAON LA TETE 4100300796-SEM : CH. PARKANDRA FRENCH KISSES 3100351762 MAMBILOU Mr D Mastroianni 1M 19/04/2020 BLK. JR CH. BUL. CH. BUL. JR GR CH. ME. CH. TUR. CH. SAMUEL RADA HAN (IMP POL) PKR.IX-74467 : BLK. JR CH. BUL. JR GR CH. MD. JR CH. ROM. JR CH. CH. ZOSKA FIREBOX (IMP POL) PKRIX-72685
MAMBILOU Mr D Mastroianni 4M 5F 22/04/2020 MAMBILOU MOVE IT OR LOSE IT 3100363701 : MAMBILOU HAVE A LITTLE FAITH 3100377335
RESORT Mrs G Hinch 2M 6F 06/08/2020 MOONGLADE JACK IN THE BOX 4100295702 : RESORT MAGGIE 3100384692 TOPTIER Miss J Gordon 4M 1F 27/07/2020 CHOCOS TICKLE ME ELMO 4100319261 : MELTONACRES PEGGY SUE 4100279443 Lhasa Apso MYATUC Mr R & Mrs M Van Roosmalen 2F 30/07/2020 CH. ELSHAMARA POWER CHARGED 3100369876 : CH. MYATUC AUTUMN SUNSHINE 3100371583 Peruvian Hairless Dog (Small) VALDASSA Mr G C Zovi 1F 10/08/2020 GRUFFALINA’S LOVERMAN AT WALLAWANDA (HRV) HR10005PGPMSEM : BAY’S BUSHYFUR PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA (IMP FIN) FI50063/18 Poodle (Standard) AUFAIT Ms H Turner 6M 2F 08/08/2020 AM. CH. BAR-NONE RIDING SHOTGUN (IMP USA) PR16855015 : CH. AUFAIT FOX ON THE RUN 3100302086 JONJE Ms J E Koch 3M 2F 19/07/2020 CH. WAZKY THE WARRIOR 4100249370 : JONJE SHADOW DREAM SONG 3100311722 MYDRM Miss T J Evans 5M 4F 07/08/2020 MYDRM MY NAME IS PRINCE 3100366514 : MYDRM ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY 3100372459
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LITTERS REGISTERED - October 2020 RHYMEAH Mrs E M Morris 4M 5F 24/07/2020 KATEISHA G’DAY TARANTINO (IMP NZL) 04039-2016 : RHYMEAH SPRING TIME 3100364475
HOKU Hoku Kennels 1F 07/07/2020 CH. HOKU VANILLA EXTRACT 3100263277 : CH. HOKU CHANTILLY LACE 3100368433
PROCLAIM Mrs A Hansen 1M 1F 16/08/2020 CH. PROCLAIM DARK RHAPSODY 3100359042 : MAXVIEW MANDY MAY 3100392757
SHAIYANNA Ms S Farlie 4M 4F 31/07/2020 CHAMARRE’S RUMORS ‘N LIES (IMP NZL) 01176-2017 : SHAIYANNA ROXY OF THE STAR 3100355575
JONALLISA Mrs M Anagnostou 1M 3F 23/08/2020 SILKYELK SCARLETT STAR 4100299665 : JONALLISA ANNIE PANNY 3100372654
KUTEKUDDLES Mr M Spiteri 1M 2F 03/08/2020 POODLELUV STORM BOY 3100395878 : PROCLAIM CRIMSON SPRYTE 3100390058
SHAIYANNA Ms S Farlie 5M 3F 27/07/2020 TANNAH OSKAR RUNNING WILD 3100378409 : TANNAH SCARLETT OHARA 3100316771 Poodle (Toy) AULTONE Mrs C B Glerum 3M 2F 05/08/2020 MONTAIRES BEEPBEEP BUSYLINE 3100377232 : CH. MONTAIRES DREAM LOVER 3100350210 DIAMONDPINK Miss S Ho & Mrs M Tsang 1F 02/08/2020 MONTESELFIUM FLY WITH ME WALLY 4100241735 : PINECRESTA LITTLE BUBBLESOFUN 2100508425 DIODONIS Mrs S J Rowe 2M 3F 06/08/2020 MISTYKENT KINGS BAIRD 2100453552 : TAJEROW PETITE FLEUR 3100344772 DOOTWA Mrs C Woodward 1M 06/07/2020 CH. SWEETOOTH LAST BLONDE BOMBSHEL 2100349971 : ERINTOI SASSY AS 2100404023 HISTYLE Mr D D Styles 1M 2F 20/09/2020 HISTYLE RED CHILLI 3100365481 : PAQUITASTOYS PARIS IN SPRING 4100292845 HISTYLE Mr D D Styles 2F 20/01/2020 REDTIARA HOT CHILLY PEPPER 6100114569 : TROPICALRED DELLA ROSE 4100297348
KUTEKUDDLES Mr M Spiteri 4F 04/08/2020 POODLELUV STORM BOY 3100395878 : KUTEKUDDLES LARA 3100390441 MARLAU Marlau Kennels 1M 1F 18/06/2020 MARLAU WHITE DYNAMITE 3100306876 : CH. MARLAU MEGHAN 3100378298 MAXVIEW Mrs D Broadway 1M 3F 08/08/2020 SILKYELK MAGIC SPRITE 4100305008 : MAXVIEW RUBY RED ROSE 3100372651 POODLELUV Mrs A Katsipis 1M 2F 17/06/2020 TREVASCO HUXLEY WRITES AGAIN 4100315332 : POODLELUV CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES 3100379170 POODLELUV Mrs A Katsipis 2M 25/04/2020 POODLELUV RUSSET DELITE 3100325579 : POODLELUV RED RADIANCE 3100293605 POODLELUV Mrs A Katsipis 1M 1F 06/05/2020 POODLELUV RUSSET DELITE 3100325579 : PINECRESTA CREAM CHIFFON 2100493141 PROCLAIM Mrs A Hansen 2F 09/08/2020 LUVABLEPAWZ RUSSET DREAMS 3100385633 : PROCLAIM CRYSTAL DREAMS 3100391768
TOYZRGREAT Ms V Dowse 2M 1F 21/06/2020 POODLEONYX FIREY DANCE 2100509956 : TOYZRGREAT CRIMSON ROSE 3100385347 ZAZZIN Zazzin Kennels 1M 1F 02/07/2020 CH. SILVER EDGAR TOY OF MIRROR HOME (IMP NLD) NHSB2224796-SEM : CH. HOKU DOUBLE TAKE TO 3100355862 Schipperke BATEAUCHIEN Bateauchien Kennels 3M 2F 16/07/2020 SUP.CH. SANLYN HIT THE ROAD JACK (IMP NZL) 009082011 : CH. BATEAUCHIEN NATIONAL VELVET 3100370490 Shar Pei RUMETOMOVE Miss T O’Connell 2M 1F 16/07/2020 RUMETOMOVE MURRAY 3100366639 : RUMETOMOVE VIOLET 3100378090 Tibetan Terrier SCHELLGER Ms G Schellens 4M 1F 20/08/2020 CH. CAERLAVEROCK IVA-VISION (IMP NZL) 03119-2017 : CH. BOVAIS ALWAYS GLOWING 3100382552
PERFORMANCE TITLES GRANTED - Oct 2020 GUNDOG Cocker Spaniel ROBMOND MERIDIAN MOON CD. RE. 3100362786 (F) 22/08/2017 CH. ROBMOND ELECTRIC RAIN 3100341625 : CH. ROBMOND HARLEQUIN MOON 3100333384 - Ms P Looker
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Labrador Retriever SAMIRYA FIELD SCOUT NRD. 3100332980 (F) 07/11/2015 PETITRAPPORT MCANGUS 3100235336 : CONINGSBURGH MADDIE MAY 3100248134 - Mr S Heyes
HOUND Whippet ISILWANE JEAN GREY JC. 3100360482 (F) 07/06/2017 CH. ISILWANE JOLLY ROGER 2100179842 : CH. BONNYMEAD IOLANDA 3100280678 Ms L Barrenger
German Shepherd Dog (LSC) DUAL. CH. (T) TAKIMBRE CALL ME ANNIE RN. 2100454440 (F) 09/06/2016 JUWIKA DESTROYER (IMP DEN) DK18097/2012 : TAKIMBRE XANADU 2100400081 - Mrs D Cameron & Mr R Cameron
Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) ALPINEAIR WALDO RN. CAA. 3100342836 (M) 08/05/2016 KARDIBROKE KROWNING GLORY 3100285461 : ALPINEAIR JESSIE 3100307491 - Dr M Harvey
CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES GRANTED - Oct 2020 TOY Australian Silky Terrier CH. BALKANA LADY OF THE NIGHT 3100387234 (F) 08/12/2018 CH. BALKANA STEVIE WONDER 3100323734 : BALKANA PLAYING TO WIN 3100339008 - Mr J W Camac
Labrador Retriever CH. DEVINELEA MALEFICENT (AI) 3100385696 (F) 20/12/2018 CH. KIRKDELL GRAND DYNASTY 5100084636-SEM : CH. DEVINELEA FLANDERS FIELDS 3100340552 - Mr B & Mrs R Van Maanen
German Shepherd Dog DUAL. CH. (T) STOBAR QUENTIN CDX. RN. TSD. ET. 3100280635 (M) 28/11/2012 ODIN DELLE TERRE MATILDICHE (IMP ITA) LOI09/144632 : STOBAR DIKSY 3100210320 - Mr S MacDonald
Papillon CH. PINKLEE IM A GAMBLING MAN 3100368171 (M) 08/12/2017 NZ. GRD CH. SUP.CH. TRESCHIC CASINO ROYALE 2100401172 : CH. NEUT. CH. PINKLEE BELL OF THE BALL 3100301457 - Ms G Cherry & Ms M Sarif
UTILITY Newfoundland CH. C.I.B. CAPEBASS MOCCONA CLASSIC 3100319226 (M) 10/02/2015 CH. NEWFASHION CALLS THE SHOTS 5100058275 : CH. CAPEBASS WALK THE CAT WALK 3100245546 - Mr C Stewart & Miss E Durant
Pug GRAND. CH. C.I.B. PARKHURST INDIAN GEM 3100282010 (F) 27/12/2012 CH. RAEVON YOU GUESSED IT 3100246041 : CH. PARKHURST STAR OF AFRICA 3100192910 - Miss K Shilton TERRIER Airedale Terrier C.I.B. SUP.CH. OLDIRON EASY PEASY 3100373439 (F) 21/02/2018 C.I.B. SUP.CH. OLDIRON WHOS ON FIRST 3100317582 : CH. OLDIRON YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE 3100333700 - Mr R & Mrs A Sorraghan GUNDOG Irish Setter AM. CH. NZ. CH. C.I.B. SUP.CH. NORTHWINDS CLASH OF THE TITANS (IMP NZL) SR72828410 (M) 19/03/2012 AM. GR CH. NORTHWINDS FIRST REIGN (USA) SR52607502 : AM. GR CH. SHADOWMERE’S SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY CGC (USA) SR59059401 Mr A Reid, Mr A Eales & Mrs L Gordon
Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) MAL. CH. CH. C.I.B. HACIENDA LEAD THE WAY (IMP MYS) DG-432814-2018 (M) 01/01/1900 MAL. CH. HACIENDA KING’S BLESSING IN VALLEY WHISPERS (MYS) DG-411427-2015 : MAL. CH. HACIENDA JUST A KINDERED SPIRIT (MYS) DG-406115-2014 - Mr W N Douglas OAM WORKING DOG Collie (Rough) GRAND. CH. C.I.B. ROBGAI BAD BAD LEROY BROWN 3100298935 (M) 22/11/2013 SUP.CH. MILAS BOSA NOVA (IMP USA) DN31760702 : CH. ROBGAI WHISPA SWEET NOTHINGS 3100205725 - Mr R & Mrs G Doe Finnish Lapphund C.I.B. SUP.CH. TAIGAKOIRA TAHTIEN VALO (AI) 3100350726 (M) 12/12/2016 FIN.CH. LECIBSIN KAAPRO (IMP FIN) FI13405/12-SEM : LAPINLUNA’S LAPINTAHTI (IMP NOR) SE47853/2013 - Miss H Lim
Russian Black Terrier CH. C.I.B. DENEB-KEITOS ZLATOSLAVA (IMP RUS) RKF4333683 (F) 07/05/2015 RU. JR CH. RUS. CH. FREY FOREST S ZOLOTOGO GRADA (RUS) RKF3738377 : RU. JR CH. RUS. CH. DENEB-KEITOS IMPERATRITSA (RUS) RKF2961000 - Mr R Maruff NON SPORTING Japanese Spitz NEUT. CH. HAVENDEN EDWARD 4100241929 (N) 22/01/2014 CH. HOUNDBRAE VENICE (IMP UK) AM02615502 : CH. HAVENDEN ANIME 4100156724 - Mrs C McCaffer Poodle (Toy) CH. MARLAU MEGHAN 3100378298 (F) 22/05/2018 CH. MARLAU MASTERCLASS 3100349250 : CH. MARLAU MYSTIQUE N ICE 3100249426 - Marlau Kennels
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Prefix Tranferred - October 2020 Into Vic Prefix
Present Owner
Mr T Janev Mrs L Rawlings
New Owner Mr Joshua & Mr Tony Janev Mrs L Rawlings
October 2020
HOUND Bluetick Coonhound
BAWLISTIC REIGN OF TERROR HP54170505 (F) 08/04/2017 (Mr J Studstill) Mrs I & Miss L E Hobbs USA
(amended 15/09/19, 15/08/18) Each member, upon being admitted or re-admitted to membership of the Victorian Canine Association Inc. shall be bound by the Victorian Canine Association Inc. (hereinafter ‘Dogs Victoria’) Code of Practice. Ethics 20.1.1 A member shall not knowingly or recklessly misrepresent the ANKC or Dogs Victoria. 20.1.2 A member shall not engage in any behaviour that is contrary to the standards accepted by the community. 20.1.3 A member shall display good sportsmanship and conduct at all times so as to reflect credit upon themselves, the ANKC and Dogs Victoria. 20.1.4 Members shall constantly strive to improve their knowledge of their chosen breed or breeds, and their knowledge of the requirements for the care, welfare and betterment of dogs. 20.1.5 Members shall ensure proper care for all dogs under their control, whereby Food shall be provided in sufficient quantity and nutritional quality; it must be canine appropriate and nutritionally balanced to meet the daily requirements for the condition, activities, age and size of the each dog. All dogs shall have access, in their housing area, at all times, to a sufficient supply of fresh, clean, water daily. Food and water utensils shall be kept clean; Dogs shall be housed in a safe and secure manner that is suitable for the size and containment requirements of the dog and provides protection from adverse environmental conditions and climatic extremes. Adequate ventilation and sufficient space must be provided for dogs to stand. The flooring area of pens/ cages shall not be made from uncovered suspended wire. Each dog older than 16 weeks of age shall have access to a
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separate bed or sufficient bedding material that all animals can sleep comfortably at the same time; Dog sleeping, housing and exercise areas shall be kept clean and at a good standard of hygiene by cleaning any faeces, wasted food, and soiled bedding daily. Where pens and kennels are cleaning by hosing, material on floors (toys, bedding, food, faeces etc) shall be removed prior. Hard surfaces in pens and kennels should be disinfected weekly or more often if required. Veterinary advice shall be sought for managing the cleaning of premises and management of isolation if a contagious illness occurs in dogs; All dogs of all age and breeding status shall be provided with an appropriate amount of daily exercise, social contact and enrichment suitable to the individual needs of the dog; Where dogs are tethered, they shall be tethered in accordance with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 and Regulations. Pregnant bitches of more than 7 weeks gestation, whelping bitches and lactating bitches with puppies shall not be tethered. Puppies under 16 weeks of age shall not be tethered. Dogs shall be transported in a safe and secure manner. Dogs shall not be transported in the boot of a sedan type car. When on the back of a ute or trailer, dogs must be appropriately tethered or caged. Sealed transport containers shall have multiple ventilation holes. Veterinary care is provided as required in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Private Keeping of Dogs. Additional veterinary requirements for breeding dogs is described in Section 20.8 Code of Practice for Breeding Animal Health Management. 20.1.6 A member who leaves a dog owned by them in the care of another person shall remain responsible for that dog. 20.1.7 A member shall take all appropriate lawful measures to assist a dog in distress. 20.1.8 A member shall positively enhance the
reputation of dog breeders and owners by ensuring that dogs owned by the member are not a danger or nuisance to the community. 20.1.9 A member shall not participate in nor support any activity in that involves cruelty or damage to animals, excluding legal hunting activities. Dogs shall not be trained or worked beyond their willingness and capabilities. All training methods used shall be humane and not cause undue fear, distress or pain. Dog Collars The use of dog collars incorporating protrusions designed to puncture or bruise the dog’s skin, or electronic collars designed to deliver an electric shock to the dog is prohibited at any VCA sanctioned event, training activities, or any activity which may reasonably be seen to be in connection with the VCA. (15/09/19) 20.1.10 A member shall make every effort to rehome any dog no longer required by that member to a suitable home. A member shall not dispose of dogs owned or bred by the member to a pound or animal refuge except in exceptional circumstances and following notification in writing to Dogs Victoria. In this instance, depending on circumstances Dogs Victoria may request that any breeder prefix also be suspended or surrendered. Breeding 20.1.11 A member shall breed primarily for the purpose of improving the quality and / or working ability of the breed in accordance with the breed standard, and not specifically or predominantly for the pet or commercial market. If breeding animals are determined to be no longer suitable for breeding, or are retired and are to be rehomed, they must be prevented from further breeding by transfer to limited register, neutering, contraception, contract of agreement or other means. 20.1.12 A member shall not breed with a bitch unless they have reached adequate maturity for that breed as determined by Dogs Victoria, without the prior approval
of Dogs Victoria. Where the Rules, Regulations and Codes of Practice are otherwise silent, the minimum age for breeding a bitch shall be 12 months [see attached Minimum Breeding Age for Bitches]. (15/11/18) 20.1.13 A member shall not breed a bitch causing it to whelp more than twice in eighteen months without the prior approval of Dogs Victoria. 20.1.14 A member shall not breed with a bitch causing it to whelp more than five times in its lifetime (amended 15.03.17) First generation breeding (eg father / daughter; brother / sister; mother / son) matings are not permitted. The progeny of any matings under will be registered on the Limited Register and endorsed “never to be upgraded”. It will be a breach of Code 20.1.14 by the member/s who are the owners of the sire and dam of the litter constituting an offence against Dogs Victoria Rules, Regulations and Codes. All bitches eight years of age and over at the time of a mating must have a current veterinary certificate stating that the bitch is in good health at the time of breeding. This certificate must be presented at the time of registration of the litter resulting from this mating. A current veterinarian certificate is defined as being within three months prior to the mating. (15/08/15) 20.1.15 A member shall not permit any of that member’s pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed, to a cross bred dog, to an unregistered dog of the same breed, or to a dog not on the Main Register without the prior approval of Dogs Victoria. A member shall not permit any of that member’s unregistered dogs to be mated to any other unregistered dog, with the exception of dogs registered with a Registry Body recognised by ANKC Ltd (unless an exemption is granted by Dogs Victoria). (amended 15.03.17, 15.04.18) 20.1.16 A member shall take responsible action to reduce the incidence of hereditary diseases in accordance with the ANKC Code of Practice for Hereditary Diseases and shall comply with Dogs Victoria’s Code of Practice for Hereditary Diseases (Code 20.3), and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986, particularly with respect to the Code of Practice for the Responsible Breeding of Animals with Heritable Defects that Cause Disease. 20.1.17 A member shall not, within Australia, sell or otherwise transfer from that member’s care any puppy under eight [8] weeks of age. (amended 15.05.17) 20.1.18 A member shall not export a puppy under the age of eleven [11] weeks, or such greater age permitted under the livestock import requirements of the country to which the puppy is being exported. 20.1.19 Deleted (15.11.19) 20.1.20 A member shall ensure that persons acquiring dogs from that member understand the requirements for the care, welfare and responsible ownership of the dog, and that they have the time and
facilities, e.g. adequate fences, sufficient room and proper shelter, to fulfil their responsibilities. 20.1.21 A breeder shall be expected to maintain reasonable contact with the purchasers of dogs from that breeder and to offer continued advice and reasonable assistance.
dogs sold or otherwise disposed of by that member, written details of: The breed characteristics; Vaccination record and / or requirements including the due date of the next vaccination or recommended timing for next titre;
20.1.22 Record keeping requirements: (15/09/19) (15/11/11) Responsible dog ownership information; A breeder shall create a record file for each individual puppy born, and maintain until ownership changes or the animal is deceased. A breeder shall make available all records for inspection by an authorised officer or as directed by an officer of Dogs Victoria. Copies of these records must be retained by the breeder for a minimum of 3 years from date of last entry. All documentation required by Dogs Victoria Records to be kept for puppies under 12 weeks of age shall include the following (copies of original documents are acceptable where originals accompany the puppy to its new owner): • a copy of the litter registration form, or alternatively: -name, -microchip number (when implanted); -sex; -breed; -date of birth; -colour and markings (if applicable); and -dam and sire registered names and numbers • health care history including vaccination records, internal and external parasite control, • purchase/disposal record including name and address of new owner (where applicable), • copy of health declaration, and • record of return (if applicable) with supporting documentation. Records to be kept for dogs over the age of 12 weeks acquired or retained by breeders for the purpose of breeding shall include: • either ANKC registration certificate, or alternatively: -registered name and number when registration details become available; (amended 15/09/19) - microchip number; - sex; - breed; - date of birth; - colour and marking (if applicable); and - dam and sire registered name and numbers • council registration certificate; • health care history including vaccination records or titre tests, internal and external parasite control, • breeding status and breeding history, • purchase/disposal records including name and address of new owner (where applicable), and • record of return (if applicable) with supporting documentation. Records of breeding history for dams must include dates of mating or artificial insemination, dates of whelping, number of puppies born alive, number of puppies stillborn, record of any whelping complications and resultant treatment, microchip numbers for live pups at 8 weeks, and post-partum veterinary treatment. 20.1.23 A member shall provide to all recipients of Records on internal and external parasite control; Records of microchip number with a signed transfer of owner form; A desexing certificate (if applicable); and A written health declaration in accordance with 20.1.25. 20.1.24 A member shall not incorrectly describe nor knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of a breed. 20.1.25 A member shall ensure that all dogs sold or disposed of by that member are in the best possible state of health. Where any known physical abnormalities exist, a breeder health declaration shall be supplied which includes details of the known physical abnormality at the time of sale and how that abnormality may affect future health and welfare of the dog. This shall be signed in acknowledgement by the recipient. With the exception of matters disclosed in the health declaration, a member shall abide by the following as a minimum practice when selling dogs; Where a dog is returned to the member within 3 days of sale, for any reason not supported by a statement from a veterinary practitioner, the member must take back the animal and refund 75% of the purchase price. Where a dog is returned to the member within 21 days of sale accompanied by a statement from a veterinary practitioner that the animal is unacceptable for health reasons, the member must take back the animal and refund 100% of the purchase price. If an animal is diagnosed with, suffering from, dies of, or is euthanased from a physical defect or disease that is directly traceable to the point of sale within 3 years of purchase, the member must, subject to a second veterinary opinion, refund 100% of the purchase price where the owner of the animal provides supporting statements from a veterinary practitioner, including test results where a suitable test is available. Owners of the animal must make veterinary reports and test results available to the breeder for the breeder to obtain their own veterinary advice (second opinion), and for the purpose of informing future breeding management. 20.1.26 A member shall not: Sell or dispose of a dog to a commercial pet wholesaler or retail pet
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membership”. Allow a dog owned by that member to be given as a prize or donation or to be auctioned. Advertise in any media or other display, the sale or disposal of a dog without the inclusion of the member’s DOGS Victoria membership number and, unless subject to written veterinary advice that the health of the dog is liable to be significantly prejudiced if it is implanted, each dog’s full microchip number. It is mandatory that the following wording is included in any advertisements: “Please contact Dogs Victoria on email: office@ to verify my
General 20.1.27 A member who provides or makes available a dog for use in a film, advertisement, promotion, or any media or public display must ensure that: The dog is portrayed in a manner consistent with its breed characteristics and temperament as described in the Standard for that breed; and The dog is presented in a manner that is unlikely to create a negative reaction to dogs generally or that breed in particular and that if there is any likelihood of a negative impression, this is at the same
time corrected through the development of a story line that presents the dog or breed in a balanced manner. 20.1.28 A member shall not indulge in false or misleading advertising relating to the conformation, characteristics or performance of that member’s dog. 20.1.29 A member shall not misrepresent nor malign the conformation, characteristics or performance of another member’s dog. 20.1.30 A member shall not misrepresent, malign, impugn or denigrate another member or person in such a way as to bring discredit upon themselves or Dogs Victoria. (14/02/13)
Minimum Breeding Age for Bitches MINIMUM AGE AT WHICH A BITCH CAN BE MATED (amended 25/03/2020) 12 Months All other breeds (15/12/18) 16 Months Border Terrier French Bulldog 18 Months Akita Inu Alaskan Malamute American Staffordshire Terrier Australian Kelpie Australian Terrier Basset Hound Beagle Bearded Collie (15/02/19) Bedlington Terrier Border Collie Borzoi Boston Terrier Boxer
Bullmastiff - applies to bitches born after 01.06.2011 Cane Corso Chow Chow Curly Coated Retriever Dalmatian Deerhound Dobermann Dogue De Bordeaux English Setter (15/02/19) Finnish Lapphund Flat Coated Retriever German Shepherd Dog German Shorthaired Pointer Golden Retriever Griffon Bruxellois Hungarian Vizsla Japanese Spitz
Keeshond Labrador Retriever (1/1/20) Miniature Pinscher Pekingese Pharaoh Hound Rhodesian Ridgeback Samoyed Schipperke Schnauzer (Miniature) Scottish Terrier Shih Tzu Staffordshire Bull Terrier Weimaraner Weimaraner [Longhair] 20 Months Bernese Mountain Dog Mastiff Schnauzer (Giant) 22 Months Leonberger
Neapolitan Mastiff Newfoundland Pyrenean Mastiff Rottweiler Spanish Mastiff Tibetan Mastiff 24 Months Australian Shepherd Azawakh Cocker Spaniel [American] Great Dane Irish Wolfhound Lhasa Apso Old English Sheepdog Pyrenean Mountain Dog Russian Black Terrier Saluki Schnauzer St Bernard
List Of Affiliates as of 20/10/20 CONTACT DETAILS BREED AND GROUP CLUBS AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Margaret Barras, 217 McBryde St, Fawkner 3060 Ph: 0407 821 528 AIREDALE TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Catherine Raven, 17 Barwon St, Clyde North 3978 Ph: 5998 5285 airedaleterrierclub.vic+secretary@
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ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr James Ganson, PO Box 348, Cockatoo 3781 Ph: 0409 939 211 AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Tanya Smith, 59 Wallaby Track, Beremboke 3342 Ph: 0416 676 533 tanyawhitesatin@ AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Belinda Taylor, PO Box 8068, Carrum Downs 3201 Ph: 0408 260 242 ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB INC – Ms Christine Harris, 40 Essex Park Dve, Endeavour Hills 3802 Ph: 9700 1800
ASSOC OF ALL MASTIFF BREEDS OF VIC INC – Mrs Sonya Willie, 33 Oberon St, St Albans 3021 Ph: 9364 5110 AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Debra Thorne, 146 Shillinglaw Rd, Drouin 3818 Ph: 0402 203 294 AUSTRALIAN KELPIE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Helen Evans, 5 Emu Crt, CMB 500, Loch Sport, 3851 Ph: 0427 649 238 Puppy Enq Jan Scholtz Ph: 0418 338 931 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Ross Carlson, 1275 Frankston-Flinders Rd, Somerville 3912 Ph: 5978 0061 0418 512 965 Puppy Enq Jayne Mallon Ph: 9390 3671
List Of Affiliates (17/02/20) as of 20/10/20 AUSTRALIAN SILKY TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Jan Cooke, 4 Mason Crt, Lower Templestowe 3107 Ph: 9850 1495 AUSTRALIAN TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr John Davidson, PO Box 1, Chewton 3451 Ph: 5472 2079 BASENJI CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Cathryn Curnick, 590 Atkins Rd, Wurdiboluc 3241 Ph: 5266 2178 BASSET HOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Julie Lehmann, PO Box 57, Toora 3962 Ph: 0418 545 522 djlehmann@ BEAGLE CLUB OF VIC INC Mrs Pam Tyler 26 Williams Rd, Don Valley 3139 Ph: 0402 007 750 BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Samantha Templeton, 35 Cranston Close, Narre Warren North 3804 Ph: 0412 864 768 BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Lesley Longmuir, PO Box 24, St James 3727 Ph: 5764 4247 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Lynette Dawson, 5 Verdon St, Williamstown 3016 Ph: 0435 674 861 bmdcvsecretary@ BICHON FRISE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Wendy Hutchison, 70 Dillon Crt, Diggers Rest 3427 Ph: 9740 0803 or 0418 539 377 BORDER COLLIE CLUB OF VIC INC –Mrs Noeline McIlroy, PO Box 1009, Pearcedale 3912 Ph: 0448 500 215 BORDER TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Celeste Meier, 3840 South Gippsland Hwy, Koo Wee Rup 3981 Ph: 0410 578 601 celeste. BORZOI CLUB OF VIC – Mrs Sally Stasytis, PO Box 86, Yarra Glen 3775 Ph: 9730 1603 au BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF VIC – Ms Diane Boyle, 59 Jacaranda Crt, Junortoun 3551 Ph: 0488 493 109 BOXER ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Mr Arthur Fry, 840 Riddell Rd, Sunbury 3429 Ph: 9740 8788 arthurcfry@gmail. com BRITISH BULLDOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Andrea West, PO Box 153, Newcomb 3219 Ph: 0425 748 283
BULLMASTIFF CLUB OF VIC – Ms Cheryl Wright, PO Box 460, Greensborough 3088 Ph: 9435 8801 BULL TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Deborah Patterson, PO Box 1635, Melton West 3337 Ph: 0403 210 590 bullterrierclubvictoria@ BULL TERRIER MINIATURE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Kerry Hellsten PO Box 1400, Pearcedale 3912 Ph: 0432 764 470 CAIRN TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Barbara Candela, 45 Gibb Rd, Red Hill 3937 Ph: 5981 8532 Puppy Enq Elaine Ferbrache 9735 4117 CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Joy McInnes, 60 Rickard Dr, Churchill 3842 Ph: 0403 535 649 cavsecretary@ CENTRAL HIGHLANDS WORKING GUNDOG CLUB – Mrs Wendy Davis, PO Box 36, Landsborough 3384 Ph: 0408 364 172 beregan@bigpond. com CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Lyn Gunnell, 96 Pykes Creek Rd, Myrniong 3341 Ph: 0439 975 056 Puppy Enq: Lynne Jenkin 5291 5727 CHOW CHOW CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Claire Williams, 331 Autumn St, Newtown 3220 Ph: 0412 091 537 au CLUB L’EPAGNEUL BRETON VIC. INC – Mr Mark Bonaddio, 39 Botha Ave, Reservoir 3073 breton@clubbreton. CLUMBER SPANIEL LEAGUE VIC – Ms Caitlin Ryan, 9 Howland Place, Keysborough 3173 Ph: 0450 576 228 COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Margaret Brodie, 9 Holroyd St, Seaford 3198 Ph: 0418 396 744 COLLIE CLUB OF VIC – Mr Bryan Crowley, 12 Shirley Park Lane, Woodend 3442 Ph: 0448 226 529 CURLY COATED RETRIEVER ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Mrs Melinda Naughton, 9 Back Rd, Tradable 3447 Ph: 0401 138 905 DACHSHUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Katrina Brooks, 420 CarogulacBeeac Rd, Warrion 3249 Ph: 5234 8224 Puppy Enq Brenda Howell Ph: 5234 8224
Mrs Denise Bennett, 17 Spence Terrace Sandhurst 3977 0408 206 046 secretary@
DEERHOUND CLUB OF VIC INC Mrs Deborah Guthrie, Box 884, Panton Hill 3759 Ph: 9719 7277 DOBERMANN CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Jan Frederickson, PO Box 173, Narre Warren North 3807 Ph: 0407 869 493 secretary@ ENGLISH SETTER ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC - Mrs Michaela Barraclough, 80 Solitude Cres, Point Cook 3030 Ph: 9395 7948 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Bronwyn Patchett 10 Porcupone Crt, Chintin 3756 Ph: 5789 1395 FINNISH LAPPHUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Dr Terri MacDonald, 985 Sugarloaf Creek Rd Sugarloaf Creek VIC 3658 Ph: 0419 512 132 FLATCOATED RETRIEVER ASSOC OF VIC INC – Ms Leanne Tormey, 112 Argyle St, Fawkner 3060 Ph: 0421 358 301 leannetormey@optusnet. FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB OF VIC – Secretary, Mrs Leah McArthur, 3 Langham Rd, Wendouree 3355 Ph: 0418 453 580 leah.mcarthur@ GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Dearne Jackson, PO Box 585, Endeavour Hills 3802 Ph: 0413 278 042 secretary@gsdcv. Puppy Officer: Mrs Shirley Taylor 0438 487 632 puppylist@ GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Vicki Thomas, PO Box 70, Nar Nar Goon 3812 Ph: 0414 706 243 thomas.vicki.l@ Puppy Enq Matt Curry Ph: 9747 3791 GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Kim Houlden, 131 TyabbTooradin Rd, Somerville 3912 Ph: 0418 525 118 GORDON SETTER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Sue Natoli, 5 Chevron Ave, Cranbourne South 3977 Ph: 0448 396 548 GREAT DANE CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Hannah MacGregor, 37 Moody St, Koo Wee Rup 3981 Ph: 0434 929 590
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List Of Affiliates as of 20/10/20 GRIFFON BRUXELLOIS CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Robin Simpson, 1130 Mardan Rd, Mardan 3953 Ph: 0409 255 369 griffonclub.secretary@gmail. com HOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Anastasia Courtney, PO Box 44, Koo Wee Rup 3981 Ph: 0408 138 611 HUNGARIAN VIZSLA CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Rebecca Sloan, 10 Springbank Rise, Narre Warren North, 3804 Ph: 0407 177 329 Puppy/breed enquties Nicola Abell IRISH SETTER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Rhonda Fisher, 17 Martin St, Pascoe Vale 3044 Ph: 9354 5419 IRISH WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Kathryn O’Brien, 42 Molesworth St, Glenlyon 3461 Ph: 0402 276 852 kathrynobrien23@ ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB – Mrs Elizabeth Monahan, 90 Mena Park Rd, Beaufort 3373 Ph: 5349 5533 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER CLUB OF VIC – Mrs Caroline Azzopardi, 11 Roussac Court, Sunshine Nth 3020 Ph: 9366 9584 au JAPANESE CHIN CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Margaret Barras, 217 McBryde St, Fawkner 3060 Ph: 0407 821 528 JAPANESE SPITZ CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Rebecca Bentley, 5 Sunray Crt, Eltham 3095 Ph: 0433 921 290 KEESHOND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Lyn Rawlings, 64 High St, Heathcote 3523 Ph: 0478 162 886 KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB VIC INC – Mr Rod Bennetts, PO Box 1102, Waverley Gardens 3170 Ph: 9795 5217 (after 6pm) bovais@net2000. LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Evy Tano, 1039 Pascoe Vale Rd, Jacana 3047 Ph: 0400 608 924 LITTLE LION DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Elizabeth Heck, 7 Stocks Dr, Cranbourne West 3977 Ph: 0419 007 432 elizabethjohnheck@bigpond. com MASTIFF CLUB OF VIC – Acting Secretary, Mr Paul Simmonds, PO Box 3, Emerald 3782 Ph: 5968 3383
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MINIATURE PINSCHER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Lisa Prior, 4 White Street, Longwarry 3816 Ph: 5629 9688 NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Joy Boundy, 11 Benson St, Emerald 3782 Ph: 5968 5929 NON-SPORTING DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Paula Semmel, 11-12 MacKellar Close, Narre Warren North 3804 Ph: 5600 3655 nsdcv@ NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER CLUB – Mrs Joy Allen, Po Box 1173, Thornbury 3071 Ph: 0408 539 117 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Denise Findlay, 5 Barry Crt, Scoresby 3179 Ph: 0417 330 760 PAPILLON CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Christina John, 9 Bridgeford Ave, Blackburn North 3130 Ph: 0438 845 039 PEKINGESE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Dannielle Mondon, PO Box 86, Beveridge 3753 Ph: 0416 162 783 POODLE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Jo Turnley, PO Box 686, Richmond 3121 Ph: 9428 6028 - 0418 380 062 Puppy Officer: Pam Poole Ph: 5786 1899 PUG CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Jane Dowdy, 65 Underwoods Lane, Buckley 3240 Ph: 5267 2258 PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Helen Crago, 1990 South Gippsland Hwy, Five Ways 3977 Ph: 5998 2333 helencrago@ RARER BASSET BREEDS CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Barbara McVilly, 130 Virgilia Dve, Hoppers Crosing 3029 Ph: 0478 947 572 amcvilly@gmail. com RARER GUNDOG SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Susan Armstrong, 26 Mary St, Officer 3809 Ph: 0434 842 528 susan.celidharmstrong@gmail. com RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Krystal Lewis, PO Box 44, Koo Wee Rup 3981 Ph: 0423 663 609 ROTTWEILER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Debbie Donald, PO Box 125, Kinglake 3763 Ph: 0412 833 645 secretary@rottweilerclubofvictoria. com
SALUKI CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Stephen Wailes, 7 Varsity Walk, Bundoora 3083 Ph: 8457 9778 Puppy Enq Stan Green Ph: 9876 4639 SAMOYED CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr John Wilders, PO Box 556, Bacchus Marsh 3340 Ph: 0409 549 014 thesamoyedclubofvictoria@gmail. com SCHIPPERKE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Paula Semmel, PO Box 85, Koo Wee Rup 3981 Ph: 0427 175 143 SCHNAUZER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Liz Maclaine, 16 Ruchard St, Williamstown 3016 lizmacla@ SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Tomris Mustafa, PO Box 6082, Frankston 3199 Ph: 0433 897 009 SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Karen Lishman, 27 Thornton St, Bentleigh East 3165 Ph: 0414 882 568 SHIH TZU CLUB OF VIC – Dr Christopher Johnson, 68 Firestone Way, Wodonga 3690 Ph: 0427 111 017 SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Kylie Venardos, PO Box 137, Box Hill 3128 Ph: 0414 792 829 Puppy Enq Nita Blanch Ph: 5998 2580 SOFT COATED WHEATEN TERRIER CLUB – Mrs Carolyn Curnow, 14 Wheatland Cres, Dingley Village 3172 Ph: 9551 2732 vic.wheaten@ SPORTING TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Kerry Hellsten, 13 Hardy Ave, Cannons Creek 3977 Ph: 0432 764 470 sportingterrierclubofvictoria@ STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Penni Harrison, 2 Drum Close, Frankston 3199 Ph: 0488 556 577 penni.harrison1306@gmail. com TENTERFIELD TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Ian Cooke, PO Box 158, Gunbower 3566 Ph: 0417 527 024 TIBETAN SPANIEL ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Ms Naomi liss, 8 Renmark Crt, Vermont South 3133 Ph: 9801 7370 au TOY DOG CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Marilyn Warren, 5 Watson Close, Hoppers Crossing 3029 Ph: 9748 6753
List Of Affiliates as of 20/10/20 TOY POODLE SOCIETY OF VIC – Jo Seiter, 6 Menzies Cres Shepparton 3630 Ph: 0418355758 jo.seiter@ UTILITY DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Arthur Fry, 840 Riddell Rd, Sunbury 3429 Ph: 9740 8788 arthurcfry@gmail. com UNITED PINSCHER CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Jaime Pendle, 142 Maryvale Rd, Morwell 3840 Ph: 0402 850 603 VARIETIES OF BICHON RELATED BREEDS CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Sarah Lay, 1/60-66 Southhampton St, Footscray 3011 Ph: 0432 112 801 VICTORIAN GUNDOG CLUB INC – Ms Leanne Tormey, 112 Argyle St, Fawkner 3060 Ph: 0421 358 301 VICTORIAN SPITZ BREEDS CLUB INC - Ms Debbie Parker, 19 Terrigal Cres, Kilsyth 3137 Ph: 0419 548 932 WEIMARANER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Michael Yeo, 20 Dunkeith Ave, Jan Juc 3228 Ph: 0422 446 996 WELSH CORGI CLUB OF VIC – Ms Fiona Baird, PO Box 8437, Carrum Downs, 3201 Ph: 0409 177 828 WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Judy Martin, 3684 Melba Hwy, Glenburn 3717 Ph: 0418 389 318 secretary@westieclubvic. WHIPPET ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Robynne Spencer, 5 Lamont Avenue, The Patch 3792 Ph: 0413 451 454 WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD DOG ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Ms Jan Kelly, 1 Roberts St, Brunswick East 3057 Ph: 0437 570 650 ssdavic@ WORKING DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Julie Burnett, 2 Ardwick St, Bentleigh 3204 Ph: 9557 3905
PERFORMANCE CLUBS ACTION DOGS VICTORIA INC Mrs Margaret Widelock, PO Box 202, Warragul 3820 Ph: 0413 107 038 AGILITY DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Steve Macdonald, PO Box 1141, Altona Meadows 3028 Ph: 0499 364 258
AWESOME PAWS TRAINING INC – Miss Katie Kisielnicki, 6 Rowan St, Croydon 3136 Ph: 0409 929 887 BAIRNSDALE & DISTRICT DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC – Mrs Lynette Burrage, PO Box 335, Bairnsdale 3875 Ph: 0408 356 892 bddocsecretary@ BALLAARAT DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC – Mrs Lisa Staszek, PO Box 383, Ballarat 3353 Ph: 5334 2750 BENDIGO OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Heather Turpie, PO Box 2396, Mail Centre, Bendigo 3550 Ph: 0497 242 667 BERWICK OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Miss Rebecca Donnet, 3 Anna Crt, Narre Warren 3805 Ph: 9796 9496 recorded message secretary@ BROADMEADOWS OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Miss Nicole Bologna, PO Box 3005, Broadmeadows 3047 Ph: 9309 8304 broadmeadowsodc@ BULLA AGILITY DOGS INC – Mrs Deb Hart, 28 Waterdale Rd, Ivanhoe 3079 Ph: 0404 007 605 secretary@bad. CROYDON & DISTRICT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mr Gary McArthur, PO Box 465 Croydon 3136 Ph: 9723 7194 DANCES WITH DOGS CLUB OF VICTORIA – Mrs Wendy Harrison, PO Box 8008, Carrum Downs 3201 Ph: 9782 1404 wendyharrison@dodo. EASTERN SUBURBS OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB – Ms Andrea Sciberras, 11 Ottawa Ave, Blackburn 3130 Ph: 9877 1528 EAST GIPPSLAND DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB – Mrs Natalie Brown, PO Box 1096, Sale 3853 Ph: 0407 842 532 FRANKSTON DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC – Mr Peter Gibson, PO Box 900, Frankston 3199 Ph: 0413 850 102 GEELONG OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Christine Jagtenbergl, PO Box 186, Geelong 3220 Ph: 0438 414 917 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Dearne Jackson, PO Box 585, Endeavour Hills 3802 Ph: 0413 278 042 secretary@gsdcv. Puppy Officer: Mrs Shirley Taylor 0438 487 632 puppylist@
GIPPSLAND OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Dr Maribeth Murphy, PO Box 125, Morwell 3840 Ph: 0413 842 527 GIPPSLAND RETRIEVING CLUB INC – Mrs Vicki Thomas, PO Box 70, Nar Nar Goon 3812 Ph: 0414 706 243 HASTINGS & DIST. OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Alison Prata , PO Box 444, Hastings 3915 Ph: 0435 436 324 KEILOR OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING CENTRE INC – Ms Maree Schellekens, PO Box 75, Niddrie 3042 Ph: 0414 700 437 K9 AGILITY CLUB INC – Miss Stephanie Hirst, 17 Mcguigan Dr, Cranbourne West 3977 Ph: 0430 415 652 KNOX OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Debra Cartledge, PO Box 1093, Ferntree Gully 3156 Ph: 9763 1444 LURE RACING CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Laurie Mackenzie, 37 McWilliam St, Springvale Nth 3171 Ph: 9546 7317 MACEDON RANGES OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Janette Francis, PO Box 143, Gisborne 3437 Ph: 0414 939 164 info@ MELBOURNE & DISTRICT DANCES WITH DOGS CLUB INC – Miss Jannelle Carlile Ph: 0437 731 426 MELTON DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC – Mrs Ainslie Harris, PO Box 2088, Melton South 3338 Ph: 9743 3741 MOORABBIN & DIST. OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING CLUB INC – Mrs Lynne Padfield, PO Box 1430, Moorabbin 3189 Ph: 0437 508 477 MORNINGTON PENINSULA COMMUNITY DOG CLUB – Ms Vivian Albery, 11 Jackson Way, Dromana 3936 Ph: 5981 8230 vivianalbery@ MORNINGTON OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Pam Ford, PO Box 289, Mornington 3931 Ph: 0408 050 617 MOUNTAIN DISTRICT DOG CLUB INC – Miss Ashlee Bowtell, Ferntree Gully BC, PO Box 42, Ferntree Gully 3156 Ph: 0421 104 430 au MURRAY VALLEY OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC - Mrs G McDermott, PO Box 17, Cardross 3496 Ph: 5025
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List Of Affiliates as of 20/10/20 NORTHCOTE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Elaine Billing, PO Box 5004 Alphington 3078 Ph: 0418 145 656 office@orthcoteobediencedogclub. NORTHERN OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Glenys Barnes, PO Box 98, Moonee Ponds 3039 Ph: 0407 523 741 PENINSULA OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Michele Edward, 12 Marmion St, Rye 3941 Ph: 0418 301 085 PORTLAND DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB – Ms Mary-Anne Hollis, PO Box 1203, Portland 3305 maryannehollis@ PRECISON AGILITY ACADEMY INC – Ms Celeste Acfield, 80 Kipling Ave, Mooroolbark 3138 Ph: 0407 099 283 precisionagilityacademy@gmail. com
Part 7 Regulations - Conformation 7.6.8 Extreme Weather Conformation This regulation takes effect from and including Saturday 1 October 2016. Hot Weather If the forecast temperature for the district where the show is to be held is 36 degrees or higher then: (a) The show is to be cancelled or: (b) The show is to be rescheduled to start at 7 pm where the exhibition area has lighting and is available for use. Fire Danger If the CFA fire danger rating for the district where the show is to be held is Extreme or Code Red then: The show must be cancelled Gale Force Winds / Thunderstorms / Flood If gale force winds, thunderstorms or floods are predicted for the district where the show is to be held then: (a) The show MAY be cancelled or (b) A wait and see approach may be adopted and 1. If the show proceeds, judging must stop during thunder storms or periods of heavy rain. 2. Judging may continue without a lunch break.
SHERBROOKE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Sandrine Prosser, 18 Charman Ave, Emerald 3782 Ph: 0425253895 tpdevelopments14@ SOUTHERN OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING CLUB – Mr Ross Carlson, PO Box 99, Springvale 3171 STRATFORD DOG AGILITY CLUB – Mrs Janet Leemon, 73 Wyndham St, Stratford 3862 Ph: 0419 884 871 SUNBURY & DISTRICT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Helen Weedon, PO Box 461, Sunbury, 3429 Ph: 0417 512 049 secretary@sunburydogclub. com TRACKING CLUB OF VIC INC – Lisa Staszek, 27 McNulty Drive Wendouree 3355 Ph: 0432 597 754
3. If possible the show may be moved inside. 4. If the committee of the affiliate deem the show to be unsafe once it has commenced, the show must be cancelled. 5. Should a show be cancelled after commencement all awards will stand. Procedures for Affiliates and exhibitors to follow: 1. The forecast temperature for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the Elders Weather Website ( at 10 am two days prior to the show. The Fire Danger Rating for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the CFA website ( at 10 am two days prior to the show. In the event of an official declaration by the CFA the day prior to the show of Extreme or Code Red the show must be cancelled. 2. The gale force winds, thunderstorm or flood predictions for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the Elders Weather website ( au) at 10 am two days prior to the show. 3. Where multiple shows are scheduled over a cluster of a number of days, then only those day(s), where the temperature is 36
VICTORIAN HERDING ASSOCIATION INC – Ms Shelley Donald, 106 Melvins Rd, Riddells Creek 3431 WARRINGAL OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Bronwyn Galloway, 8 Oakhurst Ave, Heidelberg 3084 Ph: 0403 232 827 secretary@ WARRNAMBOOL DOG TRAINING SCHOOL INC – Mrs Margaret Kenna, PO Box 280, Warrnambool 3280 Ph: 0437 747 794 wdts1@hotmail. com WERRIBEE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Noelene Jordan, PO Box 2, Werribee 3030 Ph: 0417 321 757 WESTERN PORT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Melinda Watts, PO Box 8565, Carrum Downs 3201 Ph: 0408 695 262 melinda_564@ degrees or higher, or the fire danger rating is Extreme or Code Red or gale force winds, thunderstorms or floods are predicted, will be affected. 4. It is the responsibility of the secretary of the affiliate or its delegate, and the exhibitor to check the forecast weather, the fire danger rating, or the gale force winds, thunderstorms and flood prediction, for the district where the show is to be held as in procedures 1 and 2 above. 5. The secretary of the affiliate or its delegate must notify the Chief Executive of Dogs Victoria by telephone when the decision has been made to cancel or reschedule a show. 6. The Chief Executive will place a notice on the Dogs Victoria Facebook page and website advising members of the status of any show affected by this regulation. 7. Exhibitors are to refer to the Dogs Victoria Facebook page and/or website to check the status of the show. 8. Where a show is cancelled, no entry fees will be refunded. Where the affiliate has cancelled a show the secretary or their delegate must submit a copy of the catalogue and pay all levies to Dogs Victoria within 14 days of the date of the cancelled show. Amended 15/08/17
call (03) 9788 2500 Facility fund levy of $2.20inc GST will apply on all transactions. All members have the opportunity to opt out.
President Vin McPhee 0438 771 342
Melinda Cannington Executive Assistant 9788 2510
Acting Vice President Jan Robinson 0418 430 775
Operations Team Janet Davidson Operations & Office Manager 9788 2512
Committee Dawn Ayton 0408 375 526
Geoff Musgrave Facilities Officer – KCC Park Skye 0448 712 928
Chelsea Dawidowski Engagement & Marketing Officer 9788 2527
Rosemaree Arceri Facilities Officer - Bulla 0448 699 337
Member Services Eamon Bowler Manager Member Services & Development 9788 2509
Peter Frost 0408 868 894 Pauline Grutzner 0419 513 201 Michael Higgins 0409 406 240 Wendy Johnson 0411 462 730 Shellie Marshall 0433 796 333
Finance Team John Campigli General Manager Finance & Compliance 9788 2517 Priscilla Renaud Finance Coordinator 9788 2516 Wence Panong Finance Officer 9788 2502
Chris Moore 0428 983 703
Compliance Team Hugo Birch Compliance, Communications & Engagement Officer 9788 2524
Frank Tipping 0404 187 063
Linda Beer Education & Best Practice Advisor 9788 2526
Julie Wills 0455 899 689
Community Liaision Sean Orr Community Liaison & Field Officer 9788 2520
Engagement & Development Team Cathy Ashton General Manager Membership, Engagement & Development 9788 2525
Jade McLaren Marketing & Engagement Coordinator 9788 2518 Nikki Cuffe Graphic Designer 9788 2529
Dylan Menadue Member Services & Digital Coordinator 9788 2513 Membership Experience Team Bettina May Manager – Member Experience 9788 2504 Jenni Joyce Member Experience Officer 9788 2505 Jennifer Govan Member Experience Officer 9788 2503 Tanya Milland Member Experience Officer 9788 2519 Lyndal Beel Member Experience & Systems Development Officer 9788 2506
General Enquiries & Membership – Marketing – Accounts – Advertising – Magazine - Contributor to the magazine and eNewsletter –
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page 55 - Gazette December 2020
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TEAM 8181 DogsVic