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Jake Milford – re-elected – four year term Dale Taylor – elected – two year term Mal Park – elected – one year term

Thanks were given to outgoing members Julie Wills and David Barclay, who did not seek re-election, for their contribution to Dogs Victoria through their participation on management committee.


8. To present VCA life memberships. The Chair advised there were no life memberships awarded this year.

The Chair advised that 60 year membership had been awarded to Alison West.

The Chair congratulated Robynne Spencer and Tania Kirkland on gaining their all breeds judges licence.

VCA Canine Contribution Award Presentation made to Tri Ch (T) (TS) Kagiso Power Of One and Nicole Phillips. Award unable to be presented in 2020 when it was awarded due to Covid.

9. To consider the adoption of ordinary or special resolutions submitted in accord with rule 2.97 (3) which states:

“At all annual general meetings of the VCA, no business shall be considered or discussed other than that of which notice has been given on the notice convening the meeting or any business which, in the opinion of the chairperson, shall arise out of such business”. Special resolution means a resolution passed by a majority of not less than 75 percent of the number of members of the VCA who, being entitled to do so, attend and vote personally on the resolution at an Annual General Meeting of the VCA or a Special General Meeting of the VCA convened for the purpose of such resolution and notice of which meeting, specifying the terms of the resolution and the intention to propose of such resolution and notice of which meeting, specifying the terms of the resolution and the intention to propose and move the resolution as a special resolution, was given to all members of the VCA at least 21 days prior to the date of holding such meeting.

9.12pm V Mcphee vacated the chair, J Robinson assumed the chair

10. Special resolution moved by Vin McPhee seconded by Mike Higgins to amend VCA Rule 2.15 and add Rule 2.15.1 to change VCA Membership subscription renewal to a common annual renewal date with transitional provisions.


2.15 Membership Subscriptions

(As amended 1.6.98) A member of the VCA shall, upon admission to membership, pay to the VCA an initial membership subscription for the period which shall terminate at midnight on the last day of the month in which falls the anniversary of the date of admission as a member and, thereafter, on renewal of membership, shall pay to the VCA a membership renewal subscription at the rates determined from time to time by the Management Committee. Provided, that in the case of a membership approved before 31st may,

1998, such membership shall terminate on 31st December in each year. Membership shall lapse if not renewed within one calendar month of termination. In renewing membership each year, a member shall complete and sign the prescribed renewal of membership form.

Replace with:

2.15 Membership Subscriptions

(As amended 1.6.98) A member of the VCA shall, upon admission to membership, pay to the VCA an initial prorata membership subscription for the period which shall terminate at midnight on 31 March of the year of admission. the last day of the month in which falls the anniversary of the date of admission as a member and, Thereafter, on renewal of membership, a member shall pay to the VCA a membership renewal subscription at the rates determined from time to time by the Management Committee. Provided, that in the case of a membership approved before 31st may, 1998, such membership shall terminate on 31st December in each year. Membership shall lapse cease if not renewed within one calendar month of termination lapsing In renewing membership each year, a member shall complete and sign the prescribed renewal of membership form.

Insert New Rule 2.15.1

Transitional Provisions

Members who hold a financial membership that expires between June 2023 and February 2024 will pay a prorata membership subscription to align the member’s renewal date to the common annual renewal date of 31 March.

Members who have paid their annual renewal in April & May 2023 will be levied in March 2024 a prorata membership subscription to align the member’s renewal date to the common annual renewal date of 31 March 2025.

MOTION: For: 156 / Against: 37 / Abstain: 7 CARRIED with 80.83% voting in favour

9.33pm J Robinson vacated the chair and V Mcphee resumed the chair

11. Recission motion moved by Frank Tipping, seconded by Dianne Lee

This recission motion is submitted under Rule 2012101- respectively

That the Special resolution Item 10 indicated below, which was presented at the 2021/22 with all the sub clauses at the AGM, be Rescinded on the basis that the voting that took place was in breach of the Voting procedures as questioned by the VERO Administrator as to the counting and presentation of the Chair at that time. It also is in Breach of the Equal Opportunity and, Human Rights Act

10. Special resolution moved by Vin McPhee, President Dog Victoria, seconded by Roger Bridgford to amend Rules 2.3.6, 2.50 and 2.52 to ensure that the meaning of a “disqualified person” applies to both candidates for election and existing members of management committee

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