Gazette DECEMBER 2018 Night of Nights Spectacular entry form published in this issue
Dogs Victoria is proudly sponsored by:
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FROM THE OFFICE OFFICE CLOSURE The Dogs Victoria office will be closed from close of business on Thursday 20 December 2018 and will reopen on Monday 7 January 2019. AFFILIATE CHANGES - CHANGE OF ADDRESS ONLY SCHIPPERKE CLUB OF VIC INC PO Box 85 Koo Wee Rup 3981 GIPPSLAND OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC PO Box 125 Morwell 3840
FROM THE ANKC LTD CIRCULAR 64/2018 - EXCLUSION The Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana (ENCI) informs the FCI members and contract partners that Mrs Capparoni Matilde has been definitively excluded as FCI international show and trial judge since 18/09/2018. CIRCULAR 66/2018 - CANCELLATION OF FCI KENNEL NAME The Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland informs the FCI members and contract partners that FCI kennel name RUNRUNRUN (owner: Mrs Regine Ripke) has been cancelled from the international FCI kennel name register. ANKC JUDGES CONTRACT - EDITABLE VERSION UPDATE As a result of feedback received in relation to the Judges Contract document we advise an amended version of the above mentioned editable form is now available from our website at Changes made to the form were to provide additional space in various fields relating to the fixture section on page one as well as fields relating to the expenses and accommodation section on page three. ACES BREED SUMMARY REPORT A copy of the ACES Annual Breed Summary Report for the YTD June 2018 is now available on our website at 2
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AMENDMENT TO BREED STANDARD LABRADOR RETRIEVER We confirm the Labrador Retriever breed standard extension has been updated and is available from our website. CIRCULAR 70/2018 - CANCELLATION OF PEDIGREES AND EXCLUSIONS (KINOLOSKI SAVEZ CRNE GORE) The Kinoloski Savez Crne Gore (Kennel Club of Montenegro) (KSCG) informs the FCI members and contract partners that the KSCG Disciplinary Committee took the following decisions: 1. The pedigrees of the following dogs (Border Collie) are cancelled from the Studbook of KCSG: “Tay-Y-Lllyn a Litle Angel Face”, female, registration number: MNE 1100/08 BK “Frosty With Silent Magical Paws”, male, registration number: MNE 1020/15 BK “Foline With Silent Magical Paws”, female, registration number: MNE 1021/15 BK “Famous With Silent Magical Paws”, female, registration number: MNE 1022/15 BK 2. Mrs Patricia Gabrian has been definitively excluded as KSCG member and breeder since 18/09/2018. In addition, her FCI kennel name WITH SILENT MAGICAL PAWS has been cancelled from the international FCI kennel name register. 3. Mr Dragan Ivović has been definitively excluded as KSCG member and breeder since 18/09/2018.
Dogs Victoria Night of Nights Spectacular Top Show Dog and Puppy of the Year 2018 Saturday 2 February 2019 Bulla Exhibition Centre commencing at 4 pm Entries close Friday 18 January 2019 Download entry form at or page 7 of this issue
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Dogs Victoria Future Forums
Dogs Victoria Administration Office
Our next regional member forums will be held in Geelong
Business hours are as follows: office open 8.30 am - 5 pm (Monday to Friday) t: 9788 2500 f: 9788 2599
Wednesday 23 January, 2019 Geelong - venue and time TBA The focus of this meeting will be to hear what Dogs Victoria members would like to see in the future in our organisation. Don’t forget if you have any particular issues you would like addressed at these forums, please send them to
Easy Dog Entries Contact Details
John Bryson - 0400 743 272 Adam Fairless - 0408 448 044 Mitchell Davis - 0415 103 899
Change to VCA Regulations -
effective 15 December, 2018 Part 3 Regulations - General 3.5.11 Objectional Behaviour Regulation be amended to read Regulations applying to use of the Boxhall Pavilion KCC Park and the Bulla Exhibition Centre • • • • •
Mats or tarps must be placed under crates and equipment Exhibitors must be considerate of space being used and mats should not exceed the area required for crates and equipment Exercise pens are not permitted for toileting of dogs Space is not permitted to be saved by exhibitors or reserved in advance of the start of a show No exhibitor may toilet their dog in the Boxhall Pavilion or inside the Bulla pavilion
Part 7 Regulations - Conformation 7.6 Rules Relating to Judging at Exhibitions Regulation be amended to read Reserved Minimum Breeding Age for Bitches Members are advised that the ‘Minimum Breeding Age for Bitches - Minimum age at which a Bitch can be mated’ list as referred to under Regulation 20.1.12 and published each month in the Gazette (refer page 22 of this issue), will now list ‘all other breeds’ under the heading of 12 months.
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Circular for non-member levy (quarterly) In order to allow our affiliates to budget/plan for their quarterly non-member levy payments to Dogs Victoria, detailed below are the scheduled time lines: Quarters Ending 31 December 31 March 30 June 30 September
Circular Time Lines Second week November Second week February Second week May Second week August
Management Committee Agenda Items Close Off Members are advised that the close off for agenda items for the management committee agenda are as follows: Meeting Held
Agenda Items Submitted By
2 January 6 February 6 March 3 April 1 May 5 June 3 July 7 August 28 August 2 October 6 November 27 November
16 January 20 February 20 March 17 April 15 May 19 June 17 July 21 August 11 September 16 October 20 November 11 December
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SUSPENSIONS / DISCIPLINARY OUTCOMES DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSIONS Nathan Toohey 3100026298 WANGARATTA breached Code of Practice 20.1.12 Breeding - A member shall not breed with a bitch unless the bitch has reached adequate maturity for that breed as determined by the Victorian Canine Association Inc. Penalties: $500 fine. Celeste Meier 3100030646 WOODSIDE breached Code of Practice 20.1.12 Breeding - A member shall not breed with a bitch unless the bitch has reached adequate maturity for that breed as determined by the Victorian Canine Association Inc. Penalties: $500 fine. Van Bui 3100041328 WANDONG breached Code of Practice 20.1.12 Breeding - A member shall not breed with a bitch unless the bitch has reached adequate maturity for that breed as determined by the Victorian Canine Association Inc. Penalties: $500 fine. Adele Panozzo 3100040391 WANGARATTA breached Code of Practice
20.1.13 - A member shall not breed a bitch causing it to whelp more than twice in eighteen months without the prior approval of Dogs Victoria. Rule 2.17 - Members shall strictly observe and act in conformity with and not otherwise than in accordance with the Rules, Regulations, Code of Ethics and Codes of Practice of the VCA and shall not conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring the VCA into disrepute or to bring themselves as a breeder, owner, exhibitor, handler, show official, judge or as a VCA member into disrepute. Penalties: Suspension of membership for two months commencing 16 October 2018 and $700 fine. Prior Oldridge 3100052558 CLARKEFIELD breached Code of Practice - First generation (father/daughter, mother/ son, brother/sister) matings are not permitted unless application was made prior to the management committee and approval was given prior to the mating on the basis of health or genetic reasons to the benefit of the breed. Rule 2.17 - Members shall strictly observe and act in conformity with and not otherwise than in accordance with the Rules, Regulations, Code of Ethics and Codes of Practice of the VCA and shall not conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring the VCA into disrepute or to bring themselves as a breeder, owner, exhibitor, handler, show official, judge or as a VCA member into disrepute. Penalties: Reprimand.
Did you know...
KCC Park / Bulla Exhibition Centre Camping Policy Dogs Victoria’s grounds at KCC Park and the Bulla Exhibition Centre are not official camping grounds and as such the following shall apply if camping at either venue •
Only fully self-contained mobile homes or caravans are permitted for use when camping at KCC Park or the Bulla Exhibition Centre
Camping in tents is strictly prohibited
Showers are not located on either site
Campsites are restricted to designated areas only. A map will be provided on booking confirmation clearly showing the acceptable camping area
Whilst there are some public toilets available at both venues they are not located near the camping area
Bookings and payment must be made via the Dogs Victoria office prior to arrival date. To make a booking please email 4
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DOGS VICTORIA NOW HAS ITS OWN APP Download our awesome new app now and stay up to date with all the latest information! Install the Dogs Victoria app on your smartphone or tablet now!
Follow these steps: 1. Download Team App from the Apple or Google Play app store.
2. Sign up to Team App. You will be sent an email to confirm your registration. 3. Log into the app and search for ‘Dogs Victoria’.
4. Choose your applicable access group(s). 5. If you don't have a smartphone go to to sign up and view this app online.
Need help? Contact the support website
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Obedience, Tracking & Endurance Committee
The Dogs Victoria Obedience Tracking and Endurance Committee (OTEC) has organised the following meetings to discuss the new rules which will take effect from 1 January 2019 for the following: ANKC Endurance, Tracking and Track & Search Rule Books. Please note that endurance will be dealt with first followed by tracking and finally track & search. Rule books can be printed from the ANKC Ltd website, these are the These meetings are for judges and handlers. We are having one at KCC Park and one at Bulla to enable as many interested people to attend. It is compulsory for all judges of the above disciplines to attend at least one of these meetings as per regulation 9.4.
Monday 3 December 2018 - Bulla Exhibition Centre - Room 1 - 7 pm sharp OR Monday 10 December 2018 - KCC Park - Rooms 1 & 2 - 7 pm sharp
Expressions of Interest Investigations Committee Opportunities currently exist for suitably qualified members to join the Investigations Committee on a volunteer basis. This challenging and varied role offers an opportunity to build well-honed skills in the art of investigation for those interested in a future career in this field, challenges those who wish to be challenged, offers an opportunity to become more involved with the organisation, enables a greater understanding of the Rules and Regulations governing Dogs Victoria and facilitates great personal reward as each case file investigation reaches conclusion. It is important to note that investigations is not for everyone. It takes a specific skill set to make a great investigator and while some of the required skills can be cultivated along the way, certain basic criteria exist in the interests of finding the right people to join this invaluable team. If you believe you already possess the skills outlined below, have an interest in taking on this rewarding role, and have some time available to do so on a volunteer basis, please submit your resume to the Chair of Investigations C/- Vicky Day, Compliance Manager, Dogs Victoria ( • • • • • • • •
Ability to remain impartial and highly objective Capacity to learn and understand the Rules/ Regulations and their application Ability to sort fact and evidence from hearsay, enabling decisiveness Diplomatic and able to remain calm Capacity to be methodical and organised Ability to remain fair Excellent written/communication skills A computer with experience in the use of Microsoft Office (i.e. word, internet/email) Gazette December 2018
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Expression of Interest Colour Investigation Panel Opportunities currently exist for suitably qualified licenced breed group judges and/or all breeds judges to join the Colour Investigation Panel (CIP) on a volunteer basis. Dogs Victoria is working toward building a pool of suitably qualified Judges covering the four breeds identified by the ANKC: • • • •
British Bulldog French Bulldog Boston Terrier Pug
Interested parties need to be capable of identifying colour in the specified breed/s and importantly, be able to maintain confidentiality with respect to any matter referred. It is envisaged that the role of a Dogs Victoria CIP judge may include attendance at pre-arranged monthly inspections (subject to panel availability) and/or review of photographic materials with a view to reaching consensus on a colour pass/fail result. Where attendance is required, reasonable travel will be reimbursed on completion of the appropriate expense reimbursement application, to the chief executive.
Please submit expression of interest to Tim Adams, Chief Executive
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Night of Nights Spectacular Top Show Dog and Puppy of the Year 2018 Saturday 2 February 2019 Bulla Exhibition Centre commencing 4pm Please return completed entry by Friday 18 January 2019 to Anna Bisak
A Copy of the Best Exhibit/Puppy In Show Certificate Must Accompany Entry
Registered Name: Registered No:
Date of Birth:
Call Name:
Sire: Dam: Bred By: Owned By: Membership No:
Contact No:
DOG $15 x
(Ticket/s are issued on the night at the reception desk) Payment Method:
Total Payment Received:
Cash (in office only)
Credit Card: Debit my
/ Mastercard
for the amount of $
Credit Card No:
Name (print) FOR EVENT ENQUIRIES 9788 2509
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Victorian Canine Association Inc
NOTICE TO MEMBERS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ELECTIONS Members are hereby informed that vacancies for five ordinary members of management committee will occur in April 2019. Eligibility of Candidates to Nominate for Election Members are advised to check the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the Victorian Canine Association Inc to confirm their eligibility. Subject to Rule 2.52.2 only an ordinary, dual or life member as described in Rule 2.6.1 - 2.6.3 shall be eligible to nominate as a candidate or propose or second a candidate for election to the management committee provided that they were financial members of the VCA for the whole of the previous financial year and their membership renewal subscriptions have been paid not later than the date on which nominations close and that they are not in default under Rule 2.10.5 or Rule 2.11 between the date on which nominations close and the date on which the ballot closes and such ineligibility has not lapsed by the latter date. Term of Office The term of office for three ordinary members of the management committee will be four years. The term of office for one ordinary member of the management committee will be two years. The term of office for one ordinary member of the management committee will be one year. Electoral Roll The electoral roll will close at 4 pm on Thursday 31 January 2019. All ordinary, dual and life members as described in Rule 2.6.1 - 2.6.3 shall be on the electoral roll provided their membership is current by the 31 January when the electoral roll closes each year and provided that they are not ineligible at that date under Rule 2.10.5 or Rule 2.11. Nominations Nominations shall be made on the prescribed form and signed by the candidate, the proposer and seconder each of whom shall be an ordinary, dual or life member of the VCA. The prescribed form is available from the Chief Executive, Dogs Victoria, Locked Bag K9, Cranbourne 3977, or VCA Returning Officer, Victorian Electoral Commission, Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000. Candidates may lodge a personal profile of up to 400 words and a photograph. These will be published in the February Gazette. Nominations close and must be lodged with the VCA Returning Officer, Victorian Electoral Commission, Level 11, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 by 4 pm on Tuesday 4 December 2018. TIMETABLE OF EVENTS FOR ELECTION OF FIVE ORDINARY MEMBERS OF Tuesday 4 December 2018 Thursday 31 January 2019 February 2019 Tuesday 5 March 2019 Wednesday 22 May 2019 May 2019 Gazette
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Nominations close at 4 pm Electoral roll closes at 4 pm Full list of nominations with profiles published in the February Gazette. Ballot papers sent out by the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC). Voting closes at 5 pm VCA Annual General Meeting. Newly elected members of management committee take office the next day. Results of election published.
Tim Adams Chief Executive Amended 24/10/2018 8
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OFFICIAL CALENDAR - December 2018, January & February 2019 SUBJECT TO AMENDMENT
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Championship Show Twilight Championship Show National Championship Show Rare Breeds Championship Show Open Show Parade Members Competition Breed Competition Dog Match Main Breed Exhibition Lure Coursing Lure Racing Earthdog Earthdog Practice Endurance Test Herding Training Herding Test Instinct Test
Agility Trial Jumping Trial Field Trial Retrieving Trial Restricted Retrieving Trial Tracking Trial Obedience Trial Twilight Obedience Trial Restricted Obedience Trial Restricted to Group Obedience Trial Restricted to Breed Obedience Trial Rally Obedience Trial Twilight Rally Obedience Trial Retriever & Spaniel Field Trial Novice Retriever & Spaniel Field Trial Pointer & Setter Field Trial Novice Pointer & Setter Field Trial
Secretaries Please Note - Schedule Closing Dates
As per regulation 7.3.6 fixture schedules that require publication in the Gazette must be submitted to the Dogs Victoria office for approval at least FOUR months prior to first of the month in which the fixture is being held. Fixture schedules not being published in the Gazette must be submitted to the Dogs Victoria office for approval at least THREE months prior to first of the month in which the fixture is being held. Published in Gazette At office first of Event held in Gazette Published December April February January May March February June April March July May April August June May September July June October August July November September August December October September January November October February December November March January 10
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Not Published in Gazette At office first of Event held in December March January April February May March June April July May August June September July October August November September December October January November February
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SHOW REGULATIONS All affiliates advertising schedules are affiliated with Dogs Victoria and their shows are held under the Rules and Regulations of Dogs Victoria. A copy may be inspected at the office of the secretary of the fixture on the day of the show. The following Rules/Regulations apply to all schedules. No person over the age of 18 years who is a resident of Victoria can exhibit, handle, officiate in the judging ring, or register an animal with Dogs Victoria unless he or she is a financial member of Dogs Victoria. EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE: The committee of the club holding the fixture reserves the right to substitute judges if the entry is excessive. Judging for all shows will be in alphabetical order unless otherwise stated in the schedule. DEFINITION OF CLASSES: (Age of exhibits is now not published in each schedule). See Prize Schedule for classes offered. It does not follow that, because a class is defined here, there necessarily is one offered for any particular breed. Please read the schedule carefully and complete the entry form in block letters. NUMBERING OF BREED CLASSES 1 - Baby Puppy Dog; 2 - Minor Puppy Dog; 3 - Puppy Dog; 4 - Junior Dog; 5 - Intermediate Dog; 6 - Novice Dog; 7 - Graduate Dog; 8 - Limit Dog; 9 - State Bred; 10 - Australian Bred; 11 - Open Dog; 12 - Veteran; 13 - Veteran; 14 - Bred by Exhibitor; 15 - Puppy Neuter; 16 - Junior Neuter; 17 Intermediate Neuter; 18 - Open Neuter; 21 - Champion Class (Open Shows only); Bitches to be numbered 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, 9A, 10A, 11A, 12A, 13A, 14A, 15A, 16A, 17A, 18A and 21A respectively. ANKC - Dogs Victoria CLASS CLASSIFICATIONS 1. BABY PUPPY, for dogs of three months and under six months of age. 2. MINOR PUPPY, for dogs of six and under nine months of age. 3. PUPPY, for dogs of six months of age and under 12 months of age 4. JUNIOR, for dogs of nine months and under 18 months of age. 5. INTERMEDIATE, for dogs of 18 months and under 36 months of age. 6. NOVICE, for dogs six months of age or over which have not won a first prize at any parade/open show or championship show (subject to member body rules). Baby puppy and local classes excepted. 7. GRADUATE, for dogs six months of age or over which have not won a challenge certificate. 8. LIMIT, for dogs over 12 months of age which are not champions, or have gained sufficient points to qualify as a champion. NOTE - The qualifications for the NOVICE, GRADUATE and LIMIT classes, shall only include wins up to and including the day before the date of the entry close. 9. STATE BRED, for dogs six months of age or over, whelped in the state or territory in which it is exhibited. 10. AUSTRALIAN BRED, for dogs six months of age or over, whelped in Australia. (A state and/or territory may reserve the right to exclude all, or any, of the recognised Australian breeds.) 11. OPEN, for all dogs six months of age or over, and of a breed or variety recognised by the ANKC. 12. VETERAN, 7 years and over 13. VETERAN, 10 years and over
NOTE: ANKC Regulations Part 5, Clause 1.5
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amended 12/04/18
14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Only entire dogs and bitches can compete in the veteran classes at specialist and semi-specialist show where the winners are eligible to compete for challenge certificates. BRED BY EXHIBITOR, for dogs aged six months and over. The exhibit must be owned and handled by the breeder of record. PUPPY NEUTER, for neuter dogs aged six and under twelve months. JUNIOR NEUTER, For neuter dogs aged nine and under eighteen months. INTERMEDIATE NEUTER, For neuter dogs aged eighteen and under thirty-six months. OPEN NEUTER, for neuter dogs aged six months or over.
ANKC clause 3.2 “Classes 15, 16, 17 & 18 shall be ineligible to compete against entire exhibits for challenge or best of breed awards.”
To compete in neuter classes a dog must be registered as a neuter on the main register.
Refer to ANKC Regulation Part 5 Section 7.7 for neuter championship points system. 21. CHAMPION CLASS, for exhibits which have qualified as champions. This class is for both dogs and bitches for each breed at open shows. The winners of these classes are not eligible to compete for best dog, best bitch, or best of breed therefore they cannot compete for any group award other than best champion in group or any in show award other than best champion in show. The above class shall be judged as the first class of each breed at open shows. Where class 21 or 21A are not offered champions shall compete in ordinary classes. LOCAL CLASSES AT CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS are classes for exhibits of at least six months of age owned by exhibitors residing within a specified radius of the exhibition. The body holding the exhibition shall have the power to specify any radius up to 50 km. If the radius is not specified in the schedule it shall be taken to be 50 km. Local classes may not be offered within 160 km radius of the GPO Melbourne. Wins in local classes shall count against the eligibility of a dog only for restricted local classes. 7.2.17 Baby puppies are not eligible to compete outside of baby puppy class except only for baby puppy special prizes. ANKC Regulations Part 5 - Show, Section 1, Clause 1.6 Where a member body regulations allow for property and special classes at specialty shows, neuter dogs and bitches shall be eligible to enter.
Challenge Certificates 7.7.19 When a specialist breed club or semispecialist (variety breed) club is conducting its annual championship show, challenge and best of breed certificates shall be restricted (not be offered) for that breed at any other championship show conducted on that day in Victoria. At that other championship show: the scheduled classes for the breed to which the restriction refers may be conducted, the “restricted” winners of these classes may compete for special prizes such as “best of class in group” and “best of class in show”. the “restricted” winner may not compete for “best of breed”, “best in group” or best in show” or any other competition which is available to challenge or best of breed winners only. Where permission has been granted for a breed club or variety breed club championship show to be conducted in conjunction with, and on the same
grounds as, the championship show of its group club or an all breeds championship show, this Regulation shall not apply.
National Shows Where a national show is held, no challenge certificates shall be awarded for the breed/s involved in the national show, within a radius of 1000 km from the show on that day/s. Junior Handler Classes at all Breeds Championship Shows ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 15B, Section 7 An affiliated club, other than a breed or group specialist club, must conduct a junior handler competition at one of its shows in each calendar year. 7.1 Where an affiliated club conducts more than one show over a weekend the junior handler competition must not be conducted on a regular school day and must be conducted on the weekend or days proclaimed a school holiday unless out of school hours. 7.2 Where a junior handler competition is to be held by an affiliated club, the competition must be advertised in the official schedule lodged with the controlling body in respect of the show. 7.3 Entry fees may not be charged in respect of junior handler competitions. Correctness of details on the entry forms Every person who enters a dog in any fixture conducted under these Regulations shall be responsible for the correctness of details on the entry form. The dog entered is to be owned or leased by the person who is named as the exhibitor on the entry form and registered as such with the State Controlling Body in which the exhibitor resides. The dog entered must hold a current vaccination certificate issued by a veterinarian. Exhibitors and dogs participating at an exhibition do so at their own risk. Online Entries When entering events using an online entry provider entries will close at midnight on the day online entries close unless stated otherwise in the schedule.
Dogs Victoria MEMBERSHIP ESSENTIAL Regulation 3.3.1 A person cannot exhibit, handle or officiate at a VCA approved exhibition, or participate in VCA breeding activities, unless that person is a financial member of an ANKC Ltd recognised state member canine controlling body. Children under the age of seven years are not permitted to exhibit, handle or officiate in the judging ring at approved Dogs Victoria fixtures. ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 5 Section 8 8.2 Excepting as provided for in Regulation 8.3, handlers at all competitions must be financial members of the controlling body in the state or territory in which they reside. 8.3 A person, who is not a resident of Australia, and is able to provide written advice to the secretary of the affiliate conducting the event from the recognised controlling body of their country of residence that they are permitted to handle dogs at championship exhibitions held in that country, may handle at all competitions conducted by member bodies for a period of up to three months on each visit.
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INTERSTATE PERFORMANCE & CONFORMATION SCHEDULES EXTREME WEATHER - CONFORMATION Part 7 Regulations - Conformation 7.6.8 Extreme Weather Conformation This regulation takes effect from and including Saturday 1 October 2016. Hot Weather If the forecast temperature for the district where the show is to be held is 36 degrees or higher then: (a) The show is to be cancelled or: (b) The show is to be rescheduled to start at 7 pm where the exhibition area has lighting and is available for use. Fire Danger If the CFA fire danger rating for the district where the show is to be held is Extreme or Code Red then: The show must be cancelled Gale Force Winds / Thunderstorms / Flood If gale force winds, thunderstorms or floods are predicted for the district where the show is to be held then: (a) The show MAY be cancelled or (b) A wait and see approach may be adopted and 1. If the show proceeds, judging must stop during thunder storms or periods of heavy rain. 2. Judging may continue without a lunch break. 3. If possible the show may be moved inside. 4. If the committee of the affiliate deem the show to be unsafe once it has commenced, the show must be cancelled. 5. Should a show be cancelled after commencement all awards will stand. Procedures for Affiliates and exhibitors to follow: 1. The forecast temperature for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the Elders Weather Website ( at 10 am two days prior to the show. The Fire Danger Rating for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the CFA website ( at 10 am two days prior to the show. In the event of an official declaration by the CFA the day prior to the show of Extreme or Code Red the show must be cancelled. 2. The gale force winds, thunderstorm or flood predictions for the district where the show is to be held will be as advised on the Elders Weather website ( at 10 am two days prior to the show. 3. Where multiple shows are scheduled over a cluster of a number of days, then only those day(s), where the temperature is 36 degrees or higher, or the fire danger rating is Extreme or Code Red or gale force winds, thunderstorms or floods are predicted, will be affected. 4. It is the responsibility of the secretary of the affiliate or its delegate, and the exhibitor to check the forecast weather, the fire danger rating, or the gale force winds, thunderstorms and flood prediction, for the district where the show is to be held as in procedures 1 and 2 above. 5. The secretary of the affiliate or its delegate must notify the Chief Executive of Dogs Victoria by telephone when the decision has been made to cancel or reschedule a show. 6. The Chief Executive will place a notice on the Dogs Victoria Facebook page and website advising members of the status of any show affected by this regulation. 7. Exhibitors are to refer to the Dogs Victoria Facebook page and/or website to check the status of the show. 8. Where a show is cancelled, no entry fees will be refunded. Where the affiliate has cancelled a show the secretary or their delegate must submit a copy of the catalogue and pay all levies to Dogs Victoria within 14 days of the date of the cancelled show. Amended 15/08/17 12
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SATURDAY 9, SUNDAY 10, MONDAY 11, TUESDAY 12 & WEDNESDAY 13 FEBRUARY, 2019 For full schedules please visit Enquiries
AGM – Notices of business from members
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA ITEMS As per rule 2.98 members wishing to place an item of business on the agenda for the 2019 AGM shall give notice in writing of that item to the CE by no later than 31 January 2019. The notice must include the names and VCA membership number of the mover and seconder. Notes for the benefit of members submitting notices of business: 1. A notice of business that seeks to amend, delete or insert a clause of the constitution or a rule, must be worded as a special resolution. See also regulation 6.2.1. 2. Any other notice of business should be worded as an ordinary resolution. 3. A notice of business that directs or seeks to direct the management committee in any matter that is a power of the management committee [Clause 1.5 of the constitution] would not be a proper matter for an AGM, and therefore would be an invalid notice of business. 4. Members are invited to seek assistance with the wording of any notice of business.
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CONFORMATION SCHEDULES Postal entries close Friday January 18, 2019 Online entries close Friday January 25, 2019
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3, 2019 Schedule of classes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 & 11 dogs 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 10a & 11a bitches
Entries to the secretary, Miss J R McDonald, PO Box 1188, Mail Centre, Bakery Hill, Ballarat 3354 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Ballarat Dog Club Inc Ph: 0412 614 619 (no calls after 9 pm) Judges Ms Robynne Spencer Group 1 Mr Keith Lovell Group 2 Miss Jessica Jolly Group 3 Ms Sue Bennett Group 4 Ms Jess Kada (NSW) Group 5A All German Shepherd Dogs Mr Iain Hinde Group 5B Balance of Breeds & Group Specials Mrs Nancy Wilson Group 6 Ms Pauline Grutzner Group 7 Mr Iain Hinde General Specials
Catalogue: $5 pre-ordered or $5.50 on the day Entry Fee: $15, baby puppies $11 German Shepherd Dogs only: Junior, intermediate, Australian bred and open classes first entry $25 (includes catalogue), subsequent $21. Baby, minor and puppy classes first entry $19 (includes catalogue), subsequent $15 Judging Time: German Shepherds 8.30 am. All other groups commence at 12 noon Exhibit Numbers: To be collected on the day Extreme Weather: Dogs Victoria Extreme Weather Regulations will apply (Regulation 7.6.8) Catering: Available Special Prizes: Cash and sash for all in show and in group awards
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CONFORMATION SCHEDULES Postal entries close Tuesday February 5, 2019 Online entries close Thursday February 7, 2019
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2019 Schedule of classes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 & 11 dogs 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 10a & 11a bitches
Entries to the show secretary, PO Box 214, Chewton 3451 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Sunshine Kennel Club Inc. Enquiries or Ph: 0422 235 013 (no calls after 9 pm) Judges Mrs Yanina Smith (Tas) Mrs Sharon Hannigan (NSW) Mrs Kerin Hutchings (SA) Ms Cheryl Currie (SA) Ms Anne-Marie Curran (SA) Mr Ray Wall (Tas) Mr Peter King (NSW) Mr Anthony Price Ms Cheryl Currie (SA)
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Robert Mashford Memorial Baby Puppy S/Stakes General Specials
Catalogue: $5 pre-ordered or $6 on the day Entry Fee: $15, baby puppies $10, sweepstakes $5 Judging Time: 8.30 am. Baby puppy sweepstakes and junior handlers will be held during the lunch break Exhibit Numbers: To be collected on the day Extreme Weather: Dogs Victoria Extreme Weather Regulations will apply (Regulation 7.6.8) Catering: Available Special Classes: 22.1 Robert Mashford Memorial baby puppy sweepstakes Special Prizes: Trophy and sash for all in show awards. Cash and sash for all in group awards. Sweepstakes - cash and sash. Sweepstakes sashes donated by J & H Smith Group one will be held indoors
Yanina Smith: Yanina is well known in the British Bulldog fraternity breeding multiple BIS under the Paseya prefix for 40 years with her mother Fran and daughter Katelin. She has owned, bred and successfully shown Dalmatians and GSD for over 20 years also. Yanina has served on multiple committees including the Judging Training Education, D&D appeals currently President of National British Bulldog Council. An all breeds judge for many years she has judged throughout Australia and NZ including many countries overseas. We welcome Yanina with her expertise to the 2019 panel. Sharon Hannigan: Sharon comes from a fifth generation family on the land and has been surrounded with animals all her life. Horses were her original competitive area. A Staffordshire Bull Terrier was introduced to her family life for her son’s tenth birthday. After success with this breed in all disciplines she was offered a Border Collie which is her ongoing passion. Sharon has adjudicated throughout Australia, NZ at speciality and all breeds level. Licenced for groups 2, 5, 6 plus obedience - endurance, Sharon is now studying group 3. Pres NSW Sth Border Collie Club, delegate to ANKC, Councillor Sydney RAS. Sharon has not judged group 2 in Victoria for several years, we welcome Sharon to our 2019 judging panel. Kerin Hutchings: Kerin with her daughter is well noted by the Suliman prefix having bred and shown top winning Afghans for many years. Currently campaigning Chinese Cresteds also. Licenced for groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 Kerin is studying for her final group to attain her all breeds status. Judging throughout Australia and NZ with overseas experience. This is her first appointment for group 3 in Victoria, we welcome Kerin back to the Sunshine KC panel for 2019. Cheryl Currie: Cheryl obtained her all breed status in 2009. A specialist judge for group 4 breeding, showing Rhodesian Ridgebacks her Caprivi prefix producing BIS winners, grand and supreme champions for almost 30 years. Cheryl has judged extensively throughout Australasia, countries Mexico, Brazil, USA, South Africa, Japan, Finland, India and Indonesia. We welcome Cheryl back to Victoria and our Sunshine KC 2019 judging panel. Anne-Marie Curren: Licenced for five groups, she has judged in all states of Australia, NZ, Sth Africa, France and Sweden. Commencing judging in mid 1980’s her experience with purebred dogs began in 1975 with Basset Hounds. Pointers were introduced in 1986 to her kennel and in 1996 came the Whippets. Whippets remain her passion. Anne-Marie has been invited to judge all of her chosen breeds at both speciality and all breed exhibitions overseas. Anne-Marie has not judged group 5 in Victoria for several years we welcome her to our 2019 panel. Ray Wall: Licenced for group 4 in 2010 Ray has continued his studies and now has licences for groups 3 and 6. Breeding multiple champions since 1990 in Golden Retrievers and grand champions in Standard Long Dachshunds, the Dachshunds have remained. Judging appointments in NSW, SA, Qld and Victoria, Ray is currently studying group 1. This will be his first judging appointment for group 6 in Victoria, we welcome Ray back to our 2019 panel. Peter R King: Well known by his Greysouthen Weimaraners having gained many grand, supreme, international BIS/BISS titles with this breed in all disciplines. Flatcoat Retrievers were introduced in the early 2000’s importing from Sweden. Licensed for group 3 and 7 studying toys, Peter has judged throughout Australia, NZ, Asia, Japan, Scandinavia, Ireland, Europe and the Americas. A keen educator he lectures for judges trainees in different states of Australia and is chair for many canine clubs. Peter has a special interest in Dalmatians, Great Danes, British Bulldogs and Standard Poodles. Several years since he has judged in Victoria we welcome Peter with his keen knowledge and experience for Sunshine KC 2019. RMMBPS: Anthony Price: Anthony has been in ‘dogdom’ since birth. Currently holding licences for group 2, 5 and 6. Anthony has stewarded since a teenager and has studied at close hand many breeds, currently the Show Manager for the Melbourne Royal. Anthony has judged in Australia and New Zealand to date and as he knew Rob personally, we are delighted that he joins us on the panel for 2019, judging the Robert Mashford Memorial Baby Puppy Sweepstakes.
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CONFORMATION SCHEDULES Entries close Friday January 25, 2019
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2019 Schedule of classes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 18 dogs 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 10a, 11a & 18a bitches
Entries to the show secretary, Mrs Kim Burke, 1179 Bangerang Rd, Kanyapella 3564 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Twilight Canine Country Club. Enquiries Ph: 0488 560 058 (no calls before 5 pm)
Mrs Anne Raymond (SA)
Group 1
Mr Zachary Tan (WA)
Group 2
Ms Pamela Campbell (WA)
Group 3
Mr David Staines (Qld)
Group 4
Ms Glenda Goller (Qld)
Group 5
Mr Nick Gouzos (SA)
Group 6
Mr Mackay Low (Malaysia)
Group 7
Mr Zachary Tan (WA)
General Specials
Marquees available, for bookings call Michael 0400 092 238
Catalogue: $6 Entry Fee: $15, baby puppies $10 Judging Time: Immediately after the conclusion of the Sunshine Kennel Club championship show, but not before 2 pm Exhibit Numbers: To be collected at the show Extreme Weather: Dogs Victoria Extreme Weather Regulations will apply (Regulation 7.6.8) Catering: Available Camping: Available Special Prizes: Cash and sash for all in show and in group awards Free sparking wine and snacks for all exhibitors prior to general specials General specials - prejudging will take place Keysum Bookkeeping Services
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CONFORMATION SCHEDULES Entries close Friday January 25, 2019
SUNDAY 17 FEBRUARY, 2019 Definition of FCI classes published on page 18
FCI Schedule of classes
Marquees available, for bookings call Michael 0400 092 238
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 dogs 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a & 7a bitches
Entries to, Mrs Kim Burke, 1179 Bangerang Rd, Kanyapella 3564 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Twilight Canine Country Club. Enquiries Ph: 0488 560 058 (no calls before 5 pm) FCI Group Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs Group 2 Pinschers and Schnauzers - Molosoid Breeds Group 3 Terriers Group 4 Dachshunds Group 5 Spitz and Primitive Types Group 6 Scenthounds and Related Breeds Group 7 Pointing Dogs Group 8 Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs Group 10 Sighthounds Junior Sweepstakes General Specials
Judges Mr Nick Gouzos (SA) Mr David Staines (Qld) Mrs Anne Raymond (SA) Mr Zachary Tan (WA) Ms Pamela Campbell (WA) Mr Zachary Tan (WA) Mr Mackay Low (Malaysia) Mr Mackay Low (Malaysia) Ms Glenda Goller (Qld) Mr Zachary Tan (WA) Mrs Jan Seary (NSW) Mr Mackay Low (Malaysia)
Catalogue: $6 Entry Fee: $18, baby puppies $10, sweepstakes $10 Judging Time: 8 am with junior sweepstakes. Junior handlers will be held at 9 am. Breed judging not before 10 am Order of Judging: Group 4 followed by 6 and 10. Group 7 followed by 8 Exhibit Numbers: To be collected at the show Extreme Weather: Dogs Victoria Extreme Weather Regulations will apply (Regulation 7.6.8) Catering: Available Camping: Available Special Prizes: Cash and sash for best in show 4, 3, 2, 1, best in group 4, 3, 2, 1, best baby and puppy in show and in group
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Keysum Bookkeeping Services
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The FCI groups are as follows (see the detailed list below for your breed) Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle - Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Group 6 Scenthound and Related Breeds Group 2 Pinschers and Schnauzers - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs Group 7 Pointing Dogs Group 3 Terrier Group Group 8 Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs Group 4 Dachshunds Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs Group 5 Spitz and Primitive Types Group 10 Sighthounds For ANKC/CACIB Shows only the following breeds/groups will apply Group 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Australian Cattle Dog Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog Bearded Collie Belgian Shepherd Dog (all varieties) Bergamasco Shepherd Border Collie Bouvier des Flandres Briard Collie (Rough) Collie (Smooth) Dutch Shepherd German Shepherd Dog German Shepherd Dog (LSC) Komondor Kuvasz Maremma Sheepdog Old English Sheepdog Polish Lowland Sheepdog Puli Pumi Pyrenean Sheepdog Longhaired Schipperke Shetland Sheepdog Tatra Shepherd Dog Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) White Swiss Shepherd Group 2 - Pinschers and Schnauzers Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs Affenpinscher Anatolian Shepherd Dog Bernese Mountain Dog Boxer British Bulldog Bullmastiff Cane Corso Dobermann Dogue de Bordeaux Estrela Mountain Dog German Pinscher Great Dane Leonberger Mastiff Miniature Pinscher Neapolitan Mastiff Newfoundland Pyrenean Mastiff Pyrenean Mountain Dog Rottweiler Russian Black Terrier Schnauzer Schnauzer (Min.) Schnauzer (Giant) Shar Pei St. Bernard Tibetan Mastiff Group 3 - Terriers Airedale Terrier American Staffordshire Terrier Australian Silky Terrier Australian Terrier Bedlington Terrier Border Terrier Bull Terrier Bull Terrier (Miniature)
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Cairn Terrier Cesky Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) Fox Terrier (Smooth) Fox Terrier (Wire) German Hunting Terrier Glen of Imaal Terrier Irish Terrier Jack Russell Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier Lakeland Terrier Manchester Terrier Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Parson Russell Terrier Scottish Terrier Sealyham Terrier Skye Terrier Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Staffordshire Bull Terrier Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Group 4 - Dachshunds All Dachshunds Group 5 - Spitz and Primitive Types Akita Akita (Japanese) Alaskan Malamute Basenji Canaan Dog Chow Chow Eurasier Finnish Lapphund Finnish Spitz German Spitz (Klein) German Spitz (Mittel) Ibizan Hound Japanese Spitz Keeshond Norwegian Buhund Norwegian Elkhound Peruvian Hairless Dog (all varieties) Pharaoh Hound Pomeranian Portuguese Podengo (all varieties) Samoyed Shiba Inu Swedish Vallhund Siberian Husky Xoloitzcuintle (all varieties) Swedish Lapphund Group 6 - Scenthounds and Related Breeds Basset Fauve de Bretagne Basset Hound Beagle Black & Tan Coonhound Bloodhound Dalmatian Foxhound Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen Hamiltonstovare Harrier Otterhound Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Rhodesian Ridgeback Group 7 - Pointing Dogs Bracco Italiano Brittany English Setter
German Shorthaired Pointer German Wirehaired Pointer Gordon Setter Hungarian Vizsla Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Irish Red & White Setter Irish Setter Italian Spinone Large Munsterlander Pointer Wiemaraner Weimaraner (Longhaired) Group 8 - Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs Chesapeake Bay Retriever Clumber Spaniel Cocker Spaniel Cocker Spaniel (American) Curly Coated Retriever English Springer Spaniel Field Spaniel Flat Coated Retriever Golden Retriever Irish Water Spaniel Labrador Retriever Lagotto Romagnolo Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Portuguese Water Dog Sussex Spaniel Welsh Springer Spaniel Group 9 - Companion and Toy Dogs Bichon Frise Boston Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chihuahua (Long Coat) Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) Chinese Crested Dog Coton De Tulear French Bulldog Griffon Bruxellois Havanese Japanese Chin King Charles Spaniel Lhasa Apso Lowchen Maltese Papillon Pekingese Poodle (Standard) Poodle (Miniature) Poodle (Toy) Pug Russian Toy Shih Tzu Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier Group 10 - Sighthounds Afghan Hound Azawakh Borzoi Deerhound Greyhound Irish Wolfhound Italian Grehyound Saluki Sloughi Whippet Unclassified - Breeds not recognised by the FCI (not eligible for CACIB or Best in Group) Tenterfield Terrier - To be exhibited in group 3 ring, can be awarded a challenge, cannot be represented in group specials.
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Breed Level 1. The order of judging is as follows a. DOGS / BITCHES 1) Baby Puppy Dogs - Dogs aged 3 - 6 months (Not Graded, not eligible for CACIB) 2) Minor Puppy Dogs - Dogs aged 6 - 9 months. (Not Graded, not eligible for CACIB) 3) Puppy - Dogs aged 6 - 12 months (Not Graded, not eligible for CACIB) 4) Junior - Dogs aged 9 - 18 months. (CACIB may be awarded if over 15 months) 5) Intermediate - Dogs aged 18 - 36 months (CACIB may be awarded) 6) Open - For dogs 15 months and over that are not Champions (CACIB may be awarded) 7) Champion - Any age Champion. (Must be 15 months of age to be awarded a CACIB) b. Challenge / CACIB 1) All class winners from serial 1.a 2 - 1.a. 7 are eligible for the ANKC Challenge and are to enter the ring. 2) The judge selects the Challenge winner from those dogs in the ring. Should the Challenge winner be eligible for the CACIB (junior over 15 months, intermediate, open, champion over 15 months and awarded Excellent then they may be awarded the CACIB. NB: Once the CC has been awarded and if the dog is eligible for the CACIB, the steward is to ask the judge if that is also their CACIB winner. 3) The second placed dog from the class of the Challenge winner then enters the ring. 4) The judge selects the Reserve Challenge winner. Should the Reserve Challenge winner be eligible for a CACIB and if the Challenge winner was not eligible it may be awarded the CACIB or Reserve CACIB if the CACIB was awarded. 5) Should neither the Challenge or Reserve Challenge winners be eligible for the CACIB then if any of the class winners were eligible they then remain in the ring for the judge to award the CACIB from those eligible only (the CACIB is only awarded on the opinion of the judge).
c. Bitches - Repeat steps 1a and 1b.
d. Best of Breed / Best in Group / Best in Show 1) BOB / BIG/ BIS judging is conducted in the normal manner for the alternate judging procedure which is Best and R/U Best of Breed followed by only Baby Puppy and Puppy classes. Best in Group 4, 3, 2, 1 Baby and Puppy and then Best in Show 4, 3, 2, 1 Baby and Puppy.
Entries close Friday 25 January, 2019
To compete in neuter BULLA EXHIBITION CENTRE, UNITING LANE, BULLA classes a dog must be registered as a neuter SUNDAY FEBRUARY 17, 2019 on the main register Schedule of classes
15, 16, 17 & 18 dogs 15a, 16a, 17a & 18a bitches
Entries to the show secretary, Mrs Kim Burke, 1179 Bangerang Rd, Kanyapella 3564 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Twilight Canine Country Club. Enquiries Ph: 0488 560 058 (no calls before 5 pm)
Judge Miss Jan Seary (NSW)
Keysum Bookkeeping Services
Catalogue: $6 Entry Fee: $15 Judging Time: 10 am in reverse alphabetical order Order of judging: Group 1 followed by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Exhibit Numbers: To be collected at the show Catering: Available Camping: Available Extreme Weather: Dogs Victoria Extreme Weather Regulations will apply (Regulation 7.6.8) Special Prizes: Cash and sash for all in show and in group awards 18
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CONFORMATION SCHEDULES Entries close Friday February 1, 2019
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2019 Schedule of classes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 18 dogs 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 10a, 11a & 18a bitches
Entries to the kennel secretary, Mrs K Humphries, 295A Lorenzs Rd, Strathmerton 3641 or via Easy Dog Entries. Cheques made payable to Rochester A & P Society Inc. Enquiries Ph: 5874 5646 (no calls after 9 pm)
Judges Mr John Doyle Mrs Barbara Doyle Mrs Barbara Doyle
Groups 6, 5, 1 & Baby Puppy Sweepstakes Groups 7, 4, 3, & 2 General Specials
Catalogue: $5 Entry Fee: $15, baby puppies $11, sweepstakes $11 Judging Time: 9 am with groups in above order. Sweepstakes and junior handlers will be held during the lunch break Admission: Exhibitors by pass as per ANKC regulations. Gate prices - patron/family ticket $25, adult $10, children (5-16 yrs) $5 children under 5 free Exhibit Numbers: To be collected on the day Extreme Weather: Dogs Victoria Extreme Weather Regulations will apply (Regulation 7.6.8) Catering: Light catering available Special Classes: 22.1 baby puppy sweepstakes Special Prizes: Trophy and sash for all in show, in group and sweepstakes awards Dog exhibitors MUST enter via the dog gate only
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7.5 procedures at exhibitions (Amended 15/04/2016)
7.5.1 No member of a judge’s family or household, including a person who resides at the same address, or a judge’s partner, shall exhibit or handle any dog at any fixture at which the judge officiates as a judge. This regulation does not apply to a trainee judge judging a sweepstakes class where the class is judged before breed classes. 7.5.2 At an exhibition a ring steward will not exhibit or handle any exhibit under a judge for whom they have stewarded at that exhibition. 7.5.3 No person shall enter any exhibit or handle in any show or other exhibition under any judge who has, or has had, a proprietary interest in a dog or dogs whether solely or in partnership with such person, within a period of twelve months prior to such show or exhibition. 7.5.4 No person shall exhibit or handle under a judge, if that judge has handled any dog owned or part owned, leased or part leased by such person within a period of 12 months prior to such event or exhibition. This Regulation applies to approved and sanctioned events, with the exception of members competitions and dog matches, and does not apply where an exhibitor assists another exhibitor who, due to a judging decision on the day, is required to compete with two or more exhibits at the same time in the same ring. 7.5.5 No person shall exhibit or handle under a judge, if that person has handled any dog owned or part owned, leased or part leased by such judge within a period of 12 months prior to such event or exhibition. This Regulation applies to approved and sanctioned events, with the exception of members competitions and dog matches, and does not apply where an exhibitor assists another exhibitor who, due to a judging decision on the day, is required to compete with two or more exhibits at the same time in the same ring. A judge will excuse from the ring, any dog exhibited or handled by any person who has handled, or assisted as a ‘runner’, any dog owned or part owned, leased or part leased by that judge within a period of 12 months. This regulation applies to all approved and sanctioned events, with the exception of member’s competitions and dog matches, and does not apply where an exhibitor assists another exhibitor who, due to a judging decision on the day, is required to compete with two or more exhibits at the same time in the same ring. 7.5.6 No person shall exhibit or handle under a judge if that person has accommodated that judge or been accommodated by that judge in the period of 12 months prior to a show at which that judge is officiating or intends to accommodate the judge within 24 hours after the show. Gazette December 2018
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PART 20 CODES 20.1 CODE OF PRACTICE (amended 15.11.18) Each member, upon being admitted or re-admitted to membership of the Victorian Canine Association Inc shall be bound by the Victorian Canine Association Inc (hereinafter ‘Dogs Victoria’) Code of Practice. Ethics 20.1.1 A member shall not knowingly or recklessly misrepresent the ANKC or Dogs Victoria. 20.1.2 A member shall not engage in any behaviour that is contrary to the standards accepted by the community. 20.1.3 A member shall display good sportsmanship and conduct at all times so as to reflect credit upon themselves, the ANKC and Dogs Victoria. 20.1.4 Members shall constantly strive to improve their knowledge of their chosen breed or breeds, and their knowledge of the requirements for the care, welfare and betterment of dogs. 20.1.5 Members shall ensure proper care for all dogs under their control,whereby Food shall be provided in sufficient quantity and nutritional quality; it must be canine appropriate and nutritionally balanced to meet the daily requirements for the condition, activities, age and size of the each dog. All dogs shall have access, in their housing area, at all times, to a sufficient supply of fresh, clean, water daily. Food and water utensils shall be kept clean; Dogs shall be housed in a safe and secure manner that is suitable for the size and containment requirements of the dog and provides protection from adverse environmental conditions and climatic extremes. Adequate ventilation and sufficient space must be provided for dogs to stand. The flooring area of pens/cages shall not be made from uncovered suspended wire. Each dog older than 16 weeks of age shall have access to a separate bed or sufficient bedding material that all animals can sleep comfortably at the same time; Dog sleeping, housing and exercise areas shall be kept clean and at a good standard of hygiene by cleaning any faeces, wasted food, and soiled bedding daily. Where pens and kennels are cleaning by hosing, material on floors (toys, bedding, food, faeces etc) shall be removed prior. Hard surfaces in pens and kennels should be disinfected weekly or more often if required. Veterinary advice shall be sought for managing the cleaning of premises and management of isolation if a contagious illness occurs in dogs; All dogs of all age and breeding status shall be provided with an appropriate amount of daily exercise, social contact and enrichment suitable to the individual needs of the dog; Where dogs are tethered, they shall be tethered in accordance with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 and Regulations. Pregnant bitches of more than 7 weeks gestation, whelping bitches and lactating bitches with puppies shall not be tethered. Puppies under 16 weeks of age shall not be tethered. Dogs shall be transported in a safe and secure manner. Dogs shall not be transported in the boot of a sedan type car. When on the back of a ute or trailer, dogs must be appropriately tethered or caged. Sealed transport containers shall have multiple ventilation holes. Veterinary care is provided as required in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Private Keeping of Dogs. Additional veterinary requirements for breeding dogs is described in Section 20.8 Code of Practice for Breeding Animal Health Management. 20.1.6 20.1.7 20.1.8 20.1.9
A member who leaves a dog owned by them in the care of another person shall remain responsible for that dog. A member shall take all appropriate lawful measures to assist a dog in distress. A member shall positively enhance the reputation of dog breeders and owners by ensuring that dogs owned by the member are not a danger or nuisance to the community. A member shall not participate in nor support any activity in that involves cruelty or damage to animals, excluding legal hunting activities.
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20.1.10 Dogs shall not be trained or worked beyond their willingness and capabilities. All training methods used shall be humane and not cause undue fear, distress or pain. A member shall make every effort to rehome any dog no longer required by that member to a suitable home. A member shall not dispose of dogs owned or bred by the member to a pound or animal refuge except in exceptional circumstances and following notification in writing to Dogs Victoria. In this instance, depending on circumstances Dogs Victoria may request that any breeder prefix also be suspended or surrendered.
Breeding 20.1.11 A member shall breed primarily for the purpose of improving the quality and / or working ability of the breed in accordance with the breed standard, and not specifically or predominantly for the pet or commercial market. If breeding animals are determined to be no longer suitable for breeding, or are retired and are to be rehomed, they must be prevented from further breeding by transfer to limited register, neutering, contraception, contract of agreement or other means. 20.1.12 A member shall not breed with a bitch unless they have reached adequate maturity for that breed as determined by Dogs Victoria, without the prior approval of Dogs Victoria. Where the Rules, Regulations and Codes of Practice are otherwise silent, the minimum age for breeding a bitch shall be 12 months [see attached Minimum Breeding Age for Bitches]. 20.1.13 A member shall not breed a bitch causing it to whelp more than twice in eighteen months without the prior approval of Dogs Victoria. 20.1.14 A member shall not breed with a bitch causing it to whelp more than five times in its lifetime (amended 15.03.17) First generation breeding (eg father / daughter; brother / sister; mother / son) matings are not permitted. The progeny of any matings under will be registered on the Limited Register and endorsed “never to be upgraded”. It will be a breach of Code 20.1.14 by the member/s who are the owners of the sire and dam of the litter constituting an offence against Dogs Victoria Rules, Regulations and Codes. All bitches eight years of age and over at the time of a mating must have a current veterinary certificate stating that the bitch is in good health at the time of breeding. This certificate must be presented at the time of registration of the litter resulting from this mating. A current veterinarian certificate is defined as being within three months prior to the mating. (15/08/15) 20.1.15 A member shall not permit any of that member’s pure bred dogs to be mated to a dog of a different breed, to a cross bred dog, to an unregistered dog of the same breed, or to a dog not on the Main Register without the prior approval of Dogs Victoria. A member shall not permit any of that member’s unregistered dogs to be mated to any other unregistered dog, with the exception of dogs registered with a Registry Body recognised by ANKC Ltd (unless an exemption is granted by Dogs Victoria). (amended 15/03/17, 15/04/18) 20.1.16 A member shall take responsible action to reduce the incidence of hereditary diseases in accordance with the ANKC Code of Practice for Hereditary Diseases and shall comply with Dogs Victoria’s Code of Practice for Hereditary Diseases (Code 20.3), and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986, particularly with respect to the Code of Practice for the Responsible Breeding of Animals with Heritable Defects that Cause Disease. 20.1.17 A member shall not, within Australia, sell or otherwise transfer from that member’s care any puppy under eight [8] weeks of age. (amended 15/05/17) 20.1.18 A member shall not export a puppy under the age of eleven [11] weeks, or such greater age permitted under the live stock import requirements of the country to which the puppy is being exported. 20.1.19 A member shall not knowingly sell a dog to any person residing in an overseas country known to be involved in the utilisation of dogs for the meat trade 20.1.20 A member shall ensure hat persons acquiring dogs from that member understand the requirements for the care, welfare and responsible ownership of the dog, and that they
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have the time and facilities, e.g. adequate fences, sufficient room and proper shelter, to fulfil their responsibilities. 20.1.21 A breeder shall be expected to maintain reasonable contact with the purchasers of dogs from that breeder and to offer continued advice and reasonable assistance. 20.1.22 A member shall register all puppies bred by that member that are living at the date of registration. Such registration must include all puppies from the litter on the one litter registration application form and, subject to regulations, must be applied for within eighteen (18) months of the date of whelping. (15/11/11) A breeder shall create a record file for each individual puppy born, and maintain until ownership changes or the animal is deceased. A breeder shall make available all records for inspection by an authorised officer or as directed by an officer of Dogs Victoria. Copies of these records must be retained by the breeder for a minimum of 3 years from date of last entry. Records to be kept for puppies under 12 weeks of age shall include the following (copies of original documents are acceptable where originals accompany the puppy to its new owner): • a copy of the litter registration form, or alternatively: - name, - microchip number (when implanted); - sex; - breed; - date of birth; - colour and markings (if applicable); and - dam and sire registered names and numbers • health care history including vaccination records, internal and external parasite control, • purchase/disposal record including name and address of new owner (where applicable), • copy of health declaration, and • record of return (if applicable) with supporting documentation Records to be kept for dogs over the age of 12 weeks acquired or retained by breeders for the purpose of breeding shall include: • either ANKC registration certificate, or alternatively: - registered name and number; - microchip number; - sex; - breed; - date of birth; - colour and marking (if applicable); and - dam and sire registered name and numbers •council registration certificate; • health care history including vaccination records or titre tests, internal and external parasite control, • breeding status and breeding history, • purchase/disposal records including name and address of new owner (where applicable), and • record of return (if applicable) with supporting documentation. Records of breeding history for dams must include dates of mating or artificial insemination, dates of whelping, number of puppies born alive, number of puppies stillborn, record of any whelping complications and resultant treatment, microchip numbers for live pups at 8 weeks, and post-partum veterinary treatment. 20.1.23 A member shall provide to all recipients of dogs sold or otherwise disposed of by that member, written details of: The breed characteristics; Vaccination record and / or requirements including the due date of the next vaccination or recommended timing for next titre; Responsible dog ownership information; All documentation required by Dogs Victoria Records on internal and external parasite control; Records of microchip number with a signed transfer of owner form; A desexing certificate (if applicable); and A written health declaration in accordance with 20.1.25. 20.1.24 A member shall not incorrectly describe nor knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of a breed. 20.1.25 A member shall ensure that all dogs sold or disposed of by
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that member are in the best possible state of health. Where any known physical abnormalities exist, a breeder health declaration shall be supplied which includes details of the known physical abnormality at the time of sale and how that abnormality may affect future health and welfare of the dog. This shall be signed in acknowledgement by the recipient. With the exception of matters disclosed in the health declaration, a member shall abide by the following as a minimum practice when selling dogs; Where a dog is returned to the member within 3 days of sale, for any reason not supported by a statement from a veterinary practitioner, the member must take back the animal and refund 75% of the purchase price. Where a dog is returned to the member within 21 days of sale accompanied by a statement from a veterinary practitioner that the animal is unacceptable for health reasons, the member must take back the animal and refund 100% of the purchase price. If an animal is diagnosed with, suffering from, dies of, or is euthanased from a physical defect or disease that is directly traceable to the point of sale within 3 years of purchase, the member must, subject to a second veterinary opinion, refund 100% of the purchase price where the owner of the animal provides supporting statements from a veterinary practitioner, including test results where a suitable test is available. Owners of the animal must make veterinary reports and test results available to the breeder for the breeder to obtain their own veterinary advice (second opinion), and for the purpose of informing future breeding management. A member shall not: Sell or dispose of a dog to a commercial pet wholesaler or retail pet shop. Allow a dog owned by that member to be given as a prize or donation or to be auctioned. Advertise in any media or other display, the sale or disposal of a dog without the inclusion of the member’s Dogs Victoria membership number and, unless subject to written veterinary advice that the health of the dog is liable to be significantly prejudiced if it is implanted, each dog’s full microchip number. It is mandatory that the following wording is included in any advertisements:
“Please contact Dogs Victoria on email: to verify my membership”.
General 20.1.27 20.1.28 20.1.29 20.1.30
A member who provides or makes available a dog for use in a film, advertisement, promotion, or any media or public display must ensure that: The dog is portrayed in a manner consistent with its breed characteristics and temperament as described in the Standard for that breed; and The dog is presented in a manner that is unlikely to create a negative reaction to dogs generally or that breed in particular and that if there is any likelihood of a negative impression, this is at the same time corrected through the development of a story line that presents the dog or breed in a balanced manner. A member shall not indulge in false or misleading advertising relating to the conformation, characteristics or performance of that member’s dog. A member shall not misrepresent nor malign the conformation, characteristics or performance of another member’s dog. A member shall not misrepresent, malign, impugn or denigrate another member or person in such a way as to bring discredit upon themselves or Dogs Victoria. (14/02/13)
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Minimum Breeding Age for Bitches Minimum age at which a Bitch can be mated (amended 05/01/18) 12 Months All other breeds (amended 24/10/18) 15 Months Labrador Retriever (amended 30/6/16) 16 Months Border Terrier French Bulldog (amended 29/10/15) 18 Months Akita Inu Alaskan Malamute American Staffordshire Terrier Australian Kelpie Australian Terrier (amended 05/01/18) Basset Hound (amended 29/1/16) Beagle (amended 24/11/15) Bedlington Terrier - applies to bitches born after 01.01.2000 Border Collie Borzoi (amended 29/10/15) Boston Terrier (amended 31/7/15) Boxer Bullmastiff - applies to bitches born after 01.06.2011 Cane Corso (amended 29/1/16) Chow Chow Curly Coated Retriever (amended 3/5/17) Dalmatian
Deerhound Dobermann (amended 8/10/15) Dogue De Bordeaux (amended 29/1/16) Finnish Lapphund Flat Coated Retriever - applies to bitches born after 01.01.2002 German Shepherd Dog - applies to bitches born after 01.01.1997 German Shorthaired Pointer (amended 25/8/15)
Golden Retriever - applies to bitches born on or after 01.01.2002 (amended 9/7/15)
Griffon Bruxellois Hungarian Vizsla (amended 9/7/15) Japanese Spitz Keeshond (amended 05/04/16) Miniature Pinscher Pekingese Pharaoh Hound (amended 3/4/17) Rhodesian Ridgeback (amended 29/1/16) Samoyed (amended 8/10/15) Schipperke Schnauzer (Miniature) (amended 31/7/15) Scottish Terrier Shih Tzu Staffordshire Bull Terrier (amended 01/08/16)
Weimaraner Weimaraner [Longhair]
20 Months Bernese Mountain Dog Mastiff (amended 25/8/15) Schnauzer (Giant) (amended 3/5/17) 22 Months Leonberger (amended 29/1/16) Neapolitan Mastiff (amended 29/1/16) Newfoundland Pyrenean Mastiff (amended 29/1/16) Rottweiler - applies to bitches born after 01.01.1997 Spanish Mastiff (amended 29/1/16) Tibetan Mastiff 24 Months Australian Shepherd Azawakh (amended 3/4/17) Cocker Spaniel [American] Great Dane Irish Wolfhound Lhasa Apso Old English Sheepdog (amended 25/8/15) Pyrenean Mountain Dog (amended 13/1/16) Russian Black Terrier (amended 3/5/17) Saluki Schnauzer (amended 31/7/15) St Bernard (amended 29/10/15)
Check your applications Ensure that the details on all applications are completed and correct before sending them to the office. Some examples that will hold up your paperwork being processed include: * * * * * * * *
Missing microchip numbers; hand written not barcode or microchip paperwork Breach of the code of practice Membership and prefix not financial All owners have not signed Dam of the litter is not in the same name as owner of the prefix Litter registration missing colours; not signed; owner of sire not financial Re-registrations; missing required paperwork Certificate of registration not submitted with title application
If your application is not correct, it is unable to be processed in the current time frame and you will be contacted by the office as soon as possible. 22
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VCA PENALTY GUIDELINES amended 15/08/2018
1. Misconduct Against/By a Judge .1 Physical assault 5 years Life Suspension .2 Abusive or foul language/verbal altercation 1 year/$300 5 years/$500 .3 Disruptive public criticism of a judge’s decision 1 year/$300 5 years/$500 .4 Aggressive behaviour towards a judge 3 years/$300 5 years/$500 .5 Unsporting conduct during an event including but not limited to: .1 Refusal or throwing down a ribbon 3 months/$300 6 months/$500 .2 Leaving ring without permission 3 months/$300 6 months/$500 .3 Refusing to continue to compete 3 months/$300 6 months/$500 .4 Refusing to follow a judge’s reasonable instructions to leave the ring 3 months/$300 6 months/$500 .6 Attempting to influence a judge’s decision which could include but not be limited to bribery, collusion, threatening, intimidation, found to have influenced 18 months/$500 Life Suspension .7 Misconduct by a judge in the judging process which could include but not be limited to bribery, collusion, threatening, intimidation, found to have influenced 3 years/$300 Life (Suspension of Judges Licence) 2. Disorderly Conduct .1 Physical assault 1 year/$300 Life Suspension .2 Abusive or foul language/verbal altercation 1 year/$300 5 years/$500 .3 Personal/Affiliate/VCA property damage 3 months/$150 1 year/$500 + cost of damage .4 Impairing a club’s ability to retain site 6 months/$300 1 year/$500 .5 Failure to properly control a dog at an event 6 months/$300 1 year/$500 3. Abuse of Animals .1 Physical abuse at or in connection with an event by individual 1 year/$500 Life Suspension .2 Physical abuse at or in connection with an event by a club Lose event for 1 year/ Lose event for 5 years/$500 $500 .3 Neglect endangering wellbeing of an animal by individual 5 years/$500 Expulsion of Membership .4 Neglect endangering wellbeing of an animal by club Lose event for 1 year/ Lose event for 5 years/$500 $300 .5 Cruelty to an animal Expulsion of Membership Not Applicable .6 Whelping bitches at an event site 1 year/$300 5 years/$500 4. Violation of VCA Rules/Regulations/Codes .1 Showing the wrong dog without voluntary correction 3 months/$300 .2 Substitution of one dog for another 5 years/$500 .3 Disregarding show regulations (e.g. parking, obstructing aisles; cleaning up exercise area etc.) 3 months/$300 .4 Entering/exhibiting altered dog (temporary alteration) 1 year/$500 .5 Entering/exhibiting altered dog (permanent alteration) 2 years/$500 .6 Refusal to return ribbon/prize after award disallowed 2 months/$100 .7 Gun safety violations (by gunner) 2 years/$200 .8 Gun safety violation (by club) Lose of event for 1 year/ $300 5. Registration Violations .1 Submission of a false application to register/transfer/lease (not signed forgeries) 5 years/$500 .2 Failure to register any or all of a litter 3 months/$200 .3 Signing incomplete VCA applications to register/transfer/lease failing to properly complete a VCA document to show buyer’s/lessor’s name/address/transfer date etc. 3 months/$300 .4 Submission of application containing a false certification as to the signature of owners 2 years/$300 .5 Signing VCA documents on behalf of another without proper authority 10 years/$500 .6 Selling, buying or falsifying VCA documents 10 years/$500 .7 Refusing to produce dogs or records to VCA authority 5 years/$500 .8 Non compliance with VCA Rules/Regulations/Codes on Breeding: minor - gross violations Rep/$50 .8.1 Code of Practice Breeding 20.1.12 -20.1.14 First offence $500 .9 Knowingly falsifying a litter registration 10 years .10 Knowingly registering puppies under incorrect parentage 10 years 6. Mediation .1 Breach of an agreement reached through Mediation
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6 months/$200 and compliance with mediated agreement
6 months/$500 10 years/$500 6 months/$500 2 years/$500 5 years/$500 5 years/$500 3 years/$500 Lose of event for 5 years/$500
Life/$500 5 years/$500 5 years/$500 5 years/$500 Life/$500 15 years/$500 15 years/$500 10 years/$500 Second offence 6 months plus $500 per Code violation Expulsion of Membership Expulsion of Membership 10 years/$500 and compliance with mediated agreement
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Litters Registered - September 2018 The details of the litters presented appear in the following order: Prefix, Name of Breeder, Number of Dog/Bitches Registered, Whelping Date, Sire and Registered Number, Dam and Registered Number. The attention of breeders and intending puppy purchasers is drawn to the following VCA Regulations: VCA REGULATIONS 4.4.4 Except as provided for in these Regulations any member selling, supplying or disposing of a dog to another person must supply to that person the signed registration certificate duly completed with the name and address of the person and the transfer date, within one calendar month of disposal unless Management Committee otherwise directs. A member shall not include any contractual provisions contrary to this regulation. 4.4.5 Any member who sells a registered dog without transfer of registration to the purchaser must obtain the agreement of the purchaser in writing that the dog will either not be transferred into the name of the purchaser or deregistered with the VCA. 4.4.6 A member shall not sell any dog which is not registered, nor use in connection with the sale or disposal of a dog, VCA, registration forms and/or documents in such a manner as to cause the purchaser to believe the dog being sold is registered with the VCA. ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 6 Section 8 Breeding 8.3 All bitches eight years of age and over at the time of a mating must have a current veterinary certificate stating that the bitch is in good health at the time of breeding. This certificate must be presented at the time of registration of the litter resulting from this mating. A current veterinarian certificate is defined as being within three months prior to the mating. (Added BOD 10/11) 8.4 First generation (father/daughter, mother/son, brother/sister) matings are not permitted. ANKC Ltd member bodies will not register the progeny of father/daughter, mother/son, brother/ sister matings on the main register unless application was made to the member body and approval was given prior to the mating on the basis of health or genetic reasons to the benefit of the breed. Any breach of this regulation will constitute an offence by the member/members who are the owners of the sire and dam of the litter. The progeny resulting from such a breach will be registered on the limited register and endorsed ‘never to be upgraded’ and any further penalties may be determined by the member’s member body. (Added 10/10, 6.7) (Amended EAP 07/11) (Amended 10/14, 7.5.6)
TOY Affenpinscher SWAYD Mrs K McKinnon 3F 20/12/2017 CH. STRONGFORT DJANGO 2100383571 : CH. STRONGFORT TIME TO REIGN 2100404740 Bichon Frise MONJOIE Mrs W & Mr J Hutchison & Mrs M Newman 2M 1F 25/06/2018 SUP.CH. MONJOIE JAYMIE 4100146774 : MONJOIE RAGAMUFFIN (AI) 3100347713 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel AXELTON Mrs K Powis 4M 1F 29/07/2018 DAVMUR MIDNIGHT CANDLE 3100355501 : ALEUTIAN SWEET ADELINE 3100321632 CARIBELLE Caribelle Kennels 2M 1F 18/06/2018 CH. CARIBELLE ICY COLD BUT COOL (AI) 3100343516 : CARIBELLE LADY IN RED 3100294171 CAVALBLAZE Mrs T J Whitington 1M 1F 08/07/2018 CH. CLARELLY PAINT IT BLACK RN. JC. 3100307888 : WINTAMIST VISION OF LOVE 3100284816
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CLARELLY Ms J W Kelly 1M 1F 13/04/2018 CH. DAPSEN DESTRUCTION MAN 3100250639 : CLARELLY LADY IN BLACK 3100344733 CLIVEDEN Mrs B Durance 1M 16/06/2018 CLIVEDEN MICHAEL COLLINS 3100263773 : CLIVEDEN LE CANDIDE 3100292065 EIREANNMADA Mr G B Browne 4M 2F 09/04/2018 VERHEYEN DUSTIN (IMP UK) AR01399101-SEM : CH. EIREANNMADA RUBY TUESDAY 3100291373 JUCALE Miss C Morgan 3M 2F 07/07/2018 CLIVEDEN LOUIS VUITTON 3100319439 : LADYCAVALIER MADENEBONY 2100362986 KAMAWARIE Mrs M H Hillis & Miss K Meheilowitsch 1F 20/06/2018 JOYEUX RENOUVEAU DU DOMAINE DE BLAKENTAN (IMP FRA) LOF9124705/0 : KWEZNAY JEWEL OF THE NILE 3100350024 WINDMERE Windmere Kennels 1M 4F 20/05/2018 CH. BENTWOOD CARLOS (IMP UK) TS19693601-SEM : WINDMERE MY PRECIOUS TRINKET 3100337325 Chihuahua (Long) BENDONICHI Ms G Donnan 1M 1F 03/07/2018 CH. EL-TORO KIWIS BILLY THE KID (IMP NZL) 04208-2016 : CH. BENDONICHI HEDY LAMARR 3100353824 EVERRILEY Miss M Sullivan 1M 2F 01/06/2018 TEWHARE QUARTER CANU 4100279414 : ELCASITA SHECANDO 4100290030 Chihuahua (Smooth) HOLLYCHI Mrs K McCabe 2M 2F 02/07/2018 ADRAHIL TOUCH OF FIRE 2100421130 : GRAND. CH. HOLLYCHI LADY ANTEBELLUM 3100289200 SANRITA Ms L & Mrs K Ray 1F 17/05/2018 DECERTO DIAMOND QUEST 6100103416 : SANRITA DANCE IN THE SHADOWS 3100258286 Chinese Crested Dog LILIAH Miss J Laszuk 1M 4F 14/07/2018 CH. SHERABILL JUST A GIGOLO 4100219017 : CH. LILIAH THE SONG OF SPARROWS 3100319432 Griffon Bruxellois CAMPIONECANI Ms C A Jones 1M 2F 15/07/2018 AZANDE TIC TAC TOE 3100284070 : CH. STATUESQUE BETTY BOOP 2100424346 Havanese DEKARA Miss K T Procak 2M 1F 04/07/2018 BROMEAR RAVE ON 7100037920 : NGALLA TOP OF THE POPS 7100036604 DEKARA Miss K T Procak 3M 2F 22/07/2018 BROMEAR RAVE ON 7100037920 : CH. RHUMDERRY DIAMONDS N PEARLS 3100311638 Italian Greyhound KLAMURY Mr T Murray & Mr C Watts 3M 1F 06/04/2018 FURPERSON BLUE LIGHTNING 4100257366 : CH. BARAD SELSEY CATHEDRAL 7100029780 KLAMURY Mr T Murray & Mr C Watts 1M 1F 10/02/2018 FURPERSON BLUE LIGHTNING 4100257366 : BARAD JAZABATA 7100032784 MILANO Milano Kennels 6M 1F 20/06/2018 MILANO TEXAS RANGER 3100316445 : DELCO WITCHING HOUR 4100209582 King Charles Spaniel ARYNBETH Mrs S Frazer 1F 02/07/2018 CH. LEISUREVIEW DALY THOMPSON 2100447769 : CH. JAJAJEMA EMPIRE ROSE 4100224910 Lowchen RONDAGLEN Mr R W & Mrs J A Harrison 1M 2F 09/08/2018 CH. LOWENSQUE MADE IN HEAVEN 5100099096 : CH. RONDAGLEN LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU 3100288633
Pomeranian CUPIDTOWN Cupidtown Kennels 1M 3F 06/06/2018 CORENTIN TOTALLY TEMPTING 7100033493 : CUPIDTOWN SWEETNESS OF MINE 3100343328 DOCHLAGGIE Mrs D Leo 2M 1F 11/07/2018 WHITE AVENGER OF CHIAO LI YA (IMP TWN) KCTPO00454/17 : CH. DOCHLAGGIE DRAGON DAWN 3100343952 Pug KRYPTONIC Miss K Ryan 1M 3F 26/06/2018 AM. GR CH. SUP.CH. ROSE-TREASURE WIN ONE FOR THE GIPPER (IMP USA) TS00236903 : KRYPTONIC RAE OF SUNSHINE 3100331011 LAKOVI Mr G MacCallum 4M 2F 04/07/2018 TH. CH. AM. CH. CH. DIAMOND SAND & CORAL BAY’S CLASH OF CLAN (IMP THA) KCTH092313110233 : GRAMISH COCO MICHONNE 3100328247 PERITAS Dr R Day 3M 3F 27/06/2018 CH. KANGALA LADY KILLER 2100397307 : KANGALA KERFUFFLE 2100458982 PRETTIPAWS Ms J Poynton 3M 16/05/2018 CH. GAILYN ICY STORM (AI) 3100298218SEM : PRETTIPAWS DEVIL WEARS PRADA 3100297201 SUART Mrs S N Phillips 3F 22/07/2018 AM. GR CH. SUP.CH. ROSE-TREASURE WIN ONE FOR THE GIPPER (IMP USA) TS00236903 : CH. SUART DADDYS LITTLE PRINCESS 3100285932 TRISETER Triseter Kennels 1M 1F 10/07/2018 TH. CH. AM. CH. CH. DIAMOND SAND & CORAL BAY’S CLASH OF CLAN (IMP THA) KCTH092313110233 : CH. TRISETER MOPSI ISHKA 3100278782 TERRIER Airedale Terrier CHLOEAIRES Ms D Kasal 2M 5F 02/06/2018 BELAIREDALES CAPTAIN AMERICA (AI) 5100083149 : CHLOEAIRES CHARLIES ANGEL 3100324226 American Staffordshire Terrier AMMORADO Mr A Morgan 7M 3F 05/07/2018 JEREMAMSTAFS BLUE LEVI 3100309660 : AMMORADO LEMI ATOM 3100332066 STRONGSUIT Ms A Caligiuri 6M 1F 04/07/2018 JEREMAMSTAFS BLUE LEVI 3100309660 : ANDONAS DIVA IN BLUE 5100083641 Australian Terrier TERRAOZZI Mrs N Korczynski 4M 1F 24/07/2018 TAUFIELD REBEL DIGGER 4100290423 : TERRAOZZI SHEEZ ON FIRE 3100339428 TINEETOWN Tineetown Kennels 5M 1F 15/06/2018 TINEETOWN TOOBEE TOO 3100244442 : CH. COPPAHED RED RIBBON 3100282547 Bull Terrier NOBLETERRIERS Miss S Ross 1M 2F 09/05/2018 AWESOMEBULLY MACKAI 3100311690 : DATONEIS MASQUERADE (AI) 3100311198 SARAJENI Sarajeni Kennels 4M 4F 05/05/2018 TEIRWGWYN TOP GUN (UK) 3943DA-SEM : MONKROMONY CHINESE WHISPER (AI) 4100252679 Cairn Terrier AIMFOR Mrs A M Jonas 3M 3F 17/07/2018 ALCLARE DEVIL INSIDE AT 3100359272 : CH. AIMFOR SPANKS F TH MEMORIES 3100279931 JOYMONT Mrs C Scotton 1M 2F 28/05/2018 SUP. CH. JOYMONT DREAM CATCHER 3100300425 : JOYMONT LUCY RIDOUT 3100303088 KOTERANA Miss J M Saulbrey 1M 4F 20/06/2018 CH. KOTERANA TOA 3100289638 : KOTERANA TAIKA 3100286903
Pekingese KUTANIFOO Mr G Preddy & Mr P Bowman 2M 1F 12/06/2018 CH. KUTANIFOO MI RUBEN 3100327382 : KUTANIFOO ATOUCH OF CLARICE 3100313856
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Litters Registered - September 2018 Fox Terrier (Smooth) OPTIMO Mr K & Mrs J Campbell 3M 3F 25/06/2018 CH. SASHGAR NO BREAK INTH CHAIN 7100036801 : OPTIMO O SELINA SELINA 3100330291 German Hunting Terrier LOZNIK Mr D Tomic 1F 23/05/2018 HUNDREAM MEDO 4100282666 : JAGENLINE ALLIEISE 3100308345 Irish Terrier SHANNAWONNA Mrs R Elkner 4M 5F 14/07/2018 CH. SHANNAWONNA MAN OF MY DREAMS (AI) 3100351864 : SHANNAWONNA DREAMGIRL 3100277369 Jack Russell Terrier COOMINYA Ms J H Russell 1M 2F 16/06/2018 NZ. CH. JACKOFHEARTS GETS ACCOLADES 7100028498 : ZOENDY DARK AMETHYST (IMP NZL) 03879-2012 JAGERDELL Jagerdell Kennels 1M 14/05/2018 JAGERDELL UNLEASHED POTENTIAL 3100278067 : KIABE KANGAROO KATE 2100316351 Scottish Terrier FLINDERSEA Ms K Cassidy 3M 1F 25/07/2018 SCOTSBAIRN RENNIE MACINTOSH 5100097298 : FLINDERSEA SCARLETT OHARA 3100290848 KANYAS Mrs J Martin-Krikas 2M 3F 29/07/2018 CH. KAISERDOM FIRE STARTER 2100342804 : CH. KANYAS ABIGAIL MAPLE 3100350176 SHORTBLAK Ms S L Sullivan 1M 02/07/2018 AM. GR CH. CAN.CH. SUP.CH. MCVAN’S SIGNED SEALED, DELIVERED (IMP USA) RN23454104 : CH. JUSCOT A PRETTY PENNY (IMP NZL) 04897-2013 SHORTBLAK Ms S L Sullivan 3M 18/07/2018 CH. SHORTBLAK WITH A DASH OF CREAM 3100361337 : SUP.CH. ARGOWAN THE SASSENACH 3100311757 Staffordshire Bull Terrier BOSSNBELLA Mr S Firmani 4M 3F 10/05/2018 TRYLOU SNAKE BITE 4100221039 : BLUESTAIN SHOW GIRL 4100255062 CHASENBEAUTY Miss J Kupper 1M 4F 11/07/2018 STAFFATORI HUGO 3100334435 : GOLDCOUNTRY DARLA 3100275868 COZMOTRON Mr T Wescott 4M 5F 07/05/2018 GREYGUMPARK SIX PAC BRONO 2100356902 : COZMOTRON PRETTY PORSCHE 3100343917 COZMOTRON Mr T Wescott 4M 6F 16/04/2018 GREYGUMPARK BULLY 2100384998 : OPTIMUSBLUE LITTLE BEAUTY 4100241122 DOZERSTAFF Mrs G V Hall 4M 1F 31/07/2018 DOZERSTAFF MANGO 3100362454 : DOZERSTAFF ALLEY 3100325045 ENGLISHIDOL Ms G Allen 2M 1F 04/08/2018 SOVERENSTAFF BLAZEN RED 3100287343 : ENGLISHIDOL LILLY VALLEY 3100313613 HERITAGEBLUE Mr G Portelli 6M 2F 01/07/2018 HERITAGEBLUE FRANKIE 3100292456 : HERITAGEBLUE MISSY 3100291476 INFINITUDE Mrs R A Barber 4M 2F 16/07/2018 STAFFATORI HUGO 3100334435 : INFINITUDE BUBBLE O BLU 3100307433 LINWEST Mr G & Mrs A Lindsey 3M 4F 02/07/2018 CH. HIGHBOURNE LONHRO 2100435892 : BORSTAFF CORA GOOSEBERRY 3100324133 LISBOABLUE Mr B Vicente 2M 5F 22/06/2018 BLUPRIDE CASANOVA 3100340389 : BLUBUNNY MEMPHIS 2100439622 NEVADALODGE Mr M Lowe 4M 1F 12/07/2018 NEVADALODGE GET IN THE RING 3100357326 : COSTALOT EXCEEDS THE LIMIT 4100280428 PICKASTAFF Mr P Pickering 1M 1F 18/03/2018 JBBLUES BEAMER THE BEAR 3100217522 : TRYLOU THE INTERIGATOR 4100241753
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PUREPOINT Miss A Jefford 2M 1F 30/05/2018 XCLUSIVBLUES IM IMPOSING 2100434709 : MOONGLADE LIDDLE DEE 4100278039 RCTICHUNTRES Miss A Stofa 2M 3F 15/06/2018 INFINITUDE INDY BLUE 3100353311 : WIRRAWILLA SONIC 3100337391 RCTICHUNTRES Miss A Stofa 4M 1F 10/06/2018 PUREBULKNESS DIESEL 3100349196 : TIGERSLAYER OLIVE 3100253395 SOVERENSTAFF Mrs J Gaskin 1F 06/07/2018 SOVERENSTAFF BLAZEN RED 3100287343 : C H . S O V E R E N S TA F F W H I T E R O S E 3100304292 SOVERENSTAFF Mrs J Gaskin 2F 10/06/2017 SOVERENSTAFF BLAZEN RED 3100287343 : C H . S O V E R E N S TA F F W H I T E R O S E 3100304292 TOPLOADER Mr C W Heard 2F 15/03/2018 CH. BROHEZ CLASH OF KINGS (AI) 3100338851 : TOPLOADER ROWDY ROUSEY 3100327640
Golden Retriever BURANI Mrs L B Burley 6M 5F 20/07/2018 VRAINORD FILS DUN ROI 2100391320 : BURANI RUBIE ROSE 3100289281 EVENDAYLE Mrs K M Evens 3M 7F 11/07/2018 MARDAN DIEGO BOY 3100350902 : SHELKEERA INDI 3100277049 KITSCOLOUR Mrs B Slavin 4M 5F 21/07/2018 KITSCOLOUR ARCHER 3100261511 : SHELKEERA ADDI ROSE 3100343588 LEMONGOLD Ms K D Lemon 2M 6F 03/07/2018 GRAND. CH. ADORINGGOLD EYE OF THE STORM (AI) 2100410259 : LEMONGOLD MYSTIC GINGER 3100322088 MATTLENE Mrs N K Ryan 4M 4F 03/07/2018 TALBINGO TRUE BLUE 3100269867 : MATTLENE MAKING MOVES 3100309625 PASSAGROVE Mrs E Passarin 2M 5F 07/07/2018 MARDAN DIEGO BOY 3100350902 : SHELKEERA SAFRON 3100306675
West Highland White Terrier DEVNIK Mrs P Devon 1M 1F 26/06/2018 DEVNIK SOUTHERN VICTORY 3100326137 : DEVNIK LITTLE MISS HARMONY 3100318688 REDGOWEST Mrs T Hollier 1F 14/05/2018 MCBRIDLE VALENTINO 2100313550 : REDGOWEST SHANS ROSE 3100341899 REDGOWEST Mrs T Hollier 2M 3F 05/06/2018 MCBRIDLE VALENTINO 2100313550 : REDGOWEST HALLEYS COMET 3100350173 REDGOWEST Mrs T Hollier 3M 3F 26/05/2018 MCBRIDLE VALENTINO 2100313550 : MACMHUIRAICH BRITTANY 2100455033
Gordon Setter TRISETER Triseter Kennels 2F 12/06/2018 SUP. CH. TRISETER CELTIC SEAL 3100316228 : CH. TRISETER CELTIC QUEST 3100287463
GUNDOG Brittany MAKUWAN Mr D Lombard 7M 3F 02/05/2018 TOBENLEE BORN TO FLY (AI) 3100327421 : MAKUWAN ALL OVER BOSCO 3100321622 MAKUWAN Mr D Lombard 3M 5F 15/06/2018 CH. VIGHTABRITTS PRO POINT 3100249852 : WINDANCER’S ANNIE GET YOUR GUN (IMP USA) SR71532501 Chesapeake Bay Retriever SOUTHWEST Mr D Stendt 5M 2F 21/07/2018 NZ. CH. CH. STORMBAY ANCHOR ME (IMP NZL) 05025-2012 : SOUTHWEST GUNBOWER TEAL 3100347361 Cocker Spaniel (American) QUIRENTIA Ms D Alford-Kerr 2M 2F 13/07/2018 C H . S U N F I R E C H A M PA G N E C H A R L I E 3100358771 : CH. SUNFIRE SOFTLY SOFTLY 3100316728 English Springer Spaniel WRANGHAM Miss J R Greaves 5M 1F 20/07/2018 GLASTONPARK RUSA 3100337253 : WRANGHAM ISABELLA LINTON 3100242702 WRANGHAM Miss J R Greaves 4M 2F 19/07/2018 GLASTONPARK HUCKLEBERRY 3100299362 : WRANGHAM WHIN 3100337421 German Shorthaired Pointer POINTGOLD Mr S Burke 1M 5F 17/06/2018 POINTGOLD JOIN THE CHORUS 3100232147 : POINTGOLD SUMMER WINE 3100266373 POINTGOLD Mr S Burke 3M 6F 11/06/2018 KIOKIO AXEL (AI) (IMP NZL) 02884-2016 : POINTGOLD TRIP DOWN MEMRY LANE 3100340241 TOBIASHUND Mrs N Brown 6M 4F 31/07/2018 FREEZEPOINT RILEY (AI) 3100353011 : ASHESHILL GRACEFUL HUNTER 3100321839 VANPOINTER Mr A Van Den Brand & Miss T Barr 3M 10/07/2018 BESTDHUNTERS CODY 3100319834 : WINTRIEVER WILLOW 3100344734 German Wirehaired Pointer VORAUSHUND Mr A Koutsaplis 1M 7F 06/05/2018 KOBNKO JAGERCREEK (AI) 4100278522 : OSTOJA JEWEL OF ATLANTIS 5100083688
Hungarian Vizsla ATSIDAS Mr M Michael 2M 6F 29/06/2018 CH. ROMKIAH KUPARR ET. 3100277663 : ATSIDAS ZINA 3100329574 EKVAR Miss I Roos 2M 7F 25/06/2018 CH. EKVAR HELL RAISER 3100353353 : EKVAR FURST AURORA 3100342814 PELEROSSO Mr C Iacobucci 4M 3F 18/06/2018 ARTAMIS CYRILKOSA 3100210233 : PELEROSSO GIACONDA 3100312460 Irish Setter PENDORIC Mr L & Mrs A Hearn 2M 3F 31/05/2018 CH. EIREANNMADA RED RUM 3100293811 : PENDORIC GIRL ON FIRE 3100298738 Labrador Retriever CATRAZ Catraz Kennels 6M 4F 26/06/2018 GER. JR CH. INT.CH. POL. CH. SE.CH. VDH. CH. DOLBIA WILL TO PLEASE (IMP POL) PKR. VIII-24979-SEM : CH. CATRAZ BOLD N BRASSY 3100322046 COCOACHAOS Mrs R Anstis 3M 21/06/2018 SUGABAGCREEK OLIVER WENTWORTH 4100256873 : BOSKYRHOMB BRONTE 3100273918 GUNNERSON Mrs J Newton & Mr R Gough 5M 3F 03/06/2018 CH. BLACKHILLS SLEEPY HOLLOW (IMP NZL) 01920-2008 : GUNNERSON SUGAR MAPLE 3100317060 GUNNERSON Mrs J Newton & Mr R Gough 1F 12/06/2018 GUNNERSON CHARLIE HERR 3100334659 : GUNNERSON PHOENIXNIMBUS 3100316495 GUNNERSON Mrs J Newton & Mr R Gough 4M 5F 06/06/2018 NZ. CH. SARASOTA NEVER SAY NEVER AT BLACKHILLS (IMP NZL) 069992014 : GUNNERSON SEEKER LARS REN (AI) 3100312258 JAYEFFE Mrs J Farrelly 2M 1F 05/08/2018 NZ. CH. CH. JANCERIE JUMPING JACK FLASH OF BLACKHILLS (IMP NZL) 02656-2013 : CH. JAYEFFE SASSY GIRL 3100320528 JEDLOC Mrs S & Mr A Gibb 2M 1F 30/06/2018 ZENCHEL THE WRONG TROUSERS 3100331401 : JEDLOC JESSIE JOY 3100316780 JOSMYN Miss K Strain 7M 6F 15/05/2018 LACOTE BOB MARLEY (AI) 2100387582 : JOSMYN JUMPING JACEE 3100340923 LABSINLOVE Ms C Evans 3M 3F 22/07/2018 KOBELCO KODIAK 2100479674 : KOBELCO NARLAS PRIDE 2100470314 LAFIRA Mr M Cauchi 4M 2F 02/08/2018 NZ. CH. CH. JANCERIE JUMPING JACK FLASH OF BLACKHILLS (IMP NZL) 02656-2013 : LAFIRA PRINCESS KIRA 3100314853
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Litters Registered - September 2018 NEHJAY Mr M Freeman 1M 1F 21/06/2018 SUP. CH. DRIFTWAY AUSSIE RULZ 2100298633 : LABZTALES NOIR ZARA (AI) 4100208357 SOHALISPIRIT Miss K Ainsworth 4M 6F 07/06/2018 SOHALISPIRIT REGAL SPIRIT 3100258755 : SOHALISPIRIT HALO OF LIGHT 3100327669 Lagotto Romagnolo LUVALAGOTTO Ms R E McGilvray 3M 4F 29/06/2018 INCAVALE ANGELO DOMENICALE 2100351116 : LUVALAGOTTO AURORA 3100352771 HOUND Basset Hound CLEMENTESS Mrs J & Mr D Lehmann 3M 1F 10/07/2018 CH. KAMAHI T N T 3100351058 : CH. WELLINGTESS X CZECHOUT CHICK 2100423523 YARRAMBA Mrs J & Mr B Mangelsdorf 1M 1F 20/06/2018 RAIO DE LUA TO SWITHERLAND (IMP UK) AS0906206-SEM : WARSTORM JAMIE LEE 2100345149 Beagle TEVIOT Ms J K Godfrey 1M 4F 27/07/2018 CH. TEVIOT PIONEER 3100203441 : CH. TEVIOT GAMINE 3100235753 Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) CARADEE Caradee Kennels 1M 2F 25/07/2018 GRAND. CH. ZYZEAL LOOTAH BARON 2100316537 : CH. CARADEE DINKY DI I DO 3100318067 MAHARLIKAH Mr E P Sison 2M 2F 17/06/2018 SUP.CH. GRAEDON TIME F SUCCESS 4100195787 : SANDSWEPT SUMMER REINE 4100267270 Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) DIADETRES Mrs K Sherburn McCormack 2M 2F 24/06/2018 CH. NILITE VINCENT VAN GOUGH 3100322684 : WICKERBY KELLY’S TURNCOAT (IMP NZL) 00440-2017 Saluki ARTINAIR Ms C Draper 4M 4F 16/07/2018 CH. QAT KENDRICK 5100083350 : CH. TIANA HERE I AM JC. 3100299262 Whippet SIKWEYAZIN Mrs H Gibson 2M 3F 15/07/2018 CH. KANA-KA SALBENE BENEFICIAL FOR DACHLAH (IMP NZL) 04402-2013 : BYERLEY VERONIKA MAINE 3100282759 TROBEVLIN Mr L L Humphries 1M 1F 21/06/2018 ZIPALONG BLACK JACK SPARROW 4100264513 : TROBEVLIN STAR CROSSED LOVER 3100342348 WINDYLE Mr D H Smith & Mr R J Barwick 3M 6F 04/07/2018 NZ. CH. CH. RYEFORD REVELATION 4100243835 : WILLINGWISP ROCK A HULA BABY (IMP UK) 3943CX WORKING DOG Australian Kelpie GOLDEDGE Ms C A Edgley 4M 1F 19/07/2018 CH. TINARU DOWNTOWN BROWN (AI) 2100405958 : CH. ASHEM GIRL ON FIRE RN. 2100417176 Australian Shepherd ALFOXTON Mrs A M Zelvys 5M 1F 22/06/2018 CH. MYSQL STREET SENSE (IID) 6100062199 : ALFOXTON RIVER SONG 3100331636 ALFOXTON Mrs A M Zelvys 3M 4F 24/06/2018 ALFOXTON RIDER IN THE SKY 3100331639 : ALFOXTON QUIET EARTH 3100317692 ELLAGANT Ellagant Kennels 4M 2F 03/07/2018 CH. ELLAGANT EXCLUSIVE DESIGN 3100310588 : CH. ELLAGANT UPTOWN GIRL 3100332743
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ROADSEND Mr K Scott 3M 3F 09/08/2018 LANBART VEGAS CITY LIGHTS 2100339014 : TUSCAMADA I AM A SASSY LASS 5100086923 ROADSEND Mr K Scott 2M 2F 28/07/2018 LANBART VEGAS CITY LIGHTS 2100339014 : ROADSEND MISS MORGAN 3100325880 WILLABAA Miss J L O’Donnell 4M 3F 30/06/2018 AM. CH. AM. GR CH. MELODY HIT THE JACKPOT AM. CD. AM. PT. AM. RN. (USA) DN20769301-SEM : CH. SUTTER’S SITTING PRETTY (IMP NZL) 02438-2015 Border Collie BRACKENVUE Mrs C Rodwell 5M 8F 19/06/2018 ARAJOEL QUEST FOR FERGUS 2100365541 : HAZELOCH ALL THAT JAZZ 3100306818 CARALIL Mrs C H Forrest 5M 3F 03/08/2018 TURANGAWAEWI TIME TO SHINE 7100038636 : JEWELPARK PERFECT PETAL 3100322082 E D G E R T O N PA R K M r s S A d a m s 1 F 08/06/2018 JEWELPARK CHASING BLUE VELVET 3100329606 : RIVENLEIGH PEPPER 3100337483 KYNTAF Miss S Krol 2M 15/07/2018 RO.CH. HTM.CH. FS.CH. NYANGA SOLAR NITE CD. RAE. TD. AD. JD. SD. GD. SPD. PT. ET. 3100250858 : TOOKURRA DIAMONDS THAT SPARKLE 5100092255 MILANGIMBI Ms D Miller 2M 3F 04/06/2018 MILANGIMBI RHAPD IN TUPAC ET. 3100239091 : INKA RIVER N ICE (IMP NZL) 03994-2014 Bouvier Des Flandres ESTRIK Estrik Kennels 4M 7F 28/06/2018 ESTRIK VAGA BOND HEART 3100347876 : ESTRIK NAUGHTY LTL SECRET 3100295635 Collie (Rough) CARLUKE Mrs C & Miss K Baker 4M 3F 28/07/2018 CH. CARLUKE AU CONTRAIRE 3100273864 : CH. CARLUKE LOVE TO POSE (AI) 3100312938 DERLOCH Derloch Kennels 5M 4F 16/05/2018 DERLOCH DETERMONATOR 3100220832 : DERLOCH ENGLISH ROSE 3100222701 German Shepherd Dog ARETUSA Mr G Cimino 2M 4F 10/07/2018 ESKO VON DEN ZWEI STEINEN (IMP DEU) SZ2304294 : ARETUSA BLACK MAGIC CD. 3100297231 BELLALEIGH Mrs J Nelson 3M 1F 03/08/2018 CH. EROICA EROTIC ERIK 5100090515 : BONSHANNON RIPLEY 3100297060 BLAKNGOLD Ms V Stocks 3M 2F 12/07/2018 CH. SCHAEFERHUND LOGUN (AI) 3100317518SEM : BLAKNGOLD GET RICH QUICK 3100332152 DELKIT Mrs A Kerr 1M 4F 18/07/2018 VADIM VON AURELIUS (IMP DEU) SZ2278959 : DELKIT IRISH EYES 3100303154 KOORONYA Mrs C Gayton-Newson 2M 5F 06/07/2018 PEPE VON DER ZENTEICHE IPO1. (IMP DEU) SZ2270589 : KOORONYA CASCINO ROYALE (AI) 3100279355 SCHAEFERHUND Mrs I Bohdal 3M 4F 20/07/2018 CH. CALLE VOM WESTERVENN IPO2. (IMP DEU) SZ2281138 : SCHAEFERHUND QUINTA (AI) 3100331804 VANHARLEY Ms D Colson 4M 6F 14/07/2018 XENO VON ARJAKJO (IMP DEU) SZ2278948 : VANHARLEY INTRIGE 3100300484 Maremma Sheepdog LURGENGLARE Lurgenglare Kennels 2M 2F 08/06/2018 LURGENGLARE LUCIELLO 3100308011 : LURGENGLARE IDALU IVONNA 3100349440 Shetland Sheepdog CRYSHAVEN Mrs H J Castles 2F 28/07/2018 CH. HORTONPARK SIMPLY THE JOKER 3100266426 : CRYSHAVEN CRIMSON LACE 3100296314
KENTROY Mrs L Myers 2M 3F 21/07/2018 UK. CH. CH. DANCING TO THE BLUES AT EDGLONIAN (IMP UK) 1363DA : KENTROY TRI CHELSEA 3100341201 White Swiss Shepherd Dog SOVERENPARK Mrs K B Scholz 5M 5F 06/07/2018 CH. SOVERENPARK BLAZE OF GLORY TD. 3100310858 : CH. PANDORRAS SKY-DRAGON (IMP NZL) 05382-2013 SOVERENPARK Mrs K B Scholz 6M 3F 18/07/2018 SOVERENPARK GANYMEDE 3100364156 : SOVERENPARK FASHIONISTER 3100354077 UTILITY Alaskan Malamute MALPITZKY Mrs S & Mr S Cartwright 1M 4F 04/04/2018 SNOWSTEEDS ALASKAN MIDNITE SUN 3100259274 : TALAKARLI DONT STOP BELIEVIN 4100225621 Bernese Mountain Dog BERNATION Miss F Broome 2M 6F 13/07/2018 BERNATION WA WA NEE 3100347306 : CH. BERNATION HOT GOSSIP 3100307120 BERNERIDGE Mrs W Valencic 2M 5F 18/06/2018 BERNERIDGE NASAS PRIDE 3100347525 : BERNERIDGE DANGEROUS SEDUCTRES 3100317496 OCEANBURN Mrs J Ball 1M 06/10/2017 OCEANBURN BACK IN BLACK (AI) 3100340363 : OCEANBURN SWEET PEA 3100304059 SWITZKISS Mrs K Mitchell 1M 3F 23/05/2018 CH. MONTREAUX DE NERO 3100336797 : CLOUDFOREST ROLEX PEARL 7100031180 ZOLLIKON Mrs E M Sankey 3M 4F 25/06/2018 ZOLLIKON COOLER THAN ME 3100265753 : ZOLLIKON WHOS YOUR DADDY 3100322128 Boxer AURORAPRINCE Mr K Blackler 5M 4F 25/07/2018 AURORAPRINCE GOLD RIMMED (AI) 3100356590 : AURORAPRINCE MISS EXPECTATIONS 3100317038 BOXBON Mrs A Brooke 1M 6F 17/06/2018 CH. KIRILENKO DE LA FINCA SAPHO (IMP ESP) LOE2037706 : BOXBERRY EBONYS ANGEL BONNIE 2100408815 CRAIGIELANE Mr T Mason 1M 4F 03/07/2018 ROUGLEPARK EAT MY DUST 3100268610 : SCRIGGOSLABS MOLLY 4100275590 EBNIV Ms P Kirk 1M 2F 09/06/2018 CH. KESDAR RED HOT RUMOUR 3100294729 : EBNIV DIAMOND DIVA 3100328141 EBNIV Ms P Kirk 5M 1F 08/06/2018 CH. KESDAR CODE RED 3100299847 : LAMBDA HOPE DIAMOND 3100281299 PUCCINELLA Mr N Rivett 4M 7F 15/07/2018 SJECOIN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT 3100342784 : PUCCINELLA CHARLIE 3100316386 Cane Corso TEODORACORSO Miss S Crane 3M 2F 27/06/2018 TEODORACORSO SIRIUS 3100355684 : TEODORACORSO ASTRA 3100284472 Dobermann KAIELA Miss A M Brindley 1M 1F 19/07/2018 YIYA N D A PA R OY B A K TOTH A FU TUR E 5 1 0 0 0 7 111 4 : K A I E L A D R E A M B E L L E 3100321160 Dogue De Bordeaux DEAUXROGUE Mr M A Gondar & Miss D Thompson 1M 8F 06/07/2018 DEAUXROGUE FEAR THE REAPER 3100344971 : DEAUXROGUE ARCADIAS 3100301629 HOLDINGACES Miss A Grogan 2M 02/07/2018 BORDEAUXKING DUKE 3100308709 : BORDEAUXKING CHARLIE GIRL 3100348446
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Litters Registered - September 2018 LINLEA Miss L Leach 2M 5F 22/06/2018 LINLEA YURI 3100312015 : FYREWORX KECIA 3100274531 Newfoundland APALIE Mrs M Fraser 1M 06/07/2018 CH. BOUVET LAST EDITION 3100334734 : CH. SEADALE CARIBBEAN PEARL 3100317946 BAYWATCH Mrs K Bell 7F 08/07/2018 CH. BOUVET LAST EDITION 3100334734 : BAYWATCH CASABLANCA (AI) (IMP NZL) 03127-2015 SEADALE Miss B C Chapman 1M 3F 28/07/2018 OPALBAY GUILTY AS CHARGED 4100266616 : CH. SEADALE FRENCH LACE 3100285897 Portuguese Water Dog UPTREND Mrs R A & Miss S Beaman 2M 15/07/2018 SUP.CH. UPTREND ONE OF THE GREATEST 3100257730 : UPTREND CLAIRCREEK ENDLESS SEA (AI) 3100336656 Pyrenean Mountain Dog ALPEBRAVERIE Mrs J Schembri 1M 2F 11/06/2018 ANNARU L ETE JACETANIA (AI) 3100303114 : ALPEBRAVERIE QUERELLE 3100296549 ALPEBRAVERIE Mrs J Schembri 2M 6F 01/06/2018 BARREGES POIROT 3100261370 : ALPEBRAVERIE MUGUET 3100296550 Rottweiler CZARKYM Mr A & Mrs T Soifer 4M 5F 18/07/2018 CH. OSCELLY ALFONSO 3100326277 : CH. CZARKYM RETURN TO EDEN 3100324102 JEMBLADE Mrs G Robinson 1M 11/07/2018 CH. DARKGYPSY ALL FOUR ONE 4100195767 : JEMBLADE THE GREAT KAPARA 3100301674 MALIBUPARK Mrs K Dunstan 4M 1F 25/02/2018 VICCO ROTT - HOUSE COVIC (IMP SRB) JR726375RW : ROCKDALESTAR CALYNN 2100354396 MALIBUPARK Mrs K Dunstan 3M 5F 25/05/2018 VICCO ROTT - HOUSE COVIC (IMP SRB) JR726375RW : PETROVROTTI ADA 2100337778 MILTENBERG Mr V Spicuzza 3M 4F 11/07/2018 A L L G E M E I N S T E E L V O M N I G H T E T. 3100305709 : TAUMATA HANAITI (IMP NZL) 00642-2016 ROTTVALDA Mr M & The Late Mrs V Campbell 2M 5F 07/06/2018 BLICKSCHARF THE SCOUNDREL 3100248878 : ROTTVALDA MV TOKA 3100302819 ROTTVALDA Mr M & The Late Mrs V Campbell 1F 28/02/2018 BLICKSCHARF THE SCOUNDREL 3100248878 : WILLEMSTADT CHEBIT PEARL 3100257162 SANEHAUSE Mr S Nguyen 1F 31/03/2018 FERNANDO V.D. WILDE HAVANA (IMP NLD) NHSB2954340 : SEEUFERHAUS XTRA 3100282215 ZENNHAUS Miss C Kiely 3M 3F 13/02/2018 NLD. CH. CAMP VON DER MATTESBURG GER. AD. GER. BH. IPO3. SCHH III. (IMP DEU) 119744 : ZENNHAUS AXA 6100083830 Samoyed DENITSA Mrs M Simjanovska 4M 3F 04/07/2018 AJANA ISNT IT IRONIC 3100348548 : MK. CH. CH. SNOWISPA NORTHEN STAR 3100253567 KALASKA Mrs D Klaaysen & Mr J Beard & Mrs K O’Riley 4M 5F 15/06/2018 SUP.CH. KALASKA LOVER BOY 3100291094 : KALASKA KREME DE MENTHE 3100297933 KALASKA Mrs D Klaaysen & Mr J Beard & Mrs K O’Riley 1M 1F 17/06/2018 CH. KALASKA DEARLY BELOVED 3100339419 : KALASKA POP PRINZ ESS 3100318249 MEZEN Mrs H Hill 1M 2F 28/06/2018 GRAND. CH. MEZEN DIAMOND REVIVAL 3100272990 : CH. ZAMINKA PUSSY GALORE (IMP NZL) 03909-2013 SNERZOK Mr J & Mrs D Wilders 6M 1F 22/06/2018 SUNMIST WALK ON THE COOL SIDE 7100030715 : SNERZOK ELLIE MAY 3100347144
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Schnauzer SHARLUKA Mrs J & Mr A Dale 2M 2F 19/06/2018 DOENITZ STORM CHASER (IID) 3100356054 : CH. SHARLUKA TALL POPPY 3100301345 Schnauzer (Miniature) DANICIA Mrs R Oakley 3M 2F 29/05/2018 SAGINOR MANNY THE MAN 2100437433 : DANICIA INDYANNA 3100340467 MINNIBURN Dr B Smith 4F 11/07/2018 NERINGA RED CORVETTE 5100093739 : MINNIBURN BEAUTIFUL DREAMER 3100345843 RAKSHA Raksha Kennels 3M 1F 30/05/2018 RAKSHA ELITE CUB MASTER 3100279529 : RAKSHA ABBEYFIELD ROSE 3100343332 RAKSHA Raksha Kennels 2M 29/05/2018 RAKSHA ELITE CUB MASTER 3100279529 : RAKSHA BUTTONS N BOWS 3100316532 SHARLUKA Mrs J & Mr A Dale 4M 1F 28/06/2018 BALEKABAY HARPO VON OXLEY 3100314578 : CH. MIAYBRIK JUSTA LITTLE FIDDLE 3100327926 NON SPORTING Boston Terrier WATTELGLEN Mrs K Pearce 2M 2F 01/07/2018 CH. JAGARRA RISING SUN 3100268091 : BELLISSIMO SUNNI’S THE ONE (IMP NZL) 02863-2016 British Bulldog ADAVENBULLS Mrs D Lowe 1F 14/07/2018 BEWTIFULBUL SANDMANS PRIDE (AI) 3100327061 : LAEXOTICA RUBY TUESDAY 5100072706 BESTOBRITISH Mrs K Buss 1M 1F 29/06/2018 CH. JANAYIN WHOS YA DADDY 3100095518SEM : CH. HALLABY CAUGHT YA LOOKING 3100338061 BULLMANIA Miss S & Mrs J Wigley 2M 1F 20/04/2018 BRONBOREO WHITE KNIGHT 6100101681 : BEARYGENTLE PRINCESS ANNA 3100318802 KARAZMA Karazma Kennels 4M 3F 16/07/2018 GRAND. CH. CRAIGROSSIE BNDITLKBEKM 3100114436-SEM : CH. KARAZMA BEE YATCH 3100336907 ROLANDOS Mr A Martino 1M 3F 24/03/2018 ROLANDOS RIVER 3100330443 : CBULLYS VIOLETT 3100328781 UNFORGETABUL Mr G Hartman 1M 4F 27/06/2018 CH. BUMBULLB SUMTHIN TOTALK ABOUT 2100424757 : LLEMMEGS I DREAM OF JEANNIE 2100419140 Dalmatian PAMPARD Mr J Mrs S & Miss E Marshall 4M 6F 12/05/2018 CH. PAMPARD PHIZZY BUBBLY (AI) 3100311887 : CH. PAMPARD PHROCKED UP 3100231016 French Bulldog BULLECOURT Ms A McInnes 1M 3F 19/07/2018 CH. BULLECOURT BASTION 3100308956 : CH. BULLECOURT BEAUTY 3100299340 CHANTREY Mr P & Mrs J Anderson 2M 3F 20/06/2018 CHANTREY DON JUAN 3100289454 : CHANTREY CHERI DAMOUR 3100320179 COLKERRY Mr F & Mrs C Huckstepp 3M 1F 07/07/2018 CH. AMIRUS SMOKIN SOMETHIN 4100236355 : SARCELLES PEARLS AND DIAMONDS 3100325248 FANTASSY Mr V Bui 2M 2F 25/06/2018 FANTASSY ADI 3100365878 : FANTASSY REAL BRINDY 3100351082 GOLDCOUNTRY Miss C L Madigan 2F 29/05/2018 MICHSTEVE DUKE OF HEARTS 4100251843 : CEDERBRUSH CHEERLEADER 3100317662 LINHOPE Mrs L Bruno 5M 2F 17/07/2018 LEPRIDE THOR GOD OF THUNDER 2100441549 : SARCELLES ENCHENTE 3100335190
ZIRENAH Mr B Gatt 3M 3F 30/06/2018 HYPABLUE JOES BOY 2100435929 : FANTARIMA APACHE SUNRISE 4100261509 Great Dane THUNDERFIRE Ms G F Revill 4M 2F 13/02/2018 CH. THUNDERFIRE CHRISTIAN GREY 3100276451 : THUNDERFIRE SILVER CHIMERA 3100303581 Japanese Spitz BELZBENTLEY Miss R Bentley 5M 1F 25/06/2018 SUP.CH. DAESDAEMAR FOREIGN EXCHANGE (IID) 2100414981 : CH. BELZBENTLEY CUMULO NIMBUS 3100321272 Poodle (Miniature) CLOJO Clojo Kennels 2M 2F 23/07/2018 CH. CLOJO TANGO WITH PINK WASSABI 3100344425 : CH. ONE PINK OPAL YRTEP (IMP CZE) CLP/P/18992 Poodle (Standard) JONJE Ms J E Koch 5M 3F 17/06/2018 SHERTONAH BACK IN BLACK 3100186958 : JONJE SKIES THE LIMIT 3100244070 MARLAU Marlau Kennels 4M 5F 16/06/2018 CH. KYSAN KRUZIN IN THE DARK (AI) 3100342480 : CH. TROPICALRED SUNRISE 4100244877 POSHNOIR Mrs J Turnley 1M 1F 05/07/2018 AM. CH. AM. GR CH. SL. SAFARI’S SUBVERSION (IMP USA) PR17894901-SEM : CH. POSHNOIR ADDICTED TO YOU 3100312788 RHYMEAH Mrs E M Morris 6M 4F 01/07/2018 KATEISHA G’DAY TARANTINO (IMP NZL) 04039-2016 : RHYMEAH ABBEY 3100289351 TANNAH Mrs Y O’Connor 4M 9F 23/03/2018 FLARE STAR JP CEPHEUS (IMP JPN) PS77243/14 : SHERI TANNAH IZ VOLZHSKOY SERENADY (IMP RUS) RKF4102679 Poodle (Toy) CHATAIN Mrs L A Aitken 2F 20/06/2018 HALLABY HONEY IVE SHRUNK THKID 3100274584 : HALLABY WINDMEUP N WATCH MEGO 3100297731 GARWEY Garwey Kennels 2M 3F 09/07/2018 G R A N D . C H . G A RW E Y T I N S O L D I E R 3100325129 : CH. GARWEY SCARLETT O HARA 3100311659 LALATOYS Ms T Omer 4F 14/07/2018 TOYDIOR GALIANO ON D ROCKS 2100477041 : BELLEROUX ANGEL EYES 4100282653 MARLAU Marlau Kennels 2M 1F 22/05/2018 CH. MARLAU MASTERCLASS 3100349250 : CH. MARLAU MYSTIQUE N ICE 3100249426 POODLELUV Mrs A Katsipis 2F 05/05/2018 POODLELUV RUSSET DELITE 3100325579 : POODLELUV GYPSY ROSE 3100293604 POODLELUV Mrs A Katsipis 3M 13/06/2018 MARLAU MR DINO 3100362668 : PINECRESTA BLUE MOONSHINE 2100455788 POODLELUV Mrs A Katsipis 1M 5F 26/05/2018 PROCLAIM JUST CRUZIN 3100335589 : POODLELUV BLACKSAVANNAH 3100328088 Shar Pei SHAYLAR Mrs K Larkins 4M 1F 24/06/2018 SHAYLAR A LITTLE BIT OF MAGIK 3100322982 : SHAYLAR CHINAS CINDABELLA ROSE 3100288561 SHAYLAR Mrs K Larkins 2M 1F 09/07/2018 SHAYLAR A LITTLE BIT OF MAGIK 3100322982 : ROLLALOTS LILMIZDARKMOCCHAROSE 2100328219 Shih Tzu HAYTZU Mrs H Mihan 1M 1F 30/05/2018 CH. SHIHLIENAZIT WINSOME RU 3100279576 : CH. AS TIME GOES BYE AT AMARI (IMP NZL) 01210-2016 MANNAGUM Mr J & Mrs G T Stryder 3M 3F 14/06/2018 CH. MANNAGUM IM IMPOSING 3100328740 : CH. MANNAGUM SENSATIONAL COOKIE 3100308846
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Championship Titles Granted - September 2018 TOY Australian Silky Terrier CH. BALKANA TAKE A CHANCE ON ME 3100354159 (F) 06/01/2017 C.I.B. FIN.CH. NO UCH. NORD. CH. SE.CH. SUP.CH. CURIOSITY WINNER TAKE’S IT (IMP FIN) FI47352/09 : CH. BALKANA BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS 3100296372 - Mr J W Camac Bichon Frise CH. MONJOIE WALKING ON SUNSHINE 3100365142 (F) 24/09/2017 CH. LEEWARD’S WINTER IS COMING (IMP FIN) FI38919/16 : GRAND. CH. MONJOIE EUGENIE BEAR 3100298124 - Mrs W & Mr J Hutchison & Mrs M Newman Cavalier King Charles Spaniel C H . E I R E A N N M A D A R U B Y T U E S D AY 3100291373 (F) 17/04/2013 CH. MATMOR STRICTLY BUSINESS 3100240777 : EIREANNMADA ANGEL BY DAY 3100203844 - Mr G B Browne CH. LAKEISHA LORD SPENCER 3100338684 (M) 05/03/2016 KORGIL ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET 3100282711 : LAKEISHA NEVER A DOUBT 3100237102 - Miss M Creek Chihuahua (Smooth) CH. CALIYA DEVIL STRIKES GOLD 3100364089 (M) 30/08/2017 AM. GR CH. CAN.CH. STARSEN NAUGHTY NORMAN (IMP CAN) AKC1114332 : CH. ADRAHIL BLUEPRINTOF BEAUTY 2100443595 - Miss C Bull C H . H O L LY C H I S W E E T S E N S AT I O N 3100359337 (F) 15/06/2017 CH. HOLLYCHI RIGHT ROYAL CHARLIE 3100280437 : HOLLYCHI HONEYSUCKLE HUGS 3100316828 - Mrs K McCabe Chinese Crested Dog CH. FAIRSKY DCI JANE TENNISON 3100353114 (F) 15/01/2017 KARAKUSH EMPERORS NEW CLOTHES 2100399966 : CH. CADDARRA TWICE AS NICE 3100272965 - Miss S Cadan & Mr D Hippisley English Toy Terrier (Black and Tan) C H . Y U R R U G A R L I O N E S S R A M PA N T 3100342765 (F) 08/05/2016 CH. YURRUGAR POETRY IN MOTION 3100290499 : CH. YURRUGAR FINAL FANTASY 3100267508 - Miss N Rowley & Ms P Saunders Griffon Bruxellois CH. KANGO KOSMIK COMET 3100343410 (F) 23/06/2016 CH. KOSMAS KONFIDENT STEP (IMP UKR) UKU0182699 : KANGO FLORENCE THE MACHINE 3100241290 - Mr G A Inifer CH. NEUT. CH. TZANI TIGGER BRAT BUNNY 4100226893 (N) 26/04/2013 CH. TROUBADOUR ZURGS HEIR 3100239469 : CH. TZANI LOLA BUNNY 4100204619 - Miss M Fisher Italian Greyhound CH. TAHRAE PHANTOM NEBULAE 3100332841 (F) 18/11/2015 CH. BLANERNE NEBULA 2100398988 : CH. MALTARE STORMY FRECKLE 3100217870 - Ms E Monahan King Charles Spaniel Neuter(T) CAVILDOWN PRINCE GEORGE RE. RAE. 3100339444 (N) 26/03/2016 CH. MCMONFORD TOUCH OF MAGIC 3100303513 : CH. CAVILDOWN ROYAL FLAIR 3100287522 - Ms P Windlow Lowchen CH. WYNTERVALE WHATS UP PITCHES 3100365198 (F) 03/10/2017 GRAND. CH. WYNTERVALE RHYMENOCEROUS ET. 3100274043 : CH. RONDAGLEN LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU 3100288633 - Mrs L Howlett-Trahar
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Papillon SUP.CH. BEAUCHIOT TUSCANA DREAM 3100322935 (M) 01/04/2015 AM. GR CH. SUP. CH. MARRON’S TOMMY HILFIGER (IMP USA) TS19254101 : CH. TOPASAR XCITING DREAM (IMP DEU) VDH-VK13.1809 - Mrs J M Baker CH. SEYOSO MONARCH OFTHE GLEN 3100346143 (M) 09/08/2016 SUP.CH. TRESCHIC CASINO ROYALE 2100401172 : PAPCO THE FEMME FATALE 3100252746 - Ms R M Hawkins Pekingese CH. WOONAN DEVIL IN DISGUISE 3100358850 (F) 31/05/2017 VALVISTA LOOKING TO IMPRESS 6100099010 : CH. CANDELLAROSE BELLA ROSA 3100323640 - Mrs V Dwyer Pug CH. ANDISA LITTLE DEVIL 3100346639 (M) 14/08/2016 SUP.CH. AIMHI DEVILS SON 3100271608 : ANDISA AFRICAN QUEEN 3100313630 - Mrs L A McGlashan CH. ANDISA DARE DEVIL 3100339821 (F) 04/03/2016 SUP.CH. AIMHI DEVILS SON 3100271608 : ANDISA WIND IN THE WILLOWS 3100280300 - Mrs L A McGlashan CH. GONEROAMIN TWICE AS NICE 3100352428 (F) 05/01/2017 CH. MARIEH ALL JET BLACK 3100185821 : CH. GONEROAMIN OH MY GOODNESS 3100309057 - Mr A & Mrs J Dowdy CH. KANGALA LADY KILLER 2100397307 (M) 05/12/2013 NZ. CH. CH. EHFI OLE GUNNAR OF NORWAY AT ASAY (IMP NZL) NO38110/11 : CH. KABOVA LITTLE MISS UNDERSTOOD 2100354128 - Dr R Day TERRIER American Staffordshire Terrier CH. AMDOMINUS EYE OF THE TIGER 6100107188 (F) 13/08/2017 AL CAPONE OF FLIGHT STAFF (IMP SRB) JR77292 : CH. COMEONROVER STINGER 2100401227 - Mr P Gibilisco CH. FOREVAPALS CALIFORNIA LUV JC. 3100350035 (F) 25/11/2016 GRAND. CH. AMSTAFOMINE DOUBLE OR NOTHING 5100089940 : CH. MANFREDS DAMAGE DONE ET. JC. WWPD. WPD. 5100078210 - Miss R Caia Bull Terrier (Miniature) CH. WIL L OWN A BU R N IN G AMBITION 3100309889 (F) 13/08/2014 CH. REVHED BLUES BUDDY 3100256997 : CH. RHUGAR BURNT AMBER 4100217365 - Mr K & Mrs F Willox CH. WILLOWN LITTLE AVARIELLE (AI) 3100359033 (F) 03/06/2017 PAGWIN LITTLE BIG MAN 4100172664-SEM : CH. BULLTACHO OUR GIRL TESS 3100294656 - Mr K & Mrs F Willox Dandie Dinmont Terrier CH. JOLLYGAZE ELEGANT BY DESIGN 3100351412 (F) 04/11/2016 CH. JOLLYGAZE RING MASTER 3100278389 : JOLLYGAZE AGNES 3100319477 - Dr E M Greenway Fox Terrier (Smooth) CH. WEDIGIT PAPARAZZI’S HUNTRESS AT ECIRP (IMP USA) RN26629004 (F) 01/01/2014 AM. GR CH. WEDIGIT PAPARAZZI (USA) RN20120601 : AM. CH. SUNLYN ABSOLUTELY IRRESISTIBLE (USA) RN14549101 - Ms R Price CH. ECIRP TERRIFIQUE 3100354327 (F) 14/01/2017 SUP.CH. TRIPLEFUN NOBLE VISION 2100428357 : SUP.CH. ECIRP HEAVEN SENT 3100245872 - Ms R Price CH. ECIRP REMINISCENT 3100354322 (F) 04/01/2017 SUP.CH. TRIPLEFUN NOBLE VISION 2100428357 : CH. ECIRP ETERNITY 3100259796 - Ms R Price SUP.CH. ECIRP FANTASTIQUE 3100338491 (F) 17/02/2016 SUP.CH. TRIPLEFUN NOBLE VISION 2100428357 : SUP.CH. ECIRP HEAVEN SENT 3100245872 - Ms R Price
Lakeland Terrier C H . B R I D G E W O O D B R A N D N E W D AY 3100364734 (F) 27/09/2017 SUP.CH. SANDIMORN HAL OF A DEAL 4100206269 : RYANDOS RISING SUN AT BRIDGEWOOD (IMP NZL) 02318-2016 - Mr D Bowey & Miss B Watt Staffordshire Bull Terrier CH. ORSON DE TESTAFERRO (IMP ESP) LOE2294459 (M) 01/01/2016 STAFFGOLD SPECIALLY MADE (ESP) LOE2030261 : MADONNA EVOLUTION DE TESTAFERRO (ESP) LOE2212973 - Ms M Watson CH. NEUT. CH. WOOLOOSTAFF THE DEVIL SENT ME 3100297443 (S) 10/11/2013 CH. WOOLOOSTAFF THE DEVILS WINGMAN 3100279287 : WOOLOOSTAFF CATCH OF THE DAY 3100263733 - Miss S N Lambert Tenterfield Terrier C H . G U M H AV E N S H E S A R A I N B O W 5100089122 (F) 04/08/2015 TENERELLO JAZZMAN 4100221700 : GUMHAVEN CHERRY DELIGHT 5100063444 - Mrs D McDonell C H . N U D I M A H M Y S T I C A L M AV E R I C K 4100273663 (M) 04/05/2016 CH. ATENTA VIKING 2100398539 : WINGROVE SPICEY SCARLET 5100076121 - Mrs D McDonell SUP.CH. RANGEAIRE JOHN FARNHAM 3100337653 (M) 21/02/2016 GRAND. CH. TAPPAKAI HIDDEN SECRET 4100232781 : CH. RANGEAIRE GRAND FINALE 3100286239 - Mr R & Mrs R Murdoch CH. TENTELLA MIRRAMAI 3100308170 (S) 11/06/2014 CH. TENTELLA WUNDURRA 3100276976 : TENTELLA MISS WILLOW 3100215628 - Mrs D McDonell GUNDOG Chesapeake Bay Retriever CH. KABOVA CALL IN THE WILD 2100482449 (F) 06/09/2017 AM. CH. AM. GR CH. CH. ALIBI’S HOME RUN HERO (IMP USA) SR88881601 : CH. KABOVA TIDEWATER TAILS 2100421348 - Mr A & Mrs D Crowley English Setter CH. WARATAH LUCKY MARIE 4100295282 (F) 23/08/2017 ORWIN NORTON NOON 3100340285 : WARATAH WATTA BEAUTY 4100255636 - Mr R G Scott Golden Retriever CH. MANDARRA CROWN MINT 3100316938 (F) 29/12/2014 CH. GILTEDGE CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE ET. 2100378949 : MANDARRA GALA EVENT 3100278721 - Mr G & Mrs M Baxter T.CH. MORNINGMYST LEGENDARY BOUND 3100315255 (F) 08/12/2014 CH. TRIGOLDEN HIGHLAND PIPER 3100265250 : DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND.CH. MORNINGMYST DESTINY BOUND 3100226128 - Mr M & Mrs L Klecka DUAL. CH. (T) SANTAMARIA LET THE GAMES BEGIN 3100330000 (M) 19/09/2015 NZ. CH. CH. SANTAMARIA GENERAL LEE 3100062768 : CH. SANTAMARIA MILLION DOLLAR BABY 3100254172 - Mrs H Raditsis T.CH. TRIGOLDEN AT MORNINGMYST (AI) 3100358967 (F) 26/05/2017 AM. CH. JUSTMOOR SOUTHERN RENEGADE (CAN) SN240154/01-SEM : CH. TRIGOLDEN HIGHLAND LYRIC 3100288839 - Mr M & Mrs L Klecka Gordon Setter CH. DEVERON QUITE CLEVERLY DONE 3100361004 (F) 01/08/2017 SUP.CH. DEVERON EASIER SAID THAN DONE 3100200529 : DRUMDAROCH PIE IN THE SKY 3100265218 - Dr L Beer Labrador Retriever GRAND. CH. KELINDEBAR POWER OF MAGIC 3100301539 (M) 09/02/2014 CH. BLACKRANGE SORCERERSAPPRENTICE 3100275572 : CH. KELINDEBAR MAGIC CHARM 3100254536 Mrs L Adams
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Championship Titles Granted - September 2018 CH. LASKELSA WILD FIRE (AI) 3100319663 (M) 19/02/2015 AM. CH. HYSPIRE SLIM SHADY AM. JH. (IMP USA) SR11592601-SEM : CH. DRIFTWAY BLACK SILHOUETTE 2100324483 - Ms S Thomas Mr B Mason Miss V Thomas & Mr J Robinson Neuter(T) LUKILAB RUNE GLOW RN. 3100292318 (N) 19/07/2013 LUKILAB FIRST LIGHT 3100214498 : LUKILAB RUBY MAIDEN 3100215990 - Ms E Shergold Lagotto Romagnolo CH. AMICILEALE CURLY KISSES 4100297919 (F) 16/10/2017 CH. GOODGRACE SAN LUCA 2100347817 : CH. GLENSTAR TO-THE-MOONAND-BACK (IMP NZL) 00662-2013 - Ms K Gowers T. C H . H E V N S E N T M O O N S P I R I T R N . 3100286831 (F) 16/02/2013 SUCH A LUCKY OF KAKAPONEST (IMP NZL) 05615-2009 : HEVNSENT SOPHIA 3100220097 - Ms U Werner CH. LADINAMICA PINA CATTIUA 3100354683 (F) 12/03/2017 WISPAN DONODELLAVITA 4100251754 : CH. DEELEE FRANCISCA 3100227436 - Ms L Schuppe Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever CAN.CH. CH. READYFOR TRYST AT SCARAVAL (IMP CAN) EE697592 (F) 19/03/2017 CAN GCH. ORYXES BIG POND CRUISER CAN. WC. (CAN) AA494715 : CAN.CH. READYFOR HOPE DIAMOND BEEKAUZ (USA) AKC1124983 - Ms R G Laver Weimaraner CH. GRISWOLD VIENNA ROMANCE (AI) 2100467912 (F) 10/01/2017 CH. ASHLAREN WE WILL ROCK YOU 2100431399 : CH. GRISWOLD PHARST ROMANCE 2100366976 - Mrs S Culbert & Mr G Jones Weimaraner (Longhair) CH. WEILANDER OUT OF THE COLD (AI) 3100346494 (F) 24/08/2016 UK. SH. CH. PONDRIDGE PRACTICAL JOKER (IMP UK) 5386BRSEM : CH. WEILANDER SHIFTING SANDS CD. RN. TD. QND. NRD. ORA. 3100241483 - Weilander Kennels HOUND Beagle T.CH. TS. GRAND.CH. HOUNSLEY HANDLE WITH CARE (AI) 3100300286 (F) 18/01/2014 DANTER’S HERE COMES THE SON (IMP USA) HP43321502-SEM : CH. DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND.CH. HOUNSLEY HEAVEN SCENT TDX. ET. 3100232190 - Miss J Lalor & Mr P Hissey CH. HOUNSLEY HAVE YOU EVER 3100368277 (F) 30/12/2017 DUAL. CH. (T) HOUNSLEY HOWARD SHOWERS TSDX. 3100339337 : DUAL. CH. (T) DUAL GR.CH.(TS) SUP.CH. HOUNSLEY HARMONY ON BROADWAY 3100284751 - Miss J Lalor & Mr P Hissey
Greyhound SUP.CH. XILONE AS GOOD AS IT GETS 3100325582 (M) 04/04/2015 CH. RANTALAUKAN ORLANDO AT XILONE (IMP FIN) FI59152/11 : CH. XILONE TIGERLILY 3100175639 - Xilone Kennels Saluki NEUT. CH. LAVUKA DEVIL WEARS PRADA 2100315348 (S) 21/02/2010 GRAND. CH. WAHDANI SHAHAB JAMAL 3100117781 : CH. TAEJAAN PRACTICAL MAGIC 2100092209 Mrs J Brennan Whippet CH. ISILWANE GLAD ALL OVER 2100337482 (F) 04/03/2011 GRAND. CH. TEZER FEEL FREE TO STARE 2100170728 : ISILWANE ICE QUEEN 2100254036 - Ms L Barrenger CH. RUSHDALE THE JOKER 3100367824 (M) 31/10/2017 CH. CHESSMEN JUST JOKING 3100336652 : CH. RUSHDALE RHYTHM AND BLUES 3100261068 - Mr A Adams WORKING DOG Australian Cattle Dog NEUT. CH. SUP.CH. DEVONVIEW HOLLY 3100189254 (S) 13/07/2007 CH. NERRALEE KISS THIS 3100061337 : MUNDARNEE PIKABLU MILLIE 9100003059 - Mr W & Mrs L Greasley DUAL. CH. (FS) DYMATAN DENIM N DIAMONDS RN. ADX. JDM. SD. GD. ET. 4100214691 (F) 10/06/2012 CH. QUEBLUE TUFF N TRUE 2100341422 : CH. DYMATAN BLUE PRINCESS 4100169562 - Ms D Harvey Australian Shepherd SUP.CH. ELLAGANT DESIGNER EDITION 3100310587 (M) 07/08/2014 SUP.CH. ELLAGANT RHYTHM N BLUE PT. 3100153338 : MYSQL ALL EYES ON ME 6100068135 - Miss B Pilkington & Mrs A Richardson CH. ELLAGANT SHES GOT THE MOVES 3100335513 (F) 30/12/2015 SUP.CH. MYSQL STRIKE IT RICH 6100089365 : SUP.CH. ELLAGANT ENCHANTING RHYTHM 3100285046 - Miss B Pilkington & Mrs A Richardson T.CH. ROZATE SLIDE GUITAR LEGEND 3100344406 (F) 02/07/2016 T.CH. COMEBY WINDY CITY TSDX. HSAs ET. 3100289567 : T.CH. ROZATE JUST ICE AT THE POLE HNAs 3100289374 - Miss T A Edgell Bearded Collie CH. LLANDDONA IN FRANK’S IMAGE (AI) (IMP NZL) 03707-2016 (M) 12/04/2016 AM. CH. CAN GCH. SENGALAS FRANKLY CLASSICAL (UK) AM02160301 : NZ. CH. LLANDDONA CLASSICIMAGE (NZL) 01107-2013 - Miss S Templeton & Miss K Winter
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) CH . C A S B A S WOODYS L OVE CHARM 3100345377 (F) 18/07/2016 NZ. CH. CH. D ’ A R I S C A L O N G D I S TA N C E ( I M P U K ) AL02503702 : CH. MILLEWA SPECIAL CHARM 3100249269 - Mrs K Sherburn McCormack
Collie (Rough) CH. SCOTTLYME PRELUDE TO A KISS (IMP BEL) LOSH1176379 (F) 14/02/2016 BLG. CH. C.I.B. UK. CH. BELDONES DOUBLE DIAMOND (UK) AL05179202 : LUX.CH. SCOTTLYME MAGICAL KISS (BEL) LOSH1129672 - Mrs C & Miss K Baker CH. JENCOL DANZLIKNOONESWATCHIN 4100294583 (F) 03/08/2017 CH. CARLUKE AU CONTRAIRE 3100273864 : CARLUKE NOROOM NMDANZCARD 3100329512 - Ms S J Buckley T.CH. SUNSHARD BEYOND THE DREAM RN. 3100325844 (F) 06/06/2015 TALCOTT PIGLING BLAND 3100268118 : T.CH. TALCOTT HALLELUJAH CD. RE. 3100257653 - Ms K Wenzler
Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired) CH. KLEINDRAHT KALL ME PIKELET 3100358403 (F) 15/05/2017 CH. AGWYR MAGIC STARRY KNIGHT 4100251291 : CH. KLEINDRAHT KATCH A KEEPSAKE 3100294680 - Mr H & Mrs J Smith
German Shepherd Dog T.CH. KILLARA MISS PHRYNE FISHER 3100309891 (F) 09/08/2014 BLUEMAX ZOOMBA 4100186824 : DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND. CH. KILLARA WINTER SOLSTICE CD. RAE. 3100205276 - Ms A Tilea
Dachshund (Long Haired) CH. CHARLMAGNE BELLE OF THE BALL 3100341430 (F) 11/02/2016 AM. GR CH. CH. BRIARDACH’S ROCK STAR (IMP USA) HP31332601 : GRAND. CH. CHARLMAGNE LIBERTY BELLE 3100259132 - Miss S L Bennett
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DUAL. CH. (T) KILLARA THE GREEN MILL MURDER CCD. RN. 3100309893 (M) 09/08/2014 BLUEMAX ZOOMBA 4100186824 : DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND.CH. KILLARA WINTER SOLSTICE CD. RAE. 3100205276 - Miss R Gerlach T.CH. RANDINKA OPAL MOON ET. 3100333092 (F) 05/12/2015 SCHAEFERHUND RAFAEL 3100247886 : RANDINKA SHINNY PEBBLES 3100275962 - Mrs D & Mr R Oldfield T.CH. VONFORELL FANA 3100265579 (F) 06/11/2011 T.CH. VONFORELL SAGUS CD. 3100210343 : VONFORELL REZA 3100210355 - Ms F MacNeill German Shepherd Dog (LSC) GRAND. CH. DUAL. CH. (T) RIMERINI DARE TO DREAM RA. 2100439436 (F) 25/09/2015 CH. SUNDANEKA TRUE BLUE 2100379583 : GRAND. CH. RIMERINI ALWAYS N FOREVER 2100366102 - Miss L Brownhill Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) CH. KINGROWAN AZALEA LOU 3100345746 (F) 31/07/2016 AM. CH. CH. CAAMORA TALLY HO FOXTROT (IMP USA) DN27111203 : CH. KINGROWAN KATIE LOU 3100293634 - Mr M Cronin UTILITY Bullmastiff SUP.CH. NIGHTQUEST MAGIC AFFAIR (AI) 3100326246 (M) 18/06/2015 AM. GR CH. DAL PRIMO MAGIC MOMENT (IMP USA) WS34339503-SEM : CH. NIGHTQUEST STAR AFFAIR 3100267310 - Mrs M Edwards Dobermann DUAL. CH. (T) MARKSMAN MAGIC MELODY 3100331123 (F) 26/10/2015 GRAND. CH. COPPERTOP SO TEMPTING 6100055117 : DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND.CH. NEUT. CH. MARKSMAN MYMELODY CD. RE. ET. 3100220068 - Mrs D Charters & Mrs J Pillinger Newfoundland NZ. CH. CH. BAYWATCH JUMEIRAH BEACH (AI) (IMP NZL) 06214-2014 (F) 07/10/2014 SANDBEARS INIT TO WINIT (UK) AJ00632101 : NZ. CH. MIQUELON GENTLE MAID (IMP NZL) 05574-2009 - Mrs K Bell GRAND. CH. SEADALE CARIBBEAN SUNRISE 3100216654 (F) 02/02/2009 GRAND. CH. PADDLEPAWS CODE RED 3100105389 : CH. KRYSTALCOVE HAVANA MOON 3100112140 - Miss B C Chapman Rottweiler CH. PETROVROTTI CHARLOTTE BEAR 2100440157 (F) 31/10/2015 PETROVROTTI GILL 2100406077 : PETROVROTTI DEMI 2100379640 - Mr E Hunn GRAND. CH. DUAL. CH. (T) STOLZSEIN LIVIN ON THE EDGE 3100294534 (M) 27/08/2013 CH. DARKGYPSY DA MIGHTY ANGUS 4100208163 : LUDENDORF IMOGENE 3100165801 - Ms S Bradley Samoyed CH. AIREBIS I LOVE COOKIES N CREAM 3100336299 (F) 15/01/2016 SUP.CH. ARTAIGA’S ESSENCEWHENIFALLINLOVE (IMP ITA) LOI09/59031 : SUP.CH. AIREBIS WHAT DREAMS R MADE OF 3100259298 - Mrs J Mr G & Miss K Hughes Schnauzer (Miniature) CH. GEMAIS HARDY KRUGER 3100329025 (M) 15/08/2015 CH. GEMAIS FREE SPIRIT 3100298709 : GEMAIS FRAULEIN FREIDA 3100250970 - Mrs B Luczak St. Bernard SUP.CH. TAI YUAN BLAST FROM T’ PAST (AI) (IMP NZL) 03084-2014 (M) 18/03/2014 AM. CH. OPDYKE’S UNDER THE INFLUENCE (USA) WP97571601 : TAI YUAN FULL O’HOPE (NZL) 00077-2011 - Mr L R Mathieson
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Championship Titles Granted - September 2018 C H . C O O N A R A N E V E R WA L K A L O N E 3100353883 (M) 23/01/2017 CH. COONARA BOKITTO STAR 3100308064 : CH. COONARA DEVINE SUNSET 3100282520 - Mrs K & Mr P Willingham CH. VERSOIX SORCERERS APPRENTICE 3100316212 (M) 03/01/2015 BERNEGARDEN’S JUST CRAZY (IMP NOR) NO60032/10 : CH. LUSANNE SPITTIN IMAGE (IMP NZL) 007812012 - Ms J Wilkinson Mr M Ng & Mr G Chandler
NON SPORTING Chow Chow CH. SECHARI BLACK JADE 3100368165 (F) 22/10/2017 CH. CEYLON CUNAMI AT AKAKURO (IMP UK) AS0903042 : SECHARI SU SHI 3100294159 - Miss C Sugg & Mr G Allen
Poodle (Standard) CH. CAPANASH MISTRESS OF THE DARK 3100370428 (F) 07/01/2018 CH. POODELLE THE BOY FROM OZ 2100444698 : GRAND. CH. CAPANASH DARKEST BEFORETHEDAWN 3100282557 - Miss C P Sharpe
Performance Titles Granted - September 2018 TOY Papillon WAIWILTA FOXY STRIKE IT LUCKY TD. ADM. JDM. SPD. SDX. GD. 3100289256 (M) 12/03/2013 CH. GRAEGILL GOFA GOLD 3100215318 : AG.CH 200. T.CH. WAIWILTA ROSEWOOD ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SPDM. GDX. SDM. 3100254979 - Miss C J Denehey TERRIER American Staffordshire Terrier CH. FOREVAPALS CALIFORNIA LUV JC. 3100350035 (F) 25/11/2016 GRAND. CH. AMSTAFOMINE DOUBLE OR NOTHING 5100089940 : CH. MANFREDS DAMAGE DONE ET. JC. WWPD. WPD. 5100078210 - Miss R Caia Jack Russell Terrier GRAND. CH. NEUT. CH. WEISNJAC SHOOT TO THRILL TDX. 3100233499 (S) 22/01/2010 CH. RUNNINJACS MAN ON FIRE 3100138963 : DUAL. CH. (T) GRAND. CH. PALANQUIN PERSEPHONE 3100100518 - Weisnjac Kennels Staffordshire Bull Terrier CHERISHAPUG PURE MAGIC WWPD. 3100327024 (N) 28/07/2015 POWERPAWS DANCES WITH PUGS 3100279873 : CH. STAFFDUP MAGIC TOUCH 4100236778 - Miss S Young CH. KOENDIDDA DRAGONS BREATH CCD. RN. 3100260298 (M) 14/07/2011 CH. LACKYLE CEAL NA DIABHAL (IMP IRL) X88887 : ECLYPSTAFF MIZ TRUBLE (IMP UK) AE03790003 - Koendidda Kennels GUNDOG Brittany CH. RIVERREED ELIOTS ICE QUEEN CDX. 3100325967 (F) 19/06/2015 AM. CH. CH. MAGICBRIT-TONAN THE WIZARD OF AUZ (IMP USA) SR60885301 : CH. RIVERREED BLACK ICE 3100287261 - Mrs C A Toohey Cocker Spaniel BELCROFT BELIEVE IN DIAMONDS CD. RA. 3100323364 (F) 01/04/2015 GRAND. CH. BELCROFT BELIEVE IT OR NOT 3100237188 : BELCROFT MAD ABOUT DIAMONDS 3100293996 - Mrs R Cheesman BRITEBAY WITCH CRAFT CD. RAE. ADX. JDX. SD. SPD. DWDF.N. HTM.I. 3100229039 (S) 11/11/2009 CH. LOCHRANZA WALKAROUND WITH PENCANDY (IMP UK) AH00419609 : GRAND. CH. BRITEBAY WITCH WON 3100143334 - Mrs C Buxton CANOWIE CORIANDER TDX. 3100227135 (M) 26/09/2009 WEIRDENE WHISTLER (IMP UK) AB02186301 : CANOWIE MISS MARPLE 3100158531 - Mr P R Miller ROBMOND MERIDIAN MOON RN. 3100362786 (F) 22/08/2017 CH. ROBMOND ELECTRIC RAIN 3100341625 : CH. ROBMOND HARLEQUIN MOON 3100333384 - Ms P Looker
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English Springer Spaniel NZ. CH. CH. TANIWHA HINEMOA TDX. ET. (IMP NZL) 03184-2012 (F) 04/05/2012 NZ. GRD CH. CH. TANIWHA MAHUTONGA (IMP NZL) 09095-2007 : NZ. CH. CH. ARAWHITI WOT U DO ‘N’ AT TANIWHA (IMP NZL) 01704-2010 - Mr J Patchett & Mrs C Ryan ROWEMARIS STUCK ON YOU TDX. 3100360065 (M) 26/05/2017 CH. ROWEMARIS REMEMBER THE TIME 3100293403 : SPARROWLANE’S GIFT FOR YOU (IMP FIN) FI34338/15 - Miss L Kelleher Field Spaniel CH. MEADOWBRIAR AUSSIE SHEILA JC. 2100480997 (F) 23/07/2017 CH. MEADOWBRIAR PREPARE TO DIE 2100421070 : CH. MEADOWBRIAR MISS GEORGIANA 2100363858 - Mrs C & Mr J Webster Golden Retriever FANTANGO BOLD BARON CDX. RE. ET. 2100368062 (M) 08/08/2012 CH. FANTANGO BACKSTAGE PASS 2100245790 : DOBRO ICE MAGIC 2100296690 - Ms H Truhlar KILLARA DOUBLE THE MONEY TDX. 3100365094 (F) 27/09/2017 CH. FERNFALL NEVERENDING STORY 3100271450 : T.CH. TS. GRAND.CH. KILLARA WHATA SPECIAL SONG TSD. 3100283637 - Mr P & Mrs D Howard Gordon Setter NZ. CH. CH. AZZARO KNIGHT-RIDER CA. (IMP NZL) 04781-2012 (M) 28/04/2012 AM. CH. CH. BRODRUGGAN BLACK KNIGHT 3100072657 : NZ. CH. AZZARO SINGING-UP-A-STORM (NZL) 03686-2008 - Miss H Davis & Mrs E Joseph T.CH. AUFYRE SWINGING WITH ARGYLE TSD. 7100036994 (M) 30/07/2016 SUP.CH. TRISETER CELTIC PLAYBOY 3100280537 : CH. AUFYRE DREAM DANCER 7100028277 - Mr A & Mr E Catton Hungarian Vizsla CH. GRAEBROOK QUINTESSENTIAL TD. ET. 3100308702 (M) 16/06/2014 AG.CH. DUAL. CH. HANAFOR ROUSEL VIERI CDX. RAE. TD. NRD. RRD. UG. ORA. ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. SDM. SPDM. GDM. 7100010523 : CH. GRAEBROOK NEMAMIAH 3100235685 - Mr D & Mrs N Abell Labrador Retriever BEEREEGAN LAST MAN STANDING RRD. 3100317065 (M) 21/12/2014 GR. R.T. CH. NTL. R.T. CH. BEEREEGAN LAST BOY SCOUT 3100191845 : BEEREEGAN MACKENZIE NRD. 3100205337 - Beereegan Kennels NEUT. CH. CONINGSBURGH COASTWATCH RN. TD. 3100216678 (N) 16/02/2009 CONINGSBURGH CASTAWAY 3100074816 : CH. CONINGSBURGH ALL CLASS CCD. 3100166450 - Miss K Monea CH. CONINGSBURGH BLACK PEARL (AI) CCD. RN. TD. 3100289466 (F) 02/05/2013 GRAND. CH. CHARING SAIL AWAY (IMP NZL) 072921999 : CH. NEUT. CH. CONINGSBURGH BLACK LACE RN. 3100248538 - Miss K Monea
CH. CONINGSBURGH LEADING LADY CCD. RA. 3100315626 (F) 13/12/2014 CH. BLACKRANGE SORCERERSAPPRENTICE 3100275572 : CONINGSBURGH COVER GIRL 3100285008 - Miss K Monea GUNNERSON CHINOOK BLUSH CD. TD. 3100312426 (M) 21/07/2014 BARKALINDA SUNNY SIDE UP 3100231320 : GUNNERSON RUMER SAILOR 3100259597 - Mrs S A Williamson GUNNERSON TEL ROSCOE CD. TD. 3100312274 (M) 15/07/2014 BARKALINDA SUNNY SIDE UP 3100231320 : GUNNERSON RUSH BADGER 3100246890 - Mrs S A Williamson KADNOOK SOLITARY MAN (AI) RRD. 3100312402 (M) 13/08/2014 UK. FT. CH. DELFLEET NEON OF FENDAWOOD (IMP UK) AJ03153801-SEM : KADNOOK KEEPIN THE DREAM 3100219923 - Beereegan Kennels LUCSIMAMINA STELLA CCD. RN. TDX. 3100216231 (F) 27/02/2009 ALEXLAB KERNOW LAD 3100137442 : PLAISIRAMOUR MILLIE 3100165865 - Miss M Balaam Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever CH. GLENMAVE BUCCANEER (AI) TDX. NRA. 3100337948 (M) 04/02/2016 CAN.CH. AQUEUS ORYXES JIBBER THE KIBBER AM. CD. CAN. JH. CAN. RN. CAN. WCI. (IMP CAN) SR68027003-SEM : GLENMAVE RAINBOW ROAD 3100282896 - Ms P A Mann Weimaraner CH. NEUT. CH. BROMHUND EGOTISTICAL CCD. CD. RE. TD. 3100333259 (N) 22/11/2015 CH. BROMHUND PUNCHLINE 3100308723 : CH. BESKO LADY ABOUT TOWN 5100076441 - Mr I C & Mrs G L Todd T.CH. BROMHUND KNIGHT RIDER TSD. 3100347337 (M) 30/08/2016 CH. BROMHUND BACK TO BASICS 3100270934 : CH. GREYVALE SILVER MIRROR 4100226562 - Mr D Olszewski FYRESIDE HIGH SOCIETY (AI) TDX. 3100346696 (F) 06/09/2016 GRAND. CH. DIVANI JUST A DASH 2100118659-SEM : CH. FYRESIDE GO GETTER 3100283323 - Fyreside Kennels T.CH. TS. GRAND.CH. WEISNJAC CLASSIC CATCH CD. RA. NRA. 3100269680 (M) 09/03/2012 CH. SILVASHEEN OSKA DLARENTA 3100230887 : TS. CH. DUAL. CH. (T) WEISNJAC SHESGOT THELOOK 3100149626 - Mr M & Mrs K Buckley Welsh Springer Spaniel CH. RICOCHEZ GERWYN GAWAIN (AI) TD. 4100264215 (M) 16/10/2015 SUP.CH. SHANDWICK RAFFLES (IMP UK) AE00544601-SEM : CH. SARABANDE SEA OF DREAMS (IMP UK) AQ02707405 - Mrs J Lister
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Performance Titles Granted - September 2018 HOUND Bloodhound HUNTERHOUND NINIANE (AI) TD. 2100400660 (F) 28/01/2014 AM. CH. MOJUSTA’S CHALLENGE OF CHURCHIL TD (USA) HP31744901SEM : CH. FLUSHTIMES CW LADY OF THE LAKE TDX. (IMP SWE) S60124/2009 - Ms K Hughes Dachshund (Smooth Haired) T.CH. DALDACH CONSTANT STELLA CCD. RN. TSD. 2100365581 (F) 29/06/2012 CH. EMMILINE THE PRETENDER 3100124499 : CH. DALDACH REACH FOR THE SKY 2100318054 - Mrs R Walls Whippet ISILWANE BAT GIRL JC. 3100360483 (F) 07/06/2017 CH. ISILWANE JOLLY ROGER 2100179842 : CH. BONNYMEAD IOLANDA 3100280678 - Ms L Barrenger WORKING DOG Australian Kelpie CH. KALAN SKY CHIEF CD. RE. DWDF.S. HTM.I. 3100239969 (N) 16/04/2010 CH. KALAN BUSH SKY 3100111643 : CH. KALAN FAIR WAY 3100113431 - Mrs P Child Australian Shepherd AUSFX SEA CHANGE CD. RAE. TDX. 3100339152 (F) 20/02/2016 CH. ROZATE NORTH BY NORTH WEST HSAs 3100275764 : ROZATE BREWED BY MOONLITE ET. 3100294278 - Ausfx Kennels DUAL. CH. (A) ELLAGANT FULL OF ANTICS CDX. RAE. RM. ADM. JDM. JDO. SPD. GD. HT 3100172772 (F) 19/07/2006 GRAND. CH. LEESWAY SMOKIN ASH 2100097712 : CH. ELLAGANT MISCHIEF MAKER 3100136255 - Ms A Murcutt CH. ELLAGANT PARIS ALL STARS RE. ADX. JDM. PT. 3100240026 (F) 16/05/2010 DUAL. CH. (T) ELLAGANT TOP GUN CCD. RAE. 3100193448 : ELLAGANT KEASHA BLUES 3100193056 - Ms A Murcutt ELZSCOT REACH FOR THE STARS CD. RN. AD. JD. GD. SD. SPD. 3100288468 (F) 10/03/2013 CH. SARASOTA URBAN LEGEND HT 7100017660 : ELZSCOT GALLOWAY PIPPIN RN. AD. JDX. ET. 3100217163 - Miss M Woods HOTOZ TIME BANDIT JD. 3100331830 (M) 05/10/2015 ROSEMERE STOLEN GOODS (IMP USA) DN25763706 : HOTOZ SUMMER THYME 3100214711 - Miss L Mussett HOTOZ TIMELESS CD. RE. JD. 3100331829 (F) 05/10/2015 ROSEMERE STOLEN GOODS (IMP USA) DN25763706 : HOTOZ SUMMER THYME 3100214711 - Mrs L Whiteway T.CH. LINWOOD TWILIGHT VANQUISHER CD. RA. HSAs 3100271873 (M) 02/04/2012 CH. DYKINTA OXFORD BLUE CCD. RN. JD. 2100297972 : CH. CLEARUN ROCK N ROBIN 3100221692 - Mr L & Mrs S Kovach CH. PAWSITIVE LAWS OF ATTRACTION RN. TD. JDM. 3100281986 (M) 13/12/2012 CH. OWJEDOO RUGGED RANGER HT 3100246805 : PAWSITIVE PRIME ATTRACTION JD. 3100221176 - Ms A Murcutt PORUSE DUALLY BUILT CD. RN. ADM. ADO. JDM. 3100209507 (M) 03/10/2008 BLAZINTAILS HI ROLLER 3100104312 : DUAL. CH. (T) PORUSE DIAMOND SHOWGIRL CD. HSAs 3100146340 - Miss L Mussett T.CH. ROZATE I GOT THINGS TO DO CD. RA. TSD. HSAs 3100305455 (N) 15/03/2014 VH.CH. TRI CH.(T)(H) GR.H.CH. TS. GRAND. CH. ROZATE JACKHAMMER RN. HXBd HXAc ET. 3100166367 : NGALLA HOT OFF THE ICE 7100026564 - Mr L & Mrs S Kovach
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ROZATE MSQ KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH RN. PT. 3100359946 (F) 31/05/2017 VH.CH. TRI CH.(T) (H) GR.H.CH. TS. GRAND.CH. ROZATE JACKHAMMER RN. HXBd HXAc ET. 3100166367 : ROZATE TO THE MOON AND BACK HSAs 3100294276 - Rozate Kennels ROZATE ONLY FOOLS RUSH IN RN. TD. HT 3100333366 (F) 20/11/2015 ROZATE ONCE IN A BLUE MOON HT PT. 3100294274 : T.CH. ROZATE ONE SHOT AT FAME HSAs ET. 3100275756 - Rozate Kennels Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael) CH. MIRRIBANDI A WOLF SONG JC. 4100290197 (F) 07/04/2017 CH. LUMINEUX GREAT SOUTHERN WOLF 3100254407 : CH. LOVE SONG AV VIKHOLMEN HT (IMP NOR) NO40692/13 - Miss H Cremona & Mrs K Winton Border Collie GADHAR IMPULSE TO SOAR AD. JD. GD. 9100010296 (M) 14/06/2014 TURNING IT ON AT MORDOR JDX (NZL) 18009-2011 : OHUTU SWIFT BY DESIGN (IMP NZL) 04647-2011 - Ms J Lewis & Mr L Lloyd INAWORD CHLO RE. ADM. ADO. JDM. JDO. GDX. SPDM. SDM. 3100274356 (F) 08/05/2012 SARASOTA STARE IF UDARE PT. 7100017681 : INAWORD BLUE BELL 3100226995 - Mr A & Mrs M Schnider KERODAN HUNTER CCD. RA. ET. 2100415149 (M) 03/06/2014 KERODAN COLOUR OF MONEY ADO. ADM. JDM. SDX. GDM. SPDM. 2100367143 : KERODAN CATCH ME IF YOU CAN 2100279447 - Mrs T Eldridge T.CH. MERRINDA FIRE DANCER RA. TSD. FS.S. 3100300566 (F) 16/01/2014 JAP. CH. CH. MERRINDA YOU HAD ME AT HELLO 3100252472 : ETHERIAL KISS CHASEY 3100269542 - Miss D E Clarke Collie (Rough) BRAFFERTON I HAVE A DREAM TD. 3100355314 (F) 27/03/2017 STRATHAVEN WALK OF FAME 3100335199 : BRAFFERTON SEA NYMPH TD. 3100313336 - Brafferton Kennels BRAFFERTON SEA NYMPH TD. 3100313336 (F) 28/10/2014 CH. KIRRIELOCH TIME LORD 3100178545 : BRAFFERTON PATH FINDER 3100252888 - Brafferton Kennels Collie (Smooth) C H . B R A F F E RTO N W I N T E R B I R D T D . 3100324507 (F) 07/06/2015 CH. FOXBELL FIRST ROMANCE CD. RE. HNAs 3100249354 : T.CH. BRAFFERTON NIGHT NAVIGATOR TSDX. HSAs 3100252892 - Brafferton Kennels Finnish Lapphund GRAND. CH. ARMAHANI DIAMOND DAVVIR (AI) CD. RA. ADX. ADO. JDX. GD. SPD. ET. WPD. 3100269041 (M) 15/02/2012 FIN.CH. LECIBSIN KULTAKUONO (FIN) FIN11957/00 : GRAND. CH. LUMITURPA EMMI CCD. RE. JD. HT (IMP FIN) FIN28694/05 - Mr C & Mrs B Ralphs & Ms J Lincoln CH. CALEEBRA DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER AD. JD. SPD. WPD. 3100334139 (F) 25/12/2015 GRAND. CH. ARMAHANI DIAMOND DAVVIR CD. RA. ADX. ADO. JDX. GD. SPD. ET. WPD. 3100269041 : CH. CALEEBRA ARMANI DIAMOND RE. JC. 3100297271 - Mrs B & Mr C Ralphs German Shepherd Dog JAYELLA WOT R THE ODDS TD. 3100347548 (M) 03/10/2016 BLUEMAX ZOOMBA 4100186824 : DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND.CH. KILLARA AELLA UD. 3100283200 - Mr I & Mrs D A Woollard KARASTRO IMPERIAL PRINCESS TD. 3100294959 (F) 10/09/2013 ZAMB VOM S C H WA R Z A U G E N S c h H 3 . ( I M P D E U ) MPK54240 : KARASTRO EPHRODITE 3100248387 - Mrs G J Black
DUAL. CH. (T) KILLARA THE GREEN MILL MURDER CCD. RN. 3100309893 (M) 09/08/2014 BLUEMAX ZOOMBA 4100186824 : DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND.CH. KILLARA WINTER SOLSTICE CD. RAE. 3100205276 - Miss R Gerlach RANTINO FUDOKA CCD. RA. 3100251451 (F) 17/01/2011 GAZZA VOM TAMARASPITZE (BEL) LOSH1030641 : CH. RANTINO BENBEAUTY TUMARA CD. 3100170802 - Ms K Delves VONBIOS CARINA CCD. RAE. RM. 3100337142 (F) 04/02/2016 ILLAS VOM HAUS SEVENS (IMP BEL) LOSH1067907 : VONBIOS AMELIA 3100297317 - Mrs W Seng Hpa German Shepherd Dog (LSC) CH. HARDROKK MIAMI VICE TD. 3100307974 (M) 19/06/2014 HAYO AUS AGRIGENTO (IMP DEU) SZ2259256 : RANTINO HARD ROCK 3100272790 - Mr D Mitchell Shetland Sheepdog RO.CH. KILWARRIN MAKE ME HAPPY CD. RAE. 3100305784 (M) 19/04/2014 CH. HORTONPARK SIMPLY THE JOKER 3100266426 : KILWARRIN ALLAIRSNGRACES 3100204557 - Mr J Glassborow NEUT. CH. MONTAGE KAI FRY CDX. RE. 3100343148 (N) 12/05/2016 CH. INNESLAKE ORLANDO 2100417992 : CAN.CH. CH. GRANDGABLES JUST FLAUNT IT (IMP CAN) ZA445563 - Mrs A Del Bono SHELTOAH BEARLY IRISH CD. RA. 3100334806 (M) 16/12/2015 CH. SHELBRONZE IRISH COFFEE 3100261348 : NIGMA PIPIT CCD. RE. JD. 3100271446 - Mrs J Mayer Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) T.CH. PEMVALE STAR TREK CCD. RN. TSD. 5100083382 (M) 13/08/2014 NZ. CH. SUP.CH. DWYNELLA SKYE WALKER (IMP NZL) 072592008 : CH. SIEGERHEIMS WALTZING MATILDA 3100209837 - Mrs N Holden UTILITY Dobermann CABOCHON ATHENA JC. 6100096676 (F) 18/12/2015 CH. CABOCHON THORS HAMMER 6100084788 : CABOCHON BLACK WIDOW 6100078956 - Ms K Labrakos Rottweiler CH. KAGISO PRETTY SAVANAH TDX. ET. 3100294302 (F) 04/09/2013 DUAL. CH. (T) TS. GRAND.CH. UBERSEIN VENI VIDI VICI CCD. RN. 3100195973 : DUAL. CH. (T) SVAWILL QUESTRA TSD. HT 3100240397 - Mrs Ayton & Mrs Russell & Miss Phillips DUAL. CH. (T) ROSAROTT BOUNTY HUNTER CD. PT. 3100246636 (M) 02/11/2010 DUAL. CH. (T) GOODIESWAY BASKO CDX. TSDX. HSAs HSAd ET. 3100041859 : ROSAROTT ATISH CD. RE. PT. 3100167780 - Mr P T Robilliard STARKEHRE RUN LOLA RUN CD. RAE. RM. TD. PT. 3100338415 (S) 13/03/2016 CH. CLYZAN SPEAK NO EVIL HT 3100286426 : CH. CLYZAN SEVEN DEADLY SINS HNAscd HSBsd ET. 3100268777 - Ms B A Terrill CH. NEUT. CH. STOLZSEIN FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS TDX. 3100250189 (S) 20/12/2010 CH. STOLZSEIN CANNON BOLT 3100210640 : BLAKESIMS ONCRUZ CONTROL 3100181014 - Ms S Bradley CH. UBERSEIN DOMINATION (AI) UD. RA. 3100253806 (M) 26/03/2011 GER. CH. INT. CH. LTU. CH. LVA. CH. POL. CH. POL. JR CH. GANDALF MARSTAL IPO1. (IMP POL) PKRII91876-SEM : CH. UBERSEIN VA VA VOOM CCD. 3100195970 - Mrs A Slavin & Mrs L Russell Schnauzer (Miniature) SPRITZEE INFLIGHT UD. RAE. AD. JD. 3100192203 (M) 30/09/2007 SPRITZEE DREAMCHASER 3100124748 : SPRITZEE ABSOLUTLEE 3100171684 - Mr R M Sciberras
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Performance Titles Granted - September 2018 NON SPORTING German Spitz (Mittel) BELEESHA BRIGHT STAR CD. AD. JDX. GD. HTM.S. 3100302837 (M) 18/02/2014 ANDUZ GYPSY LAD 2100339378 : CH. MEDIAEVALAGE PIXIE CHARM 4100192438 - Mrs C Baird Poodle (Miniature) B O N O L A S I LV E R S A P P H I R E R A . J D . 3100350958 (F) 12/11/2016 CLOJO CAUSIN CAOS N NOPINKBITS 3100274121 : BONOLA SILVER BLACKPEARL RA. AD. JDM. JDO. GD. SPD. SD. 3100284836 - Ms N J Williams Poodle (Toy) GARWEY HISTORY MAKER TDX. 3100325132 (M) 08/06/2015 CH. MONTFLAIR MAKING HISTORY (IMP UK) AL02653401 : GARWEY DOLLY DIMPLE 3100239883 - Mrs C Riza HENDERCHIP DARTAGNAN TDX. ADM. JDM. SDX. SPDX. GD. 3100185531 (M) 15/02/2007 TREBYAN CHARLIE BROWN ADX. JDM. 3100051903 : CH. HENDERCHIP TANYA 3100118049 - Miss C J Denehey
HOKU PETITE RAULF ADX. JDM. JDO. SD. SPD. GD. 3100319053 (M) 11/01/2015 CH. HOKU VANILLA EXTRACT 3100263277 : HOKU ELECTRIC DREAMS 3100252211 - Mrs M K Birchall OTHERS Associate Register T.CH. RO.CH. ROBBIEDOGGIE CDX. RAE. JD. ET. 301634AR (N) 04/10/2011 - Mrs L Pope BAILEYBOY CCD. RN. AD. JDX. GD. SPD. SD. 301662AR (N) 01/02/2012 - Miss K A Willis T.CH. ELLIETHOMPSON CCD. RN. TSDX. 301750AR (S) 27/02/2014 - Mr C Thompson INDIGO ADM. ADO. JDX. JDO. GD. SD. 301765AR (S) 09/01/2013 - Mrs V Benham FAUVE CD. RN. 301824AR (S) 08/03/2010 - Ms N Terracall TY AD. JDX. 301893AR (N) 30/11/2012 - Mrs D Marsh MARVIN CA. 301894AR (N) 09/10/2015 - Miss K Stocco MAGGIE TD. 301902AR (S) 01/02/2016 - Mrs S Bradley
CODY TDX. 301926AR (N) 31/03/2016 - Mr M Bird HANNAH RN. 301928AR (S) 22/05/2012 - Ms S Daivis MONTGOMERY RN. 301929AR (N) 25/03/2010 - Ms S Daivis MERCY JC. 301939AR (S) 22/09/2015 - Miss R Caia GR.H.CH. SEAJSKIPPER HXBs HSAc HSAd 301787AR (S) 13/02/2013 - Mrs P Cartledge Sporting Register T.CH. COMSTOCK INDIGO SKYE RAE. RM. TSD. 000977/3A (F) 12/04/2012 - Mrs M Widelock ILLOURA TOTO JD. N.7743-16SR (F) 20/04/2016 - Ms D M Mitchell PRATT BRAMBLE TDX. MRR-016-030SR (F) 15/12/2016 - Mrs A W Potter MCDONALDS BOB HSBs A0851SR (M) 07/06/2016 - Mrs D Agnew BLUEMOON KAI RA. JD. A0749SR (F) 18/09/2014 - Ms E V Mucha GLENNIES BELLA RA. PT. A1F-23404-13 WAYSR (F) 26/01/2013 - Mrs K Bishop ILLOURA GYP ADO. ADX. JDX. N6916-13SR (F) 17/01/2013 - Ms D M Mitchell
Exports Granted - September 2018 TERRIER
Cairn Terrier JOYMONT DREAM MACHINE 3100378219 (M) 28/05/2018 (Mrs C Scotton) Miss L Halliwell NEW ZEALAND
Shetland Sheepdog UK. CH. CH. DANCING TO THE BLUES AT EDGLONIAN 1363DA (M) 22/08/2013 (Mr S Proctor) Mrs J Kania & Mrs D Saltau UNITED KINGDOM
Lakeland Terrier CH. WARIGALIRE BLUE GENES 3100315369 (F) 06/04/2014 (Mr D Geoghegan) Mrs C CollinsNeil IRELAND
Dobermann COPPERDOBE VODKARTINI 07454-2016 (F) 15/09/2016 (Mrs J Hovell) Mrs J Hovell NEW ZEALAND
Dachshund (Wire Haired) CH. WITCHWOOD KEEP TALKING 3100312888 (F) 04/09/2014 (Mrs M Willox-Jones) Mrs D Fahey NEW ZEALAND
Samoyed DENITSA D MACEDONIANQUEEN 3100378560 (F) 04/07/2018 (Mrs M Simjanovska) Mrs D R Reeve NEW ZEALAND
Tibetan Mastiff TEMZIN BODIVA NICHLAUS 3100376895 (M) 02/06/2018 (Mrs C D Allen) Mr A & Mrs C Mahaut NEW CALEDONIA TEMZIN BODIVA NYIMA 3100376900 (F) 02/06/2018 (Mrs C D Allen) D & T Bray NEW ZEALAND
PREVIOUS OWNER Mrs M Elliott & Ms K Elliott-Ball Carrski Kennels Miss C Cody & Mr G Davis Mr D & Mrs C Gallacher
NEW OWNER Ms K Elliott-Ball Carrski Kennels Miss C Cody Mr M Locke
PREVIOUS OWNER Mr D & Mrs C A Gallacher
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STATE OWNER VIC Miss M Myers TAS Dr B Green VIC Mrs K Popple TAS Mrs L Powell VIC Mrs L Demasi VIC Miss T Ray NSW Miss L Pan VIC Mrs C Millman VIC Mrs C Woodford VIC Ms D Oosterwyk & Mr M Robjohns VIC Ms S Tripovich VIC Mr G Conway VIC Mrs L M Wynd VIC Mrs J & Mr A House VIC Mrs V Reynolds & Miss S Hesketh NSW Ms N Gilfillan VIC Mr M Undy VIC Mrs K Van Heurck VIC Mrs G Hinch VIC Mrs S Dwyer VIC Ms J Stott VIC Mr J & Ms N Buckby VIC Mr G Brassington VIC Ms T Maxwell VIC Ms K Griffith VIC Mr C Porter VIC Mr N Marriott VIC Mrs L Lind VIC Mr C Winchester NSW Miss A Withers
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National Judge’s Code of Practice and Conduct Amended October 2016
1. A Judge shall act with professional decorum at all times. 2. A Judge shall give every exhibit and exhibitor fair and equal opportunity in each and every class. 3. A Judge shall act in a polite manner whilst carrying out each judging assignment. 4. A Judge shall present himself/herself in attire that is acceptable, appropriate and comfortable for each judging assignment. 5. A Judge is required to be punctual in availability to fulfil their judging assignment. 6. If in the judging procedures an exhibit displays an obvious physical impediment or is unable to be handled or can be regarded as savage or vicious the exhibit should be excused from the competition, in accordance with the ANKC Ltd Member Body rules/regulations. 7. A Judge shall not enter or exhibit any dog at any Conformation Show at which he or she is appointed to judge. 8. Should an exhibitor offer information to the Judge that may be regarded as designed to influence the Judge, the Judge shall excuse the exhibitor and their exhibit from competition and report the incident in accordance with the ANKC Ltd Member Body rules/regulations. 9. Should a Judge be approached to favour or disfavour a particular exhibit the matter is to be reported to the Administrator of the ANKC Ltd Member Body. 10. Should a Judge be approached with an inducement and/or bribe to advantage or disadvantage an exhibit the Judge is to report the matter in writing to the Administrator of the ANKC Ltd Member Body. 11. A Judge shall not solicit a judging appointment. 12. A Judge shall not solicit or seek entry of any particular dog or dogs. 13. A Judge shall not allow entries for a Conformation Show at which that person is judging to be received at the Judge’s address. 14. A Judge shall complete all the requirements of the judging contract promptly. Any verbal acceptance of an assignment by a Judge shall be subject to the receipt of the contract within fourteen (14) days. 15. At the time of completing a contract the Judge shall inform the inviting body of any disability or limitation that could restrict carrying out in full the reasonable handling of all exhibits to be judged. 16. A Judge must not duplicate assignments in the same breeds or group within a minimum of 3 months of each other and within a minimum of 200 kilometres at Championship Shows. (10/97), (02/15), (10/15) 17. A Judge shall honour each contract and will not be free to accept an alternative contract that will effect his or her availability to fulfil the original contract except with the written dispensation of the contracting Club. (05/98) 18. Accommodation provided to the Judge to fulfil an assignment is for the Judge only except where prior mutual agreement has been reached with the sponsoring body for variation. 19. A Judge shall be responsible for the cost of all personal telephone calls, alcoholic beverages and any personal laundering except where mutual agreement has been reached with the sponsoring body at the time the contract is accepted. 20. A Judge who withdraws from any contracted appointment for any reason shall not be permitted to judge at any other canine event wherever held on any date that would prevent him/her from attending the originally contracted event, unless dispensation has been granted in accordance with Clause 17. (05/98) 21. Judges must not smoke nor drink alcohol in the ring. (10/14) 22. Judges shall not criticise by act or word the work of other judges, nor offer criticism of any previously judged dog(s) to anyone including other officiating judges during the course of the show. Except for authorised ringside mentoring. (10/14) 23. All judges must judge exhibits in accordance with their relevant ANKC Ltd breed standard. (10/16) Gazette December 2018
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Selection for the awards will be made on the following basis: There will be a first place award for each class for community companion dog, novice, open, utility and utility dog excellent, with further awards for second and third place in each class. The awards will consist of: gold dumbbell pin for first place, silver dumbbell pin for second place and a bronze dumbbell pin for third place. For each class entered, three qualifying results are required. Competitors will nominate qualifying scores gained between 1 June 2018 and 31 May 2019. * Scores will be submitted to a person nominated by the Obedience Tracking and Endurance Committee, (OTEC). OTEC will select the top finalists in each class based on the highest average scores * Closing date for submissions will be 30 June 2019 * Photocopies of original score cards must be submitted, plus a completed entry form * Qualifying scores may be included, subject to the following restrictions: * No more than two scores awarded by any one judge may be included * At least two scores must be gained in Victoria * Competitors must reside in Victoria, be a financial member of Dogs Victoria, and the dog must be registered with an ANKC Ltd member body Presentation of the awards will take place at the Dogs Victoria State Obedience Trial 2019. Qualifiers will be notified that they are eligible for an award, but the final awards will not be announced until the presentation. In the event of a tied score in any class: Step 1 – Places will be decided by a comparison of the two highest individual scores. The competitor with the highest two scores will be declared the winner. Step 2 - In the event of a tie still remaining, joint winners will be declared for that class, and no second or third placing will be awarded depending on which placing is tied. Step 3 – In the event of a tie still resulting, it will be left to the discretion of the OTEC to count back any score. Note: No more than three placings per class level will be awarded. Applications and further inquiries to: Dawn Howard “Killara” 5B Cloud Street, Arthurs Seat 3936 5987 3322 34
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Competitors will nominate qualifying scores gained between 1 June 2018 and 31 May 2019. Eligibility Criteria * Ten highest scores gained in rally obedience * Novice rally scores not eligible * Maximum of three advanced and three excellent scores may be included (total six) in the total of 10 required * The top ten teams will be invited to participate in the event * The order of judging will be lowest to highest average score over the ten scores Event * A rally master course will be set up and used for the event * There will be a minimum of 20 stations excluding Start and Finish and will include all master class exercises and a maximum of 10 stationery exercises * The event will be judged by two rally licensed judges invited by OTEC to officiate * There will be a time keeper plus one other steward to take the lead and order “Forward” to commence each course * The highest score will be declared the winner * Should scores be tied on the day, then the fastest time will be declared the winner over the same score * If there is still a tie then there will be a re-run of only those dogs involved in the tie on the same course and they will be judged by the same officiating judges for a second time to decide the winner. The re-run will take place immediately the continuing tie has been verified * Competitors will nominate qualifying scores gained between 1 June 2018 and 31 May 2019 * Scores will be submitted to a person nominated by the OTEC committee. OTEC will select the ten top finalists based on the highest average scores * Closing date for submissions will be 30 June 2019 * Photocopies of original score cards must be submitted, plus a completed entry form * Qualifying scores may be included, subject to the following restrictions: * No more than three scores awarded by any one judges may be included * A maximum of three scores gained interstate may be included * Competitors must reside in Victoria, be a financial member of Dogs Victoria, and the dog must be registered with an ANKC Ltd member body Final run off and presentation of the awards will take place at the Dogs Victoria State Rally Trials 2019 Applications and further inquiries to: Lynn Klecka 110-112 McClelland Ave, Lara 3212 5291 5042 or 0418 333 312
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Dogs Victoria Magazine Official Publication of Victorian Canine Association Inc
Membership No.:
Postal Address:
ADVERTISEMENT INSTRUCTIONS Advertisement To Appear: (journal month & year) Dog Breed: Dogs Registered Name: Dogs Registered No:
Cost: $330
Original Photo/s
Photograph Details
Artwork Requirements
PSD Format
JPG Format
The photograph/s to be used was/were taken by: _________________________ I have permission from the photographer to use the photograph/s. Photographs to be portrait format with minimum size 170mm deep x 126mm wide. Dog to take up the proportion of photograph with at least 70mm border from the top of the photograph to the dog. Dog is to be in portrait stance – NOT facing sideways. No person or any part of person to appear in photograph intended for front cover. If taken digitally, photographs must be minimum 203mm wide x 174mm high at 300 DPI (including bleed).
Credit Card
Advertising Terms and Conditions: I/we, the Advertiser named above, by signing this Advertising Booking Form or by submitting Advertising Material, acknowledge and agree that I/we have read and understood the Victorian Canine Association Inc Advertising Terms and Conditions and agree to comply with and be bound by them.
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Gazette_DECEMBER_18.indd 35
Magazine Advertising, Dogs Victoria, Locked Bag K9, Cranbourne 3977 9788 2599
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Dogs Victoria 20.6 Social Media Code of Conduct Amended 15/07/16
Members shall at all times conduct themselves with behaviour as set out in the Dogs Victoria Policy Statement – Social Media Code of Conduct dated 15 July 2016. (15/07/16) Dogs Victoria Policy Statement Social Media Code of Conduct Background Social media has become an integral part of day to day communication for individuals as well as businesses. Social media is defined as the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social media may include but is not limited to magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking. Technologies include blogging, picturesharing, vlogs, wall-posting, music-sharing, crowdsourcing and voice over IP. Its ability to capture community sentiment and shape opinions is driven by its dynamic and immediate nature. What constitutes ethical behaviour can be somewhat ambiguous when engaging in social forums, however Dogs Victoria believes its members should uphold the highest ethical standards displaying respect, honesty and integrity. This Social Media Code of Conduct aims to provide guidelines on best practice behaviour when using social media. Guidelines • Abide by Dogs Victoria Rules & Regulations • Be reasonable and respectful – do not post malicious, misleading or unfair content in relation to Dogs Victoria or its affiliates, Dogs Victoria staff, Dogs Victoria members or members of other ANKC affiliated bodies or indeed of members’ dogs • Be accurate – any comment posted as fact should be able to be substantiated • Act in manner that is consistent with good community expectations The same values that apply in the real world also apply in the virtual world and in social media exchanges. Despite the seemingly unregulated nature of social media, the law is applicable to online content. Postings online (and similarly in email or text messages) are subject to the law in areas such as defamation, racial discrimination, intimidation and bullying. Breach of the Social Media Code of Conduct Dogs Victoria continually monitors activity in relation to the organisation and its members. Dogs Victoria takes compliance with this policy seriously. Where members believe that behaviour is in breach of our Rules, Regulations or codes and is reported, the disciplinary process may be initiated by Dogs Victoria. Where proven, either formal warnings or other penalties may apply or if it is of a serious nature the offending members may be considered liable under the law. Consultation or advice This policy has been developed to provide guidance for Dogs Victoria members. Any members who are unsure of their rights, liabilities or actions online and seek clarification should contact Dogs Victoria Management Committee or the Dogs Victoria CE.
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20.7 CODE OF CONDUCT BY DOGS VICTORIA MEMBERS AT DOGS VICTORIA EVENTS Dogs Victoria expects that all members and exhibitors will conduct themselves in a responsible manner when attending Dogs Victoria activities. Participants must also ensure that their dogs are properly cared for at all times during events and do not become a nuisance to others. Members will always act in a way which will make events friendly and welcoming, creating a safe environment for the enjoyment of all. They will conduct themselves by displaying good manners, respecting other participants, officials and judges. The following is the expectation of Dogs Victoria of all attending an event authorised by it. • You will display a commitment to the values of fair play, honesty, courtesy, spirited competition whilst winning and losing with grace equally • You will welcome, encourage and support newcomers to the sport • You will act so that the experience of others attending a Dogs Victoria event may be enriched • You will reject any opportunity to take personal advantage of positions offered or bestowed on you • You will always consider paramount, the welfare of the dogs • You will refuse to embarrass the sport or Dogs Victoria whilst taking part Behaviour not tolerated • Abusive or aggressive behaviour towards anyone attending the event whether it be the judge, event officials or management or participants • Harassment which may be defined as causing alarm, distress or anxiety, physical violence, threats, offensive language or verbal abuse •
Refusal to accept a judge’s decision by comment on the decision whilst still in the ring or near precincts or refusal to continue to participate whilst eligible to do so
Reporting of poor or bad behaviour will be encouraged. It may then be speedily tracked through the disciplinary process by which Dogs Victoria demonstrates its strong commitment to a high standard of behaviour at all times by its members. (15/07/16)
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Dogs Victoria SCALE OF CHARGES - 2019 The following fees have been approved by management committee to come into effect on 01/01/2019 (prices are inclusive of GST) Dogs Victoria is a registered business name of the Victorian Canine Association Inc A0023882W
NEW MEMBERSHIP Joining Fee (new memberships and renewal of expired memberships) $42.25 Subscription for 12 months $102.00 RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP Rejoining Fee $42.25 Full Year $102.00 - No Gazette (criteria applicable) $62.00 - Pensioner Rate (Supply copy of aged pension card) $85.50 - Senior Rate (Aged over 65 and 20 years membership) $71.25 Dual Membership [one Gazette] $153.00 Dual Pensioner $137.00 Associate Membership (interstate) $102.00 Junior Membership $66.00 - No Gazette $27.00 Companion $41.25 - with Gazette $81.50 Prices include an insurance levy JUDGES Conformation Judges Licence Fee $73.15 Aspiring/Trainee Judges Fee $84.00 Written Exam $73.25 Practical Exam $73.25 Performance Disciplines, Single Breed Judges Licence Fee $56.75 Aspiring/Trainee Judges Fee $65.00 Written Exam $41.25 Practical Exam $41.25 TEST AGGRESSIVE DOGS
PRIORITY SERVICE (per application) No personal cheques Transfers, Litters & Exports only $46.50 Express postage $17.75 BREEDERS PREFIX Breeders Accreditation Program $75.25 Registration of Breeders Prefix $139.50 Prefix Renewal $46.50 Transfer of Breeders Prefix $217.00 LITTER REGISTRATION Financial members of Dogs Victoria only Combined Litter Record, Service Certificate and Canine Registration Main Register within 3 months of DOB $55.75 3-6 months from DOB $67.00 6-12 months from DOB $87.75 12-18 months from DOB $118.50 Limited Register within 3 months of DOB $45.50 3-6 months from DOB $55.75 6-12 months from DOB $67.00 12-18 months from DOB $87.75 Dogs 18 months of age or over registered subject to Management Committee approval Prices include Compliance Fee - $12 per puppy Litter Processing Fee (applicable to all litters) First, second, third and fourth litter in a calendar year Fifth (and above) litter in a calendar year (per litter)
$00.00 $103.00
OTHER Reprint Fee (errors, neutered reg) $20.75 Interstate Member Reprint $20.00 Re-registration Fee (overseas dogs) $85.50 Re-registration Fee (returning to Australia) $40.25 Puppy Packs - Postage charge only 1-2 packs 3-5 packs 6-20 packs
$4.00 $9.00 $13.00
TRANSFER OF REGISTRATION Transfer Main/Limited Register Member $43.50 Transfer Limited Register Non-Member $55.75 Transfer between Registers $43.25 Registration of Lease $93.00 Associate/Sporting or other Register $53.75 Duplicate of Document $48.50 Extended Pedigree Certificate (5 generation) $60.00
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Export Certificate (must have microchip)
SEMEN REGISTRATION Semen registration (certificate issued) $45.50 Transfer of semen $43.50 Re-registration of imported semen $85.50 Semen duplicate registration $20.75 DECLINED FEES Declined Credit Cards $28.00 Declined Cheques including bank fees $44.50 COMPLAINT FEES Fee per complaint $250.00 (payable if an ANKC Ltd state member body member or a DV affiliate) Fee per complaint - first complaint in a calendar year $0.00 (complainant is not a member of an ANKC Ltd state member body) Fee per complaint - second and subsequent complaint in a calendar year $250.00 (complainant is not a member of an ANKC Ltd state member body) MEETING ROOMS Per room per day/night (KCC Park & Bulla) including Utility Charge $27.00 GENERAL STATIONERY Financial members of Dogs Victoria only Entry Forms Booklet 50 (plus packaging & postage $3.30) $8.25 Breed Standards (plus $4.75 postage) per group $14.50 Field and Retrieving Trial Rules (each) (plus postage $1.60 - $2.85) $11.50 Agility Games - Rules (plus postage $1.40 - $2.85) $8.25 Obedience Rules (plus postage $4.75) $11.50
LEVIES KCC Park and Bulla Exhibition Centre Fixtures other than conformation open shows (fee per dog) $4.25 Conformation open shows (fee per dog) $2.50 All other venues Fixtures other than conformation open shows (fee per dog) $3.20 Conformation open shows (fee per dog) $2.50 Non member levy - singles $8.00 Non member levy - dual or family $16.00 SANCTIONED SHOWS Licence Fee for Sanctioned Shows and Competitions - fee on app.
CERTIFICATES FIXTURE STATIONERY Conformation and Performance Cards $0.50 In Show Cards per set $5.00 In Group Cards per group $5.00 Judges’ Sheets - Loose Pages (sets of 150) $21.75 Group Specials Sheets (7) and BIS set $4.50 Judges’ Contracts (per 20) $36.50 Exhibit Number Cards $0.25 TITLES (Including Certificate on Application) All Disciplines $20.75 Duplicate of Certificates $46.50 Affiliation Fees Single Breed and Associate (less than 20 members) Single Breed & Associate (more than 20 members) Group, Multi, Obedience and Field All Breeds & Agricultural
$203.00 $333.00 $472.00 $685.00
KCC Park Usage Fee Indoor/outdoor - daytime $68.00 Boxhall Pavilion (including lights) $88.75 Outdoor lights - per hour $21.75 Motor home/Caravan - non powered (double for no booking) $15.00 Bulla Usage Fee Indoor/outdoor - daytime $68.00 Indoor/outdoor - night $88.75 Motor home/Caravan - non powered (double for no booking) $15.00 SCHEDULE ADVERTISING RATES Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Breed Club Show Notice National
$490.00 $310.00 $238.00 $23.00 $58.00
CREDIT CARD SURCHARGES Please note that the credit card surcharges will be applicable on the GST inclusive prices listed above and subject to terms and conditions of DV.
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AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Margaret Barras, 217 McBryde St, Fawkner 3060 Ph: 0407 821 528 AIREDALE TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Catherine Raven, 17 Barwon St, Clyde North 3978 Ph: 5998 5285 airedaleterrierclub.vic+secretary@ ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Sandy Koch, PO Box 41, Hurstbridge 3099 Ph: 9714 8540 AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Helen Pereyra, 13 Parkview Dr, Frankston 3199 Ph: 9789 8440 AMERICAN STAFFORDSHIRE TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Eliza Perry, PO Box 8068, Carrum Downs 3201 Ph: 0416 198 997 ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB INC – Ms Christine Harris, 40 Essex Park Dve, Endeavour Hills 3802 Ph: 9700 1800 ASSOC OF ALL MASTIFF BREEDS OF VIC INC – Mrs Sonya Willie, 33 Oberon St, St Albans 3021 Ph: 9364 5110 AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Debra Thorne, 146 Shillinglaw Rd, Drouin 3818 Ph: 0402 203 294 AUSTRALIAN KELPIE CLUB OF VIC INC - Ms Diane Hobday, 2/107 Rathcown Rd, Reservoir 3073 Ph: 0427 696 498 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB VIC INC – Mr Ross Carlson, 1275 Frankston-Flinders Rd, Somerville 3912 Ph: 5978 0061 0418 512 965 AUSTRALIAN SILKY TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Marilyn Warren, 5 Watson Close, Hoppers Crossing 3029 Ph: 9748 6753 AUSTRALIAN STUMPY TAIL CATTLE DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Annette Johns, PO Box 809, Red Cliffs 3496 Ph: 5024 2658 AUSTRALIAN TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr John Davidson, PO Box 1, Chewton 3451 Ph: 5472 2079 BASENJI CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Cathryn Curnick, 590 Atkins Rd, Wurdiboluc 3241 Ph: 5266 2178 BASSET HOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Julie Lehmann, PO Box 57, Toora 3962 Ph: 0431 119 241 BEAGLE CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Pam Tyler, 26 Williams Rd, Don Valley 3139, Ph: 0402 007 750 BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Samantha Templeton, 35 Cranston Close, Narre Warren North 3804 Ph: 0412 864768 BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Lesley Longmuir, PO Box 24, St James 3727 Ph: 5764 4247 BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Lynette Dawson, 5 Verdon St, Williamstown 3016 Ph: 0435 674 861 bmdcvsecretary@ BICHON FRISE CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Wendy Hutchison, 70 Dillon Crt, Diggers Rest 3427 Ph: 9740 0803 or 0418 539 377 johnh@nutripet. BORDER COLLIE CLUB OF VIC INC –Mrs Noeline McIlroy, PO Box 1009, Pearcedale 3912 Ph: 0448 500 215 BORDER TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Sharon Bover, 40 Edwards Rd, Congupna Ph: 5282 3185 38
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BORZOI CLUB OF VIC INC– Mrs Sally Stasytis, PO Box 86, Yarra Glen 3775 Ph: 9730 1603 BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC– Mrs K Ewing, 29-33 King St, Yarra Glen 3775 Ph: 9730 1102 BOXER ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Ms Anna Deane, PO Box 309, Mt Martha 3934 Ph: 5988 4745 BRITISH BULLDOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Sam Nichols, 66 Speedwell St, Somerville 3912 Ph: 0439 350 618 BULLMASTIFF CLUB OF VIC INC– Ms Cheryl Wright, PO Box 460, Greensborough 3088 Ph: 9435 8801 BULL TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Deborah Patterson, PO Box 1635, Melton West 3337 Ph: 0403 210 590 BULL TERRIER MINIATURE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Kerry Hellsten PO Box 1400, Pearcedale 3912 Ph: 0432 764 470 CAIRN TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Barbara Candela, 45 Gibb Rd, Red Hill 3937 Ph: 5981 8532 CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Joy McInnes, 60 Rickard Dr, Churchill 3842 Ph: 0403 535 649 cavsecretary@ CENTRAL HIGHLANDS WORKING GUNDOG CLUB – Mrs Wendy Davis, PO Box 36, Landsborough 3384 Ph: 0408 364 172 beregan@ CHIHUAHUA CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Cathy Stirling, 27 Hunter Ave, Hoppers Crossing 3029 Ph: 9748 0487 CHOW CHOW CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms JudithAnn Robertson, PO Box 141, Woodend 3442 Ph: 5427 3300 CLUB L’EPAGNEUL BRETON VIC. INC – Mr Marco Pagliaro, 69 Haddon School Rd, Haddon 3351 Ph: 0467 566 786 breton@clubbreton. CLUMBER SPANIEL LEAGUE VIC – Ms Caitlin Ryan, 9 Howland Place, Keysborough 3173 Ph: 0450 576 228 COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Margaret Brodie, 9 Holroyd St, Seaford 3198 Ph: 9786 2772 COLLIE CLUB OF VIC INC– Mr Bryan Crowley, PO Box 202, Keilor East 3033 Ph: 0448 226 529 CURLY COATED RETRIEVER ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Mrs Melinda Naughton, 9 Back Rd, Taradale 3447 Ph: 0401 138 905 naumel@ DACHSHUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Katrina Brooks, 420 Carogulac-Beeac Rd, Warrion 3249 Ph: 5234 8224 kamaline@aussiebroadband. DALMATIAN CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Norma Kimber, 2 Mullane Rd, Pakenham 3810 Ph: 0409 952 505 DEERHOUND CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Deborah Guthrie, Box 884, Panton Hill 3759 Ph: 9719 7277 DOBERMANN CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Daniel Filipovic, 64 Garonne Dr, Bannockburn 3331 Ph: 0431 112 450 secretary@dobermannclubvictoria. ENGLISH SETTER ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC Mrs Michaela Barraclough, 80 Solitude Cres, Point Cook 3030 Ph: 9395 7948
ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Caitlin Ryan 9 Howland Place, Keysborough 3173 Ph: 0450 576 228 c.j.ryan@ FINNISH LAPPHUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Melissa Sparrow, 56 Langhorne Cres, Rowville 3178 Ph: 0419 512 132 F L AT C O AT E D R E T R I E V E R A S S O C OF VIC INC – Ms Leanne Tormey, 112 Argyle St, Fawkner 3060 Ph: 8300 6339 FOX TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Ken Campbell, 6 Matthews St, Sunshine 3020 Ph: 9364 9710 FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB OF VIC INC– Acting Secretary, Mrs Jacqui Webb, 256 Madderns Rd, Glen Park 3352 Ph: 0438 345 247 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Vince Ebejer, PO Box 36, Bundoora 3803 Ph: 9467 8653 GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Vicki Thomas, PO Box 70, Nar Nar Goon 3812 Ph: 5942 5648 thomas.vicki.l@ GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Carol Stafford, PO Box 2266, Ringwood North 3134 Ph: 9876 1920 GORDON SETTER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Sue Natoli, 5 Chevron Ave, Cranbourne South 3977 Ph: 0448 396 548 GREAT DANE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Yvonne Dunbar, 17 Rogers St, Pakenham 3810 Ph: 0414 297 430 GRIFFON BRUXELLOIS CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Robin Simpson, 1130 Mardan Rd, Mardan 3953 Ph: 0409 255 369 griffonclub.secretary@ HOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Sharon Sempel, C/ PO Box 44, Koo Wee Rup 3981 Ph: 0419 411 878 HUNGARIAN VIZSLA CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Craig Wills, 9 Almay Grove, Heidelberg 3084 Ph: 0407 177 329 Puppy/ breed enquiries - Jenni Staniforth Ph: 5152 2509 IRISH SETTER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Jan Robinson, 45 Oakhill Road West, Pearcedale 3912 Ph: 0418 430 775 IRISH WATER SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Lesley Dell, Jagerdell, 3237 Colac-Ballarat Rd, Dereel 3352 Ph: 5346 1437 IRISH WOLFHOUND CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Kathryn O’Brien, 42 Molesworth St, Glenlyon 3461 Ph: 0402 276 852 ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB OF VIC - Ms Renee Bourke, 255 Shorts Rd, Barongarook 3429 Ph: 0401 420 501 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC– Mrs Caroline Azzopardi, 11 Roussac Court, Sunshine Nth 3020 Ph: 9366 9584 georgeshot1@ JAPANESE CHIN CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Alana Sharp, 21 Mulcare St, Nar Nar Goon 3812 Ph: 0488 453 148 JAPANESE SPTIZ CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Rebecca Bentley, 5 Sunray Crt, Eltham 3095 Ph: 0433 921 290 KEESHOND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Lyn Rawlings, 29 Shakespere St, Heathcote 3523 Ph: 0478 590 754
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KING CHARLES SPANIEL CLUB VIC INC – Mr Rod Bennetts, PO Box 1102, Waverley Gardens 3170 Ph: 9795 5217 (after 6pm) bovais@net2000. LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Evy Tano, 1039 Pascoe Vale Rd, Jacana 3047 Ph: 0400 608 924 LITTLE LION DOG CLUB INC - Mrs Elizabeth Heck, PO Box391, Wallan3756 Ph: 5783 1698 MALTESE CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Sally Austin, PO Box 6116, West Footscray 3012 Ph: 0400 584 452 MASTIFF CLUB OF VIC INC– Acting Secretary, Mr Paul Simmonds, PO Box 3 Emerald 3782 Ph: 5968 3383 MELBOURNE CHINESE CRESTED DOG SOCIETY INC – Mrs Sue Thompson, 37 Carrington Cres, Carrum Downs 3201 Ph: 0411 129 234 MINIATURE PINSCHER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Lisa Prior, 4 White Street, Longwarry 3816 Ph: 5629 9688 NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Joy Boundy, 11 Benson St, Emerald 3782 Ph: 5968 5929 NON-SPORTING DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Paula Semmel, 11-12 MacKellar Clsoe, Narre Warren North 3804 Ph: 9387 6918 NOVA SCOTIA DUCK TOLLING RETRIEVER CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Joy Allen, PO Box 1173, Thornbury 3071 Ph: 0408 539 117 pjallen1@ OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Denise Findlay, 60 Panoramic Gr, Glen Waverley 3150 Ph: 0417 330 760 deniseolensha@ PAPILLON CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Christina John, 9 Bridgeford Ave, Blackburn North 3130 Ph: 0438 845 039 PEKINGESE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Dannielle Mondon, PO Box 86, Beveridge 3753 Ph: 0416 162 783 POODLE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs JoTurnley, PO Box 686, Richmond 3121 Ph: 9428 6028 0418 380 062 PUG CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Jane Dowdy, 65 Underwoods Lane, Buckley 3240 Ph: 5267 2258 PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Helen Crago, 1990 South Gippsland Hwy, Five Ways 3977 Ph: 5998 2333 helencrago@ RARER BASSET BREEDS CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Heather Notting, 30 Williams Ave, Churchill 3842 Ph: 0408 221 734 heathernotting@ RARER GUNDOG SPANIEL CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Rebecca Valletta, 366 Derrimut Rd, Hoppers Crossing 3029 Ph: 9748 0451 nsd1@ RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF VIC INC – Miss Catherine Glen, 78 Parkhurst Dr, Cranbourne East 3977 Ph: 0409 424 308 ROTTWEILER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Debbie Donald, PO Box 125, Kinglake 3763 Ph: 0412 833 645 SALUKI CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Stephen Wailes, 7 Varsity Walk, Bundoora 3083 Ph: 8457 9778 SAMOYED CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr John Wilders, PO Box 556, Bacchus Marsh 3340 Ph: 0409 549 014 SCHIPPERKE CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Paula Semmel, PO Box 85, Koo Wee Rup 3981 Ph: 9387 6918
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SCHNAUZER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Liz Maclaine, 27-29 Williams Rd, Park Orchards Ph: 9397 1043 SCOTTISH BREEDS DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Judy Haynes, 2 Mayfair Crt, Keysborough 3173 Ph: 9769 0494 SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms tomris Mustafa, PO BOx 6082, Frankston 3199 Ph: 0433 897 009 SHETLAND SHEEPDOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Karen Lishman, 27 Thornton St, Bentleigh East 3165 Ph: 0414 882 568 SHIH TZU CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Marilyn Warren, 5 Watson Close, Hoppers Crossing 3029 Ph: 9748 6753 SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Kylie Venardos, PO Box 137, Box Hill 3128 Ph: 0414 792 829 SOFT COATED WHEATEN TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Carolyn Curnow, 14 Wheatland Cres, Dingley Village 3172 Ph: 9551 2732 SPORTING TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Kerry Hellsten, 13 Hardy Ave, Cannons Creek 3977 Ph: 0432 764 470 STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Penni Harrison, 2 Drum Close, Frankston 3199 Ph: 0488 556 577 TENTERFIELD TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Ian Cooke, PO Box 158, Gunbower 3566 Ph: 0417 527 024 TIBETAN SPANIEL ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA INC – Ms Naomi Liss, 8 Renmark Crt, Vermont South 3133 Ph: 9801 7370 naomil@ TOY DOG CLUB OF VIC INC - Mrs Marilyn Warren, 5 Watson Close,Hoppers Crossing 3029 Ph: 9748 6753 TOY POODLE SOCIETY OF VIC – Mrs Lyn O’Neill, PO Box 17, Wallan 3756 Ph: 5783 1499 UNITED PINSCHER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Jeanette Fenton, PO Box 1373, Horsham 3402 Ph: 0418 384 734 UTILITY DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Arthur Fry, 840 Riddell Rd, Sunbury 3429 Ph: 9740 8788 VARIETIES OF BICHON RELATED BREEDS CLUB OF VIC INC - Miss Charlotte Taylor, 9 Kangaroo Run, Wallan 3756 Ph: 0430 393 488 VICTORIAN GUNDOG CLUB INC – Mrs Rachel Greaves, 114 Shuter Avenue, Greendale 3341 Ph: 5368 7211 VICTORIAN SPITZ BREEDS CLUB INC - Ms Debbie Parker, 19 Terrigal Cres, Kilsyth 3137 Ph: 0419 548 932 WEIMARANER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Michael Yeo, 20 Dunkeith Ave, Jan Juc 3228 Ph: 0422 446 996 WELSH CORGI CLUB OF VIC INC– Ms Sue Hadley, 668 Hendy Main Rd, Moriac 3240 Ph: 0412 098 183 WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Anthony Barrett, 14 Maxwell Crt, Langwarrin 3910 Ph: 0419 394 128 secretary@ WHIPPET ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC – Ms Robynne Spencer, 5 Lamont Ave, The Patch 3792 Ph: 9756 6171
WHITE SWISS SHEPHERD DOG ASSOCIATION OF VIC INC - Mrs Jan Kelly, 1 Roberts St, Burnswick East 3057 PH: 0437 570 650 tgwssdaofvic@ WORKING DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Julie Burnett, 2 Ardwick St, Bentleigh 3204 Ph: 9557 3905
ACTION DOGS VIC INC - Mrs Margaret Widelock, PO Box 202, Warragul 3820 Ph: 0413 107 038 AGILITY DOG CLUB OF VIC INC Ms S a n d y S t o c k m a n , P O B o x 11 4 1 , A l tona Meadows 3028 Ph: 0425 762 434 AWESOME PAWS TRAINING INC - Miss Katie Kisielnicki, 6 Rowan St, Croydon 3136 Ph: 0409 929 887 BAIRNSDALE & DISTRICT DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC – Mrs Heather Butler, PO Box 335, Bairnsdale 3875 Ph: 0429 027 713 BALLAARAT DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC Mrs Pat Fuhrmeister, PO Box 383, Ballarat 3353 Ph: 5334 2750 BENDIGO OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Heather Turpie, PO Box 2396, Mail Centre, Bendigo 3550 Ph: 0497 242 667 BERWICK OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Melissa Scott, PO Box 23, Narre Warren Nth 3804 Ph: 9796 9496 (recorded message) secretary@ BROADMEADOWS OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Sharon Notley, PO Box 3005, Broadmeadows 3047 Ph: 9309 8304 BULLA AGILITY DOGS INC – Mrs Deb Hart, 28 Waterdale Rd, Ivanhoe 3069 Ph: 0404 007 605 CROYDON & DISTRICT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC - Mr Gary McArthur, PO Box 465, Croydon 3136 Ph: 9723 7194 croydondogclub@ DANCES WITH DOGS CLUB OF VIC INC– Mrs Wendy Harrison, PO Box 8008, Carrum Downs 3201 Ph: 9782 1404 EARTHDOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Jan Cooke, 4 Mason Court, Lower Templestowe 3107 Ph: 9850 1495 EASTERN SUBURBS OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB – Ms Andrea Sciberras, 11 Ottawa Ave, Blackburn 3130 Ph: 9877 1528 EAST GIPPSLAND DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB – Mrs Natalie Brown, PO Box 1096, Sale 3850 Ph:0407 842 532 FRANKSTON DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC – Mr Peter Gibson, PO Box 900, Frankston 3199 Ph: 0413 850 102 GEELONG OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Christine Jagtenberg, PO Box 186, Geelong 3220 Ph: 0438 414 917 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF VIC INC – Mrs Melissa Siktars, PO Box 5538, Wantirna South 3152 Ph: 0438 554 776 secretary@ GIPPSLAND OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Miss Jamie Pendle, PO Box 125, Morwell 3840 Ph: 5134 2807 GIPPSLAND RETRIEVING CLUB INC - Mrs Vicki Thomas, PO Box 70, Nar Nar Goon 3812 Ph: 5942 5648 HASTINGS & DIST. OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Christine Lovig, PO Box 444, Hastings 3915 Ph: 0435 436 324 info@hastingsdogclub.
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KEILOR OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING CENTRE INC – Ms Maree Schellekens, PO Box 75, Niddrie 3042 Ph: 0414 700 437 K9 AGILITY CLUB INC - Mrs Julie Chapman, 25 Parkview Dr, Aspendale 3195 Ph: 0416 290 031 KNOX OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mr John Nielsen PO Box 1093, Ferntree Gully 3156 Ph: 9017 5440 LURE RACING CLUB OF VIC INC – Mr Laurie Mackenzie, 37 McWilliam St, Springvale Nth 3171 Ph: 9546 7317 MACEDON RANGES OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Janette Francis, PO Box 143, Gisborne 3437 Ph: 0414 939 164 MELBOURNE & DISTRICT FREESTYLE & HTM (DWD) CLUB – Ms Janette Wilson, 54 Wright St, Middle Park 3206 Ph: 0419 899 119 jwilson@ MELTON DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB INC – Mrs Ainslie Harris, PO Box 2088, Melton South 3338 Ph: 9743 3741 MOORABBIN & DIST. OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING CLUB INC – Ms Christine Cuthbertson, PO Box 1430, Moorabbin 3189 Ph: 9795 4591 MORNINGTON PENINSULA COMMUNITY DOG CLUB – Ms Vivian Albery, 11 Jackson Way, Dromana 3936 Ph: 5981 8230, 0417 124 838 MORNINGTON OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Pam Ford, PO Box 289, Mornington 3931 Ph: 0408 050 617 MOUNTAIN DISTRICT DOG CLUB INC – Miss Ashlee Bowtell Ferntree Gully BC, PO Box 42, Ferntree Gully 3156 Ph: 0421 104 430 info@
MURRAY VALLEY OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC - Mrs G McDermott, PO Box 17, Cardross 3496 Ph: 5025 7337 NORTHCOTE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Elaine Billing, PO Box 5004 Alphington 3078 Ph: 0418 145 656 northcote.odc@optusnet. NORTHERN OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Glenys Barnes, PO Box 98, Moonee Ponds 3039 Ph: 0407 523 741 PENINSULA OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Michele Edward, PO Box 262, Rye 3941 Ph: 0418 301 085 PORTLAND DOG OBEDIENCE CLUB – Miss Anne Sutton PO Box 1203, Portland 3305 Ph: 0481 042 651 SHERBROOKE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mr David Hutson, 10 Romney Way, Clyde North 3978 Ph: 0448 386 181 dhutson@optusnet. SHEPPARTON & DISTRICT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB - Ms Julie Rafferty, PO Box 6230, Shepparton 3632 Ph: 5825 3155 STRATFORD DOG AGILITY CLUB - Mrs Janet Leemon, 73 Wyndham St, Stratford 3862 Ph: 0419 884 871 SOUTHERN OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING CLUB – Mrs Pam Wilkinson, PO Box 99, Springvale 3171 Ph: 9798 3323 SUNBURY & DISTRICT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Leonie Gray, PO Box 461, Sunbury 3429 Ph:8746 9864 TRACKING CLUB OF VIC INC – Ms Anne Smith, 96 Doncaster Rd, Balwyn North 3101 Ph: 9859 5991 VICTORIAN HERDING ASSOCIATION INC – Ms Shelley Donald, 106 Melvins Rd, Riddells Creek 3431
WARRINGAL OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Rochelle Manderson, PO Box 214, Watsonia 3087 Ph: 0438 002 846 WARRNAMBOOL DOG TRAINING SCHOOL INC – Ms Margaret Kenna, PO Box 280, Warrnambool 3280 Ph: 0437 747 794 WERRIBEE OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Ms Noelene Jordan, PO Box 2, Werribee 3030 Ph: 0417 321 757 WESTERN PORT OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB INC – Mrs Melinda Watts, PO Box 8565, Carrum Downs 3201 Ph: 0408 695 262 melinda_564@
Dogs Victoria Vision To be consistently recognised in the community as a professional organisation which manages a vibrant, progressive and responsible purebred canine organisation. To be clearly recognised and respected by state and local governments as the organisation responsible for purebred canine activities in Victoria. Dogs Victoria Mission To sanction dog events and to maintain a registry for purebred dogs and to preserve its integrity. Promoting interest in and sustaining the breeding for type and function of purebred dogs and to take all necessary actions to protect the interest, growth and continuation of the sport of all dogs. Use of the Dogs Victoria logo without written permission from Dogs Victoria is strictly prohibited. The Dogs Victoria logo is a registered trademark of Dogs Victoria and using the logo without permission is a breach of copyright.
DOGS VICTORIA CONTACT DETAILS Patron Peter Hitchener OAM Nine News President Wayne Fleming: 0402 784 848 Vice President Lynne Harwood: 0418 575 709 Management Committee Kylie Gilbert: 0412 853 535 Pauline Grutzner: 0419 513 201 Lou Howlett-Trahar: 0409 195 551 Michael Higgins: 0409 406 240 Wendy Johnson: 0411 462 730 Noeline McIlroy: 5978 7504 Chris Moore: 0428 983 703 Mathew Morse: 0439 368 140 Jan Robinson: 0418 430 775 Julie Wills: 0455 899 689 Staff Numbers Chief Executive Tim Adams: 9788 2510 Executive Assistant to CE Jacinta M Baker: 9788 2510
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Acting Customer Service and Membership Services Team Leader Kestrel Orr 9788 2504 Customer Service Kristy Thompson 9788 2500 Annette Alexander 9788 2501 Registration and Membership Services Georgia Wyers: 9788 2502 Jennifer Govan: 9788 2503 Publications, Events & Communications Manager Janet Davidson: 9788 2505 Website & Social Media Officer Sophia Yena: 9788 2507
Finance Manager Steve Moustos: 9788 2515 Accounts Priscilla Renaud: 9788 2516 Min Zeng: 9788 2517 Compliance Manager Vicky Day: 9788 2508 Compliance Officer Debb Smith: 9788 2512 Field Officers Sylvia Power: 0407 362 319 Neil Stone: 0413 551 695 Library: 9782 2984
Marketing & Events Officer Anna Bisak: 9788 2509
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