The Official Gazette of the Publishers, The Victorian Canine Association Inc. A00223882W Address: 655 Westernport Hwy, Skye 3977, Locked Bag K9, Cranbourne 3977 Office hours: 8.30am - 5pm (Mon-Fri) Telephone: 9788 2500 Fax: 9788 2599 Email: Internet:
FROM THE PRESIDENT WAYNE FLEMING Well done to those who were successful at the Royal Melbourne Show. A big thanks goes to all those members who assisted in manning the Dogs Victoria stand answering questions from the public and promoting purebred dogs and Dogs Victoria, and to the members and their dogs who helped with the meet the breeds session each day. It’s Melbourne Cup time which means a huge amount of shows and fun for all exhibitors over the long weekend culminating in the famous Sunbury Canine Club Championship show on Melbourne Cup Day. I wish all exhibitors good luck! Just think of the organising that went into running the numerous breed specialities, group specialities, all breeds shows, open shows, agility trials and obedience trials. Once again I wish to congratulate all those members who made this weekend possible. Although the new legislation (Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops) Act 2017 is not related to local government planning issues, since the legislation came in there has been a change in Council interpretations of the permit requirements relating to dog breeding. Many members are now
finding that where previously their Council was happy to grant an excess animal permit, they are now requiring a planning permit. The Field Officers are regularly asked for assistance in this area; it is causing concern and difficulties for many members. Dogs Victoria has been communicating with a planning consultant who is an expert in this area with a view to providing advice to members that are finding it necessary to apply for a planning permit. This may include a fact sheet explaining planning permits in general, or a template to assist in lodging permit applications. More information regarding this assistance package will be available as we work through discussions with the consultant. Finally, just an update on filling the Chief Executive position. At the time of writing this article interviews were currently being conducted and hopefully a decision will have been made in time for my next report. Wayne Fleming President
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
SHOW RESULTS WE LSH CORGI CLUB OF VIC TORIA INC 28 JULY 2019 69 T H CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Judge: Ms Christine Sonberg (Norway) Photographer: Diane Baillie
(from left to right) Best in Show Llandaff Kennels’ Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Ch Trehilyn Dances With Dragons (AI) Runner Up in Show Mr R H & Mrs V J Hutton’s Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Supreme Ch Bojojamile Bit Of A Cracker (AI) Baby Puppy in Show Llandaff Kennels’ Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Llandaff I Dream Of Dragons (AI) Puppy in Show Mrs M Price’s Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Pricewey The Furry Fox
OBE DIENCE, TR ACKING & EN DUR ANCE COMMITTE E 4 AUGUST, 2019 2019 STATE R ALLY TRIAL S Judge: Ms Christine Sonberg (Norway) Photographer: Sal Robinson
(from left to right) TRIAL 1 Rally Novice Judge: Mr M Hayes Ms L Hocart’s Associate Pippawhippasnappa ally Advanced A (no image available) R Judge: Mrs L Piper Mr M Scheurer & Ms K L’Hotellier’s Dalmatian Dianon Tim Tam RN Rally Advanced B Judge: Mrs L Piper Ms J Rule’s Border Collie RO Ch Tehya Destinys Dreamer (AI) CD RAE ET Rally Excellent A Judge: Mrs K Houlden Ms D Sherrin’s English Springer Spaniel Sandicam Tick Tock RA ally Excellent B R Judge: Mrs D Ayton Mr A Lockett’s Border Collie Calma Excalibur CD RE Rally Master 1 Judge: Mr F Brueckner Mr W Imfeld’s Border Collie Kirribindi Ko Me Cheeky CD RM JD Rally Master 2 Judge: Mr M Hayes Ms L Powell & Ms M Kawecki’s Dobermann RO Ch Monelite Euphoria CCD TD RAE 2
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
Judge: Ms Christine Sonberg (Norway) Photographer - Sal Robinson
(from left to right) TRIAL 2 Rally Novice Judge: Mrs J Morrison Mrs Kim Elliott-Ball’s Australian Kelpie Beaucedachad Baloo Handler: Miss Emma Ball Rally Advanced A (no image available) Judge: Mr E Howden Mr M Scheurer & Ms K L’Hotellier’s Dalmatian Dianon Tim Tam RN ally Advanced B R Judge: Mr E Howden Mr A Lockett’s Border Collie Calma Excalibur CD RE ally Excellent A R Judge: Mr M Klecka Lindenbrae Kennels’ Border Collie Lindenbrae Tarfin Jazzn Django RA JC Rally Excellent B Judge: Mr M Klecka Mr J Glassborow’s Shetland Sheepdog RO Ch Kilwarrin Make Me Happy CD RAE ally Master 1 (no image available) R Judge: Mr G Eades Mr W Imfeld’s Border Collie Kirribindi Ko Me Cheeky CD RM JD Rally Master 2 - Trial 2 Judge: Mrs J Morrison Mr R Carlson’s Australian Shepherd Tri Ch (T) (RO) Grand Ch Ellagant Great Expectations CDX HT State Rally Champion Mr R Carlson’s Australian Shepherd Tri Ch (T) (RO) Grand Ch Ellagant Great Expectations CDX HT Rally Dog Of The Year Mr R Carlson’s Australian Shepherd Tri Ch (T) (RO) Grand Ch Ellagant Great Expectations CDX HT
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
PERFORMANCE RESULTS OBE DIENCE, TR ACKING & EN DUR ANCE COMMITTE E 3 AUGUST, 2019 2019 STATE OBEDIENCE TRIAL Judge: Ms Christine Sonberg (Norway) Photographer - Sal Robinson
(from left to right) TRIAL 1
Community Companion Dog (no image available) Judge: Mrs. J. Morrison Ms S Robbins’ Rottweiler Vomschatz Chika Boom Novice (no image available) Judge: Mrs R Buckley Mr A Cogdell & Mrs K Cogdell’s German Shepherd Dog Vindel Dancing With Mr D CCD. RE Open 1 (no image available) Judge: Mr G Eades Ms J R Jones’ Australian Shepherd Kinbrace Hit The Target CDX.ET. (Imp NZ) Open 2 (no image available) Judge: Miss M Balaam Mrs L Whiteway’s Australian Shepherd Hotoz Timeless CDX RM JD GD PT
ommunity Companion Dog C Ms S Robbins’ Rottweiler Vomschatz Chika Boom Novice Judge: Mr E Howden Mr A Cogdell & Mrs K Cogdell’s German Shepherd Dog Vindel Dancing With Mr D CCD. RE Open 1 Judge: Mrs. D. Jackson Ms L Johnson’s Poodle Standard Dual. Ch. (O.) O Grand Ch. RO. Ch. Cosalta G’day Roxy UDX TD RAE JDX AD ET Open 2 Judge: Mrs R Buckley Mrs A Rogers’s Shetland Sheepdog RO Ch Tiakina Thats All Jazz CDX
Utility 1 (no image available) Judge: Mrs. D. Jackson Ms J Wilson’s Associate RO.Ch Scarlette UD RAE DWDF.N HTM.A
Utility 1 (no image available) Judge: Mr. G Eades JM Clow & B Clow’s Hungrian Vizsla Magyar Celestial Karma CDX Handler: Roger White
Utility 2 Judge: Mrs D Ayton Ms H Truhlar’s Golden Retriever Fantango Bold Baron CDX. RE. ET
UTILITY 2 Judge: Mr G Parsons Ms J R Jones’ Australian Shepherd Kinbrace Hit The Target CDX.ET. (Imp NZ)
Utility Dog Excellent (no image available) Judge: Mrs. D Ayton K V Bentley’s Border Collie Glentress By My Side UDX
TATE OBEDIENCE TRIAL CHAMPION S Mr A Cogdell & Mrs K Cogdell’s German Shepherd Dog Vindel Dancing With Mr D CCD. RE
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
CLUB REGISTRATION FORM Our annual open day and community event, “Big Day Out for Dogs” is happening on Sunday 8 December at KCC Park. The purpose of our open day is to showcase all that is Dogs Victoria to the general public. This event is a wonderful opportunity to gain exposure and enjoyment for your club, breed, discipline to those who may never have known about it otherwise. The public are invited to attend from 10.30am to 4.00pm. Affiliated clubs are invited to be a part of our Open Day by presenting a club and breed display. If your club would like to offer a fun activity/promotion/fundraiser at your stand, let us know and we may add this to the official “schedule of events” for the day. Please detail below. It is also a wonderful occasion to celebrate the year and festive season with your Club and our dog community and visitors. To register, please complete and return the form below with your nominated contact person for the event. Closing date is Monday 11 November 2019.
Post to: Locked Bag K9, Cranbourne, VIC 3977
Fax to: 9788 2599
Email to:
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
CONFORMATION CORNER WR IT TE N BY: JASON MOOR E Sunbury Weekend November is always a milestone month for us as it brings one of the best Conformation Dog Show weekends that Victoria has to offer – Melbourne Cup weekend. With over 35 Breed Specialty Shows, 4 Group Specialty Shows and 2 All Breeds shows held over 5 days, it attracts many in the dog fraternity from interstate and overseas! It is great that we attract so many exhibitors to this event and share this wonderful weekend with. I hope you all do well, catch up with old friends, make new friends, place a bet on a winning horse, and most of all – enjoy yourselves! It does not matter if you win or lose, your dogs will love you regardless, and you’ll still have a great day out with your friends. Enjoy what we do I am always a believer in enjoy what we do, regardless of the results. It’s the main reason that I attend dog shows with my partner and family each and every weekend. Whilst I always get excited when my dogs do well, it’s the time I spend with them and my family and friends that I enjoy most. I do feel that at times other exhibitors should reflect on that more often. Recently, our Old English Sheepdog Roger had a fantastic win and won Best In Group at the Royal Adelaide Show, and despite this great result I had numerous people tell me what a pity that we didn’t win Best In Show or Runner Up In Show. Ultimately, the best dogs on the day won these two prizes and it doesn’t worry me in the slightest. It’s not every day that your dog wins a Best in Group at a Royal, is it? As I know many would dream to win a Best of Breed, let alone a Best In Group at a Royal! Therefore, enjoy the time and moment you have with your dog, instead of worrying about the next result. Whilst it would be a thrill to win Best in Show at a Royal, I will always cherish what I’ve won and not take it for granted. I’m a firm advocate in the quote that one should ‘focus on the journey, not on the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.’ And whilst I see so many people celebrate a dog becoming a Supreme Champion or winning a number of Best in Shows, don’t forget how important each and every achievement is. Too many times I see too many exhibitors forget about the journey they go on and take their wins for granted. Please do not do this, because as soon as you expect a win, then you’ll never win again. Enjoy the activity of showing as much as the result of it, this mindset should create a more positive environment amongst exhibitors. 6
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
Royal Reflection At the time of writing this edition of conformation corner, we had just finished the Royal Melbourne Show. And firstly and foremostly, I wish to congratulate all of the Committee, Organisers and Volunteers on putting in a great effort. It’s not easy to host a show that goes for 8 days and have over 3000 entries! It was also great to see some new initiative taking place at this year’s show. The closing of the pavilion from 12:30-1pm is an excellent idea and gives exhibitors a break from the constant public. Although, I would have preferred the pavilion to be closed for 1 hour, as the time it took the show officials to remove the public from the pavilion, it was being opened up again. However, it’s great to see Melbourne Royal try new things. Other initiatives included having a live feed on each ring throughout the whole week. Please note, this live feed is not the same as a live stream. Live streams are proper cameras that have commentary (what is seen during general specials day), a live feed on the other hand is a simple camera in a fixed position. It was also great to see prominent Dogs Victoria signage around the rings and pavilion, and also having a manned Dogs Victoria desk during the entire of the Royal. It was a great way to direct the public to join as members of our organisation. However, I do feel whilst the stand was helpful, it would have been more beneficial to be in a more prominent position (ie. near the Plush Puppy stand at the foot of the stairs/ramp). This would make it easier for the public to get to by being in a main thoroughfare. Another idea that I think would be great to implement is to have one- way traffic in the dog pavilion, it would help ease congestion of the crowds and avoid any unnecessary bottlenecks. Although there are countless ideas that people come up with, the organisers are doing their best for us as exhibitors. So well done on another successful Royal Melbourne Show, I look forward to what happens next year. Anyway, thanks once again for reading this month’s article, if you have any similar stories or views to share with me, then I would be more than happy to cover it. Until next time, Jason Moore
SHARE YOUR STORY Have you got a wonder-dog? Has dog sports impacted your life in some way? Is your breed club actively promoting purebred dogs in the community?
If you have a story you would like to share we would love to see it
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
OTEC NOTES WR IT TE N BY: DAWN HOWAR D The Obedience Trial at the Royal Melbourne Show was managed with complete precision by Heather Tilley, Clive Makepeace and their teams. Due to their hard work and persistence the trial is run like clockwork. It is held on the first day of the Royal, so that the grass is pristine, as are the doggy toilet areas. No dogs have been there for 12 months and it does make a huge difference. This year our judge was Kim Houlden from Victoria and she was very well received. The standard of work was the best we have seen for several years with some very high scores and a high pass rate. The eventual winner of the Best in Trial run off was VINDELL DANCING WITH MR D CCD RE owned by Alex & Karen Cogdell, with a beautiful performance in both the class and the final. This dog also did very well at the State Obedience Trial. Special congratulations to a popular team. Another notable achievement recently was the performance of TS CH AG CH 400 T CH PHINEAS FOGG ADM JDM ADO JDO SPDM SDM GDX, owned by Carol Denehey. The dog did a superb effort to track the 1200 metres at night to gain his Track and Search Grand Champion title with an excellent grading. The remarkable part of this dog’s achievement is that he is 15½ years old. Still as fit as a fiddle. This is a busy time, and space does not allow the reporting of all events. By the time you read this article the Spring season of Friends of Obedience will have started, and I hope to see many of you there.
Please note the following: Sadly, there seems to be a growing culture of questioning judges’ decisions across all disciplines in which our members participate. Similar concerns were expressed in relation to conformation in the September Gazette. This is just to remind everyone that we are all bound by the individual Discipline Rules for Obedience, Rally Obedience, Tracking etc, Dogs Victoria regulations and the Code of Conduct for members at Dogs Victoria events. Eg “Anyone taking part in a trial who openly impugns the actions or decisions of the Judge shall render himself liable to be debarred from further participation in the trial and may be ordered from the grounds and further dealt with at the discretion of the Member Body.” DV Regulation Objectionable Behaviour: making loud comments on the decision of a judge is classified as objectionable behaviour 20.7 Code of Conduct by Dogs Victoria Members at Dogs Victoria Events Behaviour not tolerated includes: refusal to accept a judge’s decision by comment on the decision whilst still in the ring or near precincts or refusal to continue to participate whilst still eligible to do so. Happy training and trialling. OTEC Committee Chair: Lynn Klecka / 0418 333 312 Deputy: Ms Melissa Ferabend / 0414 640 402 Dawn Ayton / 0408 375 526 Sue Collier / 0431 270 214 Dawn Howard / 0412 088 055 Noeline McIlroy / 0448 500 21 Sue Murray / after hours 59 987 449
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
AIREDALE TO THE RESCUE WR IT TE N BY: JAN E HARVEY Each month we will be publishing a story from our members detailing how their dogs have helped them in their life. From illness to wonder dogs, we want to share their stories to show how amazing our dogs can be. With another Christmas approaching, Scotsmen look forward to the New Year’s Day celebration of ‘Hogmanay’. For them, a steak pie lunch heralds in Good Luck for the year ahead. This sets the scene for a story about an Airedale pup ‘run on’ for showing, but only had the welfare of his breeder on his mind! This year, an Airedale pup brought Good Luck to Bob and Nessie Brooks whose Clydebrook prefix is well known. They live on a rural property in Georges Creek, 55 odd kilometres east of Wodonga. Good Luck because if had not been for their latest Airedale pup, ‘Ragnar’, Bob may not be still with us!
It was January 1st 2019. Already around 18˚ by 9AM with yet another 40˚day forecast, inside the aircon was blasting full bore. Nessie was busy preparing steak pie for 15 family and friends coming to share the traditional Scotsman’s lunch. Meanwhile Bob was organizing things outside. Or so Nessie thought. By mid-morning, she could see through the kitchen window, Ragnar barking at her. At first, she thought Bob was having a game with the pup. But as she could not see Bob, and the barking was unusually frantic, she went outside to investigate. Bob was nowhere in sight. Still barking, Ragnar ran backwards and forwards between Nessie and Bob who was hidden from view by trees. He had collapsed face down onto the hard ground, so his face was covered in blood. Without Ragnar, Nessie would not have found him so quickly. Nessie struggled unsuccessfully to get poor Bob to his feet. She contacted her adult grandson Mitchell who lives nearby. Together they managed to bring Bob inside out of the heat. It took some 45 long minutes for the ambulance to arrive. Bob was air-lifted to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, suspected of having had a heart attack. He also had facial damage from the fall. It took 3 days for the cardiology people to release him warning it may happen again. Meanwhile, he has Ragnar and Nessie looking after him. Although Bob has little memory of that day, Nessie and her family often think how lucky they were that this pup had the sense to bark until Nessie realized there was a problem. Their friends and family have an IOU for ‘Hogmanay’ steak pie lunch next year on New Year’s Day 2020, where Ragnar will be their guest of honour!
Has Dogs Sports impacted your life for the better? Has your dog done something noteworthy? DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO SUBMIT?
Submit your story to
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
Night of Nights
entries close
FRI 17 jan 2020
Bulla Exhibition Centre Open to any best in show or puppy in show winner at a championship show (including group and breed specialties) held in Victoria 2019
Invitations to qualifiers will be emailed Dog entry $16. Dinner ticket $30 dinner served between 6-8pm
prizes for best dressed male and female Dress Code - Semi Formal Entries open Monday 4 November
Event information available from Anna Bisak 9788 2509 ABISAK@ DOGSVICTORIA.ORG.AU
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
A love story.
Now that the Pet Exchange Register is here, there is information you need to know in order to sell, rehome, buy or adopt a dog or cat: • All advertisements need a microchip number and Pet Exchange Register source number • You can search the source number and check it is valid • You can report advertisements without a source number or microchip number For more information visit: Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne
C ALCIFIC ATION OF THE SUPR ASPINATUS TENDON WR IT TE N BY: D R M IC HAE L B E LL What is it? This is a degenerative condition which affects the muscles of the supraspinatus tendon. It causes mild to moderate lameness of the affected leg which is insidious in origin, and is most commonly seen in medium to large adult dogs. Unlike arthritis the lameness gets worse throughout the day with minimal or moderate exercise. However, when manipulating the shoulder pain is often not detected and the calcium deposit is normally not large enough to feel. When x-raying the calcification is normally only seen on careful scrutiny of a side view x-ray of the shoulder. Often a “skyline” view of the shoulder is required to correctly see the calcification when present. The problem is that presence of calcification can be asymptomatic and because pain is often not detected on flexion or extension of the shoulder, a digression of the calcification causing lameness is often preceptive, other conditions such as biceps tendinitis and chronic congenital joint lesions as a cause of lameness need to be ruled out. The amount of calcification present is not relative to the amount of pain present.
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
How is it treated? The calcification is surgically resected from the supraspinatus tendon. A bandage is then applied in such a way that the wrist is placed in a flexed position for 10 – 12 days. By doing this the dog is prevented from using the leg, hence allowing the tendon to heal. Following this the dog is given limited activity for another 2-3 weeks. Hydrotherapy is not recommended for several months because it may stress the supraspinatus. What are the chances of recovery? So long as the calcification is the cause of the lameness the prognosis for full recovery is excellent. The lameness usually improves within 2-4 weeks with total recovery occurring within 5-8 weeks.
LIBR ARY NOTES WR IT TE N BY: C L AR E HO DG ES The library is currently doing its annual call out for Royal catalogues. Do you have any royal catalogues that need a new home? We are particularly missing catalogues from the last 10 years for most states and we would love any you have. These are bound and then join our collection of research material to enable people to research pedigrees and the like.
The library is also open for OTEC’s FOOs again this season as it has been for a few years and providing members with extra late afternoon hours. We are also pleased to see our trainee instructors using the library. We also have a large selection of books on behaviour, veterinary topics and grooming as well as the more expected items for those who are studying.
We also house a large collection of pedigrees and the old card litter system from the 60’s and 70’s. These items are not for loan but are freely accessible for members.
No matter what species you come from in the animal world, companionship comes in so many forms. This book will warm you heart and hopefully make you think about the joys of unconditional love between animals. Natural enemies in many cases, but friendship comes in numerous configurations and some of the best friendships are created between unlikely acquaintances. There are 43 true stories and photographs in this delightful book, well put together with extraordinary photos. It is now available in the library for borrowing. The library thanks Lynne Aitkin for this donation. Heather Simpson
This book tells the gripping story of how, in early 2007, a few telephone calls about sick cats set off the largest recall of consumer products in U.S. It highlights a problem of glaring gaps in the global oversight of food safety. It is sadly still relevant today, another high graded dog food has been contaminated and sold in Australia. Marion Nestle is Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University. Her research examines scientific, economic, and social influences on food choice and obesity, with an emphasis on the role of food marketing. Makes for very interesting reading about the pet food industry Now available in the library for borrowing. Donated by Raja Lingam. Review by Anne Lenne
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
FRONT COVER ART WORK REQUIREMENTS $346 (193 x 264mm + 5mm bleed)
Covers Inside Front $1085 Inside Back $1085 Outside Back $1085 (193 x 264mm + 5mm bleed)
Please supply the following details that will appear on Page 1. No other details will be accepted.
Full Page - Mono (193 x 264mm + 5mm bleed) Member: $303 Commercial: $760
• Only one image permitted per cover. • Photographer’s name cannot be published on the front cover. • Sponsor’s logos are not permitted on the cover. • Dogs Victoria reserves the right to decide in its absolute discretion to edit and/ or change the image submitted for the front cover.
Half Page - Mono (173 x 120mm) Member: $178.25 Commercial: $545
• Breed of Dog Registered Name of Dog Registered Owner/s of Dog Photographed by (if copywrite needs to be acknowledged).
Quarter Page - Mono (85 x 120mm) Member: $94 Commercial: $325
• Digital Shots: Minimum 274mm high x 203mm wide at 300DPI. • Portrait format ONLY will be accepted for the front cover.
Canine Classifieds - Mono Twelfth Page (56 x 50mm) Commercial $109
• A mple border space around the dog (including left, right and above). • N o person or part of person to be in any part of the photograph (leash is acceptable).
Website rates & Specifications Square (450px x 325px): $55 per month Horizontal Strip (920px x 245px): $75 per month
• Either full body shot or head shot.
Kindly note we require 7 days notice to place an advert on the site.
We accept artwork via email or on disc in the following formats: • High resolution TIFF - all artwork must be 300 dpi. • High resolution PDF - 300dpi. • All artwork to be supplied in CMYK. • In Design document and files - images and fonts MUST be included. on the CD or in a zip/stuffit archive if emailed. • 5mm bleed on all full page artwork. • Artwork charges will apply if completed artwork is not supplied on application.
Charge rate: $70/hour • We don’t accept the following file formats: Excel, Powerpoint, Word, Publisher, CorelDraw, Pagemaker or QuarkXPress. • True type fonts are not accepted.
ADVERTISE IN THE CANINE CL ASSIFIEDS Contact to advertise or for further information.
Dogs Victoria | November 2019
All photos are to be landscape only: • Sponsor’s logos are not to be included in photo. • Photographer’s name is not to be included in photo. • Photos to be 100mm x 75mm with a dpi of 300. • Details of judges, owner, breed, dog’s name, photographer’s name, type of event, number of entries, club name and date of event to be included on CD in word document format. • Dog should take up the majority of the photo, not handler and/or sponsors product.
• CD with photos and word document text should be sent to Dogs Victoria as soon as possible after the event.
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