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Laneway and Carriage Homes
Laneway & Carriage Homes
What’s the Difference?
Laneway and Carriage homes share many similarities in design but can di er in the functionality and purpose of the structure. Both homes are smaller a ordable spaces that are generally built to suit a variety of needs ranging from additional income to a home o ce getaway or downsized space for family and friends . e main di erence between the two formats of housing is how they are orientated on your property.

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Carriage House – Traditionally, a ‘carriage house’ was a building used as a stable, or storage for carriages in 19th Century England. Many of these original buildings have now been converted to provide residential housing with storage or a garage underneath. e newer purpose built Carriage House typically features a single or double garage on the ground oor with living accommodation above.
Laneway House – e term ‘laneway house’ means a form of detached secondary suite that is typically built onto a pre-existing lot, and o en opening onto a back lane. ese homes are usually built on ground level, and would generally be built where typically a garage would be.
In a nutshell – both of these terms are used for a secondary suite on your property, and are primarily only de ned by the location in which they are built. Whether this means a ground level unit installed onto a foundation, a unit craned onto an existing garage or building, or a garage/building that is site built to t the size and layout of your lot. ese designs will provide you with an a ordable, e cient and easy solution to creating additional living space on your property.
For more information on these and other types of Prefab Homes and Auxiliary Dwelling Units on the Sunshine Coast visit EcoFab Modular Homes at WWW.EcoFab.ca or call 604 989-8184 for direct inquiries.