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Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide




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HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT & REMEDIES FOR AUTISM (ASD) Homeopathic Treatment & Remedies for Autism (ASD)

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Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability affecting 1 in 59 children. It is characterized by impairments in: Socialization Communication Behavior Sensory Integration Autism is a complex neurobehavioral condition that includes impairments in social interaction and developmental language and communication skills combined with rigid, repetitive behaviors. Because of the range of symptoms, this condition is now called autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Causes of Autism Honestly, the causes are very difficult to tell. Currently, the exact cause(s) of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is totally unknown. There are many theories that attempt at justifying different causes of ASD. What seems to be accurate is that in a lot of children https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

what should be working in unison within the body is no longer doing so. It’s really complete biological disarray which at times creates an enormous amount of pain. The end result is a block of receptive and expressive cognition generally around the age of one to two and a half. At that point, a state of complete biological disorganization occurs. Contact Me

The reason why people are automatically attracted to diet for autism is because it

provides an instinctual first line of defense. But the fungal matter, bacterial, viral matter and parasites that inhabit our bodies adapt to the diet. That is a concept very few are aware of even though the concept of diet adaptation has been evident for a long time.

There's a large number of children on the spectrum who have no sense of space, no sense of being alive or even recognizing the outside world at large. A lot of parents refer to this problem when speaking about their child as “do I exist or not exist”. Life on the spectrum can seem like a dream with nightmarish spikes. In some cases, it seems like the first breath is taken but almost not experienced. It's just a mechanical thing. Autism can affect the child in such a basic way some don't even want to breastfeed. Much like the first breath, it is a basic function and yet it does not happen or an equally basic function, the child stops eating (more on that later). When it comes to homeopathy discovering the “causes” is not the primary issue which is not to say that we don’t care. OF course, if one day in the future we come to isolate the cause and be able to do something about it, then great. Some people are saying it is environmental, if we find out for sure that burning fuel is major cause of autism.

Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder Typically, individuals living with ASD have deficits in social, emotional, and communication skills. Sometimes they might obsessively repeat certain behaviors or sayings they picked up from books or TV. They tend to get upset at any change in their daily activities, as routine provides a sense of stability to many individuals. People with ASD have different ways of: Learning Playing Socializing Paying attention Understanding the world around them. https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

Signs of ASD are recognizable beginning in early childhood and may increase or decrease with the assistance of support staff and appropriate modifications throughout their school age years.

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Theoretical Causes and Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder There are several theories about what has lead to the steady rise in ASD diagnoses which reached alarming rates around the turn of this century.Some of the factors taking in to consideration include the physiological state of the child’s mother during her

pregnancy, intestinal microbes resulting from increased insecticides in the food chain, reactions to elements contained in immunization vaccinations, genetic predisposition,, and lack of emotional regulation from unstructured or inadequate supports in early development. Though the causes remain a mystery, ASD is typically treated with Anti-Seizure and AntiPsychotic







Speech/Language Classes in elementary school.

Homeopathy Treats the Individual One major difference between the standard treatment of ASD and the homeopathic modality exists in the understanding of disease. Homeopathy has roots. Homeopathy, was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago. It’s based on two theories: Like cures like:the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people Law of minimum:the theory that the smallest dose of medication leads to the greatest effectiveness. Homeopathic treatments derive from plants, minerals, or animals. Homeopathic products are also available such as ointments, gels, creams, and tablets. Remedies are “individualized” leading to different people with the same condition receiving different treatments.Homeopaths have used resonance healing to ease the distressing behaviors associated with ASD by restoring the individual to their synchronized vibration energy. For over 200 years, hundreds of thousands of homeopaths throughout the world have carefully cataloged, and now computerized, the idiosyncratic physical, emotional, and mental symptoms that thousands of substances have caused in healthy people. https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

Homeopathic medicine is completely safe.Centuries of extensive practice, research, and trials have proven the safety of this gentle system of medicine for both people and animals. Unlike some conventional drugs, homeopathic medicines are non-addictive and have no dangerous side-effects. Homeopathy is safe to use for babies, children and

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pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Recommended Games for Children with Autism Sorting and Organizing Games Memory and Matching Games https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

Stacking Objects Stress Balls Tactile Play with Kinetic Sand, Water Tables Diet for Autistic Child

Diet begins with the incremental withdrawal of: Gluten: contained in Wheat, Rye and Barley Casein: found in Dairy Additionally, there are benefits found in:

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1 in 5 children with ASD are on a restrictive diet. It is recommended that an Elimination

Vitamin C Vitamin B6 Omega 3. This is a very common approach parents take to help their children on the spectrum. There are many diets parents chose from for their children. The most common foods removed are dairy, wheat, all gluten foods, corn, sugar, additives, preservatives, dyes, artificial colors, artificial flavorings, and artificial sweeteners. The removal of these foods and others can create an effect but most of the time removing them only has a minimum effect, after some time on the diet it becomes clear that the diet manages symptoms rather than get rid of the condition all together. The reason diets mainly manage the problem is that diets are based on outdated, 1950’s biological ideas. The biological idea is that we are cellularly 100 percent human. It's a very linear, simplistic idea. Let's just say wheat and dairy are removed (GFCF diet) which is the very most common diet for kids on the spectrum. The idea is that the food cause allergic symptoms of various different severity, from chronic diarrhea or constipation to not being able to speak. The problem with this approach is that the body is not 100 percent human. In fact, human cells are really a fraction of all cells in the body. For example, there are nine times more bacterial cells in the body than there are human cells. 100 trillion bacterial cells as opposed to 10 trillions human cells. Although nowadays we talk about the “good” and “bad” bacteria it is not saying much at all, again it is extremely simplistic idea. The reality is far more sophisticated than that. The number problem I see with diets is that all that bacterial matter in our bodies adapts to removal of foods in order to survive. You https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

see, bacteria has as much survival instinct as we do. In fact, it even has a better survival instinct than we do because they can reproduce a lot faster than us. We reproduce about every 25 years, bacteria can reproduce with adaptation within hours. In addition to bacteria, there are very many more viruses in the body than there are bacterial cells, then there is also more fungal matter than bacteria and viruses combined. Contact Me

All three of these communities communicate with each other and of course communicate with human cells as well. On top of this you have also parasites. All of this biological matter communicates by sending chemical messages between each other. And so now

you can begin to understand that diets can only have a limited effect because when you remove an item someday all this matter will have adapted. I'm not saying it's wrong to remove something but to think that you're going to have a long-term effect outside of the rare exception is really wrongheaded. Once you remove a food all of these five components recombine themselves so that they can survive and disease takes over again. This matter is part of health as well as part of disease and disease can “happen” again. It's not going to suddenly vanish. When adaptation to diet happens, generally the doctor will say “well, you know we need to remove corn, you also need to remove eggs,

carbohydrates as a whole to starve the fungal matter somehow and prevent bacterial infections and inflammation”. All this to sustain this idea that cannot work in the long term. Disease is deeper than the level of food. I mean, disease eventually kills us so it is deeper and stronger than food!!! If it were not we could eat ourselves to health (in some “lifestyle” illnesses it is possible) but it is unlikely going to be so in the case of autism. It can have an effect, sometimes but get rid of autism while not impossible as there are some cases that tell us so, it is very unlikely. So not a bad idea but let’s have the correct expectations. The reason diet cannot reverse autism on a systematic basis is not only biochemical. All matter is “held” together within a biological electrical matrix or field. To remove disease we need to access the bioelectrical matrix which is the root or genesis of all diseases. That's what needs to happen and that is where homeopathy operates. Homeopathy changes the bioelectrical field directly. That's why sometimes we see very veryvery quick results because the accuracy of the remedy literally cut the power or the matrix of the disease, that's it. Disease is an electrical field, disease can literally be flicked off. To illustrate this, I like to take an example in the eighteenth century. Back then one needed a lot of candles to light up a room. https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

If somebody at the time said “oh, in a few years, all we will need to light up a room is flip a switch and this tiny little thing made out of the glass will light up the entire room” At the time, people would have thought the person to be crazy. How can you replace 300 candles right, but that is exactly what happened. How can you replace all the supplements or medication with just one tiny homeopathic remedy? Yeah, we can Contact Me

because it is much more efficient to treat in depth than manage all the moving parts at a shallow depth. It is like a whirlpool. It is impossible to get out of it, only by going to the bottom of it can something escape it. Depth in disease is key.

Therefore, there is no specific diet for homeopathy. One can be on any diet,

homeopathic doesn't exclude anything, it's just important to understand why diet has its limits and after an accurate homeopathic remedy, you can get off the diet because now, with the homeopathic remedy creating resonance upon the bioelectric field we are going for total healing not simple management of symptoms. There is one exception to this and that is dairy. if a child really reacts to dairy then it makes sense you remove it completely but for the rest of it, the child should be able to get back on clean foods without causing any problem.

Success Stories Pierre Fontaine claims his most challenging work came by way of treating a 5-year-old boy named John. Originally diagnosed with PDD-NOS, John presented with: • speech and language abnormalities • rigid personality • anxiety • self-injurious behaviors Additionally, the boy’s mother expressed concerns surrounding: • inappropriate touching • jealous outbursts against his older brother • personal hygiene patterns • tendency to connect with objects easier than other people. After successfully diminishing the presence of undesirable behaviors through an understanding of who John is, his mother’s emotional state during pregnancy, behavioral analysis, and two rounds of Hyoscyamus Niger, Pierre Fontaine utilized the therapeutic properties of ApisMellifica. Improvement was evident in the following changes: https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

• Decreased instances of Anxiety, Teeth Grinding, and Obsessive Behaviors • Self-initiated social interactions • Reduced instances of Self-Isolation • Marked ability to achieve a state of Relaxation According to testimonies from John’s mother and several teachers, John is progressing in interactions with his family and peers.

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his abilities to focus on assigned tasks and engage in spontaneous and appropriate social

Autism Success Stories (//homeopathicservices.com/homeopathy-autism-successstories/) Autism Case Study (//homeopathicservices.com/blog/case-study-3years-old-autistic-child-reversed-autism/) What is your question? Your Name (required)

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Autism FAQ's

What's the food or diet for autism? This is a very common approach parents take to help their children on the spectrum. There are many diets parents chose from for their children. The most common foods removed are dairy, wheat, all gluten foods, corn, sugar, additives, preservatives, dyes, artificial colors, artificial flavorings, and artificial sweeteners. The removal of these foods and others can create an effect but most of the time removing them only has a minimum effect, after some time on the diet it becomes clear that the diet manages symptoms rather than get rid of the condition all together. The reason diets mainly manage the problem is that diets are based on outdated, 1950’s biological ideas. The biological idea is that we are cellular 100 percent human. It's a very linear, simplistic idea. Let's just say wheat and dairy are removed (GFCF diet) which is




Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

the very most common diet for kids on the spectrum. The idea is that the food cause allergic symptoms of various different severity, from chronic diarrhea or constipation to not being able to speak. The problem with this approach is that the body is not 100 percent human. In fact, human cells are really a fraction of all cells in the body. For example, there are nine Contact Me

times more bacterial cells in the body than there are human cells. 100 trillion bacterial cells as opposed to 10 trillions human cells. Although now a days we talk about the

“good” and “bad” bacteria it is not saying much at all, again it is extremely simplistic idea. The reality is far more sophisticated than that. The number problem I see with

diets is that all that bacterial matter in our bodies adapts to removal of foods in order to survive. You see, bacteria has as much survival instinct as we do. In fact, it even has a better survival instinct than we do because they can reproduce a lot faster than us. We reproduce about every 25 years, bacteria can reproduce with adaptation within hours. In addition to bacteria, there are very many more viruses in the body than there are bacterial cells, then there is also more fungal matter than bacteria and viruses combined. All three of these communities communicate with each other and of course communicate with human cells as well. On top of this you have also parasites. All of this biological matter communicates by sending chemical messages between each other. And so now you can begin to understand that diets can only have a limited effect because when you remove an item some day all this matter will have adapted. I'm not saying it's wrong to remove something but to think that you're going to have a long-term effect outside of the rare exeption is really wrongheaded. Once you remove a food all of these five components recombine themselves so that they can survive and disease takes over again. This matter is part of health as well as part of disease and disease can “happen” again. It's not going to suddenly vanish. When adaptation to diet happens, generally the doctor will say “well, you know we need to remove corn, you also need to remove eggs, carbohydrates as a whole to starve the fungal matter somehow and prevent bacterial infections and inflamation”. All this to sustain this idea that cannot work in the long term. Disease is deeper than the level of food. I mean, disease eventually kills us so it is deeper and stronger than food!!! If it were not we could eat ourselves to health (in some “lifestyle” illnesses it is possible) but it is unlikely going to be so in the case of autism homeopathy. It can have an effect, sometimes but get rid of autism while not impossible as there are some cases that tell us so, it is very unlikely. So not a bad idea but let’s have the correct expectations. https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

The reason diet cannot reverse autism on a systematic basis is not only biochemical. All matter is “held” together within a biological electrical matrix or field. To remove disease we need to access the bioelectrical matrix which is the root or genesis of all diseases. That's what needs to happen and that is where homeopathy operates. Homeopathy changes the bioelectrical field directly. That's why sometimes we see very very very Contact Me

quick results because the accuracy of the remedy literally cut the power or the matrix of the disease, that's it. Disease is an electrical field, disease can literally be flicked off. To

illustrate this, I like to take an example in the eighteenth century. Back then one needed

a lot of candles to light up a room. If somebody at the time said “oh, in a few years, all we will need to light up a room is flip a switch and this tiny little thing made out of the glass will light up the entire room” At the time, people would have thought the person to be crazy. How can you replace 300 candles right, but that is exactly what happened. How can you replace all the supplements or medication with just one tiny homeopathic

remedy? Yeah, we can because it is much more efficient to treat in depth than manage all the moving parts at a shallow depth. It is like a whirpool. It is impossibleto get out of it, only by going to the bottom of it can something escape it. Depth in disease is key. Therefore, there is no specific diet for homeopathy. One can be on any diet, homeopathic doesn't exclude anything, it's just important to understand why diet has its limits and after an accurate homeopathic remedy, you can get off the diet because now, with the homeopathic remedy creating resonanace upon the bioelectric field we are going for total healing not simple management of symptoms. There is one exeption to this and that is dairy. if a child really reacts to dairy then it makes sense you remove it completely but for the rest of it, the child should be able to get back on clean foods without causing any problem. There are classical homeopathy for autism for being a genetic problem, chemical imbalance, viruses, chemicals, lack of oxygen at birth, environmental factors. What are the causes and factors of autism?

Causes and factors Honestly, the causes are very difficult to tell. Currently, the exact cause(s) of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is totally unknown. There are many theories that attempt at justifying different causes of ASD. What seems to be accurate is that in a lot of children what should be working in unison within the body is no longer doing so. It’s really https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

complete biological disarray which at times creates an enormous amount of pain. The end result is a block of receptive and expressive cognition generally around the age of one to two and a half. At that point, a state of complete biological disorganization occurs. The reason why people are automatically attracted to diet for autism is because it Contact Me

provides an instinctual first line of defense. But the fungal matter, bacterial, viral matter and parasites that inhabit our bodies adapt to the diet. That is a concept very few are aware of even though the concept of diet adaptation has been evident for a long time.

There's a large number of children on the spectrum who have no sense of space, no

sense of being alive or even recognizing the outside world at large. A lot of parents refer to this problem when speaking about their child as “do I exist or not exist”. Life on the spectrum can seem like a dream with nightmarish spikes. In some cases, it seems like the first breath is taken but almost not experienced. It's just a mechanical thing. Autism can affect the child in such a basic way some don't even want to breastfeed. Much like the first breath, it is a basic function and yet it does not happen or an equally basic function, the child stops eating (more on that later). When it comes to homeopathy discovering the “causes” is not the primary issue which is not to say that we don’t care. OF course, if one day in the future we come to isolate the cause and be able to do something about it, then great. Some people are saying it is environmental, if we find out for sure that burning fuel is major cause of autism,

Is autism a genetic disease? Does it start in the womb? Autism varies so much it is literally impossible to tell. As previously mentioned a large number of spectrum cases seems to have a feeding issue from day one, either refusal to breastfeeding or with an extreme reaction to formula in the form of diarrhea, constipation or abdominal cramps aka colics. But autism is a spectrum so the presentation is often very varied. Some children develop 100% normally until the year of two at which point they seem to regress. When I take the detailed history however the notion that all was fine until two is not as common as it appears. For example, a lot of children on the spectrum most commonly have had a lot of ear infections or a lot of




Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

cough, colds, bronchial issues before the age of two. It is not uncommon to hear that the child was affected by vaccines, while I don’t doubt that that can be true, the ear infections and cold are often precursors to regression. I think a lot of autism could be prevented by simply understanding the human body for what it is which is a biological cocktail. The human body is a cocktail of bacterial, fungal, Contact Me

viral, parasite, and human cells. Given the history of autism I think the most minimal

amount of medication given to a child the better the human race will be. Children are over medicated. I see parenting medication when the fever is barely 99. If we look at the figures, you see the introduction of antibiotics and the rise of autism goes hand-in-

hand. Anti-biotin were created on this idea that a human body is 100 percent human. Most people think we are 100 percent human, right? The idea people have in their minds is that some pathogen comes in our pristine body environment, and it creates symptoms that makes us uncomfortable and all we have to do is take an antibiotic that is going to kill that one thing and then the human body is 100 percent human again. It's a complete lie. But that is what most people have in their mind, this image can not be underestimated. That is exactly what most people see, it is a powerful image that creates a deep connection between our psyche and the good folks at the medical establishment. It is like a Rockwell painting. It is an idea but in reality we have no idea what happens in the body when we introduce an anti-bionics in the extremely complex biological soup our bodies are. We are the result of three billions years of evolution. What happens to bacteria, viral and fungal matter in the mouth, in the eyes and the nose, in the heart, in the liver, in the brain, in gut, the spleen etc. all of this we have we don't have a clue. We are owe our lives to what lives inside of us, it keeps us alive. We are a product of evolution, not only simply biological but also bio electrical evolution built upon in layers to gain greater open consciousness. Autism, in my humble view is a disruption of all of that.

What are the remedies to heal autism? This is a great question, a very common question, think you for asking because it goes straight to the point of what homeopathy is, namely an individualized medicine, and what it does, which is healing in the deepest way possible. It's not possible to tell a homeopathic remedies for autism. That is not possible because of individualization of each and every case. Homeopathy is not disease driven but rather patient experience driven. There are homeopathic remedies that can heal autism when https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

properly chosen on an individual basis. We have 8000 homeopathic remedies and all 8000 remedies are a possibility every time I start a case. Taking the case professionally is to analyze the data provided through questions and answers in order to narrow down the possibilities of which remedy is going to have the most resonance in the child. Selection of the right remedy depends upon the patient’s condition and individual Contact Me

symptoms. Every has its characteristics which is how a diagnosis can be pronounced but within the dietetics are individualizing factors. To be effective, to be deeply healing, a homeopathic










The spectrum encompasses a very varied presentation, from a child who didn’t cry at first breath to the child who suddenly appears to be regressing at two years old. Within that breath, all eight thousand remedies are a possibility and that's why extensive experience with autism is crucial. If I said, there are three homeopathic medicine for autism, people would say, “I gave all three and I can say homeopathy doesn’t work”. Well of course !!! I wish it were that easy but autism is complex and it demands, more than anything else experience and professionalism. Thirsty years of experience taught me that there are some categories of remedies, each of which include a few hundreds, that seem to come up more often than others but I never rely on that, that's why the consultation takes three hours. It's in order to thoroughly analyze in order to to achieve a quick change in the child. That's one thing that is really almost incredible about autism and holistic treatment for autism, that is how quick the changes can actually happen with an accurate remedy. I've made many videos on this. How quick change can going to happen in such a deep disease can be mind boggling. So a three-hour process of asking a lot of questions about the child not only about the behavior of the child but even the consciousness of the child (don’t worry I’ve done this for nearly 30 years, I know how to get to it) is crucial. It is not too much time. After the initial consultation, case management is done on a monthly basis at first. Case management follows the development of the child, from regression to full development or growth. The goal is to fully restore spontaneous eye contact, spontaneous interaction and spontaneous speech. This is what I call the three legged stool of autism that must disappear in order tho have full reversal.




Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

What are the unusual symptoms of autism? The first thing to know about autism is that it is an extremely painful disease. I am saying autism is physically painful. It is NOT only a expressive and receptive cognition problem. Often children react very violently to certain foods. Interestingly enough many children on the spectrum actually limit their own diet to one or two foods. It's very Contact Me

common for children on the spectrum to eat just a couple of food. That is because they know they react less. So it's a self-protective mechanism that should do it. Parents want to you know I wish my child had a more varied diet and so on so forth. I understand

that. Autism wrecks havoc in the body. Autism often affect the gastro intestinal system, diarrhea, colic or constipation are frequent issues. The central nervous system, seizures

are common as are migraines or head pains. Also the musculus-skeletal system in the form of low muscle tone which also points to problems of the peripheral nervous system. There are also many censorial problems with smell, hearing, taste, and tactile issues. The immune system is also frequently either hyper (the child never gets sick even in extremely cold temperature) or hypo immune in the form of being sick with colds, ear infection etc. on around the year basis. It appears as if all the systems that compose the body works together in autism at all. The reaction to this often great restlessness and rage. Positive tests for heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, aluminum, to me point to bacterial, viral, fungal and contradistinction. I theorize that that problem is not only a human cell physiological problem as is advanced by ch elation. To me, the rise of, not only heavy metals but also undesirable bacteria, fungal and viral matter as well as parasitic matter points to a lack of evolution in those biological matter. Theory is good but of course reversing autism is what is more important. Homeopathy recovery can achieve that because it goes straight to the experience of the disease which is achieve through resonance upon the body rather than manipulating 100’s of trillions of functions that happen every minute in our body. I never cease to explain that there is the matter of the body such as cells, than form-organs and system as well as bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic matters but all of it is made alive by an bio-electrical matrix that create health or disease. Manipulating matter is in the long term impossible. Homeopathy remedies reach this bio-electric matrix directly and that is why results can




Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

happen so fast and without side effect. It is so wonderful to see, every one who sees it becomes fascinated by it and that is why homeopathy continues to thrive in the face of incredible opposition.

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Classical & Holistic Treatment for Autism

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My 25 years of Experience as an expert of healing autism

My experience with autism treatment is that it's a disease of leaked disorganization in the body because autism affects so many different organ systems in the body. It is a complete disruption according to me. So evidently the central nervous system is affected but not so much physically. You know a lot of children have no muscle tone. It's also a disease. It's also a musculoskeletal disease because a lot of these children have no muscle tone very low muscle tone. In terms of the central nervous system, a lot of children have epilepsy for example or epileptic seizures or seizures. So it's a disease of the central nervous system as well potentially. It is also a disease or a gastrointestinal disease because so much so many children are affected in the gut. It is also an immune system disease because most of these children have repeated ear infection or they get colds twice a month. This an immune deficiency and sometimes does the opposite. Sometimes there is an immune hyper reaction. In terms of reception, it is also a disease of senses the special senses are affected. The child cannot hear certain sounds or acutely hear. That creates pain and discomfort. It's also an emotional disease because they're very aggressive. That's probably well over 50 percent or completely passive a child is supposed to not be happy when another child takes the toy you know it's another junk for them they won't react. So a lot of systems are affected and most of the time it's very rare for an illness to affect so many systems at the same time. That's why I call it a disease of general disorder the body is is in complete disarray for autism not that it seems to me is the one thing I've learned from lists and what most people don't know is that it's a very painful disease. I mean it's physically painful it is also emotionally. It's also a mental illness as well. The worst thing is that the kids are very commonly dictated to do certain things that actually increase the pain. And that's why a lot of children go to therapy particular types of therapy. That forces the child to behave a certain way but because if a child needs to sit down for https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

therapy but then a lot of these children can’t stay in the same position for longer than a few seconds then you have a therapist that goes for an hour. It's extremely disruptive but it's the amount of control a child needs to exercise upon himself or herself.

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This discomfort inside the body that is pulling the child to do other things in order to

relieve pain. I mean these children find a tremendous amount of social pressure but

most children they act on the spectrum actually feel like they should be able to sit you know maybe they understand but they can't. When it's forced upon them with this

enormous physical pain or discomfort they often explain as if ants were crawling all over themselves. That's a quite common sensation. That sensation of ants crawling over yourself you would not supposedly learn how to speak or whatever else they doing in therapy. How can you learn anything when so much disgust is there? Nobody can concentrate. So what you want to do is to run around and show the house monkey jumping up and down on the bed then jump. Most people with children on the spectrum play with trampolines they have little trampolines at home if they have a backyard they have a big trampoline and some children will bounce up and down for literally hours and hours non stop. Whether it's summer or winter I don't think they'll be jumping up and down on that thing because just to basically relieve pain and even after the three hours of constant that the pain is still there. You would hope that it be gone but the pain is still there as soon as they stop. That's why they don't stop. I have treated thousands of patients with only homeopathic remedies without any side effects and naturally in my 25 years of career with a high percentage of success ratio.

Symptoms of Autism The symptoms of autism are so varied but a lot of children hit themselves. A lot of children a fair amount a big percentage of children on the spectrum banging their head against a wall against the floor against something for hours. I remember someone talking to me saying you know we were putting up in bed. They've tried everything they could. And the child is just banging his head against a mattress and they can’t do anything. It's the same thing every single night. They've tried all kinds of medication it doesn't help. I have seen children literally to have completely removed their hairs. Sometimes people shave their heads so that they can’t pull the hair. I've seen kids with diarrhea 20 times a day for two years unbelievable. Children who eat just one food child https://homeopathicservices.com/autism-treatment-checklist/



Autism Treatment & Remedies In Homeopathy - A Complete Guide

who eats the only white food he is not going to eat anything else. It is only white food that is peeled apple a banana a potato only by the fruit that's it. He's going to throw tomatoes and vegetables. What autism does is insane. But a lot can be done about it at the same time. You know another unusual thing is that children on the spectrum very often if they get Contact Me

just a cold and a child could be moderate or be on the spectrum moderately. It doesn't

have too much to me it has some staining. They look at the hand they have excitement

they might have diarrhea sometimes bang their head maybe speak few words “I want

juice that kind of thing”. I mean it's on the spectrum or it can have some social interaction. And then the child gets a cold and all of a sudden he's banging his head all

the 24/7 he can't sleep. I've seen children who can literally not sleep more than half an hour a day. Incredible set of symptoms that’s truly so hard to see. These are the basic and unusual symptoms I have faced and treated thousands of patients in my career and healed autism.








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