Homeopathy and New Homeopathy in the 21st Century

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Homeopathy & New Homeopathy in the 21st Century By Drs. Peter H Kay & Saqib Rashid

Copyright Š Wellness Homeopathy. All rights reserved.

Introduction The German physician Samuel Hahnemann introduced Homeopathy over two hundred years ago. His new approach to healthcare was based on the principle that ill-health could be relieved by the administration of highly diluted substances that, when administered to healthy subjects at either pharmacologically active concentrations or in a highly diluted form, could induce symptoms similar to the disorder being treated. What he did not realize at the time though, was that two centuries later, scientists would discover that his new system had the capacity to relieve suffering by helping parts of the genetic system that fight disease to work better. Over the last two hundred years or so, scientists have learned much more about the workings of the genetic code and the different ways that Homeopathy may work, particularly with respect to gene expression. These recent findings have been used to develop an advanced form of New Homeopathy called Homeovitality so that the community can enjoy the benefits of new scientific healthcare discoveries as they emerge.

How does Homeopathy Work, New Thoughts? The active substances in homeopathic preparations are often so dilute that they do not have any pharmacological activity. So, how do they work? It is thought by many that homeopathic remediation involves a process in which water can be imprinted with the memory of substances that have been dissolved in it in the past. This idea is often put forward to explain why some remedies work when they are so dilute that they do not contain any of the original active substance. Other plausible mechanisms have been proposed.[1] For example, it is thought that some homeopathic remedies may work by a process called hormesis. The hormesis hypothesis states that many chemical and physical agents have the capacity to stimulate biological effects at doses below the toxicity threshold, while causing toxicity at doses above the threshold. This concept is akin to the Arndt-Schulz Law of pharmacology. On the other hand, some homeopathic remedies may in fact work by promoting a pharmacological response. It is important to realize that in the body, some hormones are active at concentrations in the range of 10-6 to 10-18g/ml. This is well within the range of concentrations at which some homeopathic remedies are used, particularly in cases where mother tinctures are used. Kratz[1] also raised the possibility that some homeopathic remedies work by reactivating some of the body's enzyme and endocrine systems by interacting with regulatory and biofeedback mechanisms; again it is possible that some mother tincture homeopathic remedies work in this way.

It is likely that elements of the psychobiological gene expression system[2] also play an important indirect role in the success of homeopathic remediation. For example, it is now well established that thought processes can activate genes that promote health through release of specific neurotransmitters. This is one of the ways by which the practitioner may ease a client's suffering as a consequence of the interview process. It is also recognized that negative thoughts can activate genes that promote ill-health, leading to what are known as psychosomatic illnesses. There is a yet further remarkable mechanistic possibility that is based on the discovery of exciting new properties of DNA and experiences with homeopathic DNA remedies. Firstly, Baldwin and colleagues[3] showed that DNA molecules have remarkable telepathic properties, DNA molecules with the same sequence can communicate with each other. Secondly, Montagnier and his team[4] have shown that mechanically activated DNA molecules emit electromagnetic signals that are recognized by DNA molecules with the same sequence. These newly discovered properties of DNA molecules provide a plausible explanation for the properties of some homeopathic remedies. They have also enabled the development of a new advanced form of New Homeopathic micro-DNA remediation called Homeovitality, discussed in more detail below.

Homeopathy and Gene Expression In the absence of pharmacological intervention, biological changes such as disease remediation and promotion of disease symptoms (as in the proving process) must be driven by activation or deactivation of specific genes that synthesise the proteins (enzymes, hormones and inflammatory mediators, for example) that are needed to bring about those changes. It follows that some highly diluted homeopathic remedies must have the capacity to promote changes in the expression of genes without chemical or pharmacological intervention. Using highly sophisticated molecular biological technologies, Sunila and colleagues[5] have now confirmed that highly diluted substances such as plant and tissue extracts do have the capacity to boost gene expression. They have shown that the tissue extract Carcinosinum can increase expression of the important anti-cancer gene p53 and that extracts of Thuja and Ruta can regulate genetic systems that are involved in slowing down the proliferation or growth of some cancer cells. Similar findings have also been found by Frenkel and colleagues[6] who also demonstrated that, using in vitro molecular biological techniques, homeopathic preparations such ascarcinosinum can induce expression of genes that can slow down the proliferation of breast cancer cells. Surprisingly, the work by Sunila and colleagues[5] also showed that, in vitro, some homeopathic remedies become less effective the more they are diluted and that, as with pharmacologically acting medications, the efficacy of homeopathic remediation may depend on the genetic background of the person being treated.

Safety of Homeopathic Remedies Scientists have now discovered that in humans, there are around 22,000 genes. Many of them cause disease whilst others protect against disease. Some genes have been discovered that help to correct disease and others that make diseases worse. Homeopathic remedies must have the capacity to boost some of the genes that help to correct disease. Homeopathic remedies must also be able to target genes that cause disease or make diseases worse because they can cause symptoms of disease in healthy subjects, the proving process, and aggravations in some patients. Extracts of tissues and plants used to make homeopathic remedies contain many different chemical substances. They are also very likely to include foreign DNA molecules because all plants and animal tissues, from which homeopathic mother tinctures are made, are almost certain to contain DNA and, as indicated below, highly diluted homeopathic DNA molecules can increase the expression of some parts of the genetic system. Therefore, the specificity of homeopathic remedies may be refined and standardized by isolating and testing the effects of each of the different components of a particular remedy such as Carcinosinum or Thuja on diseased and healthy subjects. The most effective components can then be isolated to provide the basis for advanced remedies.

Homeopathic DNA The use of highly diluted DNA is well established in homeopathic practice. It is included in provings and materia medicas such as those compiled by Dr AO Julian and Dr R Murphy. Therefore, it is clear that homeopathic DNA alone can promote expression of human genes that relieve diseases as well as genes that cause disease. Homeopathic DNA however, is derived from various sources, sometimes fish or other species and includes a wide range of DNA molecules with unknown nucleotide sequences that may vary from one manufacturer to another depending on their source of DNA. In an attempt to increase the specificity and safety of gene targeting by highly diluted DNA, Dr Marichal developed a remedial gene targeting system that used only highly diluted pure DNA molecules with defined sequences. They were designed to target immune response genes to help fight infections that were non-responsive to antibiotics and control the infectivity of viruses. His novel New Homeopathic gene targeting system, referred to as Micro-Immunotherapy, proved highly successful.[7] The Homeovitality system is based precisely on the proven principles of Micro-Immunotherapy.

The Homeovitality System In recent years, particularly since completion of the Human Genome Project, as indicated above, scientists have discovered much more about genes that protect against disease and promote and maintain natural super-health and even correct disease. Some genes have also been discovered that are implicated in accelerated ageing, excessive weight gain, impaired memory, reduced IQ and an earlier death if their activity is reduced. Another gene has been shown to help avoid bone fractures, particularly in postmenopausal women by a form of natural super-health. After many years of research, the Homeovitality system was developed by one of us (PHK) to promote health by targeting some of these recently discovered genes that optimize health, protect against disease

and promote natural super-health, so that practitioners could help everyone to enjoy a longer healthier life [see references 8-26, all of which are relevant to the current Homeovitality range]. It now turns out that some of the genes targeted by the Homeovitality system have the potential to reduce susceptibility to, or even correct many serious diseases such as heart disease,[10] rheumatoid arthritis,[12] cancer[13] and diabetes.[21] Homeovitality micro-DNA therapies are not homeopathic because they cannot be subject to the proving process, they do not cause disease symptoms in healthy people because they only target genes that have been shown to support health or correct disease. They are classified as New Homeopathy remedies as described by Dr Marichal.[7] On the other hand, Homeovitality products do obey 'the law of similars' because the DNA molecules contained within each one of them is identical to part of the gene that they have been designed to promote. Their safety is assured because they cannot cause aggravations.

Quality Control In contrast to many homeopathic remedies such as carcinosinum, Homeovitality micro-DNA remedies are quality assured and standardized. To ensure complete reproducibility they contain precise amounts of DNA molecules that have been prepared, purified, quantified and sequenced by Genetic Technologies (GTG), one of Australia's leading and internationally recognized genetics laboratories to verify their structure and purity. In this context they are not sarcodes. Interestingly, according to the renowned homeopath Dr Tinus Smits, different manufacturers’ preparations of the homeopathic remedy carcinosinum, for example may contain extracts from anywhere between 1 and almost 58 different neoplasms.[27] These differences do have a significant impact on the efficacy of each of the different preparations. It would be helpful to the practise if homeopathic remedies such as carcinosinum were subject to more rigorous qualitative and quantitative controls and standardization procedures. With further regard to safety, Homeovitality micro-DNA therapies also have an added advantage because they do not contain mutated DNA or DNA from infectious agents as might be found in nosodes such as carcinosinum.

Specificity Some have asked whether Homeovitality products will recognize their genes because it is often stated that everyone's DNA is different. That is true, but only about 0.1% of total DNA actually differs between people; 99.9% is identical. Homeovitality DNA molecules are designed to target regions of the 99.9% of DNA that is identical between different people. Therefore the gene targeting molecules, which are around 200 base pairs of DNA in length, to ensure precise gene target specificity, have exactly the same sequence as everyone's gene that they are designed to target. In this context they are not sarcodes. Another important consideration is relevant gene target specificity. For example, apart from perhaps around 10% of diseases, the monogenetic disorders, there may be a number of quite different genetically

controlled pathways that lead to the same disease. For example, diabetes may be caused by a lack of insulin or a defect in its receptor on muscle and liver cells. Insulin deficiency may be caused by immunological destruction of the islet cells in the pancreas where insulin is synthesized – an auto-immune process. Alternatively, insulin deficiency may be caused by a synthetic defect in the gene that it is encoded by. In contrast to Homeopathy, the Homeovitality system has the potential to target specific genes that cause each of the very different types of the same disease.

Efficacy Homeovitality products are quite different to homeopathic remedies; they are not used on the basis of information gathered from the process of proving. They are used on the basis of the scientifically proven functions of the genes that they have been designed to target. They are also used in a prophylactic setting and to extend good health. That is why, like most homeopathic remedies, they have not been subjected to trials. The Homeovitality system has proven to be highly successful. Many would attest to their benefits. Testimonials can be found at the Homeovitality Centre for Alternative Innovative Healthcare's website at www.homeovitalitycentre.com.

The Future of Homeovitality and Homeopathy In the years to come, as new information about genes and their potential to promote super-health, improve general health and well-being or treat diseases comes to hand, the most beneficial ones will be incorporated into the Homeovitality range. One of the most exciting future products under development at the moment is being designed to target DEFB1, a gene that Prof. Prado[28] describes as "A restless warrior against allergies, infections and cancer". A new product to target the anti-scarring gene CCN1 is also being developed. CCN1 also has tumour suppressor properties. One of us, SR has previously argued[29] that the term ‘vital force’, coined around two centuries ago by Dr Hahnemann to describe the energy supply needed to support life is in fact the life-supporting bio-energy that is generated by one of the cell's organelles, the mitochondria, through conversion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The Homeovitality Centre is investigating ways to promote the cell's bio-energy or vital force, possibly by targeting genes such as that which encodes the enzyme ATP synthase. With regard to Homeopathy, there are many possibilities ahead. For example, it would be of great interest to determine how homeopathic remedies actually alter gene expression, and with which parts of the epigenetic molecular machinery, the gene regulatory systems, they interact. In this regard, it is likely that different remedies work in quite different ways. In terms of reproducibility, it would be of help to standardize the content of different remedies, particularly nosodes like carcinosinum. As such remedies contain many components, it would be of great benefit to isolate each of the different components and determine the remedial or otherwise properties of each of them individually. In this regard, it would be of great interest to determine whether the remedial properties of animal and plant extracts operate via their DNA content. If so, then many homeopathic remedies may be able to be reduced to a simple Homeovitality micro-DNA therapeutic agent. It may also be possible to reduce the likelihood of aggravations.

The Learning Centre The Homeovitality system is unique in its approach to healthcare. In view of some of the scientific advances described above, of which practitioners and the public are becoming aware, we at the Homeovitality Centre for Alternative Innovative Healthcare have been asked by many to provide an appropriate educational platform. In response, we have developed a unique course suitable for all healthcare practitioners and members of the public for those wish to know what's ahead for them. The Homeovitality Learning Centre has been established to provide this course.

References 1. www.kulisz.com/how%20does%20homeopathy%20work.htm 2. Rossi E. The psychobiology of gene expression. WW Norton & Company, New York. ISBN 0393-70343-6. 2002. 3. Baldwin et al. DNA double helices recognize mutual sequence homology in a protein free environment. J. Phys. Chem. B. 4:112. 2008. 4. Montagnier et al. Electromagnetic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences. Interdiscip. Sci. Comput. Life Sci. DOI:10.1007/s12539-009-0036-7. 2009. 5. Sunila et al. Dynamized preparations in cell culture. Evidence-Based Comp. Alt. Med. 6:257. 2009. 6. Frenkel et al. Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells. Int J Oncol. 36:395. 2010. 7. www.complementary-medicine.com/NewHomeopathy2.htm 8. Matsumura et al. Identification of the human klotho gene and its two transcripts encoding membrane and secreted klotho protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 242:626. 1998. 9. Kuro-o et al. Mutation of the mouse klotho gene leads to a syndrome resembling ageing. Nature. 390:457. 1997. 10. Arking et al. Association between a functional variant of the KLOTHO gene and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, stroke, and longevity. Circ. Res. 96:41. 2005. 11. Rosenblatt & Kuro-O. Klotho, an aging suppressor gene. Horm. Res. 67:191. 2007. 12. Witkowski et al. Klotho- a common link in physiological and rheumatoid arthritis-related aging of human CD4+ lymphocytes. J. Immunol. 178:771. 2007. 13. Wolf et al. Klotho: a tumour suppressor and a modulator of the IGF-1 and FGF pathways in human breast cancer. Oncogene. 27:7094. 2008. 14. Zhao et al. Cloning and sequence analysis of the human SNAP25 cDNA. Gene. 145: 313. 1994. 15. Hou et al. SNAP-25 in hippocampal CA3 region is required for long-term memory formation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 347: 955. 2006. 16. Zhou et al. Structure of the human M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor gene and its promoter. Gene. 271: 87. 2001. 17. Dick et al. Association of CHRM2 with IQ: converging evidence for a gene influencing intelligence. Behav. Genet. 37: 265. 2007. 18. Zhang et al. Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue. Nature. 374: 425. 1994. 19. www.foodnavigator.com/Science-Nutrition/Leptin-replacement-therapy-to-fight-obesity . 20. Blain et al. Serum leptin level is a predictor of bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 87:1030. 2002. 21. Hedbacker et al. Antidiabetic effects of IGFBP2, a leptin regulated gene. Cell Metab.,11:11. 2010. 22. Suh et al. Adipose is a conserved dosage-sensitive antiobesity gene. Cell Metab. 6: 195. 2007. 23. Lai et al. WDTC1, the ortholog of Drosophila adipose gene, associates with human obesity, modulated by MUFA intake. Obesity. 17: 593. 2009. 24. www.dancewithshadows.com/business/pharma/adipose-obesity-gene.asp. 25. Gorn et al. Expression of two human skeletal calcitonin receptor isoforms cloned from a giant cell tumor of bone. J. Clin. Invest. 95: 2680. 1995. 26. Taboulet et al. Calcitonin receptor polymorphism is associated with a decreased fracture risk in post-menopausal women. Hum. Molec. Genet . 7: 2129. 1998. 27. www.tinussmits.com/3861/carcinosinum.aspx 28. Prado. Human -defensin 1: A restless warrior against allergies, infections and cancer. Int. J. Biochem. 42: 800. 2010. 29. http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/vital-force-generation-and-utilisation/

Further Information The Learning Centre's distance learning course is presented in 9 modules; the cost is ÂŁ300 for the 9 modules. A valid email address is required to take part in the course. Participants will undertake one module at a time. After each module, participants will be required to answer some simple multiple choice questions. If the questions are answered satisfactorily, participants will be issued with the next module. There are no time restrictions for completion of each module. Participants who complete the full course will be issued with a Diploma stating that they have achieved a satisfactory understanding of the benefits of and basic principles that underpin the use of New Homeopathic micro-DNA therapy and Homeovitality. They will also be able to use the title NDTP (New Homeopathic micro-DNA Therapy Practitioner). Those who wish to have only a brief introduction to basic chemistry and cell biology will be issued with a Certificate on satisfactory completion of the first 3 modules. They will not, however be permitted to use the title NDTP. For further details please contact the Centre at www.homeovitalitycentre.com

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