From the Principal Senior Tutor’s Report Bursar’s Report
From the Library
2022 News Highlights
So, after being in my role for over a year – one year, three months, and three days to be precise
I finally know everything there is to know about being Homerton’s Principal. Well, no, not quite!
Ido now know what most of the College and University acronyms mean: UTOs (University Teaching Officers), CTOs (College Teaching Officers), COG (College Officers’ Group) and HUS (Homerton Union of Students). I know that all Cambridge University May Balls, including our own, are in fact in June. Equally our Christmas dinner for students is in November. Traditions, eh!
Over the past year I pride myself in knowing the vast majority of first names of our 200+ plus staff, including more than a few other Simons, and I broadly understand the reason for the 18 or so College committees which help keep this wonderful place running. Although I’ve got a feeling that some may merge into others or be dropped completely.
But the real beauty about this role is that it really isn’t a fixed role, it’s ever-changing, and in truth, no one day ever looks the same.
This is a high-pressure job, but I never thought I would love this role so much. I mean, I loved my last high-pressure role as head of Operation
Black Vote, but that was with many more negative challenges, such as dealing with deaths in police custody, school exclusion, and a shocking immigration policy. It’s difficult to love that part of a campaigner’s work.
In contrast, here at Homerton, alongside making sure everything is running smoothly (well, relatively smoothly at least), the greatest part of this job is, in no small measure, to encourage and inspire some of the brightest, most creative and loveliest students on the planet. I also get to listen to and challenge the extremely bright research fellows and ask them about, for example, dark matter and why we should care about it. Or other exciting conversations around outreach, and how we can forge a partnership between Homerton, East London – where we came from 250 years ago –and Homerton, Cambridge. Watch this space.
Part of my role is also to help sew a golden thread between Homerton’s past and present
that helps build a brighter future. For example, this past year I spent two days listening to Homerton alumni, mainly women, about how their lives were transformed here, and how they went on to transform the lives of thousands of the students they taught after leaving Homerton. Many went on to run schools. These are several generations of women who broke glass ceilings wherever they went, and I’m determined to tell their stories not just to empower a new cohort of women today, but also young men too . My default line, here, is to empower this generation to feel they too can change the world in many positive ways, much like these women did.
So, in this role as Principal, you simply can never know everything because there’s so much unexplored, and along with scoping out new and exciting projects, it often feels like every day is a learning day.
I love that! n
s I wrote last year’s report, we were coming up to Christmas 2021 and COVID was beginning to rise exponentially again, ruining many festive plans for a second year. By early in 2022 we were much more back to normal in terms of students in residence, but, looking back at my calendar, I was once again meeting people on Zoom for most of the day, albeit mainly from my office rather than from home.
During Lent we had a number of students personally affected by the invasion of Ukraine, and put into traumatic situations with fear for the safety of loved ones and more practical difficulties of funds frozen or severed communications. Those affected were not all Ukrainian nationals – it was clear that there were also students from the UK and elsewhere with family connections on one or both sides of the conflict, and all we could do was to offer support in any way we could.
In early March the College community was devastated by the tragic death of a much-loved undergraduate, and this event still casts a shadow of sadness over the College, for both staff and students. This was yet another blow to the cohort who arrived in Cambridge in the chaos of teacher assessed grades, and suffered the infamous ‘West House Lockdown’ in 2020.
Our spectacular new dining hall and Buttery were opened for the Easter Term – students quickly colonised the new Buttery as a favourite working space. The focus of the College moved westward with the new buildings, and the Cavendish buildings now seem a bit of a
Abackwater. We are working on repurposing the Great Hall as a venue for performance and social events, and in Michaelmas 2022 the old Buttery was opened as a spacious Junior Common Room and an HQ for HUS – a great success as a low key socialising and study space.
Many exams returned to their pre-pandemic formats in 2022, and on the whole our students did rather well. During the 2021–22 academic year we had around three times as many intermissions as usual, as students struggled with the legacy of fragmented learning and a life that did not measure up to the normal ‘Cambridge Experience’ in so many ways.
The year ended with the fun of May Week, and General Admission (graduation) almost back to normal. During the year there have been several extra ‘catch-up’ Congregations for graduands at every level who missed out during COVID, and these have been much enjoyed.
With all the difficulties society is facing, the university and colleges, Homerton included, are putting much greater stress on the importance of wellbeing. We certainly notice that perfectionism is rife, leading to anxiety and paralysis, and I am often in the slightly odd situation of trying to persuade students to lower their standards. Although we have a strong pastoral structure of the College, and have an excellent and expanded team of undergraduate and postgraduate Tutors, we have also recently appointed a Wellbeing Coordinator, who is already making an impact with her focus on the Wellbeing of both students and staff n
In loving memory of Daniel Fry 2001–2022
his is my first report as Bursar for Homerton’s Annual Review. I joined the College in September 2022 and received the most wonderful welcome. I feel privileged to have joined a company of such warm, friendly and interesting people and I’m enjoying settling in very much.
I’ve had quite a varied career so far. My initial degree was in marine biology and in my
Ttwenties I spent five years living and working in Antarctica with British Antarctic Survey, which coincidentally has its headquarters in Cambridge. My interest in the oceans developed into an interest in conservation, and in 2012 I became Executive Secretary to the International Whaling Commission and then a senior civil servant with the UK government responsible for marine environment. These two roles gave rise to a fascination with diplomacy, collective decision making as well as organizational strategy and finance. I studied for
an MBA during this period and am delighted to now be using those skills at Homerton.
This has been a remarkable year for the College. Perhaps the biggest landmark was the completion of our new dining hall, buttery and servery area in April 2022. The hall is stunning and its architecture a credit to its designers, Feilden Fowles Architects. External commendation has been rapid, with the Hall winning three Wood Awards (for buildings constructed largely from timber), including Gold award for best overall project from over 200 entries. We are entered into other competitions over the coming 12 months so watch this space.
We completed several other construction projects during the year as well. North Wing, with its new state of the art auditorium has been an instant hit for holding seminars and the beautifully appointed bedrooms above are a bonus for conference guests.
Looking ahead, one of the College’s next projects will be to replace the Porters’ Lodge. In May this year, we received full planning permission to proceed with a new construction located between the Mary Allan Building and Hills Road. Using a beautiful and striking design by Alison Brooks Architects, the new Lodge uses a pavilion theme, with design elements drawn from other architectural features on Homerton’s campus. It will provide a welcoming and
functional Porters’ Lodge, and also provide a statement gateway to Homerton’s campus.
From a financial perspective this has been a second difficult year for the college. Governing Body received and approved the accounts on 2 December 2022 and the headline message is an operating deficit of £2.6million. This, in part, reflects another year impacted by Covid as we lost much of the summer 2021 conference trade. We are making great strides in re-building the conference business and bookings for the current Christmas period, as well as summer 2023, are already looking very positive. We continue to maintain a tight control on costs and we are actively investing in our fundraising department. The full annual report and accounts are available on the College’s website.
In closing, I would like to say a huge thank you to Deborah Griffin, Homerton’s Bursar from 2012 to 2022. Deborah oversaw a huge expansion in Homerton’s campus and many of the landmark achievements, including the new Dining Hall, the beautifully refurbished Griffin Bar, the sports grounds and the new student accommodation can all be traced back to Deborah’s drive and determination. Deborah re-joined the College as an Emeritus Fellow and she is spending much of her time driving forward women’s rugby n
fter letting the snow rather than the dust settle at the end of the year, it seems an appropriate time to reflect on 2022 and look forward to new opportunities in 2023.
The start of Michaelmas term saw the library adjusting to the new challenges and opportunities of welcoming students who were unfamiliar with library services and the concept of a friendly library team. As well as online introductions to the library prior to their arrival in Cambridge, in person lectures and subject specific inductions allowed all undergraduate and postgraduate students to recognise members of the library team and the support they could provide as they navigated new library services and facilities. The library team has become well versed in the intricacies of subject specific referencing after handling a constant stream of email enquiries from students. We are so very happy to help!
During October, tours of the University Library were organised in conjunction with the UL Reader Services Team and the Homerton HUS team. These bespoke welcome tours were run for any Homerton student who wanted to venture to the University Library but were anxious about going alone. I am pleased to say that both tours were fully booked, and students spoke highly of the UL staff who answered all their questions and put them at ease. Further tours are planned in Lent term to meet the demand from students.
We gathered at the end of May to say farewell to our Librarian Liz Osman as she began a new role at the University Library, after ten years’ service at Homerton. As the longest serving member of the library team and a well-loved member of staff, the Combination
Aroom was full of Fellows and staff who wanted to wish her well. We are so happy that she has recently been sworn in as an Associate Fellow in recognition of her leadership whilst at Homerton. I feel privileged to have been recruited to the position of Librarian and look forward to taking a more strategic role in the continued provision of excellent user focused library services as well as creation of new opportunities for our special children’s literature collection.
Throughout Michaelmas term, the library team at Homerton College have been encouraging students from the MPhil in Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature to access and handle primary source material from Homerton’s special collection of rare children’s literature. Developed by Homerton Fellow, Professor Zoe Jaques, a new assignment encourages students to explore historical and bibliographical approaches to children’s texts and cultures by visiting and handling historical collections. It is hoped that Homerton’s special collection will play a significant role in their research into the history of children’s literature and childhood.
In October, I held a lecture with the MPhil class to consider practical handling of fragile primary source material and visiting etiquette for research libraries and archives. An assignment-specific calendar was created so that students could book two-hour consultation sessions throughout the term and request material in advance of their visit. At each session, James Brigden, Rare Books Cataloguer, provided invaluable insights into potential areas of investigation, while the whole team has guided students to search the catalogue independently and provided book handling advice.
It has been an exciting opportunity to highlight some of the most exciting areas of our rare book collection. These include international
Victorian chapbooks; and the Lealan Collection of approximately 7,500 boys’ and girls’ annuals from 1845 to the early 2000s. A significant recent acquisition is a rare copy of Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin, a picture book from the early 1980s associated with British LGBTQ+ history. As ever, we are also grateful for our recent donations from alumni who have contributed greatly to the development of our children’s literature collection over the years.
Recently, Homerton College archive has acquired a collection of documents, photographs, memoir albums and a diary that belonged to two former Homerton students, sisters Emma (1900–1902) and Alice Johnson (1909–1911).
Emma, first on the left, is pictured here in 1902 with a group of her close friends – a “College Family”. The second photo was taken forty years later during their reunion. Emma kept a diary in 1902, which begins with her return to Cambridge
after Christmas, feeling “Very Miserable”. The diary gives a brief description of her life as a student: school practice, college dinners in Great Hall, occasional food poisonings, trips to town and visits to the Fitzwilliam Museum and Trinity chapel, writing letters and mending clothes in the evening by candlelight. Emma’s diary gives a strong sense of what the student college life would have been like at the beginning of the 20th century, the importance of close friendships, altogether, not too different to student experience today.
As we look forward to 2023, we are excited at the prospect of welcoming another addition to the team as we will interview for the position of Deputy Librarian. With exam term fast approaching, we look forward to developing our wellbeing and life skills collection with Grace Hernandez, the new Wellbeing Coordinator at Homerton, continuing to place the wellbeing of staff and students as central to our development of new services within the library n
Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen J Toope delivered the fifth annual Kate Pretty Lecture in June, in the Great Hall and to an international online audience.
The lecture honours former Principal Dr Kate Pretty CBE, who was in attendance, and who Professor Toope quoted with some emotion in a reference to “the centuries old process: the transference of wonder into knowledge – and knowledge into wonder.”
In what was his final formal speaking engagement before stepping down at the end of the summer, Professor Toope addressed the subject “University Matters? The University of Cambridge in an increasingly complex world”. He emphasised the University’s focus on an
international outlook, expanding inclusivity and as a beacon for excellence, values which resonate strongly with Homerton’s own.
Professor Toope explored the tumultuous global changes which have taken place in the five years since he took office, acknowledging that: “We are still reeling, collectively, from what I would characterise as truly paradigm-shifting events, the full consequences of which we have yet to understand.”
Against that backdrop, he interrogated what he termed “three other areas of profound and accelerated change over the past five years”: public expectations of universities; the international landscape post-Brexit; and the surrounding culture.
Unpacking the increasing tendency for universities to be expected to deliver ‘value for money’, Professor Toope said:
“Of course students and their families care deeply about post-graduation prospects and opportunities, and it is right that we offer quality
education. But a university education is not a transaction. A university education should be about preparing students for careers, and for contributing to society. A university education should be about students’ engagement with established knowledge and with new ideas. A university education should be an enlarging and enriching experience, an opening of eyes and minds to the world’s complexity, to the world’s beauty, and even to the world’s horrors.”
Reflecting on Cambridge’s global outlook, and the impact of Brexit on Britain’s participation in international research, the Vice-Chancellor said:
“A time of global challenges is not the time to retreat into national pockets of academia. Instead, our universities should be doing what we do best – seeking solutions to vexing problems by working with partners around the globe.”
Professor Toope also examined the effect of what he described as the “explosive” combination of
the growth of identity politics in parallel with the advance of social media.
While Professor Toope did not shy away from the challenges and difficulties faced by Cambridge and the wider academic world over his tenure, he also stated that he was “incredibly gratified” by the achievements of the University over that period, from its response to climate change through the creation of Cambridge Zero, to the significant advances seen in widening access and participation.
Describing himself as “an inveterate optimist... absolutely convinced that our collegiate University is a force for good in this world,” the Vice-Chancellor ended by saying:
“Our collegiate University is always a work in progress – proud of its past but honouring its future. Never perfect, but always susceptible to improvement. Never finished, but always open to evolution. Because the world never stops changing. And as the world changes, so must Cambridge.”
Homerton College celebrated Black History Month in October and played host to the biggest gathering of Black students in the University’s history – over 200 –and brought 80 prominent Black guests from all over the country to meet them.
Co-hosted by Lord Woolley and by Jesse Panda, President of the Cambridge University African Caribbean Society, the event had a long waiting list. The 80 invited guests included Tunde Olanrewaju, UK head of McKinsey plc; Conservative MP Shaun Bailey; Gillian Joseph, Sky News presenter; Wayne Marshall OBE, distinguished organist; Leroy Logan MBE, founder of the Black Police Association; and Diane Abbott MP, who spoke about being told at school that she would “never amount to anything” yet found the courage to apply, successfully, to Cambridge and to go on to be the UK’s first Black woman MP. Guests were treated to a musical performance by a quartet from the all-BME Chineke! Orchestra, whose founder Chi-Chi Nwanoku CBE was in attendance.
Two special awards were presented. Sister Bernadette Chabongora was a Homerton student in the 1980s, and when she came to the College was slightly older than her cohort and already a nun in Holy Orders. She came from Zimbabwe to train as a teacher, and on her return rose both in the teaching profession and in the Church, to become National Chief Examiner and to help lead her convent through Covid-19. Sister Bernadette, tragically, died in May 2022, and her award was collected on her behalf by Sally Hyde Lomax, one of a group of Homertonian friends who had raised funds to support Sister Bernadette’s work. A lifetime achievement award went to Michael Eboda, creator 17 years ago of the Powerlist, which each year recognises 100 Black individuals, prominent in their fields. Presenting the award, Lord Woolley said “As the publisher of the Powerlist, Michael has never appeared in it – but his creation has done more than anything for the visibility of Black excellence in the UK”.
In September Homerton held a Garden Party to say goodbye to Bursar, Deborah Griffin OBE.
In the journey to full College status and beyond, Homerton has been hugely fortunate with its recent bursars, who have turned a financially precarious teacher-training college into a thriving ‘going concern’, in an environment that supports excellence to the standard required of a Cambridge College.
Deborah Griffin came to Homerton in 2012 and dedicated her energies to the College for ten years, retiring in October 2022. A chartered accountant with a background in consultancy and the hospitality industry, she brought to the College many useful skills and in particular was the perfect person to spearhead the vital development of Homerton’s conference business, which has given the College much of its financial flexibility.
In addition to her professional capabilities, Deborah has the word ‘rugby’ running through her like a stick of rock. She was among the organisers
of the first ever women’s World Cup. The year before she joined Homerton she was awarded an OBE for services to women’s rugby, and in 2014 she was the first woman to be elected as a board member of the RFU. She later joined the board of World Rugby, and the month after her retirement
from the College she was inducted into the World Rugby Hall of Fame.
She was steely-eyed in her determination that students should be proud of their College, and let no opportunity go by to improve the facilities students enjoy in their time here.
Alumni coming back to Homerton in the last 20 years will have noticed the furious pace of building work that has accompanied our new status as a full Cambridge College. Even after the Royal Charter of 2010, a long list of new work has been found to be necessary to enable us to fully live up to that status, and the College is deeply indebted to Deborah for leading much of that long building campaign.
The huge residential and commercial development of ‘Homerton Gardens’ (on 3.5 acres of adjacent land purchased by the College) dominated Deborah’s early years at Homerton and brought a revenue stream that enabled future projects. Accommodation at Harrison House (completed in 2006) was insufficient for a growing community of postgraduates, and so Deborah led construction of a new block – twice the size of Harrison House – which became Morley House in 2016. Since then, the College has seldom been without a construction project.
Some are more visible than others: the glorious new Dining Hall and the Griffin Bar in the centre
of the College are hospitable and welcoming spaces, but just as important to the running of the College are the new buildings for the Gardens and Maintenance teams. And some are not visible at all: an array of twelve 150-metre ground-source heat pumps is hidden discreetly under the lawns.
Deborah was adamant that the point of investing in buildings was ultimately to invest in people, and thanks to her energies the College community enjoys many wonderful amenities unknown to the students of ten years ago.
Deborah was a hugely active member of College life, regularly participating in college events. As she leaves Homerton after 10 years of dedicated service, we are deeply grateful for all that she has done for the College.
Homerton College’s Dining Hall, designed by Feilden Fowles and built by Barnes Construction, has triumphed in the 2022 Wood Awards, winning the Gold Award in a field of 200 entrants.
Established in 1971, the Wood Awards is the UK’s premier competition for excellence in architecture and product design in wood. The awards recognise outstanding design, craftsmanship and installation. At the awards ceremony at the Carpenters’ Hall in London on 23 November 2022, the Homerton project won the ‘Education and Public Sector’ building category, and a Structural Award, and went on to win the Gold Award for the competition.
“Elegant and impressive, this dining hall celebrates the integrity and inherent beauty of its materials and craftsmanship, creating a space which is both inspiring and functional for students.” – Wood Awards nomination
Homerton’s dining hall and its associated buttery are bright, airy spaces by day, and transform into a ceremonial setting for formal evening meals. The hall itself uses long sweet chestnut glulam trusses, echoing the hammerbeam ceilings of a traditional hall in a slender and elegant modern form. The trusses are held together by wooden pegs: the compressive strength of these cross-beams is used to transfer the heavy weight of the butterfly roof to the vertical columns each side.
The last Charter Dinner held at Homerton was held literally days before the world locked down in 2020 so it was a pleasure to resume the occasion in the new Dining Hall in June this year. Both Theresa May MP and Diane Abbott MP spoke to a gathering of over 200 guests from Cambridge, the UK and beyond.
Congratulations to Professor Simon Gregory, Homerton Fellow in Clinical Medicine who was awarded an MBE in the 2022 New Year Honours List for services to General Practice. Simon also serves as a Deputy Lieutenant in the county of Northamptonshire.
Earlier this year Homerton became home to 20 students from Kharkiv National Medical University, who were brought to Cambridge for a bespoke programme of clinical placements, to help continue their studies.
While full-time Cambridge medical students were on their summer break, Cambridge University’s School of Clinical Medicine created a seven-week programme for the displaced Ukrainians, focusing on core medicine, surgery and a specialism of the students’ choice. The course included lectures, observation and practical experience and was funded by a very generous anonymous donation.
Homerton College was delighted to be able to support the initiative by providing the students with a home base in Cambridge, giving them accommodation, library access, catering, and a
quiet campus to bond as a group and to meet other Homerton students.
The visiting students were supplied with prepaid cards allowing them to buy their meals in the College dining hall and were accommodated in en-suite student rooms. While the training programme meant they had had a full study timetable, they enjoyed a taste of collegiate life, including two postgraduate Formal Halls attended by students and Fellows.
Their stay at Homerton was organised by Postgraduate Tutor Dr Melanie Keene, who said, “We’ve really enjoyed getting to know our visitors: they’ve been a lively presence in College. They have all relished the opportunities their clinical placements have provided for hands-on medical work, whether on ward rounds, in surgery, and in their various specialities.”
HUS President’s Report
Charter Choir of Homerton College
ent Term 2022 saw the further easing of COVID restrictions, which students embraced with enthusiasm – bringing friends to see Homerton, whether that was in fancy dress at a bop, having a drink in the ever popular Griffin bar, or dressed up at formals. To combat the Week 5 blues, the welfare team organised the universally popular ‘Welfairy’ initiative, reminding our students to check in on friends and do our bit to make the community a more welcoming place. It was this collective spirit that ensured Homerton’s overall performance in the famous Lent term bumps was a resounding success, with W1 going up a place and M1 earning superblades. The club even organised a 150k relay erg to raise over £600 for Streetbite Cambridge in April.
The brand new dining hall opened for service this year and provides a striking modern contrast to our beloved Great Hall. With this new hall, we were able to host formals at an increased capacity whilst still filling the hall with the same old conversations and merriment as before.
Easter term also saw the most ambitious election of a HUS committee so far, with 22 roles to be filled, some highly contested at that. The previous HUS team certainly put on their fair share of events throughout the year, but in Easter term the revival of Sunday Funday events to help alleviate exam stress was down almost entirely to my predecessor Phoebe Hardingham – her effort was highly appreciated by finalists and freshers alike. Of course, no recollection of Easter term is complete without huge congratulations to the May Ball committee, who put together an amazing night of fun, food and frivolity – they
Lshould be very proud of pulling off a successful night, particularly given that most of the committee had never previously attended one.
At the end of the academic year, my fellow finalists and I graduated together and in person in July. To top it all off, the first cohort of Homerton medics finished their clinical years and graduated – we all wish them the best with whatever comes next.
The new academic year has brought its own exciting changes along with our new set of freshers – the HUS office has moved from its old home in the corner of the Cavendish building to a newly built office in the JCR itself, leaving HUS members more accessible and accountable to the students they represent. Even more exciting is the fact that the JCR is now an entirely student focussed space, with events such as ‘baby bops’, open mic nights and seasonal welfare events taking place here. There has even been a new quiet room built into the JCR, allowing students to take breaks from social events without missing out.
Having Simon step into the role of Principal has provided a push for change and growth within the College: most recently Homerton has taken on 5 students for the first Cambridge Foundation Year. Simon’s influence extended even further, with myself and the BME officers helping him organise a spectacular Black History Month dinner hosted at Homerton, for Black students across the University, in October.
Freshers matriculate, finalists graduate, but through it all Homerton remains the same as it was when I arrived in 2017 – a community of friendly, driven individuals striving to make the world a better place, just as they made Homerton home n
Following a successful 21/22 season on the pitch for all of our teams and many Homerton students making their mark in the University football setup, over the summer the decision was made to centralise football at Homerton into a club structure and thus HCAFC was born, enveloping all three mens’ teams and the women and nonbinary squad. There were some bittersweet farewells over the summer as we waved goodbye to the long serving 1s Captain and Vice Joe Lockhart and Fred Sayer and Homerton’s star players in the University teams Louie Roberts and Tatiana Kasujja, Vice-Captains of the Uni Men’s and Women’s teams respectively moved on to pastures new. With the club structure now firmly in place and our newly opened sports pitches the envy of all other colleges, Homerton has everything it needs to stake its place as the college for footballers in Cambridge. May the Griffins keep on soaring.
Following an injury-riddled and subsequently underwhelming 2021/22 campaign, which due to a Lent term resurgence saw us eventually finish third in the Premier Division, the Griffins have started our 2022/23 campaign eager to prove themselves as up there with the very best footballing colleges. Under the new Captain centre back Ben Grischeff, ably deputised by goalscoring sensation Cyprian Kucaj, the Homerton men’s football first team has seen a Michaelmas of both promise and heartbreak in equal abundance. In the Premier Division, the boys find themselves second place with a game in hand, only needing a win by a goal margin of three to see them rise to the summit of the college football pyramid. Boasting an average
goal difference of +5 per game, the trajectory of their league campaign is an exciting one, as they fight towards being the first Homerton team ever to be crowned champions. However, in their Cuppers fixture, played at home in front of a crowd of hundreds and described by many a spectator and player from both sides to have been the highest quality college football game seen for a long time, Homerton fell short to 7-time consecutive winners Fitzwilliam following an unfavourable first round draw. Despite Homerton taking the lead in this largely even affair, Fitz‘s experience ultimately saw them prevail, as they took full advantage of the few chances they had to run out 3–1 winners. Their aspiration for the rest of the season is to win every last fixture they play in, and Michaelmas provided no indication that this isn’t achievable.
The Homerton men’s second team have grown in confidence over the past year, reaching the Shield final in 2022. They were edged 3–2 by Fitzwilliam IIs but it affirmed the Griffins’ intention to fight to become the best second team in Cambridge. The run included a 4–1 success over St Catharine’s, a 7–2 demolition job of Clare II, and a professional 1–0 victory at the high-flying Pembroke II. They also went into the 2021/22 season aiming to stand their ground after being promoted into Division 3 – a league with a significant number of college first teams. The II team secured a seventh-place finish, meaning that only two Colleges – Fitzwilliam and St John’s – had second’s teams higher placed in the Cambridge footballing pyramid. They have taken this successful season in their stride and look to overtake Fitz and John’s this season under the captaincy of goalkeeper Alfie Davis. They re-established their form with an impressive 4–3
win over CCCC, a team who dispatched Homerton 4–1 last year, and only Emmanuel currently have a seconds team above Homerton. A roaring start has also been made to the Shield as they look to win the trophy, following an emphatic 3–0 win over last season’s semi-finalists Jesus IIs. This display of attacking quality, with last season’s star Gregor Fowler combining with new players Tawab Abdul and Andreas Velimachitis to grab the goals, was balanced with defensive resilience in the second half, where Marco Dupuis Rodriguez, Lewis Kelsall, George Akerman, and Jack Deasley maintained the clean sheet.
The Men’s 3rd team (affectionately called the IVs) went into 2022 battling for promotion out of Division 6 – the lowest division in the Cambridge footballing pyramid – for the first time in recent memory. Following a shaky start to the 21/22 season, with a first round Vase exit at the hands of Caius III a particular disappointment, a 5–1 win against Abbey College at the end of November 2021 set the precedent for a winning streak that lasted for an entire calendar year as the IVs won every remaining game of the season to be
Left: Men’s Homerton IIs
Below: Men’s Homerton IVs Promotion from Division 6 to Division 5
promoted out of Division 6 as champions. Now in their second season under Sasha Grantham on the sidelines and Julian Shirnia leading on the pitch, the IVs started their Division 5 campaign with three wins from three, taking to the new league like ducks to water, with fresh talent seamlessly integrated into the squad alongside more experienced heads like the cataclysmic Ben Grassby in midfield, the enigmatic Max Birley at No. 10 and the positively palaeolithic Joe Saxby between the sticks. Unfortunately, the year long winning streak came to an end at the end of Michaelmas as the IVs were finally defeated by Fitzwillilam IIIs. Over the course of the year, the 4s have developed a reputation as Homerton’s equivalent to Barcelona’s famed La Masia academy, with many players such as the Roberto Carlos-esque Lewis Kelsall working their way up to play for the IIs and 1s after honing their craft in the lower divisions. Looking forward, the IVs
are aiming for back-to-back promotions, a strong showing in the Vase, and finding the budget to buy Vice-Captain Julian Shirnia a new pair of boots as his current set are missing soles.
Having competed for the last few seasons as ‘Hemmaton’ – a combined team with Emmanuel College, the decision was made at the beginning of the season to go it alone, and Homerton entered its own Women’s and NB team into Division 2 of the Women’s Premier League. Under the captaincy of star centre-back Molly Carswell, the team got off to a strong start, winning their first ever fixture against an established team and playing only their second match ever against a joint team from the Postgraduate colleges in front of a boisterous home crowd as the undercard to the men’s Homerton-Fitz Cuppers game. Unfortunately, due to player injuries, the women had to concede their own Cuppers game against the same postgraduate opponents. Undeterred by this disappointment, the women move forward into 2023 with talent all over the pitch, with the Blues’ first team keeper Emilia Keavney between the sticks and Kata Csiba and Zuri Lee providing real quality out wide. As one of the only College’s to field their own team – the sky seems to be the limit for what this group of players can achieve.
This term we have seen a high level of participation from returning students and freshers within the club.
For our teams we have had a strong performance from our first and second open teams with both teams being promoted to the next division. Although there has been a lot of effort from the womens team captain to encourage female participation within the league matches they’ve struggled to achieve enough players to compete in matches this term and are currently trying to merge with another College.
The men competed in several competitions this Michaelmas term.
First was the Uni IVs, a 2km knockout competition. M1 IV beat Pembroke M1 in the first round by 2 seconds but then unfortunately lost to Kings in the Quarterfinal.
Secondly was Fairbairns where the M1 VIII placed 28th due to an unlucky situation where the boat behind caught them up which cost them time as they were obliged to move to the side. The M1 IV (comprised of rowers from the VIII who had already raced once that day) placed 8th which was very impressive.
In terms of the Novices it’s been a promising start to the year. NM1 came 3rd in their Queens Ergs division after a really hard fought battle clinching the place by .3 of a second. Unfortunately they were not quite as successful on the water losing both their Emma Sprints races. However they put in an excellent display in Fairbairns, holding off a catching boat the whole way and despite ultimately placing 33rd it was an excellent way to conclude the term.
Both the seniors and the novice rowers have had a successful Michaelmas.
The term started strongly as the novice women (in a mixed team with Hughes Hall) won their division in the rowing machine competition Queens’ Ergs and competed in the finals. They then went on to win two of the four races they competed in in Emma Sprints.
The last event of the term for the women’s crews was the longer-distance race Fairbairns. Both the seniors and the novices competed, with the seniors placing 48th and the novices 26th.
With an almost entirely new first boat and an impressive novice squad, Homerton women’s rowing has had an exciting term n
January – much like the Roman god from whom the month takes its name – is associated with transitions, time, beginnings and endings. Although it tends to be one of the quieter times of year for the Charter Choir (Lent Term usually only begins in the middle of the month), it presents the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months as well as to look ahead to the exciting prospects of the year to come. At the time of my last contribution to the Annual Review, a tour to Northern Italy in the planning and the choir was still singing in a socially-distanced format. However, we reverted to singing in the choir stalls in April 2022, and
having been doing so ever since, despite a recordbreaking choir intake in October; this has led to the biggest Charter Choir on record, with 12 new singers – almost half the total number. The culmination of the term (and the calendar year) was the carol service, attended by students, staff, fellows, and alumni (followed by Christmas Formal Hall, and – for the choir – the ever popular annual wine and cheese party!).
Other highlights have included a visit to Ely Cathedral in February to sing Evensong, and the long-awaited première of Douglas Coombes’s Five Psalms of Praise, written for the Charter Choir on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Homerton’s Royal Charter, but whose performance had to be delayed from 2020 until now.
The much-anticipated tour to Italy, unfortunately, did not take place, but was instead replaced by a six-day-long trip to Gibraltar, speedily organised by our Assistant Organist and Music Administrator, Shanna Hart. This gave rise to two concerts and three church services, television coverage, the discovery of rocks, beaches, caves, and panoramic views, and encounters with macaques and dolphins. We were the recipients of generous hospitality sponsored by a local restaurant, a parent of a choir member, and both the Catholic and Anglican cathedral communities. We also enjoyed an organ recital performed by Shanna along with Homerton Organ
Scholar Lorenzo Bennett and the Director of Music at Gibraltar’s Holy Trinity Cathedral, Michael Stevenson. We were sorry to lose so many graduating choir members, but we wish them well and hope to see them back soon.
Some readers will have seen our Christmas greeting in the form of a performance of Peter Warlock’s Bethlehem Down Plans for next year include a new full-length recording release –watch this space for details! – as well as a tour to Iceland. Alumni and friends are always welcome to any of the Charter Choir’s performances, but are invited especially to our Choral Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral on Monday 19 June 2023 n
In the meantime, please follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/homcharterchoir) or Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/charter_choir), and keep an eye on our website at www.homerton.cam.ac.uk/charterchoir.
r Stephen Burgess is group leader at the MRC Biostatistics Unit and senior scientist in the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit. He was recently granted a Career Development Award by the Wellcome Trust.
The award will enable the continuation of Stephen’s work on methodological development and applied analyses in Mendelian randomization, the use of genetic variation to untangle questions of cause and effect.
Stephen’s proposal is to extend and apply methods for Mendelian randomization beyond answering questions about the validity of risk factors as targets for disease reduction, and towards translational questions about the nature of causal pathways. The aim is to provide focused evidence that can inform policymakers and drug developers to identify the best targets for intervention, the best time to intervene, and who would most benefit from intervention. The work will integrate high-dimensional data from crosssectional studies, as well as longitudinal data on traits that vary over time.
Stephen said: “Healthcare research is intrinsically collaborative in nature, as it straddles natural sciences and social sciences. We rely on insight from both domains: to understand the biological mechanisms to which our findings relate, and how the findings can be applied to improve public health or clinical practice. I am truly thankful to the Wellcome Trust for funding our work, which will provide insights to guide the drug development process. Genetic data have already provided many clues as to why some people are more susceptible to certain diseases than others.
DOur work exploits these findings to highlight risk factors and biological mechanisms that can be altered to reduce disease risk.”
Dr Mesele Araya is a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge –Research for Equitable Access and Learning –REAL CENTER. He has a PhD in Human Capital Development from the University of Bergamo (Italy) and an MSc in Economics from Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia). He carries out research in education and learning with the application of mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative methods) in the Global South. He has also been teaching at Addis Ababa University since 2015. He has published widely on education and learning, poverty and inequality reduction, labour market and skill development. Some of his publications are available at Google Scholar Citations.
Mesele outlines his current research project, Understanding Learning Losses during the Pandemic in Ethiopia: Insights from Cohort Comparison.
This research aims to quantify the learning losses due to school closure from COVID-19 by comparing the learning level differences of two cohorts of grade 4 students who took math test exams before and after the pandemic using data from the RISE Ethiopia Project.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the education sector in unprecedented ways and forced over 1.6 billion students to be out of school within a short period of its occurrence (UNESCO, 2021). Like any other country worldwide, Ethiopia closed schools following the first case in mid-March 2020. The national school closure forced more than 26 million learners
to stay home for almost 31 weeks (UNESCO, 2021), accounting for more than two-thirds of an academic year’s loss. For a significant proportion of Ethiopian pupils, learning during school closures was almost nonexistent despite the government’s efforts to create educational programs via national television and radio stations during the school closures (Kim et al., 2021a). School closures and lack of access to supporting education during this time meant potential learning losses for many pupils, particularly those with limited access to remote education materials. Such school closures are also expected to exacerbate the pre-existing inequalities and capacity deficits to remote learning materials (Angrist et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2021b). Several studies have indicated that COVID-19 has already resulted in learning losses in many countries, especially among the poorest and most disadvantaged groups, due to limited access to educational materials at home. A study in Indonesia indicates that pupils have already lost 11 points on the PISA reading scale due to the four-month school closure period from March to July 2020 (Yarrow, Masood & Afkar, 2020). Grade 4 pupils in South Africa also experienced losses of between 62 and 81 per cent of a year of Learning (Ardington et al., 2021), while pupils in the UK lost a third of their expected learning during the COVID-19 school closures (Major, Eyles & Machin, 2021). Similar to these countries, it is expected that the school closure in Ethiopia might result in learning losses and challenges for pupils to catch up, particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, when schools reopened in October 2020. Besides staying out of school for 31 weeks, pupils were also allowed to promote automatically to the next grade level with only 45 days of catch-up classes (MoE, 2020). For example, those attending Grade 3 before the pandemic were automatically promoted to Grade 4 after school reopened in October 2020. Yet, there are limited studies presenting results for gains in learning and progress over the school year after schools reopened in Ethiopia.
Dr Amelia Drew, Junior Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences, published papers on cosmic strings and numerical relativity in Physical Review D and Classical Quantum Gravity. She delivered research seminars at, and visited, the University of Helsinki, the Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie, l’Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris and the University of Oxford (remote), and attended conferences in Jena, Paris and Braga. She received an honourable mention for the GWIC-Bracchini Thesis Prize. She organised and chaired the event, ‘Diversity in DAMTP,’ showcasing research from women and non-binary researchers in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and produced a video on `Mathematics – Evolution of Computing: “The Future of Computers”’ for British Science Week 2022. She also hosted a meeting of the GRChombo coding collaboration in Cambridge.
Homerton and THIS Institute Junior Research Fellow
Dr Peter Hartley works as a Clinical Academic Physiotherapist in stroke rehabilitation at Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
His clinical research focuses on improving rehabilitation outcomes for older adults, and adults who have had a stroke, and on understanding and changing physical activity behaviour of patients in hospital.
In 2022 Peter received an NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award hosted by THIS Institute, which he will use to study the development, evaluation and adoption of complex health interventions.
As a visiting researcher at Trinity College Dublin, his other research is concerned with
understanding the longitudinal trajectories and determinants of physical health in older adults.
Homerton Research
Associate Dr Dmitrii Sergeev, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie
Individual European Fellow at the Faculty of Education, has completed the first stage of his two-year project on ‘Evolving Attitude Toward Single Motherhood in the UK and Russia’. The findings of this stage were discussed at “White Ink, Red Flag” SEEMS (Slavic and Eastern European Maternal Studies) Symposium at the University of Exeter and online “Fostering Dialogue, Teaching Children’s Literature at University” Conference at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Linked to this, Dmitrii published an article on cultural code of single motherhood in post-war Russia in the November issue of Slavonica Journal. He also gave a series of talks and presentations at the Centre for Research in Children’s Literature and Knowledge, Power, and Politics research group at the Faculty of Education.
Dr Priscilla Day-Walsh is a Next Generation Fellow at the Centre for Trophoblast Research working in the Departments of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Dr Day-Walsh’s key research interests are in understanding how the human gut microbiome can be utilised as a novel tool for predicting, preventing and treating pregnancy complications and their associated morbidities and mortalities. In particular Dr Day-Walsh’s research aims to provide a mechanistic understanding of how the maternal gut microbiota affect maternalplacental-fetal physiology and the impact this has on pregnancy outcomes and health across the life-span.
Dr Day-Walsh believes that understanding the microbiome is key to overcoming some of global medical challenges such as antibiotic resistance, communicable and non-communicable diseases. To this end she has been instrumental in developing methodological approaches for investigating and analysing microbial metabolites in biological samples.
Her PhD at the University of Southampton which was funded by The Gerald Kerkut Charitable Trust provided mechanisms of nutrient transport and metabolism across the human placenta and the impact of maternal factors such as body composition and smoking on placental nutrient transport and metabolism.
Dr Day-Walsh is a Visiting Research Scientist at the Quadram Institute where she also co-founded the Quadram Institute’s Postdoctoral Society (QIPs) and the Norwich Research Park African Initiative. Dr Day-Walsh is also a member of the Cambridge Reproduction Society, Physiological Society, Cambridge Metabolic Networking and the European Atherosclerosis Society n
This academic year I have had the pleasure of continuing the College’s relationship with the Department of Art Education in Palacky University, Olomouc. This beautiful baroque institution in the east of the Czech Republic has been a regular port of call for academic and social engagement since my first visit back in the Spring of 2014.
This year I have had two visits. The first in August saw me working with art education undergraduates in the gallery spaces of the Olomouc Museum of Modern Art. Modelling engagement strategies aimed at developing young
learners’ visual literacy, the photograph shows me discussing a work by Czech post-modernist painter Jap Stam with a group of students.
In December, I returned to present a paper at the Culture, Art and Education conference to an international audience of delegates. Based on some recent work on how we can develop children’s understanding of women’s place in Georgian England through interrogating the portraits of Thomas Gainsborough, the paper considered the wider issue of explicit and implicit misogyny in the Western art canon. Exploring how working with paintings can lead
young learners towards a clearer understanding of women’s place in society through their representation in visual art throughout the last eight hundred years. Many of the paintings in the Fitzwilliam Museum collection provide compelling evidence of the patriarchal presentation of women, from the obvious male gaze nudes of Titian to the more subtle but equally damaging representation of women in family portraits and other domestic scenarios.
The second symposium was in the Flemish city of Ghent. The two-day conference focused on the newly restored Lam Gods (the Ghent Altarpiece) by the Van Eyck brothers. It is a remarkable multipaneled polyptych that now restored is a vison to behold. The central panel depicts the moment in the book of Revelation 21–22 when all the great and the good enter the New Jerusalem which represents the most complete explanation available to Christians of what heaven will be like.
From all four corners of the central panel come humanity: groups of martyrs – both male and female, saints, Old Testament patriarchs, pious pagans, apostles and popes. They all process towards the Eucharistic Lamb, who stands on the altar at the centre of the image. Everything is depicted in meticulous detail and thanks to the restoration process this is a great enhancement on what it looked like before.
Meanwhile, I have continued with my work in the galleries of the Fitzwilliam Museum back here in Cambridge. Weekly sessions in the study room perusing the archive folders of the paintings in the gallery inform the expanding selection of works I can draw upon for my art-historical tours. I should add that I am always happy to guide any Fellows, Staff, Retired Members and Alumni who happen to be interested and they simply need to make contact with me at ps233@cam.ac.uk n
It always astonishes me how beautifully the Charter Choir sing at our annual Alumni Reunions in September, when they are always meeting and performing together for the very first time. It’s a reminder that our community refreshes and replenishes itself constantly, and that the institution we call Homerton (displaying the paradox variously known as Theseus’s Ship, the Philosopher’s Axe, or Rodney’s Brush) is never and yet always the same.
This September we welcomed nearly 200 alumni back – some for the first time ever, and all for the first time since the pandemic scuppered normal operations. We were treated to a poetry
workshop, tours of rooms and gardens, and a showing of what we really must stop calling the Lost Film, along with a panel discussion on ethnic diversity in the student body, chaired by the Principal with our wonderful alumni Beverley Cowan (1974) and Ali Azeem (2002) and our current student Afope Ogunremi. After two ‘virtual’ years, it was terrific to see people in three dimensions again.
We hosted a mini-reunion too for the 40th Anniversary cohort. This group is something of a miracle of self-organisation – a kernel of friends who initially rallied together to support their contemporary, Sister Bernadette Chabongora, and who ended up (through the magic of wordof-mouth and word-of-WhatsApp) rebuilding almost their entire year group. In July 53 of them
descended on Homerton and were among the first to eat in our new Dining Hall.
Dedicated readers of the Annual Review will know of Sister Bernadette already – a remarkable nun, teacher and mathematician who led her convent and school in Zimbabwe through Covid, before her untimely death this year. An obituary appears on page 92. Her name was on our lips too in November, when Homerton hosted a colossal dinner for Black History Month (see cover), and she received a posthumous award
from the College, collected by her friend Sally Hyde Lomax (1981).
It was a mammoth year too for MA graduations, as we welcomed back 257 young alumni over three separate graduation ceremonies, catching up (almost) on the Covid backlog. It was heartwarming to see so many back in College for the first time since graduation.
Bringing together themes of academic excellence, our alumni community and contribution to society, we were thrilled and
grateful to Dr Erica Hirsch (1965) for a superb and generous donation which will be deployed to support a PhD student in science and education – two intersecting topics which help our society to function, and right in the sweet spot for Homerton’s expertise.
Finally – DRAMA! This is not so much looking back to 2022, but a call out to all alumni who were involved in drama at Cambridge: whether in Homerton or in town, whether as an actor or behind the scenes, whether as part of a BEd or simply as part of what doctors call a balanced lifestyle. We have so much strength in our alumni base in this area, we are keen to make sure we have decent records.
Every good wish to all 19,958 of you for 2023 and beyond! n
The Principal, Fellows, students and staff of Homerton College wish to thank alumni and friends who have generously made donations to the College in 2022. Every effort has been made to ensure that the list is accurate; do contact us if you believe we have made an omission.
Key: (d)* = deceased
1943 Mrs Kathleen Hayward*
1944 Miss Margaret Rishbeth
1948 Professor Joan Chandler
Mrs Irene Cole
Mrs Brenda Elliott
Miss Elizabeth Rainsbury
1949 Mrs Wendy Cannon
Mrs Mary Dowse
Mrs Coral Harrow
1952 Mrs Shirley Haslam
1953 Mrs Pamela Cooksey
Dr Alison Littlefair
Mrs Penny Marshall
Mrs Elizabeth Tunnicliffe
1954 Mrs Pauline Curtis
Mrs Sheila Mackenzie
Mrs Ruth Orr
Mrs Sheila Pearce
Mr Peter Petrie in memory of Mrs Hefina Petrie
1955 Mrs Gwenda Ackroyd
Mrs Maureen Champion
Mrs Christine Grainge
Mrs Gillian Hewin
Mrs Doreen Hobbs
Mrs Rachel Lewington
Mrs Wendy Oakley
1956 Mrs Elizabeth Benning
Mrs Julia Davis
Mrs Marguerite and Mr Norman Donkin
Mr Gordon Gaddes in memory of Mrs Pamela Gaddes
Mrs Alice Severs
1957 Miss Freda Crispin
Mrs Gillian Figures
Mrs Shena Jones
Mrs Christine Lincoln
Mrs Josephine Sutton
Mrs Rosemary Viner
1958 Mrs Christine Carne
Mrs Carole Evans
Mrs Diana Hadaway
Mrs Jill Hicks
Mrs Vivien Ivell
Mrs Beryl Izzard
Mrs Wanda Kielbinska
Mrs Rachel Macdonald
Mrs Judy Manson
Mrs Beatrice Pryce
Mrs Patricia Stott
1959 Mrs Dora Beeteson
Mrs Ann Hardie
Mrs Ruth Jerram
Mrs Val Johnson
Mrs Diana Lucas
Mrs Annmarie Mackay
Mrs Rosemary Rees
Miss Gill Rogers
1960 Mrs Kate Abbott
Mrs Rosemary Allan
Dr J. Norman Bardsley in memory of Mrs Jacqueline Bardsley
Mrs Patsy and Mr John Blythe
Mrs Jean Clarke
Mrs Sue Dickinson
Mrs Jenifer Freeman
Mrs Rosemary Hill
Mrs Jennifer McKay
Mrs Jacqueline Swegen
Mrs Janet Valentine
1961 Mrs Jan Campbell
Mrs Marilyn Clare
Mrs Anne Hulse
Mrs Joy Kohn
Mrs Susan Lovett
Mrs Sue McFarland
Mrs Caroline Sykes
Mrs Jean Thorman
1962 Mrs Adrianne Ashcroft
Mrs Carol Bowen
Mrs Diana Dalton
Mrs Lynn Dowson
Mrs Marion Foley
Mrs Carole Girdler
Mrs Carole Nolan
Mrs Gwendolyn Williams
1963 Mrs Andrea Caish
The Revd Dr Anthea Cannell
Mrs Christine Macpherson
Mrs Janet Mayo
Mrs Kate Ryder
1964 Mrs Maggie Meredith
Mrs Dorothy Nicholls
Mrs Sue Rescorla
Ms Marjorie Thorley
Mrs Jane Woodford
1965 Mrs Bryony Carter
Mrs Wendy Dunnett
Mrs Annie Illingworth
Lady Ann Ricketts
Mrs Jill Russell
Mrs Sue Pinner
Mrs Cheryl Trafford
Mrs Janet Webb
Mrs Dilys West
1966 Mrs Wendy Farmer
Lady (Marilyn) Fersht
Mrs Margaret Funnell
Mrs Judy Martin-Jenkins
Mrs Judith Queripel
Mrs Margaret Robbie
Miss Lorraine Welch
Mrs Linda West
Mrs Jan Wilkinson
1967 Mrs Marjorie Caie
Mrs Miriam France
Mrs Avril Growcott
Mrs Marion Pogson
Mrs Anne Rogers
Mrs Pat Saxton
Mrs Netti Smallbone
1968 Mrs Kathy Down
Mrs Lesley Marriott
Dr Anne Martin
Mrs Robyn Mitchell
Mrs Lynne Parsons
Mrs Pemma SpencerChapman
Mrs Alison Syner
1969 Mrs Patricia Colyer
Mrs Tricia Coombes
Dr Joan Fraser
Dr Vicky McNeile
Ms Anne Reyersbach
Ms Hilary Stokes
Mrs Sarah Taylor
1970 Mrs Jean Addison-Fitch
Mrs Patrica Bradley
Ms Fiona Cook
The Revd Claire Heald
Dr Roz Sendorek
Mrs Denise Shakespeare
Mrs Sue Smith
Mrs Helen Wood
Mrs Mary Wyatt
1971 Mrs Patty Darke
Mrs Denise Few
Mrs Mary McCosh
Mrs Anne Moller
Mrs Helen Sandle-Baker
Mrs Mal Reid
1972 Mrs Ros Allwood
Ms Catherine Beavis
Mrs Sarah Flynn
Mrs Margaret Howell
Ms Anne Kennedy
Ms Jane Lewin Smith
Mrs Helen Malcolm
Mrs Caroline Melrose
Mrs Valerie Mills
Mrs Penny Riley
Mrs Annie Ryder
Mrs Angela Swindell
Mrs Marilyn Thomas
Mrs Maureen Weston
1973 Miss Stephanie Beardsworth
Mrs Sheila Martin
Mrs Dilys Murch
Mrs Heather Wilkinson
1974 Dr Jane Clements
Mrs Elizabeth Rose
1975 Mrs Alyson Baker
Mrs Helen McRoberts
1976 Mrs Judy Clarke
Mrs Joan Gibson
Ms Jill Grimshaw
Miss Amanda James
Mrs Ann Kirkby
Mrs Ann Muston
Mrs Jo Newman
Mrs Sue Rodford
Mrs Vera Sklaar
Mrs Zena Tinsley
1977 Miss Sheila Berry
Mrs Jane Bishop
Mrs Lalli Draper
Ms Jane Edwards
Mrs Ann Jackman
Ms Clare KenistonCooper
Mrs Helen Mitchell
Mrs Louise Mursell
Mrs Clare Myers
Mrs Jane Pearson
Mrs Lesley Thomas
1978 Mrs Vicki Addey
Mrs Marianne Billitt
Mrs Ruth Briant
Mrs Sandra Burmicz
Mrs Annette Cameron
Mrs Clare Danielian
Mrs Dee Davey
Mrs Caroline Hanton
Mrs Mary Powles
1979 Mrs Oyinkan Ade-Ajayi
Mrs Leonie Hyde
Mrs Brenda Thompson
Mrs Angela Wimbush
1980 Ms Jackie Blackmore
Mrs Rachel Bond
Ms Victoria Brahm
Mrs Jo Broughton
Mr Ian Copeland
Mrs Sarah Holmes
Mr John Turner
1981 Miss Anna Chapple Professor Greg Clark
Mrs Cordelia Myers
Mrs Sarah Palmer
Mr Chris Tottman
1982 Mr Mark Hanley-Browne
Mrs Catherin Hicks
Mr Brian Howarth
1983 Mrs Theresa Atal
Mrs Alison Brinklow
Ms Liz Clifford
Mr Jeremy Crook
Mrs Susan Hill
Mrs Karen Miranthis
Mrs Frances Surridge
Ms Sara Wolfson
1984 Ms Gek-Ling Lee
Ms Alison Mesher
Mr Peter Ventrella
1985 Dr Kirsty Byrne
Mrs Karen Coombs
Mrs Sally Jaspars
Ms Emma Rawson
Mrs Anna Williams
1986 Mrs Keren Cooke
Ms Nansi Ellis
Ms Cathy Graham
Miss Samantha Taylor
Mrs Yvonne Wiggall
1987 Mrs Kim Chaplin
Mrs Michaela Khatib
Mrs Keeley Rayner
1988 Mrs Tamsin Austoni
Mr Phil Coldicott
Mrs Katie Mayne
Mrs Sarah McWhinnie
Ms Phillipa Rushby
Mr Giles Storch
Miss Jen Svrcek
Miss Samantha Taylor
Mr James Thomson
1989 Mr Tarquin Bennett-Coles
Miss Lucy Bradley
Dr John Dodsworth
Mrs Helen Duffy
Mr Carl Howarth
Mrs Charlotte Irving
Mrs Penny Lee
Mr Simon Ray
The Revd Wendy Wale
1990 Mrs Naomi Baynes
Mrs Karen George
Mrs Fiona Gruneberg
Mr Ian Hodgson
Mrs Sharon Holloway
Dr Susi Pinkus
Dr Helen Price
1991 Mrs Joy Bensley
Mr David Chapman
Miss Claire Corkran
Miss Helen Diggle
Ms Fran Harrison
Mrs Elizabeth Sartain
Miss Lisa Tiplady
1992 Mrs Claire Brooks
Dr Simon Camby
Mrs Sarah Haines
Mrs Diane Rawlins
1993 Dr Steven Chapman
Mrs Helen Morgan
1994 Mrs Siobhan and Mr Adrian Cassidy
Mrs Jenni Trafford
Mrs Torie True
1995 Mrs Carol Carlsson
Ms Sally Overy
Mr Mark Thomas
Miss Cornelia Swain
1996 Ms Nicola Abery
Mr Ian Bettison
Mr Ian Frith
Mrs Audrey Hinnells
Mrs Victoria McLafferty
Mr Christopher Shephard
Mrs Louise Tomlinson
Mr Martin Wigg
1997 Mr Matt Buck
Ms Sadeka Choudhuri
Ms Jo Cullen
Mrs Lindsey Davey
Miss Emily Jones
Mrs Amy McDonnell
Mrs Barbara Sims
1998 Miss Rebecca Bauckham
Mr Alastair Chipp
Mrs Victoria Harvey
Mrs Emma Holt
Mrs Daisy LewisGuinness
Mr John Moore
1999 Mrs Dawn Alderson
Mrs Julie Dear
Dr Neil Hennessy
Mr Paul Jones
Mrs Susan Lyons
Mrs Denise Mieszkowski
Mrs Laura Penrose
Dr Louisa Tipler
Mrs Zoe Yeomans
2000 Mrs Sue Aldred
Ms Dora Callington
Mrs Angela Clark
Miss Martha Court
Mr Richard De Orfe
Mrs Abby Deeks
Dr Rekha Elaswarapu
Dr Tom Kitchen
Mrs Annabelle Payne
Mrs Cheryl Smith
2001 Mr Laurence Ball
Miss Emma Cosby
Mrs Lesley Crooks
Miss Lidia Fesshazion
Mr James Frecknall
Mrs Catherine Kitchen
Mrs Nadine Lloyd
Mr Richard Marshall
Mrs Kimberley Rayson
Mr Jonathan Ross
Mrs Sarah South
Mrs Sandra Stapleton
Mrs Mandy WarnerBradshaw
2002 Mr Chris Adams
Mr Ali Azeem
Mrs Katy Coles
Dr James Croft
Mr Sam Farmer
Mr Sutherland Forsyth
Mrs Carys Gladdish
Mr Chris Kellaway
Mr David Lawrence
Miss Sian Mawditt
Mr Remi Moynihan
Miss Krista Pullan
Ms Henni Saarela
Mr Tim Scott
Dr Lisa Sessions
Mrs Stephanie Shelmerdine
Mrs Helen Smith
Mrs Angela Woodruffe
Mrs Rhiannon WynneLord
2003 Ms Susanna Bellino
Miss Katherine Bluck
Mr Louis Budworth
Mr Raymond Cilia
Mr Gregoire Hodder
Mrs Anne Howell
Mr Jonathan Levine
Mrs Aleishia Lewis
Mrs Elizabeth Mansfield
Mr Daniel Roberts
Mr Tim Rothwell
Dr Tovah Shaw
Mr Jean-Paul Skoczylas
Mr Tristan Stone
Miss Stephanie Tillotson
Mr John White
2004 Ms Rhiannon Baxter
Ms Leah Crimes
Mrs Emily Davies
Mr Colin Ferguson
Miss Natasha Gray
Mr Richard Hopkins
Mr Ravi Raichura
Dr Jeprepkeny Ronoh
Mrs Sian Shaw
Miss Jennifer Sneyd
Dr Harald Stoffels
Ms Verity Worthington
2005 Dr Enyi Anosike
Mrs Lisa Beacom
Mr Nicholas Bebb
Mr Nick Clark
Mr Andy Gard
Mrs Rebekah Perry
Dr Oliver Rupar
Mrs Liz Sharp
Mrs Jessica Shingfield
Ms Nadia Syed
Mr Han Tu
Mrs Emma Turner
2006 Miss Aniko Adam
Dr Theresa Adenaike
Mr Andrew Blackburn
Mr Thomas Dix
Mrs Sophie Harrison
Dr Joshua Jowitt
Mrs Chrissie Kelby
Miss Afaf Nourallah
Miss Chloe Orchin
Mrs Dawn Pavey
Ms Maria Peirce
Mr Luke Shepherd
Mrs Lynne Richardson
Mr Tom Robinson
Mr Azam Taiyeb
Mrs Liza de Uphaugh
Miss Elizabeth Wadsworth
2007 Mrs Tracey Harjatanaya
Mr Tom Horn
Mr Joshua Jenkins
Mr John Keene
Miss Teresa Li
Mr Duncan Loweth
Mr Michael Lynch
Miss Nic Pollard
Mr Jonathan Prestwich
Mr Joseph RandallCarrick
Mr Matthew Thomas
Miss Beth Wattleworth
Dr Susan Wishart
2008 Mr Luke Clarke
Mr Felix Danczak
Mrs Kim Dorsett
Mr Mike George
Mr Matthew Linsell
Mr James Lugton
Miss Lucinda Moore
Mrs Sue Morley-Souter
Miss Amy MunroFaure
Mr Ikenna Obiekwe
Mr Gershwinder Rai
Mrs Emily Roberts
Mr Luke Robins
Miss Xiaoye Shan
Mrs Sarah Talland
Miss Rebecca West
2009 Mr Adarsh Bala
Mr Daniel Beresford
Miss Shruti Chaudhri
Miss Danielle Eley
Mrs Alice Esuola-Grant
Mr Jack Euesden
Mrs Denise Heal
Mr Greg Hill
Miss Christine James
Mr Chris Morgan
Mrs Rebecca Rowe
Mr Michael Thorp
Miss Isabel Webb
2010 Miss Emma Bowell
Mr Nahum Clements
Miss Alex Courage
Mr Richard Craven
Mr Vasilis Eliades
Mr Gabrielius Glemza
Mr Paul James
Miss Sian Jones
Mr Johann Kamper
Mr David Kennedy
Miss Suzie LangdonShreeve
Dr Dirk Mersch
Mr Rok Nezic
Mr Stephen Pates
Miss Heather Plumpton
Ms Bella Radenovich
Mrs Jessica Taylo
Miss Megan Trimble
Dr Wei Yang
2011 Mrs Cordelia Brown
Mr James Chicken
Mr Richard Fitton
Miss Katherine Gazzard
Mr Jack Hooper
Mr George Jenkins
Miss Helen Lyttle
Dr Nikolas Pontikos
Mr Laurence Pritchard
Mr Thorben Schaefer
Mr Alex Shellum
Miss Angela Stevens
2012 Mr George Clarke
Mr Josh Cozens
Mr Radley Cunliffe
Dr Caia Dominicus
Miss Maggie Gisseleire
Ms Louise Holyoak
Mr Tim Hubener
Mr Hansley Narasiah
Mr Douglas Porter
Dr Samantha Spratley
Miss Ruth Taylor
Mr Theepan Tharmarajah
Mr Dmytro Tupchiienko
2013 Mr Tristan Colaco
Mr Daniel Dennis
Mr Harry Draper
Mr Hachimi Maiga
Mr Alistair McMaster
Mr Chris Wellings
2014 Miss Harrie Gooch
Mr Nigel Ironside
Mr Richard Jones
Mrs Anna Nye
Miss Vicky Zhao
2015 Miss Olivia Buckland
Mr Daniel Burdett
Miss Sally Dickens
Mr Adam Dobson
Professor Vincent English
Miss Emily Jones
Mr Justin Maroy
Miss Jacqueline VyrnwyPierce
Miss Sarah WitkowskiBaker
2016 Mlle Cloe Dugrillon
Miss Mille Fjelldal
Mr Mitch Hayden-Cook
Mr Graham Robertson
Mr George White
2017 Dr Neil Papworth
Mr Mark Nightingale
2018 Miss Karen Castle
Miss Melissa Green
Mr Alexander Lister
Mr Michael Sanchez
2021 Miss Imaan Bhaiji
Dr Pavel Cejka
Miss Georgina Quayle
Friends of Homerton
Mrs Alexandra Annett
Dr Graham Arnold
Mrs Hinna Azeem
Mrs Frances Barrett
Miss Pat Cooper
Mr Douglas Coombes
Mr Timothy Edwards
Mr Fabio Galantini
Mr Roger Green
Dr Lesley Hendy
Dr Liz Hook
Dr Louise Joy
Mrs Leslie Lemonick
Mr Tony Little
Mr Duncan Loweth
Dr Anthony Metcalfe
Mr Matthew Moss
Mrs Helen O’Hara
Dr Peter Raby
Ms Amy Reeve
Ms Tessa Robinson
Dr Peter Warner
Mr Aaron Westfall
Ms Rhiannon Williams
1768 Society
Miss Aniko Adam
Mrs Vicki Addey
Dr Theresa Adenaike
Mrs Rosemary Allan
Dr Enyi Anosike
Mrs Theresa Atal
Dr Norman Bardsley
Ms Catherine Beavis
Miss Sheila Berry
Mr Ian Bettison
Mr Andrew Blackburn
Mrs Mandy WarnerBradshaw
Mr Mark Hanley-Browne
Mr John Blythe
Mr Matt Buck
Mrs Sandra Burmicz
Dr Kirsty Byrne
Mrs Marjorie Caie
Dr Simon Camby
Mrs Jan Campbell
Mrs Maureen Champion
Mrs Kim Chaplin
Dr Steven Chapman
Miss Shruti Chaudhri
Mr Nick Clark
Mr Nahum Clements
Mr Phil Coldicott
Mrs Patricia Colyer
Ms Clare KenistonCooper
Miss Pat Cooper
Mr Josh Cozens
Mr Richard Craven
Mrs Pauline Curtis
Mrs Diana Dalton
Mr Felix Danczak
Mrs Clare Danielian
Mr Norman Donkin
Mrs Lynn Dowson
Mrs Sheila Duncan
Professor Vincent English
Miss Mille Fjelldal
Mr Sutherland Forsyth
Mrs Miriam France
Mrs Karen George
Mrs Carole Girdler
Mr Gabrielius Glemza
Mrs Christine Grainge
Miss Natasha Gray
Mr Roger Green
Mrs Fiona Gruneberg
Mr Mark HanleyBrowne
Dr Neil Hennessy
Mrs Jill Hicks
Mr Gregoire Hodder
Mr Ian Hodgson
Ms Louise Holyoak
Mr Richard Hopkins
Mr Tom Horn
Mr Brian Howarth
Mr Carl Howarth
Mrs Anne Howell
Mr Tim Hubener
Mrs Ann Jackman
Mr Paul James
Mr Joshua Jenkins
Miss Sian Jones
Dr Joshua Jowitt
Dr Louise Joy
Mr John Keene
Mr David Lawrence
Mr Jonathan Levine
Mr Matthew Linsell
Mr Tony Little
Mrs Susan Lovett
Mrs Diana Lucas
Mr Michael Lynch
Mrs Sheila Mackenzie
Mrs Christine Macpherson
Mr Hachimi Maiga
Mr Justin Maroy
Mrs Lesley Marriott
Dr Vicky McNeile
Mrs Helen McRoberts
Mrs Sarah McWhinnie
Mrs Caroline Melrose
Mrs Maggie Meredith
Dr Anthony Metcalfe
Mrs Karen Miranthis
Mr John Moore
Mr Chris Morgan
Mr Remi Moynihan
Mrs Ann Muston
Mr Matthew Moss
Mr Ikenna Obiekwe
Mrs Rebekah Perry
Mr Douglas Porter
Mr Gershwinder Rai
Mr Ravi Raichura
Mrs Diane Rawlins
Mrs Rosemary Rees
Lady Ann Ricketts
Mr Graham Robertson
Mr Tom Robinson
Ms Tessa Robinson
Miss Gill Rogers
Mrs Elizabeth Rose
Mr Tim Rothwell
Mrs Kate Ryder
Miss Xiaoye Shan
Mrs Sian Shaw
Mr Luke Shepherd
Mrs Netti Smallbone
Ms Jane Lewin Smith
Mrs Cheryl Smith
Mrs Helen Smith
Mr Tristan Stone
Mrs Alison Syner
Mrs Sarah Talland
Mrs Jessica Taylor
Mrs Lesley Thomas
Mrs Brenda Thompson
Mr James Thomson
Mr Michael Thorp
Mr Han Tu
Mr John Turner
Miss Beth Wattleworth
Mrs Janet Webb
Mrs Dilys West
Mr John White
Ms Rhiannon Williams
Mrs Helen Wood
Dr Wei Yang
Cavendish Circle
Dr Norman Bardsley
Ms Victoria Brahm
Mrs Siobhan and Mr Adrian Cassidy
Mrs Annie Illingworth
Macaulay Circle
Ms Catherine Beavis
Mr Gordon Gaddes
Mrs Coral Harrow
Mrs Bridget Killick
Mrs Karen Miranthis
Mrs Kate Ryder
Miss Samantha Taylor
Mrs Deborah Walker
Alumni News
Retired Senior Members’ Association
We are delighted to share the following news of our alumni. Please do get in touch (alumni@homerton.cam.ac.uk) if you would like to include an update in the next issue.
Margaret Grimsey (née Vasey) (CertEd 1947) sent a wonderful recollection of her time at Homerton, “I made three life-long friends at Homerton 1947–1949. Jill Moor (nee Parriss); Audrey Naisby (nee Thomson) and Joyce Moyse (nee Wilson). We’ve been in touch ever since. Audrey and Jill died recently, so Joyce and I thought we might summarise something of our experiences, progress and achievements for the Homerton Annual Review.
Two years after the end of the War, Homerton was a two-year Training College for women teachers. Food was rationed; there were clothes coupons; BUs (bread units), and too few staff. We all had domestic duties to make the College run smoothly, which it did.
During the first year, we had to try our hand at every subject, and in the second we chose two specialist subjects. Audrey and Jill took Art; Joyce and I Music. All four of us were in Mr Warmington’s Educational Psychology group. We valued his warmth and wisdom, and the skill with which he drew out the best in us. Our tutorials and discussions were always lively and challenging. It was through this group our friendship was cemented. Mr Warmington’s teaching advice was always pithy and pertinent. “Cultivate the roving eye” meant always be aware of what is happening in all corners of the classroom.
Joyce and I were also lucky to be taught music by Dr Lewis; her lectures were a revelation and delight for us. She had a quirky sense of humour. Keeping the children’s attention was essential to her. In her demonstration lesson, with a class of junior children, she took off a shoe to hammer a
drawing pin into the blackboard. She certainly kept our attention when teaching the whole College. She wore what appeared to be a yellow woollen once-piece under her plaid skirt and tight black velvet jacket. It turned out to be made up of a number of separate matching parts. The yellow sleeves were longer than the jacket sleeves, and the roll-top neck was too bulky. If she became hot, she would whip off the yellow cuffs, and soon the roll-top would be pulled over her head, leaving us to speculate how she would manage the stockings when their turn came. But in her tutorial group, there were no tricks, we were always riveted. She composed under her maiden name, Greta Tomlins. One spring day, she distributed some new music with a conspiratorial smile and the words “Ladies, I have immortalised Milton”. The poem ’ s first line was, “Now the bright morning star day’s harbinger come dancing from the East” – It was sung at 7am to celebrate May Day
Joyce was very popular and was elected to be a Rep The Reps’ duties were all concerned with student welfare They were responsible for the behaviour on their corridor and served our food at the head of a table of 17. Upon leaving she taught for more than 30 years, with a gap for a young family She was also head-hunted to lecture in a Nottingham Education College after the Census indicated there would shortly be an increase in the number of children of Primary School age
For 30 years, she led a choir with mid-week rehearsals and frequent concerts – What a gift she must have been to her community. John her husband really appreciated her musical abilities and was totally supportive
They had three children, who have now become an enormous extended family All the generations met for a weekend celebrating Joyce’s 90th Birthday. She has very limited sight, so the message on each of her many friends’ cards was read out for her Whenever her “wonderful family” was mentioned a cheer rang out – I would love to have been there
Jill got straight As in everything She went on to Birkbeck, leaving with a Doctorate in a branch of Psychology, returning to Homerton as a Lecturer Before marriage, she and I spent a number of happy holidays youth hostelling. Then she lectured in Botswana, where her husband was a Doctor for nine years Their two children were born there I asked her what was the most difficult thing to get used to in Botswana; she said, “Everywhere is brown, except our lawn which gets watered regularly”.
After returning from Botswana they eventually settled in Petersfield She was an expert in all forms of dyslexia, helping many children who
were struggling in and around the town We took a keen interest in each other’s children and shared each other’s pride in their achievements I was delighted to learn that her daughter, my God-daughter, who is a language teacher, had been complimented by an Inspector with the words “I would like to think that every child in the country was receiving the same teaching as your children”. Having captained the Homerton Cricket Team with Mr Warmington’s willing support, Jill coached the local team – Their stripey blazers were very much in evidence at her funeral service.
Audrey’s husband taught the children of British Forces posted to West Berlin for three years when their boys were young, and their daughter was born there Both Audrey and Eddie taught in Liverpool and Manchester, til Eddie said, “Enough!”. They bought a longhouse at the edge of a tiny village, Clocaenog, in North Wales, and embarked upon the ‘good life’, a rejuvenating move for both of them. Eddie’s hair even grew back. Between them they seemed to be able to do everything Their new home was already called Paradwys, and soon became Paradise There was a field full of sheep, a very large pig, sometimes piglets, geese and ducks in the stream and chickens at the back One year, the honey only came second in the local Horticultural Show – the labels were not straight. The following year, a Grandson took over the labelling job and the honey came first again Then there were goats each with an operatic name I remember Tosca and Guilda, but the third, could she have been called Mimi? When I hinted that the daily milking
at the correct times must be a bit of a chore, Audrey would smile and say, “At least there’s no marking”, as she disappeared with her pail. They planted a woodland, which after 40 years is mature and full of flowers in season
Not only were they opera buffs, but also dedicated musicians Eddie a flautist taught woodwind, and Audrey taught piano at the prestigious girls’ boarding school, Howell’s, and the chamber music group met regularly at Paradwys. Their hospitality was always generous, and we all made an effort to visit.
After retirement from teaching, I became involved in the local prison; first as an emergency organist and then leading the choir When choir practice became a music education class this was a paid position It ran for five years Each September at the start of the year someone would ask, “Do we get paid to come to this class Miss?” My swift reply was always, “No this is music for pleasure, pleasure for you and pleasure for me”. They kept coming. My husband, a Probation Officer, was an invaluable back up, listening and advising after I came home I continued to play the organ at services for 29 years When I mentioned this on my last day a voice said, “That’s a life sentence Miss”. At the same time I joined the team of organists at the crematorium and played there for 20 years until computers replaced us. I loved it; choosing the most beautiful music that I could manage to play.
The four of us were only able to meet together with our families once in the late 1970s when they came to visit us in Exeter Over the years we attended several alumni weekends, visited each other when possible and kept in touch by phone, Christmas and Birthday cards This enduring friendship has been important to us for over 70 years built on our shared experience and the excellent teaching we received at Homerton”.
With the help of her husband Eric, Gillian MacFarlane (née Tucker) (CertEd 1948/9) sent us her fascinating recollections of her time at Homerton, “Homerton made an immediate impact on me when I first entered the College – the splendid reception area with its floral display, the fine Hall, the polished floors and furniture. Everything was so spacious, clean and orderly. I remember marvelling, in particular, at the beautifully laid-up tables in the Hall It was all very impressive but not at all intimidating: the atmosphere was warm and welcoming and I came to realise in the following weeks that this was also true of the community that I was joining The staff clearly enjoyed and respected the College and expected the students to do the same.
The College experience was quite unlike anything I’d previously encountered. I don’t know how I’d imagined it – probably something like a girls’ boarding school of the kind that was popular in girls’ magazines at the time That image was quickly dispelled: it was a much more adult and mature place Everything about the College was of a high standard – even the food, despite the problems of catering in the years following the Second World War. ‘Civilised’ is the word that comes to mind and the students responded to this I don’t recall there ever being any silly or antisocial behaviour The College was very successful in absorbing students from very different backgrounds and creating a community that was at ease with itself
I found the routines of this ordered and attractive world much to my liking. Every morning, immediately after breakfast, I attended the short ecumenical service that was held in the College lounge Students from different denominations took responsibility for organising the service and for providing the speaker for the short address which was the focus of the service Some staff also came along It was a relaxed and informal meeting and well attended, with many students sitting on the floor I found that the occasion provided a very good start to the day.
The College worked hard with regard to students’ induction Each new student was allocated a second-year companion, or ‘College mother’, who was responsible for the integration of her ‘daughter’ into the community The second years showed the new students round and talked through all the College routines with them. Some mothers gave their firstyear student a small welcome present; others took them to the theatre or to some event in the university There were a series of coffeemornings and tea-parties for small groups of new students and their second-year ‘mothers’ and we were well entertained My ‘mother’ was an old girl of my school in High Wycombe and, when it was my turn to take responsibility for a new arrival, I was partnered with another Wycombe High School pupil
There was a tradition of annual events organised by second-year students for the first year that extended well beyond the initial induction period For example, early one morning at the end of the first term, second-
year students toured the floors that housed the first year and serenaded them with carols I remember being disappointed that I missed out on this introduction to Christmas celebrations because I was housed in a large house well away from the main College buildings This arrangement however, did have some advantages as the small community at Wivlingham became particularly close-knit and self-supporting There was always someone on hand to help if you had a problem
I shared a room with three other students and we quickly began to function as a team, a process helped by a problem that I had with my luggage. All my clothes, bedding (we had to bring our own), books and personal belongings had been packed into the family’s big wooden blanket chest or trunk and transported from Wycombe to Cambridge by a combination of courier, porters and taxi It was an exceptionally secure alternative to a case, which soon became very obvious when I realised that I’d left the key that opened it at home. When all suggestions for forcing the lock failed, my room-mates rallied round and provided me with most of the necessities that I needed until the key arrived from home
I became close friends with two of my roommates and one other Wiv student, and the four of us corresponded for the rest of our lives via a lengthy round-robin of news and comments, for which each of us wrote an annual instalment For the last few years there have been only two of us left, but we maintained the tradition until a few weeks before the last of my friends died last year
All Homerton students followed a major course in educational theory and practice which included an introduction to principles applicable to a range of school subjects After the general course on subject teaching, all students were asked to choose a specialist subject for in-depth study from a wide range of options
The norm was to study one subject, but some students were allowed to follow two, usually one academic option and a creative or practical subject, such as art or PE. A very small number of students followed two academic specialisms, but anyone expressing an interest in doing this was warned that it was a very tough undertaking My decision to take history was straightforward: it had been my favourite subject in the sixthform before I left school to look after my family during my mother’s lengthy illness But I was also developing a keen interest in theology, quickened by my awareness during the early weeks of contact with staff, that this subject was particularly well-taught at the College. I opted, therefore, for two academic specialisms, received the customary warnings about over-commitment, and stood my ground I very much wanted to explore a completely new area of human knowledge and experience and I was confident that I could cope with the workload I suspect too, that I was determined not to let my status in the College be defined by my lack of the normal College entry requirements.
The lecture was the main teaching method, although we did have some timetabled smallgroup sessions in which I was able to indulge my enjoyment of debate The lectures were delivered to large audiences by very serious academics whom we never got to know as people However, there was less distance between staff and students on the specialist courses and I developed a good relationship with my theology tutor, in particular. Miss Glover took an interest in me and encouraged me to think in terms of my continuing my theological studies after leaving Homerton
The College had a personal tutor system and my tutor, Miss Woodard, was fully committed to her role. I was aware of students who were less fortunate. Miss Woodard was a kind and generous person, a true lady in the old-fashioned sense She was a vicar’s daughter and lived with her father in his vicarage in the town Soon after our arrival in College she entertained all her tutees in the vicarage and then later invited small groups to tea to discuss how they were getting on and to enable them to raise any issues that needed resolving. I liked her very much and found her an interesting person. She was Froebel trained as a teacher
I remember that I suffered considerable embarrassment on one occasion when ‘Woodard’ had to chastise me for inappropriate behaviour The College owned a large house in Highgate which was used to accommodate students who were having a six-week teaching experience in a London school. Woodard was one of the staff on duty while I was there. It was a Saturday and I’d washed my hair in the afternoon, preparatory to going into London with friends after the evening meal I went down to the meal with a couple of curlers on each side of my head As I went to take my place at the table a student came up to me to say that Woodard wanted to see me at High Table, where she made it clear that coming to the meal in that way was unacceptable. I was sent to my room. Woodard was firm, but not unpleasant – I don’t think she’d have been capable of unpleasantness – and she never alluded to my transgression subsequently
It was Miss Woodard who encouraged me to aim high in my teaching career and to apply for an attractive post at the prestigious GPDST High School in Ipswich My application was successful and gave me a very attractive combination of senior school history and responsibility for one of the forms in the preparatory department I was pleased to justify Woodard’s good opinion of me
One of the most enjoyable aspects of my time at College was the freedom of movement that it
provided. This feeling extended to the University and City as well. There was all this space available through which you could walk at will. Homerton had immaculate lawns and gardens and ‘the Backs’ and the Cam were, of course, a delight You could wander through the College quads and gardens and even into the College buildings The University offered a seemingly endless range of activities open to anyone who was interested and the teeming back streets of the City and the many buildings, so steeped in history, were a constant fascination. I took full advantage of these opportunities.”
Carolyn Hood-Cree (née Robins) (CertEd with Geography 1962–1965) wrote to us with memories of her teaching career, “My time at Homerton, then a prestigious teacher training college, began 60 years ago. I came from a very humble background and am eternally grateful for the chance I was given all those years ago. We were first years when it became a three-year course – before the powers that be had worked out to use the additional year!
I excelled in teaching, rather than academically, subsequently teaching in the UK then Rhodesia, for nine wonderful years, and back in UK, where, after 13 years, I became headteacher of a threeform entry Infant School in an area of social deprivation, for almost 15 years. I retired at 62 having finally managed, after years of struggling with the local authority, to open a nursery school on my site.
During my time as a headteacher in Kent, I was closely involved with teacher training with what was then Christchurch Teacher Training College, founded 60 years ago. Like Homerton, now a Cambridge College, Canterbury is now part of the University of Kent”.
Dr Tricia Cusak has recently published her fourth book, “ ‘The Reading Figure in Irish Art in the Long Nineteenth Century’ was out this year.
It was great fun to write. I have published three other books, including ‘Riverscapes and National Identities ‘, recently reissued in paperback, and a lot of articles.
As someone now retired from full-time lecturing, I would never have been able to complete the research for these publications without alumni access to the JSTOR resources of Cambridge and Edinburgh universities”.
Harriet Davies (née Pole) (BEd 1985–89) wrote to us about her change of career, “After 23 years as a primary teacher, I made a complete change and studied for a degree in nursing. I worked in acute stroke care for two years before moving into palliative and end of life care. I now work in the community as a hospice at home nurse. Despite my career change, every day is definitely still a school day”.
Ginny Caulkin (née Roussel) (BEd 1988) sent us a wonderful account of her Language School, “I did a BEd with French at Homerton, and graduated in 1988. After some years teaching in a primary school in South Harrow, London, and then moving to Parwork in industry, the first of my four children was born in 1997 at which point I decided to abandon my career to look after my children full-time. Three other children followed over the next fifteen years. Jack n’ Jill Language School officially came into being following my divorce in 2009.
My little school started from my lounge with my four children under strict orders to be quiet and not disturb mummy’s lessons. Thank goodness I could rely on the older children to look after their younger siblings! Evenings and weekends were spent developing a small business, creating a website and putting things under a more official status… and teaching! Today I’m proud to say I run a team of 30 teachers who teach my half-day programmes in several schools in and around Paris
and weekly lessons in my institutes, guided by many of the values and expertise gained during my years at Homerton. Around 300 school-age pupils and as many adults achieve greater fluency and a love of English throughout the year with us.
We obtained our status as a Certified Government “Organisme de Formation” Training Centre in 2019 which enables us to deliver training courses to adults on government-funded programmes on top of weekly lessons for the townsfolk. Language camps are the highlight of our terms where I am on a mission to prove to French children that they can have fun AND learn, which sometimes I feel is mutually exclusive in the French education system. Rounders, board games, cooking and art activities are great ways to practice using our English and the students don’t even realise they’re learning. Weekly lessons, intensive training courses, half-day immersion programmes.... Jack n’ Jill now works with seven primary and secondary schools, several city halls delivering language camps to children, not to mention our own institute in Coulommiers and more recently Lagny-sur-Marne where we inaugurated our second institute in July 2021. Coming back regularly to Britain to primary schools to observe excellent practice has guided me in installing state-of-the-art technology in my classrooms so teachers and students experience the best learning environment possible. We were recognised as an official Cambridge exam preparation centre in 2020 and I think our pupils’ outstanding results have reflected the energy and passion I encourage my teachers to put into their teaching. This October, we will be holding yet another Diploma Ceremony for pupils and their families, and this year I will have the immense pleasure to reward pupils who started with me when they were 10 and have achieved their “First B2 Cambridge Certificate of English” aged 18! Now I am delighted to welcome onto my team students from Homerton and other universities in the UK for their third-year internship abroad. Karl, a young student from Cambridge on a PGCE course,
declared that he felt working on my language camps was like an intensive course in teaching. It is wonderful to feel that I can pass on knowledge and help these youngsters on their path to becoming good teachers. Teaching for me is definitely the most rewarding career in the world and I am forever thankful to Homerton for encouraging me to strive for excellence”.
Philip Hamson (BEd Education 1981–1983) one of Ian Morrison’s Physics students, is delighted to be in retirement and awaiting the arrival of his first grandchild after many successful years as Head of Physics at The Dixie Grammar School. For some 28 years, he was head of Physics but also head of Lancaster House, ran back stage at school productions, Duke of Edinburgh to Gold standard, and led many national and international trips. He coached fencing to national standard and memorably sang ‘Little List’ from The Mikado, in the court house annexe of the school.
Married to Rosalind, with daughter Rachael and son-in-law Dan, he has in retirement, completed three projects. His restored 911 won a prize in the Porsche Club concours at Chatsworth, and he has restored a 1960s pinball machine. Finally he restored during lockdown, an Eddy Mercx replica bicycle for Dan, his son-in-law. His ambition to see all of the Gilbert and Sullivan cannon of operettas at The Buxton Festival is progressing. Much of this due to the training he received at Homerton. “Thanks to all the staff who persevered with me.”
Charlotte Sewell (BEd 1985–89) wrote to tell us of her career in the TV and Film industry, “I work in film and TV, in costume. My teaching experience and my Cambridge experiences started my career. Footlights, CULES (Cambridge University Light Entertainment Society), the Marlowe Society and the Drama department at Homerton (and most importantly Keith Loveday) were the basis for going on to a costume degree
at Wimbledon School of Art, and subsequently a very successful film and TV career. I owe much to my university years!”
Penny Walch (née Beale) (BEd Education 1989) wrote, ‘I am in my seventh year as the head Teacher-Librarian at Southwell School in Hamilton, New Zealand, where I have worked for over 20 years now, in multiple capacities!!!
As well as loving a wide range of children’s literature (thanks Morag Styles!) I am also passionate about helping our students navigate the online world of mis- and disinformation.
This year, my colleague and I started a podcast about Kiwi Kids’ Lit, which sadly is on a hiatus while my colleague recovers from serious illness, but we do love talking about the world of New Zeland’s children’s literature.
I am married to Pete, and we have a 19 year old daughter who is at Auckland University studying Law and Criminology, and a 16 year old son who is still at school’.
the University of Pennsylvania and now works as a senior applied scientist at Amazon in the United States in a team that has built the world’s fastest privacy-preserving codebase for AI deep learning.
Congratulations also go to Dr David Kraft (PGCE 2002) who has been elected President of the section of the Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine at the Royal Society of Medicine. His Presidency will run between October 2021 to September 2023. The Royal Society of Medicine runs frequent meetings for doctors, nurses, psychologists, dentists and speciality doctors, as well as other healthcare professionals.
Emma Bowell (BA Education with English 2010–2013) sent an update on her successful sporting endeavours, “In 2021 I became the Chair of Croydon Women’s Football Club. Croydon were a top flight team in the 90s, winning the FA Cup twice, but sadly disbanded in 2000. We reformed in 2019 and were league champions in 2021/22, going unbeaten in the league all season. Following the success of England in this year’s women’s Euros, we have continued to secure sponsorship for the club and we will be playing all of our home matches at Croydon Arena going forward, the same venue as Croydon Men. Always keen to hear from anyone who wants to support or become involved in the women’s game!”
Congratulations to Zhiqi Bu (BA Mathematics 2012) who this year received a PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science from
Earlier this year, the ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) announced with great fanfare the 350 pieces which will make up the syllabus for their graded piano exams in 2023–24. Among the few pieces chosen to promote the new syllabus is A Distant Star in the Stillness, written by Homerton alumnus Dr David Önaç (MPhil Music and Musical Composition 2002–2006) for Grade 5 piano. David was specially commissioned to write the piece for the new syllabus, which aims to highlight music from diverse traditions and composers from a wider range of backgrounds.
After graduating with a BA in Music at Homerton in 2005, David stayed on to complete an MPhil in Composition with Professor Robin Holloway. He then went on to an MMUS in Composition at the Royal Northern College of Music, and a PhD in Musical Composition at the University of Manchester. In 2012, the year he completed his PhD, he received the Royal Philharmonic Society’s prestigious Composition Prize.
David has lectured at the University of Birmingham, and the University of Manchester, and
now teaches composition and jazz at the RNCM’s Junior School. He is also the Musical Director of the multi-award-winning University of Manchester Harmony Gospel Choir and professional gospel collective Voices Beyond, and describes himself as “passionate about seeing young musicians achieve their greatest potential.”
Photograph taken from https://www composerdavidonac com
We were delighted to hear that Kaiti Soultana (BA Management Studies 2014–2017) announced her engagement to partner, Torkil William Thomas Harrison, whom she met while at Homerton, studying at the Judge Institute, “We met in our final year doing the Management Studies Tripos, and we’ve been together ever since (now over 6 years). He’s an alumnus of Gonville and Caius where he matriculated in 2013 to read MML”.
Michael Williams (MSt Entrepreneurship 2018) sent us an account of his work with children in the Ukraine, “In addition to my day job, I founded and currently run a 501c3 non-profit organization in the U.S. called OASIS (Organization for Active Social Impact and Sustainability). I also founded and served as the first president of the Cambridge University Social Impact & Sustainability Society (cusiss.org).
Members of my NGO and I have been volunteering on the front lines in Ukraine since March, donating and hand-delivering medical supplies, medicine, food, and other supplies and equipment to refugees, medical workers, and soldiers. I have also been training front-line paramedics and Ukrainian soldiers on how to use trauma medical equipment like tourniquets, chest seals and haemostatic bandages.
In addition to the volunteer work, I have organized a fundraising campaign called “Kids
Helping Ukraine” (www.kidshelpingukraine.org).
The project involves hundreds of children across Ukraine making handmade friendship bracelets to raise money for Ukrainian orphans, displaced children, and for other humanitarian efforts. The children have been making bracelets since the summer. We now have over 15,000 bracelets that OASIS is selling in the US and Ukraine. We are taking logistical steps now to hopefully sell them in the UK soon.
You can read more about the project and see lots of pictures of bracelet-making events and “donations in action” on the website
www.kidshelpingukraine.org. Donations to Ukrainian humanitarian efforts have reduced to a trickle since the start of the war, as most of the world has stopped talking about it. However, with the onset of a very cold winter, combined with Russian bombardment of Ukrainian infrastructure, civilians are now even more in dire straits. Most of Ukraine suffers heat, water, and power outages daily, frequently for days at a time. Things have progressed from bad to far worse. So, they need all the help they can get from the rest of the world” n
riday 10th June 2022 was a red letter day for Retired Senior Members (RSMs), the day that those who live locally were finally able to resume our term-time monthly coffee mornings in College. The coffee had clearly been brewing for quite some time since the last coffee morning on Friday 21st February 2020, a date when the word pandemic was only just reaching our vocabulary, but we are grateful for the utmost care College went to to keep everyone, including RSMs, safe and well. One year later than planned, we were able to officially welcome Lord Simon Woolley at our first coffee meeting of the academic year, even though it was with impeccable timing that, having somehow evaded Covid all this time, I succumbed to it three days earlier and my emailed words of welcome were delivered on my behalf.
Although there appeared to be little or no change in the Pandemic during the last academic year in terms of in-person meetings, Pandemic life has not been without its technological changes –even for RSMs. We have steadily increased our personal expertise participating in a range of online events including a talk (with screen sharing and power point displays), several committee meetings and having mastered two purely on-line events we embraced a hybrid format for our most recent on-line AGM.
But without our coffee mornings to look forward to, what have RSMs being doing with themselves? The key is probably in the word
F‘retired’ – we are left to return to the playground to amuse ourselves leaving others to continue the ‘day job’. Recent Newsletters may provide some of the answers; the idea supplied by the title of one printed this year: “So what gets you out of bed in the morning?” For its author it is being a guide at the Cambridge Botanic Garden but equally applying the same question to other articles provides a range of answers (space dictates from one Newsletter only) to those authors too which in turn makes it possible to portray and encapsulate the very being of RSMs. Here goes.
For some (Knowledge Quartet, 5Voices Project) it is continuing their research interests into ‘retirement’, still reaching an academic audience and still influencing practising teachers, or taking Homerton Graduands to India during their summer vacation to be involved in an innovative project there. Perhaps unsurprising for retired historians, it is their never ending interest in Homerton’s history: one investigating the building in 1889–91 of a new Dining Hall (nothing changes) for Cavendish College, another providing unstinting work both in the Homerton Archives and The Heritage Project. Others use leisure time gained in retirement to pursue their own interests, increasing a wealth of artistic skills or embracing different forms of knowledge beyond their professional subjects, although the mathematicians continue with more solving of hard problems collaboratively. No wonder we are always asking how did we ever find the time to work.
But paramount to all our interests is that we never lose our love of all things Homertonian n
Principal and Fellows
Student Achievement
Blues Awards
New Members
Intro text?
2021 Lord (Simon) Woolley of Woodford, Kt
The Vice-Principal
2014 Dr Francesca Moore Vice-Principal from 1 October 2022
2002 Dr Penny Barton Senior Tutor
Dr David Clifford
2006 Dr Louise Joy Vice-Principal until 30 September 2022
2007 Dr William (Bill) Foster
Dr Simon Wadsley Secretary of Council and Governing Body
2008 Dr Ros McLellan
Dr Theo Hacking
Dr Olivier Tonneau
2009 Dr Melanie Keene Postgraduate Tutor
2011 Dr Thomas Graumann
Professor Simon Gregory
Professor Yan Yan (Shery) Huang
2012 Dr Katherine Boyle Director of Research
Dr Juliana Cavalcanti
Dr Myrto Hatzimichali
Dr Daniel Trocmé-Latter Director of Music
2013 Dr Georgina (Georgie) Horrell Admissions Tutor
Dr Timoleon (Timos) Kipouros
Dr Julia Kenyon
2014 Dr Christopher Brooke
Professor Timothy Eisen
Dr Paul Elliott
Mr Matthew Moss MVO Director of External Relations & Development
Dr Joel Chalfen
Professor Douglas Easton
Professor Zoe Jaques
2015 Mr Paul Warwick
Dr Rachel Williams
Dr Anthony Ashton
Dr Chibeza Agley
2016 Professor Simone Hochgreb
Professor Mary Dixon-Woods
2017 Professor David Belin
Dr Elizabeth Hook
Mr Aaron Westfall
Dr Stephen Burgess
Dr Susanne Hakenbeck
2018 Dr Alison Wood
Professor Kamal Munir
2019 Mr James Manwaring
Dr Miles Stopher
Ms Ines Lee
Dr Carmen Ting
Professor Ravindra Gupta
Professor Karen Coats
2020 Dr Fernanda Gallo
Dr Sofia Singler
Dr Amelia Drew
Ms Meredith McLaughlin
Professor Matthew Collins
Dr Timothy Brittain-Catlin
Dr Karen Forbes
2021 Dr Roberto Sileo
Dr Robin Bunce
Mr Bob Dillon
Dr Joanna Haywood
Dr Will Fawcett
Dr Diana Kudaibergenova
2022 Dr Abdeldjalil Bennecer
Dr Josie O’Donoghue
Dr Dario Palumbo
Dr Peter Hartley
Dr Simon Brockington Bursar
Honorary Fellows
2007 Mrs Ann Cotton OBE Founder and President of CAMFED
2010 Dame Carol Ann Duffy DBE Poet Laureate
2011 The Rev’d Sir Ralph Waller Director of the Farmington Institute, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford
2013 Dr Katharine Pretty CBE Principal of Homerton College 1991–2013
2014 Professor Sir Andrew Motion FRSL Poet Laureate 1999–2009
2016 Professor Dame Sally Davies DBE FMedSci FRS Chief Medical Officer for England
Dame Evelyn Glennie CH DBE Percussionist
Sir David Harrison CBE Former Chair of Trustees of Homerton College
Ms Meg Rosoff FRSL Novelist
2017 Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz FRS Vice-Chancellor Emeritus of the University of Cambridge
2019 Dame Sue Black DBE FRSE FRCP FRAI Pro-Vice Chancellor for Engagement of the University of Lancaster, President of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Professor Jane Shaw Principal of Harris Manchester College, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford
2021 The Rev’d Jesse Jackson Civil Rights campaigner
Professor Geoff Ward Principal of Homerton College 2013–2021
Daljit Nagra MBE FRSL Poet
Dr Scott Annett
Ms Eireann Attridge
Mr Mojtaba Bagheri
Mr John Danial
Dr Helen Demetriou
Dr James Dougal
Dr Gebril El-Fallah
Dr John Fawcett
Dr Carmen Olmedilla Herrero
Dr Aaron Hornkohl
Dr Krisztina Ilko
Dr Elsa Lee
Dr Marta Magalhães Wallace
Dr Eileen Nugent
Dr Min-Yen Ong
Dr Jon Phelan
Dr Ariana Phillips-Hutton
Dr Joanna Stasiak
Mrs Jane Warwick
Dr Richard Williams
Emeritus Fellows
2009 Dr Peter Raby Former Vice-Principal
2010 Mr John Beck
Dr Ian Morrison
2011 Professor David Bridges
Mr Stephen Tomkins
2012 Commodore Gale Bryan Former Bursar
2013 Mr Dhiru Karia Finance Tutor and Former Finance Officer
Dr Peter Warner Keeper of the Roll and Former Senior Tutor
2014 Miss Patricia Maude MBE
Professor Morag Styles
Mrs Elizabeth Anne Thwaites
2015 Dr Peter Cunningham
Professor John Gray FBA Former Vice-Principal
Mr Michael Younger
2016 Ms Christine Doddington
Dr John Hopkins Composer-in-Residence
Dr Molly Warrington
2017 Professor Richard Hickman Artist-in-Residence
2019 Mr Steve Watts
2020 Professor Maria Nikolajeva
Dr Peggy Watson
Mr David Whitley
2022 Mr Philip Stephenson
Dr Elaine Wilson
Ms Deborah Griffin OBE
Associate Fellows
Dr James Blevins
Mr Craig Bennett
Dr Douglas Coombes
Dr Neville Dean
Dr Karthik Depuru-Mohan
Dr Pauline Goyal-Rutsaert
Dr Nicholas Green
Dr Rose Grey
Mr Mehdi Kadhim
Dr Tyler Kelly
Dr Kathelijne Koops
Dr Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg
Dr Tom Leppard
Dr Claire Lestringant
Dr Kadhim Mehdi
Ms Elizabeth Osman
Dr Michelle Oyen
Professor Stephen Rennard
Dr Samuel Strong
Professor Ventsislav Valev
Each year Homerton makes a number of awards to students in recognition of academic merit and outstanding achievement. The following were awarded in 2022 and the College congratulates the recipients.
The Foundation Prize awarded to students graduating with a starred First Class result
Dongchan Lee
Joseph Lockhart
Andre Vaillant
The Horobin Prize for the best First Class result in the Education Tripos
Elizabeth Warr
The Aditya Dalmia Prize to the student graduating with the best First Class result in the Land Economy Tripos
Kazim Raza
Lord Dawson/Kueh Prize for the best First Class result in the Theology Tripos
Ethan MacDonald
The Simms Benefaction Prize awarded to the student graduating with the best First Class result in the History Tripos
Alice Grundy
The David Thompson Prize awarded to students graduating with a First Class result
Olivia Allen
Caitlyn Amey
Srinidhi Balakrishnan
Oscar Baldwin
Greta Baltusyte
Gemma Barton
James Burrows
Yousun Cha
Naproud Cherchawankul
Alastair Claringbold
Teofisto Consistente VI
Alexander Cumming
Beatrice Damon
Isaac Dixon
Joshua Dranesas
Nicholas Finch
Iona Harrison
Rishit Jain
Joseph Johnson
Alexandra Jones
Marcus Jones
Sana Khullar
Shiyoun Kim
Liam Kline
Wojciech Labun
Oi Ki Miranda Lam
Dongchan Lee
Wu Qun Sean Lee
Jiasi Li
Joseph Lockhart
James Mackin
Joshua Martin
Chiedza Matsvai
Cameron McQuater
Yoav Nir
Noah Palombo
Aayush Pindoria
Rebecca Pope
Stella Rousham
Jamila Rowland-Chandler
Samuel Schaefer
Paula Suchantke
Andre Vaillant
Dalma Vatai
Jennifer White
Florence Winkley
Xingze Xu
Boyan Yu
Max Yipie Zhu
The Shuard/Simms Prize for students graduating with a First Class result in the Education Tripos
Laurene Blanchard
Chloe Bond
Zoe Hosier
Rebecca Langford
Francesca Richards
Lindsay Robinot-Jones
Ellis Turton College Academic Achievement Award for students (finalists and continuers) awarded a University Prize
Olivia Allen
Samuel Frith
Ethan MacDonald
Cameron McQuater
John Riordan
Paula Suchantke
Emaan Ullah
Salvador Widdicombe
The Bridget Robinson Studentship to reward academic excellence in Maths or Music (in memory of the late Bridget Robinson)
Lorenzo Bennett
Homerton Second Year Scholarships awarded to the highest performing second year students in Tripos
Inés Cropper De Andres
Anchit Jain
Wilf Raby
Lily Ruoyun Zhang
Yasi Zhu
The David Thompson Scholarship awarded to continuing students who received a First Class result
Ayush Agarwal
Phupha Amornkijja
Max Asseily
Charlie Blackmore
Charles Cai
Bugra Ceylan
Rony Chowdhry
Alisha Cole
Imran Darr
Rushi Dasoondi
Nick Davis
Xiaoxi Deng
Matteo Di Scipio
Emma Dixon
Thomas Doherty
Marcus Dunford-Castro
Marco Dupuis Rodriguez
Divna Edrovska
Faris El Kholy
Milo Flynn
Gregor Fowler
Samuel Frith
Liz Guo
Anya Gupta
Connie Hemmings
Nick Husic
Fitz Jolly
Jude Jones
Andrew Ke
Leon Kollar
Nav Leelarathna
Tyler Li
William Liu
Thomas McCarter
Zayaan Merchant
Tess Mitchell-Thomas
Riya Mody
Tobias Poon
Max Roberts
Jaimin Shah
Tom Sheppard
Ben Syiek
Tom Tyler
Emaan Ullah
Yiyang Wang
Shona Whelan
Salvador Widdicombe
Caitlin Yao
Paige Yu
Lily Zixin Zhang
Renee Zhang
George Peabody Scholarship awarded to students achieving a First in Part IA or Part IB of the Education Tripos
Xinman Yoyo Liu
Alexia Manea
Vita Pearl
Lucy Williams
Zhiyu Zhang
Helen Morris Scholarship awarded to the student gaining the best First Class result in the English, Drama & the Arts track in Part 1B of the Education Tripos
Liz Willey
Mandawewala Prize awarded to the student with the best First Class result in Part IIA of the Engineering Tripos
Adam Wood
Jonathan Beswick Essay Prize (for Mathematics) awarded to
Filip Trenkic
The Homerton College Charter Postgraduate Award awarded on academic merit to a student embarking on a new course of postgraduate study
Vincenzo Di Bartolo
Matilda Grayson
Enze Hu
Michael McNicholas
Joanne Milton
Devinda Soegianto
Suchismita Srinivas
College Master’s Prize awarded to postgraduate students who achieved a distinction overall
Nadia Abdel-Halim
Hannah Atkinson
Callum Bates
Emily Batty
Sonia Berglund
Claire Bradbery
Emily Brook
Daniel Brooks
Rachel Burton
Anna Caroe
Georgios Chatziavgerino
Lucy Cheetham
David Crowther
Rebekah Denby
Joanna Foster
Channon Gray
Elizabeth Hobday
Matthew Hudson
Andrew Hume
Alexandru-Andrei Iacob
Sadhia Islam
Abhishek Mark Joshi
Ciara Judge
Daniel Jukes
Isabella Kallan
Jintai Li
Kelly Liles
Jamie Linale
Chang Liu
Olivia Marsh
Sheila McSweeney
Emily Oakes
Gregory Pennington
Maariyah Rashid
Amy Ryder
Bethany Saddington
Rebecca Saddington-Wiltshire
Laura Sheppard
Jasmine Smith
Thomas Stanley
Benedict Summers
Alex Szolnoki
Eleanor Walsh
Hollie Walton
Rachel Williams
Susanna Wilson
Li Yaxin
Wanning Zhang
Yanyan Zong
The Barton Prize awarded to the postgraduate student who has made the most outstanding contribution to College life
Harriet Clark
The Dean’s Prize awarded to the student who has contributed to the College ethos through exemplary conduct and going over and above that which is normally expected
Sasha Grantham
The Westall Prize awarded to the undergraduate student who has made the most outstanding contribution to College life
Harry Convey Special Representation Award to mark outstanding commitment and support to a University Society and to College members
Vladyslav Shutko
The Barbara and Malcom
Pointon Music Prize awarded to a student of Music who has made the most distinctive contribution to the musical life of the College
Joseph Solomon
Conducting Scholarship awarded to Francesca Richards
Organ Scholarship awarded to
Lorenzo Bennett
Gus Brimacombe
Lucas Churchill
Amber Coxill
Alfie Davis
Amy Elder
Rebecca Gell
Neve Kennedy
Heledd Jones
Morgane Lapeyre
Sophia Marine
Dominic Morgan
Max McGarrigle
Coby O’Brien
Francesca Richards
Mikha’el Seth
Georgia Sibley
Joseph Solomon
Thomas Slater
Anna Stricevic
The Accompanist Scholarship awarded to Xinman Yoyo Liu
Adam Wolowcyzk
Judy Yang
‘Blues’ are awarded in recognition of sporting excellence in representing the University of Cambridge. During the 2021–2022 academic year, Blues were awarded to the following Homertonians.
Full Blues
Camille Barton Lacrosse
Rushi Dasoondi Boxing
Jack England Hockey
Esah Hayat Tennis
Marcus Jones Hockey
Tatiana Kasujja Football
Cyprian Kucaj Football
Daisy Margolis Cheerleading
Olayinka Sterling-Badmus Cheerleading
Bill Taylor Hockey
Half Blues
Iona Harrison Cross Country
Megan McCorkle American Football
Bence Nemeth Handball
Tin Ho Ng Football
Oliver Nick Basketball
William Touzet Lacrosse
Isabella Weber Tennis
The College congratulates the following students on completing their studies at Homerton and on being awarded their qualifications.
Bachelor of Arts
Oluwatobi Adelana
Computer Science Tripos
Rati Aftab
History and Politics Tripos
Ilaeira Leto Agrotou
English Tripos
Olivia Rose Allen
Geographical Tripos
Caitlyn Amey
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Josephine AritiAlamonte
Natural Sciences Tripos
Abigail Lucy Ashthorpe
Natural Sciences Tripos
Srinidhi Balakrishnan
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Oscar Benjamin Baldwin
Natural Sciences Tripos
Danielle Josephine Ball
Historical Tripos
Greta Baltusyte
Natural Sciences Tripos
Rhianna Jade Bangham
Classical Tripos Four Year
Freya Bark
History and Politics Tripos
Takvor Ohanes Baronian
Natural Sciences Tripos
Alfie Barrishi
English Tripos
Richard Bartlett
Management Studies Tripos
Gemma Barton
Natural Sciences Tripos
Laurene Pascaline Blanchard
Education Tripos
Chloe May Bond
Education Tripos
Pol Ester Leo BradfordCorris
History of Art Tripos
Alice Brown
Natural Sciences Tripos
James Stephen Burrows
Natural Sciences Tripos
Christina Helen Calierno
Engineering Tripos
Elizabeth Castell
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Yousun Cha
Economics Tripos
Anna Helen Chadwick
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Daniel Peter Chapman
Engineering Tripos
Nazh Chendi
Natural Sciences Tripos
Tsz Kin Mark Cheng
Natural Sciences Tripos
Naproud Cherchawankul
Natural Sciences Tripos
Tze Lin Chew
Mathematical Tripos
Matthew Yuhang Chong
Natural Sciences Tripos
Lucas John Churchill
Historical Tripos
Alastair Bryan Claringbold
Natural Sciences Tripos
Teofisto Escutin Consistente VI
Natural Sciences Tripos
Harry Convey
Natural Sciences Tripos
Mia Emily Cook
Education Tripos
Aaron Cooke
Natural Sciences Tripos
Thomas Paul Monaghan Crabtree
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Scarlett Olivia Croft
English Tripos
Alexander Cumming
Historical Tripos
Beatrice Gabrielle Damon
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Priyanka Das
Economics Tripos
Yasmine Deflaoui
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Intizar Demir
History and Politics Tripos
Daniel Hanchen Ding
Economics Tripos
Isaac Samuel Dixon
Computer Science Tripos
Arlette Olabi Doko
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Marie Ellen Donovan
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Jake Doyle
Classical Tripos Four Year
Joshua Dranesas
Law Tripos
Cara Dromgoole
English Tripos
Chiamaka Ebodili
Land Economy Tripos
Amy Clemency Elder
Classical Tripos
Nicholas Sunil Finch
Natural Sciences Tripos
Bartosz Formela
Natural Sciences Tripos
Eleanor Patricia Forsdyke
English Tripos
Katarina Frankopan
Historical Tripos
Jacob Peter Francis
Natural Sciences Tripos
Rebecca Gell
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Daria Ghezzi
Geographical Tripos
Juliette Graham
History and Modern
Languages Tripos
Alice Emily Grundy
Historical Tripos
Lena Sophie Guertler
Linguistics Tripos
Eshan Gupta
Economics Tripos
Aimilia Hadjiprocopiou
Natural Sciences Tripos
Aminna Harb
Education Tripos with English
Atalanta Sawdon Harkavy
Law Tripos
Iona Sophie Clare Harrison
Management Studies Tripos
Hannah Victoria Haugvik
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Farsan Bernard Timothy
Mathematical Tripos
Benjamin Teyte Hendry
Land Economy Tripos
John Paul Higgins
Computer Science Tripos
Shaun Ee Farn Ho
Engineering Tripos
Ella Jessica Laura Hordern
Natural Sciences Tripos
Zoe Chrisostomi Harley
Education Tripos
Hongjing Hu
Economics Tripos
Anisha Islam
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Rishit Jain
Economics Tripos
Wassil Janssen
Engineering Tripos
Jayasinghe Mudalige Neema
Hesandi Jayasinghe
Education Tripos
Joseph Edward Charles Johnson
Engineering Tripos
Alexandra Lucy Jones
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Marcus Jones
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Sean Kamau
Economics Tripos
Tatiana Kasujja
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Isla Seager Kendall
Natural Sciences Tripos
Sana Khullar
Land Economy Tripos
Shiyoun Kim
Classical Tripos
Liam Kline
English Tripos
Wojciech Labun
Law Tripos
Oi Ki Miranda Lam
Natural Sciences Tripos
Rebecca Langford
Education Tripos
Dongchan Lee
Mathematical Tripos
Wu Qun Sean Lee
Law Tripos
Jiasi Li
Natural Sciences Tripos
Carmen Lim
Law Tripos
Joseph Michael Lockhart
Natural Sciences Tripos
Freeman Lok
Music Tripos
Pak Hei Lui
Engineering Tripos
Ethan Angus Niall MacDonald
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion Tripos
Arina Machine
Natural Sciences Tripos
James David Mackin
Historical Tripos
Tabasom Mahjub
Law Tripos
Daisy Louise Margolis
Education Tripos
Joshua Houstoun Martin
English Tripos
Chiedza Kurewa Matsvai
English Tripos
Tristan Willoughby McCallum
Natural Sciences Tripos
Maximilian McGarrigle
Mathematical Tripos
Bethany Paige Merrifield
Natural Sciences Tripos
Vaios-Rafail Michalakis
Mathematical Tripos
Maxx Maria Bondoc Naoe
History of Art Tripos
Chang Ni
Education Tripos
Yoav Nir
Engineering Tripos
Julia Noga
Law Tripos
Catherine Asor Ofori
Historical Tripos
William Oliviero
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos
Abievbense Faith Osifo
Law Tripos
Noah Palombo
Natural Sciences Tripos
Clara Pecci Terroba
Engineering Tripos
Aayush Pindoria
Land Economy Tripos
Umme-Kulsum Pisavadi
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Carlotta Marei Poensgen
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Rebecca Pope
Natural Sciences Tripos
Zara Helena Anita
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos
Kazim Raza
Land Economy Tripos
Georgia Reid
Law Tripos
Francesca Richards
Education Tripos
Claire Christiane
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Elizabeth Joy Robbings
Music Tripos
Louie Roberts
Geographical Tripos
Lindsay Anne Olivia
Education Tripos
Stella May Effra Rousham
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Jamila Rowland-Chandler
Natural Sciences Tripos
Katie Jayne Rowlands
English Tripos
Evans Anthony Rozario
Mathematical Tripos
Freya Ruparel
Geographical Tripos
Alfred Sayer
Philosophy Tripos
Samuel Schaefer
Engineering Tripos
Emilia Schmolck
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Shadab Shahid
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Jiaqi Shang
Education Tripos
Natalie Kiera Singhal
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Thomas David Slater
Chemical Engineering via Engineering
Joseph Solomon
Music Tripos
Mikolaj Maciej Stepinski
Computer Science Tripos
Jake Alexander Ryan
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Paula Marie Suchantke
Geographical Tripos
Daniel Yurievich Svirkin
Mathematical Tripos
Benjamin Thomas
Computer Science Tripos
William Cesar Touzet
Engineering Tripos
Ellis Sophia Turton
Education Tripos
Andre Vaillant
Mathematical Tripos
Samuel David van den Bos
Mathematical Tripos
Dalma Vatai
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Kristian Wade
Natural Sciences Tripos
Elizabeth Eleanor Warr
Education Tripos
Indra Warr
Natural Sciences Tripos
Robin Patrick Webber
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Roni Ann Weir
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Paul Wernicke
Engineering Tripos
Jennifer White
English Tripos
Lois Susan Whitelegg
Natural Sciences Tripos
Lily Anna Wilkinson
Education Tripos
Florence Isabel Gwyneth
English Tripos
Yue Heng Vanessa Constance
Education Tripos
Hasan Wright
Archaeology Tripos
Xingze Xu
Natural Sciences Tripos
Han Yu
Mathematical Tripos
Max Yipie Zhu
Natural Sciences Tripos
Christina Helen Calierno
Engineering Tripos
Daniel Peter Chapman
Engineering Tripos
Shaun Ee Farn Ho
Engineering Tripos
Wassil Janssen
Engineering Tripos
Joseph Edward Charles Johnson
Engineering Tripos
Pak Hei Lui
Engineering Tripos
Yoav Nir
Engineering Tripos
Clara Pecci Terroba
Engineering Tripos
Samuel Schaefer
Engineering Tripos
Thomas David Slater
Chemical Engineering via Engineering
William Cesar Touzet
Engineering Tripos
Paul Wernicke
Engineering Tripos
BA & MMath
Dongchan Lee
Mathematical Tripos
Evans Anthony Rozario
Mathematical Tripos
Andre Vaillant
Mathematical Tripos
BA & MSci
Greta Baltusyte
Natural Sciences Tripos
Takvor Ohanes Baronian
Natural Sciences Tripos
Alastair Bryan Claringbold
Natural Sciences Tripos
Harry Convey
Natural Sciences Tripos
Aimilia Hadjiprocopiou
Natural Sciences Tripos
Jiasi Li
Natural Sciences Tripos
Joseph Michael Lockhart
Natural Sciences Tripos
Arina Machine
Natural Sciences Tripos
Rebecca Pope
Natural Sciences Tripos
Jamila Rowland-Chandler
Natural Sciences Tripos
Xingze Xu
Natural Sciences Tripos
Max Yipie Zhu
Natural Sciences Tripos
Alastair Amos
Katherine Arnold
Rebecca Arr Woodward
Kitty Bailey
Peter Balderstone
Callum Banks
Georgia Barnwell
Emma Barron
Emily Bird
Patience Blanchard
India Boyle
Jack Brooker
Rachel Burns
Jodie Cameron
Artur Cassio Fernandes
Sophie Charles
Lauren Chawner
Parco Cheng
Jodie Clare
Cameron Clark
Georgia Clark
Miranda Clark
Bethany Clarke
Amy Clegg
Tara Constantine
Theodora Costa
Louisa Cotterhill
Rachael Crabtree
Alice Cromey
Hannah Crossman
Cliodhna Cryan
Elora Dartnell
Zoe Davey
Thomas Davies
Anna Dempsey
Emelia Dengel
Catherine Dennison
Niamh Donnelly
Frances Eastol
Charles Fernandes
Emma Foreman
Andrew Fowles
Louisa Fox
Mark Frazer
Amy Freeman
Anne-Louise Gale-Burnett
Katharine Garland
Sarah Gilbertson
Ella Gilchrist
Hannah Golden
Emily Grant
Hannah Greenhaigh
Chloe Griggs
Charlotte Hannah
Emily Harris
Kathryn Hart
Lydia Hartley
Karen Heywood
Boris Hills
Jessica Hollingshurst
Emily Holt
Katherine Hough
Charlotte Howard
Amy Ingram
Sloane Jaffe
Camellia Johnson
Lydia Jones
Megan Jones
Samuel Jones
Adam Keenan
Grace Kennedy
Stephen Kennedy
Annabel Keoghane
Junaid Khan
Salman Khan
Kader Kilinc
Alice King
Megan Kinsey
Joyce Lam
Dhechen Lama
Anna Lancaster
Toby Lanyon Jones
Charlotte Lewis
Gabriella Light
Jessica Llewellyn
Jennifer Longstaff
Robert Lowin
Hannah Lyden
Olivia Macintosh
Mustafa Mahmoud
Madeleine McDonald
Ross McGaughrin
Joseph McKenzie
Jessica McMahon
Aine McMenamin
Olivia Middleton
Matthew Mordue
Camille Motion
Rachel Mulholland Dear
Harlem Nguyen
Ketevan Nizharadze
Abbie Noller
Samuel O’Dell
Jessica Odogwu
Catrin Osborne
Bryony Parkinson
Chloe Parsons
Lucy Peel
Natasha Penford
Liam Perkins-Edge
Polly Philp
Isla Pinnell
Rachel Plummer
Hannah Pyrah
Yifan Qiao
Alexandra Rayment-Pickard
Katie Richardson
Emily Roberts
Hope Robertson
Jocelyn Robinson
Katie Ross
Roxanna Salamian
Matthew Sammon
Jaime Scantlebury-Smead
Rebecca Shakles
Henrietta Shaw
Lydia Shephard
Ammika Singhsachakul
Aaron Smith
Emma Smyth
Chloe Somerville
Maryam Soroya
Georgia Sowerby
Faye Stevenson
Joseph Taylor
Clare Thomas
Richard Thomson
Lara Thorn
Holly Turner
Eleanor Watson
Jessica Webb
Katie Webber
Emily White
Bethan Williams
Isobel Wilson
Elijah Wisken
Emily Wood
Jeremy Woods
Jonathan Woof
Judy Yang
Lucy Young
Xinyue Zhao
Bobnus Zonda
Master of Education
Daniela Cristina Amorim
Hannah Atkinson
Yee Ki Au
Sasha Barnes
Simon François Xavier
Albert Baron
Emily Emad Bassaly
Callum Robert Bates
Emily Grace Batty
Sonia Elisabeth Berglund
Kayleigh Florence Boyle
Claire Elaine Bradbery
Chloe Anne Bridges
Joseph Brockman
Julia Anne Burns
Craig Mark William Burton
Rachel Julia Burton
Annie Louise Camp
Caitlin Grace Shaw Carney
Anna Kathryn Caroe
Lucy Annabel Cheetham
Emily Chilton
Cathy Laura Cook
Emma Victoria Davies
Rebekah Kate Denby
Sam Denham
Preeti Devine
Lucy Jane Dungey
Hedydd Edge
Ashley Ellis
Daniel James Louie Foster
Elinor Frances Galvin
Ailsa Gray
Channon Amy Gray
Alice Emily Harvey
Andrew Stuart Hay
Ashley James Hewitt
Elizabeth Louise Hobday
Rachael Rose Violet Hopley
Sadhia Islam
Fergus Patrick Jemphrey
Ryan Steve Johnson
Rojin Jozi
Ciara Aoife Judge
Isabella Katarina Kallan
James Kelly
Merkara Lindsey Kitchen
Jan Knight
Nicola Kumaran
Sarah Louise Byng Laurie
Tara-Jayne Lazenby
Natalie Amita Lever
Rhiannon Leah Lewis
Jamie Lee David Linale
Georgina Mary Lunn
Benjamin Philip Mansbridge
Penelope Constantinou Mantillas
Olivia Marsh
Emily Matson
Una Clare McAllister
Natasha McEwen
Lauren Tara Minshull-Beech
Ashley Claire Vidion Moreton
Sophie Nairac
Rachel Ruth Newell
Bethany Bridget Newman
Emily Kierston Oakes
Jack George Penhaligon
Emily Joyce Plunkett
Coral Emily Reeves
Megan Reilly
Amy Tamsin Rydeer
Bethany Jane Saddington
Rebecca Jennifer SaddingtonWiltshire
Rebecca Katie Sands
Sadie Sharman
Hannah Sheath
Yehwon Shin
James Edward Sinclair
Jasmine Danielle Smith
Adelice Louise Johnston
Rebecca Mary Still
Harriet Tapply
Emma Jane Thorogood
Asmi Vaghela
Naomi Clare Walker
Eleanor Dorothy Walsh
Hollie Charlotte Walton
Gabrielle Louise Watson
Kimberley Georgina Florence White
Emma Louise Wild
Miranda Lara Louisa Wild
Susanna Wilson
Candi Sze Ching Wong
Evilina Zalyaeva
Master of Corporate Law
Rashini Balakrishnan
Aleksandra Fiutowska
Daniel John Joseph Jukes
Master of Law
Vasundhara Bakhru
Doctor of Education
Tristan Igglesden
Fiona Mary Peacock
Master of Advanced Study
Conor Liam Dyson
Daniel Matthew Glazer
Redouana Simon Silvente
Xinjie Yu
Mona Bagga
Kelsey Conklin
Neil Gillies
Andrew Hume
Kenneth Lamont
Deepak Ojha
Gregory David Pennington
Areeb Ayaz Siddiqui
Slaven Stekovic
Govinder Wathan
Master of Finance
Hectr Aureliano Esquivel
Mahesh Shankar Santiapillai
Hanxuan Wang
Master of Philosophy
Nadia Abdel-Halim Education
Grayson Allen Public Health
Charles Adrien Alphonse Arnal Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence
Usman Arshad Economics
Kathryn Rose AshmoreMarsh
American Literature
Benjamin Bownass Development Studies
Brittany Lee Bursa Education
Georgios Chatziavgerinos Education
Sarah Mohsin Chaudhry
Bioscience Enterprise
Yixin Chen Education
Chau Yi Cheung
Teresa Cullip
Public Health
Pranav Pradyumna
Lucy Charlotte Dayer
Sapphire Demirsöz
Yunhan Dong
American Literature
Changzhu Fu
Biological Science
Yifei Gao
Real Estate Finance
Mateos Grigorian
Real Estate Finance
Jeremy Guild
Medical Science
Cairui He
Kairan Huang
Micr & Nanotechnology
Charlotte Elizabeth Husnjak Education
Alexandru-Andrei Iacob
Computer Science
Saad Islam
Nuclear Energy
Akhilesh Karumchand Issur
African Studies
Nathan Johns
Lucas Gary Kemper
Zeyu Li
Hannah Marie Lockett
Emily Sarah Loud
Public Health
Annabel Elizabeth Manley
Economic Research
Ciara Jessica McFaul
Alex Mearing
Biological Anthropological
Nuno Filipe Medeiros Vieira da Estrela
Munise Merteroglu
Medical Science
Kenji Misawa Education
Patricia Lynn Mumau
Alisha Odoi-Smith African Studies
John Ogbuneke
Translational Biomedical Research
Olajoju Adufe Olu-Lutherking Real Estate Finance
Isabella Akuzie Oreffo
Alerick Josué Pacay Barahona
Conservation Leadership
Micah William Tipple
Samuel Pradalie
Sebastian Abby Pratama
Olivia Purvis
Lucia Guadalupe Ramirez
Biological Science
Klara Joyce Rehm
Modern European History
Alys Lowri Roberts
Jesus Rodriguez-Badell Technology Policy
Nevo Rom
Public Policy
Jakub Sobolewski
Jian Song
Technology Policy
Shangrui Song
Christopher David Sutherland
Damyan Tilev
Corinne Grace Tsai
Biological Science
Sarah Jane Tucker
Mate Imre Varga
Advanced Chemical Engineering
Zelna Cecilia Weich
Holocene Climates
Haotian Wu
Film and Screen Studies
Songqiao Xie
Theoretical and Applied
Kefan Xue
Maurice Maximilian Zeuner
Naixin Zhang
Wanning Zhang
Master of Research
Annabelle Anouk Manon
Biological Science
Master of Studies
Reabal Alkhtib
Vicki Elizabeth Bailey
Advanced Suject Teaching
Taha Bouzrara
Aaron Azmaan Singh Brar
Guy Edward Browett
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Charlotte Calkin
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
David Charles Campbell
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Emily Louise Campbell
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Karen Castle
Genomic Medicine
Peter John Chaten
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Alexander James Couzens
Genomic Medicine
Antonios Danon
Joanna Emma Foster
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Georgi Georgiev Gekov
Emily Louise Giles
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Sanjay Gohil
Francois Henri Gouelo
Clare Lisa Griffiths
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Paul Joseph Hetherington
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Matthew Jack Mildred
Muthusamy Kaneson
Pyi Thien Khine
Aleksandra Kozicka
Genomic Medicine
Victoria Jayne Levick
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Gerard Lyons
Hon Lam Ma
Wendy Martin
Applied Criminology, Penology & Mangement
Rosselin Mgbezeh
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Chinye Chelsea Monye
Joan Hong Ong
Oluwatoyin Oni
Samantha Antoinette Orciel
Advanced Subject Teaching
Xavier James Parkhouse
Bradley Thomas Read
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Elizabeth Renard
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Claire Louise Rushton
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Jose Mari Michael Sanchez
Aris Saoulidid
GenomIc Medicine
Ahnaf Rafshan Shah
Lalit Sritara
Thomas James Stanley
Ngou Sun
Jagjit Singh Takhar
Genomic Medicine
Khatuna Tsintsadze
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Hereina Vaai
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Timo Christian Von
Der Heide
Michael Williams
Wing Tung Wong
Callum Woodcock
Dale William Worthington
Applied Criminology, Penology & Management
Yu Yuan
Doctor of Philosophy
Christopher Mark Ashcroft
Ezra Aydin
Gonzalo Julian Beitia
Biological Science
Benjamin George Butt
Emily Francesca Calderbank
Chi Ching Chang
Thomas Halpern Cowhitt
Daniel De La Torre
Biological Sience
Thomas Fryer
Marcel Gehrung
Medical Science
LLeonardo Goncalves Lago
Jack Peter Griffiths
Sarah Frances Layzell
Timothy Patrick Jenkins
Veterinary Medicine
Pui Ki Patricia Kwok
Tim Lohoff
Physiology, Development & Neuroscience
Oliver Melvill
Robert Jonathan Neal
Guillermo Eduardo Parada
Biological Science
Sharmila Amarnani Parmanand
Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies
Sundeep Popat
Chemistry, Scientific Computing
Emma Reay
Parousia Rockstroh
Applied Mathematics
Ezequiel Ignacio Rodriguez
Mairi Stella Shepherd
Kanwar Nain Singh
Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics
Vera Veldhuizen
Alice Jean White
Clinical Neurosciences
Yuejia Xu
Yordan Stefanov Yordanov
Leopold Zangemeister
Physiology, Development & Neuroscience
Shijie Zhan
The College welcomes the following students, who have joined Homerton in 2022.
Jana Amr Nour Eldin
Abdel Aty
Education Tripos
Ada Marta Adamczyk
Natural Sciences Tripos
Oluwatoni Adewole
Law Tripos
Matteo Ajanaku
Computer Science Tripos
Maryam Al Anani
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Muhammed Alam
Economics Tripos
Isabella Zara Albertoli
English Tripos
Ayah Alhussni
Veterinary Sciences Tripos
Vishnu Anil Kumar Reddy
Law Tripos
Verity Grace Arden
Natural Sciences Tripos
Felix Armstrong
English Tripos
Utsav Atri
Land Economy Tripos
Toby George Backhouse
Land Economy Tripos
Cameron Oscar Bailey
Natural Sciences Tripos
Naomi Bernstein
English Tripos
Niamh Bewick
Natural Sciences Tripos
Sophie Hope Boxall
Education Tripos
Jim Alexandre Bridger
Mathematical Tripos
Lily-Belle Burden-Ting
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Samuel Burland
Geographical Tripos
Alfred Cason
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Pollyanna Chamberlain
Historical Tripos
Maham Chaudhry
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Yizhen Chen
Mathematical Tripos
Zhiyuan Chen
Computer Science Tripos
Lara Cornelius
English Tripos
Heidi Creagh
Natural Sciences Tripos
Daniel Crosbie
History and Politics Tripos
Louis Davidson
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Suzanne De Lima-Roberts
Linguistics Tripos
Aeneas Dennison
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos
Thomas Devenish Arzuza
Natural Sciences Tripos
Molly Doran
Geographical Tripos
Lauren Edwards
Historical Tripos
Mckenzie Elmorssy
Natural Sciences Tripos
Amna Farooq
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Nicholas Fulford
Mathematical Tripos
Yangboyuan Gao
Computer Science Tripos
Matthew Gregson
Computer Science Tripos
Helena Hall
Education Tripos
Lania Hamilton
Education Tripos
Amaan Hamza
Computer Science Tripos
Jasper Harrison
Land Economy Tripos
Ellen Hawley
English Tripos
Thomas Hicks
Natural Sciences Tripos
Benjamin Hinoul
Natural Sciences Tripos
Gleda Ho
Natural Sciences Tripos
Casey Hollingworth
Education Tripos
Libby Louise Carolyn
Patricia Hooper
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Lily Howard
English Tripos
Zhitian Huang
Architecture Tripos
William Hullock
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
James Hyde
Geographical Tripos
Vanessa Ilori
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Beca Fflur Jenkins
Law Tripos
Linjia Jin
Natural Sciences Tripos
Connor Jones
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Mia Veronika Jonsson
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion Tripos
Elise Kalli
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Spencer Kameni
Natural Sciences Tripos
Ka Wang Kan
Computer Science Tripos
Muhammad Khalil
Land Economy Tripos
Anna Kilvington
Historical Tripos
Amy Rose Koikkara
Law Tripos
Aleena Joy Kombanal
Natural Sciences Tripos
Alesia Laci
Historical Tripos
Amanda Rebecca
Economics Tripos
Yan An Law
Law Tripos
Portia Lawrence
English Tripos
Xinyang Li
Education Tripos
Toby David Linsell
Land Economy Tripos
Ruth MacGregor
Linguistics Tripos
Ruben Singh Malhi
Economics Tripos
Hugo Florian Manchego
Medical Sciences Tripos
Emily May
Geographical Tripos
Emily McDonagh
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Angelette Mendonca
Medical Sciences Tripos
Yiwei Meng
Mathematical Tripos
Electra Michael
Philosophy Tripos
Emilia Michalska
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos
Antoana Micheva
Law Tripos
Maya Moh
Music Tripos
Chloe Moore
Linguistics Tripos
John Moore
Music Tripos
Bruno Moura
Economics Tripos
Angelina Naujoks
Education Tripos
Medical Sciences Tripos
Mabel Oliver
Architecture Tripos
Maame Korkor Bruce
English Tripos
Ayomide Oyelowo
Medical Sciences Tripos
Samuel Palmer
Natural Sciences Tripos
Andre Pancholi
Geographical Tripos
Noah Parry
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion Tripos
Shrey Patel
Computer Science Tripos
Leonas Paul Magnus
History and Politics Tripos
Simon Pech
Natural Sciences Tripos
Jacob Phibbs
Historical Tripos
Arthur Pilkington
Classical Tripos
Elise Rich
Veterinary Sciences Tripos
Megan Robinson
Music Tripos
Margaret Saunderson
Education Tripos
George Shaw
Medical Sciences Tripos
Merren Sheekey
Education Tripos
Molly-May Shepherd
English Tripos
Aisling Sheppard
Natural Sciences Tripos
Emily Simmons
Historical Tripos
Conall Sinha
Natural Sciences Tripos
Ethan Skipp
Historical Tripos
Lanfei Sun
Natural Sciences Tripos
Yingzi Sun
Mathematical Tripos
Noela-Maria Szeker
Architecture Tripos
Sophie Talbot
Historical Tripos
Sophie Tallon
Human, Social, and Political
Sciences Tripos
Tai Cheng Tan
Law Tripos
Elisa Tateo
Architecture Tripos
Ning Teoh
Law Tripos
Victoria Tetteh
Natural Sciences Tripos
Anna Thompson
Education Tripos
Niamh Thompson
Education Tripos
Kitty Tseng
Education Tripos
Andrew Michael William
Mathematical Tripos
Ella Vardi
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion Tripos
Lezhen Wang
Mathematical Tripos
Jack Warnes
Mathematical Tripos
Stephanie Rachel Webb
English Tripos
Lin Wei
Economics Tripos
Lauren Welsby-Riley
Human, Social, and Political
Sciences Tripos
Samuel Jia Qi Wong
Economics Tripos
Jiuyue Wu
Natural Sciences Tripos
Amanda Yebuah
History and Politics Tripos
Ali Zahin
Medical Sciences Tripos
Chi Zhang
Natural Sciences Tripos
Chuyi Zhang
Natural Sciences Tripos
Rose Zhang
Education Tripos
Yuchen Zhang
Mathematical Tripos
Caie Akinla
Classical Tripos Four Year
Lucy Arnold
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Hope Broome Saunders
History and Modern
Languages Tripos
Millie Eliza Grace Debell
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos
Shreya Gudka
History and Modern
Languages Tripos
Irfaan Kanji
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos
Samuel Kearney
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Emily Kitcat
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos
Rosie Morritt
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Simran Kaur Rakar
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Paraskevi Samali
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Imogen Miranda Vasi-McCrory
Classical Tripos Four Year
Andreas Velimachitis
Modern and Medieval
Languages Tripos
Leah Whiting
History and Modern
Languages Tripos
BA & MEng
Narmeephan Arunthavarajah
Engineering Tripos
Kaiyuan Bao
Engineering Tripos
Henry Broome
Engineering Tripos
Ayoife Omoyemi Dada
Engineering Tripos
Zelin Deng
Engineering Tripos
Roxanne Efa-Quayson
Chemical Engineering via Engineering
Reuben Glenville
Engineering Tripos
Oliver Hydon
Engineering Tripos
Saarujan Jeyachandran
Chemical Engineering via Natural Sciences
Ryszard Lech Kaczmarczyk
Engineering Tripos
Bwalya Elizabeth Chelsea
Chemical Engineering via Natural Sciences
Hubert Laronde
Engineering Tripos
Juan Francisco Lorusso
Notaro Francesco
Engineering Tripos
Yue Lu
Engineering Tripos
Chenjia Min
Engineering Tripos
Karishma Mohan
Engineering Tripos
Raghavendra Narayan Rao
Engineering Tripos
Dillon Senaratne
Engineering Tripos
Qian Shen
Engineering Tripos
Eliana Stockdale
Engineering Tripos
Thilakshan Thayalan
Engineering Tripos
Kailang Xu
Engineering Tripos
Sannah Zaman
Chemical Engineering via Natural Sciences
Yonghao Zhao
Engineering Tripos
Duoduo Zheng
Engineering Tripos
Charles Crosby
Toga Ibrahim
Damilola Ogunlana
Cameron Welsh
Wiktoria Wszelaka
Jack Blackwell
Jessica Bogle
Emma Bosio
Grace Bradshaw
Nadia Buckingham
Lydia Burnet
James Cairns
Sarah Campos-Bell
Hannah Carpenter
Seo-Young Cho
Romana Chowdhury
Thomas Christian
Samantha Cunningham
Jonathan Daniels
Sarah Louise Douglas
Lewis John Dowle
Callum Driver
Helen Ecclestone
Papina Maria Plum Evans
Maisie Fletcher
Oliver Fox
Emily Gammon
Rebecca German
Jack Gilbert
Anna Gordon
Anand Goyal
India Greenbury
Sasha Nicole Griffiths
Iliana Gutch Marinov
Lois Hardwick
Jessica Harrington
Emily Ind
Noor-ul-ain Iqbal
Christopher Jeffery
Eve Jones
Felicity Kennedy
Jade Kong
Ting Rachel Lam
Annalisa Lanza
Olivia Mannall
Niki Marinakis
Samantha Lauren Martin
Charlotte Maxwell
Ben McAuley
Samuel James McCausland
Tessa McLeish
Emma McWilliams
Tara Morton
Ben Moyes
Hamza Mubarak
Siobhan Mulholland-Cox
Wonjung Nam
Leo Nieuwenhuys
Corina Ormerod
Marguerite Osborne
Vera Pader
Christopher Page
Megan Palmer
Charlotte Parsley
Katie Pavey
Rose Pedge
Hal Pett
Eleanor Anne Abercromby
Emily Adams
Patrick Adams
Nina Aggarwal
Georgia Allen
Aneeqa Ansar
Victoria Bailey
Poppy Eleanor April Balgarnie
James Barnard
Phoebe Barr
Katie Bates
Elizabeth Beacom
Lily Anne Harris
Daniel Hayes
Francesca Henderson
Emily Herring
Ellen Zena Holmes
Amy Horne
Joanna Horsley
Daisy Houlihan
Áine Houston
Veronica Huckstep
Shania Huda
Andrew Hulmes
Bethany Hunter
Louise Elizabeth Phillips
Montgomery Mordaunt Pike
Benedict Platt
Keith Porthouse
Safiya Meena Qureshi
Jacqueline Ransley
David Redman
Mary Ruth Richardson
Isabel Roberts
Abbarnah Sabesan
Talia Sanders
Isobel Sanderson
Hunaiza Sarfraz
Annabel Sargent
Yin Ying Saw
Laura Jade Scales
Julia Schofield
Patrick Seargeant
Jack Sedgwick
Ashley Sheffield
Lingfeng Shu
Alice Skelton
Dawid Skrodzki
Freya Slack
Rachel Smit
Daniel Smith
Naomi Smith
Richa Snell
Jemima Snelson
Danielle Sparkes
Arun Squires
Rosie Sheenah Stewart
Hannah Stobart
Alice Storr
Hannah Strauss
Zacharias Henryk George Szreter
Joseph Tagliaferro
Jonathan Edward Tennet
Georgia Thomas
Jacob Thomas
Laura Georgina Thomas
Mark Thompson
James Tickner
Jordan Tooke
Adam Trusted
Jack Tuominen
Aynsleigh Elizabeth Turner
Lauren Ubertowski
Zoish Unwalla
Ashleigh Vasey
Amanjot Kaur Wahiwala
Abigail Walker
Haorui Wang
Maisie Waterson
Sam Watts
Anna Amelia Katharine Way
Lina Weber
Kate Weedy
Victoria Rose Whitaker
Joseph White
Flores Wigdahl
Benedict Williams
Samantha Williams
Katherine Mary Wood
Hannah Woodhouse
Melanie Worgan
Dain Yoon
Jewel Yu
Candy Qian Wen Yuan
James Yule
William van Boesschoten
Master of Philosophy
Mariana Bello Vigorena
Master of Philosophy in Public Policy
Madison Lee Bennett
Master of Philosophy in Archaeological Science
Matthew Bernstein
Master of Philosophy in Population Health Sciences
Anushka Bhaskar
Master of Philosophy in Population Health Sciences
Shivani Bhatt
Master of Philosophy in Film and Screen Studies
Willow Booker
Master of Philosophy in English Studies
Ellen Bridson
Master of Philosophy in Health, Medicine, and Society
Jessica Grace Chapman
Master of Philosophy in Education (ELI)
Sameera Chawla
Master of Philosophy in Education (CACL)
Lei Chen
Master of Philosophy in Education (KPP)
Mengyuan Chen
Master of Philosophy in Education (RSLE)
Shiyuan Cheng
Master of Philosophy in Development Studies
Shreya Chimpiri
Master of Philosophy in Criminology
Elliot Clissold
Master of Philosophy in Population Health Sciences
Laura Curtis
Master of Philosophy in Education (ACE)
Vanessa Dib
Master of Philosophy in Development Studies
Weiling Du
Master of Philosophy in Advanced Computer Science
Felix Matthew Enterkin
Master of Philosophy in Criminological Research
Olivia Fine
Master of Philosophy in Education (EGID)
Joshua Francis Flavell
Master of Philosophy in Politics and International Studies
Kayla Anne Gillman
Master of Philosophy in Criminological Research
Zahra Anne Grieve
Master of Philosophy in Education (CACL)
Teegan Gwynneth Griffiths
Master of Philosophy in English Studies
Yingtong Guo
Master of Philosophy in Computational Biology
Kateryna Halushka
Master of Philosophy in Politics and International Studies
Katherine Anne Hankin
Master of Philosophy in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine
Alice Hehir
Master of Philosophy in Education (PRI)
Viktoriia Hozhyk
Master of Philosophy in Nuclear Energy
Enze Hu
Master of Philosophy in Education (KPP)
Jihyun Huang
Master of Philosophy in Film and Screen Studies
Lekang Jiang
Master of Philosophy in Advanced Computer Science
Mengke Jiang
Master of Philosophy in Education (EGID)
Anna-Maria Kalavska
Master of Philosophy in Therapeutic Sciences
Soeleen Kaur
Master of Philosophy in Education (EGID)
Muskan Khanna
Master of Philosophy in Education (CACL)
Didar Kul-Mukhammed
Master of Philosophy in Education (ACE)
Wenyue Li
Master of Philosophy in Criminological Research
Yiyi Li
Master of Philosophy in Finance and Economics
Nicole Lien
Master of Philosophy in English Studies
Chen Ling
Master of Philosophy in Education (RSLE)
Xingyan Liu
Master of Philosophy in Education (ELI)
Xiaoyao Luo
Master of Philosophy in Education (ACE)
Xizi Luo
Master of Philosophy in Film and Screen Studies
Jonathan Marrow
Master of Philosophy in American History
Sagar Marwaha
Master of Philosophy in Population Health Sciences
Jordan Scott McLellan
Master of Philosophy in Education (KPP)
Shinan Meng
Master of Philosophy in Education (RSLE)
Joanne Milton
Master of Philosophy in Education (PRI)
Yujie Ouyang
Master of Philosophy in Education (RSLE)
Helen Joyce Papworth
Master of Philosophy in Education (PRI)
Kyungseo Park
Master of Philosophy in Microand Nanotechnology Enterprise
Kanika Parwal
Master of Philosophy in Education (ACE)
Thomas Clément Théo Pouplin
Master of Philosophy in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence
Caroline Stuart Quillen
Master of Philosophy in Education (CACL)
Krishna Sangeethaa Ramasamy Ekambaram
Master of Philosophy in Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management
Mohd Sadiq
Master of Philosophy in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence
Harry Anton Sage
Master of Philosophy in Classics
Enelton Satria
Master of Philosophy in Technology Policy
James Michael Searle
Master of Philosophy in European, Latin American, and Comparative Literatures and Cultures
Jarrod Sio Jyh Lih
Master of Philosophy in Education (ELI)
Aparajita Sriram
Master of Philosophy in Genomic Medicine
Dantong Tao
Master of Philosophy in Education (RSLE)
Oussama Tlaghi
Master of Philosophy in Politics and International Studies
Jiaqi Wang
Master of Philosophy in Education (KPP)
Abigail Elikem Thalia Williams
Master of Philosophy in Education (EGID)
Qin Wu
Master of Philosophy in Medical Science (Stem Cell Biology)
Yinuo Wu
Master of Philosophy in Education (ACE)
Tze Te Yang
Master of Philosophy in Biological Science at the Department of Pharmacology
Xueli Yin
Master of Philosophy in Education (CACL)
Xiaotong Yu
Master of Philosophy in Finance and Economics
Yiquan Zhang
Master of Philosophy in Archaeological Science
Manqing Zhu
Master of Philosophy in Education (RSLE)
Master of Research
Michael Denis McNicholas
Master of Research in Cancer Biology
James Whiteley
Master of Research in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment
Master of Studies
Andrew Alexi Almazan Anaya
Master of Studies in English
Language Assessment
Lee Bateman
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Thomas Lucien Michel
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Kirstine Brown
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Steven Dean Calder
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Eugene Cheung
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Cliona Cowhig
Master of Studies in Genomic Medicine
David Daddow
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Marco Paulo Duarte
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Alexandra Claire Dutson
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Kathleen Mary Bernadette
Master of Studies in English
Language Assessment
Preet Gandhi
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Ben Gillam
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Amanda Louise Hamilton
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Stanley Jacobs
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Geerthana Jeyathas
Master of Studies in Genomic Medicine
Amara Jiménez Cañizares
Master of Studies in Genomic Medicine
Napat Jitpaisarnwattana
Master of Studies in English
Language Assessment
Osman Irfan Kadan
Master of Studies in English
Language Assessment
Haeng-A Kim
Master of Studies in English
Language Assessment
Sarah Bibi Kruger
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Chrysantinne Larasati
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Liyu Liu
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Ina Boyanova Lozanova
Master of Studies in English
Language Assessment
Charlotte Elisabeth O’Brien
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Lee David Owen
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Sophie Partelides
Master of Studies in English Language Assessment
Jayasinghage Pushpika
Madhushani Perera
Master of Studies in Genomic Medicine
Zane Podniece
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Sita Rani Ram
Master of Studies in Genomic Medicine
Danielle Richardson
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Rachel Louise Richardson
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Randolph B Rodrigues
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Simon Peter Rosamond
Master of Studies in English Language Assessment
Alison Saliah
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Owais Shah
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Ruth Stephens
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Iain Stevens
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Helen Walton
Master of Studies in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management
Denis Zaslavets
Master of Studies in Entrepreneurship
Zain Alhroub
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Liam Austin
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Grace Berry
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Benjamin Lee Bryan
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Lok Ching Crystal Cheung
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Claudia Cockerill
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Zbigniew Krzysztof Czaja
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Kyriakos Ioakim
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Elliot Llewelyn Judd
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Muge Cemile Karatas
Master of Studies (MSt)
in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Samuel Joseph Leeming
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Carys McVicar
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Jennifer Emma Page
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
James Oliver Shaun Sheldrake
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Silvia Raisa Simeria
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Helen Su
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Molly Rebecca Sutton
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Claudia Elise Turley
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Matthew Willemsen
Master of Studies (MSt) in Architecture (Degree Apprenticeship)
Doctor of Medicine
Aleksandra Bartnik
Doctor of Medicine
Ruth Clare Douglas
Business and Management
Shashank Jasrapuria
Business and Management
Ing Shern Lee
Business and Management
Doctor of Philosophy
Oluwasegun Joshua Afolaranmi
PhD (Probationary) Research at Cancer Research UK
Cambridge Institute
Vincenzo Di Bartolo
PhD (Probationary) Research in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Joe Twomey Ganellin
PhD (Probationary) in Medical Sciences
Alexander Heatley
PhD (Probationary) Research in Biological Science
Shi-Wei Jian PhD (Probationary) Research in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Romina Erica Koiffman PhD (Probationary) Research in Biological Science
Maximilian Helmut Georg Kraus PhD (Probationary) Research in Engineering
Daniel Kreuter PhD (Probationary) Research in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Xiaoxuan Liu PhD (Probationary) in Stem Cell Biology
Anna Rose Mika PhD (Probationary) Research in Archaeology
Megan Dido Renoir PhD (Probationary) Research in History
Devinda Vimalaputri Soegianto PhD (Probationary) Research in Biological Science
Suchismita Srinivas
PhD (Probationary) Research in Education
Jara Villar Azpillaga
PhD (Probationary) in Medical Sciences
Qin Xi
PhD (Probationary) Research in Public Health and Primary Care
Xin Yan
PhD (Probationary) Research in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Xiaoning Zhang
PhD (Probationary) Research in Education
CertEd 1948–50
Alice died on 4th February, 2022, aged 91 years, having lived her life to the full. Alice studied English, Latin and French at Homerton, training to be a teacher. She made lifelong friends there, who were very important to her, many of whom she
kept in contact with regularly. She joined the Cambridge University Choir; her love of music and of singing continued throughout her life. She met her husband, Richard (Dick) Addison, at Cambridge University, through their shared love of music and education. They married in Cambridge University Chapel in 1951.
“All our friends (many of whom were musicians) came back to play and sing at our wedding”. As well as bringing up her four children, Alice worked as a teacher. Passionate about education, her long career included working in Adult Education, Special Education, Durham Home Teaching Service and Hospital Teaching Service. During the 1970s, Richard Addison founded a Chamber Choir, The Durham Singers; Alice sang alto in the choir for 37 years. The Durham Singers sang in her memory, at her funeral. Alice always remembered her time at Homerton as some of the happiest days of her life. In later life she returned regularly for Homerton Roll Annual Reunions, finding great joy in reconnecting with her friends there. Alice is mourned by, and remembered, with great love, by her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and her dear friends.
Submitted by Helen AddisonBEd Education with Art 1980–1984
Chrissy passed away on 4th April 2022 after a 5 year tussle with pancreatic cancer. She had enjoyed an amazing career in primary education, culminating in two headships, the last of which was at the Weatheralls in Soham, Cambridgeshire.
Her funeral, held at Bury St Edmunds on 6th May and attended by over 70 family, friends and colleagues, was in the form of a personal tribute to her loves, life and career. We all miss her terribly.
CertEd 1942
Kathleen made many friends in Cambridge as she was a very good violinist. She was especially close to Gwyneth de Jong, also a very good violinist, sharing their passion for violin music. Another close friend Betty Mason (Black) was a year ahead of Kathleen. Betty was a very good violist and violinist.
A representative of Homerton College would come to Sheffield every year to seek suitable girls that would benefit from Homerton’s Teacher Training. Kathleen was surprised at being chosen and thought that it was her violin
playing skill that was the magic dimension. It was war time and Kathleen settled in very quickly. She enjoyed all the music on offer in Cambridge, joining the main Madrigal Group. Shortly after leaving Homerton, Kathleen began teaching at a private Prep School for young boys near Thame and then Burngreave School for Girls. Kathleen took a short break to raise her three children with husband Roger and returned to teaching once the children reached school age.
Submitted by Roger HaywardSister Bernadette Chabongora’s early education was disrupted by two things – her decision, in her late teens, to join the Sisters of the Child Jesus convent, and guerrilla warfare.
Having attended her local village school and a boarding school, both in rural Zimbabwe, Sister Bernadette continued to study for her A levels after taking her vows and becoming a nun. But the unrest due to the protracted guerrilla war caused her school to be closed, barely a month after starting A Level studies, so she and a fellow junior nun were sent to London to complete the course.
After finishing her A levels Sister Bernadette decided to stay on in the UK to train as a teacher, arriving at Homerton in the autumn of 1981.
Sister Bernadette was older than her classmates, a member of a religious order, and one of very few Black students in Cambridge at the time.
Returning to Zimbabwe after her degree, Sister Bernadette worked as a teacher and in teacher training, later completing her MPhil. Rising through the ranks of the country’s education system, she spent time as the National Chief Examiner, as well as working as Education Secretary for the Diocese of Gweru, where her convent is based.
In the early 2000s she completed her PhD in South Africa, returning to Cambridge to write up her dissertation.
education had to take a back seat to overseeing the order’s community projects. These include a children’s home which cares for around 70 orphans and vulnerable children; a home for around 150 children with intellectual disabilities; a health centre looking after patients with HIV as well as providing general health care; and a school supporting young mothers to continue their secondary education.
This crucial role of community support which the nuns provide meant that they were in the frontline when the pandemic hit Zimbabwe in 2020. With no medication or protective equipment, Covid-19 hit Gweru hard, with the convent providing the bulk of the care for those affected. Hyper-inflation meant that the nuns were already struggling to meet their ongoing costs, and were unable to cover the additional expenses of masks and PPE.
When Sister Bernadette’s Homerton contemporaries heard of the difficulties the convent was facing, they rallied round. Four friends worked to spread the word, managing to reach out to 80% of their original year group via a WhatsApp group. Through a Crowdfunder, and a story shared on Homerton’s social media platforms, they raised over £5,000 to support the community through the Covid crisis.
In 2013
Sister Bernadette became part of the order’s leadership team, a full-time role which meant that for six years her commitments in
A longer version of this article by Laura Kenworthy appears on the Homerton website
Keith passed away in February 2022 after a short illness. He was synonymous with theatre at Homerton for over 20 years, during a time when it was the only college in Cambridge offering a degree in drama. Coming from a background in professional theatre, Keith ran the drama studio with the sort of quiet and understated efficiency that was essential to enable multiple productions to be staged in a single evening. This could lead many fresh-faced first years to view him as quite a formidable and intimidating individual. However, there was very much more to Keith than a highly disciplined and effective theatre practitioner.
Keith was certainly somebody whose respect had to be earned and someone whom you wanted to please. He was very generous with his time which he extended way beyond the drama department. Numerous students paid him a visit to borrow props and costumes to use in school during their various teaching practices. For many years he ran a Saturday drama club for Cambridge school children. Whilst in 1991 he and his wife, Ianthe, financially supported a group of students to take a children’s play that had been devised under Keith’s tutelage, to the Edinburgh Festival.
A talented footballer in his youth, Keith remained an active man throughout his life. In keeping with Cambridge tradition, he eschewed the car in favour of a bicycle, was a keen badminton player and enjoyed spending time on his allotment. He was a whisky enthusiast and no Christmas in the Drama Department was complete without a mug of Keith’s mulled wine, made to a secret recipe which he maintained had been disclosed to him by a monk, when he was lighting a theatre production set at a monastery.
Although he had an extensive knowledge of twentieth century plays, Keith’s interests extended beyond the theatrical to literature in general. He had a particular love of European absurdist writing, from the likes of Ionesco and Samuel Beckett
through to B.S. Johnson and Flann O’Brien. As well as enjoying reading and discussing books, he also wrote. One short play, which he described as “Pinteresque”, was broadcast on BBC radio.
It was natural that Keith was involved in the move from the old “white building” to a new studio in the Mary Allan Building before finally lowering the curtain on his Homerton career. This was very much the ending of an era. Homerton was transitioning from a teacher training institution and Keith and Ianthe moved on to a new chapter in their lives.
The couple relocated to Pickering, North Yorkshire in 1998 and opened a Bed and Breakfast. This enabled Keith to indulge one of his other loves – cooking. A vegetarian long before it was popular to be so, Keith’s veggie breakfasts were the ideal foundation for a day spent exploring the moors. A keen gardener, Keith took much pleasure in cooking the produce that he had tended on his allotment in Cambridge.
In 2004, after hanging up his apron, there was a move to the small Suffolk village of Monks Eleigh. Here Keith and Ianthe became involved in volunteering for the community shop, with Keith also serving on its committee. Time was additionally spent engaging in local gardening and history clubs.
Their next stop in 2011 was to the land of Ianthe’s birth. Taking up residence in Kalamata, Southern Greece, Keith was able to add citrus fruit trees to the list of flowers and vegetables that he cultivated. This resulted in a plentiful supply of marmalade! They returned to Cambridge in 2019, where they were able to spend more time with their daughters and grandchildren.
Keith will be fondly remembered by generations of Homertonians, particularly those drama undergraduates, who had the great good fortune to spend extended time in his company. His humour, knowledge and generosity of spirit were a pleasure that we were privileged to share.
Submitted by Simon Ray BEd Drama 1989–1993
Cert English 1954–56
Hefina died in August 2022 aged 86. She held a Headship of a large infant school in Gloucester for 16 years, then worked as an OFSTED Inspector for a further 10 years, before retiring to set four grandsons on their life journeys. She was married to Peter (ex Corpus) for nearly 65 years.
PGCE Education with English & Drama
Claire passed away peacefully on 7th December 2022 following a 15 month illness. She was much loved by her husband Robin, and three children, George, Martha and Rose.
Claire studied for her PGCE in secondary English and Drama at Homerton College in 1996-97 before then joining Watford Grammar School for Girls in her first teaching post. Claire taught in various local schools in Bishop’s Stortford after moving to the town, teaching both secondary English and Drama, as well as primary Music. Claire loved literature, music, her family and had a very wide group of friends. She will be very much missed.
Submitted by Robin NewmanIn March the College community came together to mourn Daniel Fry, a second-year student of history at Homerton, who died tragically and unexpectedly, aged 20.
Daniel came to Homerton from Belfast, and quickly immersed himself in Cambridge life. He was a film buff, a photographer, and a budding journalist, who also found time to volunteer discreetly for the Cambridge homelessness charity Streetbite.
Daniel’s parents, Susan and Chris, his brother Jonah and his grandparents, who had all travelled from their home in Northern Ireland, joined students, Fellows and staff on the Homerton lawns for a series of readings and reminiscences. A fuller account of the memorial is available at https://www.homerton.cam.ac.uk/homersphere/ news/remembering-daniel.
We were saddened to receive news of the deaths of the following Members.
Lady Dorothy Franklin (née Fraser) CertEd 1947
Died September 2021
Mrs Melanie Rouse (née Corpe) CertEd 1957/8
Died September 2021
Mrs Hillary Young (née Collcott) CertEd 1960
Died October 2021
Mrs Ruth Coysh (née Chapman) BEd 1980/4
Died November 2021
Mrs Jacqueline Macdonald (née Gover) CertEd 1950
Died November 2021
Ms Sarah Hart PGCE Education with Primary 2004/5
Died January 2022
Mrs Kathleen Cutteridge (née Bamford) CertEd 1951
Died February 2022
Mrs Jacqueline Grace Fleetwood (née Barnsley) CertEd 1957
Died March 2022
Mrs Elspeth Carnegie (née White) CertEd with Geography 1953
Died May 2022
Sister Bernadette Chabongora BEd 1983
Died May 2022
Ms Susan Power Applied Criminology, Penology & Management 2015/2017
Died September 2022
Mrs Daphne Shercliff (née Llewellyn also King) Cert Ed 1947
Died October 2022
Mrs Joyce Simpson (née Watson) Cert Ed 1955
Died November 2022
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