Homerton College Annual Review 2021

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ame and Different’ is a term frequently heard in mathematics curriculum sessions. If ‘x’ changes what is the same and different for ‘y’ – a memory stirred as I sat down to write this report. Peter Warner bowed out as RSMA Chair at our delayed AGM last April and I found myself apprehensively following in the footsteps of several, as I would view them, lovely giants. Trish Maude also ‘retired’, having somehow managed 20 years with constitutional breaks in between, as Secretary. We are indebted to both of them, as we are also to Clare Ryan who continues to look after us so efficiently and kindly. ‘Onwards and Upwards’ – well maybe. Onwards definitely as the new committee begins its work. Upwards? – the bar has already been set very high but we promise to try. Peter mentioned in his report last year that our name might be changing to reflect the evolving structure as more Fellows from the ‘new’ Homerton retire and choose to join our ranks. However we have decided to keep the original name. After all, everyone is (allegedly) ‘retired’, our grey-haired appearance places us squarely into the ‘senior’ category and we remain definitively proud to have our ‘member’ connection with Homerton,

Pandemic life is not without its changes. ‘Have you been able to get your vaccination appointment yet?’ became, three times over, the most important of questions, asked of course virtually and not in person. Online events (including two AGMs, two talks and several committee meetings) increase our technical expertise and allow members who live further away a chance for greater participation. The Newsletter (available on Homerton’s website) remains a constant. The September 2021 edition was full of an eclectic range of articles, an opportunity to share reminiscences of Homerton life and a place where we can record the amazing and treasured lives of those no longer with us. There is a glimmer of hope that we may soon be able to resume our much missed in-person monthly coffee mornings, the termly talks and Formal Halls. Actually RSMs did meet in person once this year. Adhering to all the rules, we were invited to join College staff on Queen’s Wing lawn, to say farewell to Geoff Ward. I well remember my first RSM coffee morning as it coincided with Geoff coming along to introduce himself and tell us about his vision for the College. Some seven years later Geoff is about to join the RSMs, and College now has its next Principal, Lord Woolley, whose own vision will continue to shape and change Homerton. As RSMs, we feel a valued part of College life, always made welcome and included. Equally we never lose our affection for, or interest in, how ‘our’ College develops and thrives under its current, more youthful staff. Whatever remains the same and whatever becomes different, underlying it all are common ideals n

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