RSMA Social Secretary’s Report 2020 – 2021
iven what life has been like over the past 18 months, Newsletter readers could be forgiven for expecting the Social Secretary’s Report to be a brief one-liner, i.e. ‘There were no social activities’. However, thanks to members’ suggestions and contributions, the support of members and Homerton staff, and the wonders of the Internet, this has not been the case. Despite there being no opportunities for face-to-face social activities over the period, contact with members has been maintained almost daily – a remarkable achievement – thanks to all contributors, and the magnificent Clare Ryan. Philip Stephenson continued to circulate his extraordinarily enjoyable, informative and insightful pieces about artworks in the Fitzwilliam Collection, drawing the series to a close, as he intended, when he hit his 100th piece on 19thJuly 2021. The emails and attachments are to be archived on USBs and retained in the College Archive. When the Museum opened its doors to the public again earlier this year, following the easing of lockdown, Philip offered members guided tours of the collection and these are still on offer, subject to Philip taking a very well-earned break over the Summer. I cannot thank Philip Stephenson enough for his remarkable contribution and efforts. Huge thanks also to Clare Ryan for circulating the emails. Christmas 2020 saw the production of an emailed Christmas Newsletter – the ‘Homerton Hygge’. Members were invited to contribute festive pieces, resulting in a lively compilation of reminiscences, musings and anecdotes – there was even some singing! Members were also able to see the College’s Christmas Service in St John’s Church online, which was much appreciated. In the Spring, there was a general acceptance that, even with an improving situation, it was likely to be a long time before RSMs would be able to meet in College. With that in mind, further thought was given as to how social activities could continue online. Links to items of
interest on the College website were circulated, including recitals and online talks. On 2nd July the Association had its first very own online talk – an excellent Zoom presentation by Paul Warwick focusing on how Initial Teacher Training has been delivered during the pandemic. This was an excellent event, and an inspirational and humbling testament to the hard work, dedication and ingenuity of all involved. The talk was followed by a lively ‘question and answer’ session. It also generated a strong response to Government plans to introduce radical changes to the way in which ITT is delivered, and a call to RSMA members to respond. In June I made enquiries about the possibility of having a Summer Picnic at the College. This was seen as a possibility, but the advice was to review the situation following the much-hoped-for further easing of restrictions on 16th August 2021. Since then, however, all RSMA members have been invited to a barbecue event at the College on 10th September 2021 to mark the retirement of Professor Geoff Ward. [So maybe by the time you read this let's hope we will have been able to congregate and say ‘hello’ to each other in person! Ed.] I would like to take this opportunity to thank Clare Ryan for her support in the circulation of emails and College information, and her positivity and good-humour throughout. I know Clare is very busy in her role of Bursar’s Secretary. We could not have managed without her. Thank you, Clare! I would also like to thank everyone who has contributed material for circulation, and ideas for activities, over this period. I am always grateful for suggestions for activities and visits, and hopefully these will become possible again over the coming months. I am very much looking forward to seeing members at the College again on 10th September! Sue Conrad, Social Secretary
Missed the deadline? Why not write an article for the next RSMA Newsletter? Photo credits: Front page & p.16 Jane Edden; p.5 & 6 Roger Green; p.7 & 8 Philip Rundall; p.9 Peter Warner; p.11 courtesy of Punch Cartoon Library / TopFoto; p.12 Trish Maude; p.14 Tim Rowland; p.17 & 18 AnneThwaites; p.18 Homerton College; p.20, 21 & 26 The Homerton Archive; p.22 Libby Jared; p.23 Rex Watson; p.28 Mei-Shui Chiu; Dining Hall photos: p.8 Peter Warner; p.25 Trish Maude; p.39 Clare Ryan
rsma newsletter september 2021 page 40