5 Ways to Lose Your Homeschool Freedom by Johanna Ireland
As you may know, Maine homeschoolers have enjoyed a much more comfortable homeschool environment since the passage of our homeschool statute in 2003. The law has provided clarity, security and freedom. But will we always have the same level of freedom to homeschool in our state? To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin: You have homeschool freedom, if you can keep it! Keeping or losing homeschool freedom takes intent. Here are 5 ways to lose it.
and candidates will often look for opportunities to win your vote.
In election years, be sure to speak with candidates and ask them to share their views on homeschooling. Would they defend the level of freedom that we currently have if need be, or would they favor stronger oversight and regulation? Most candidates are eager to answer. Their opinions on these matters will clearly influence any legislation they oppose or sup1. Ignore Elections port. One sure way to lose your homeschool freedom is to Maine’s 152 representatives and 35 senators are up for elec- ignore the candidates’ positions on homeschooling, or even tion every two years. Every new and returning candidate ignore the election all together. Let the Maine voters who parhas opinions about homeschooling – some based on ste- ticipate determine your freedom. reotypes, some based on genuine interactions with homeschoolers. One thing they know for sure is that they want 2. Don’t Keep Your Legislators’ Contact Info Handy your vote! Families who homeschool are politically active, Once elected, legislators want to tinker. They come in to the