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Every year many of us make resolutions. Beginning a new year seems to be the perfect time to make changes in our lives. Even though statistics show that less than 25% of people who make resolutions actually keep them beyond one month, they do serve as goals or guides.
What about resolutions to be better cat parents? Though cats are considered to be aloof and solitary, “low maintenance” pets that require less work than dogs, they thrive when they receive daily love and attention.
Here are four New Year’s resolutions or ideas to help create a healthy and happy 2023 for your cat:

Resolution 1: I will scoop the litter box once a day and clean the litter box once a month.
Beyond the basics of providing food and water cats require clean “bathrooms”. Cats are excessively clean creatures and dirty litter boxes stress them. Some cats may tolerate a dirty litter box but many cats decide to go outside the box. Also, once a month the litter boxes should be emptied, washed and refilled with clean litter.
Resolution #2: I will take time to touch, massage and cuddle my cat every day.
Learn how your cat likes to be touched and cuddled. It is important to know your cat’s petting preferences and to respect them. Touching your cat every day, however, can help increase their touch limits. Daily grooming isn’t required but you can add “I will groom my cat for 10 to 15 minutes once or twice a week” to this resolution. These touch times help strengthen the bond between you and your cat. They provide an opportunity to check your pet for other issues like lumps, bumps and scratches.
Resolution 3:I will consistently play with my cat two times a day for at least 15 minutes.
Daily interactive play is one area that many cat parents overlook. Though cats do not seem to need a lot of attention; they act “aloof”, seem independent and solitary they do need interactive playtime with us. Playing keeps cats physically and mentally healthy. It helps prevent boredom and can possibly help cats sleep through the night. It also strengthens the bond between you and your cat and provides valuable insight into your cat’s personality, play style and needs.
Resolution #4: I will create an enriched environment for my cat.
Cats love climbing and hiding in safe places. A cat tree (tower) or vertical spaces such as window perches are essential for their well being. They provide safe places for them to keep watch over their kingdom. A cat’s schedule is filled with cat naps, grooming and brief periods of solitary play; providing challenging toys encourages activity. Check out videos of birds, small animals and even insects to keep them constructively entertained. Leash walking, cat enclosures (catios) and pet strollers allow safe outdoor experiences for indoor-only cats. Explore and experiment with new things and experiences to enrich your cat’s enjoyment of life.
Our cats give us unconditional love. Resolving to pay a little more attention to them is one way to show our appreciation and return their love. We wish you and your cat a healthy and happy new year with lots of fun, cuddling and happiness.