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Pets Help Us
Companionship& Support In Stressful Times
The days we’ve been living will never be forgotten. The virus and the deaths of so many have undeniably saddened us and has drastically changed the way we live. Some of us have returned to our jobs, many of us are still at home. While we may have a basic understanding of the virus severity and the restrictions we are dealing with, our pets do not. But because our pets have such a strong personal connection with us, they instinctively know when something is wrong. They can sense when their family members are unusually stressed, scared, or ill and may be feeling anxious as well. Thankfully, their additional snuggles and purrs at this time are soothing and beneficial to us all. The time we spend with them during these uncertain times provides us with a special comfort that only they can provide.
It has long been known that pets have a beneficial effect on the overall health of their owners. Their mere presence helps reduce stress and anxiety. Interacting with our pets can lower our heart rates, blood pressure, and increase our production of feel-good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin. Pets are incredibly good for our emotional and physical health -- exactly what we need at this time in our lives. Given this extra time with them helps us truly appreciate their love and their desire to be with us. Playtime, snuggles, and those infamous belly scratches provide us with a welcome diversion from our new daily routine. They make us laugh and keep us entertained in ways that no one else can. A purr, a soft nuzzle, or a sleepy head resting on our lap is the perfect ending to a long stressful day.

For those of us that may still be stuck at home, our loving pets are there with us; providing us comfort and companionship as they always do. As much as they enjoy our additional company, they are probably wondering why everyone’s schedule has changed. A few weeks ago, we used to get up, shower, eat breakfast, and head out to work and school. Now, that’s not the case for many of us. Today our lives are much different. We still shower (hopefully), have breakfast, and then… we just stay home. It’s a whole new daily routine. Our pets are noticing this abrupt change in our lives AND theirs. In times like this, thank goodness for the regular schedules that our pets require of us. Their feeding times, their walking and play times do not need to be altered. (Of course, more playtime is ALWAYS appreciated!) That, in and of itself, is at least one routine that we can adhere to – a familiar remembrance of how life used to be.
With so many people feeling lonely and isolated at home, the desire and need for companionship has created unprecedented challenges and opportunities for animal shelters and rescues across the country. Since Nevada’s “Stay Home” order went into effect on March 17, a high number of pets in Las Vegas have been adopted or placed in foster homes. The Humane Society of the United States reported that some New York City shelters are seeing application numbers at 10 times the normal rate and the rate of animal fostering has increased by 90 percent in some cities. This is at least one bright spot to come out of these troublesome times.
Amidst all of the turmoil and adversity we are facing, we still have so much to be thankful for; our dedicated healthcare workers, our delivery people, and our diligent grocery workers who risk their own health every day to help provide us with our necessities. They are to be commended for their sacrifice. For those of us at home, we are doing the best that we can to keep our families safe. With the help and support of our friends and family, we will endure this pandemic and move forward with our lives. The loving, emotional support of our pets will help us get there.