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Cats are popular pets; they’re the pet of choice for more than 34 percent of homes in the United States. Over 90 million domesticated cats provide us with companionship, joy and laughter.

Cats possess a very unique attitude that projects aloofness and independence. I love the quotes that capture this catitude in a light-hearted way:

Yet, fascinatingly, in spite of this air of aloofness they love being with us. In fact, there is a study that suggests that cats may enjoy human interaction more than food. You might wonder then why cats don’t seem as excited as dogs do to see you. The study found that cats are less dependent on their owners for a sense of security. They love us but don’t need us. People mistakenly think that their independence means that they are not capable of a loving and caring relationship. Actually many cats love to be held and cuddled; some are just content to sit or be beside us. Either way, the closeness and companionship of a cat is a gift to be treasured.

Petting and stroking our feline fur baby makes us feel good and has a calming effect on us. Cats can even play a part in lowering blood pressure. The results of one study showed that cat owners were 10% less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke than non-cat owners. Heath professionals are advising people of the importance of getting enough quality sleep. Therapeutic Purring is becoming a popular aid to help people fall asleep. There are a number of online videos of cats purring to help people fall asleep. People who sleep with their cat receive the full purr effect complete with vibrations. I often wonder how people fall asleep without the presence of a cat.

Cats have an amazing ability to relax and sleep anytime, anyplace and in any position. They sleep around 14 to 15 hours a day in a number of short periods of time or cat naps throughout the day. It is a lesson many of us should learn – take frequent breaks and maybe a catnap every day.

These amazing and fascinating felines are funny to watch. Its fun to watch the videos on Facebook or Youtube but watching cats in real life is more hilarious. One day my guy was trying to get inside a small flat box used for mailing books. It was the classic “If it fits, I sits” approach. Well, no way was he going to fit into that box. He tried head first, and then tried backing into it. Finally he just sat down on it and fell asleep. Watching him provided me with a healthy 10 minute break of laughter and fun. Laughter reduces stress hormones and triggers endorphins which make you feel good.

“A dog is a man’s best friend. A cat is a cat’s best friend. Robert J. Vogel “ “ Dogs come when they’re called; cats take a message and get back to you later. Mary Bly “

“What greater gift than the love of a cat. Charles Dickens “

“Who among us hasn’t envied a cat’s ability to ignore the cares of daily life and to relax completely? Karen Brademeyer “

Complete with Catitude; they’re cute, adorable, funny and lovable. They help reduce our stress, help us sleep – and most importantly they love us!

How Dogs Use Urine to Communicate

Think of it is as their own personal version of social media, or more accurately for them,


By Elizabeth Parker

Have you ever taken your dog on a what was supposed to be a short walk, only to have to stop several times along the way? Did it seem like your pooch was sniffing possibly every single blade of grass, every rock and every fire hydrant? It can be bothersome for us (especially if in a rush) but to dogs, this ritual is important!

That’s because dogs use their nose and analyze scents as their means of conversation. Think of it is as their own personal version of social media, or more accurately for them, Pee-book! Since they can’t use email or a telephone – at least not yet – they have their own method and they take this method very seriously!

While it might seem a little disgusting to us, dogs can decipher “pages” of information simply from smelling the areas where another dog has urinated. They are able to understand whether the dog was stressed, ready for mating, tall, short and what their status was on the hierarchy!

While they smell many areas along your walk, they also may choose to “write back” or leave a scent of their own. This is their way of leaving a calling card for future pooches who wander along the same path!

What might look like a normal plant to you yields a world of information and conversation for your pooch. They want to communicate back to the previous dog or dogs who have previously marked that plant or blade of grass as their own!

Often, it might appear to us that our dogs couldn’t possibly be able to urinate any more, as they might have already gone several times already during one walk, but it doesn’t mean there is a medical issue. Most of the time, they urinate on various spots to leave a message. Since a dog’s nose is powerful in that it can smell much more and much further away than our own noses can, you may also find your dog is pulling you in different directions as you walk. Many times, it can be dizzying while holding the leash or they may even take you on a walk much farther than you had anticipated! But, trust your pooch. They smell something interesting and if only they could convey to us what it is that they are sniffing, there would be a very interesting story.

I recall my golden retriever Goldie, who was completely blind, would lead me on what seemed like a wild goose chase on our walks- to the point where other walkers would ask me if she was really blind! However, there always was a reason for her wandering, whether it was to smell a popular spot where other dogs have urinated, or to find a small dead rat or bird.

So, the next time your dog seems to be wandering aimlessly, watch them closely! Take note of the expression on their face. Most likely, they look intrigued and interested. They are probably having a great deal of mental stimulation reading messages that others have left for them!

Happy Trails!

You have a new message!

Elizabeth Parker – Author of Finally Home, Final Journey, My Dog Does That!, Bark Out Loud!, Paw Prints in the Sand, Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished, Unwanted Dreams, Phobia, Evil’s Door and Faces of Deception. Available on Amazon.com!

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