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We Help Rescues
Paw Partners Unleashed collects and donates pet supplies to animal rescues, provides pet related educational information and resources, and assists community organizations to help pets in need.


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Next, when you clean a rat’s cage, return the cage as a whole to the same place. Moving the cage around can stress out rats and disorient them, so keeping the cage in the same spot will help them feel more at ease. In addition, it is recommended to keep the music quieter as you clean the cage – rats don’t like loud music!
Finally, red discharge around a rat’s eyes and nose IS a sign to see a doctor. This typically means that they feel sick, stressed, or are in pain. Not all doctors specialize in rat treatment, so before spending a $100 visit, check to see if that veterinarian is experienced in treating rats.
Kittens & Cats – We Love Them!
We have opened our homes and hearts to them. It’s fascinating and fun to watch them adapt to our lives and to us. However, what do they need to feel secure, comfortable and happy? The five foundational pillars or building blocks for feline happiness and a healthy feline environment were identified by The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP).
#1 Safe Place
Cats need at least one safe and secure place where they can run from danger, hide or just be alone. Cats like high places so a cat tree/tower or even a closet shelf would be good choices. Other safe places could be under a bed, in a closet or even a box or two. Adding a blanket in their preferred spot or spots would create cozy cat caves.
#2 Multiple and Separated Key Resources
Cats need lots of key resources like food, water, litter boxes, scratching items, play and resting/sleeping areas. It is important to provide multiple resources even if you only have one cat. It is even more important if you have more than one. Note too, the general rule about litter boxes is one for each cat plus an extra one. These should be placed in different locations in the house.
# 3 Opportunities for Play & Predatory Behavior
Play and predatory behavior is a way for cats to exercise their natural hunting instincts. Toys that mimic predatory behavior, such as interactive toys are great to encourage these behaviors. Providing daily play time is important to keep your cat healthy and happy.

#4 Positive, Consistent and Predictable Human–Cat Social Interaction

Cats need interaction with their humans. Though they have the reputation of being aloof and solitary they love being with us. Their individual personalities and behaviors give clues to the type of contact they need and enjoy. There are many ways we can interact with our cats such as petting, grooming, and playing. They can interact with us by cuddling, sitting on our lap or just sitting beside us. Always let a cat initiate the contacts. There are ways though that we can encourage or invite them to join us. One way is to get down to their level and hold out our hand to see if they will come to us. Kittens need socialization and it is important to have a number of people play with them during the critical period up to 9 weeks. Make sure the play times are positive and enjoyable for the kitten.
#5 An Environment That Respects the Importance of a Cat’s Sense of Smell

Cats have amazing noses. They use their sense of smell to evaluate their environment. Their litter boxes must be kept clean. Often humans mask the offensive odor by using scented litter or litter additives and room air fresheners. Unfortunately, some of the scents we use are offensive smells to our cats. Respect their fabulous sense of smell by keeping their litter box clean and being careful when using scented items.
Finicky feline food habits – In the wild the ability to sniff out and interpret odors was vital to cats for locating their food source. Also, the sense of smell stimulates their appetite. Sometimes a finicky eater needs their food to be heated lightly to enhance the aroma and stimulate their appetite. Also, be careful of where you place their food dish – avoid being too close to the kitty litter box.
One more idea about their sense of smell that is helpful to remember. A cat’s scent on their bedding helps them to feel secure. We respect them when we wash their beds and blankets on a rotating schedule so their scent is always on some of their safe places and beds.