2 minute read
Can your lost pet find their way back home? LOST HOME A microchip will help
By Elizabeth Parker
Owning a pet is a great joy and as most will attest, a great responsibility. Even the best-behaved animals sometimes get in the mood to be bold or do something out of character. They may not even mean to but just might want to sightsee life a little past their home turf.
They may see a doggy friend they know down the block, or just can’t control themselves to explore where a certain scent is coming from. Their intentions might be to come straight home. Just have a small adventure and be back in time for dinner. As we know, however, this might not always be the case.
While most animals can “remember” how to get home, some simply just get lost. Some are just so friendly that they will go into anyone’s house or car just thinking it’s another one of their “friends.”
Sadly, there are those who meet a stranger that doesn’t have the best intentions and get “kidnapped.” they can actually scan the chip and find out where the dog is registered, happily returning the dog to its owner.
While we can’t predict every possible circumstance, there is one way to make it a little easier to bring your pet home safely.
Collars with name tags are great, however, collars can easily slide off leaving your pet without any identification whatsoever.
Unlike dog tags and collars, this chip can never be removed and will be with your dog for the remainder of its life. It is a great safety net should your pup ever decide to go discovering new terrain without you.
It’s not expensive to have this done by your veterinarian and the prices are affordable to register your pet. Your pet will always have this unique identifier inside them, much like their own social security number.

It’s helpful in many ways. It helps the finders of your pet bring your pet to safety. This is a wonderful safeguard because they don’t have to worry about where they can house your pet until its owner is found. Many times people are not able to take in a dog or cat into their own homes, but can bring him/her to a veterinarians office where the animal can be scanned and reunited with his/her owner.
It also ensures that should your pet escape, you have proof of ownership and not just anyone can go and claim the pet as their own. Proof of ownership in this way also helps in the hopefully unlikely event that your pet was stolen. If it ever comes down to proving the dog or cat was yours, you can easily scan the pet.

When you first adopt your dog, you can have a microchip inserted. A microchip is a small chip that is inserted with a needle under the skin. Believe it or not, this tiny chip has a number on it that you register with one of the many companies. This way, even if they are not wearing a collar and someone finds them, they can bring the dog to a veterinarian’s office. There,
ELIZABETH PARKER – Author of Finally Home, Final Journey, My Dog Does That!, Bark Out Loud!, Paw Prints in the Sand, Paw Prints in the Sand: Mission Accomplished, Unwanted Dreams, Phobia, Evil’s Door and Faces of Deception. Available on Amazon.com!