2 minute read
By Ainsley Davis
People often get hamsters, rats, or mice because they think that rodents will be easier to care for than other pets. Many parents get these animals for their children, not realizing that a small pet does not mean a small amount of responsibility. Although rodents can make great pets for people of all ages, they have very specific care needs that must be met in order to keep them healthy and happy.
Rats are highly intelligent and social, and they need furry friends in order to stay happy. Rats must be housed with at least one other rat, and they need lots of enrichment in their cages. The more crowded their home is, the happier the rats will be. They need wire cages in order to provide proper ventilation, and to allow for climbing. In a tank or bin cage, the ammonia in rats’ urine will build up and make them sick. Hammocks, bridges, ladders, and even bird perches will give a rat mental stimulation and exercise. They also enjoy foraging toys designed for birds or cats. Scattering your rat’s kibble, along with fresh fruits and vegetables, can also give them enrichment as they search for food around the cage.
Mice have different needs depending on their genders. Females are social and should be housed with other mice. But male mice can be territorial, and should be housed alone or with a litter mate. Mice should be kept in a wire cage rather than a tank or bin. Their cages should have a deep layer of paper bedding to allow for burrowing. As prey animals, mice love to have plenty of places to hide. They also need wooden materials that they can chew to file down their teeth, which continue growing for their entire lives! Mice should eat a block or pellet food supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Since hamsters enjoy burrowing and making tunnels, their cages should have at least two inches of paper bedding. They also need plenty of hideaways, tunnels, and hammocks. Hamsters are less sociable than cats or dogs, and sometimes they want a safe place to hide. A hamster ball is a great way to give your pet exercise and fun. But make sure that the ball is large enough for the hamster to stand without curving its spine. Although they can be housed with others, hamsters prefer to be alone since they are territorial. Seed mixes are popular for hamsters, but a block or pellet mixture will provide them with better nutrition. This prevents them from picking through their food and choosing certain seeds over others. A hamster’s diet should be supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables too.

Before taking on the responsibility of a new pet, it’s important to understand that pet’s unique needs. By doing the research before your new friend comes home, you can make life happier and easier for you and your pet.