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The Story of Cisco Lessons from a dog to be curious about everything in life
Cisco was a dog like no other.
He was the most comical and curious dog I have ever known. He came to us one stormy night in August and startled me when I first saw his glowing, golden eyes peering through the darkness. I soon realized he was just a lost dog just looking for a home. Someone had abandoned him and he desperately wanted a family and somewhere to feel welcome.
Cisco visited our house regularly during the summer of 2002. I could not get a good look at him in the daylight for a week or so. When I finally did, I was impressed at how beautiful and poised he was. I knew he must be hungry, so I put out a dish of dry food and water for him every night. He was maybe part Shepherd, part Rottweiler and part giant “something”? It didn’t matter, he was so very handsome. It was soon evident that he wanted us to adopt him by his strategic bribery plan of newspaper delivery. For about a week or so, a perfectly intact newspaper was neatly placed on the top step by our back door every morning. Not a page was torn. This would have been an extremely appreciated gesture except for one thing –we weren’t subscribers to the newspaper! Hmm…I’m guessing that one of our neighbors was probably missing their newspaper for about a week. (Oh my, sorry about that.) Long story short, we took Cisco in and cared for him for many amusing and wonderful years.
Throughout our daily life, I learned that Cisco was extremely gentle, loving and CURIOUS. No matter what I was doing in the yard, he was right there putting his nose in all my tools, burying my work gloves, and running off with my tape measure. On our daily walks, Cisco would literally pick up anything he saw value in and would proudly carry it home. One day it was a hamburger wrapper, the next day it was a banana peel. (Fairly embarrassing to be walking a dog with a banana peel in his mouth.) He couldn’t help himself -- that was Cisco.
Bailey, our other rescued dog, and Cisco had become the best of friends. They had both been abandoned by someone and I think that helped bond them for life. One morning, as part of our usual routine, I walked them down to the wash for a walk on their leashes. On this particular Sunday morning, I noticed that there was no one around –no walkers, no dogs, no one. PERFECT! I knew I could never trust Bailey to be off-leash, but Cisco maybe? He desperately wanted to run and be free for a while. I couldn’t help but understand that. As I took one last look down the wash, I saw that it was still deserted. “Okay Cisco, go have fun!” I unsnapped his leash and watched him sprint away as he sprayed my face with the cool, damp sand. I was happy to see him run and be free for a bit. About 20 minutes later, I spotted two horseback riders and their dogs coming towards me from the far end of the wash.
I needed to get Cisco back before he spotted them. I didn’t know if Cisco even knew what a horse was, much less how to behave around one. Horses, plus dogs, plus a very exuberant Cisco was a potentially dangerous situation.
I called Cisco repeatedly, displayed the dog treats I had in my pocket, and desperately tried to coax him back to Bailey and me. “Come on Cisco, it’s time to go home!” Nope, not working at all. His newfound freedom was far more valuable than an incidental treat. I could see the tips of his dark black ears perk up in the dense brush along the side of the wash, but he continued on his quest for adventure. I needed to make a plan...THINK! What could possibly get him to come back? Calling him didn’t work, treats didn’t work, but maybe his insatiable curiosity would? I needed to create a situation that he could not resist!
In a desperate attempt to peek his curiosity, I grabbed a piece of a tree branch and began digging a hole in the middle of the wash where I knew Cisco could see me. I exuberantly dug in the sand while I excitedly spoke to Bailey in a loud voice, “What is it Bailey…what is it?!”. As I vigorously pitched the sand in the air with my stick, I acted like I was discovering a treasure in my newly dug hole. (Bailey kept looking at me like with a VERY confused look on his face. Why was I acting so crazy?!) Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cisco perk up his ears. He was ALL IN for exploring my newly found treasure and HERE he came! Like a newly born moose with too many legs and too little coordination, Cisco burst out of the brush sprinting straight towards us. Amidst the flying sand and flailing legs, even Bailey seemed a little apprehensive at his abrupt arrival. Cisco bullishly pushed Bailey out of the way of our newly discovered, very curious hole. He pushed his nose all around the inside of the hole, and then, when he was totally immersed in his own curiosity, SNAP went the leash. “Gotcha!!” I can’t adequately explain the look on Cisco’s face when he realized that he’d been duped. He was embarrassed, outsmarted, and defeated. If you can put all of those feelings into one expression, that would be it. Poor guy. SO busted!

Although I outlived Cisco, he will always have a special place in my heart. He gave me so many wonderful memories, so I do my best not to be too sad over his passing. He enjoyed a good life with my family and finally found the loving home that he so deserved. I will always remember you, Cisco. Thank you for teaching me to be curious about everything in life.

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