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C J M C J M Hometown Community
Continued from page 19 n March 17: SPLASH St. Patrick’s Day Party, 8:30 to 11:30 p.m., at The Burrow, features “Almost Mulberry.” $5 donation benefits George C. Brown Community Pool. n March 17, 18, & 19: Musical Presentation, 7 p.m., at PAHS Auditorium. n March 18: B.R.A.N.C.H.H. Craft & Vendor Show, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Big Run War Memorial. n March 18: Snacks to Grow On Bingo Cash Bash, 6 p.m., at Perry Township Vol. Fire Co. Tickets, $25 donation. n March 19: Big Run Spring Peepers Banquet at the War Memorial building. n March 20: First Day of Spring! n March 22: Drive-Through Community Dinner, begins at 4:30 p.m., at Punx’y Presbyterian Church. Enter the alley off East Mahoning St beside the Pantall and drive toward Union St. Meals will be handed to the driver. The meal will include an entrée to heat at home and a dessert. n March 25: Mentored Youth Trout Day, opens at 8 a.m. Check VisitPAgo.com or the Fish Commission website for more information. n March 25: Eagle Watch, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at Cook Forest State Park. n March 25: PA Game Commission HunterTrapper Education Class, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at McCalmont Township Firehall, Anita. Lunch is provided. Register at www.pgc.pa.gov. Registration encouraged, but walk-ins welcome. n March 25: Model Train & Toy Show, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in Summerville, presented by the Summerville Vol. Firemen’s Assoc. n March 25: Smicksburg Spring Open House, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., various locations around town. n March 31: Fish Dinner, 4 p.m., at Rossiter Vol. Fire Co., benefits the fire company. n April 1: Spring Gun Raffle at Big Run Event Center, sponsored by Big Run Area Vol. Fire Co. $10 tickets available from firefighters and at area businesses. n March 31 & April 1: Sally’s Bazaar Indoor Vendor & Craft Show, Indiana Mall, benefits the Salvation Army in Indiana. Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. n April 1: Trout Season opens in PA. n April 2: Palm Sunday, begins Holy Week. n April 6: Military Share food program, 3 p.m., at Jefferson County Fairgrounds, sponsored by Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest PA. n April 9: Easter. Celebrate the Risen Christ! n April 13, 14, & 15: PAHS Class of 2023 Variety Show, 7 to 9 p.m., at PAHS auditorium. n April 15: CDA Yard Sale at Weinker Hall, SSCD Church. n April 15: Spring Gun Raffle, Oliver Township Vol. Fire Co., doors open at 4:30 p.m., raffle starts at 5:30 p.m. $10 donation for tickets. n April 16: Run/Walk for Someone Special


Groundhog Day Baby 2023
Micah Adamo was born at Punxsutawney Area Hospital at 12:24 p.m. February 2, 2023 –making him the first baby born in the area on Groundhog Day. Micah stretched the measuring tape to 20.5 inches and tipped the scales at 7 pounds 1 ounce. Micah is the second son of Kasey Prescott and Thomas Adamo of Lucernmines. Micah and his brother, Matteo, “pose” with their proud parents. (submitted photo) in Sykesville, rain date April 23, benefits the Arc of Jefferson & Clearfield Counties. n The Punx’y Chamber of Commerce will hold a Gun Bash on April 29. Tickets are $20 and are available at the Chamber office and Laska’s Pizza. n Free Income Tax Preparation is available through Jefferson-Clarion Community Action’s VITA program. Call 814-226-4785 ext. 107 and leave your name & phone number. n The Punx’y Vol. Fire Dept. will hold a Gun Raffle on Aug. 19 at Gobbler’s Knob. $10 tickets are on sale from any firefighter. n The First Church of God and SSCD Church offer food banks. Contact the churches for dates and times they are available. n CEF Good News Club is held every Sunday from February-May at 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Punx’y Alliance Church for ages 3-6th grade. Call the church for more information. n Registration is open for The Salvation Army’s Camp Allegheny summer sessions. The Punx’y Corps of TSA will be sending campers the weeks of July 24-28 and July 31Aug. 4. Contact the Salvation Army at 938-5530 for information. Registration is available online. n The Big Run Fire Co. holds Honey Badger Bingo every first and third Wednesday of the month at the Big Run Event Center. Doors open at 4 p.m., early bird games start at 6 p.m. and regular games start at 6:30 p.m. Food & beverages available. n The Punx’y Memorial Library will waive late fines on patron accounts. The library expects borrowed materials to be returned on time. Materials that have not been returned on time should be returned as soon as possible in usable condition. If an item is not returned within 30 days of the due date, the cost of replacement and a $5 fee will be placed on the patron account. If the item is returned within 90 days of the due date, the library will waive the replacement cost, but the patron will be responsible for the $5 fee. Questions about this new procedure should be directed to the front desk. n Farm Show Winners. The staff of Punxsutawney Hometown magazine congratulates Calista Reitz of Punx’y, Jessica Colgan of Punx’y, and Taylor Rafferty of Brookville for their winning efforts at the 2023 PA Farm Show in Harrisburg. n The staff of Hometown magazine congratulates the Warsaw Township Volunteer Fire Company on its 50th anniversary. Thank you for serving the area since 1973! n SSCD Lenten Fish Dinners: Every Friday in Lent, 4 to 7 p.m., at Wienker Hall, presented by C.D. of A. There is a cost.

Reitz, age 12, placed fifth in the market lamb showing. Colgan placed 58 out of 68 entries in the chocolate cake baking category for her Chocolate Almond Joy cake. Rafferty was the recipient of a 2023 Farm Show scholarship.
(“From Our Past,” researched by S. Thomas Curry, features items of interest from past editions of Punxsutawney and area newspapers.)
February 23, 1887 — Work on the Clayville bridge is progressing rapidly, and the contractor thinks he will have it ready for foot passengers this week. Some enterprising Clayville boys, who had constructed a ferry, have been transporting people across the Mahoning at five cents per head. (Punxsutawney Spirit)
Note: The wood Clayville bridge of 1887 crossed Mahoning Creek at a point at the end of Grace Way connecting with South Main Street to reach the hill across the valley. In 1936-37 a new West End bridge (known as Margiotti Bridge) to travel over Mahoning Creek.
February 26, 1890 — A B., R. & P. railroad box car coming from Adrian last Thursday, filled with coke caught fire and before the flames were subdued the roof was pretty well consumed. The fire was started by some of the coke being too hot. (Punxsutawney News)
Note: For young readers, the “coke” referred to is the product of the beehive coke ovens at the coal mine, not the bottled soft drink of Coke.

March 3, 1886 — The old custom of tolling the church bell at the death of one of the churchgoers is still kept up in this place. (Valley News)
Note: “Tolling” means ringing the bell. The Punxsutawney area has many churches from the past built with tall church steeples for church bells to be rung.

March 9, 1907 — Everything looks as though winter has about come to the end of its string and before long the streets will be dry again. The boys, who have been engaged in snow battles, are now commencing an eye around for marbles and hoops. That season will soon be at hand. Conditions point toward a general thaw. There is still a great quantity of snow on the mountains. It might be well for downtown residents of Punx’y to watch for high water. (Punxsutawney Spirit)
March 16, 1898 — We were out on a bicycle the other day. We flatter ourself that we attracted some attention by the bold and vigorous manner in which we grasped the handle bars and kept the machine from running off on the side streets. Matters are coming to pass when a man cannot go out for a little spin on his wheel without being the subject of light remarks and general hilarity.
(Punxsutawney Spirit)
Note: In 1893 the bicycle became popular in Punxsutawney for a means of travel, compared to foot or horse. Street cars had been introduced in 1892 for mass transportation of people. By 1898, when the Spirit editor wrote about his experience, many streets were paved with brick.

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