6 minute read
Hometown Community
Continued from page 20 registration, at Punx’y Rails To Trails-Ballfields, 5K race & 1M walk. Find registration information on their Facebook page. n May 20: 8:30 to 11 a.m., Pancake Breakfast, $10. First English Lutheran Church, Gilpin & Pine Streets. Proceeds will establish PXYCF Fund to honor Punxsutawney area fire fighters. n May 20: Basket Raffle & Vendor Show Benefit, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Big Run Event Center, benefits John McBee & Shelly Reese. Event given by FOCUS Accounting & Business Solutions. n May 20: Little Toby Smoke-Off BBQ Competition, noon to 4 p.m., at Taylor Memorial Park, Brockway. n May 20: 2023 Outdoor Gun Extravaganza, 3 to 11 p.m., at Reynoldsville Fire Co. n May 20: “Dial M for Mother,” a murder mystery dinner, 5 p.m., at Heritage House, presented by Brookville Laurel Festival and Mystery’s Most Wanted. $30 per person, benefits the Laurel Festival. n May 20 & 21: Coolspring Power Museum open. $10 admission; children under 12 free. n May 20 & 21: Greenberg Cadillac Museum open, 1 to 4 p.m., Brookville, in partnership with Brookville Area Chamber of Commerce. Donations benefit the chamber’s local beautification efforts. n May 20 & 21: Spring Tour De Forest ATV/UTV Ride in the Allegheny National Forest, Marienville. n May 21: McCalmont Township Vol. Fire Dept. Breakfast, 7 a.m. to noon, at the fire hall. Adults, $10; kids 5-12, $5; and kids under 4, free. n May 26: Last Student Day at Punx’y Area School District. Watch for children. n Camp Friendship applications are available at jcarc.org. They are due by May 26. n May 26-28: Living History Weekend at Cook Forest State Park. n May 27: Hawthorn Vol. Fire Dept. 6th Annual Kayak/Canoe Poker Run, launch 9 a.m. to noon Redbank Creek, Summerville to Hawthorn. Adults, $20; under 18, $5. Find more information and registration at www.hawthorn560.com. n May 28: Fish for Free Day in PA, no license required by the PA Fish Commission. n May 28-June 3: Groundhog Festival at Yoder’s Antique Mall. n May 29: Punx’y Memorial Library closed. n May 29: Memorial Day. Remember the veterans who gave their lives in service to the nation. n *If your church will celebrate a milestone anniversary, such as the 50th anniversary of its founding, please let Hometown know about it. Such longevity should be recognized with a story! You can email Hometown@punxsutawneymagazine.com. n Punx’y Citizens Band rehearsals are held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays at First English Lutheran Church. For more information, go to https://punxsypa.com/band. Musicians of all levels are welcome. n The Punx’y Chamber of Commerce is seeking vendors for the 2023 Festival in the Park. Contact the chamber for more information. n Applications for JCARC’s Camp Friendship are available at The Arc of Jefferson & Clearfield Counties’ website, JCARC.org. n The Salvation Army holds weekly Bible studies at 11 a.m. Wednesdays. n The Punx’y Vol. Fire Dept. will hold a Gun Raffle on Aug. 19 at Gobbler’s Knob. $10 tickets are on sale from any firefighter. n The First Church of God and SSCD Church offer food banks. Contact the churches for dates and times they are available. n The PA Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau is holding a Big Fish photo contest through May. Visit the bureau’s website for more information. Scheduled events may change. Hometown magazine is not responsible for changes or cancellations.

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Joining Forces
Continued from page 19 given to the highest scoring teams and to the top individual shooters. The event is limited to the first 120 who sign up, so Gagliardi stressed the need for those interested to not delay in securing their spot. He further explained that businesses, organizations, and associations can show their support by contributing through sponsorships. There are multiple levels of sponsorship with numerous perks offered at each distinction with the top four levels allowing the contributor to send four shooters to the event. The top level, the Diamond, includes a VIP shooting clinic and dinner for four the day before the event.

Gagliardi and Pace are hoping that this year’s event will be as successful, if not more so than last year’s. They believe this can be accomplished through more area businesses, organizations and associations showing their patriotism and participating in the effort.
“Our goal at the event is to raise funds to take more of our nation’s finest on outdoor adventures and network with sportsmen and landowners to create new opportunities for our veterans to get outdoors,” professed Pace.
Near the end of his Veterans Day speech 13 years ago, President Obama said, “It’s about how we treat our veterans every single day of the year. It’s about making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that they’ve earned when they come home. It’s about serving all of you as well as you’ve served the United States of America.”
To join Freedom Hunters and Shoot for a Cure in answering the call, individuals, teams and businesses can visit http://www.shootforacure.us, go to the “2023 Events” page and click on the event name to download the event information and registration form or by contacting Gagliardi directly at mark@shootforacure.us.
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(“From Our Past,” researched by S. Thomas Curry, features items of interest from past editions of Punxsutawney and area newspapers.)
April 16, 1931 — “The Smart Shop” is the name chosen for the ladies’ and children’s wear shop of A. Pete. It is one of the prettiest and most complete shops of its kind in Punxsutawney. A prize for the name is divided among three local women. Mr. Abraham Pete is to be congratulated. The shop is a credit to him and to Punxsutawney. (Punxsutawney Spirit)
Note: For nearly 70 years a popular women’s clothing store on East Mahoning Street in downtown Punxsutawney, The Smart Shop closed in August 1999.
April 24, 1889 — The foot ball players of this county met in DuBois on the 15th instant and organized the “Jefferson County Foot Ball Association,” James Budddock, of Adrian, was chosen president. All clubs are required to organize at once and prepare to compete for a cup, which will be presented to the club which wins the championship (Punxsutawney Spirit) Note: The first football game in the U.S. was in 1869.

April 28, 1870 — OUR PHYSICIANS say that there are yet many cases of scarlet fever throughout this part of the country. There has been more sickness in the vicinity during the past few months than has been known here for years before. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer)
Note: More common in children and young teens, scarlet fever is recognized by a pinkred rash or sore throat. Contagious, in earlier years (such as 1870) a child with scarlet fever was quarantined to their home and a sign placed in a window.

May 6, 1869 — OUR TOWN IN THE FUTURE – A number of new buildings will be erected this coming summer. Our enterprising merchant, Mr. George W. Zeitler, intends to erect a large frame building on the corner of Mahoning and Jefferson streets, opposite the new Jennings’ Hotel. Two and one-half stories high, the first floor will be a storeroom with a ceiling fourteen feet high. The second floor is intended for a Town Hall. (Punxsutawney Plaindealer)
Note: The location of the Zeitler Building at the corner of East Mahoning and North Jefferson streets in 1869 is now an empty lot since a December 1971 fire that destroyed buildings across from the Pantall Hotel. The buildings included the Jordan Furniture store. May 17, 1899 — The talk of moving the B. R. & P. Passenger station has not died out yet. One day we hear that it is to be moved down to Pine Street, another that it is to be moved up to Penn Street; and others rumor that it will not be moved anywhere. (Punxsutawney News)
Note: In 1883, the “first” passenger station of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad (B. R. &P. RR) in Punxsutawney was a frame station built at the railroad crossing on North Findley Street. In 1903 this station was replaced by a new, larger red brick passenger station. Located east of North Findley Street at the end of North Jefferson Street near the high school, the brick station was demolished in 1981.
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