Honest Weight Food Co-op’s Community Newsletter for Membership • Staff • Governance • Management Published monthly by the Communications Committee to promote transparency, report without bias, and sustain community.
Septemiber 2019 Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Avenue, Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 honestslate@honestweight.coop • https://www.honestweight.coop/
In this issue: Shoppers will “pay-per”-bag... ...That is, they will pay a small fee for each paper grocery bag supplied at checkout, as the Co-op plans packaging policy changes alongside a state law effective next year [see article, pg. 5]. As of March 1, 2020, the state will ban retail businessesfrom dispensing single-use plastic bags, except those used for garments, trash, perishables (meat, poultry, fish), prescription drugs and newspapers. Upcoming law changes motivated HWFC to make improvements. “Honest Weight has never offered new plastic bags,” Director of Operations Stephen Quickenton told Honest Slate, “[but] the plastic bag ban ... provided the momentum to make a change.”
New York’s plastic bag ban •WILL apply to all single-use plastic bags provided by stores to carry out goods. •WILL apply to stores that collect sales tax including groceries, retailers and small businesses. •WILL NOT apply to reusable bags with handles made of cloth or other durable material. Individual counties will have the option to charge a fee for paper bags, according to an Albany Times Union article published April 26, 2019. “In counties and cities that enact the paper bag fee, individuals who receive ... SNAP or WIC, would be exempt from the fee,” the Times Union added. [https://www.timesunion.com/business/article/ Shoppers-embrace-bag-ban-five-cent-fee-counties-13778621.php]
ownership equity news In an effort to free up Ownership Equity for future Owners, the Co-op will make some changes to the current policy of allowing longstanding delinquent accounts to remain in default. Starting immediately, the Co-op will reach out to Owners who have been delinquent in their payments for 1 year or more. If delinquent accounts are not claimed, then they will be absorbed by the Co-op in accordance with the law. Options for Owners with accounts in default are: honestslate@honestweight.coop
pay your Ownership off; fill out a form to refund the amount you’ve paid and relinquish your Ownership; or fill out a form to donate the amount you’ve paid and relinquish your Ownership. If no action is taken by Owners with accounts in default for 1 year or more, the amount paid will be absorbed by the Co-op and the Ownership will be considered relinquished. For questions reach out to finance@honestweight.coop.
since you asked:
paper ibags
Updates To Impact HWFC...p. 5 What YOU Can Do...p. 4
Call for G R C
Candidates...pp. 2, 10
now availaible All-in-One Survey for Staff · and · Membership How do you fit in? We’re...
taking a tally! Our survey is ready to take. See page 3 for details. Step up and be counted!
CONTENTS Call for GRC Candidates ......... 2 Survey for All Readers............. 3 Plastic Meets Demise............... 4 It’s in the...Bag: FAQ................ 5 Q&A/Suggestion Box . ............ 6 Coffeehouse News.................. 7 Do We Owe You? ................... 8 Committee Corner.................. 7 Care to Share: MO News ..... 10 https://www.honestweight.coop/
Honest Slate
September 2019
HWFC Governance Review Council Call for Candidates Is it important to you that the Co- It is also recommended that candi- The final deadline for submissions is op’s Bylaws are faithfully followed? Are you interested in providing advice on what the Bylaws’ provisions mean in real-time? Then you may be ready to become involved in HWFC governance by joining the Governance Review Council (GRC). Submit a completed Nomination Form (available Sept. 27, 2019) and run for one of the two open seats!
During the Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019 Membership Meeting, an election will be held to fill two vacancies on the five-member GRC. Each vacancy is for a term of three years. The GRC responsibilities are listed in the HWFC Bylaws at Section 470.2. Those responsibilities include providing advice, support and analysis regarding any policy or Bylaws review-related matter when asked by a Member-Owner(s), the Membership, Board or Management.
To be eligible to run for the GRC,
the HWFC Bylaws require the Member-Owner to be up to date in their time investment by the end of September (the month before the month of the election). For this election, that means being up-to-date by September 30, 2019. Candidates should also be familiar with HWFC values, goals and issues.
dates attend a GRC meeting and a Board meeting before submitting a Nomination Form. Meeting dates are available on the HWFC’s website at ‘committee calendar’: https://www.honestweight.coop/page/ committee-meeting-calendar-322.html.
If you are interested in running for
a seat on the GRC, submit a completed Nomination Form. Forms will be available Sept. 27, 2019 online at the HWFC elections page and at the customer service desk. Submission deadlines apply: Qualified candidates submitting their Nomination Form by 5 pm Oct. 13, 2019 will have their names preprinted on the GRC election ballot. Those who submit their forms by 9 pm the evening before a Meet the Candidate (MTC) forum may participate in the Forum as a candidate.
9 pm Oct. 26, 2019 (the evening before the election.) Candidates who have submitted their Nomination Form by 9 pm on Oct. 26, 2019 will be able to participate in the last MTC forum on the day of the election.
Rl fC G Cal or
Ca n d idates
Please read the submission-filing information included on the Nomination Form carefully as all of these are strict submission deadlines— particularly if you want to qualify for inclusion on the ballot or participate in the early MTC forum. Nominations may also be made from the floor during October’s Regular Membership Meeting. Candidates should review the HWFC Bylaws for further information or contact a member of the Elections and Nominations Committee at electionscomm@honestweight.coop. –Elections & Nominations Committee
Encouraged to apply are those with: •►HWFC committee experience •►familiarity with legal, regulatory and governance issues •►good oral and written communication skills •►commitment to active participation Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
▨ ▨ We are interested in meeting the needs of our membership.
If you are comfortable, please tell us where you land in the age spectrum.
Survey: These questions are designed for our entire community of Owners, Member-Owners and Staff. To participate in this survey, please click anywhere on the survey or follow this link. If you want to be sent the link via email or would like to submit a written version of your answers, please contact Yevette Buddeau at memberservices@honestweight.coop or 518-482-2667 ext. 104 before Oct. 3, 2019. Your input is greatly valued!
a. Under 21 b. 21-40 c. 41-65 d. 65+ e. Prefer not to answer
▨ ▨ Are you involved in community organizations?
Tell us briefly about it: i.e. what organizations, how many hours, how long have you been involved? □ [Comment]
Answers will not be connected to individuals and all honest answers are fair.
▨ ▨ Which statement best describes your general role at the Co-op?
invests time in the store, receiving an 8% or 24% discount at the Co-op.
not invest time in the store.
Staff Non-Owner
One who has purchased an Ownership interest (formerly called a Share) and
One who has purchased an Ownership interest (formerly called a Share) and does
Honest Slate
September 2019
▸Staff/ Member-Owner
Dual Status
One who receives a paycheck
for working at the Co-op but has not purchased an Ownership interest (formerly called a Share).
One who has purchased an Ownership interest (formerly called a Share) and also re-
ceives a paycheck for working at the Co-op.
□ [Comment]
Answers will not be connected to individuals and all honest answers are fair.
▨ ▨
▸ ▸
▸ ▸ Please suggest your reasons for not being a Member-Owner.
▨ Other [Comment]
Please rank your reasons for being a Member-Owner (including Dual Status) with your top (most important) reason as #1 and your least important reason as #5. Answers will not be connected to individuals and all honest answers are fair:
□ To vote on Co-op matters at Membership Meetings, i.e. Board of Directors and Governance Review Council (GRC) elections, and the Budget
□ To participate in governing bodies at the Co-op,
i.e. the Board of Directors, Governance Review Council (GRC), and committees
□ To receive discount, including the 5% extra on select local items □ To be involved in the community aspects, i.e. meetings, socials, networking □ Something else—tell us about it in the comment section □ [Comment]
What would you like to see the Co-op initiate to attract more involvement? □ [Comment]
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
Honest Slate
The End of Plastic Bags is Near! By Gay Malin Starting in March 2020, New York
State will forbid stores from providing customers with single-use plastic bags that are non-biodegradable—and that have been blamed for a range of ills from gruesome wildlife deaths to thwarted recycling efforts. So, what is our Co-op doing to prepare for this transition, and what can we do as Coop shoppers and friends of the planet?
First: I made it a personal goal to see if I could shop without using a single plastic bag for a month. I figured it would be easier to transition slowly rather than go cold turkey. I have now seen success for over three months.
Here is what we can do: 1. Buy some reusable cloth or mesh vegetable bags. I found mine at the Coop. I wasn’t really sure how these would work but amazingly they keep vegetables fresher than any other container I have used over the years. I bought local string beans and they kept for almost two weeks! No more slimy beans going limp. 2. Reuse your plastic and glass containers. I save all my large yoghurt contain-
glad you asked:
ers and various glass jars. They need to be clean and you will need to have them weighed at the front desk. This gives a tare weight so that you only pay for the weight of your bulk item and not the weight of the jar. An added attraction is that when you get home, you don’t have to transfer your flour, nuts, rice, spices (yes, I just bring my spice jars) into other containers. The Co-op also has glass jars for sale. Remember the Co-op has many bulk items—from oils to shampoo to mustard and freshly ground peanut butter. You can reuse all the containers those foods originally came in and in addition to helping the environment, you save money as buying bulk is less expensive. 3. Use tote bags. Yes, the Co-op has paper bags available, but starting in early November there will be a charge for them. Did you know that our large paper bags cost the Co-op 22 cents each? The Co-op has reusable tote bags for sale and you will be saving money by purchasing one and bringing it to reuse for each shopping trip as the cost of large paper bags will add up. Plus, for each bag you bring, we give you a 5-cent refund (or an Envirotoken for donation).
Suggestion Box items from April 2019:
Q: In light of the ban on plastic bags to go into effect in NY next year and
September 2019
Yes, all of these take some forethought.
As a cashier I can’t tell you how many shoppers come through my register and remark “Oh, I left my bags at home or they are in the car, or—my dog ate it :^).” As soon as I empty my groceries at home, I throw the bags back in the car. As soon as I empty a jar of nuts I wash it and throw it in the car. Everyone has their own way of doing this and soon it becomes habit.
Here is what the Co-op plans: 1. Plastic bags will no longer be available as of March 2020. The Produce Department is moving to compostable bags, but Deli will still have plastic bags for sliced meat and cheese until another solution can be found. 2. There will be a charge for all paper bags starting this November. We will be offering for purchase tote bags and a variety of vegetable bags—mesh beeswax, etc. We already have glass jars for sale. 3. We will use recyclable and/or compostable containers. We currently have biodegradable utensils. 4. Bring your own coffee cup and you will get a 15-cent refund. This will save on paper cups.
see page 5!
a: We’re monitoring the current changes. Thanks for your input.
5. Finally, if we bring our own containers and vegetable bags, this also means that fewer will have to be created in the first place, thus saving trees and the energy it takes to turn them into paper bags and glass jars.
Q: The only way to really reduce the use of paper bags at the front end is
Let’s all get started now
in addition to the possibility that municipalities may charge for the use of paper bags I believe that the HW should get ahead of the game and charge for paper bags now!
to charge for them—that way the cashiers can tell customers “We charge for the bags but the boxes are free!”
a: We are looking at implementing a pay per bag program in the future.
and do our part in saving this wonderful planet we call our home. Gay Malin is a Member-Owner who invests time as a weekly cashier.
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
r e p a P It’s in the Bag:
f.a.q. .
with Stephen Q.
See related material on page 1.
This month, Communications Committee members provided questions for Director of Operations Stephen Quickenton about impending changes in shopping bag policy for Honest Weight.
Honest Slate
September 2019
•Why will the Co-op
start charging a fee for paper grocery bags?
Over the years, we’ve received feedback from Member-Owners, Staff, and customers [who] would like to see Honest Weight take a stronger stance in reducing the amount of paper bags used. The reason? Even though they are recyclable, they still have an environmental impact. Although Honest Weight has never offered new plastic bags, the New York State plastic bag ban (effective March 2020) provided the momentum to make a change. We strongly encourage shoppers to utilize reusable bags or boxes that are free, located at the Front End of the store. We have many reusable bags currently for sale at Honest Weight and look forward to featuring a new Honest Weight-branded reusable bag made from 100% recycled plastic [to] be sold for $1 each to start. We will also begin charging customers for paper bags (the amount is yet to be determined).
How New York State Law Changes Will Affect Honest Weight
•Will customers still receive a
nickel back or one token per bag if they bring their own bags?
Yes! Our popular EnviroToken program will not change.
•How are other New York co-ops
responding to the ban on single use plastic bags?
...I’ve never been to a co-op that offered plastic bags as an option. I was recently at the GreenStar Food Coop in Ithaca, and they charge 5 cents per paper bag.
•Will plastic bags still be avail-
able in the Bulk, Meat & Deli sections? Will there be a fee charge per bag?
•When will the fee take effect?
How far in advance will notice be? How will the store publicize it? We’ve placed a very large order for our new reusable HWFC bag via our primary non-foods supplier and are awaiting its arrival to begin charging for paper bags. We expect to begin in October or early November at the latest. Our Marketing department designed the new bag and will provide support to the Front End to communicate this change through social media and instore signage. For more information: https://www.timesunion. com/business/article/Shoppers-embrace-bagban-five-cent-fee-counties-13778621.php; https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/ news/politics/albany/2019/03/29/new-yorkplastic-bag-ban-how-will-it-work-when-does-ittake-effect/3307293002/
I believe you are referring to the pull-and-pack bags used in Produce, Bulk, and Meat. The store will be transitioning to a fully compostable pull-and-pack around the same time as the paper bag charge will begin.
did you know
Paying for your Honest Weight purchases by cash or check saves the Co-op money every time you shop, because using credit or debit cards costs the store a In Deli, we do use a plastic bag to package cut-to-order sliced deli small fee for each transaction— meats. This will not be changing at and adds up to a lot of $$! The pull-and-pack will be compostable at home and doesn’t need to be processed at a composting facility. Currently there is no charge for pull-and-packs or deli sliced meat bags; that will not change.
this time.
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
Q &A
From the Suggestion Box
Honest Slate Q: Matthew—the man in Produce— went to all the trouble of hunting down snacks that I saw advertised on my computer. A: Yeah, Matt’s great! He’s the best! Thanks for letting us know!
Don’t see your comment here? Check the bulletin board in the café. Q: Bakery request: Biscuits more OFTEN! I LOVE THEM!! Will buy a lot . Q: Could Bakery PLEASE make some biscuits for strawberry shortcake while local strawberries are in season? (Actually, two questions marks with a smiley face underneath.) Those biscuits are sooo good! A: We’re glad you like them! We make a batch about once a week while strawberries are in season. Thanks for the nice suggestions! Q: Can we stock: “Gut Shots” (Ginger Beet) by Farmhouse culture 16 Fl. Oz. A: The “Gut Shots” by Farmhouse Culture are on our radar. We’re considering bringing them in. In the meantime, you may special order a case of 6 16oz. bottles. Q: Rich, the cashier, is a delight! He is always positive and efficient. A: Thank you for sharing! We’re glad you had an exceptional experience! Q: Mo in the meat dept. is outstanding + a good team member! A: Thank you for letting us know! We appreciate positive feedback and will share this with Mo and his supervisor. Q: A big thank you to DiDi and Kelly in service for all of their help when we had a flat tire in the parking lot. A: That’s awesome to hear! They always go above and beyond. We’re glad you got the care you needed. Thanks for letting us know! Q: Thank you for keeping your smoothies peanut (aflatoxin) free! A: We’re happy to help!
paper ibags
Q: Paper bags for fruits/vegs A: We keep them stocked by the apples, mushrooms, onions & potatoes. If you don’t see any, please ask.
Q: Peanut Butter & Co. peanut butter (on sale now) includes added sugar + palm oil. (Even the “with honey”) has added sugar. Should shelf space be given this product? A: We’ve found that many shoppers prefer a sweetened peanut butter. We also stock a number of unsweetened PBs in order to allow our customers to make their own decision. Q: Please replace the small landscaping trees with shade trees to mitigate the sun + heat effect. Also, can the landscaping grasses be replaced with more appealing perennials (wild flowers, herbs, etc.) A: Our plantings are modeled after the Highline Park in NYC. We’re using a seasonal interest plan in order to provide visual appeal throughout the year. We appreciate the trees that are established and have no plans to replace them. Q: Please consider wheelchair users/ people of short stature when stacking baskets. Sometimes they are stacked very high. ♥ A: Thank you bringing this to our attention. We’ll be more mindful when stacking baskets in the future. Q: Please have meat options on buffet. I miss the beef and onion and peppers you used to have. Thank you! A: We plan to bring beef back to the hot bar as part of our rotation.
September 2019 Q: Food is too spicy. The food items labeled not spicy were still SPICY. I like spice but not when it overwhelms any other flavors. Also not every dish has to be SPICY to taste good—there are other flavors. Q: Dinner food SPICY. How about noting that on the sign? Q: As a shoppers helper I hear customers comment with regularity that the soups & hot bar are too spicy. A: We’ll talk to our kitchen manager to address your heat concerns. We label hot items with a chile pepper icon. Q: I am a vet of 27 years and being treated at VA – Many soldiers need nutritional products – Consider giving 15% discount… Thank you. A: We offer discounts to a variety of groups. On Sundays, students receive an 8% discount with valid college student i.d. Senior citizens receive a 2% discount every day and senior shareholders receive a 5% discount every day. All seniors receive an 8% discount on Wednesdays. Although there are many categories of individuals who would like to receive additional discounts, we have an obligation to our members to operate our store in a sustainable manner in order to survive as a business. The efforts of all who have worked to bring us to our current status are greatly appreciated. Q: Can we start using Oatly in the café? A: We carry 3 non-dairy creamer options: coconut, almond, and soy. We have no room for a fourth and would have to drop one of the above three. We’ll keep your suggestion in mind. Q: Please make one of the bathroom doors automatic, w/handicap push button for accessibility. A: We have no plans to install a door closer/opener but will keep your suggestion in mind.
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
September 2019
Honest Slate
COMMITTEE C O R N E R HWFC Meeting Summaries Sales and Fiscal Performance (for the 12-month period ending June 2019) • Ordinary income increased $6,257 to $1,079,788 ($49,643 over the budgeted amount of $1,030,145). • Net income decreased $20,094 or 3% from $650,841 to $630,747 (over budgeted amount of $610,624 by $20,123). • Cost of Goods were up $653,006 at $16,609,931 ($246,824 or 1.5% over budget). • Overall Gross Profit was up $395,537 or 3.5% at $11,586,722 ($124,294 or 1.10% over budget). Gross Margin was on target with budgeted amount at 41%. • Expenses were up $389,280 or 3.9% from $10,117,654 to $10,506,934 ($74,651 or .7% over budgeted $10,432,283).
by Stephanie Conde
Governance Review Council (GRC) • Requested schedule of Board’s pending senior manager reviews. • Will investigate ability to challenge a Board action (Bylaws 430.1) when taken short of the window for filing a petition and regarding a legally awarded contract. • Advised ENC that GRC cannot confirm what group would run the October elections (GRC reviews compliance.) • Will scan HWFC historical documents. • August BOD meeting issue updates: ○ Board not interested in having Finance Committee review 1% trigger for “unbudgeted cumulative expenditures;” noted that generator is a budgeted item. ○ Board offered no resistance to GRC’s idea regarding nominations made from the floor (absent nominees must show
7 This article provides a summary of preliminary committee reports submitted to the Board of Directors for the Sept. 16, 2019 Board meeting. See the Board meeting packet for details. Full committee reports are routinely posted and available on the HWFC website upon Board approval.
interest in Board or Committee service). Bylaws Panel will address necessary change(s) to Bylaws. ○ Board reviewing GRC suggestions on Board SOP. Bylaws Panel • Prepared Annual Report blurb. • Formulating process for referring recommended Bylaws changes to Membership in time for Jan. Membership Meeting. • Discussed GRC’s proposal regarding nominations from the floor for absent nominees. • Requested Board appoint a representative to the Bylaws Panel. Nutrition and Education Committee (NEC) • Alan McClintock shared his long experience presenting new member orientations. • Russell gave update on August Board decisions. Planned to discuss NEC’s request for action on glyphosate brochure at the Board’s 8/20 workshop. • MO shared how food expiration dating results in substantial waste of edible foods. Dating variable and arbitrary. Time constraints prevent NEC from researching this issue; issue forwarded to Honest Slate. • Updated text of Meat and Poultry Policy in the FPM. Environment Committee (EC) • Two expert members (1) conducted HWFC energy audit; (2) evaluated backup power systems; (3) analyzed energy prices; (4) developed and edited documentation; (5) contacted contractors and solar installers; (5) researched NYS energy policy; and (6) conducted research for report writing. • Met with management (primarily on waste issues) and identified several issues for EC follow up. • Reviewed literature on PFAS chemicals in compostable plates, bowls, etc. Preparing a draft “white paper.” • Conducted HWFC Empire State Plaza concession waste audit. • Exploring possible departmental sustainability team leads. • Contacted solar companies. continued on page 9
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
Honest Slate ★What if we adopted this practice to facilitate conversations?
September 2019
Board Decisions: TBA The next HWFC Board of Directors Meeting will be held Sept. 16 at 6 pm. September Board Decisions will be published in October’s Honest Slate. • To reach HWFC governance, email:
BoardAdmin@honestweight.coop • All Board decisions and minutes are available to read online once approved. • The approval process for minutes takes up to two months; decisions are also published monthly in Honest Slate.
do we owe you? The Co-op has money waiting for a
number of individuals who we cannot find. If you or anyone you know appears on the following list, the Finance Department urges you to contact the Co-op at your earliest convenience: finance@honestweight.coop.
Druis Beasley Nishi Beharry Gillian Eastwood Eva Foitzik Joseph Gietl Lauren Holden Mark Pranys Credit: dani rabaiotti.
Septemiber 2019 Suibmissions Policy: editors + contriibutors: Yevette Buddeau Stephanie Conde Avery Cotton Alexis de la Torre Erin Donohue Susan Flack Elisa Grimm Don Kennison
Annette Kramer Gay Malin Lorraine Orsini Carol Ostrow Olivia Pettit Courtney Semoff Janet Sorell Tyler Varese
Lily Ringler Elias Saifan Shavon Taylor Kimberly Truitt Elizabeth Yoquint Daren Zal
We welcome articles & contributions; desired maximum length is 500 words. Material is published at the discretion of the Honest Slate team; only signed work is accepted; and items are edited for length, grammar and style. We may consider unsolicited material but encourage individuals to submit ideas or outlines first. Letters to the Editors do not require pre-approval. Contact honestslate@honestweight.coop with questions, comments or suggestions.
Statement of Purpose: Honest Slate is a platform for HWFC Membership, Staff, Management and Governance: promoting transparency, reporting news without bias and sustaining community. Honest Slate articles are for informational purposes and are not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Opinions expressed in Honest Slate do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Honest Slate or Honest Weight Food Co-op. All contents ©2019 Honest Weight Food Co-op; no material appearing in Honest Slate may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of HWFC.
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
continued from page 7
September 2019
COMMITTEE C O R N E R continued from page 7
• Contacted UNFI and others about a nationwide pallet wrap recycling program for all NCG stores. • Requested backup power proposal from HWFC’s energy supplier (Direct Energy) but dropped request since DE’s affiliate requires signed letter of intent before developing proposal. • Requested Board review and consider Energy Audit Report and Recommendations. Elections and Nominations Committee (ENC) • Reviewed, proposed edits and approved GRC Election Nomination Form. Online fillable version being created. • Publicizing Call for Candidates for GRC Election (articles for Sept. and Oct. Honest Slate; graphics and content for posters, cash register display, Constant Contact; content for Elections tab of HWFC website; consulting Yevette about using HWFC’s Facebook page for PR). Will contact John Akots about advertising future elections in Honest Slate. • Using MS Project to update work schedule, review election-related tasks and deadlines is helpful (thanks to Paula). • Tabled Board’s request to author guide to sponsoring governance workshop until after Oct. 27 GRC election. Outline was shared with MC; available to other committees upon request. Personnel Committee (PC) • Manual revisions continue on attendance and time away from work. Defined what qualifies as “Immediate Family” for bereavement leave. Honest Arts Committee (HAC) • To jury next show Sept. 30; install Oct. 14. • Will remove current show and install exhibit of Coop archival material Sept. 30. • Will call for large pieces week of Oct. 14. • Requested that Board facilitate promotion of Gallery, including discussing ideas with Management (Front End announcements every 30-40 minutes, asking Greeters / Cashiers to promote the Gallery to customers, announcing Gallery’s existence and location before each Membership Meeting).
Honest Slate Membership Committee (MC) • Concerns about monthly open mic Coffee House noise volume in the Deli and Front End (due to amplification) were shared with CCO Rick Mausert who advised amplification wasn’t supposed to be used. Committee members will attend upcoming Coffee House and follow up with Rick. • MO tabling feedback: (1) need better communication; (2) need staff direction; (3) need ongoing training; (4) courtesy clerks need more support; (5) environmental concerns; (6) want formal department schedules; (7) request we explore other co-ops’ attendance policies; and (8) time investors should wear HWFC hats and “swag” during shifts to promote unity with staff. (MC wants to continue tabling, perhaps monthly.) • Department staff/managers shared views on MO accountability for scheduled shifts: ○ Produce’s Brendan would support storewide method to ensure accountability for MO shifts, including: (1) 30-minute orientation; (2) Excel spreadsheet (removes people that don’t show); (3) quarterly attendance review (to drop repeat no-show MOs). Brendan noted that a small percentage of Produce Dept. personnel are MOs. ○ Deli noted that if staff is held accountable, MOs should be as well. ○ Dairy noted: (1) 80-90% of MO shifts attend as scheduled; (2) covering shifts for absent MOs can be a scramble; (3) MOs observed as consistently unproductive are not scheduled for future shifts. ○ Housekeeping supports MO accountability. ○ Some supported accountability but opposed implementation of a point system, fearing it would lead to corporate culture. • Regarding Customer Service during Orientation, will ask MOC: (1) Why is one hour provided immediately when we don’t do a formal hour of training? (2) Should all three orientation hours be withheld until the first time investment? • Board recently approved adding Moderation Workshop to MC’s workplan. Requested Board: (1) provide their view of differences between “coordinating” (Bylaw 463.2) and “conducting” (Bylaw 342.1) the General Membership Meeting; and (2) clarify whether it’s the MC’s charge to procure moderator to run the entire General Membership Meeting. Advised Board of MC’s desire to retain paid moderator for General Membership Meetings.
9 ○ Questions on Moderation Workshop: (1) Why does Board want workshop?; (2) Do we need this workshop?; (3) What is Board asking MC to do? (including vision/ objective); and (4) What qualifies MC to run moderation workshops? ○ MC prefers developing workshop (with EC) on how to be better member of the planet in recycling and disposing of waste. • Idea for new workshop: “How to ‘be’ at a Membership Meeting.” Would refer to skill sheets to find Members with moderating/ facilitating/class experience; interview and select someone to co-construct and lead the workshop. MC subcommittee may be formed for this purpose. • Tabled civility/conduct • Preparing FY 2018-19 Annual Report contribution. • Seeks Board feedback on pre-General Meeting slideshow (any changes/suggestions?). • Will table at Homegrown Happening (Sept. 28) to promote Co-op/membership and solicit MO Manual feedback. • Requested Board include Item for Vote on changes to Member-Owner Manual at October meeting.
The Honest Arts Committee is now accepting painting, drawing, prints, photography and mixed media entries for Partial Disclosure. We are interested in all two-dimensional works to hang in Honest Weight’s gallery in the hallway outside the Community Room and Teaching Kitchen. This show is open to all Co-op MemberOwners, Owners, Staff, and the Public! Honest Arts will jury, take delivery and install work. The show will run Oct. 14-Dec. 23, 2019. Deadline for entries: Sept. 23, 2019 If you have no computer or email access please call CCO Rick Mausert at 518482-2667, ext. 101 or John Daubney at 518-482-2667 ext. 103. Send any questions to: HonestArtsCommittee@honestweight.coop.
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop
Honest Slate
Care to share: Memiber-Owner Announcements
Looking for a shift in the store? Contact Memberservices@honestweight.coop for: •Homegrown Happening: Sept. 28 • 12-4pm. MOs needed for setup, event help & breakdown. •Employee BBQ Oct. 10: MOs needed for various time slots.
Septemiber’s here; g a r d e n e r s ! our summer lull is coming to an end. Going into autumn heightens awareness of busy times ahead. If you are a Member-Owner in one of the Co-op’s departments, please talk to your department manager now about what holiday arrangements you will be making. As Owners of our cooperative, we need to take responsibility and plan for the busy season approaching. If you will be missing department shifts due to holiday happenings, please set up your schedule early so that we can get all shifts covered.
homegrown happening: Looking for ways to contribute? We are still seeking help for Homegrown Happening on Sept. 28. Sign up for a shift via this link, or reach out to Yevette at Memberservices@honestweight.coop. This ranks among our most well-attended annual events and we love to see all the faces and excitement!
deli help:
The Deli is looking for a weekly receiver to join the morning Member-Owner team. The open shift is Friday mornings from 7:30–10:30 am weekly. Duties include putting away produce and dry food stock, rotating products and organizing on shelves, breaking down boxes, and taking out cardboard and pallets. Reach out to Dan in Deli with any questions and sign up at DanH@honestweight.coop.
September 2019
Gardener Parties!! We have two planting dates coming up; put them on your calendar now! We will have lots of bulbs to plant before winter sets in; in the spring, we will be able to see the fruits (or flowers) of our labor as the grounds awaken into glorious color! Bulb planting dates will be Oct. 26 AND Nov. 2 at 9 am. We have a great group of gardeners this season who have been coming in every Saturday from 9-12 to enjoy the weather, pull weeds and organize the garden beds. If you are interested in getting some gratifying hours with the gardeners occasionally or regularly; or if you would like to come in and help plant bulbs on the garden party dates, reach out to Yevette at memberservices@honestweight.coop. Your help shows!
Have you heard of Grub Hub? Have you had a really long day, plan to stay in and order food to be delivered? Now the Co-op is on the list of dining choices for ordering delivery food. If you use the Grub Hub link from our Co-op website for your order, then the Co-op saves the Grub Hub fee and you get a cookedfrom-scratch meal that beats the other takeout options! Click this link and save it to your bookmarks for those long days when ordering in is the plan! Interested in joining Honest Weight Food Co-op’s Team as an Employee? Check out our Employment Page.
Next Memibership Meeting Oct. 27 • 6 pm • Ramada Inn Please come attend • Vote • Be part of self-governance!
consider grc At the Oct. 27 Membership Meeting we will elect Governance Review Council members—and we really want YOU to be there! If you know someone who would enjoy this level of participation in our self-governing model please ask them to reach out to: electionscomm@honestweight.coop; Memberservices@honestweight.coop; or GRC@honestweight.coop for questions on what being part of GRC is like. While each type of time investment is important at HWFC, self-governance is an integral part of what we do here at our cooperative. Bringing your voice to the table is a great way to keep governance robust and healthy.
plan to vote: Get your hours in! In order to attend and vote at the Oct. 27 Membership Meeting at the Ramada, all hours and payments must be up to date by Sept. 30. Don’t wait until the last minute! If you come in for an unscheduled shift at the end of the month to try to binge-invest your hours, you may find yourself in a jam. End-of-the-month binge-investing can be hard for the store to accommodate since the number of people on the sales floor depends on the needs of the departments and the business. Questions about voting eligibility can be directed to Yevette at memberservices@ honestweight.coop.
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ honestslate@honestweight.coop