3 minute read
memBer-owner Announcements Co-opportunities
by Yevette Buddeau
August already? Enjoy the harvest and the heat while you can!
This month we send out another huge thanks to those who continue to come in and help at the Co-op as we keep safety at the forefront of our minds. Observe the six feet of distance around all other people and wear the mask completely properly, covering both your nose and mouth, so we can all stay safe. Thanks for doing your part!
We still have places for those who are interested in helping in the outdoor spaces of the Co-op. Below is the contact info for those who want to get their hours outside in the warm weather, but make sure to drink plenty of water and use appropriate sun protection. The greatest need is as an outdoor greeter, counting customers as they come and go from the store and collecting and cleaning the carts. These shifts are at least two hours long and cover the main business hours of the day, between 10 am and 6 pm.
To sign up for this interactive outdoor position, reach out to Dan at DanH@honestweight.coop. The best-case scenario for this role is for people to do this in pairs, so if you see someone greeting and counting, then there is still room for one more and you can sign up!
writers wanted:
Write what you know. Write what you want. Write what you like. Write for Honest Slate.
Honest SLATE
See submissions policy on page 8. Member-Owner Coordinator (MOC) To donate hours to the
Interested in joining Honest Weight COVID-19 hardship, reach out
Food Co-op’s Team as an Employee? Check out our Employment Page .
Other outside tasks options remain in Plants: CarolSurash@honestweight.coop Maintenance: Brian@honestweight.coop Housekeeping: John.Daubney@honestto the friends and loved ones of Tom Di
weight.coop and Weeding & Gardening: memberservices@honestweight.coop.
We also have needs for Member-Owners ferent days and times. Contact Georgia. Sullivan@honestweight.coop or JoshNichols@honestweight.coop for more details.
It may seem early, but we’re already thinking ahead about the busy holiday seasons and snow coverage. If you believe that the autumn may be easier for you to do your hours, then please reach out to your department of choice now.
The Co-op can also use a few people who are at the ready to show up with shovels when snow comes. It seems far off, but if you commit in your mind now then you will be ready when the time comes. (Think about it on these super-hot August days!)
Member-Owner hours bank, or to request a donation due to to Yevette at memberservices@ honestweight.coop.
Two longtime community members passed on recently and our condolences go out to come help out in Grocery on many dif
Giovanni and Rance McKenna.
Please send messages of support through appropriate means if you knew them. If you know of a community member who has recently passed and you would like to see them mentioned here in Honest Slate, please send the desired info to Yevette at memberservices@honestweight.coop. You may also submit a heartfelt article about the person to HonestSlate@honestweight.coop if you feel so inclined.
Here’s a new topic: Do we have MOs who would like to financially sponsor a new owner with no strings attached? If this interests you then please send your comments to Yevette at memberservices@ honestweight.coop.
Attention MemBer-Owners:
From August 5th through September 1st, Member-Owners investing time at the Co-op will receive 1.5 hours of credit for every hour invested.
This is an update to the double hours policy that was in effect from March 16 through August 4.
•The 1.5 hours will be calculated the same way the double hours were: added bi-weekly as a separate entry. • We are not able to change the programming to have these hours increase in live time. • If you have any questions at all about your Member-Owner account or the hours you have, or if you would like assistance signing up for time investment hours, please contact Yevette at memberservices@honestweight.coop.