HWFC Membership Meeting June 28, 2020
Board Member Election
Budget Vote
Please note: Ballot Boxes will only be open in the Honest Weight Parking Lot on Monday June 29, 7am – 8pm and Tuesday June 30, 8am – 5pm. Please complete each ballot and place them both in a single blank envelope and seal it. Place this envelope in another blank, outer envelope and mark it with your member number and name. When you arrive at the voting table sign the outer envelope with ballot box “holders” as witness. Then drop it in one of the ballot boxes. Ballots and envelopes will be available at the HWFC. Ballots not in an envelope, in an envelope without a Member Number or signature, ballots submitted by a Member-Owner who did not attend the meeting and multiple ballots submitted for the same Member-Owner number will not be counted. You will NOT be able to submit your ballots after boxes are closed.
Please note: Ballot Boxes will only be open in the Honest Weight Parking Lot on Monday June 29, 7am – 8pm and Tuesday June 30, 8am – 5pm. Please complete each ballot and place them both in a single blank envelope and seal it. Place this envelope in another blank, outer envelope and mark it with your member number and name. When you arrive at the voting table sign the outer envelope with ballot box “holders” as witness. Then drop it in one of the ballot boxes. Ballots and envelopes will be available at the HWFC. Ballots not in an envelope, in an envelope without a Member Number or signature, ballots submitted by a Member-Owner who did not attend the meeting and multiple ballots submitted for the same Member Owner number will not be counted. You will NOT be able to submit your ballots after boxes are closed.
Vote for no more than 7 candidates Please put a mark next to your selection(s). _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Avery Cotton Mollie Lampi Janet Sorrell Gregor Wynnyczuk _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________
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HWFC Membership Meeting June 28, 2020
Resolved that we adopt the proposed budget for July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 _____ Vote YES to approve the budget. _____ Vote NO to reject the budget