October 2021
COMMITTEE C O R N E R by Stephanie Conde Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) ∙ Discussed Implicit Bias including focus groups, affinity spaces, surveys, HR data (hiring, retention, discipline, promotion), and anti-racism training). ∙ To facilitate ARC’s need for ongoing collaboration with HR Director, requested BOD direct CCO (or Acting CCO) give HR Director permission and support to collaborate with Anti-Racism Committee on ongoing basis with work plan tasks, including (but not limited to) guidance on data from Paychex, guidance/collaboration on mandatory staff training development and execution, and guidance on affinity spaces/social learning groups and legal compliance. ∙ Shared with BOD results of survey for HWFC MOs (Member-Owners) and staff who completed “Kirwan Implicit Bias Training High Level Results.” Environment Committee (EC) ∙ Received BOD permission to collaborate with Marketing to launch Zero Waste messaging along with a presentation. BOD requested another run-through of presentation. ∙ Subgroup to meet via Zoom to create overview/possible structure for updates to Environment Manual (by focus areas) and assemble action steps to begin research phase. ∙ Experiencing lack of communication from Bullrock Solar; seeking way to clarify status of project. ∙ Continue looking at ways to gather energy usage data in conjunction with CFO and CCO, including possible installation of power meter to monitor usage. A company (ABS) gave proposal for equipment fixes to aid energy conservation; discussed details with CCO and HWFC Store Manager. Personnel Committee (PC) ∙ Continuing revision to Employee Manual. ∙ Requested BOD approve: (1) adding Coop’s newly adopted Airborne Infectious Disease Exposure Prevention Plan to Employee Manual (per NYS Hero Act requirements); (2) adding new section to Employee Manual on “Bridging of Service” to credit rehires with accumulated length of service for purposes of accrual of Paid Time Off (contin-
Honest Slate
Preliminary committee reports submitted for the Board of Directors’ Oct. 5, 2021, meeting. See meeting packet for details. Full Board-approved committee reports are posted on HWFC’s website.
gent on good standing at time of separation and successful completion of rehired probationary period); and (3) deleting portion of “Vacation Coverage” in Employee Manual (page 35, forfeiture of accrued seniority during previous employment tenure) if “Bridging of Service” addition is approved. ∙ Resubmitted updated “Working off the Clock” Policy. Employees must be punched in while working regardless of location; and, if work while not punched in, must notify supervisor within 24 hours or ASAP. Repeat offenders without reasonable explanation may be subject to disciplinary action. Membership Committee (MC) ∙ New member orientations continue via Zoom. In-person sessions on hiatus due to Covid. Discussed possible second orientation for those interested in governance, linking to MC outreach, and basing on interest survey. ∙ Next book discussion group, We the People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy, meets Nov. 11 (7–9pm) via Zoom [see page 10]. ∙ Discussed Bylaws Panel recommendations for changes, meeting, and attendance at meeting with BOD. ∙ Representation at BOD meeting as member time allows, for now. ∙ Chief Cooperative Officer (CCO) Search Committee continues to review applicants, interview candidates. ∙ Discussed reviewing MO Manual items needing updates next month. ∙ Posted need for additional MC members in Honest Slate. Discussed pre-Covid events at RMMs where in-person meeting of new members was possible; not now. Elections & Nominations Committee (ENC) ∙ Preparing for upcoming GRC election. Drafting documentation on processing electronic/Survey Monkey ballots. Discussed having year-round election form availability (rather than a limited time immediately preceding elections) and changes to nomination form questions. Updated GRC nomination form for use at October Regular Membership Meeting (RMM); sent to GRC for feedback. Will revert to simpler, more high-level Excel timeline. ∙ Requested that BOD discuss/approve yearround availability of nomination forms for BOD elections; and allow 20 minutes at Jan-
uary RMM to discuss nomination process and seek Membership’s input. ∙ Most Voting Handbook documentation regards in-person meetings and voting. Discussed updating documents to include remote meeting processes. NYS requirements inform whether remote meetings can continue beyond temporary approval (expires Jan. 2022). Requested BOD share updates on discussions of RMM location. ∙ Reached out to two individuals who may have governance interest to see if they might join ENC. Published recruitment article in Honest Slate. Began outreach to some Co-op committees to observe meetings for best practices and/or ideas ENC may want to adopt with goal of attracting more ENC members. Also exploring if committee members may be identified or interested in serving on BOD or GRC since they are often knowledgeable about HWFC governance. continued on page 8 A Message from Marketing: Curbside Program Seeks a Few Good Shoppers With cold and flu season on the horizon (along with rising COVID numbers), we anticipate more requests for curbside shopping. We’d like to continue to offer this valuable program to the community, but can’t do it without help from our wonderful Member-Owners. The program runs weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We are looking for organized, self-motivated shoppers with good communication skills to work Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. We can’t guarantee that there will be orders for each shift, but as ALL departments are understaffed right now, we are looking for members who will be flexible and willing to invest time in other departments, if that’s the case. If interested and willing to give this a try, please reach out to curbside@honestweight.coop or memberservices@honestweight.coop with your availability for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Please see page 12, col. 3 for additional info.
Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • https://www.honestweight.coop/ • honestslate@honestweight.coop