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Committee Corner
Preliminary committee reports submitted for the Board of Directors’ August 31, 2021, meeting. See meeting packet for details. Full Board-approved committee reports are posted on HWFC’s website.
by Stephanie Conde
Anti-Racism Committee (ARC)
∙ As of Aug. 16, 42 Member-Owners (MOs) and 31 Staff took Implicit Bias Training. ∙ ARC supporting next book discussion. ∙ Requested BOD: (1) allow ARC to be first on agenda for committee times; and (2) provide advice on moving forward to create affinity spaces (process/protocol, etc.).
Environment Committee (EC)
∙ Reached out to Yevette as first step in plan to launch zero waste presentation and initiatives. One suggestion is working with marketing to expound on our 8th statement of conscience (waste reduction) noted on HWFC website. ∙ Discussed new Food Donations and food waste law taking effect in the new year. EC willing to help/support those working out details of how to best implement law. Waste Audit results can be consulted for suggestions or contributions. ∙ Discussed plans to accomplish Manual updates by area of focus, including action steps to begin research. ∙ Photovoltaic system of Community Solar is up and running. August billing cycle should reflect credits for HWFC store and residential customers. ∙ Working with management on options for cooling units; continue to analyze utility bills and review changes over last year. ∙ Requested BOD’s permission to collaborate with marketing and management to help develop in-store zero waste initiative.
Elections & Nominations Committee (ENC)
∙ Discussed development of posters to advertise elections in Honest Slate and possibly in store. ∙ BOD is considering tabling outside HWFC for now (due to COVID resurgence). Requested BOD advise on tabling days/times decisions. ∙ Readying Annual Report for submission by Aug. 16. ∙ Reviewed assignments and identified common draft document for review/editing of ENC/Voting Handbook procedures. ∙ Initial planning underway for Oct. 24 GRC election.
Nutrition and Education Committee (NEC)
∙ Preparing article for September’s Honest Slate on lectins in foods and how they affect health (see page 5).
Communications Committee (CC)
∙ Updating policy language to reflect formatting preferences for article drafts; providing disclaimers as needed. ∙ Emailed poster design samples to ENC and Membership Committee to encourage continued discussion of how updating the Membership “brand” could attract attention, support Membership engagement around elections, and encourage attendance at regular Membership Meetings. ∙ Copy deadline for October issue is Sept. 25. Next Honest Slate publishing dates are Sept. 9 and Oct. 7.
Sales and Fiscal Performance
(for 1 month ending July 31, 2021) ∙ Ordinary Income decreased $74,243 or 72% to $28,283 vs. $102,525 last year ($8,745 or 24% under budgeted amount of $37,028). ∙ Net Income decreased $57,749 or 86% from $66,966 (last year) to $9,218 ($7,045 or 57% under budgeted $16,263). ∙ EBITDA decreased by $78,520 to $54,207 vs. $132,727 last year (under budgeted $63,143 by $8,936). ∙ Total Expenses were up $45,832 or 5.4% from $848,706 last year to $894,538 (under budgeted $928,014 by $33,477 or 3.61%). ∙ Costs of Goods were down $85,345 or 5.89% at $1,364,287 vs. $1,449,632 last year (under budgeted $1,458,182 by $93,895 or 6.44%). ∙ Overall Gross Profit was down $28,411 or 2.99% at $922,820 vs. $951,231 last year (under budgeted $965,042 by $42,222 or 4.37%). Gross Margin was 40.35% vs. 39.6% last year (under budgeted 40%).
Membership Committee (MC)
∙ Continued senior MO outreach to check on well-being during pandemic. Conducted outreach to Member-Owners (MOs) on returning to time investments in store. ∙ Presented Member-Owner Manual changes to Membership; Membership’s vote overwhelmingly approved changes. ∙ Began successful bimonthly Book Discussion Group. Collaborated with other committees to co-facilitate and choose books of note for Membership. ∙ Continued monitoring and conducting orientations for people becoming new Members or MOs. Orientations continue to be conducted via Zoom (during a brief window some in-person sessions were conducted). ∙ Continued support of effort to conduct Regular Membership Meetings despite pandemic. Participated in virtual check-in; gave feedback on meeting structure. ∙ CCO position has been reposted; MC will screen and potentially interview applicants. ∙ Need for additional MC members posted in Honest Slate and will be posted on bulletin board.
Membership Committee Seeks New Members
The Membership Committee (MC) currently meets virtually every second Monday.
Do you have time, talent, and desire to be on the Membership Committee?
This committee needs MOs in good standing who can • collaborate to promote an equitable Co-op • follow through and complete monthly items • attend MC and Regular Membership Meetings Email address below if interested in earning hours as a Membership Committee member. You can visit with the committee to ask questions or one of us can review with you what we do! MembershipComm@honestweight.coop