Museum Studies Major Art History Minor Natural History Enthusiast cell: 704.619.1414
Kristen Maeve Gallagher
A Short Introduction... I’m passionate. About sharing knowledge. About integrating educational resources and schools. About museums. Art, natural science, and history are the inescapable foundations of human existence. We, as a nation, have thousands of museums that house millions of collections, all for the sake of documenting what we know. I want to change the way these resources are understood and integrated into the public; the cultural institutions, parks, museums, and libraries of this country are perhaps our most solid ally in the fight to improve education. Working to form collaborations between these organizations, both at the community level and the national plane, is my dream. That dream is focused on the hope that someday, we will have an education system that values and takes advantage of our learning resources. Understanding the fact that both children and adults learn better through experience is where I’ll start. If you’ve ever witnessed the joy, appreciation, and imagination on a child’s face when she actually does what her textbook teaches her, you have a reference point for what I’m talking about. My objective is to work in the Program and Education department in an art, natural science, or history museum, designing and coordinating events, workshops, lectures, and activities for the public. My passion is bringing museums to the public and making the resources in them as relevant and interesting as possible.
Current and Upcoming Projects... —The History and Technique of Encaustic Art Through the Ages: research, art creation, and mock program
—The Art of the Bird in North Carolina: research and mock exhibition & program
—Art History Thesis: to be completed 2013
Selected Resume
photographs by Kristen Gallagher