13 minute read
TAROT: The Chariot
The Green One by Art of Melush
We’re already a month into the new year. Have you begun working on your goals? If not, there is no time like the present to take those reins in your hands and get moving. Focus your will on the wondrous things you want to achieve. Then go, go, go until you reach your destination! This month can bring great gains and triumphs but only if you are willing to commit to the work ahead. This is not the time to sit around and hope that the Universe does your bidding. Instead, you must take personal responsibility. Remember: your future is determined by the actions you take or don’t take. This month, start the ball rolling towards your desires. That begins with you.
This month is ideal for any sort of travel, especially short road trips. If you have a case of the winter blues, find a weekend where you can go somewhere special. It doesn’t have to be expensive, far, or warm. Just somewhere that takes you out of your daily routine and gives you a fresh outlook. When you come back, put the pedal to the metal on your goals. With a freshly fueled mind, you may go further than you thought.
POTLUCK: Jay Neugeboren is the author of twenty-two books. He has appeared in the New York Times,The New York Review of Books, The Atlantic Monthly, GQ, and The American Scholar and over fifty anthologies. He is the only writer to have won six consecutive PEN Syndicated Fiction Awards. jayneugeboren.com
WEEDTV: McKenzie Schwark is a graduate of DePaul University’s Creative Writing program, and currently writes and edits in New York City. Her work is published or forthcoming in Bustle, bitch media, BUST, Storm Cellar, and more. Mckenzieschwark.com, @schwarkattack
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT; CANNABIS TIMELINES: Naomi Rosenblatt is Deputy Editor and Art Director of Honeysuckle Magazine, founder and publisher of Heliotrope Books. heliotropebooks.com, @heliotropebooks
YOUR HIGHEST HIGH: Tom Huth is a journalist and author of the memoir Forty Years Stoned: A Journalist’s Romance.
UP IN SMOKE: Kymberly Byrnes is a Cannabis investor, host of “Cannabis with Kym B,” co-founder of the New Jersey Cannabis Commission, and East Coast Director of CannabisBuyer.com. @cannabiswithkymb pistilpoint.com @pistilpoint
BLACK HEELS, PURPLE HAZE: Tank Burt is an actress, writer, and director known for the films Love Is Strange and Biscuit. @TankBurt POT IN THE WINDOW: Alex Harsley is a renowned photographer who directs the 4th St. Photo Gallery, and founded the non-profit Minority Photographers, Inc. in 1971. 4thstreetphotogallery.com
CANNABIS ACCORDING TO SPIRIT: Lori Lipten is an international best-selling author, world-renowned medium, contemporary shaman, and empowering retreat leader and teacher. llipten.com
IN BED WITH PANAMA RED; A POTHEAD’S NIGHTMARE; MONEY & MARIJUANA: “DX 21” Dasun is a writer, poet, editor and speaker of the cobo bobo misfit mystic. @dx21dasun, dx21presents.com
MARIJUANA OVER MIGRAINES: Nadya Rousseau is an L.A. based social entrepreneur, multimedia journalist, and activist. She is the founder and CEO of Alter New Media, a digital marketing agency for impact. socialmediastorytelling.co @nadya_rousseau, @nadyarousseau
MINDFUL REVOLUTION: Shellise Rogers aka SISTAH ROGERS is a social justice activist and political advocate. She hosts safe listening spaces on topics such as Financial Literacy, Emotional and Mental Health.
OUR EPILEPSY HERO: Greg Grunberg’s graphic novel Dream Jumper: Book 2 is now available. His podcast “An actor, A comedian and a Musician Walk into a Bar” is also available on iTunes. @greggrunberg #MyEpilepsyHero
MEET THE KAIJU: @jerrbul @elevensixtysix @kaijukillerklan/ @iamtheroar @BlkZen @youngkoii
LIGHTING UP; CANNABIS CRAZY; AN EX-POTHEAD’S QUALMS: Susan Shapiro is an award-winning writing professor and New York Times bestelling author of 10 books, including the memoirLighting Up and co-author of Unhooked: How to Quit Anything. susanshapiro.net @susanshapironet @profsue123
OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD: Dr. Inbar-Maymon-Pomeranchik is a PhD scientist (Plant Science and Microbiology) and a biotech investment consultant. She is the founder of BioDiligence. Biodiligence.net HYAPATIA LEE ON CANNABIS: The Rialto Report is an adult film podcast series on the adult film industry in New York and beyond. Its founders were consultants on the HBO series The Deuce, starring James Franco and Maggie Gyllenhaal. Therialtoreport.com
A PHYSICIAN SPEAKS: Kaaren Nichols, MD, is a Family Practice physician based in Seattle. She has 35 years of experience and authorizes medical marijuana.
FEBRUARY TAROT: Theresa Reed aka The Tarot Lady is a full-time Tarot reader in practice for 30 years. She is the author of The Tarot Coloring Book. Learn more about her at thetarotlady.com, @thetarotlady

THE SACRED SPACES ARE FULL OF PILLS AND SMOKE: John Gosslee is the editor of 50 Contemporary Women Artists (Schiffer, 2018). He’s the editor-in-chief of Quiet Lunch, [PANK] and Fjords Review. His poetry is widely published. THE SACRED SPACES ARE FULL OF PILLS AND SMOKE: John Gosslee is the editor of Women Artists (Schiffer, 2018). He’s the editor-in-chief of Quiet Lunch, [PANK] and Fjords Review widely published.
WHEN PLAYDATES GO TO POT: Jennifer Parker is a Manhattan-based writer and mother. The editor in chief of StatoRec, Jennifer’s fi lm criticism and author profi les have appeared in Fjords Review, the Los Angeles Review of Books and Pank Magazine. WHEN PLAYDATES GO TO POT: Jennifer Parker is a Manhattan-based writer and mother. The editor in chief of StatoRec, Jennifer’s fi lm criticism and author profi les have appeared in Fjords Review Books and Pank Magazine.

CANNABIS: HARMFUL OR HEALING? Father ELnakar Allah-ade’s career as a Poet and lyricist began in 1973, and ventured into other mediums. He is a ghostwriter for Hip hop artists, editor of street literature and has several unpublished novels. The winner of several National Poetry Contests, two of his recent works were published in “Berkeley RHYTHMS.” @TGPkuumba CANNABIS: HARMFUL OR HEALING? Father ELnakar Allah-ade’s career as a Poet and lyricist began in 1973, and ventured into other mediums. He is a ghostwriter for Hip hop artists, editor of street literature and has several unpublished novels. The winner of several National Poetry Contests, two of his recent works were published in “Berkeley RHYTHMS.” @TGPkuumba
THE RESURRECTION OF THE MRP: Citizen Jay Daily is a Technical Writer at Medicine Man Technologies and CEO/Owner at TokeRadio.com. THE RESURRECTION OF THE MRP: Citizen Jay Daily is a Technical Writer at Medicine Man Technologies and CEO/Owner at TokeRadio.com.

JOHNO WEED QUIZ: The Johno Show is seen by millions of people each month on CCTV (Cannabis Club Television) in dispensaries throughout the nation. For more on The Johno Show visit: youtube.com/TheJohnoShow JOHNO WEED QUIZ: The Johno Show is seen by millions of people each month on CCTV (Cannabis Club Television) in dispensaries throughout the nation. For more on The Johno Show visit: youtube.com/TheJohnoShow

MARIJUANA ACTIVISM IN NYC: Preston Peet is the editor of Under the Infl uence—the Disinformation Guide to Drugs and author of Something in the Way, soon to be published by Feral House.
GREEN ACRES IS THE PLACE FOR HIM: Donate to Govardhan Gardens as part of Puerto Rican Recovery at organicfarm.net. Learn more about Green Acres Holdings at inportalusa.com/green-acres.
REEFER MADNESS: Matt Saber lives a quiet life in suburban Michigan and dreams of one day developing a passion for something other than sarcasm.
OXYKITTEN: Leah Wells is a singer, songwriter, and music educator. Her book, On Another Note (Heliotrope Books, 2017), is a teaching memoir. @leahwellsmusic
CANNABIS: A TOOL FOR HEALTH: Eben Britton played for six years in the NFL. He is the cofounder of the wellness company Be Trü Organics and has written for publications including Playboy Magazine, SportsIllustrated.com’s The Cauldron, and Leafl y. @edsbritton **Article Sources: “Opioid Addiction 2016 Facts & Figures.” Https://Www. asam.org/Docs/Default-Source/Advocacy/Opioid-Addiction-Disease-Facts-Figures.pdf, Asam.org, www.asam. org/. “The Effects of Opiate Use.” DrugAbuse.com, drugabuse.com/.
WALKING THROUGH THE FIRE: Augustus Britton is a writer and artist based in Los Angeles. His work has appeared in Flaunt Magazine and Malibu Magazine, and he is currently fi nishing his debut novel. @augustusbritton
JUST IMAGINE: CANNABIS THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: Catherine Hiller is the author of fi ve books of fi ction and Just Say Yes: A Marijuana Memoir. Her novel The Feud will be published by Heliotrope Books in 2018. catherinehiller. net @edgycathy
RETRO: BLOW-TOP BLUES: M. J. Moore is Honeysuckle’s RETRO columnist. His novel, For Paris ~ With Love & Squalor, (Heliotrope Books, 2017) focuses on the famed city.
MORE THAN MARIJUANA: Chadley Britton is a writer and sex educator based in New York City. @goldtonegoddess sex educator based in New York City. @goldtonegoddess

MONEY & MARIJUANA: Emile “Hong” Westergaard is a former hedge-fund Wall Street investor, a 35th generation Shaolin Monk, musician and cannabis connoisseur. He has parlayed his experience and spiritual philosophy into an investment literacy tool and platform known as the “Green Chi App” (greenchiapp.com). MONEY & MARIJUANA: Emile “Hong” Westergaard is a former hedge-fund Wall Street investor, a 35th generation Shaolin Monk, musician and cannabis connoisseur. He has parlayed his experience and spiritual philosophy into an investment literacy tool and platform known as the “Green Chi App” (greenchiapp.com).
*gea is a chilean-born multidisciplinary artist, pseudo UFOlogist, cinephile, cat friend person, based in New York. Her unique work encompasses drawing, painting, illustration, and digital media. an autodidact, she has exhibited solo and in group shows in New York, Los Angeles, Santiago, Zurich, and Toronto. Geaphiles.com *gea is a chilean-born multidisciplinary artist, pseudo UFOlogist, cinephile, cat friend person, based in New York. Her unique work encompasses drawing, painting, illustration, and digital media. an autodidact, she has exhibited solo and in group shows in New York, Los Angeles, Santiago, Zurich, and Toronto. Geaphiles.com

Art of Melush was formed by Australian contemporary artist, Melinda McCarthy (a.k.a Melush) An exhibiting artist for 20 years her award winning work is held in private collections worldwide. artofmelush.com Art of Melush was formed by Australian contemporary artist, Melinda McCarthy (a.k.a Melush) An exhibiting artist for 20 years her award winning work is held in private collections worldwide. artofmelush.com

OPUS DOPUS: Jon Horn is a travel writer who has written a marijuana travel memoir. OPUS DOPUS: Jon Horn is a travel writer who has written a

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