How to Develop Your Child’s Genius
Review Of “How to Develop Your Child’s Genius” – The Manual Your Child Should Have This information package is designed for parents of children – infants to school age children. The author, Esther Andrews is a mother of 2 highly gifted children. Before she became a mother, After her nephew was born, noticed that the child has unusual talents. He was showing talents exactly in the areas his grandparents “worked” with him on. Esther Andrews found it to be very interesting, and started observing other children and parents. She always found a very tight correlation between the children’s skills and the subjects their parents or other “teachers” have developed in them. When Esther became a mother, she decided to give her children the utmost chances in life. She wanted to develop her children’s intelligence to be geniuses, just like her nephew was. She read every book she could lay her hands on, and then started experimenting with her daughter. Her daughter already walked when she was 9 months old, showed extreme talents as a gymnast, and started talking in full sentences when she was about a year old. When her son was born, she felt that she had some knowledge and experience from her daughter and all the other children she has observed over the years. She implemented the lessons she has learned from the past, and applied new techniques also. When her son was in 6th grade, she opened the “School for Gifted Children” and operated it for several years. Esther’s children are now young adults, her daughter is an excellent mother and a child psychologist. She is contributing a great deal to the lives of autistic children, and can get them to show unusual improvement. Her son has just recently received his PhD in math,at the age of 24. He teaches other youngster his own age at one of the well known universities in the US. Now that her children are young adults, Esther Andrews feels that she can share her experiences with other parents. In this “How to Develop Your Child’s Genius” package, Esther Andrews shares her experience, her philosophies and many techniques and activities she used to develop her children’s skills and intelligence. The How to Develop Your Child’s Genius packageincludes 3 different e-books and a few audio files. In the audio files you can find interviews that were conducted with young adults who grew up as gifted children. The gifted young adults were asked to share their experiences and give advice to other children, who are growing up now. Also, the parents were interviewed, and were asked to share what they think they contributed to the development of their children’s genius. The book is not compartmentalized by age, and that was done on purpose. Most of the activities can be implemented in all ages, the parent has to adjust the activity to their children’s abilities. The parent is the best person to judge what the child is capable of doing. The parent is the one who can tell if a certain activity is appropriate for their child. This How to Develop Your Child’s Geniuspackage is loaded with information and activities. Parents who bought the package and applied it to their own children have reported amazing results. Most of the activities are presented as games and fun. It is not advised to try to do all activities at once, however The parents are advised to take their time, and fin out what their children enjoy most, and what the children are interested at the present time. Activities the children are not interested in, will be tried at a later time, when it is obvious the children show interest and enjoy them. Altogether, this How to Develop Your Child’s Geniusis an interesting read, and an excellent source of information and ideas for parents who seek to give their children the best chances in life.
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