"WO MEN"/2017 - Lookbook

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“WO MEN” This is a collection of “WO”men’s sartorial pieces inspired by the dominant trends of British “MEN”swear in the 19th and 20th centuries. As well as the Chinese pinyin of “us”, “WO MEN” relates to the power of androgyny as a core of the tailoring brand — Hongdou Zhuo.

Photography Credits The Fashion Designer: The Hair&Make-ups Artist: The Model: The Photographer: The Stylist:

Hóngdòu Zhuó Crystal Liu Gin Salemò Reina Ryu Ankita Bawiskar

1 (Charcoal wool) Inserted-lapel suit jacket with (charcoal wool) quarter-side-zippered suit trouser. (炭灰⾊色⽺羊⽑毛)嵌⼊入式翻领⻄西装上⾐衣和前侧带拉链的直筒⻄西装裤 WM17JT01 - WM17TS01

2 (Black stripped-wool) Suit-shaped long evening dress with 3/4 sleeve. (⿊黑底⽩白条⽺羊⽑毛布料料)带四分之三袖的⻄西装式⻓长款晚礼裙 WM17BD01

3 (Black polyester) Baggy shirt, a (black wool) tapered trouser and a (grey wool) coat with detachable bottom. (⼈人造⿊黑⾊色带条纹丝绸)折叠不不⼀一衬衫,(纯⿊黑⽺羊⽑毛)带裙摆七分裤和(中 灰厚⽺羊⽑毛)带可拆卸裙摆的修身⼤大⾐衣 WM17BS01 - WM17TS02 - WM17CT02

4 (Grey wool) shirt and (black stripped wool) pant with (black silk) stripes, and a (black knitting fabric) slimmed kimono-sleeved coat. 带⿊黑⾊色丝绸带的(⻄西装布料料的)上⾐衣、裤⼦子,和(⿊黑编织⾯面料料)宽松外套 WM17BS01 - WM17TS02 - WM17CT02

5 Sleeveless vest dress with a long quilted down coat. 重叠背⼼心式过膝正装连⾐衣裙,和可收腰垫衬 式⻓长⽻羽绒外套 WM17DS01 - WM17CT03

6 Boyfriend ¼ front folded sweater with an overlapping two-layered pant, and an uneven-lapelled oversize wool coat. 宽松式左前稍折排扣⻓长袖⽑毛⾐衣,中短裤外罩 ⻓长裤,和带⼤大⼩小不不⼀一翻领的较⼤大中⻓长外套 WM17SWT01 - WM17TS04 - WM17CT04

7 Sleeveless draping knee-length dress with an overlapping backpleated suit-coat. 到膝⽆无袖正装裙和后褶收身⻄西装式到膝⼤大⾐衣 WM17DS02 - WM17CT05

8 Open-wide-shoulder pencil dress with a CF-symmetry flared coat. 露露锁⻣骨连⻄西装式上⾐衣和铅笔裙,以及⽴立领正 中对称喇喇叭摆⻓长袖外装 WM17DS03 - WM17CT06

9 Silk soft button-fastened-able blouse, a pencil skirt with lapels and a baggy coat with raglan sleeves and lengthenedlower collar and lapels. 可系扣收身丝衫,翻摆铅笔裙,和带⻓长版领 ⼦子和翻领的插肩式松外套 WM17BS03 - WM17SKT01 - WM17CT07

10 Coat with cape, skinny highstand-collared knitwear top and a high-waist pant with belt. 披肩式⻓长外⾐衣,⻓长⼿手⻓长脖的紧身针织⽑毛⾐衣, 和⽪皮带收腰的⻓长款⾼高腰裤 WM17CT08 - WM17SWT02 - WM17TS05

11 V-lapelled shirt, bottom-flared trouser, and a waistline—symmetry feminine coat. V式翻领衬衫,带喇喇叭裤摆的紧身裤,和腰际 线上下对称的⼥女女式⼤大⾐衣 WM17BS04 - WM17TS06 - WM17CT09

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