Hong Kong Joint School Mathematics Society HKJSMS Newsletter
Issue 1
May 2015
Message from the President
I Index: Message from the president
Message from teacher advisor P.2 Sub窶田ommittee board
Our executive committee members
Past events
Coming events
Fun with Math
am honored to be the president of 27th Hong Kong Joint School Mathematics Society. In the past 26 years, HKJSMS did a great job on promoting math to secondary student and enhancing cooperation between members and member schools.
Last year, our society has held several activities successf ully . Inter -S chool Mathematics Contest and the summer day camp, Ra and his traitors were very success. They got great attention from the secondary student. Here I would like to thank all the executive committee and sub-committee member of 26th HKJSMS. Their contribution is important for the success of HKJSMS. This year is the 27th year of our society, we will continue the event held last year. Besides the major events, we are planning for new events to have more connections between our member and member school. Hope our new events can provide a chance for more student to view mathematics from another perspective, discover the beauty of mathematics and sustain their interest in this subject.
Message from the Advisor Dear HKJSMS, I am happy to see that the Executive committee board of Hong Kong Joint School Mathematics Society 2014-2015 continues to be passionate in promoting Mathematics actively to the general public. Many events organized last year have proven to be great success including the Inter-School Mathematics Contest. I am confident that the newly elected committee members will continue to develop HKJSMS in innovative ways. Beat Wishes, Dr. Koopa Koo
Sub-committee Board 2014-2015 Public Relations Department
Publications Department
Chu Ka Ki Christy Wong Li Cheuk Yee Audrey Yuen Ka Ming Derek Chan Ki
Poon Ho Kiu Allie Marcus Xu Jun Heng Yung Chak Lam Tai Wai Ting Vincent Chiu Long Hin Leung Ming Fung Andy Fok Hong Kei Christopher
General Affairs Department
Promotion Department
Mathematics Department
Curtis Mai Tsang Yuen Ting Michelle Kelvin Tsang Hester Luk Wing Sum Bryan So Fong Hoi Yan Cheng Long Ching Liz Tam
Fung Wing Suet Hui Wai Yee Lau Lok Yiu Bonny Chu Ip Hoi Ching Kitty Leung Chak Yin Justin Wong Ching Kei Poey
Cheung Chin Ho Hung Yui Chi Lee Shun Ming Samuel Au Chak Him Wong Yat
Our Executive Committee Members
Gabriel Wong (Internal Vice President): Hello everyone, this is Gabriel Wong from La Salle College. I am glad that I can cooperate with the other executive members and take an active role to promote mathematics. As a member of HKJSMS and a math fan, I hope we can show you the beauty, fun, and applications of mathematics through our activities. Please do not hesitate to join us, and together we will bring the society to a new height. Wish everyone a fruitful year ahead! Dominic Chan (External Vice President): Hi readers, I am Dominic Chan from Wah Yan College, Hong Kong. It’s my pleasure and honour to serve HKJSMS for the second year. I hope we can provide you with the best experiences in our activities. Your support is essential to us, so please do not hesitate and join our activities. Matthew Cheung (Internal Secretary): Hello everyone! I am Matthew Cheung, a Form 5 student studying in La Salle College. I am very proud to be able to be part of the society and I will try my best to promote mathematics to you all through organizing different events ranging from competitions to day camps. Hope you all enjoy JSMS's activities in the coming year.
Vanessa Woo (External Secretary): Hello, I am Vanessa Woo from Belilios Public School, and I am the external secretary. To me, the universe of mathematics boundless, enabling us to probe into and share the infinite fun of it with others. Video games and photography are also I interests and hobbies of mine, and I sometimes enjoy to be an Otaku to stay away from the crowds. Feel free to chat with me and hope I can bring you all a delightful experience in the Joint School Mathematics Society . Wong Tsz Him (Financial Secretary): Hi everyone, I am Wong Tsz Him, a Form 5 student currently studying in La Salle College. It is my honor to be given the opportunity to serve our society as a Financial Secretary this year. Being the Financial Secretary of our society, I will do my utmost to maintain a balance between our society’s income and expenditure, and to utilize our resources effectively. Last but not least, I sincerely invite you to support our activities and explore the magnificent mathematics world together with us. Let’s bring HKJSMS to new heights! Sunny Chan (IT Officer): Hello, I am Sunny Chan from STFA Leung Kau Kui College. I am in F.4 and this year, I will be the IT Officer of HKJSMS. I am not an expert in computer but I will try my best to bring you a good platform online. Enjoy the website~ Frankie Lam (IT Officer): I am Frankie Lam from Diocesan Boys' School. I am honored to join HKJSMS as one of the IT officers. I will try best at managing the website and Facebook page as well as other IT-related matters. I am surely looking forward to the year to come
Ken Leung (Publications Officer): I am Ken Leung from Bishop Hall Jubilee School. It is my honor to be one of the members of Hong Kong Joint School Mathematics Society this year. Being a publication officer, I will try my best to bring entertaining mathematical ideas beyond textbooks. Hope you all enjoy reading the newsletters.
Adrian Cheung (Publications Officer): Hello, I am Adrian Cheung from Queen’s College. I am so glad to be one of the publication directors this year. It is my pleasure to publish JSMS’s newsletters. I hope you can learn more and be interested in math after reading our newsletter. I am looking forward to your enthusiastic support. Also, I hope all of you can enjoy our activities. Vivian Lai (Public Relations Officer): Hello everyone! This is Vivian Lai from Holy Family Canossian College. I am the Public Relations Officer this year. It’s my pleasure to join in this family for the second year. My goals are to invite more members to participate in our activities and let the public know more about our society. Though it sounds like a challenging task, but I am sure that with the unity of all executive committee members, we can lead JSMS a better future! Your support can motivate us to reach a new height! I can’t wait to see you all in the upcoming events:) Joey Yip (Promotion Officer): Dear all, I am Joey Yip from St. Paul’s Convent School. It is my honor to be the Promotion Officer of JSMS this year. Being an executive committee, I will try my best to contribute to the society for every endeavor in promoting it to fellow members. Your supports are significant to us, thus I sincerely hope that you would like our ways in promotion and come to join us in the coming events Dorothy (Math Coordinator): Greetings! I'm Dorothy, an S4 student from Diocesan Girls' School and I will serve as the Math Coordinator in JSMS this year. We will be holding a lot of activities, including the traditional ISMC (of course!), and I hope you will enjoy participating in all of them! Arvin Leung (Math Coordinator): Greetings! I am Arvin , a S4 student from Diocesan Boys' School. I am the math coordinator in JSMS this year. My goal is to set questions that are elegant and innovative for ISMC. I hope you will have a satisfactory experience from participating in ISMC!
Harry Yu (Math Coordinator): Hello, I am Harry Yu from La Salle College, one of the Math Coordinator of HKJSMS this year. It is my honor to become an ex-co of HKJSMS. It is the job for the Math Coordinators to give advice and draft questions for the society, so we need to cooperate with the sub-coms and boost the society to go ahead.
Past Events 1.Inter-School Mathematics Contest 2014 The contest was su cc ess full y hel d on th e 17th M a y, 2014 a t th e s chool h all of Que en Eliz abe th S chool . Th er e wer e ove r 40 te a ms rep res enting 19 schools join ing the g roup ev ent and mo r e tha n 160 conte stants join ed the individu al ev ent . T h e g ro u p e v e n t re s u l t s a re a s f o l l ow s : Ch a mp i o n : Dioc esan Bo ys ’ S chool , Te a m 1 1 s t r u n n e r u p : Que en ’s Colle ge , Tea m 1 2 n d r u n n e r u p : Bishop Hal l Jubil ee School , Te a m 1
2.Ra and His Traitors The theme of the HKJSMS Day Camp 2014 was ‘Ra and His Tr aito rs ’. It was su cc essf ull y held on 25/8 and 27/8 at Queen Elizabeth School. Many participants have joined this great event and engaged in the exciting activities, such as city t ra cing and st rate g y g a me s . At the end, we were honored to have D r. Ko o p a K o o , wh o g av e an enlightening talk on DSE te chniqu es . 6
3.Annal General Meeting Th e An n u al Ge n e r a l M e e t i n g 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 h a s b e e n s u c c e s s f ul l y h e l d o n N o v e mb e r 2 1 s t , 2 0 1 4 a t t h e H o n g Ko n g A c a d e m y f o r G i f t e d E d u c a t i o n . F i r s t l y, w e a r e h o n o r e d t o h a v e a n o p e n i n g sp ee ch f ro m ou r p resid ent Mr. Wi lli a m C heung , follo wed b y the appointment of the 27th executive committee board and sub committee board. After that, speeches were delivered by our v i c e - p r es i d en ts , M r. Ga b r i el Wo n g a n d M r. Do mi ni c C h a n . We were also honored to invite representatives from our member s chools and oth er exe cutiv e co mmi t te e me mb e rs f ro m p rev ious years to participate in our Annual General Meeting.
Coming Event Inter-School Mathematics Contest 2015 The Inte r- School Math e ma tics C ontest h as bee n t he annu al highlight of J SM S and it will be h eld on 16th Ma y, 2 015 at Wa Yi ng C olleg e . Thi s comp e tition is ma inl y c omp r is ed of th e Individu al Ev ent and the Group Event . This is a g re at opportunit y f or stud ents to expe rien ce an offic ial ma th ema t i cs co mp etition , to t rain th eir p robl e m solving sk ills in a fun and inte r esting wa y, a s well as to arous e the ir inte rest to wards ma th e ma tics . 7
Fun with Math Purity
Contact Us Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKJSMS Website: https://sites.google.com/site/jsmshk/home Email: jsms.hk@gmail.com