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Genuine efforts to improve DEI
5. Genuine efforts to improve DEI
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) aren’t just buzzwords or statements on your website. It’s a continual journey - not a destination - that takes real effort from everyone involved to improve the teaching and learning experience. Additionally, it can help improve revenue. DEI efforts you can expect to see from instructors:
• Using diverse content from different sources that offer different perspectives and insights. • Connecting with students — not just knowing their names and where they’re from — by understanding their backgrounds, openly communicating, and gathering their feedback.
• Keeping web accessibility in mind for every aspect of the course so that each student can engage and interact. • Providing student accommodations with LMS settings and even online proctoring for things like allowing other people and resources in the room and offering different ways for students to complete exam activities. DEI can increase revenue
Aside from being proven to improve education and engagement, it can help drive revenue.
DEI helps improve reputation. Reputation helps increase enrollment. DEI engages students.
Engagement improves retention. All of those drive toward more revenue. More revenue can help access more resources to further improve institutional efforts.