SUMMA CUM LAUDE Florida International University Honors College Review
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The Honors College Review
Leonardo Aballe, Alejandro Abaunza, Laura Abbott, Taji Abdul-Raheem, Leatrice Aberman, Lourdes Abraham, Brian Abramson, Liala Abreu, Ofer Abudi, Alf Abuhajleh, Suha Abu-Hamdan, Lorraine Acevedo, Alexandra Acosta, Elizabeth Acosta, Jorge Acosta, Karen Acosta, Melissa Acosta, Brenda Adrianzen, Andrea Aghl g agha g nian, Alian Agu g ila, Doris Agui g lar, Erika Agui g lar, Eilen Agui g lera, Mariyya Ahmed, Noushin Ahmed, Arnold Aiken, Stephan p ie Aitken, Ola Akache, Nicole Akong, g Ramon Alatorre, Camilo Aldama, Hanadys y Ale, Barbara Alexander,, Caroline Alexander,, Erik Alexander,, Raphny p y Alexandre,, Adrian Alfonso,, Daniel Alfonso,, JJacqu q eline Alfonso,, Asim Ali,, Nicole Allahar,, Cherisse Allard,, Elizabeth Allen,, Josa J nne Alleyne, y , Razia Allyy, Yolanne Almanzar,, Isabel Almazan,, Dianeyda y Almonte,, Alexander Alonso,, Grace Altamirano,, Je J anette Altarriba,, Agust g in Alterman,, Alejan j dra Alvarez,, Amanda Alvarez,, Annette Alvarez,, Carmen Alvarez,, Cristina Alvarez,, Ianessa Alvarez,, Ramon Alvarez,, Theresa Alvarez,, Francesca Alvarez-Calderon,, Marcela Alzate,, Mariano Amicarelli, Adi Amit, Cara Anderson, Geoffrey Anderson, Carolyn Andrade, Aileen Andreu, Lauren Andreu, Nery Anorga, Rosa Ansoleaga, Ilione Antoine, Carolyn Antonoff, Dillon Arango, Ivette Arango, Mariano Ardissone, Angel Ares, Alejandro Arias, Delhy Arias, Mayt y e Armas Armas, Me Meliss lissaa Armas Armas, An Anaa Arocha Arocha, E Edgar dgar g d Arroyo Arroyo y , Leane Leanett Ascunc Ascuncee, Paul Ash Ashee, Carl Carlos os Atenc Atencio io, Lui Luiss At Atenci encio-Za o-Zass, Sann Sannica ica Atki Atkinson nson, C Clidi lidiane ane Aubo Aubourg urg, g Ka Karrie rriell Au August g in gust in, JJason Auric Auricchio chio, A Amber mber Aus Austin tin, Ge George orge g Aus Austin tin, Mo Monika nika Ave Avello llo, Ai Aileen leen Ave Averbuc rbuch h, Albe Alberto rto Avila, Jessielynn Avila, Karima Ayesh, Jorge Azcuy, Nadine Azor, Luis Azurduy, Djuradj Babic, Tina Babos, Teresa Badillo, Alice Bae, Danielle Baeigalupo, Andreas Baeuchle, Cristina Baez, Shalini Bahad, Ana Balladares, Samantha Banal, Javier Banos, Rafael Barba, Maya B dawil Bard il, Sabri b ina Bardo d wellll, Patriicia i Barkas, B k Kri K istin i B Barnes, JJamain i e Barr, B Sand S dra Barragan g , Marjo j rie i Barrera, Is I abel b lB Barreras, Carl C lo Barreto, B Vanessa Barriios, Juli J lissa Ba B rrio i s-Balbi B lbin, Ri Rizwan B Bashir hi , Denis i e Baumann, B D lfin Bautista, Delfi i Corinn C i eB Beausolleil il, Karin i a Becerra, B Ryyan Bedford, Moises Behar, Oded Behar, Senait Beiene, Jacqueline Belisle, Dixie-Ann Belle, William Beltre, Hilda Benard, David Bendana, Evonne Benen, Walter Benenati, Beatriz Benitez, Katherine Bennett, Joseph Bentley, Michelle Benz, Ana Bernal, Christopher Bernard, Don Bernard, Michelle Bernard, Shawn Bernard, Stephanie Bernard, Anjali Bhattacharjee, Amar Bhuta, Diana Bilbao, Matilda Bilstein, Deana Bishop, Marjorie Blanco, Carmelo Blanquicett, Melinda Blatt, Diego Bluvol, Natalie Boden, Allison Bodnar, Chelsea Boehme, Aydin d Bonabi, b Jacqueline l Bonnet, Natash ha Boratzuk, k Raphael h l Bosse, Jennellll Botello, ll Jose BouBou, Keriann Boxhill h ll, Chet h Bozd dog, Alireza l Bozorgmanesh, h Meaghan h Brad dshaw, h Jennifer f Brad dy, Nasser Brahim, h Anjali l Brah hmbhatt, bh Constance Brand denburg, b Kristie Brandt, d Tiffany Brannon, Elvis Brazil, Dana Briant, James Bridges, Stephanie Briggs, Maytee Brito, Shandi Brito, Arianne Britt, Nermari Broderick, Jerzy Brodzikowski, Patricia Brooks, Athena Brown, Jenean Brown, Kevin Brown, Tanecia Brown, Tiffany Brown, Lara Brudno, Li da B Lind Bryan, an Ro Romina i B Bryce r ce, Ash A hley Ashl le Bubp B b , Angella Bu B Buffki ffkin ffki n, Juan Juan Bui B itragoo, Barb Buitrag B bara Bulu Barbara B l t, Jose Bulut Joseph h Bunch h, Jeffr eff ffrey e Burd urd, d Jorge Jorge Burgos Burgos, David Da id Bush ush, h Alexis e is i Bus Bussier siere i e, Sofi S fia Buttac Bu B ttacavoli a olli, Carl C los Cabre abrera b ra, Eilyn n Cabre abrera b ra, Gen Genevie e iievee Cabre abrera b ra, Mi Mich Mic hellllee Cabre abrera b ra, Mari Maria Cacer Caceres es, Evamaria Cad C david d, Catherine h C hill, Cah ll A And drea C Caicedo d , Racha h ell Caines, C Cesar Cajigas, C C los C Carl Cajina, Carolle Cakov k , Cl Claud dia Calaborese, l b J l Cal Joel C lafell f ll, Carl C lo Cal C land driellllo, SSuzette Caleo, C l JJonatha h nC Calh lheiros, Ch Christina Calil C l lung, Al Alexis Call C lleja, Susan C Callllejas, L Luis Ca C macho h , Stephani Step haniee Camber hani Camber mbertt, t, Caro Carolina lina Cam Cambra bra, Jonath Jonath nathan an Camer Camer ameron on, Roberto Roberto Cam Cameron eron, Virgi Virgi irginio nio Cami Camilo lo, Pat Patrici riciaa Camino rici Camino, Micha Micha ichael el Campb Campb ampbell ell, Su Sudane daneee Campbe dane Campbe mpbellll, Sabrina Sabrina Campoll Campoll polloo, o, Gret Gretaa Campos Campos, Rober Rober oberto to Campo Campo amposs, s, Jose Can Canas as, Jai Jaime me Canav Canav anaves es, Cla Claudia udia Can Cancio cio, Sa Sandra ndramari ndra mariaa mari Caniglia, Carla Cao, Lisa Capera, Brent Capley, Susan Caraballo, Viviem Caragol, Andrea Cardarelli, Beatriz Cardenas, Gabriela Cardona, Eduardo Careaga, Diana Caridad, Mariana Carlucci, Alba Caro, Jessica Carranza, Lissette Carreras, Stephan Carter, Veronica Carullo, rull o, Javi Javier er Carus Carusotti otti,, Melis Melissa sa Carva Carvajal, jal, Magaly Magaly Cas Casas, as, May Maybel bel Cast Castello ellon, n, Mary Cas Castell tells, s, Tany Tanyaa Castig Castiglion lione, e, Carl Carlos os Casti Castillo, llo, Mi Miguel guel Cas Castill tillo, o, Nico Nicolas las Cast Castillo illo,, Patri Patricia cia Cast Castillo illo,, Santi Santiago ago Cast Castillo illo,, Sheyl Sheylaa Castil Castillo, lo, Jen Jennife niferr Castil Castilloux loux,, Adrie Adriell Castro Castro,, Hanse Hansell Castro Castro,, Prisc Priscila ila Cavalcanti, Natacha Cave, Guy Cayo, Christina Ceballos, Alfredo Cepero, Laura Cerda, Maite Cerra, Julia Cerrato, Armando Cervera, Dinorah Chacin, Luis Chacon, Miriam Chacon, Amanda Chaffee, Kerry Ann Chamberlain, Kishore Chandra, Sonia Chandra, Gillian Chang, Lydia Chang, Katherine Chapman, Kimberly Chapman, Saskia Charles, Guillermo Chavez, Jannette Chavez, Joann Chea, Laura Check, Carine Chehab, Julie Chen, Qi Chen, Diana Chicuri, Shaleen Chin, Shawn Chin Quee, Donna-Marie Chin-Asiong, Richard Chin-Asiong, Leilani Chirino, Sean Chislett, Tiffany Choe, Janetsy Christensen, Latoya Christian, Nicola Chung, Amelia Ciffone, Andreea Cioara, Eduardo Cisneros, Cristina Clark Cuadrado, Kaydee Claverol, Robert Coghlan, AJ Cohen, Asher Cohen, Benjamin Cohen, David Cohen, Eli Cohen, Connie Colbert, Leonardo Collado, Nathalie Collins, Kelly Colon, Stella Concepcion, Natalie Condon, Jennifer Conner, Juan Contesse, Eugenio Contreras, Alexander Cool, Raquel Cool, Henry Cooper, Marco Corales, Jacqueline Corbiere, Joana Co Joan C rdob rdoba, d ba, Steph Stephani hanie Co C riol riolan, lan, Lizette Lizette Cor Cornide d , Berky k Cor Coronad onado, do, Lourd Lourdes des Cortizo, Cortizo, Maria Maria Coupe, Coupe, Ana Ana Cour Couriel,l Susett Susette Couso, C uso, Yaima Co Yaima Couso, Couso, Matth Matthew hew Cox, Cox, Laura Laura Creel Creel,l, Juan Juan Crena, Crena, Dan Daniell Crespo, Crespo, Kathl Kathleen C Crum, Guill Crum, Guillermo C Cruz, ruz, Jud Judith hC Cruz, ruz, Patricia Patricia Cruz, Cruz, Anai Anai Cuadra, Pablo Cubeddu, Allen Cueli, Victoria Cueto, Chad Cunningham, Gina D Agostino, Priya Dalchand, Avery Dalip, Sascha Dalip, Alberta Dalke, Andrea Dallas, Carlos Danger, Cecilia Danger, Franklin Danger, Bryan Daniel, Rodney Daniel, Yaron Daniely, Janet Dapp pprich, Elizabeth Davenpo p rt, Laura Davis, Ana Maria De Armas, Nicole De Armendi, Anna Maria De Cardenas, Daniel De Cespe p des, Nicole De Freitas, Vanessa De La Ossa, Linda De la Paz, Carla De Martino, Montserrat De Parra, Marisa De Paula, Christop pher De Varona, And Varona A drea Decerce Andrea Decerce, Jeff Jeffre ffrey Deen Deen, Car Carolin li a De D giac giacomo i omo, M Maario i Del D l Cid Cid, Shosha h nah h Del D l Greco Greco, Mari M itza Dela Maritza D l hoz, Delah hoz Akemii Delg D l ado ado, d Vaness Vanessa Del D Delgad lgado do, Yenniff Yenniffe iffer Del D lgad De lgado do, Eli Elizabet abeth b h Del D lpozo De lpozo, Caroli Caroline Deni Denis, is Jen Jennife if r De D pier pierro i ro, Rebecca R becca D Reb Dequesa equesad da Bob da, B Bobb bby b Desaii, Kell elly ll Desouza, Amber Diaz, Barbara Diaz, Denisse Diaz, Gabriela Diaz, Isabel Diaz, Maite Diaz, Michelle Diaz, Natalie Diaz, Roberto Diaz, Rosa Diaz, Anna Diaz-Winklaar, Diane Dick, Morag Dick, Javier Dieguez, Jessica Digirolamo, Heather Dill, James Dillon, Michael DiMaria, DiMa ria, Ni Nichol cholee Dino, Dino, Car Carmen men Docu Docurro, rro, Ch Charis aris Dom Domador ador,, Alina Alina Domingu Dominguez, ez, Ken Kenia ia Domin Dominguez guez,, Maril Marilyn yn Domin Dominguez guez,, Tanya Tanya Don Donadel adel,, V Vigne ignesh sh Dorai Doraiswam swamy, y, Mani Manivone vone Dou Douangd angdara, ara, Ka Kamla mla Doug Douglas, las, Wi Willia lliam m Dovale Dovale,, R Ron on Drori Drori,, A Angel ngelaa Droz, Droz, Jes Jessica sica Dub Duboue, oue, Elisa Elisa Duenas, Marcelo Dulanto, Farhia Dullo, Leah Dunleavy, Johanne Dunn, Tamesha Duporte, Beatriz Duquesne, Dulce Duran, Cher Durham, Sebastier Durocher, Rachel Duros, Stacy Dutch, Alyson Earnhardt, Aline Eastwick Field, Paola Echegaray, Grisel Echenique, Roberto Echeverri, Aaron Eckhart, Yulia Edelshtain, Shandira-Jewel Edgecombe, Viveka Edman, Antonio Eguiluz, Bianca Eknaian, Christtian Elejalde, Nader Elhefnawy, Robyn Eliason, Lital Elkayam, Kristen Ellenberger, Adel Said Elsayed, Cary Encinosa, Moices Engelberg, Salva berg alvad l dor dor Escal Escalon, lon Susana Susana Esc Escayolla Baez B ez, Jua Ba Juan Es E coba cobar b r, Pari P isa Eslam slamif l ifar, Raull Esparza Esparza, Al Aliice ice Espi E inosa, Jamil Espinosa amill illari lariana iana Espi E inosa, Al Espinosa Alexa lexandra d Espi Espinoza inoza, Mari M ia Es E pino pinoza i za, Deni Denise ise Essex Essex, Adel Ad la Est Es E topi topinan inan, Da Davin i Estr E t ella ll , Maria i nela l Est E tripe i aut aut, t Myron Myron Evans Evans, Cari C ita Facey Carit Facey, K Kiiirabu b Faggoth, h, Ju J stin Fahring h ger,, Kathl hleen Fallggons,, Jess J ica Fanekk, Lynn y Farlley, y, Lawrence Farmer,, Adam d Febl bles,, Iris Febres, b , Ricardo d Feijjoo,, Lind da Felton, l , Linda d Fellton,, Gianno Feoli, l , Fleur l Ferdinand d d, Kerri-Ann Fergus g on,, Dean Feria,, Evita Feria,, Thais Fernand desreiss,, Adriana Fernandez, Alexander Fernandez, Diana Fernandez, Grettel Fernandez, Jennifer Fernandez, Mariela Fernandez, Nicole Fernandez, Rosamary Fernandez, Sarah Fernandez, Vanessa Fernandez, Wendy Fernandez, Juan Fernandez Barquin, Aymara Fernandez De La Vara, Marlene Fer Fernand nandez nand ez-Karav ez-K Karav aravetso etsoss, Vera Fernand etso Fernand nandez ez-Ville ez-V Ville illegas gas, Alba gas Alba Ferra Ferra erraro ro, Ana Fer ro Ferreir reiraa, Carl reir Carlos os Ferre Ferre erreira ira, Be ira Benard nard Fevrier Fevrier, G Gisel iselll Fiat isel Fiat at, Mabel Mabel Figue Figue igueroa roa, Ro roa Rodrig drigoo Figuer drig Figuer gueroa oa, Yan oa Yaneris eris Fig Figuero ueroaa, Olga Fin uero Finazzo azzo, K Kathe atherine athe rine Fis Fisher her, Ro her Roshan shan Fle Fletche tcherr, Rayn tche Raynold old Fleu Fleurant rantin rant in, Neysa in Neysa Fligo Fligo ligorr, Chri Christin stinee stin Flint, Kevin Flint, Anitere Flores, Danil Flores, Gigliola Florez-Rocha, David Foley, Monica Font, Shelly Forde, Saily Fortuna, Louis Foster, Hilda Fouladi, Dawn France, Amy Francis, Dolores Francis, Fritzlee Francis, Lisa Franscoviak, Joanna Franyie, Felicia Fredella, Felice Frederick, Veronica Freire, Miriam Fresco, Jessica Freund, Steven Freund, Meliza Frias, Federico Frigerio, Carolina Fryer, Linda Fuentes, Kaitlyn Fuller, Aubrey Fulmer, Jocelyn Fulton, Polina Gaal, Danielle Galan, Rachelle Galindo, Ramon Galis, Alexis Gallardo, Teresa Tere sa Galla Gallarret rretaa, Anth Anthony onyy Gall Gallegos egos g , Danie anielle lle Gall Galloo, Jami J e Galt Galt,, Fer Fernand nandoo Ga Gamarr marraa, Joel J Gan Gandara dara, Steph p anie Garay Garay, y, Dav David id Garba Garbarino rino, JJessi essica ca Garce Garcellll,, Aleny Alenyy Garci arciaa, Ana Garc Garcia ia,, And Andres res Garc Garcia ia,, And Andria ria Garc Garcia ia,, Ani Anilec lec Garc Garcia ia,, Dal Dalia ia Garci Garciaa, Dani Daniel el Garci Garciaa, Dian Dianaa Garcia Garcia,, Esther Garcia, Frank Garcia, Helen Garcia, Humberto Garcia, Iolka Garcia, Jaclyn Garcia, Leonard Garcia, Lizeth Garcia, Lourdes Garcia, Maria Garcia, Marietta Garcia, Melissa Garcia, Rafael Garcia, Richard Garcia, Lester Garcia-Casariego, Gabriel Garrido, Sergio Garrido, Garr ido, Ruben Ruben Garr Garrote, ote, Ro Rotem tem Gat, Me Meliss lissaa Ga Gaviri viria, a, Alva Alvaro ro Genie Genie Rey Reyes, es, Ste Stephen phen Gerber, Gerber, As Asif if Ghany Ghany,, T Trist ristan an Gibbs Gibbs , Ashl Ashley ey Gibso Gibson, n, Dani Daniana ana Gil, Ha Hadas das Gila Gila,, Flor Flor Gilm Gilmourour Nin, Fl Floren orencia cia Gior Giordano dano,, Chris Christina tina Gir Giraldo aldo,, Phili Philip p Gi Girvan rvan,, Leda Leda Gitm Gitman, an, Edward Edward Glen Glenn, n, Christina Goebel,, Marc Goldbergg, Anna Goldina,, Andrea Goldman,, Izabella Goldstein-Cabrales,, Betsyy Gomez,, Esther Gomez,, Fernando Gomez,, Gerardo Gomez,, Luis Gomez,, Rossana Gomez,, Yessenia Gomez,, Elizabeth Gonzale,, Nelson Gonzales,, Aleja j ndra Gonzalez,, Alicia Gonzalez, Amalia Gonzalez, Amber Gonzalez, Bernard Gonzalez, Carlos Gonzalez, Cesar Gonzalez, Damian Gonzalez, Elaine Gonzalez, Giselle Gonzalez, Hector Gonzalez, Jessica Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Juli Gonzalez, Lisandra Gonzalez, Marisol Gonzalez, Michelle Gonzalez, Monica Gonzalez, Monica Gonzalez, Pablo Gonzalez, Raul Gonzalez, Roxana Gonzalez, Samantha Gonzalez, Tammy Gonzalez, Tania Gonzalez, Walter Gonzalez, Carlos Gonzalez-Buxton, Catalina Gonzalez-Marques, Carey Goodman, Jana-Gaye Gordon, Rachel Gosine, Jennifer Gossman, Danielle Goveia, Lucia Goyen, Maria Goyen, Garth Graham, Gabriel Grana, Gregory Grandro, Cary Green, Charmaine Greene, Duty Greene, Nicole Greenidge, Wendy Grimes, Christina Groom, Nicolas Gross, Sarah Guadagno, Pablo Guell, Ingrid Ingr id Guerr Guerr uerraa, a, Cris Cristina tina Gue Guerrer rreroo, rrer o, Mari Mariana ana Guer Guerrero rero, Alexa Alexa lexandra ndra Gue Guevara vara, Eduar Eduar duardo do Guima Guima uimaraes raes, Saran Saran aransh sh Gujra Gujra ujrall,l, Roge Rogerr Gu Gurdia rdian rdia n, Carl n, Carlos os Gutie Gutie utierrez rrez, C Carlo arloss Gutier arlo Gutier tierrez rez, Carlos Carlos Gut Gutierr ierrez ierr ez, Gis Giselle elle Gut Gutierr ierrez ierr ez, Mar Martha tha Guti Gutierre errezz, erre z, Dere Derekk Ha Haber ber, To Tony ny Haber Haber, Dima Dima Hadd Haddad ad, Ign Ignace ace Hage, Andrew Hagewood, Donya Halcott, Sarah Hall, Marijke Hallo De Wolf, Stephanie Hamels, Michael Hamel-Smith, Kovia Hamilton, Susan Hamilton, Christopher Hammon, Stephen Hammond, Weeam Hamouda, Hsiao-Ping Han, Eileen Hanby, Jude Hankey, Daniel Hannah, Cheryl-Kaye Harley, Melissa Harper, Debbie-ann Harris, Helyett Harris, Karen Harris, Nigel Hart, Monique Hartley, Barbara Hawkins, Rennie Haylock, Sarah Hays, Jennifer Hecheverria, Pamela Hefner, James Heilman, Jessica Heinrich, Valerie Heller, John Helm, Walter Henao, B Henderson, Janet Henfield, Debra Herman, Crystal Hern, Alfredo Hernandez, Ana Hernandez, Barbara Hernandez, Carlos Hernandez, Dayanara Hernandez, Elise Hernandez, Fernando Hernandez, Francesca Hernandez, Ivette Hernandez, J na Herna Joan Hernandez ndez,, Lilia ilian n Hernan Hernandez, dez,, Ma Marlen rlen Her Hernand nandez, ez,, Mel Melissa issa Her Hernand nandez, ez,, Mic Michell hellee Hernan Hernandez, dez,, Mi Michel chelle le Herna Hernandez ndez,, Patri atrice ce Herna Hernandez ndez,, Raul Hern Hernande andez, z,, Andr Andres es Herre Herrera, ra,, Ism Ismael ael Herr Herrera, era,, Jo J rge g Herr Herrera, era,, Su Sujey j y Herr jey Herrera, era,, Va Vaness nessaa Herrer Herrera, a,, Laur Lauraa Hersch Herschman, man,, An Andrea drea Hickson, Andrea Hidalgo, Andrea Hidalgo, Christina Hidalgo, Leslie Hill, Sunaina Hiranandani, Tim Ho, Tin Ho, Lisa Hoang, Katherine Hodgdon, Amanda Hoffmann, Maika Hoffmann, Kristopha Hohn, Gary Holbrook, Hazel Hooker, Herman Hooker, Tamala Horbianski, James Horne, Molly Hottinger, Andrea Hoyos, Laura Hucaluk, Kathryn Hudson, Donna Huggan, Bianna Huggins, Troy Hunter, Jacqueline Huntzicker, Yamilet Hurtado, Teresa Hurtubise, Melissa Huse, Lina Husseini, Claude Hyacinthe, Melissa Hynes, Lilliam Ibrahim, Marian Ignatius, Rowena Iliescu, Carlos Incera, Orville Ingram, Lisa Insanally, Nicolas Ioannou, George Irish, Ricardo Irizarry, Mary Irwin, Diana Isaza, Dareth Iseda, Marc Itzkoff, Adeyemi Iyanoye, Alfredo Izaguirre, Maria Valentina Izarra, Valerie Jackson, Angelina Jadulal, Jemlys Jager, Melissa Jahangiri, Minerva Jaimes, Jessica Jamanca, Jeffrey Japp, Elsa Jaramillo, Alisah Jeffries, Valerie Jephson, Donna Jessup, Michelle Jewell, Stefan Jhagroo, Lal Jhangimal, Ana Jimenez, Cecelia Jimenez, Dalisa Jimenez, David Jimenez, Michael Jimenez, Robert Jimenez, Stephan p ie Jimenez, Gerard John, Peta-Gaye y Johnson, William Johnston, Natalia Joliff, Daniela Jolodoskyy, Marissa Jordan, Michelle Jorge, g Tania Jorge g , Maria Jorquie q ra, Gayyle Josep ph, Kerensa Joshua, Elizabeth Jovel, Jose Juara, Michelle Judge, Brittany Juliachs, Alexandro Junco, Mercy Junyent, Fadi Kablawi, Rania Kajan, Natalie Kalphat, Erica Kapadia, Shaina Kasim, Kyra Kasprzyk, Omar Kellawan, Michelle Kelleher, Cindy Keller, Kevin Kellman, Gloria Kelly, Lana Kelsick, Duane Kenny, Beth Keppick, Seema Kerai, Jahanzeb Khan, Mahira Khan, Mahreen Khan, Mohammed Khan, Shahabudeen Khan, Andrea Kharouf, Christopher Khawand, So Hyon Kim, Patricia Kimball, Aida King, Marissa Kingham, Rajiv Kirpalani, Sarika Kirpalani, Carly Kitchens, Heather Kitchens, Maria Kleppinger, Timothy Knapp, Holly Knight, Kimberley Knight, Eric Kobrin, Maren Koncet, Jodie Kozdron, Shana Krieger, Kathryn Krogh, Gary Kroll, Jenna Kulbresh, Chul Han Kwon, Tonia Kyriacou, Connie La Flamme, Amanda Lachs, Ana Maria Lagasca, Andrea Lahoz, Curtis Lake, Mikhailia Lake-Campbell, Nadia Lakhansingh, Ginelle Lambie, Ricki Lander, Mario Landono, Jonathan Lane, Linda Laprade, Diana Lara, Stacie Larco, Ricardo Largaespada, Ian Lasalle, Jason Lasalle, Alisha Latham, Amber Lattimer, Marvine Laurent, Maurizio Laurenti, Yesica Laver, Laura Lavernia, Cassandra Laymon, Kimberly Lee, Nathalie Legendre, Alexandra Leon, Glennys Leon, Maria Leon, Naylet Leon, Yamaris Leon, Melissa Leonard, Michelle Leonard, Erik Leontiev, Lisa Leontiev, Andrew Lepage, Victoria Lerma, Jennifer Lewis, Sherisse Lewis, Deana Licata, Ann Lindholm, Paul Lirette, Rianna Listhrop, Erika Littles, Lusan Llabona, Maria Llado, Maiko Llanes, Renan Llanes, Angela Llanos, Robert Llantada, Barbara Llerena, Kristina Llerena, Robert Lobaina, Mateo Londono, Beverly Long, Ada Lopez, Adela Lopez, Alejandro Lopez, Daniel Lopez, Eduardo Lopez, Gema Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, Jenny Lopez, Jorge Lopez, Lois Lopez, Luis Lopez, Olinda Lopez, Roberto Lopez, Windibelis Lopez, Jacqueline Lorenzo, Justin Low, Sarah Lowe, Jeldrys y Lowry, y Lisette Ludena, Brenda Luna, Patrick Lunn, Maria Luqu q e, Christine Luzuriaga, g Violetta Lytto y n Regala g do, Kimberlyy Macdougall g , Rose Macri, Elizabeth Madriggal, Pamela Mage g e, Andre Magnan g i, Daniel Magno g le, Natalia Magnorsky-George, Serita Maharaj, James Maher, Andrea Mais, Kerryll Malcolm, Monica Maldonado, Gabriela Mancini, Michelle Mann, Manuel Manotas, Ana Maria Manrara, Michelle Mansueto, Alexis Mantecon, Lucas Mantilla, Shana Manuel, America Manzano, Ana Manz Manzano, ano, Maria Maria Manz Manzano, ano, He Heidi idi Marc Marcelo, elo, Ju Julian lianna na Marcu Marcus, s, Patr Patricia icia Maribon Maribona-Mc a McCart Carthy, hy, Nat Natalie alie Mar Maricic icic,, Natal Natalie ie Marin Marin,, Monic Monicaa Marks, Marks, Ro Rodrig drigoo Marque Marques, s, Lary Larybett bett Mar Marquez quez,, Niurc Niurcaa Marque Marquez, z, Barb Barbara ara Marr Marrero, ero, Je Jennif nnifer er Marre Marrero, ro, Tam Tamara ara Marr Marrysho yshow, w, Jaim Jaimee Ma Marsha rshall, ll, Steven Martel, Alexandria Martin, Maykel Martin, Alejandro Martinez, Cristina tina Martinez, Eduardo Eduardo Martinez, Martinez Elizabeth Martinez, Glenda G Martinez, ar Kianfa Martinez, Melissa Martinez, Rebecca Martinez, Vivian Martinez, Yvonne Martinez, Barbara Martinez-Padron, Anezka Martinez-Rios, Andrea Martini, Cristiane Martins, Alejandra Maruri-Trucillo, Trucillo, Sarah Marzougui, Marzougui, ugui, Alexandra Alexandra Marzouka, Claudia Alex Claud Masip, Muniza M Masleh, asleh, Amnada A Massa, Ron Mathew, Joyce Mattam, Karen Matthew, Beth May, Jennifer Maybeck, Pascale Mayer, David Mayett, Marjorie Mayorga, Edith McClintock, Edward Mccrimmon, Robert obert McDaniel, Ryan Rya Ry n McFarlan McFarland McFarland, d, Tanya McGraham-Murphy, McGraham-M Kadian ad McIntosh, osh, Lis Lisaa McK McKenna, nna, Christine Christine Mc Mcleod, cleod, Keith Mcquay, Dawn McSween, Diana Medina, Isselle Medina, Julian Medina, Michael Medina, Michelle Medina, Yirama Medina, Azra Medjedovic, Ayleen Ay en Meilan, Maria Ayle Ma a Mejia, M Mej , Cristina stina tina Melendez, Griska G Gr Mena, Marisol M Mena, ena, Carolina Carolina Menasche, Menasc M he, Alma Alma Mendez, Mende Eladio Mendez, Juan Mendez, Meiyolet Mendez, Sabrina Mendez, Ana Menendez, Angela Menoher, Herve-Serge Menyonga, William Menzel, Nicole Mercado, Marta Mar Merlo, Ma o,, Dalgis Dalgi Mesa, Dalg esa, sa, Enrique Mesa, Joseph Mesa, a Nicole Mestre, Emmanuel Mevs, Bjorn Meyer, Nancy Meyer-Adams, Nancy Meyer-Emerick, Lizbeth Michel, Marbet Mier, Lilyvaniia Mik Lil Mikuls kulski l ki ki, Vic Vi toriia Mill Miller, Jarod d Mil Millls, ls Li Lisa Mil Milnamow lnamow, Lui L is Minero Minero-Reyes Rey eyes, yes, es, Fareha Fareha Far h M Mir, Lilib Mir Mi Lilibe beth eth th h Mira Mirand Mi Mir iranda, da, a Yogi Yogi Misir, Misir sir, i Ma Magdal Magd gdalena d lena Misi Mi iurek rek, Raque Raquell Mitche Mitche tchell h llll,, Ro Ros Rosem mM Miitra itra rani, ni, ni i Tamara Tamara Moh M h beer Mohab Moha beer, Judy d Moha M h mmed d, Laetiitia i Moha M h mmed d, Ch Chung hung Mok M k, Malik lika M Molier Moli lieree, Heiry Molina, Juan Molina , Roxanne Molina, Caroline Molins, Phoebe Moll,, Sylvia Monduy, M Mo Michelle chelle elle Monnar, Mo Monn , Brian Monroe, Alessandro A Al Montanari, o Teshamae Mont Monteith, ith, Camilla C Mont Montero, ero, Luis Lu Montero, Melissa Montes, John Montgomery, Camilo Montoya, Marcia Montoya, Alexandra Moore, Jessica Mora, Maria Morales, Melissa Morales, Michelle Mo Morales, Janet ett Morat, Elizabeth El abeth E beth Morell, Esth Esthe Esther Moreno, Ja Jacqueline Moreno Moreno, Mich Michael el Mo Moreno, reno, Carol Moretti M Moretti, Ahmed Mori, Jose Morillo, Diana Morlote Triana, Mary Morrell, Sandra Morrow, Marisa Morse, Phylicia Mortey, Jonathan Moser, Tamara Mossop, Stephan ephan phan Mot Mothe Hinsberger, Moth ger, er, Marisa Marisabel Munoz, Marisab unoz, Anthon Anthony Munyaka, Susana u Muriel-Coton, Travis Murphy, Claudine di Murray, Gordon Murray, Zachary Murray, Pedro Muslera, Lulu Mwakyusa, Jane Mwangi Mwan gi, Leo Leonard nard Mwa Mwathi thi, Ro Robert bert Myers Myers, Kat Katheri herine ne Napur Napurii, Laur Lauraa Naredo Naredo, Miche Michelle lle Narg Narganes anes, Rehan Rehan Naseer Naseer, Al Alejan ejandro dro Nasi Nasioo, Raje Rajeev ev Nasta Nasta, Eric Eric Nath Nathal al, Mal Malcolm colm Nathan Nathan, Lara Lara Natio Nations ns, Ana Nav Navarre arrete te, Chr Christi isti Nav Navarro arro, Marce Marcell Navarr Navarroo, Mari Mariaa Navas Navas, Ju Justin stinee Na Naylon ylon, Sanda Neagu, Alina Negomireanu, Jenesis Negron, Moshe Nelson, Christopher Neuhauser, Evelyne Ng, Marbelia Ng, Jennifer Nieves, Christian Nilsson, June Nino, Dan Nita, Irena Njezic, Christine Nolan, Monique Nordelo, Arold Norelus, Aimee Norton, Andrea Nunes, Carlos Nunez, Stephanie Nunez, Vanesa Nunez, Vivian Nunez, Yanoi Nunez, Saran Nurse, Michael Nyitray, George Obrien, James Obrien, Maite Oca, Ricardo Ocalonge, Julian Ocampo, Conleth O’Connell, Michelle Odio, Shelly Ogiste, Sara Ogliastri, Carlos Ojedaa, Roge Ojed Rogerr Ojopi Ojopi, Je Jessic ssicaa Okaty Okaty, Ra Raquel quel Ola Olavarr varrieta ieta, Rebec Rebecaa Olavar Olavarriet rietaa, Paul Paulaa Olivar Olivares es, Gio Giovana vana Oli Olivera vera, Araza Arazais is Olive Oliveros ros, Kather Katherine ine Oliv Olivieri ieri, Serin Serinaa Olivie Olivieri ri, Rey Reynald naldoo Olmedo Olmedo, P Peggy eggy Oneill Oneill, Sa Sagrar grario io Oquet Oquet, Zeida Zeida Orb Orbea ea, Wendy Wendy Ordon Ordonez ez Hurta Hurtado do, Mon Monica ica Orel Orelle le, Enrique Orizondo, Robin Orlandi, Oscar Orlando, Francesco Orofino, Maria Orozco, Paula Orozco, Sean Orr, Ana Ortega, Camile Ortega, Laura Ortega, Cristina Ortiz, Jacqueline Osores, Rosmery Osuna, Jose Otero, Reynier Otero, Shawn Otoole, Daniela Ottati, Regina Oyarce, Daniel Paan, Alfonso Padilla, Andrea Padilla-Acevedo, Monica Padron, Fernando Pages, Amy Pahmer, Marina Pal, Monica Palacio, Jorge Palma, Virlenys Palma, Maria Panero, Jacqueline Pantaleo, Collette Papa, Rozina Parbtani, Jennifer Pardo, Ernesto Paredes, Prashant Parekh, Sandra Paris, Jose Parlade, Ivo Pascual, Dennis Pastrana, Amar Patel, Jaimina Patel, Mehul Patel, Rahul Patel, Swati Patel, Larissa Patten, Alexa Patterson, Jennifer Patterson, Stacy Patterson, Christine Paul, Gabriela Pauli, Monica Payares, Raf lP fael Paz, Jessiica Pedraza, d Mariia Pedraza, M d Y dira Pedraza, Yadi Pd Eli Eliot Pedrosa, Pd JJoaquiin Ped P droso, Kris K i thin hi e Pego, P Crystall P C Pena, Kari K ina P Pena, P Patrici i ia Pendino, di David D id Peraza, P M ilyn Peraza, M Maril Marea Perea P , Ad Adria i na Perez P , Daniel i l Perez, P Gellsys P G Perez, Gil Gilbberto Perez, P JJavier i P Perez, L Lazaro Perez, Lerid L ida Perez P , Li Lisette P Perez, Osman O Perez, Roberto P R b Perez, R P Rociio P Perez, Sandr daP Perez, SSusan Perez, Sylvanna S l Perez, Vi P Viviian Perez, Zuleik Z l ika Perez, Ligi Li ia Perez P Reyes, Kath K herin i eP Perez-Ri Rivera, SSarah h Perfe f tti, i E Ergedi dine Pericl i les, And A drew P Periis, P Peter Persson, P Erik E ika Pesantes, P Melissa Petersen, Megan Petrosky, Mariel Petruk, Diego Pezua, Nadine Phillpotts, Barbara Picazo, Aldo Picini, Maria del Pilar Piedrahita, Maria Pieri, Aimee Pierre, Nerlyn Pierson, Sarah Piloto, Rossana Pinero, Daniel Pino, Humberto Pino, Juan Pino, Derrick Pinto, Rocio Pinto, P Theresa Pinto-Sh P Sherer, JJeanette Piotro P wski k , Gilda ld P Pirela, l Y Yanet Piriz, Ryon Pl Plancer, Aelee l n Plaza Pl Wilcox, Wl Al Alison Pl Plummer, JJames Poe, C Caroli l ne P Poizat, Juli J l a Pol P letti, Ricardo d Pollo, P ll Marie P Pollymise, Ch Cheryll Pope, Pedro d P Porras, R Rosmary P Posada d , Lesli leP Poulos, l Katayoun Pourmasiha, Damon Pourtahmaseb-Sasi, Christopher Powell, Dawid Pozniak, Paola Prada, Leticia Pradere, Juan Prado, Reasey Praing, Daniel Prather, Carlos Prays, Joshua Prever, Mildred Prieto, Sean Prospect, Angela Puentes-Leon, Sandra Puentes-Torres, David Puldon, David Pulgar, Roshni Purran, Sara Pursell, Natasha Pytlik, Antonia Quan, Kevin Quashie, David Quijano, Debbie Quinceno, Ketty Elena Quindemil, Joseph Quinones, Katherine Quinones, Javier Quintana, Marlen Quintana, Richard Quintana, Stephanie i Quintana Q i , Mercy M Q Quiintella-Ca C rrill illo, B Barbbara Q Quintero, i Ch istie Chri i Quintero, Q i Lina Q Li Quintero, i M h mmad Moha d Rahat, R h Tah T hrim i Rahman, R h Ume U rR Rah hman, John h Rahner, R h Neel N lam Raja R j , Candi dice Ramba b rath h, Ch Chrystall Rambarath R b h, Elvi El is Ra R mirez, i Frankk Ra R mirez, i M li Ramirez, Melissa R i Silvia Silv ia Ramir Ramirez ez, Car Carlos los Rami Ramirezrez-Bles Blessing sing, Reena Reena Ram Ramnari narine ne, Lizbeth Lizbeth Ram Ramon on, Dam Damaris aris Ram Ramos os, Fra Frances nces Ram Ramos os, Fra Francis ncisco co Ramos Ramos, K Kryst rystel el Ramos Ramos, L Laris arissa sa Ramos Ramos, L Luis uis Ramo Ramoss, Vict Victoria oria Ram Ramos os, Pri Priya ya Rao Rao, Van Vanessa essa Ras Raschio chio, Judit Judith h Rasole Rasoletti tti, Jo Josue sue Raud Raudales ales, Birgi Birgitta tta Raus RauschchMontoto, Mont oto,, Michel chell h lle le Raza, Raza,, Alexan Allexand dra Rebo dra Reboso, b so,, Matthew h Recicar Recicar,, Eduard duardo do Recin Recinos, os,, Kenneth h Recorr, Recorr,, Te Teresi resita ta Regal g ladoado d Infa Infante, f nte,, Ab Abd bdias dias Reggis,, Kryystyy Rego g , Liat Reic Reich h, Marv h, Marvin in Reid, d, Ellizab beth h Rein Reinoso, oso,, Je J nnif nnifer fer Remy, Remy, y, Amanda d Ren Rend derer,, Ana Rest derer, Restrepo repo p , Maria ariana na Restr Restrepo, epo, p , Er Erika Rey, Francisco Rey, Lauren Rey, Carlos Reyes, Christopher Reyes, Juan Reyes, Luis Reyes, Marika Reyes, Kirill Reznik, Floriana Riccio, Michelle Richardson, Diane Richey, Lindsay Rigby, Eija Rimpioja, Lizbeth Rincon, Gabriel Rincon-Mora, Michael Riobueno, Marie Rios, Urpi Rios, Alexander Rirera, Mark Risisky, Carolyn Rivabella, Aurelio Rivera, Daniel Rivera, Tiffany Robbins, Alysha Robinson, Christopher Robinson, Edith Rodetsky, Cristina Rodon, Andre Rodrigues, Alexander Rodriguez, Alexis Rodriguez, Andres Rodriguez, Andre d s Rod R driguez Ro driguez, An Anelle ll Rod R driguez Rodrigu ez, Ch Charlen l e Rod R driguez Ro driguez, Claudi d a Ro R driguez Rod driguez, C Cristi ristina Rodri odriguez d guez, Crist Cristina ina Rodr R d iguezz, Desiree Rodrigue Desiree Rodr R d iguezz, Dile Rodrigue D l an Rodri odriguez d guez, E Ellain laine Rod R driguez Ro driguez, Er Eric Rodri odriguez d guez, Esmer Esmeralda ld Rod R Rodrigu driguez ez, Francis Francis Rod R driguez Rodrigu ez, George George Rodr R d iguezz, Hady Rodrigue Hd R Roodriguez, Ileana Rodriguez, Ines Rodriguez, Jackie Rodriguez, Jacqueline Rodriguez, Jesus Rodriguez, Johanna Rodriguez, Katrina Rodriguez, Kristine Rodriguez, Laura Rodriguez, Lazaro Rodriguez, Lorraine Rodriguez, Luis Rodriguez, Maria Rodriguez, Martha Rodriguez, Migu g el Rodriguez g , Mirya y m Rodrigguez,, Monica Rodrigu g ez,, Nicole Rodrigue g z,, Pilar Rodrigguez,, Richard Rodrigguez,, Ruben Rodrigue g z,, Sandra Rodriguez g , Josefi J na Rodrigue g z Molas,, Armando Rodrigguez-Roigg, Bisbettyy Rodrigue g z-Roig, g Stefanie Roedenbeck,, Elise Roggers,, g, Carolina Rojas, Stephen Rojas, Jill Rokosik, Sharayna Rolle, Nadya Roman, Ariel Roman-Harris, Alicia Romero, Mark Romero, Romulo Romero, Fitzgerald Ronald, Teresa Ronquillo, Jose Rosado, Ralph Rosado, Anabelle Rosales, Carla Rosell, Cristina Rosell, Gabriela Rosell, Erwin Rosenberg, Ashley Rousseau, Alexander Roytman, Ariana Ruano, Yvonne Ruano, Ricardo Rubiales, Damaris Rubio, Humberto Rubio, Jonathan Ruby, Andrea Rudchenco, Desiree Ruiz, Eddy Ruiz, Eva Ruiz, Jaymee Ruiz, Jessica Ruiz, Madelin Ruiz, Maria Ruiz,, Maria Ruiz Marian n Ru Ruiz, iz, Ren Renee Ru Ruiz, iz, Tor Toria ia Russe Russellll, Bob b Rus Russo, so, Ive Iveta ta Rybar ybarova, b ova, Va Vaness nessaa Sa Sabball ballos, llos, Gia Giancar ncarllo lo Sabog b al,l Mic Mich haell Sad deghi eghinia, h nia, Cllaudi audia d a Sainta Saintanne, nne, Fl Floren lorence ce Saint Saint-Lou Louis, is, Zainabb Sala Salah l hudd huddin, ddin, Pat Patrizi riziaa Sal Salani, lani, Ad Adriane driane Salas alas, l , Gl Gloria loria Sal Salas, las, Del Delmary lmary Sal Salced lcedo, do, Osam Osamaa Sal Saleh, h Abbas Salehmohamed, Bernardette Salgado, Alejandro Salinas, Robert Salom, Monty Samuels, Alexandra Sanchez, Armando Sanchez, Emely Sanchez, Frances Sanchez, Giselle Sanchez, Jessica Sanchez, Janet Sancho, Vanessa Sancho-Ramirez, Patricia Sando, Nathalie Santa-Ma Sant a Maria, ria, Ma Maria ria Sant Santella ella,, Sara Sara Sant Santelli elli,, Stacy Stacyy San Santin, tin, Ca Caroli rolina na Saras Sarassa, sa, Mic Michael hael Sar Sarasti asti,, Julie Sar Sargent g , Carla gent Carla Sca Scarlat rlato, o, Char Charlene lene Sca Scarlet rlett, t, Agne g s Schaef Schaefer, er, Ann Annaa Scharn Scharnagl, agl, g Su Sue-An e Ann n Scharo Scharon, n, Lisa Sch Scheibl eibly, y Vale y, Valerie rie Schi Schillac llaci, i, Bria Brian n Schmel Schmelkin, kin, Li Linda nda Schm Schmidt, idt, Ga Gaston ston Sch Schneid neider, er, Jonathan Jona than Sch Schonho onholz, lz, Nat Natalia alia Sch Schonow onowski, ski, Fl Flora ora Schu Schule, le, Patrice Patrice Sci Scipio, pio, Ch Christ ristophe opherr Sclafa Sclafani, ni, Bonnie Bonnie Scot Scott, t, Beve Beverley rley Sed Sedore, ore, Kh Khalee aleell Se Seecha echaran, ran, Am Amanda anda Seg Segovia ovia,, SSimon imonee Se Segred gredo, o, Anya Sel Selecki ecki,, JJonat onathan han Senn Senn,, C Cryst rystal al Sepul Sepulveda veda,, D David avid Ser Serna, na, Mig Miguel uel Serr Serrano, ano, Je Jennif nnifer er Serre Serrell, ll, J min Sevggi-Romero,, Barbara Sewerin,, Eric Shamus,, Clare Sharpe, Jase p , Vonreyya Shaw,, David Shekhter,, Michael Shelley, y, Edwin Shen,, Lauren Shep pard,, Suzanne Sherman,, Suzanne Sherman,, Hsueh Shih,, Boris Shir,, Olga g Shneyde y rman,, Priscilla Shogan, g , Bolanle Shorunke,, Jason Showe, Annette Shumway, Richard Shutes, Roman Shwed, Micheal Sierra, Camilo Silva, Haroldo Silva, Maria Silva, Patricia Silva, Kimberly Silverberg, German Silverio, Sebastian Simich, Eva Simkovitz, Robert Simms, Beatriz Simoes, Renata Simoes, Octavio SimoesPonce, Sanya Sinclair, Doolarie Singh, Damir Sinovcic, Parikshat Sirpal, Nancy Sixto-Debesa, Kimberly Skiffington, Ouma Skinner, Meaghan Skog-Rios, Christopher Smith, Christopher Smith, Marie Smith, Michael Smith, Steven Smith, Wendy Smith, Stephanie Snyder, Annette Soberats S b , Suedy d Sob S brado d , Ailee l n Socarras, S Tan T ia SSocorro, F Fairuze SSofi fia, P Peter Solde ld villa, ll Perl P la Sol S le-C Calas l , Antoi A ne Soliman, l H lmuth Hel h SSolis, l D Deb borah h Soll S lloway, Katherin K h e SSollomon, Monique Somervellll, Carl C los SSomoza, Melissa Ml Soriano, Ar A iell Sosa, Daniel D l Sosa, S M ia Sosa, Mari S S brina Sab i SSosa, Ana Soto, Merced M dez Soto, Mi Mirth ha Soto, S V lerie Val i Sou S ed, d Li Lisa Sp S arbel b l, Yvette Stanley, l JJay SStarkman, k Joseph h SSteen, Patriicia i Stein, S i Natali lie Steph henson, Ch Chriistiine Stinson, i JJenna Stone S , SSh hanna SStotler, l Ni Nicolle SStratten, Na N tali lia St S urla l , Herna H n Stutzer, S Alfred Alf d SSuare uarezz, Ana Ana Suarez Suarez, Cri C istin i a SSuarez Suarez, Darie ariel i l Su SSuarez arez, James James Suarez Suarez, Mi Mirena rena Suarez Suarez, Ibelys l Sub SSubi birats irats, Kris K i tina i Suengas Suengas, E Ed dward Suh dward S h, Jae Su Jae Suh S h JJeean Danie Suh, aniel i l Su S ppli pplice lice, Pam Pamela l Susi S ie, Levi Susie L i Sutton Sutton, De Dean Swinf i ford ord, d Donna Donna Sylv S l esterr, Steph Sylveste Stephen hen Szucs Szucs, Annette Annette Tabe T b rner, Keish Taberner eisha i ha Talbot, Lourdes Tandlich, Tak Lung Tang, Melissa Tapanes Llahues, Deborah Tarr, Cyril Tarsis, Sara Tarsis, Joseph Teixeira, Simon Teixeira, Marcela Tejedor, Christina Tellechea, Christina Tempelis, Mikiala Tennie, Jenny Terreros, Megan Teske, Jose Teurbe-Tolon, Jesica Thavaraj Thav arajah, ah, Jas Jason on Theod Theodosak osakis, is, Emm Emmanue anuell Thomas omas,, JJolen olenee Thomas omas,, M Micha ichael el Thoma Thomas, s, Susa Susan n Thomas omas,, Victo Victorr Thomps ompson, on, Sar Sarah ah Thorr Thorre, e, Dani Danielle elle Tighe, Tighe, Th Thoomas mas Tije Tijerina rina,, JJasmi asmin n Titus, Titus, Ad Aditi iti Tiwa Tiwari, ri, Petra Petra Toben Toben,, A Ailet ilette te Tobie Tobien, n, Mich Michael ael Tomp Tompkins kins,, M Monic onicaa Toranz Toranzo, o, Leti Leticia cia Tornes, Ashley Torres, Camilo Torres, Catherine Torres, Juan Torres, Kenia Torres, Rachel Torres, Yoendry Torres, Gabriella Toth, Matthew Troccoli, Valerie Trueba, William Trueba, Annabella Trujillo, Agnes Tsangaridou, Vincent Tubiana, Patricia Tumelty, Arlene Tur, Richard Rich ard Tutt Tuttle le, Geo George rge g Twin, Marin Marinaa Tyyurya y yeva y , Kikka Kikka Uch Uchino ino, Ma Maryte ryte y Uga g lde lde, An Antoni tonioo Uggando, C Claud laudia ia Ugart Ugart g e, Eina Einatt Urbach Urbach, Gabri Gabriela ela Urbi Urbina na, Jos Josue ue Urbin Urbinaa, Mich Michelle elle Urb Urbinat inatii, Cris Cristina tina Uribe Uribe, Deb Deborah orah Urr Urraca aca, Amy Amy Valdes, D David avid Val Valdes des, Ga Gabrie briell Valdes Valdes, L Lisa isa Vald Valdes es, Rolando Rola ndo Vald Valdes es, Veronic Veronicaa Valdi Valdivia ia, Adr Adrian ian Vale Valencia ncia, C Crrystal stal Van Van Orsde Orsdell, Eva E a Van Tol Tol, Er Erin in VanCl VanClaay, Dan Daniell iellee Vanhor Vanhornhuz nhuzar ar, Tan Tania ia Varel Varelaa, Ste Stevan an Vasic Vasic, Kathe Katherryn n Vasq Vasquez uez, Li Lina na Vasqu Vasquez ez, Kel Kelse sey Vaug Vaughan han, No Norma rma Vaug Vaughan han, Co Consue nsuelo lo Vazqu Vazquez ez, Ileana Ileana Vazq Vazquez uez, Sa Sasha sha Vazq Vazquez uezGonzalez Gonz alez,, H Herac eraclio lio Vega g , Crist Cristina ina Vela Velarde, rde, Pa Pablo blo Vele Velez, z, Jess J ica Vers Versage, age, g Nestor Nestor Via y Rada, Daniel Danielle le Vidal Vidal,, Ivonn Ivonnee Vidal, Vidal, Monica Monica Vid Vidal, al, Tin Tinaa VidalVidal Smit Smith, h, Jadi J r Vieira Vieira,, Sacha Sacha Vieira, Vieira, Elys Elyys Viera iera,, Mary Maryy Vigu g e, Jess J ica Vila Vila,, Chris Christina tina Vil Vilaboa aboa,, Maria Maria de Lour Lourdes des Vila Vilas, s, Fran Francisc ciscoo Villllalba, lb Dahyana h Villal ll lobos, b Jairo Villllanueva, Angela l Villllegas-Judd, dd Gustavo Villomar, Mariela l Vinas, Justin Vizaro, Joycelyn l Wade, d Jennifer f Wagner, Munira Wahd hdan, Lisa Wallace, ll Kath hryn Walters, l Eric Ward, d Melissa l Ward, d Mellissa Ward, d Rach hell Warren, Adrienne d Wasserman, Maria Weaver, Bonnie Weintraub, Jennifer Weiss, Heath Weissbrod, Debra White, Jayme y Whiteman, Kimberlyy White-Pinilla, Jennifer Wiese, Jennifer Wilkins, Kristina Willenbucher, Diansjh j an Williams, Erik Williams, Marie Williams, Onika Williams, Stuart Williams, Vindella Williams, Melissa Williamson, Sofia Williamsson, Kimberly Winitsky, Anna Winter, Pioneer Winter, Kaila Wong, Leighann Wong, Siu Wong, Trudy Woo, Simone Worsdale, Jason Wright, Kelly Wright, Hsin Hua Wu, Veronica Xiques, Dilara Yerggin, Rachel Yff, Je J e Yi, Katherine Yi, Stepha p nie Yoda, Sam Youn, Ja J cque q line Young, g Jas J min Young, g Kristen Young, g Lengg Young, g Mimyy Young, g Stefan Young, g Tamara Younis, Atena Yunus, Kemel Zaldivar, Ann Zamanillo, Elizabeth Zambrana, Jor J gge Zamora, Lyan y Zamora, Natalie Zamora, Piedad Zamora, Helena Zanakis, Sandra Zapata, Julio Zayas-Colon, Michael Zecca, Ling Zeng, Michael Zolondek, Nillybeth Zorrilla.
SUMMA CUM LAUDE Florida International University Honors College Review
F a l l 2 0 1 0 | Vo l u m e 1 , N o . 1
Welcome to Summa Cum Laude! The Honors College magazine will now come to you semi-annually in a new, expanded format. We hope that alumni will glimpse themselves in the promise of our current students, that civic and university torchbearers will be inspired to support these fine future leaders, and that the Honors community will be energized by the exciting achievements of its members. The Honors College is Worlds Ahead! Twenty years of evolution have produced one of the finest Honors programs in the country. From our hopeful beginnings as the Faculty Scholars Program, we have grown into a College with over a thousand students and a roster of Faculty Fellows that includes some of the university’s most renowned teachers. Today, our students present their research at international conferences, publish while still undergraduates, issue critically acclaimed music CDs, start successful businesses and nonprofits, produce gallery-quality art, and earn prestigious graduate fellowships. A few highlights: t Our annual A & V Art Exhibition, produced by John Bailly’s class, for the first time was housed in FIU’s respected Frost Art Museum, and draws in increasingly important members of South Florida’s arts community. t The Sweetwater partnership was fully subscribed by students the first day the available openings were listed. This year we added four internships, citizenship classes taught by our Pre-law Community, computer training for the elderly, and a major tree-planting program supported by a grant from the Arbor Foundation. t We introduced a vibrant new first-year curriculum, with cutting-edge pedagogy and technology, incorporating response “clickers,” film production, and the resources of the Wolfsonian Museum. t Honors helped support the Miami visit of the Dalai Lama, enabling dozens of our students and supporters to hear this remarkable world leader “close up and personal.” t We instituted a new study abroad program to France that, in focusing on how war and revolution shaped northern Europe, goes far beyond the typical student travel experience. Whether you are a faithful alum or a newcomer to the College, we invite you to read about our successes and join in the excitement. Share your story and your expertise with a small group of students through a Dinner with Future Leaders. Join the Community Advisory Board. Attend the fascinating Food for Talk. Come hear an Excellence Lecture. Consider joining our students on one of our high-octane study abroads. Share your news and stories with other readers. Join with the many others who are helping prepare FIU’s best and brightest for key roles in the development of South Florida, our nation, and the world.
In this Issue 04
20 Years of Honors This year the Honors College is proudly celebrating its twentieth birthday!
Honors Giving Caryl Grof and Sharon Placide on giving to Honors
What do you know about Sweetwater? The Honors College and City of Sweetwater Partnership
Research and Service in the Amazon The Honors College is Worlds Ahead.
Whale Warriors A journalist’s voyage with the eco-pirates of Antarctica.
Frank and Ana met at the Honors College 18 years ago. Their love for each other and Honors continues.
What are they up to? Alumni notes
Editorial Staff Kanchana Marapana, Editor J.C. Espinosa Jayne Klein Juan Lopez Leif Elliott
Design and Production Aileen Solá-Trautmann Senior Designer FIU External Relations Office of Publications
Lesley A. Northup Interim Dean Change of address information: Please send updated address information to The Honors College, DM 233, Florida International University, 11200 S.W. 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199 or by e-mail to
Letters to the Editor: Share your news, ideas, and stories with us and our readers. Summa Cum Laude welcomes letters to the editor by e-mail to, by fax to 305-348-2118 or by mail to Summa Cum Laude, The Honors College, DM 233, Florida International University, 11200 S.W. 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199.
The Honors College Review
as it really been twenty years? It
accomplishments with pride and we look
may be hard to fathom, but yes,
forward to our future with excitement.
The earliest iteration of the Honors College, the Faculty Scholars Program, was formed in 1972 and became an
this year the Honors College is proudly
Before the Honors College was a
celebrating its twentieth birthday! While
college, it was the Honors Program. The
integral part of FIU’s newly admitted
the path we have traveled has not always
Program got its start in 1990 with an
lower-division student body. The program
been smooth and our road to success
inaugural class of only 100 freshmen.
brought together some of the best and
has had its share of detours, bumps,
Its initial mission, which has since been
brightest students and challenged them
and hidden curves, we have still come a
expanded in many new directions, was to
to think outside the box of the traditional
long way from our humble beginnings.
“introduce intellectually curious students
university curriculum. As more and more
We have grown and flourished, we have
to a comprehensive view of the nature
students were admitted to the Faculty
planted the seeds for success, and we
of thought, knowledge, and human
Scholars program, the need for it to evolve
have seen those seeds bloom and reach
understanding in order to broaden their
became apparent. And, when Liberal
fruition. So, today, we look back on our
vision of the world.�
Arts courses were made a part of the
The Honors College Review
University’s core curriculum, the seeds with which to grow a full-fledged Honors College were firmly planted. Dr. Fernando González-Reigosa, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies in 1972, was at the forefront of the push to create an entire Honors curriculum. The Honors Program, housed in a cramped office space in Primera Casa, was initiated in 1990. Still, Gonzalez-Reigosa dreamed of an intellectual community in which outstanding students focused on critical thinking, personal and professional enrichment, and excellence working hand-in-hand with a group of dedicated teachers and scholars. This vision led eventually to the transformation of the program into an autonomous college within the university. In 1997, after relocating twice, the Honors Program finally found a permanent home in the Deuxieme Maison building and became the Honors College. Invigorated by a new sense of its growing value to the University, and with a larger space in which to stretch itself, the College concentrated its efforts on providing students with a continually evolving interdisciplinary curriculum. Recognizing that, in an increasingly
phase of the Honors College international
2000, when Honors Place consisted
outreach with the Italy Study Abroad
of a mere 5 rooms, the community
Program. Over four weeks, students got
has expanded to 70 rooms and been
to explore Venice, Florence and Rome.
transformed into a community of
Pairing the interdisciplinary cornerstone
scholars that was at one point named the
of an Honors education with the potential
“Best Living and Learning Community”
offered by study in another country,
in the state of Florida by Florida Leader
the Study Abroad programs have since
Magazine. Honors Place has fostered a
blossomed into one of the College’s most
family on campus for College students
coveted experiences.
and enabled them to grow together
Dr. Fjellman also spearheaded the expansion of the Honors College onto the
academically and socially. The community that Dean González-
North Miami campus, currently known as
Reigosa left in 2001 was nothing like
the Biscayne Bay Campus. The presence
the program he oversaw in its infancy.
of the College there enables even more
When he retired, Dr. Ivelaw Griffith
ways to give them the opportunity to
students to take advantage of the special
became the second dean of the Honors
get first-hand experience abroad. Its first
academic and cultural opportunities
College. Under his expert leadership, the
move in that direction was to establish a
afforded by the College’s programs and
Honors College doubled its enrollment
partnership with the University of Alcalá
and became an even more significant
globalized world, it was not enough for students to understand only their own culture, the College set about developing
de Henares in Madrid, which gave rise to
In 1999, Honors Place was
part of the university. Among other
the Spain Study Abroad Program. Students
established. The idea was to create a
things, Dean Griffith added both the
in the program travelled throughout Spain,
residential living-learning community
Student Research and Artistic Initiative
taking in the architecture, art, culture,
exclusively for Honors College students,
(SRAI) and the Honors Convocation
people, and food.
where they could get to know one
to the College’s offerings. SRAI paired
another, study together, and participate
faculty with students who shared similar
in special programs and events. Since
research interests. Opportunities for
In the summer of 1998, Associate Dean Stephen Fjellman led the next
The Honors College Review
a college provost, leaving a greatly improved Honors College in the capable hands of Dr. Lesley A. Northup, the former associate dean. Dean Northup force. All final research projects are exhibited at an annual research conference each spring at FIU. The annual Honors College Convocation has evolved into an outstanding showcase of talent and dedication of the College’s faculty and students. Students enter their original work, from poetry to short stories research in the program encompass nearly
to painting, music, photography, and
every academic discipline and artistic
sculpture, in a contest, and all of it is
endeavor. The program, now renamed
on display at the Convocation. The
Advanced Research and Creativity in
day begins with a parade of nations
Honors (ARCH), gives interested students
that features the flags of each of the
a chance to learn by doing, rather than
many countries from which both
sitting in a classroom in a seminar. It also
students and faculty hail. A bagpiper
enables them to do the kind of research
announces the entry of the parade to
more typical of graduate study, offering
the Graham Center ballrooms, where the
an opportunity for supervised research
Convocation celebration continues. Once
and formal creative projects. Participation in the program also increases student knowledge of opportunities within various disciplines, strengthens their resumes, and gives them a competitive advantage when applying for graduate school and the work 6
inside, the audience is treated to a variety of musical performances by students and the announcements of annual scholarship winners and awards for student artistic entries. After 5 years of service to the College, Dr. Griffith moved on to become The Honors College Review
has overseen one of the most difficult evolutions in the history of the College. In spite of severe university-wide budget cuts, the College has continued to fulfill its original goals and reach into new areas. According to Dean Northup, this has been possible due “largely to the generosity and understanding of our great faculty Fellows, who have willingly accepted a reconfiguration of how they are compensated while continuing to teach with passion and dedication. We have also been able to eliminate unnecessary expenditures and use technology more efficiently, and everyone on staff has become a super-saver.” At the same time, development efforts have made rapid strides and opened up new possibilities for Honors College students. For example, “Food for Talk,” an innovative event that mixes fine dining with discussions of timely issues led by a diverse group of university scholars, was introduced in the spring of 2010. Proceeds from the now annual event are used to enhance the Honors College’s scholarship programs. Today, Honors is providing some 1000 students with more advantages and opportunities than ever before. The last
few years have seen many new initiatives
the Overtown Youth Center, recruiting
that have led the College into previously
students in Tau Sigma Alpha, the College’s
untapped areas. Such significant
BBC Honors Society, to serve as tutors
partnerships as the 3 + 3 program with
and mentors for the young people at the
FIU’s Law School and a partnership with
Center. This extremely productive and
FIU’s Athletics Department are now in
constantly evolving program now hosts
place, strengthening the Honors College’s
an annual luncheon at BBC celebrating
ties with the university and helping
the Overtown students, and conducts a
Honors students advance.
weekly SAT tutoring program and book
The College has also begun to place far
club. It has also brought such exciting
greater emphasis on outreach and service
guests as Edwidge Danticat to the campus
learning, as students are encouraged
to speak.
to take leadership roles and contribute to the community. The pioneering Sweetwater partnership impacts FIU and the surrounding community, as students tutor children, teach sports and hygiene, plant community gardens and trees, mentor seniors in computer use, offer citizenship classes, and put together events with the elementary school. Through the Sweetwater partnership, members of the Honors community can work together
Under Dean Northup’s leadership, the Honors College continues to look to the future, while still keeping one eye on the past and both feet on the ground. The creative mix of outstanding faculty, students and staff continues to generate innovative curricular and service opportunities that help prepare students for productive and successful futures.
for common goals, perform an important service, and enjoy excellent learning opportunities through unusual and challenging internships. The Honors College on the Biscayne Bay Campus has begun its own community service initiative. In 2007, Jayne Klein, the BBC Program Director, established a partnership with Honors College Magazine
E . T . Over the years, many deserving Honors College students have benefitted from the generosity of the College’s donors. Some of those fortunate students have already achieved their professional goals, and others are well on their way to achieving them. Today, many of those graduates, armed with the desire to serve as beacons of light on the path to success for new generations of students, are reconnecting with their alma mater so they can help build an ever-wider circle of giving. Most of you will remember, fondly, two key former staff members who speak here of the importance of your contributions.
The Honors College Review
but we need your help. And you can help
grow in their careers and personal lives,
was a fixture at FIU
by giving something back to the Honors
shaped in part by their experiences with
from 1980 until her
professors like Caryl Grof. “If I were an Honors alumnus, I would
retirement last year. She worked with some
think about what my most meaningful
of the University’s best
spent 11 years working
experience in the College was and then
students. As an instructor and Associate
and teaching in the
find some way to contribute to that
Dean in the Honors College, she feels
Honors College. She
area,” Placide said. “Our alumni can
that Honors College students have taught
remains passionate
contribute in a number of ways: they can
her as much as she taught them. “The
about the College’s
attend Honors College events, they can
combination of an interdisciplinary
purpose and students: “We force students
expose our students to the professional
approach to teaching and learning with
to think analytically about inhabiting
world, and they can help by sharing their
a dedicated faculty who exemplifies this
others’ lives, Not just through the
experiences with current students.”
in their everyday lives, coupled with
humanities, but through the natural
students willing to go beyond grades and
sciences as well. Some students are
study abroad program. She feels that
look at life through a variety of lenses
uncomfortable with that, but it stretches
it is a powerful means of opening
has been the Honors College’s passion
their skills nevertheless.” Both she and
students’ minds by providing them with
from its inception. Love of education,
professor Grof witnessed first-hand the
experiences “far beyond mere travel. It
talent, passion, and creativity are some
Honors College’s evolution from a program
provides them with educational activities,
of the things the Honors College prides
with only about 400 students to one with
enables them to actually experience a new
itself on. As we move into the future, we
over 1000. While under Dean Northup,
civilization, a new culture, and everything
reach out to our alumni for support. We
she said, “there hasn’t been the same
in between.” Those of our alumni who
ask that you look back fondly on your
financial freedom [as under earlier deans],
have been fortunate enough to participate
memories of all the support you received
this Dean has still managed to creatively
in this program could help the College
from us. Many of you have told us how
enhance the Honors programs and expand
and its students a great deal by making a
much the Honors College helped change
the extracurricular offerings for students.”
contribution, large or small, to a program
your life. We can continue to provide the
Those offerings are something that
that will lead them to discover new
excellence that you all benefited from,
graduates will be able to hold onto as they
worlds of thought.
Sharon’s greatest passion is the
INVEST in the FUTURE NOW! We instill in all Honors students intellectual rigor, unwavering ethical standards, and leadership skills. To be leaders, they know they have to begin to give back to the community that has fostered their education and growth. Honors students have embraced this challenge to become leaders, investing their time, talent, and treasure in the Sweetwater partnership, the Overtown Youth Center, and numerous campus initiatives. This is your chance to invest in them. Our most crucial needs: r A NAMING SPONSOR for either the College or its proposed new building. The Honors College is out of space, and the State cannot provide it! We need a building with classrooms, labs, advising offices, and community spaces to house our students and bring them together. This is your opportunity to make a meaningful, values-driven, and lasting contribution to the future. r STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPS to help deserving students experience another culture and be better citizens of the world. r OUT-OF-STATE (and country) SCHOLARSHIPS to bring the world to Honors, defraying the high costs of tuition and housing for non-Floridians. r GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP assistance that we can use discretionarily to help those in most need. r UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS to advance the skills, knowledge, and passions of students from the beginning of their academic careers. For information on any aspect of giving to the Honors College, please contact Juan Carlos Espinosa at 305-348-4100 or email The Honors College Review
QUENCH your intellectual thirst SATISFY your hunger for meaningful dialogue Discover the intellectual treasures at Miami’s burgeoning public institution of higher learning. Food for Talk is an intimate opportunity to eat, drink, and converse with university scholars on a wide variety of topics. Whether you’re interested in fine wines, U.S. foreign policy, particle colliders, sports or the human psyche, you’ll find a discussion table of fascinating companions.
For information, please visit
Food for Talk
Does my dog really love me? What happens if you fall into a black hole? What is art? Is Fidel Castro already dead? planning and Barefoot Wine and Bubbly and Aguilar beer donated their wares. The guests who gathered to DWWHQG WKLV IXQ ÀOOHG HYHQLQJ LQFOXGHG CAB members, prominent community members, alums, and other friends of the Honors College. One alum waxed nostalgic, musing that the various discussions brought back memories of her days as a student in Honors College seminars. Amidst plentiful Italian food and non-stop wine and beer, the discussions went on late into the evening. The event closed with a poetry reading by the world-renowned One of the evening’s most popular
These were just some of the thought-provoking questions that FIU scholars discussed during “Food for 7DON Âľ WKH &ROOHJHŇ‹V Ă€UVW IXQGUDLVLQJ dinner. The event, which was so successful that it is slated to become a regular annual feature of the College, was held at the Wolfe University Center Ballroom on the Biscayne Bay Campus RQ )HEUXDU\ ,W IHDWXUHG Ă€IWHHQ intriguing faculty members leading discussions on such topics as religion, sex, wine and global warming.
poet and FIU alum, Richard Blanco.
discussions was led by Psychology
Through his poetry, Blanco, a Cuban-
Professor Bennett Schwartz, who
American, explores the ways in which
cultural identity is negotiated. The
on the mental and emotional lives
entire audience was captivated by his
of animals with his fellow diners. At
poem, “Thanksgiving Dinner,� dealing
another table, diners seated with Barry
with the way that many ethnic families
Gump from the School of Hospitality
celebrate Thanksgiving by mixing the
Management learned about wine – and
traditional American meal with their
got to taste several different ones, as
own cultural specialties, be it spicy
he brought several bottles to the table
curries, pork fat, or stir fry.
with him. Guests seated at the “What
If you wonder if your dog really
is Art?� table enjoyed their experience
loves you, or whether men and
with John Bailly so much that they
women are really different, just make
immediately reserved the same table
plans to come to the next Food for
for this year’s event.
Talk event this spring, and you just
Food for Talk was organized by the
might get some answers or provide
Honors College and its Community
them. Eat, drink, network, and
Advisory Board (CAB) in order to
enjoy a great evening! Stay tuned
raise money for the Honors College
over the next few months for the
Scholarship Fund. CAB member
announcement of the Second Annual
Orlando Gonzales spearheaded the
Food for Talk this spring. ‡
The Honors College Review
Emma V. Lopez Emma Lopez, senior, majors in environmental engineering with
assistant. In 2006, she interned with
a minor in earth science. She is
the Department of Earth Science,
actively involved in the Society of
where she assisted graduate students
Women Engineers and the Catholic
with such research activities as
Student Union at FIU. She also
collecting sediment samples from
participated in Alternative Spring
Florida Bay, analyzing peat samples
Break (ASB), helping patients with
from Australia, and collecting data on
AIDS and HIV. This summer, she
South Florida hurricanes. She was
participated in the study abroad
also a DOE Fellow, doing research at
program to the Peruvian Amazon. As
FIU’s Applied Research Center on a
her project, she constructed rain water
mercury project analyzing data from a
collection systems in three schools
creek in Tennessee.
for indigenous mestizo communities
so that the children could have clean
and has performed for children at
drinking water.
local schools. She has also been a
Emma has also worked at the
guest speaker for Career Day. Emma
loves travelling and has been to many
projects such as the Solar House and
European countries, India, China,
the Motorola Engineering Expo. She
and Turkey.
Richaud Pack
currently works as a physics learning
New Honors College member
full athletic scholarship. Richaud plans
Richaud J.F. Pack is more than just
to pursue a career in medicine because
a scholar. In his native Michigan, he
he is passionate about helping people.
made headlines with his athleticism.
Perhaps this comes from his experience
He recently graduated magna cum
growing up: “The one thing I appreciate
laude from Ernest W. Seaholm High
about my family is my parents’
School in Birmingham, Michigan,
commitment to each of us academically
where he broke the single basketball
and athletically. They have given
scoring record with 56 points, and
me and my siblings a great spiritual
holds the school record for most
foundation to build upon. I admire the
total points. ESPN named him the
closeness that my siblings and I share.”
USA Midwest player of the week.
He is excited to be a part of the Honors
In Michigan he was the only player
College: “I joined the Honors College
this century to score over 100 points
because I wanted a smoother transition
combined in two consecutive games
into higher education, which will be
(45+56). Richaud also earned the
President of the United States’ Gold
small group of students and professors
Award for Community Service in high
that have similar capabilities and
school. Given his achievements, it is
aspirations.” The College looks forward
not surprising that FIU offered him a
to Richaud’s ongoing achievements. The Honors College Review
Student Activities
FIU vs Rutgers Tailgate
Honors College students, the Provost and Dean Northup were among the enthusiastic tailgaters on September 11th at the FIU vs. Rutgers game. Smart people do love sports!
W Smart
people love sports
The FIU Honors College and the
and competitive excellence. This partnership also encourages
Athletics Department have undertaken
Honors students to support and
a long-term partnership designed to
appreciate FIU athletics. Students
offer student athletes the best of both
participate in “Honors College Nights�
academics and athletics at FIU.
at various games and meets, sponsor
The Honors College seeks to
tailgate parties and become involved
recruit scholar athletes into our
with sports-oriented community service
community, where they will be
projects through the Honors College –
recognized equally for their academic
Sweetwater partnership.
A&V Exhibition
The A & V installation is the culmination of an Honors College seminar taught by artist and Honors College fellow John Bailly. The class examines the role visual art plays in the social dialogue over controversial issues. This year the exhibition moved to the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum at FIU, a testament to the exceptional quality of the work by the students and the growing prestige of the exhibition. The Honors College Review
Honors College – City of Sweetwater Partnership
We are making a difference.
What do you know about Sweetwater? Perhaps you have breezed through this compact city on your way down 107th Avenue to FIU, or stopped at one of its shops or restaurants. But you probably don’t know much about our neighbor to the north. The Honors College is doing something about that. In October 2009, the College initiated an innovative partnership with the City of Sweetwater. A true example of universitycommunity engagement, the partnership brings members of the College together with Sweetwater residents to provide a range of high-impact community services and exciting educational opportunities for our students. This past spring, ten students served in internships in the mayor’s office and with community leaders, learning how a small city is governed, funded, and improved. At the same time, dozens of 14
other students ran a sports program for 4th-grade girls, tutored youngsters after school, and conducted a news literacy survey of Spanish-speaking citizens for an Honors seminar. In a few short months, the partnership is enabling the College to become an integral part of the urban community that has been FIU’s home. As you might expect, Honors students have been particularly drawn to working with children. At Sweetwater Elementary School, they have been running a program sponsored by the Women’s Sports Foundation that teaches young girls about exemplary female athletes and healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices, along with the fun of playing basketball. After the first few tentative girls came to the early sessions, word of mouth guaranteed a stream of enthusiastic participants for the rest of the spring. The Honors College Review
The school was also the site for a wildly successful “Artistic Evening,” put together by students in one of the College’s first-year leadership classes. These ambitious folks planned an event where young artists from both the elementary school and Honors displayed their work and performed musical selections. Some three hundred people attended this joyous cultural initiative, for which local restaurateurs, solicited by members of the class, provided a reception. Honors instructor John Bailly spoke at the event, talking about feeding a child’s thirst for learning by experimentation and experience. Youngsters were not the only focus of the partnership, of course. This summer, at the request of Raul Rodriguez, owner and benefactor of Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park—home to almost a third of
In 1938, a group of expatriate performers known as the “Russian Midget Circus Group” settled in what was then called Sweetwater Estates. Sweetwater’s residents— Honors senior Tania Santiago ran an exercise program for women several days a week. This proved to be such a hit that the women have prevailed upon Rodriguez to pay her to stay on for the fall. At Sweetwater’s Senior Center, Honors students have also begun a regular visiting program that brings them into one-on-one relationships with residents. This fall, they began teaching these senior citizens how to use the Center’s computers to send and receive email and to surf the Net, linking them to their families and the world. Coming this fall, in addition to the continuation of past successes, are several new programs. Expanding into environmental concerns, the partnership will be giving elementary students trees to be planted and cared for in conjunction with the Reclamation Project and the
Arbor Day Foundation. Also on the sustainability front, students from Dr. Brian Peterson’s first-year Honors class are working with the elementary school to create a student-run vegetable garden on the grounds. Throughout all this activity, Honors students have served in dynamic internships in the Sweetwater Police Department, the Office of Social Services, the Office of Economic Development, the Finance Office, the Office of the City Clerk, and the Office of the Assistant to the Chief of Staff. These opportunities have been invaluable. Interns have learned how to write grants, prepare legislation, plan for an election, run governmental meetings, and deal with constituents. One intern was given a paying job for the summer. The ten current City internships were expanded to fourteen and formalized in the fall, The Honors College Review
accompanying two others sponsored by Raul Rodriguez. Sweetwater is no longer a mystery to the people of FIU. Our students have learned, for example, that in 1938, a group of expatriate performers known as the “Russian Midget Circus Group” settled in what was then called Sweetwater Estates. Formed in Russia in 1907, the Circus had rapidly become famous. With the Russian Revolution in 1917, the group gave up its home country and, in 1930, after having traveled all over the world, arrived in America at the Port of San Francisco. After performing for almost three decades, the group members became U.S. citizens. Their retirement destination is now home to what Chairman Al Dotson of the university’s Board of Trustees calls the Finest Institution in the Universe—FIU! 15
su m mer in t h e A m a z o n THE HONORS COLLEGE IS Worlds Ahead THE HONORS COLLEGE IS GEARING UP FOR ANOTHER EXCITING SUMMER STUDY ABROAD TRIP TO THE JUNGLES AND VILLAGES OF THE PERUVIAN AMAZON. The trip is part of a two-semester service-research program, begun 3 years ago under the guidance of Dr. James Riach and Dr. Devon L. Graham. The students will be working to continue the various student initiatives, studies, and projects that others began in years past and to create new ones. During the spring semester, students learn about the features of the Amazon rainforest and its natural and cultural history. The studies will focus on the current challenges to the environment and the region’s indigenous people. Faculty directors will encourage each student to choose a project about which he or she is really passionate, which the students will implement while in the Amazon during the summer. The program works largely in tandem with Project Amazonas, Inc., a Peruvian-American non-profit organization that focuses on humanitarian, educational, research, and conservation work in the Peruvian Amazon and operates four field stations there. It is dedicated primarily to the conservation of Amazonian wildlife and to the livelihood of the peoples who live there. In previous years, the partnerships formed between Honors College students and Amazon residents spanned a wide range of topics and disciplines, reflecting the interests of each student. Some worked to address community needs for health care, 16
The Honors College Review
sanitation, and potable water. Others focused on programs to help revitalize and chart the culture of the people in the indigenous Yagua communities. Still others documented the biodiversity of the region and the human and natural factors influencing it. One significant student project involved collecting information on the medicinal uses of plants, a knowledge that has long been an integral part of the rich tradition of natural medicine in these communities. One major project dealt with water filtration and latrine systems. It has already resulted in an increased ability of the local communities to stave off diseases. As an integral part of that project, an educational campaign on hygiene and sanitation was conducted. In the area of cultural revitalization, two members of this year’s group – Ernesto Alfonso and Jennifer Tovar – are striving to find common ground between the younger and the older generations in the Yagua community in order to revitalize their language and culture. The Yaguan traditions, like many other indigenous traditions, are fading quickly. Not only does this represent an impending loss of their knowledge and culture, but it also points to a more serious practical problem since the granting or retraction of land rights and other benefits to the people is based at least in part on the preservation of their culture. What will happen if there is no longer a traditional culture to preserve? Alfonso and Tovar plan to document on film some of the elements of the Yaguan culture. They hope to track individual attitudes toward the importance of preserving the culture and at the same time help preserve it.They are also working with the teachers in the area in order to produce a play based on folk storytelling using the Yagua language, in an effort to have the children and their
“Staying in the Amazon, away from civilization and having very limited communication with the outside world, was an unforgettable experience, truly once in a lifetime. ... But besides everything I physically experienced, it was also a time in which I was able to reflect upon many things about my life. This experienced helped me grow as a person in ways I never thought of before.”
— Jenny Tovar (2010)
elders working together in their native
that “when things change enough so that
language and cultural idioms.
it is us on the outside who are visited by
Christopher Gillette, who took
native Amazonians and asked what our
part in the 2008 Peruvian Amazon
needs and interests are, then we have
program and is a student in FIU’s
made real progress. People must first
Environmental Studies Program and
realize that the Amazon is important
an amateur photographer, documented
and indispensable, not just because of
some of the Amazonian wildlife. He
the resources and services it provides,
described his excursion into the Amazon
but also because of the different ways of
as “the experience of a lifetime, honestly,
thinking and types of knowledge held
something that has changed my life
by its human residents. The Amazon and
forever.” His work made such an impact
its people need to be allowed to evolve.
on him that he plans to go back during
It has been said that the one constant in
the next winter break to continue it.
the universe is change. We just need to
Although there will always be more
change in a manner that is not unhealthy
work to do, the program offers much
and that will allow for continued well-
hope for the future. Dr. Riach has said
being for future generations.”
The Honors College Review
Excellence Lecture
The Honors College Review
A Journalist’s Voyage with the Eco-Pirates of Antarctica
Last spring, the Honors College Excellence Lecture series featured Peter Heller, an award-winning adventure writer, sea life activist, and author of the best-selling book, The Whale Warriors: The Battle at the Bottom of the World to Save the Planet’s Largest Mammals. In his lecture, he detailed the hair-raising, often shocking, experiences he had over the course of the two months he spent aboard the eco-pirate ship Farley Mowat as it hunted an illegal Japanese whaling fleet in the stormy Atlantic waters off Antarctica. Heller vividly described how, after weeks of enduring heavy seas, dodging icebergs, and playing cat-andmouse with various authorities, the Farley finally found the Japanese fleet. Heller shared story after story about his shipboard adventures with a fascinated audience of over 300 people. He read other excerpts from the book
and answered a seemingly unending number of questions posed to him by the audience. Everyone present found it painful to hear the chilling stories he told of how these beautiful, intelligent creatures were routinely and cruelly slaughtered for no legitimate reason. The Farley Mowat is owned by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a radical anti-whaling group led by Paul Watson, the man who founded Greenpeace in 1972, but has since left it. The group is constantly in pursuit of Japanese whalers, and when it finds them, it often takes extreme measures to stop the killing that follows inevitably in their wake. Toward that end, the Farley is armed with water cannons, a catapult for flinging garbage, a reinforced bow for ramming, and a weapon called the “can opener,” a giant blade mounted on the bow of the ship used to rip open the hull of any commercial whaling ship. Its 44-person, all volunteer crew is fearless, dedicated, and passionate about its common cause — each one ready and willing to give up his life if to do so would save the life of even a single whale. Heller told of how, when the ship was in Taiji, Japan, which is known primarily as a whaling town, a group of worldfamous surfers and activists joined the crew and formed “surfer’s circles” in the water to help prevent any more whales being killed. His description of the scenario was heartbreaking: “Fourteen or fifteen of the little whales pressed in panic against a far net stretched across the cove. They huddled together as we got close. Small babies nosed out of the water to peer at us. They calmed The Honors College Review
down. Half of their group had just been butchered in this water, many crying for a long time before they died.” Heller explained that, in 1986, the International Whaling Commission (IWC), a group of 66 nations that makes regulations and recommendations on whaling around the world, enacted a moratorium on open-sea commercial whaling in response to the rapidlydeclining numbers of the Earth’s largest mammals. The Japanese, who have been aggressive whalers since the end of World War II, exploited a loophole in the law that allows signatories to kill a certain number of whales each year for “scientific research.” Their flaunting of the law is one of the many justifications cited by Watson for stopping the Japanese fleet from engaging in its illegal commercial enterprise, which provides whale meat for restaurants. In answer to the question, Can the commercial killing of whales be justified? Heller asserted that biologically, ecologically, economically, logically, morally, and ethically, the answer is emphatically “no.” “Nothing in their makeup has prepared them for the new perils we humans impose on them: depletion of their food sources, pollution of the waters they live in, disruption of their social structure, and most obviously, killing them outright … If the oceans are dying in our time, and we kill them … we should have committed a crime so heinous we shall not ever be redeemed.” Heller’s latest book is KOOK: What Surfing Taught Me about Love, Life, and Catching the Perfect Wave. 19
Community Advisory Board Four dynamic South Florida business and community leaders have joined the Honors College Community Advisory Board (CAB). Jonathan Cameron, Leonie M. Hermantin, Ralph Rios, Raul F. Rodriguez and Tina M. Vidal-Smith join a vibrant board of leaders who work to support the students, mission and programs of the FIU Honors College. Jonathan Cameron
supporting grassroots initiatives in Haiti’s
and Baptist Health South Florida (BHSF),
Jonathan Cameron
rural communities. Formerly the Director
including event organization and student
is an FIU Honors
of Research and Strategic Planning at the
professional development.
College graduate
Sant La Haitian Neighborhood Center in
(2007) and works
Miami, she has over ten years of non-profit
for the investment
management experience. As part of her
Raul F. Rodriguez
management firm
contribution to the CAB, she will forge a
was born in Miami
Morgan Keegan in Coral Gables. He has
partnership between the Lambi Fund and
and is a graduate of
worked in the financial services industry
the Honors College.
Belen Jesuit
for 4 years and currently manages the business operations for three financial
Preparatory School.
Ralph Rios
He attended the Real
advisors as a Registered Client Service
Ralph Rios is West
Colegio Universitario Escorial Maria
Associate. In this role he helps establish
Kendall Baptist
Cristina in Madrid and Florida
and maintain relationships with high net
Hospital’s new Vice
International University. A successful
worth clients, and trades stocks, bonds,
President of
businessman and community leader,
options, and other investment vehicles.
Professional Services.
Rodriguez has a varied set of business
He is also actively involved with the
He is on the board of
interests. He is the founder and president
Honors College Alumni Chapter. In
the South Miami Children’s Clinic, which
of Agua Dulce Investments, LLC, a
addition, he enjoys reading, camping,
serves needy kids in the City of South
private investment and family wealth
and following the Florida Marlins.
Miami. Rios graduated from Florida
management company; chairman and
International University with a master’s
vice president of NAS Homes, an
degree in Health Services Administration
importer and exporter of home products,
Leonie M.
in 2000. Rios also served as an adjunct
with offices in China and Mexico; and
Hermantin’s career
instructor in FIU’s Health Services
founder, chairman and president of Luar
reflects her
Administration program from 2001-2008.
Entertainment, with ownership interest
commitment to Haiti
Rios takes over on the CAB for Javier
in Segafredo Brickell and Irish Pub. He is
and the Haitian
Hernandez-Lichtl, who is now CEO of
also the managing director of Lil’ Abner
diaspora community.
West Kendall Baptist Hospital. Rios will be
Mobile Home Park, a community of
She is the Deputy Director of the Lambi
instrumental in the continued development
about 3,500 residents in Sweetwater. His
Fund of Haiti, a community foundation
of relations between the Honors College
other interests include breeding Paso
Leonie M. Hermantin
Raul F. Rodriguez
The Honors College Review
Ruth D. Jimenez CAB Chair Vice-President & Branch Manager US Century Bank
Fino horses and martial arts. As president of the Rayni Foundation, he has provided over 100
Ricky Arriola President, Inktel Direct
Sergio Barrera Chief Executive Officer Business Travel Advisors, Inc.
Jonathan Cameron Registered Client Service Associate Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc.
Carlos Castellon CPA Jordan, Castellon, Ricardo PL
Xavier Cortada Artist
Renier Diaz de la Portilla School Board Member, District 5 Miami-Dade County Public Schools
The Honorable Anitere Flores State Representative State of Florida
Gerald C. Grant, Jr. Branch Director AXA Advisors
Orlando Gonzales CAB Vice Chair Program Manager SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc.
Leonie Hermantin Deputy Director Lambi Fund of Haiti
David Samuel Hitt Vice President Banco Popular
The Honorable Steve Leifman Associate Administrative Judge Miami Dade County Courts
Patrick Morris Chief Development Officer YMCA
Gustavo Martinez Pandiani Deputy Consul Republic of Argentina
J. David Peña Attorney J. David Peña & Associates
Frank Ramos Attorney at Law, Mediator Clarke, Silverglate & Campbell, P.A
Ralph Rios Vice President of Professional Services West Kendall Baptist Hospital
Raul Rodriguez President Agua Dulce Investments, LLC
Tina Vidal Smith Chief Operating Officer Pacer Corporation
Juan C. Vila President and CEO Vila & Son Landscaping Corporation
scholarships for immigrant children. Rodriguez was instrumental in the creation of the Sweetwater Project, a multi-faceted collaboration between the FIU Honors College and the residents, government and other institutions in the city of Sweetwater.
Tina M. Vidal-Smith Honors College alumna Tina M. Vidal-Smith is currently vice president of business development at Pacer Corporation, a company that acquires and turns around financially distressed businesses in several industries. Vidal-Smith graduated from FIU with a bachelor’s degree in international business and marketing in 2002 and a master’s degree in international business in 2004. She is also the 2010 recipient of FIU’s prestigious Torch Award, recognizing alumni who have made a positive impact on their profession, the community and the university.
The Honors College Review
The Honors College Review
Frank & Ana One great achievement of the Honors College has been the happy couple who met in the Honors Program 18 years ago— Ana and Frank Ramos. Their courtship and marriage have made them the proud parents of two boys, David, 12, and Michael, 9. Frank and Ana are regular visitors to the campus and are dedicated to serving and helping their Honors College. After graduating in 1993, Frank attended the University of Miami Law School. He now works for Clark Silverglate & Campbell, where he was recently elevated to administrative partner. He’s been the president of the Florida Defense Lawyers Association and the inaugural president of the 11th Judicial Circuit Historical Society. Frank also serves as an Honors College Community Advisory Board member and Alumni Association Board member. We have experienced Frank and Ana’s special love for their alma mater on many occasions. We asked them to share with us a little bit about the importance of Honors in their lives. Do you remember your first encounter? Ana: “I was working on an Honors assignment. We were given a questionnaire to answer anonymously and then hand in. They were redistributed with only our social security number on it, and we had to analyze the person who had answered the one we were given. I had seen Frank in our small discussion group, and I was very curious if the questionnaire I had to analyze was his. So I walked up to him during Honors and asked him for his social security number. He seemed confused, but he rattled it off anyway. It wasn’t him, but
it finally gave us a chance to meet.” It seems that Frank had been admiring her for quite some time before Ana approached him: “I first saw Ana during the first break-out session when Honors. Prof. Weitz was discussing the finer points of “Back to the Future” with Michael J. Fox, and Ana seemed to have an answer for every question while I sat silently admiring her. The following week Ana approached me about a questionnaire we’d filled out for class. That conversation sparked a series of dates.” Ana recalls working on the Honors College annual projects, which were always intense but also very satisfying. Frank and Ana collaborated on both projects they presented. They spent countless hours researching, conducting interviews, and writing the 50+ page reports. As Ana humorously noted, “It actually showed us that we complemented each other very nicely and that we could spend an inordinate amount of time together without killing each other, very important things to know when you’re engaged. Turning in those completed projects and knowing that we had accomplished them together was always a cause for celebration.”
and in the process of questioning what I believed, what I had been taught, I discovered that I truly did believe it. Not just because I was told to, but because I had confronted it, tested it, and found it to be worthy. The Honors College strengthened my faith and my moral compass simply by challenging it.” Frank: “I met my wife through the Honors Program, and I would not be successful without her.” Currently you are very active with FIU and the Honors College. Why give back to the Honors College? Ana: “I am a huge believer in the importance of higher education. I am the daughter of Cuban immigrants and a firstgeneration college student. The education I received at FIU and in the Honors College were a crucial part of making me who I am today, and I feel indebted to our alma mater.” Frank: “It was such an integral part of our lives; we thought it was important to give back to a program that gave so much to us.”
Do you think the Honors College contributed to your success?
Any advice for the current students?
Ana: “The Honors Program brought me to Frank, who is my partner, best friend, and the love of my life. I can’t imagine what life would have been like without him, so for that I’ll be forever grateful to the Honors College. Aside from that, the Honors Program strengthened my faith in everything I believe in. They challenged us to question everything,
opportunity you are offered. Enjoy your
The Honors College Review
Ana: “Take advantage of every positive time in college and pay attention to the life you’re living right now, not just the life you hope to one day live. Above all, know what you believe and why you believe it, and then be faithful to that.” Frank: “Figure out what your dreams are and pursue them wholeheartedly.” 23
Alumni Notes
W As an example
to Gainesville to study at the UF
sure he could get a job that would
of a
Levin College of Law, from which he
allow him to lounge around in his
graduated, cum laude, in 2003. He has
underwear all day. That would have
lifelong Honors
put his communication skills to use
been a prophetic thought, given his
while arguing cases before the Florida
career path. Starting a small operation
alumna Janet
Third District Court of Appeal and the
he literally ran out of a spare bedroom
L. Dapprich
United States Court of Appeals for
in his condo, Gandara is now
the Eleventh Circuit and applied his
President of Underwear Station, Inc.,
completed her
research and writing abilities as senior
a wholesale distributor of men’s and
master’s in
research editor for the Florida Journal
women’s intimate apparel, specializing
education degree on April 26, 2010, the
of International Law in 2002-2003
in high-end and high-fashion
day of her 58th birthday. Her graduate
and as author of publications such as
underwear. Gandara developed his
studies focused on the areas of cultural
Immigration Law: Nowhere to Turn—
work ethic during his time at FIU,
diversity and competency. These are
Illegal Aliens Cannot Use the Freedom
where he was not only an Honors
issues she deals with on a daily basis in
of Information Act as a Discovery Tool
College student but also served as
her position as Health Education
to Fight Unfair Removal Hearings.
President of the FIU Chapter of the
Coordinator at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs in Miami.
American Marketing Association,
——— Joel Gandara
(2003) was
The research, writing, and
such a busy
communications skills that he gained
and hard-
at Honors College classes have served
Larry Fleurantin (2000) well in his
law practice for the past six-and-a-half
that you’d
years. After graduating summa cum
think he
laude from FIU in 2000, he moved
wanted to be
served as a consultant for FIU’s Athletic Department working on alumni awareness, and continued to work on building his business in whatever spare time he had. After graduating from FIU in December of 2003 with a B.A. in International Relations, Gandara was able to dedicate his energies exclusively to developing his company. His business has recorded more than a 100% gain
Sometimes it only takes one life-changing
year after year and despite the
experience to set your career on a new path
recession, under Gandara’s direction the
or reinvigorate your life goals. For Jacqueline
company has found new markets and
Alfonso, (2000) one such experience was her
brands that have helped increase sales.
trip to Italy in summer of 1998 as part of the
Honors Italy Study Abroad Program. Following this experience, she decided to pursue a doctoral degree in psychology, partly inspired by her distinguished, PhD-holding Honors professors. Jacqueline graduated summa cum laude in 2000 from FIU with a B.A. in Psychology. She went on to earn her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Central Florida, where she concentrated her research on substance abuse prevention and intervention. After completing a predoctoral internship year at the Greater Hartford Internship Consortium, in August of 2008 she joined the Emmanuel College faculty, where she currently teaches in the Psychology Department and works with undergraduate students in her
(2005) is also an Honors College RIÀFH VWDII DOXPQD $IWHU ZRUNLQJ for Honors for 4 years as a program assistant and subsequently as an academic adviser, Nicole left Florida shortly after completing her M.A. in Liberal Studies at FIU. She is FXUUHQWO\ WKH $VVLVWDQW )URQW 2IÀFH Manager for the Holiday Inn University Plaza in Bowling Green, Kentucky. 6KH VXSHUYLVHV ÀYH *XHVW 6HUYLFH
on-campus laboratory. 24
Honors alumna Nicole Stratten
Representatives and two bellmen. The Honors College Review
Jerzy Brodzikowski (2007) was an
Shortly after
active and dynamic Honors student
graduation, budding
leader, serving as President of Tau
visual artist
Sigma Alpha, the Honors Biscayne
Rosemarie Romero
Bay Honors Society. His interest
(2009) has already
in politics and international issues
curated shows and
has been further explored in his
exhibited her own
graduate studies. He is currently
original artworks at
working as a project assistant and
Art Center South
analyst at demosEUROPA - Centre for European Strategy, a think tank in Poland. In this position, Jerzy examines Polish and other European economies and their prospects for a low-carbon future. He will publish a report based on his findings by the end of this year. To further broaden his already globally-minded educational horizons, Jerzy will be
Florida and the Black Mangrove Collective in Miami, receiving press and success. She is currently at the University of Florida pursuing an MFA in Creative Photography. To that end, she participated in the Florida Board of Education (BOE) Summer Fellowship program for professional networking as well as taking classes, thanks to the teaching assistantship and 100% tuition waiver she was awarded. She also has a solo show of her artwork coming up at the World Erotic Art Museum in August in South Beach and an exhibition called Parapraxis at the Bakehouse Art Complex in October.
applying to PhD programs in the
During his time
that made her such a dynamic and
fields of political ecology and energy
as an
productive Honors student leader
during her time at FIU. As if currently
biology major,
attending law school at Duke University
Honors gave
were not enough, she also serves as
president of the Duke Women Law
Moser (2008)
Students Association and Co-Chair of
the opportunity
the Immigration Education Program and
to travel to
worked last summer at the U.S. State
Jamaica as
Department. Keeping busy last summer,
——— Richard Garcia (2007) graduated from FIU with a Bachelors in Psychology. He recently completed his Masters degree in Sexuality Studies from San Francisco State University. His thesis explores the ways gay and queer trans-men (female-to-male transgender) negotiate sex, risk, and pleasure when engaging in sexual activities with other men (including trans and non-trans men). Richard is currently working as Program Coordinator for the National Sexuality Resource Center at SFSU, and will be applying to PhD programs next year in either health promotion or sociology.
part of the Honors Jamaica Study
Abroad program. This allowed him to
Fields in downtown Miami, while also
step outside the classroom and learn
campaigning for Republican candidate
about a different environment and
for Congress Paul Crespo and working
on bringing Duke Law’s Southern
Learning about Jamaica’s ecology and
Justice Spring Break program to Miami.
geology also gave him the experience
of what being in an unfamiliar environment would be like—something that helped prepare him for his graduate research work. As an FIU grad student in the biology department, Jonathan has spent over 2 months this summer in Alaska, participating in an intensive 4 -week Arctic ecology course and researching water relations and carbon ÁX[ RI $UFWLF WXQGUD YHJHWDWLRQ
Ever since graduation, Sociology and International Relations double major Vanessa De La Ossa (2010) has immersed herself in public service. She earned a Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Fellowship, working both at the Department of State and then at the 2IÀFH RI &RQJUHVVZRPDQ &DURO\Q Maloney (R-NY) for her second
placement. Vanessa continued working
Ever-industrious alumna Rocio Perez
with Congresswoman Maloney as a full-
(2008) is maintaining the work ethic
time staff member in Washington, D.C.
The Honors College Review
Alumni Notes Being a true Honors College student means balancing both scholarship and citizenship—in other words, not always having your head buried in books and research but sometimes looking up at the world around you and seeing how you can play a part to make a difference. Alum Zeke Romero (2009) seems to have found a way to meld both in his post-grad occupation. He received a paid internship with the National Republican Congressional Committee, working as a Hispanic Outreach Communications intern. This fall he will be attending the Indiana University- Bloomington Maurer School of Law, with a $15,000 per year scholarship. He is also an Associate of the Council on Legal Educational Opportunity (CLEO), a program designed to promote GLYHUVLW\ LQ WKH OHJDO SURIHVVLRQ E\ SURYLGLQJ DFDGHPLF À QDQFLDO DQG PHQWRULQJ programs to minorities and low-income individuals.
entrepreneur and business graduate Justin Vizaro (2010) already has his own business up and running successfully. He started his company, Local 10 Card,
Veronica Allais Class of 2010
in his hometown of St. Petersburg, but he plans on expanding it to other cities, including Miami, this fall. Its main product is a discount card that is only valid at locally owned businesses. After being operational for only about a month, Local 10 already offer discounts at over 100 businesses. Check out the website for more information: http://www.
To Join the Honors College Alumni Chapter visit O[[W! OVUVYZ Ă„ \ LK\ HS\TUP. For more information about the Alumni Chapter or the Honors College Community Advisory Board, please contact 2HUJOHUH 26 4HYHWHUH at 305-348-4100 or email RTHYHWHU'Ă„ \ LK\.
Igor Mata Class of 2013
We are all eager to know what you are up to! Send in your news, updates, and other interesting tidbits to Kanchana Marapana at Any and all stories are welcome-be it news of jobs, fellowships, weddings, births, travels, promotions, and other significant milestones in your life. The Honors College Review
WJuly Honors College Alumni Happy Hour About 30 Honors College Alumni gathered at the Happy Hour at Grimpa Steakhouse in Brickell on July 2010. Our special thanks to Frank Ramos for helping us arrange this event.
WSeptember Alumni Happy Hour Honors Alumni network at Segafredo Brickell, made possible by Community Advisory Board member Raul Rodriguez.
The Honors College Review
Excellence Lecture – Anya Kamenetz
CBC 255
November 1
Colloquium BBC – Michael Heithaus
November 9
Colloquium – Lettie Bien
DM 100
November 13
L’il Abner Foundation Thanksgiving Bash
L’il Abner Mobile Home Park 11239 Northwest 4th TER, Miami, FL 33172
November 20
L’il Abner Foundation Gala
Belen Jesuit Prep School (Tentative) 500 SW 127th Avenue, Miami, FL 33184
December 3
Honors College Awards Assembly
GC 243
For more information about upcoming events, please call 305-348-4100 or visit
Modesto A. Maidique Campus DM 233 Miami, FL 33199 305-348-4100
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